Tag Archives: global

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in Egypt, Nigeria, S. Africa, Ukraine, Russia, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand, December 18-December 25, 2023

From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack

The ongoing record of those ‘died suddenly’ events … do you consider this normal? … EWNZ

NZ actor Levi Holley (48, C); Egyptian photog Sherif Sonbol; S. African singer Eric Moyo; Russian actors Alexei Chernykh, Sergey Pepelyaev; Indian comic Bonda Mani; Malaysian singer Surj; & more



George Clooney “badly stricken” with “Covid”; Patti Smith, Skid Row cancel shows; actor Ross Marquand, musicians Danielle Colby, Joshua Ray Walker, NHL’s Kelly Chase, Tony Granato all have cancer

Patty Murin’s mother, Reds’ Jake Fraley’s daughter, GA “Santa Claus” all have cancer; Krayzie Bone’s “near-death experience”; Busy Philipps’ daughter’s (2nd) seizure; Joy Behar “tests positive”; more

Sudden Deaths: What Is Killing COVID-19 Vaccinated Men at 30-39?


The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People Are Dying All Over the World. It’s A Criminal Undertaking

Photo: pixabay.com

UK government funds and employs a “charity” which aims to disrupt and defund “disinformation” media outlets, globally

On Tuesday, Big Brother Watch released documents that showed how the UK military supported Whitehall officials in monitoring the British public via the “Ministry of Truth.”

As well as the British Army’s 77th Brigade, the newly released documents show Royal Air Force (“RAF”) intelligence officers were also employed to spy on British citizens.

The documents show that at the same time, the UK government employed external contractors; one of which is the British not-for-profit Global Disinformation Index which has the goal of disrupting and defunding “disinformation sites.”

In January, Big Brother Watch released a report detailing secretive Whitehall units monitoring government critics’ speech online – including Members of Parliament, academics, journalists, human rights campaigners and the public – under the guise of combatting “misinformation.”  The title of the report was ‘Ministry of Truth: the secretive government units spying on your speech’.

The ‘Ministry of Truth’ report also exposed the Government’s use of the British Army to scan their own citizens’ speech online, with exclusive testimony from a whistle-blower who worked in the “secretive information warfare machine”, the 77th Brigade.

Read more: 77th Brigade Exposed: The Secretive UK Military Unit spying on YOU if you can see through the lies, The Exposé, 31 January 2023

The documents released on Tuesday consist of emails and daily “Mis/Disinformation” reports produced by the 77th Brigade for the Cabinet Office.  They show soldiers tracking narratives from Members of the UK Parliament and the corporate press.  Big Brother Watch has requested months’ worth of these documents but “only a handful appear to have survived,” they said.

Other documents released on Tuesday consist of requests for military assistance from the Counter Disinformation Unit (“CDU”). These requests are called Military Aid to Civilian Authority (“MACA”) requests.  At the time, the CDU was part of the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.

According to the UK government website, the CDU was first set up in 2019 within the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (“DCMS”).  However, according to The Constitution Unit, based in the University College London Department of Political Science, the CDU was set up in March 2020.

In July 2019, the Defending Democracy programme was announced as a cross-Whitehall initiative bringing together civil society, intelligence and government departments. The programme covers electoral integrity and related online transparency issues.  As part of this programme, The Constitution Unit wrote, the Counter Disinformation Cell (“CDC”) or Counter Disinformation Unit (“CDU”) was set up in March 2020 to deal with coronavirus-related “false narratives.”

The CDU is one of a four-pronged government strategy for tackling covid “misinformation.”  The other three prongs are the Rapid Response Unit in the Cabinet Office, established in 2018; pursuing a massive public information campaign together with the NHS; and, promoting digital literacy skills, publicising its SHARE checklist.

From February 2023, the unit sits with the new Department for Science, Innovation and Technology.  According to the UK government’s website: “The team works with partners across government, civil society and in tandem with the regulatory approach through the Online Safety Bill and DSIT’s Media Literacy Strategy.”

The UK government states that CDU’s purpose is to understand disinformation narratives and attempts to artificially manipulate the information environment, “to promote the facts.”  CDU also works with social media companies to “encourage them to promote authoritative sources of information and consistently enforce their terms of service.”

Big Brother Watch has received copies of four MACAs from CDU to the UK military covering the period 5 July 2020 to  28 February 2021.  Before that, on 23 March 2020, defence analysts joined the CDC or CDU wider structure as part of a wider MACA tasking which attached them to the Cabinet Office’s Rapid Response Unit. This team provided mis/disinformation analytical capability during the first three months of the “covid crisis.”  This initial agreement with the Cabinet Office ended on 5 July 2020.

From the first MACA request, for the period 15 July to 31 August 2020, the first sentence completed on the form stated that the CDU sought “military support to the DCMS Counter-Disinformation Cell (CDC), to ensure [Her/His Majesty’s Government] HMG coverage of the mis/disinformation threat and information environment, as further incidences of disinformation is anticipated in relation to key events, including the launch of a vaccine.”  Signed by the Ministry of Defence on 15 July 2020, this was almost five months before a covid “vaccine” was launched.

The DCMS re-emphasised the anti-vaccination “threat” again later in the July 2020 MACA: “Despite Covid-19 crisis response standing down in some areas, the CDC continues to identify harmful misinformation and disinformation narratives. This is a live threat, and the CDC’s assessment of future trends such as potential for anti-vaccination narratives, shows that there is a need to fill a capability gap.”

The MACAs state that the Ministry of Defence provided 77th Brigade analysts from 5 July to 3 August 2020, and RAF analysts from 3 August to 31 August 2020.

Further reading: RAF intelligence officers joined Whitehall and Army in ‘spying’ on Covid lockdown critics – including David Davis and Peter Hitchens, Mail on Sunday, 10 December 2023

The MACAs, from the first to the last, also state that external contractors have already been employed and will continue to provide additional skills. “DCMS has contracts with GDI, who monitor and assess disinformation narratives on fringe platforms, and Digitalis, who work with search trends data,” the MACAs state.

Global Disinformation Index

GDI stands for Global Disinformation Index, a UK not-for-profit organisation which rates media sites based on the risk of the outlet carrying disinformation. It is number 37 on the list of the top 50 organisations in the global Censorship Industrial Complex.

Using both artificial intelligence and human review, GDI claims to “provide a neutral and transparent way of assessing the disinformation risk for a specific media outlet.”

GDI was co-founded by Clare Melford and Daniel Rogers in 2018. Melford was formerly CEO of the International Business Leaders Forum, managing director of MTV Networks, and led the European Council on Foreign Relations during its break away from the Open Society Foundations. Rogers founded and led Terbium Labs, a US intelligence community contractor, works as an adjunct Professor at New York University’s Centre for Global Affairs, and is a senior fellow at the left-leaning Truman National Security Project.

With a virtual team of 15 people, GDI’s goal is to “disrupt, defund and down-rank disinformation sites.”  As always, we must ask who defines what constitutes “disinformation.”  To answer that question, establishing who funds GDI is a good place to start.

Information about the GDI’s funding is not readily accessible despite it having ‘transparency’ as one of its three core values, but it does at least name its funders on its website. GDI has 12 funders including George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the European Union, the Foreign Ministry of Germany, the Knight Foundation and the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (“FCDO”).

“No single funder accounts for more than one third of GDI’s total income,” its website states.  This implies that it is likely at least one funder contributes about a third of its funding.

In February 2023, Philip Davies, Member of Parliament for Shipley, submitted a written question asking how much funding the FCDO had given GDI over the previous three years.

Leo Docherty, Under Secretary of State at FCDO replied: “The FCDO Counter Disinformation and Media Development Programme has funded the Global Disinformation Index since 2019, for activities outside the US, providing £1,999,026 between 2019 and 2022, with a further £600,797 during the current financial year.”

David McGrogan who authored an article about GDI which was published by Brownstone Institute, submitted a Freedom of Information Act request and ascertained that FCDO gave GDI £400,000 during the financial year 2018-2019.

A quick search on GDI’s website for reports relating to UK media returned no results however McGrogan found a report dated August 2021 titled ‘Popular UK Brands Appearing Next To Misogynistic Narratives’.

McGrogan wrote: “My favourite example, from this ‘report’ – I use the term loosely – is an article on Spiked! titled ‘Why aren’t we celebrating female athletes’ actual achievements?’ next to an ad for the UK-based chain of opticians, Specsavers. This is apparently evidence of a ‘misogynistic narrative’ which Specsavers should not be indirectly funding.”

British magazine Spiked! is generally agreed to be libertarian. According to Wikipedia, most specialist academic sources identify it as right-libertarian but some non-specialist sources identify it as left-libertarian.  Wikipedia lists the Knight Foundation as one of Spiked’s funders.  After being flagged as carrying a “misogynistic narrative,” perhaps it no longer funds Spiked, especially as the Knight Foundation is also listed as one of GDI’s funders.

GDI has two affiliated US non-profit groups sharing similar board members: Disinformation Index and An Foundation, both based in Texas. A Washington Examiner investigation found that advertising crushing revenue sentinels such as GDI are crippling conservative media in the United States as “riskiest” and “worst” offenders for peddling disinformation, and likely placing them on a “dynamic exclusion list” while all of the websites that GDI ranks as the “least risky” lean to the political left in their news coverage.

GDI’s secretive “dynamic exclusion list” shows at least 2,000 websites.  This list has “had a significant impact on the advertising revenue that has gone to those sites,” Melford said during a March 2022 podcast.

This exclusion list is developed with oversight from GDI’s “advisory panel,” which counts journalists, professors, and data scientists, according to GDI reports. One of the advisors is Ben Nimmo, global lead for threat intelligence at Facebook’s parent company Meta.

Mike  Benz, who was formerly the State Department’s deputy assistant for internal communications and information policy and is currently executive director of Foundation for Freedom Online, a censorship watchdog, told the Washington Examiner that the “whole point” of the “disinformation” tracking industry is clearly to destroy “the reach, scalability, market, and even credibility” of conservative news outlets.

Self-styled disinformation trackers such as GDI are, essentially, censorship by stealth because they cripple the potential of alternative news sources to compete on an even economic playing field with media outlets that disseminate the approved narrative.

On the killing propaganda of these last 4 years: Dr. Mark Crispin Miller in conversation with Greg Hunter

An absolute must hear. Dr Miller gives an overview of the democide as he calls it, to date. His life he says is now devoted to awakening people to what is really happening globally. It is very evil…. TWNZ

From Dr. Mark Crispin Miller @ Substack

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with NYU Media Studies Professor and propaganda expert Dr. Mark Crispin Miller for 12.16.23.

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On the apparent banking cyber attack – important info (UPDATING)

Always wise to be awake, aware … and prepared…

I posted elsewhere recently on noticing changes with the banks, one that folk are suddenly finding it harder to get even a small bank loan, compared to months back when they were all too willing to grant credit & money, being the predators that they are. Changes, rumor has it are coming in October. Now I know rumor is not necessarily reliable, however, it can be a heads up & a reminder as I say, to be prepared. Especially given the corruption that is currently rife, and also that our news is being heavily censored, and those speaking out, censured or removed. (See related article from seemorerocks on Chinese bank. EWR

Read at the link:


RELATED: Is this China’s Lehman Bros.?

Also here (adding these as they appear, I don’t necessarily agree with all of it… for your perusal … make your own judgments): https://www.facebook.com/amtvmedia/videos/1024215598154031 (re China)

RNZ podcast: https://tinyurl.com/4sjfts8x (re the cyber attacks)

Photo : halturnerradioshow.com

The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking

via Health Impact News

We are now at Thursday of the first week of announced “door-to-door” visits by agents working for local governments enforcing the Biden Administration’s directive to get more people “vaccinated” with COVID-19 shots, and so far things are pretty quiet in the local corporate media, and in the alternative media.

Could the push back from the Right last week be making many local communities hesitant to carry out this policy? Time will tell, but as of today, I have only seen 3 reports of this policy being carried out (not counting the leaked documents from Lake County, Illinois that were widely published in the alternative media last week.)

The one that has been the most widely reported in the media so far this week was a report published by WCNC in Charlotte, North Carolina in Mecklenburg County where “49% of the population is partially vaccinated and 46% is fully vaccinated.”

Reporter Chloe Leshner posted the video on her Twitter account:



This brief video exposes the connection between the 1979 Kissinger Report and depopulation

From globalskywatch.com

“Depopulation Documented

This brief video exposes the connection between the Kissinger Report and depopulation.

Keep in mind that any document openly released to the public by the elite organizations and fraternities are intended as disinformation. Think about it. They would not openly offer these documents to the public if they contained information that was intended to be kept secret.

So what does this tell us? This tells us that the document is intended to disinform the public.

In this video, the Kissinger report states that they intend to keep population below 8 billion. Why would they say this openly to the public? To convince the public that no harsh population reduction program is currently in progress when in fact, aggressive depopulation is a priority of the global government body.



RELATED: Massive Depopulation by 2025 (Edwin Deagle – Think “CFR”)

The notorious 2011 article on Bill Gates and depopulation

Photo: pixabay.com

Facebook’s 3 billion monthly users, its mountain of money and its control over the flow of info all put the company on equal footing with govts globally … increasingly getting into fights with them

From nowtheendbegins.com

Here’s a recent headline to ponder from the Beltway-buzzy Axios: “The sovereign state of Facebook vs. the world.” The sovereign state of Facebook? Did we miss something there? Did we miss that moment when Facebook became a country and joined the United Nations?

The power and dominance of social media has created a power base that the combined military might of multiple nations cannot match, and to that point, Facebook is beginning to look on itself as a sovereign nation. When a tech company can silence a sitting United States president, that is a whole lot of power.

“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12:4 (KJB)

In case you have not been following the global trends, and we are happy to keep an end time eye on that for you, social media is the way the whole world communicates, and it is unprecedented in the annals of human history. When you add to that that nearly all social media is owned by Liberals who use their platforms to create and change public opinion, you have a weapon that even Adolf Hitler didn’t have access to, and he was able to start WWII.


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Persuading you to vaccinate: millions of dollars spent globally on psychological research to ‘encourage’ maximum vaccine uptake

C-o-v-1-9 V@cc Reacts and News New Zealand

How do you convince the “Vaccine Hesitant” and the downright “stuff your vaccine” brigade, to cross the line and change camps?
Globally, millions of dollars are being poured into psychological research to work out exactly the Government messaging to “encourage” maximum vaccine uptake. Our Government is no different….listen and watch out and you’ll hear and see each and every one of these messages here in NZ.
A recent US study of 20,000 people found the following four key messages were the way to move people into the pro Covid vaccination camp.
1. Helping Loved Ones …tapped into people’s desire to protect and support their friends and family. It made clear that vaccinating yourself can help your loved ones while being careful not to overstate the vaccine’s power to reduce or eliminate transmission.
2. Approved by Healthcare Workers…used the credibility and authority of healthcare workers as trusted messengers. The message emphasized how most people have demonstrated confidence in the vaccine by taking it themselves.
3. Getting Lives Back…drew on the powerful motivation to return to the activities and people they are missing, without promising that life will ever fully go back to “normal.”
4. Tested by Thousands….built trust in the vaccine development process, without getting bogged down in overly technical details or medical jargon. The message incorporated aspects of ‘social proof’ by indicating that millions of people have already taken the vaccine safely.

All four messages increased vaccine confidence and willingness to vaccinate by 3-4 percentage points, a relative increase of approximately 6%. If those increases translated to action, it would mean over 10 million more residents getting vaccinated in the US. Even more encouraging was the fact that the messages were effective for groups most affected by COVID-19. THE HELPING LOVED ONES MESSAGE INCREASED WILLINGNESS TO VACCINATE ACROSS ALL HESITANT GROUPS.

Never mind that this particular message is currently built on a hope and a dream….and a complete dearth of data proving this hopeful concept.


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

A global consumer tax will pay for COVID vaccine injuries, with no liability for vaccine manufacturers or the organizations that distribute them (WHO)

What Could Go Wrong? WHO Launches Global ‘No-Fault’ COVID Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

The World Health Organization’s announcement this week raises questions about funding, fairness and the basic ability to execute the program, but this much is clear: taxpayers will foot the bill.



Photo: pixabay.com

In Japan, more people died by suicide in October 2020 than from COVID in all of that year

Experts say this alarming spike is being partially driven by women, who often work in industries most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

TOKYO — Eriko Kobayashi has tried to kill herself four times.

The first time, she was just 22 years old with a full-time job in publishing that didn’t pay enough to cover her rent and grocery bills in Tokyo. “I was really poor,” said Kobayashi, who spent three days unconscious in hospital after the incident.

Now 43, Kobayashi has written books on her mental health struggles and has a steady job at an NGO. But the coronavirus is bringing back the stress she used to feel.

“My salary was cut, and I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel,” she said. “I constantly feel a sense of crisis that I might fall back into poverty.”

Experts have warned that the pandemic could lead to a mental health crisis. Mass unemployment, social isolation, and anxiety are taking their toll on people globally.



Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

How humans make rain in 47 countries .. it isn’t conspiracy – ‘The Science of Superstorms’ – BBC

BBC Studios 2.95M subscribers

Discover key moments from history and stories about fascinating people on the Official BBC Documentary channel: http://bit.ly/BBCDocs_YouTube_Channel​ A look at the science of weather modification and how countries all over the world use different methods of cloud seeding to produce water. Great video from BBC show The Science of Superstorms. Watch more high quality videos on the new BBC Worldwide YouTube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/bbcworldwide


The Australian companies manipulating our weather

The Pandemic is a Test Run (Corbett)

corbettreport 504K subscribers SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/the-pan… The death cult that wants to suppress humanity has issued their warning: the lockdown of the world in the name of the global scamdemic is not the end of this madness. It is only the beginning. Join James for this week’s edition of #PropagandaWatch as he dissects the latest attempt to leverage the climate scam on the back of the COVID scam, and how both of these distractions are being used to indoctrinate the public into the death cult.

WATCH: Startling investigation reveals top COVID vaccine manufacturer hinted at deliberate release of SARS coronavirus MONTHS before pandemic began

(NaturalHealth365) Remember Event 201? This was the “mock” coronavirus pandemic partially funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in October 2019, just two months before the real coronavirus pandemic began in China. During the (incredibly eerie) mock exercise, experts predicted 65 million people would perish in this simulated pandemic.

Well, it seems this wasn’t the only prediction made in relation to the coronavirus global outbreak.  A recent investigative journalist is reporting on some shocking news from major vaccination manufacturer Moderna, a U.S. government-funded frontrunner in the race to create a COVID vaccine.

WATCH: Startling investigation reveal top COVID vaccine manufacturer hinted at deliberate release of SARS coronavirus MONTHS before pandemic began

In a breaking 14-minute video from ISE Media, investigative journalist Ben Swann discusses some shocking predictions regarding SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the global COVID-19 pandemic. The news comes from Moderna, a pharmaceutical and biotechnology company working closely with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to create a COVID vaccine.

Watch for yourself at the link:


Image by HeungSoon from Pixabay

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News

Dane Wigington

Deepening societal division and rampant government corruption against a horizon of unfolding environmental collapse, what could go wrong? How have rulers manufactured and utilized fear to manipulate and control populations for thousands of years? What are actually the most dire and immediate challenges we face? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

READ MORE: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-watch-global-alert-news-june-6-2020-252/

Image by AnagoCreativa1 from Pixabay

UN Agenda 21/30 plans are to Clear you out of rural areas Kiwis

Reposting this it’s such a short & easily understood video. A must watch for those who are unaware of Agenda 21 now 2030. See this post for other links on topic, and for info on clearing you from rural areas go to 1.20 mins.. and here on the housing they have planned for you… EWR

Image by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pixabay

Dead birds seen in Rome … many reports world wide of similar

If you see these occurrences check for cell towers nearby. (Same with unexplained human deaths). It’s one of the boxes to tick that the industries &/or media won’t acknowledge. They’re safe we are told & to admit they kill birds or anything else would mean too much is at stake. I did a quick YT search and found many more unexplained mass bird deaths, all below. There were more. These were all within the past 4 months. Remember, the same time as the roll out of the new five gee tech. Watch too for new towers &/or transmitters on your street lamps. EWR









California Burning: From PG&E’s Ashes Arise “Smart” MicroGrids (& Coming To You)

California fires: problem reaction solution, creating pain so you will submit to the agenda

Excellent on point video describing the underlying agenda with the fires, indeed the disasters globally as the Fabian Socialists up the ante in order to control everything .. stop needing their food, their power grid, their medicine, their government, their police … they want you depending on them totally. That is the end game. Out of cars, totally dependent.

44.2K subscribers
Wildfires rage across California, including the Kincade fire, where PG&E has admitted a fault in energized transmission lines. Nightmarish fire conditions exist with stronger winds yet on the way, and a deeper agenda is at play as municipalities look to “MicroGrids” to save them — this “smartgrid,” “renewable” phoenix to rise from the literal ashes of PG&E is actually a mechanism of your enslavement. Christian breaks it down. SUPPORT THE SHOW: http://paypal.me/iceagefarmer http://subscribestar.com/iceagefarmer or shop via http://iceagefarmer.com/amazon JOIN THE CONVERSATION: http://iceagefarmer.com/discord FULL SHOW NOTES: http://www.iceagefarmer.com/2019/10/2… bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0Z0ONe… d.tube: https://d.tube/#!/v/iceagefarmer/b9qw… mp3: http://iceagefarmer.com/podcast/20191… IAF RESOURCES: ⇒ Crop Loss Map http://map.iceagefarmer.com ⇒ GDD: Growing Degree Days tool: how much colder has 2019 been for you? http://iceagefarmer.com/gdd ⇒ IAF Wiki – read history, understand cycles, know what’s coming: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/His… ⇒ Maps from previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Str… ⇒ Join the email list – stay connected: http://iceagefarmer.com/mail *** SUPPORTERS – I recommend (because I use personally) *** STORED FOOD (+ more) @ MyPatriotSupply: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep FREEZE DRY YOUR OWN FOOD (like printing money, but food): http://iceageefarmer.com/harvestright BUY SEEDS @ TRUE LEAF MARKET: http://iceagefarmer.com/trueleaf EMP-proof Solar: mention IAF save $250 http://Sol-ark.com BEST CBD: http://bignuggetfarm.com 10% code: IAF2018 ⇒ More books: http://amazon.com/shop/iceagefarmer ⇒ Stored food: http://iceagefarmer.com/prep
Photo Credit: Image by mskathrynne from Pixabay

Mainstream Media Coverage Of Climate Engineering, What Is The Agenda?

Dane Wigington

Imagine the whole of academia pretending the ongoing geoengineering operations we see in our skies are not really there. Imagine the vast majority of populations blindly accepting the official denial of climate engineering, and thus completely ignoring what they can easily see occurring with their own eyes.

Mainstream media (CNBC) has recently produced a video on the critical issue of climate engineering. Not surprisingly, there are a numerous deceptions woven into the video message, starting with the title itself.

 “Why Bill Gates Is Funding Solar Geoengineering Research”

Bill Gates is nothing more than a prop in the elaborate power structure disinformation campaign on the climate engineering issue. Though Gates may in fact be contributing to the “SCoPEx” climate engineering experiment, the experiment itself is also nothing more than an orchestrated distraction from the ongoing global climate engineering operations that have been deployed for approximately 74 years (over a decade longer than Bill Gates has even been alive).

New released CNBC video on geoengineering:

Inarguable footage of a geoengineering jet aircraft spray dispersion is revealed in the 2 minute video below.

The CNBC video deceptions continue:

#1 The video states that climate engineering “could” cause a long list of downstream consequences.

There is no “could, may, or might”, the consequences of the ongoing global climate engineering assault are far beyond incalculable already, and continue to manifest by the day. Of course, the CNBC video makes no mention of the complete contamination of the biosphere (and thus the air we breath) from the highly toxic climate engineering fallout).

#2 That over two thirds of the population would support the use of goengineering.

Such a conclusion is completely deceptive. Survey questions, which completely omit the most relevant facts regarding the true danger and devastation that climate engineering is already causing, cannot be considered an accurate measure of public opinion. Of over 1500 scientists surveyed, NONE were willing to deny the ongoing climate engineering reality on the record (including Professor Alan Robock who was featured in the new CNBC geoengineering disinformation video).

#3 Geoengineering technology is “cheap”.

This conclusion is deception on an unimaginable scale. First, the claims for the needed scale of climate engineering deployment are a small fraction of the scale on which climate engineering has long since already been deployed. Next, and most importantly, the scale of destruction climate engineering has long since inflicted on the biosphere, human health, and the entire web of life, is nowhere named by the CNBC propaganda video.

#4 The “Keith Group” will be the first to conduct a geoengineering experiment.

Again, to even make such a claim is truly alarming. The ongoing climate engineering operations being conducted by jet aircraft in skies all over the world could not be more obvious and inarguable. The SCoPEx project is nothing more than a form of intentional public mass distraction and deception.

#5 “No existing aircraft can inject particles into the Stratosphere”. 

First, the elevation of the Stratosphere in the polar regions can be as low as 24,000 feet. All jet aircraft can far exceed that altitude including heavily loaded military jet tanker aircraft. Next, the vast majority of the clearly visible jet aircraft particulate spraying is occurring in the Troposphere.

#6 “Nozzles still need to be designed which can continuously blast out trillions of particles”.

Yet another complete deception from CNBC. Retrofit spray nozzles are absolutely located on the wing pylons of most commercial carrier jet aircraft, and on military tankers. These nozzles are aimed directly into the jet exhaust stream to make the dispersion look like “condensation”. The “condensation trail” lie is perhaps the biggest deception ever perpetrated on populations around the world. ALL commercial aircraft and ALL military tankers are fitted with a “high bypass turbofan” jet engine. This engine is a jet powered fan which by design is nearly incapable of producing any condensation trail except under increasingly rare and extreme circumstances.

#7 “Scientists still need to decide what chemicals to spray”.

View the 4 minute video below to see Dr. David Keith (head of the Keith Group and the SCoPEx geoengineering experiment) state in his own words the advantages of using aluminum nanoparticulates as a primary geoengineering / solar radiation management material. 10 million tones was the suggested annual atmospheric dispersion amount.

#8 “The uncertainty of climate engineering impacts is holding back deployment”.

Is it rational to believe that the military industrial complex cares about the consequences of their actions? Is it rational to believe that the military industrial complex would ask for public acceptance and permission before deploying climate engineering operations? Climate engineering is a matter of historical record, this is not opinion, speculation, or conjecture. It is important to remember and consider that the top US military leadership has long since stated on the record that the collapsing climate is the greatest national security threat of all.

#9 “Geoengineering will require international cooperation”.

Numerous historical government documents prove that international cooperation has long since been in place regarding the ongoing climate engineering assault. An almost 800 page US senate document is but one example. Click HERE to view the document with the most relevant sections already highlighted by GeoengineeringWatch.org. 

#10 “Geoengineering should only be deployed if we have to”.

Again, this is the the criminal deception being propagated by the whole of academia, official sources, and power structure controlled media, that geoengineering might someday have to be used. Climate engineering is not just a dangerous proposal, but has long since been a lethal reality.

#11 “Within a couple decades, for better or worse, geoengineering could be part of the solution to return the planet to pre-industrial temperatures”.

After over 70 years of ongoing global climate engineering operations (at an ever increasing scale), are global temperatures going down? The short answer is no. In the dangerous attempt to mask rising global temperatures from populations (in order to maintain business as usual for as long as possible), climate engineering has worsened the overall climate collapse scenario we face, not mitigated it. Climate engineering has also been utilized as a covert weapon of war for decades. This is not an opinion, it is a verifiable fact.


Climate and environmental collapse are unfolding with blinding speed all over the world. Will populations wake up to the ongoing global climate engineering operations in time to make a difference? Waking a critical mass of the population up to the climate engineering reality is the first and most important leap forward in the battle to halt the climate engineering assault. Share credible data from a credible sourcemake your voice heard, make every day count.



Photo: Marian Sutherland DSCF 4585 Jet spraying (NZ)

What in the World are they Spraying? (an eye opening doco)

I don’t believe I’ve posted this before. It is an older documentary, one of many, and this one of a set of three. The others named, Who in the World is Spraying and Why in the World are they Spraying? You will still find those on Youtube, who knows for how long given the current censorship happening. You’ll see NZ’s Nick Smith laughing at the ‘conspiracy theory’ of geoengineering at 4.49 mins (that one of his successors Amy-Adams says is fact). Which one of your representatives is lying Kiwis?

Published on Aug 5, 2011

This is the wildly successful, ultimate documentary on the subject of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering. Some refer to this as Chemtrails. I was the editor and motion graphics designer on this movie as well as the follow up video “Hawaii Revisited.” We cut the film in 1280×720 HD/ 5.1 Dolby, using media from 7 different cameras; from “pen type” spy cams to HD rigs and everything in between. Enjoy the show and spread the link… Please purchase the DVD from seller WITWATS on AMAZON. Produced in the studios of Cut My Flix. http://cutmyflix.com

Photo: Marian Sutherland

Has The Primary Geoengineering Materials Supplier Been Identified? (Dane Wigington)

Published on Oct 4, 2017

Our hope and goal is for this video to be shared far and wide, DO NOT re-upload this copyrighted video without prior written permission and conditions from GeoengineeringWatch.org

The global climate engineers are spraying unimaginable quantities of materials into skies all over the world as part of the ongoing geoengineering / solar radiation management assault. The world’s most recognized geoengineer, Dr. David Keith, has stated on the record a goal of putting 10,000,000 tons of aluminum nanoparticles into the atmosphere annually as part of the solar radiation management operations. Where could this much highly refined and specialized material come from? What company or corporation could have the capacity and global network to meet the demand of climate engineering operations all over the world? Who is at the head of such a company if it exists? Many of these answers may now have been found, this 11 minute video is a short exposé of the American Elements Corporation and it’s CEO.
The effort of pulling back the curtain (and exposing the criminality behind it) is a responsibility we all must bear. With each passing day more of Earth’s remaining life support systems are being decimated by the ongoing climate engineering juggernaut of insanity.
All of us are needed to help with the effort of sounding the alarm, all of us. Share credible data with others effectively and efficiently, make every day count.
Dane Wigington

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The latest and most effective GeoengineeringWatch.org awareness raising materials can be found at the links below:
2 sided color glossy informational flyers: http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ads/
20 page fact and photo summary booklets: http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/cl…

Photo Credit: b_corsius at Pixabay.com


Chris Hedges: The Issue Before Us is Death


“The corporate forces that have commodified the natural world for profit have also commodified human beings. We are as expendable to global corporations as the Barrier Reef or the great sequoias. These corporations and ruling elites, which have orchestrated the largest transference of wealth upward in human history, with globe’s richest 1 percent owning half the world’s wealth, kneel, and force us to kneel, before the dictates of the global marketplace. They have seized control of our governments, extinguishing democracy, corrupting law and building alliances with neofascists and authoritarians as the ruling ideology of neoliberalism is exposed as a con. They have constructed pervasive and sophisticated systems of internal security, wholesale surveillance and militarized police, along with criminalizing poverty, to crush dissent.” — Chris Hedges, Confronting the Culture of Death

via Chris Hedges: The Issue Before Us is Death

Bill Gates ‘donates’ $15,000,000 to force GMOs on small farmers around the world

Thanks to the flyingcuttlefish blog for this link … about that ‘philanthropist’ Bill doesn’t-vaccinate-his-own-kids Gates who told us vaccines would reduce the population:

Streamed live 7 hours ago

Farmed Salmon — one of the most toxic foods in the world

“Aquaculture promotes itself as a sustainable solution to overfishing. But in reality, fish farms actually cause more problems than they solve. There’s really little difference, in terms of environmental pollution, between land-based feedlots and water-based ones.”

From Dr Mercola

Nicolas Daniel’s documentary “Fillet-Oh-Fish” takes a critical look at the fish industry, featuring exclusive footage from fish farms and factories across the globe. Many still have a rather romanticized view of fishing, but when it comes to large-scale food production, the picture is actually rather grim.

Today’s fisheries are faced with a range of severe problems, from overfishing to chemical pollution and genetic mutation from toxic exposures. As noted by the producers of the film, “through intensive farming and global pollution, the flesh of the fish we eat has turned into a deadly chemical cocktail.” [1]

Despite that, the fish business is booming, in part due to efforts to keep the dirty underbelly of modern fisheries from public sight.

Aquaculture promotes itself as a sustainable solution to overfishing. But in reality, fish farms actually cause more problems than they solve. There’s really little difference, in terms of environmental pollution, between land-based feedlots and water-based ones.

Farmed Salmon — One of the Most Toxic Foods in the World?

The film starts off in Norway, looking at the chemicals used in fish farms. Kurt Oddekalv is a respected Norwegian environmental activist, and he believes salmon farming is a disaster both for the environment and for human health.

Below the salmon farms dotted across the Norwegian fjords, there’s a layer of waste some 15 meters high, teeming with bacteria, drugs, and pesticides. In short, the entire sea floor has been destroyed, and since the farms are located in open water, the pollution from these farms is in no way contained.




Thanks to Lance for the link to this video on topic:

A map of geoengineering projects around the world

ETC Group and the Heinrich Böll Foundation have produced an interactive map of geoengineering projects around the world in an attempt to shed light on the worldwide state of geoengineering. The map is the first of it’s kind that is publically available that shows the scope of research and experimentation. This latest addition to the […]

via interactive geoengineering map — the irresistible fleet of bicycles