Can Humans Really Hear the Infrasound Generated by Wind Turbines and Smart Meters?

Do Wind Turbines Really Cause Health Problems?

“Health effects due to low-frequency components in noise are estimated to be more severe than for community noises in general” – World Health Organization [1] 

Copy of Genesis-_Smart-Meter_-1bHere we have more on the ongoing debate over the health effects of both Smart (aka Advanced) Meters and wind turbines. A quick search on Youtube will reveal plentiful testimonies by people who live next to wind turbines or have Smart Meters installed near where they sleep or work, who experience health effects. They include sleep disturbance, headaches, tinnitus, ear pressure, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, visual blurring, tachycardia, irritability and problems with concentration and memory to name a few.

Wind turbines generate a broad spectrum of noise including low frequency noise and infrasound which may be audible or inaudible. [2][3], [4],  [5]

This article comes from dtesmartmeter blogspot  The industries to do with Radio Frequencies and the radiation

they produce are reluctant to acknowledge any detrimental effects experienced by sane people who live with these technologies at close hand. People caught in the unfortunate position of having them imposed nearby after they have built their homes, are in a very difficult place. Their homes have dropped in value (because nobody chooses to live next to wind farms) so selling and relocating is no longer the simple option it once was. Read more on the effects as researched in a newly released German study:

wind-farm-538576_1280“Even though the American Wind Energy Association has acknowledged the health effects wind turbines can cause, people who claim they can hear sounds generated by wind turbines and smart meters are generally dismissed as crazy, hypochondriacal, or overanxious. A just-released German scientific study now provides proof that humans can hear sounds that were formerly assumed to be outside the range of human hearing. Every person who participated in the study, in which all extraneous noise was removed, was able to perceive the sounds. For some, it wasn’t that they “heard” something acoustically, but that they perceived it in some other way. The scientists also discovered that the perception of these sounds stimulated areas of the brain involved in emotion, which indicates that the brain is perceiving the sound as a potential danger…”

Read more:

Ill-informed opinions build on wind farm ignorance

Some information here on wind farms and the health effects. Check out on the site, Project Central Wind that sits within the central North Island’s Rangitikei District, Ruapehu District, and Manawatu-Wanganui Region.

Smart Meter News

This sentiment applies to the ignorance and corruption surrounding the Noise pollution produced by the smart grid. This is a far larger problem than the wind turbines because the infrasound and other very low frequency illegal pure tones being emitted by the power lines is ubiquitous, exposing everyone who is exposed to the smart grid, so there is no where to run or escape the torture.  We share the same symptoms and although it is a travesty victims of wind turbines can move away from them.  I wonder though, if you are hearing the smart grid noise and don’t realize it is not just the turbines impacting you…..Sandaura

Ill-informed opinions build on wind farm ignorance

A heartfelt letter by Melissa Ware in response to a previous ignorant comment.

By Melissa Ware

SENATORS and public servants, please listen to the doctors and [not] Ms Hawkins’ ill informed knowledge on wind farm health…

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With escalating electricity bills, some of our elderly are struggling to keep warm!

This article from illustrates that our elderly are staying in bed to keep warm and avoid turning on heaters, citing some bills of $500!  The article here does explore possible reasons for escalating power bills and offers assistance and advice for those who are struggling. As a matter of interest however, smart meters are known to escalate power bills so if any of your loved ones are suffering in this way, you could be a little proactive on their behalf and check out if this is the reason. I know of a pensioner in a tiny one b/r flat who barely has her oil heater on, who is getting $300 power bills! (Mine is $200, same scenario, with heater on most days in winter … no smart meter, I got it removed when some power companies were removing them). Another person I know, their bill, AFTER the SM installation (nothing else changed re consumption, appliances or anything) …  escalated from $400 to $1000, I elderly-woman-228955_1280 kid you not. The Take Back Your Power website documents all this kind of info, and locally to NZ, the stopsmartmeters nz. website. Just saying as this is often the cause of higher bills although power companies deny it. If you get the chip removed from them (you may need to find a power company that will do it, shop around) the bills could go down or at least you’ll have eliminated that ticky box. I know that sometimes it is just high usage, but in some cases it is the meter.

I do feel for the elderly, this is not right they are cold in winter because of predatory power companies. Contact Energy in the year to June 30, produced a 17.6 per cent increase in net profit of $234 million. They appear to be doing fine, however we should be looking after our old people not ripping them off. These are the ones who did the hard yards in their younger years … so we should be looking after them in their older years. They built the society we have today that is quickly disappearing thanks to corporate sell outs. Vis a vis the current disappearance of our State Housing stock.

“A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.”
~ Mahatma Ghandi

To check if Smart Meters are the cause of high electricity costs, for further info on Smart Meters in NZ and for other links go to: It’s recommended you watch Take Back Your Power, the award winning documentary by Josh del Sol. You can watch it at their website, or I have a copy available for loan to folks in the Rangitikei. Believe me, all you need to know about Smart Meters is in this documentary.

You can read Stuff’s article here at the link:

How Johnson & Johnson May Be Poisoning Your Child

Thanks to Helena Slako – Medical Herbalist and Naturopath for posting this on FB. 

Around a decade ago I began to notice, just by reading labels, that there were many ‘unknowns’ in our personal care products. Then once connected to the internet I began to research in earnest and came upon the Environmental Working Group, an excellent site for checking out suspect chemicals.

The amounts of these chemicals placed in our products are tiny, however they are products we tend to use virtually daily … shampoos, skin care products, household cleaners etc so we cannot over estimate the cumulative effect the chemicals have. child-786812_1280 (1)And, worse, many of the ingredients are either known or suspected carcinogens. There are also chemicals which, when mixed with others become carcinogenic. Our skin is very absorbent so these chemicals go straight into our bloodstreams. An excellent expose of this scenario is the film ‘The Idiot Cycle’ found on the ‘Chemicals’ page on this site.

Dr Samuel Epstein wrote a book in the 1970s called ‘The Politics of Cancer’. He clearly describes the effects of these chemicals and points out that they are known environmental causes of cancer that folks, including the companies, refuse to seriously acknowledge. As I say frequently here, corporations do lie at times, they do have legal person hood, however they are not like real human beings. If you do doubt this please watch The Corporation film or read the info at the page in the link. It explains all.

Protect yourself and research the ingredients and don’t believe everything the packaging tells you. The claim to ‘organic’, ‘healthy’ and so on on the label guarantees you nothing unless it is legally certified. Companies are now bandying those labels around to look good but the advertising is often deceptive.

Read the Johnson & Johnson article at the livingtraditionally website:

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

Here is our real history … hidden beneath the layer of official textbook histories we’ve read all of our lifetimes … take note. PS a replacement link to go with the article at the link… YT of course deleted this one long ago. It’s at Bitchute :

Covert Geopolitics

The who, how & why of the JFK assassination. Taken from an historical perspective starting around world war 1 leading to present day. We hope after watching this video you will know more about what happened in the past and how the world is run today.

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“The situation with smart meter fires is worse than we thought” … from Take Back Your Power

Be warned, although this is not NZ, we have these meters here already, and rolling out fast. Many are catching on here already and refusing their installation because of the known health effects. Educate yourself and be forearmed. They are NOT compulsory. You have every right to decline installation of a Smart (aka Advanced) Meter. More information can be found on the Smart Meter page here with links to further info. Particularly, it’s recommended you watch the award winning ‘Take Back Your Power’ documentary.

“The situation with smart meter fires is worse than we thought — and now we know why. This new investigative video tells all.

The whistleblowers (wishing to remain anonymous) who contacted us have serviced and repaired over 200,000 meters in the field. They have been warning their supervisors about ‘smart’ meter problems for nearly a decade now. They have had enough of the lies and want you to know what they know.

On top of the explosive new details, the meters have at least four major sources of arcing. That’s right — FOUR….”

Read More:


‘LIKE’ our FACEBOOK PAGE … Rangitikei Smart Meter Watch

Helping New Zealanders fight Cancer Naturally

Police officer Anton Kuraia is a cancer patient who is now thriving after treatment and is preparing for an 809 km walk. 07 November 2014 Photograph by John Stone. NAG 08Nov14 -
Police officer Anton Kuraia is a cancer patient who is now thriving after treatment, seen here preparing for an 809 km walk, raising awareness and funds to help other cancer sufferers.
07 November 2014 Photograph by John Stone.

Helping New Zealanders fight Cancer Naturally

I’ve added a new page to the site this week on health (titled ‘Health and Wellness’).  Featured there is New Zealand man, Anton Kuraia, a Northland Policeman with a young family who, after a course of chemotherapy, was sent home with only four weeks to live. Fortunately, he then heard about IV Vitamin C therapy, and decided to give it a go… amazingly,  with success.

“…to show New Zealanders that there is always hope, even after a terminal cancer prognosis, and that there are options out there for you.”

His wonderfully encouraging story featured several times in the New Zealand media (links on the Success Stories page) … I found his website, contacted him and asked to feature his story here. If you explore his site you’ll find a page called ‘Bundle of Hope’ … where he and others have raised money to help others source the same treatment he received. Donations are welcomed.

The site also provides information on lifestyle, diet and environmental influences on health.

Here is a link to the envirowatch page which also has links to the media articles:

Here is a link to Anton’s website:

‘Like’ Anton’s FACEBOOK PAGE

Nestle CEO Says He Would Profit More from CA’s Drought if He Could

This is from Christina Sarich at

“Nestle CEO Tim Brown was asked in a radio interview recently if the company would consider halting their water extraction from a national forest in drought-stricken California….”

water-19659__180Are they going to stop?…. Nope …

Water privatization, as they’ve made clear, is their goal. Nestle’s former CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmathe also has a long history of disregarding public health and abusing the environment to take part in the profit of an astounding $35 billion in annual profit from water bottle sales alone. It is clear that this corporation doesn’t think clean drinking water is a human right…”

Read more:
Follow naturalsociety: @naturalsociety on Twitter | NaturalSociety on Facebook

Scientists Reveal Ramen Noodles Cause Heart Disease, Stroke & Metabolic Syndrome

Well today I’ve learned something new. Although I seldom eat these and definitely would put them in the ‘processed foods’noodles-303385_1280 category … I’d never examined their health effects aside from the well known MSG risks. This is from

Ramen noodles contain Tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ), which is a byproduct of the petroleum industry and food additive frequently to preserve cheap processed foods.A gastrointestinal specialist conducted an experiment with a time lapse video inside the stomach to what would happen after two hours of digesting ramen noodles andthe results were staggering.


A must-read on Geoengineering: “Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth”

If you are perplexed or disbelieving of the science of geoengineering, this book by Elana Freeland is a must read. The development of geoengineering (modifying the weather) is historically well documented and I recommend you also visit and view the well referenced timeline there. It will leave you with the sure conclusion that in spite of the denial by governments worldwide, this is not conspiracy. See the Geoengineering page also for other links to the stories of the whistleblowers and links to relevant NZ sites on geoengineering/chemtrails.  You can download a sample of Elana’s book from to Kindle.

“Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth”

“We are entering a Space Age, but not the kind President Kennedy originally envisioned. This Space Age is replacing resource wars and redefines planet earth as a “battlespace” in accordance with the military doctrine of “Full-Spectrum Dominance.”

This book examines how chemtrails and ionispheric heaters like the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) in Alaska services a full-spectrum dominance. This “Revolution in Military Affairs” needs an atmospheric medium to assure wireless access to the bodies and brains of anyone on Earth—from heat-seeking missiles to a form of mind control.

How sinister are these technologies? Are we being prepared for a “global village” lockdown? The recent release of NSA records have reminded Americans that “eyes in the sky” are tracking us as supercomputers record the phone calls, e-mails, internet posts, and even the brain frequencies of millions.

Elana M. Freeland’s startling book sifts through the confusion surrounding chemtrails-versus-contrails and how extreme weather is being “geo-engineered” to enrich disaster capitalists and intimidate nations.

A deconstruction of Bernard J. Eastlund’s HAARP patent points to other covert agendas, such as a global Smart Grid infrastructure that enables access to every body and brain on Earth, a “Transhumanist” future that erases lines between human and machine, and Nanobiological hybrids armed with microprocessers that infest and harm human bodies.”

(Description quoted from below the video on YT)

The header image on this page of chemtrails was captured over Waikari in NZ’s South Island by Marian Sutherland.

~ EnvirowatchRangitikei ~

Proof of Geoengineering over the Rangitikei

To learn more about geoengineering visit the Geoengineering page.

These video clips were captured over Marton in the lower North Island of NZ. I have been observing geoengineering aerosol trails for some time now and learning of their history.
Typically you will find the newspapers won’t print your letters and the Government and anybody ‘official’ will deny the existence of them however this is ludicrous now as more and more official evidence emerges, including whistle blowers who have added light to this crime of the century… Ted Gunderson (ex CIA), Dr Deagle (who treated the chemtrail pilots), Rosalind Peterson (watch her video on Geoengineering page), Kristen Meghan, ex-military and many more.
You will also see the trolls show up with their usual pat arguments for why these are just contrails which no longer hold any credibility in the face of all the evidence.

This is indeed a crime. Were you to go next door and spray poison onto your neighbours you would be arrested and charged. Not these guys. They are spraying us 24/7 with toxic chemicals that are very harmful to our health. They also spray us with unknown viruses and plant life. This is biological warfare.

Here is a list of the contents discovered in chemtrails:


Warning! Independent analysis of chemtrail fallout has identified many toxic chemicals including;
Aluminum Oxide Particles
Bacilli and Molds
Barium Salts
Barium Titanates
Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells
Ethylene Dibromide
Enterobacter Cloacal
Human white Blood Cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA)
Methyl Aluminum
Mold Spores
Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass
Nitrogen Trifluoride
Known as CHAFF)
Polymer Fibers
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Pseudomonas Florescens
Radioactive Cesium
Radio Active Thorium
Serratia Marcscens
Sharp Titanium Shards
Sub-Micron Particles
(Containing Live Biological Matter)
Unidentified Bacteria
Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins

Open air Chemtrail spraying operations are now live in California (all 50 states and all NATO countries).

Video Music by openheartmachine (used with permission) – on SoundCloud, here:

Fracking awareness raised in Whanganui meeting … “The drilling companies just seem to be able to do pretty much as they wish…”

Back in Sept/Oct 2014 our local newspaper mentioned a proposed report on fracking here in the Rangitikei, in the event consents were sought in the future. You can read that article HERE

The Green Party recently organized a meeting in Whanganui on the same issue, presenting the facts on what can be expected with fracking.

“….permission was being sought to drill up to eight wells 600 metres from Norfolk School in Inglewood.

There were also wells near Ngaere and Tikorangi schools, and well and flare pits could be within 200m to 300m of houses…”

We in the Rangitikei also need to be keeping an eye on this one. Bring yourself up to speed on fracking at the Fracking page here and follow the links to other sources.

There is a Frack Free Whanganui page HERE:

And Manawatu Whanganui page HERE:

Read the Wanganui Chronicle article HERE:

This is not good … Tests Find Asbestos in Kids’ Crayons, Crime Scene Kits

Via EWG, this is from Asbestos Nation…

Even trace exposures to lethal asbestos fibers can cause cancer, and other diseases!

“When you catch a conversation about asbestos, you might think it’s about health problems from at least 30 years ago. You’re not alone. Many Americans assume asbestos has been banned or fallen out of use. And for good reason. It’s a known carcinogen that kills up to 15,000 Americans a year.

The harsh reality is, asbestos is still legal. And it’s everywhere.

When EWG Action Fund launched its Asbestos Nation campaign to raise awareness about today’s asbestos threat, we looked beyond well-known hazards – vehicle brakes and building materials.

We didn’t expect to find asbestos in crayons. But it’s there.


According to tests commissioned by EWG Action Fund, samples of four brands of children’s crayons and two kids’ crime scene fingerprint kits contain deadly asbestos fibers.

The test results make a scary picture: a child exposed to asbestos is 3.5 more likely than a 25-year-old to develop mesothelioma, a lung disease, that is only caused by asbestos, because of the long lag time between exposure and diagnosis, according to the U.K. Committee on Carcinogenicity

“Asbestos in toys poses an unacceptable risk to children, today as it did in 2000 and 2007, the last time tests found the deadly substance in these children’s products,” Dr. Philip Landrigan, professor of pediatrics and preventive medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, told EWG Action Fund. Landrigan is an internationally- recognized expert in the area of asbestos and other toxic materials and a former senior adviser to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on children’s environmental health…”


Geoengineering the Rangitikei … no it isn’t conspiracy … ask former Min for Environment Amy Adams

Here is a record of geoengineering activity over Marton in the Rangitikei region, New Zealand for January 2015. These trails have been visible most days in their various manifestations until more recently … there is now a more subtle method of delivery called chem bombs, documented on YT by mauiskywatch. More on that in a later post, however suffice to say we have much historical documentation of the trails from one end of NZ to the other. We also have documentation from right around our planet. They are everywhere.

Geoengineering is the practice of modifying our weather. For a timeline of how weather modification has been developed for decades visit It is well documented. The slang term often used for these trails left by the aircraft is ‘chemtrails’ however, bear in mind this is the term used in the US Space Preservation Act 2001, HR2977, Sec 7, (2) (B) (ii), defining them as an ‘exotic weapons system’.

NZ’s former Minister for the Environment, Hon Amy Adams said this about geoengineering (in replying to my query):

Thank you for your email of 21 March 2014 to Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman regarding aircraft emissions. I am replying on his behalf to the second part of your email as the issue you raise falls within my portfolio as Minister for the Environment.

Geoengineering is a theoretical concept that would involve the manipulation of the earth’s environment to make the effect of climate change less severe. Aerosol engineering, the spraying of aerosol particles into the upper atmosphere to cool the earth, is a proposed geoengineering method.

The Government does not allow aerosol geoengineering and although it is the subject of some discussion in the scientific community, it is not an accepted method to address climate change. The best option is climate change mitigation – reducing our emissions of greenhouse gases – and the Government is working with other countries to develop an international agreement to achieve this.

I would like to assure you that there is no deliberate spraying of the nature you suggest and that the health and well-being of New Zealand citizens and our environment are a high priority for this Government.

Hon Nick Smith, current Min for the Environment, and also Amy-Adams’ predecessor, said in Parliament (amidst gales of laughter) that geoengineering was a hoax.

We have an official change of tack it seems.

Soundtrack is by Saru G

For more info on geoengineering, go to the Geoengineering page 

Damning feedback on Bonny Glen landfill; traffic, noise, smell, and the leachate is far in excess of company claims

I was contacted today with further feedback on the trucking situation in Marton and the Bonny Glen Landfill owned and operated by Midwest Disposals, sold to them a decade or so back by the Rangitikei District Council. There have been ongoing local concerns with their gentleman’s agreement to dump their leachate into Marton’s Waste Water Treatment Plant (read a submission made by then local man Hamish Allan), with a trail of non-consents that Horizons have failed to enforce adequately, if at all. With the landfill now set to quintuple in size following the granting of consents to extend, trucks will almost double in number in spite of claims last year that they would not increase at all. A member of the public has expressed an extensive list of concerns regarding noise, smell, volume of traffic and the leachate problem. I have quoted and slightly condensed these:

  • “I am appalled at the number of rubbish trucks passing our house 6 days per week, and the noise and vibration they make
  • In addition,  the number of tankers taking leachate to the Marton Wastewater Treatment Plant is far in excess of claims made by Mid-west Disposals. The number of trips per day is 7 at least, and some days when 2  tankers are used, a total of at least 12 loads are dumped in the Marton treatment plant
  • I fear that this amount of leachate will cause major problems and poisoning of the rivers that receive outflow
  • I fear it  will become a cost to the ratepayers of Marton while the company responsible gets away with not paying for the damage
  • I believe Horizons should be checking and stopping this pollution
  • This landfill must be opposed and shut down as it is a major pollutant of our region
  • we can smell the tip at times when the wind blows from that direction,  6-7 kms away.

No clean and green Rangitikei, just dirty smelly and polluted. It is a  disgrace.”

Please contact the site if you have any similar concerns regarding this landfill and how it is affecting you. And or contact the RDC and let them know. 

~ Envirowatchrangitikei ~

More news on Glyphosate … including the Netherlands, Colombia and a Jeffrey Smith Interview

The news on Glyphosate is coming regularly since WHO classified it as a Class 2A carcinogen (it probably causes cancer). There was already enough evidence, in my opinion, to ban it anyway, however with the added weight of WHO’s conclusions (based on the previous research) surely it is only a matter of time before Glyphosate goes the same was as DDT and Agent Orange. You may not be aware but the same company responsible for the creation of Glyphosate is also responsible for the creation of those two  products and Aspartame as well. Agent Orange was responsible for horrific birth defects still seen today in the Vietnamese population,  a result of the US cleansing Vietnam of its defoliation during the Vietnam war. It was also responsible for a raft of health problems and birth defects experienced by our own Kiwi vets, a fact only recently acknowledged by our NZ government, to their shame I might add, given the war ended decades ago.

We in the Rangitikei are urging our council to desist from the use of Glyphosate in the public spaces of our towns. This at least will protect the public, especially our children, from unwitting exposure. These companies spray with no warning, and no signs out to say they are spraying. This is simply because Glyphosate has enjoyed a ‘harmless’ status for decades. The product data sheets however advise no contact with the sprayed foliage until dry, yet there is no way for us to know where they have sprayed. They also indicate the use of gloves and a mask (which nobody wears I note) and yet they don’t see fit to warn our children they are spraying.

This is the address of our Facebook page if you would like to keep up to speed with happenings in the Rangitikei to do with Glyphosate … or they are on the site as well:


The path our Marton school children take to school


Why The Netherlands Just Banned Monsanto’s Glyphosate-Based Herbicides

From naturalhealth365 … “The Netherlands has just become the latest country, following Russia, Mexico, and many others, to say no to Monsanto. The sale and use of glyphosate-based herbicides (the most commonly used herbicides in the world) has just been banned for non-commercial…”

Monsanto says glyphosate is safe as Colombia halts pesticide usage

From naturalhealth365 … Colombia’s change of heart came about following a report by the research division of the World Health Organization classifying glyphosate as a ‘probable carcinogen.’ – See more at:

New Research Fuels Roundup Weedkiller Toxicity Concerns

From Dr Mercola … “Last year, groundbreaking research was published suggesting that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s broad-spectrum herbicide Roundup, might be “a crucially important factor in the development of multiple chronic diseases and conditions…” This article includes an interview with  Dr. Stephanie Seneff and Jeffrey Smith … a must watch with some facts that will horrify you about the meat industry and GE (glyphosate laden) feed.

Please do visit & like our Facebook page

~ Envirowatchrangitikei ~

Poisoning Our Future: Children and Pesticides


I’m recommending here a useful NZ book on pesticides…

“Poisoning Our Future: Children and Pesticides” by Dr Meriel Watts PhD … “This book details the scientific evidence for the insidious effects of pesticides on children and calls on government institutions to adopt a more precautionary approach to better protect human health and the environment…”
Further info about this book can be found at the following website:
You can also purchase a hard copy or a download at the website.

An excellent resource to familiarize yourself with how pesticides affect our kids. The pananz website has more info on glyphosate also. Dr Watts has been a long time campaigner in reducing toxic pesticide use in NZ.

Cancer Expert Warns: Extremely Important to Adopt Precaution against RF Exposure

This article is from … advice from Dr. Anthony B. Miller, Canada’s foremost expert in radiation and cancer.

“It is important to recognize that there are no safe levels of exposure to human carcinogens. Although risk increases with increasing intensity of exposure, and for many carcinogens, such as tobacco smoke, even more with increasing duration of exposure, the only way to avoid the carcinogenic risk is to avoid exposure altogether…”

We can lessen our risk of contracting cancer by avoiding unnecessary exposure to environmental carcinogens. Currently there are multiple such examples for instance, cell phones, the masts, wi-fi, smart meters, cigarette smoke, food additives, additives to care products … the list goes on. NZ’s current cancer statistics are one in three.

Read the full article here: