Pediatrics Journal says to stop calling breastfeeding natural

Here we have a pediatrics journal dissuading mothers from breast feeding because it interferes with vaccine delivery and the introduction of GM foods. We need to be asking ourselves here, how can this be reasonable & normal? If natural practices like breastfeeding and home schooling among other things (as the article sets out) interfere with vaccination & GM food – there you have a warning bell. Right there. This is NOT NORMAL. We have for years been weaned onto bottles of formula being best, now your freedom of choice is being even further eroded – and not so subtly at that. And this from the a journal of pediatrics!! Our so called experts on children. How can a needle with chemicals (in ever increasing proportions and toxicity) and canned formula surpass a mother’s breast milk to promote a healthy immune system?  Very well if children’s health had improved over recent decades however the complete opposite is true.  Vaccines have been linked by certain Doctors to the growing rate of Autism among other things. Do the research for yourself (see our related pages for links) or have your normal mother instincts been taken from you as well?


Pediatrics Journal says to stop calling breastfeeding natural

From – a new article in the journal Pediatrics is calling on health professionals to stop saying that breastfeeding is natural, arguing that doing so gives the impression that natural parenting practices are healthier. The authors have started a public campaign to end the positive use of the word natural, claiming that it is associated with such “problematic” practices as home birth, homeschooling and the rejection of GMO foods, and that natural parenting movements are interfering with vaccination efforts.

Pediatrics Journal says to stop calling breastfeeding natural
Breast is best [Photo:]

In the article, Unintended Consequences of Invoking the “Natural” in Breastfeeding Promotion, Jessica Martucci and Anne Barnhill, Medical Ethics and Health Policy researchers at Penn Medicine, wrote:

“Building on this critical work, we are concerned about breastfeeding promotion that praises breastfeeding as the “natural” way to feed infants. This messaging plays into a powerful perspective that “natural” approaches to health are better… Promoting breastfeeding as “natural” may be ethically problematic, and, even more troublingly, it may bolster this belief that “natural” approaches are presumptively healthier.”

The authors are especially concerned that promoting natural practices such as breastfeeding will harm vaccination rates, since many parents who follow natural parenting practices also delay or decline vaccinesfor their children. Thy also cite other examples of the “fallacy” that natural choices are intrinsically better, including the rejection of GMO foods, the preference for organic over conventionally grown foods and concerns over water fluoridation.



Paediatrics Journal link:
Unintended Consequences of Invoking the “Natural” in Breastfeeding Promotion


John Grisham is Giving His Book Away for Free to Educate People on an Alternative Cure for Cancer


John Grisham – [Photo Credit:]

John Grisham’s latest novel veers far away from his typical courtroom settings to provide information about an alternative cure for cancer — and he thinks it’s so vital, the book is free for everyone.

The Tumor,” Grisham says, is the most important book of his career.

“I write escapist popular fiction that entertains,” Grisham explained in an interview. “It’s entertainment. It doesn’t pretend to be literature or anything else. But ‘The Tumor’ has the potential to one day save or prolong millions of lives.”

Against the advice of his agent, editor, and publisher, Grisham has now offered the book free of charge. Its unlikely hero is a non-invasive medical device: focused ultrasound. Employed for the treatment of cancer and other diseases, focused ultrasound “uses energy beams to destroy diseased tissues,” reported the Washington Post.

University of Virginia neurosurgeon and friend, Neal Kassell, convinced Grisham to join the Focused Ultrasound Foundation, which he’d formed in 2006, about eight years ago. When Kassell pleaded with Grisham to help raise money for the foundation’s ongoing research, the author balked.

But after studying focused ultrasound and finding serious potential for the treatment method to aid millions of people, Grisham decided there was a better way to help. Thus, “The Tumor” was born.


Thanks to for the link to this article

HEADER Photo Credit: Netaholic13: licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

New Tech Shows Why You Can’t Trust Anything You See on the News

Most people who’ve learned to question will know by now that what is called ‘mainstream media’ (I call it lamestream) can no longer be trusted to inform you of news facts in an unbiased and truthful manner. The ownership of the media for starters is now down to around six corporations, from many times that say ten years ago.


Remember, corporations don’t have your best interests at heart. What we see and hear is carefully funneled to us … selectively at that. What you don’t get to see, just as important as what you do, creating the desired perception of reality to suit. You may not have been aware but during recent TPPA protests throughout NZ, the Herald reported  a few hundred protesters, when in fact there were 25K+. Currently then your best shot at getting to the truth of all news is to visit truth sites on the internet. Your daily newspaper is just not going to do that for you. Unless of course you are only wanting data on last week’s dog trials and some gardening and culinary advice.

To complicate matters further, according to this video, you will see how what you learn is manipulated to an even more devious degree with even more refined technology that can artificially create the reporter’s body language for you … and more …




Published on Mar 21, 2016 I’m not even sure what to write for a description. What else can you say? It’s the Matrix.

More info on Stanford’s website:

Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos (CVPR 2016 Oral):

We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook:

H/T Dag Wood

Truthstream Can Be Found Here:
Twitter: @TruthstreamNews



An exposé of Smart Meters & the fire risk that goes with them

Fire risk is one of the less well known problems with  Smart Meters aka, in NZ, Advanced Meters. The oft quoted justifications with them are ‘accuracy’ and ‘safety’, however the first is debunked immediately with many reports of highly inflated power bills, both abroad and here in NZ (and I mean highly inflated, I’ve heard of bills over $1k!). Safety however has been not so well proven to date or, any risks have been carefully concealed. This was evident in the doco Take Back Your Power. Here we have the fire risk in greater detail. These meters generate revenue for power companies by collecting data, a huge industry. People report difficulties with the operation of appliances and the levels of pulsing and subsequent emission of RF radiation is up to 190,000 times per day creating a huge health risk. This is borne out by experts in the field of radiation risks. Additionally the meters come with a remote disconnect ability which, when put to use, cause arcing and subsequent fire risk. There is more, please watch the video and be informed. If you have one of these meters already in close proximity to where you work, sleep or simply spend your day, consider having it removed. For help with that visit Stop Smart Meters NZ Kiwis. There are similar sites world wide for further information. Research the health and other risks and make an informed decision about them. If you don’t already have one, it is easier to prevent installation than it is to get one removed.




Study reveals almost all Germans contaminated with glyphosate – that ‘probable carcinogen’

Thanks to for this link …

Glyphosate’s been dubbed the most toxic chemical we’ve ever had in our environment, by a US Tertiary level lecturer of 55 years experience in agriculture, Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology (Dr Don Hubert). France has taken glyphosate’s creators Monsanto to Court and won on the claim they have lied about its safety, following Professor Seralini’s research that uncovered its carcinogenic properties. (‘Probably carcinogen’ are the operative words however if you see the tumours at the link on the rats Seralini used you’d probably want to refrain from using it, in the interests of safety). Nevertheless, in spite of all this evidence Kiwis (who also consume the highest amount of 1080 in the world and call themselves clean and green) still delight in slathering it far and wide on our roadsides, gardens, public parks and even schools (please sign our petition for the Rangitikei). We pride ourselves as being intelligent and forward thinking but in this department we are severely retarded, in my opinion anyway. So widely used now in fact, Glyphosate is even being found in breast milk these days, in urine and blood and more recently it was discovered in tampons. And need I remind us, cancer stats are now one in three. Potentially, one third of your family, friends, acquaintances, will be diagnosed with cancer. This is very credible. I can count nine in my own circle. Surely … is it really worth the risk of snubbing our noses at the evidence? Just because grandpa used it all his life and is still walking around. Many weren’t so lucky.

Check out the studies in Germany and what they’ve turned up…

EnvirowatchRangitikei Nicole Sagener /

farmer-880567_1280A new study shows that 99.6% of Germans are contaminated with the herbicide glyphosate, writes Nicole Sagener. The news comes as the EU puts off a crucial decision on whether to re-authorise the chemical, described by IARC as ‘probably carcinogenic’, until 2031.

“Meat eaters also displayed higher levels of glyphosate contamination than vegetarians or vegans. This finding may reflect the high levels of glyphosate found in the ‘Roundup-ready’ GMO soy and corn used in animal feeds.”

All but 0.4% of the German population have been contaminated by the controversial herbicide glyphosate, according to a study carried out by the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

The study analysed glyphosate residue in urine and concludes that 75% of the target group displayed levels that were five times higher than the legal limit of drinking water.

“A third of the population even showed levels that were between ten and 42 times higher than what is normally permissible.”

EU still to decide on glyphosate re-authorisation to 2031

Harald Ebner, a genetic engineering and bio-economic policy with the German Greens, warned that “now nearly every single one of us has been contaminated by plant poison, it is clear to me that no new authorisations for 2031 should be issued.”


Blatant chemtrails captured over Tennessee

I spotted this today on Facebook. Anybody who thinks this is normal aircraft contrail activity, think about it. Aircraft flying from A to B don’t make these kinds of patterns up there!

People have analyzed these trails – check out what they found in California:

“Open air Chemtrail spraying operations are now live in California (all 50 states and all NATO countries). Independent analysis of chemtrail fallout has identified many toxic chemicals including;

Aluminum Oxide Particles, Arsenic, Bacilli and Molds, Barium Salts, Barium Titanates, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells, Ethylene Dibromide, Enterobacter Cloacal, Enterobacteriaceae, Human white Blood Cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA), Lead, Mercury, Methyl Aluminum, Mold Spores, Mycoplasma, Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass, Nitrogen Trifluoride, Known as CHAFF), Nickel, Polymer Fibers, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Pseudomonas Florescens, Radioactive Cesium, Radio Active Thorium, Selenium, Serratia Marcscens, Sharp Titanium Shards, Silver, Streptomyces, Stronthium, Sub-Micron Particles, (Containing Live Biological Matter), Unidentified Bacteria, Uranium, Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins.”

Not pretty!  Check out our Geoengineering pages, and note Kiwis, the image on the header was captured over the Rangitikei.

South Canterbury Sky Watch Youtube Channel

If you’re new to all of this and just want the ABCs I recommend you go to this site:



The NZ 100 percent pure illusion – watch Key dismiss Dr Mike Joy’s evidence

See the stats! It really is 100 percent pure illusion! In our own district we’ve had no in stream biota survey since 2002 – and one year later we’re still waiting for an RDC estimate for when the next one will be – in spite of a 3 yearly consent requirement! Note in the header image, taken locally, the banks are also often slathered with glyphosate, a known, probable carcinogen.

“Of 112 monitored lakes, a 2010 Niwa study found 44% are eutrophic – so burdened by excess agricultural nutrients that they have become murky, smelly and inhospitable to many fish, reports Joy. Almost all (90%) our lowland wetlands – the “kidneys of our waterways” – have been destroyed. Three-quarters of our native freshwater fish are threatened with extinction (up from 20% in the early 1990s), yet only one – the grayling, which has been extinct for decades – has legal protection.”
Listener 26/11/15

unity1nz (Youtube)

Published on Aug 12, 2013

“Dr Mike Joy, NZ 100% Pure! The challenges of truth telling in a commercially driven world.

Note: Since the Key National Government came to power, the word ‘sustainable’ has been deleted from governmental and departmental vocabulary.

Meanwhile …

New Zealand is currently running at 162nd in our environmental performance out of 180 countries globally.

It is extremely difficult to access data on water quality in this country as it is ‘locked away’ from public scrutiny, even the Ministry for the Environment does not write it up for public consumption.

Researchers have to spend hours and days searching out any little snippet of information that is buried in Regional Council reports, because these reports too, are filed away from community analysis.

The reason for this impediment is because there is no Agency in this country that deals with such basic and important factual statistics and information and if this accumulated data was in the public domain, the Ministers involved would look so bad that the charade of ‘Clean Green NZ’ would be coherently shredded.

Yet, the latest statistics that are available for public information still go back to a 2004 report. Even though the 300 areas that are tested and sampled ‘to this day’ remain hidden from public view, and can not be accessed by scientists like Dr Mike Joy.

This vital information is being ‘censored by omission’ and the Ministry for the Environment and the 16 District Councils, only issue ‘feel good’ information on the better sites, (the upper high country where there is no population or industry) never the true story in the low land areas of farming, industry and population density. In essence, making a silk purse from a sows ear!

New Zealand has pristine highland lakes and rivers, which the tourist brochures revel in, but it is the low land lakes and rivers that are horrendously degraded in this country.

And it has been only in the last 20 years with the intensification of dairy herds that our water has really lost its purity. This due to the addition of far too many cows, as the population continues to increase.

11 humans are equal to one cow in their capacity to ingest and excrete. A conservative estimate is equal to 66 million people inhabiting NZ, the same population as the UK.

With the intensity of increasing cow numbers huge amounts of urine ends up in paddocks and in the process is changing the soil chemistry and seeping down into the water and into the greater catchment area, and this is not being factored into the pollution equation.

Adding to this, commercially manufactured urea is being spread on the land from urea plants as well as the use of more phosphorous to speed up plant growth, however a by-product of super phosphate is cadmium. NZ is now dangerously close to toxifying its soils, plant life and live stock with excess cadmium that ends up stored in the kidneys and liver of live stock, that if the animals are over 18 months of age – it is illegal to sell kidneys and liver for eating. (This is news to me!)

NOTE: New Zealand children are already exceeding the European levels of cadmium from our food chain

Scientists here in NZ like their counterparts worldwide are reluctant or prohibited from speaking out on environment or health concerns, for fear of losing their funding, or losing their job. They are under the hammer to keep their mouth firmly shut! Such is the power of the commercial imperative!

Treasury, which is the tail that wags the dog in this country is bloated with economists and Mike posits the idea that if we could have another department alongside it full of ecologists, we would strike a dynamic balance.

Mike says that what is happening in nature is that the fauna are now acting as the canary in the coal mine.

The tiny white bait (inanga) in our streams are being seen as the indicators of the health of our water ways and they are all being threatened, 4 out of 5 are now on the endangered list, same for fresh water crayfish and our eels, and the eel story Mike tells is near on bizzare in the extreme.

KPMG, one of the largest professional services companies on our planet, states in a new report that New Zealand has 5 years to clean up our clean green image, or we will lose it!”

Dr Mike Joy: The true story of New Zealand’s ecological status.


Related Article by the Listener 26/11/15 :

River stance

The Listener
By Rebecca Macfie

Photo credit:


Top multinationals pay almost no tax in New Zealand

How the corporations get away with murder. They know all the loop holes, they have well paid lawyers, they do pretty much what they like and who has the power or the funds to argue with them?  Time and again the cause is dropped because it’s ‘not cost effective’ to argue with them in court. Their bank accounts appear bottomless, not surprising given the  profits they accrue. These entities are nearing tyrannical proportions.

And here we have them scamming us by avoiding tax. On top of that our top echelons pay peanuts for tax, John Key for instance, pays a mere 2.8% tax whilst the real workers pay 28%! How is this fair? It’s not.


Next time you hear folks bashing beneficiaries for their hand outs and blaming them for our debt, point them here to these stats. What we didn’t learn in economics lectures is that a poor class is essential to capitalism – they supply a cheap labour force and the benefit system is a safety net that keeps it all in place, giving it all a human face. There are some of us still alive who remember the days of full employment when we all had jobs and as a consequence warm homes and food enough for our families. Unemployment began when previous governments borrowed us down the river and into long term unrepayable debt. The poor of course are conveniently blamed for this and told to tighten their belts, while little of that is going on in the upper ranks. Hence the aforementioned pathetically small income tax these leaches pay on their immorally large salaries. Or should we say – ‘hand-outs’?  Unless you call ‘working’ for the Stock Exchange work.

A picture is worth a thousand words



 Top multinationals pay almost no tax in New Zealand

Matt Nippert – NZ Herald
A major Herald investigation has found the 20 multinational companies most aggressive in shifting profits out of New Zealand overall paid virtually no income tax, despite recording nearly $10 billion in annual sales to Kiwi consumers.

The analysis of financial information of more than 100 multinational corporations and their New Zealand subsidiaries showed that, had the New Zealand branches of these 20 firms reported profits at the same healthy rate as their parents, their combined income tax bill would have been nearly $490 million.

The companies in question, including Facebook, Google, Pfizer and Pernod Ricard, said they followed New Zealand laws and differences in profitability between its New Zealand operations and elsewhere were the results of different business models.

United Future leader Peter Dunne, who was Minister of Revenue from 2005 to 2013, said that experience meant he was not altogether surprised by the disclosures in the Herald.

Determining what share of income large companies should be taxed for, in what country was “becoming more and more impossible”, he said. Finding a way forward was a matter of urgency.



U.S. Corporations That Pay No Taxes

SOURCE: “Every working American is required to pay income taxes, but American companies get away with paying zero

This year, the IRS collected roughly $1.4 trillion from U.S. taxpayers on April 15. Even individuals exempt from the federal income tax are subject to payroll taxes – and even the 14% exempt from both still must pay a sales tax.

S&P 500 Corporations That Don’t Pay Income Taxes

Company Symbol Net income 2014
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Nasdaq: GT $2.45 billion
TE Connectivity Ltd. NYSE: TEL $1.9 billion
Eaton Corp. plc NYSE: ETN $1.79 billion
Tyco Int’l PLC NYSE: TYC $1.73 billion
Masco Corp. NYSE: MAS $856 million
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. NYSE: RCL $764.1 million
Wynn Resorts Limited Nasdaq: WYNN $731.6 million
Darden Restaurants Inc. NYSE: DRI $666.6 million
Level 3 Communications Inc. NYSE: LVLT $314 million
FirstEnergy Corp. NYSE: FE $299 million
Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. NYSE: COG $104.5 million

*Sources: S&P Capital IQ, USA TODAY

**Uses data from calendar year 2014.

Fortune 500 Corporations That Don’t Pay Income Taxes

Company Symbol Net income 2014
CBS Corp. (NYSE: CBS) $1.8 billion
Interpublic Group of Companies Inc. (NYSE: IPG) $365 million
Mattel Inc. (Nasdaq: MAT) $268 million
Owens Corning (NYSE: OC) $106 million
PG&E Corp. (NYSE: PCG) $1.84 billion
PEPCO Holdings Inc. (NYSE: POM) $406 million
Priceline Group Inc. (Nasdaq: PCLN) $73 million
Prudential Financial Inc. (NYSE: PRU) $3.49 billion
QUALCOMM Inc. (Nasdaq: QCOM) $3.21 billion
Ryder System Inc. (NYSE: R) $270 million
Time Warner Inc. (NYSE: TWX) $4.3 billion
Weyerhaeuser Co. (NYSE: WY) $960 million
Xerox Corp. (NYSE: XRX) $629 million

*Sources: Corporate 10-K Annual Reports,



Five of world’s biggest investment banks pay no UK…
These 27 Major Corporations Paid No Taxes in 2015…
Almost 600 major corporations did not pay tax in…

Warning: New Zealand Government And Big Banks In Collusion For Farm Land Grab: The Same Scam As Run In The United States And Australia

March 11 2016 | From: WakeUpKiwi / Various

We are about to see the mass sell off of NZ farms. And 95% of them will go to foreigners under the TPPA- timed to perfection of course. You are now watching the United Nations Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 bei…. Wake up. Share this information.

What you have seen happen in Auckland in the past 15-20 years was just the start- a test bed. The evidence here is irrefutable.

Related: Fonterra Drops Forecast Milk Payout

Possibly the most painful part of this will be watching all of the big bank / corporate sponsored ‘experts’ in the filthy corrupt media & Government try and explain it all away in terms of “interest rates” and “market forces”. Farmers are enticed into taking out loans at low interest rates which are then intentionally later raised, in a blatantly criminal plan to seize land. It worked in the US. Copy and paste in Australia. And now copy and paste in New Zealand.

New Zealand company Fonterra is the worlds largest dairy exporter, exporting products to over 100 countries

The truth is, it is an agenda planned even before the inception of Fonterra, specifically for this end goal – the ‘Globalization’ of our land and all of our natural resources – using rigged (Libor) interest rates, market manipulations, fake printed debt and various other financial frauds.


All Wars are Bankers’ Wars

A pertinent reminder with ANZAC coming up soon. My late father when in his 80s, who fought in WW2 as cannon fodder for these low life families who foment wars for profits (the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers)  – he told us wars would never end because they make money. As a very young 17 year old he set off to serve his country, along with his four brothers, oblivious to the real agenda of the powers that be. Check out the article link below and links to other posts also below.

All wars are pre-arranged by this secret Ruling Cabal which is best defined as the circle of top world Banksters and industrialist run out of the City of London Financial District, a separate country like the Vatican with its own ambassadors and police. These folks claim to be personally anointed by Lucifer himself and some have claimed to have personal alien or demon guides that provide protection and counsel. Thus all wars are Bankster wars and appear to be demonically inspired. Some experts have discovered a strong association with secret esoteric “super-masonic” occult groups which are luciferian based and this Ruling Cabal. Others have discovered a long term association with these Ruling Cabal members and alien or ET entities, and believe these cabal members are actually infected with alien/ET demonic parasites who demand and promote mass death and destruction upon the Earth once they gain control over the Cabal member who has lost his soul or been “soul-snatched”. Some researchers have labeled this Ruling Cabal Babylonian Zionism, or the “Synagogue of satan” and claim that it’s wealth and power is based on the use of “Babylonian Money-Magick” which is the use of fiat money lent at pernicious usury in order to create massive debt slavery, massive asset stripping and provide complete but hidden control. Others attribute it power to the anointing of Lucifer and their use of the evil “black arts” which include deception, slight of hand and human sacrifice. If the cabal can issue or print all the money it needs, it can buy up almost every single politician it wants as long as it keeps the effects of all the excess money mitigated to prevent complete collapse of the monetary system. Of course experts know that the creation of the US Petro Dollar which required all oil sales to be made in money converted to US dollars first was a stop gap effort to delay reality until the Ruling Cabal could use America to subdue the whole world on the behalf of these City of London Bankster’s before the system eventually crashed. The reason why the US Dollar is now only worth only about 2 cents of what is was worth when it was originally issued is because the Federal Reserve Bank has been issuing more and more money to buy politicians and support their secret black operations designed to develop alien technology to keep complete control over “we the people” and this Ponzi system is eventually doomed to failure.

The following video clip is a classic by Michael Rivera of  It is 45 minutes long and most folks can get the main message which is very important in the first 5-10 minutes if time is limited. For those that have the time and want hard core specifics, the rest of this clip is perhaps the best description of how Banksters cause wars ever published.

Read the Full Article:


How the Rothschild and Rockefeller Families Control the Politicians and Run the World – Exposed on Live TV
Who Controls the Money Controls the World
War is a Racket – Major General Smedley Butler
Who Really Controls the World?


Going back 12 months, here is a timely reblog of a post regarding the ongoing pollution of Rangitikei’s water ways. We had among the submissions opposing the quadrupling of the size of the local Bonny Glen landfill (now granted & in fact quintupling) one by a local man who had been involved in 2011 with attempting to address concerns raised by locals about the excessive dumping of leachate into the waste water treatment plant. Surprises were in store on this as he met basically a brick wall on the issue. And uncovered to boot, a decade of serial non compliances by the local district council. An in stream biota survey was required as a condition of consents, every 3 years. He discovered the last had been 2002. I have queried council on this, and was instructed by the Mayor to merely email the council with the issue. A year later, no response whatsoever. And recent observers report seeing up to 12 and 13 truckloads of leachate passing their front gate per day. We’re told there were only 1 to 2. Check out Mr Allen’s submission. He outlines in great detail the pains the Community Committee went to to bring this to RDC’s attention. Typically of district councils these days, they’re uninterested in seriously addressing pollution … they mouth to us ‘sustainable development’, and all the while they are, as in the case of the Horowhenua waterways issue ‘serial polluters’.

Environmental Health Watch NZ

 Submission on RDC’s Leachate Disposal into the Waste Water Treatment Plant in Marton

On February 24th Hamish Allen, a Marton resident, presented a submission to the panel on a topic that is not considered to be part of the consent hearings. (For a background to the consent applications to quadruple the size of the Bonny Glen landfill go HERE). Neither, as was pointed out prior to the hearings, were property values or trucks.  Ironically, since these are the very concerns which automatically arise when a neighbouring landfill announces plans to quadruple in size.  Nevertheless, Allen’s submission concerns the leachate that is disposed of through Marton’s Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) and has been for nine or so years (deemed the RDC’s concern, not Midwest Disposals’) . This has been, rather than a formal arrangement on paper … a ‘gentleman’s agreement’. The levels have been poorly reported and only…

View original post 245 more words

NZ’s Indebtedness, Where it Started, Key’s Role & Some Startling Predictions that have Come True

This video was made in 2008 and made some very accurate predictions about Key’s role if he became PM. Many of them have happened. Voters take note.

An interesting document for you to see on this topic is the Opal File. Check it out. Nobody knows who wrote it but in light of its contents it’s not surprising they would want to remain anonymous. Together with this video it makes sense.

On topic, also take a look at Agenda 21 and Agenda 21 in NZ.

A plan here has been coming together for many years. A plan for global governance which our former PM Helen Clarke is working on at her UN job, featured in the magazine ‘Investigate’. We are given the illusion of choice, National or Labour plus now all the other parties in between. In reality Clarke and Key are simply different riders on the same horse that the global agenda folks intend to bring to heel. This is being brought into fruition by the New World Order, spoken of often by many particularly past and present US Presidents (just to prove it is not hoax material) first officially announced after the Gulf War (the one when the US Government infected their own military (‘guinea pigs’) with Gulf War Syndrome via vaccines. (Watch ‘Gulf War Syndrome: Killing our Own). 
Hear the Presidents speak on their ‘New World Order’. It isn’t conspiracy.

The goal is well behind of course going by Clarke’s estimates. But events in local District Councils are certainly taking on a sinister and unpleasant overtone. Check those out in our ‘District Council’ pages and the research done by Dr Naomi Jacobs (links below).



Flier on world government from the Jehovah’s Witness Church
John Key’s affinity with the US, watch … he is leading us down the same path

Dr Jacob’s Research:

January 2013 Letter Naomi Jacobs


How the Rothschild and Rockefeller Families Control the Politicians and Run the World – Exposed on Live TV

These two families, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers,  hang in the background and manipulate from behind the scenes. We’ve known (some of us at least) that they have also fomented wars for profit for eons, all about garnering profits for their own empire/s, and at the expense of all of us. Young lives lost in their profiteering wars, sent off, as were my father and four uncles, as pure cannon fodder as it were. And all the while these men, cherished and held dear by their loved ones at home, either died in combat, or came home traumatized forever, thinking it was for ‘King and country’.


All the while it was for these two evil families’ bank accounts. The story is so ‘out there’ it’s close to unbelievable. A morning’s research however will tell you it’s all quite true, it’s just that the information has been purposely kept from you … by those who also control and manipulate the media. So here we have an admirable advocate for you, turning the spotlight he was given, off of himself and onto these two murdering entities and making the most of the opportunity to give you a big hint about who is still manipulating world events….


Read on…

Jean-Claude Van Damme calls out Rothschild and Rockefeller on live TV

(  Appearing on the French television show, Le Grand Journal, Jean-Claude Van Damme (JCVD) just showed the world that even he is aware of the control and power of the Rothschild and Rockefeller families.

Van Damme was invited on the French show to speak about the US elections and commented on Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Vladimir Putin.

However, he quickly hijacked the narrative and went on to explain how the Rothschild and Rockefeller families control the politicians and run the world from behind the scenes…


‘The Onion’, 23 August 1927



(Contains a transcript of the video).

Nathan Mayer Rothschild 1777-1836
Matt Agorist
After opening a trust company in Reno, Nev., Rothschild & Co. began ushering the massive fortunes of the world’s most wealthy individuals out of typical tax havens, and into the Rothschild run U.S. trusts, which are exempt from the international reporting requirements.


The Rothschild banking dynasty is a family line that has been accused of pulling the political strings of many different governments through their control of various economic systems throughout the world.

Historically, there is ample evidence to show that the family has used insider trading to bilk money from both private and public funds.

During the Battle of Waterloo in the Napoleonic wars, Nathan Rothschild was responsible for one of the oldest cases of “insider trading,” which led to the Rothschild family robbing a whole nation blind. In 1815 when the battle of Waterloo took place, there were no quick methods of communication like we have today so messengers were used for communication in times of war. The Rothschild’s took advantage of this by having spies on the frontlines of the battle who would return information to the family faster than the messengers used by the military…

During the Battle of Waterloo in the Napoleonic wars, Nathan Rothschild was responsible for one of the oldest cases of “insider trading,” which led to the Rothschild family robbing a whole nation blind….      [Photo Credit: Wikipedia]



“Be Very Clear – Central Govt, Horizons and Horowhenua DC are Serial Polluters of our Water-Ways” – Film Footage From a District Cr

Recent news in February 2016 highlighted the state of Shannon’s waste water treatment plant. This has all been denied (the pollution that is) by the Horowhenua District Council. The footage and photos don’t lie however. To see the original videos posted see links below. We now have a FB page devoted solely to Horowhenua issues in the interests of disseminating the info and supporting those who are standing up to make changes to the status quo.  Note, to see all ten videos, go to the Youtube icon on the bottom right of the video and watch on Youtube. You will see there plenty more footage of Horowhenua and Manawatu pollution by what appears to be partially treated sewage and farm effluent.

Cr Michael Feyen is one of those and has stated today on Facebook:

 “As a Horowhenua District Councillor I want to make it very clear that Central Government, Horizons Regional Council and Horowhenua District Council are most definitely serial polluters of our water-ways and vast improvements in the governance are necessary if we are to leave anything for future generations. Please post and share and the word will get there.”


Michael Feyen

“In early December 2014 Ngati Whakatere had called me out as a Horowhenua District Councillor to look at their concerns of pollution to the waterways from the Shannon sewage treatment plant.

The following sequence of films clips was taken by myself, Horowhenua District Cr Michael Feyen – of waste water being pumped from the Shannon sewage treatment ponds into the Otauru Stream and into the Manawatu River. These clips back up Councillor Campbell’s (link below) recent film of the same type of disgusting practices of pollution to our waterways by HDC with Horizons Regional Council’s blessing. Both organizations are serial polluters. Please take the time to watch all the videos. When called, Horizons did not send anybody out to investigate. Obviously nothing has changed and no one was held accountable.

Chinese plastic clothes baskets are the filters used by Horizons and HDC & their contractor”.

See our other Local Govt Watch pages for more info & links, &/or search categories for further related articles (at left of any page). 

Please also consider liking our FB page &/or following our blog (right of any page) and do spread the word on all the untruths we have been told! Use the share buttons! 

Thank you!







Why You Shouldn’t Swim in the Manawatu River




The Man Who Discovered The Cause Of Cancer Wrote A Book On Curing It

Dr. Otto Warburg was the man who discovered the cause of cancer, he was awarded the Nobel prize in 1931 for his work. Initially it was my understanding that he discovered cancer but he actually discovered the cause which in my opinion is even more valuable than discovering cancer. Many people have recognized a problem, a disease, a tumorous lump growing on someone and labeling it a disease. The cause of that disease is even more important and relevant than the disease itself if you want to do something about it. His work came to be known as the “Warburg Effect” or the “Warburg Hypothesis” which basically entailed that cancer cells live off sugar (glycolysis) and that they also thrive in an anaerobic environment. These causes lead me to believe the opposite would help to reverse the cancer growth. What do you think?

Dr. Otto Warburg [Photo: Wikipedia]

Oddly enough Dr. Otto Warburg gave his two cents on what can be done to treat and heal cancer and what changes need to take place in the human body for the human body to no longer have cancer. Let me say that again! the man who discovered cancer shared practical information on how cancer can cease to exist based on his understanding of cancer in his research….

Photo Credit


The History of Water Fluoridation You Weren’t Told

Abby Martin takes with a look at the 50 year long practice of water fluoridation in America, outlining adverse health effects and breaking the myth that it helps prevent tooth decay.
LIKE Breaking the Set @
FOLLOW Abby Martin @

1958 Book Exposes Chemical Attack on Humanity: Titled ‘The Age of Treason’

Here are some disturbing revelations from decades ago. Chemicals have become a very large part of our lives and here we had a Doctor warning us way back in the 1950s of the intent of those who introduced them, and of their inherent dangers. We currently hear daily from researchers on that topic.

On our ‘Chemicals’ page on our site there is an interesting (old) article from Mother Jones called  ‘The Corporate Crime of the Century’ .  It describes the dumping of banned chemicals in Third World countries, for convenience, going back even to the 1970s. Once banned in the US the shrewd manufacturers of the chemicals then shipped the ingredients separately abroad to be made up in the destination country, with ne’er a word of course about the final product’s toxicity or status back home.

And here in this article we have Dr Clymer foretelling that this onslaught of chemicals was for a very sinister purpose. No small wonder he was vilified and denounced. The article covers some of the chemicals he addressed, and one of particular interest of course, was fluoride. A very informative read.



“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.”
Dr R Clymer

Old-Thinker News | August 19, 2010

By Daniel Taylor

Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer was in many ways a man ahead of his time, and most certainly controversial. He was attacked by the medical establishment for connecting diet with disease and mental health in his 1917 book Dietetics. Dr. Clymer received his medical degree in 1902 from the College of Medicine and Surgery in Chicago and began practicing Osteopathy. Accusations of fraud surround Dr. Clymer’s career, including this 1923 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association which claims that, “Our records fail to show that this man was ever regularly graduated by any reputable medical college.” What Clymer had to say more than likely had something to do with the denouncement that he received from the medical establishment.

Dr Clymer’s book warning people of what was to come

Though Dr. Clymer may be surrounded with controversy, his 1958 book Your Health and Sanity in the Age of Treason exposes toxic food additives and fluoride with documentation – the majority of which are mainstream scientific studies – that can be verified many times over. What makes this book unique is the fact that Dr. Clymer was one of the first to point out that statements by the elite indicated that these toxins were to be deliberately released “…for the mental deterioration and moral debasement of the mass…”


Quote from Dr Clymer on Fluoride:

“We are aware that the fluorides are extremely toxic substances, and evidence exists to show that even at the recommended level of one part per million of fluoride in drinking water, people in fluoridated communities have been harmed.

We know of reputable, independent medical authorities throughout the United States and in the local area who have found evidence of fluoride damage to persons living in fluoridated communities. These medical authorities disagree with the fluoride hypothesis, and they have raised grave questions with respect to the safety of the procedure for an entire population which includes the young, the old, the susceptible and the infirm as well as the healthy”.




Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm

The truth is well and truly out now on the apparent corruption within the medical industry and how we got here. And for the many other news items about vaccines, cancer protocols (or lack thereof), food additives, environmental pollution … you name it, the word is out. (Note: all of those topics are here on our site).  People are waking up to a very flawed system and the people behind it. Still, don’t just take my word for it, or anybody else’s for that matter, do the research for yourself and keep a very open mind. You will be truly surprised at what is going on in our world that you weren’t aware of. And don’t put it off, the day is coming when the internet (your only real source of truth now) will be curtailed, suppressed or whatever it takes to keep you from you finding out the facts.

In particular check out the information preserved in this article from Dr Moulden’s research. Like many of his peers he received death threats and died at the young age of 49 when he was about to release some valuable research data and treatments.




Moulden – A Search for Life and Truth

by John P. Thomas
Health Impact News

Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth.

Dr Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49.

Because of the strong opposition from big pharma concerning Dr. Moulden’s research, I became concerned that the name of this brilliant researcher and his life’s work had nearly been deleted from the internet. His reputation was being disparaged, and his message of warning and hope was being distorted and buried without a tombstone.

I prepared a series of articles as a tribute to a great physician and as a memorial to a courageous individual who was not afraid to speak the truth about medical corruption and a flawed healthcare system that does more to harm health than it does to cure disease.

This is the first in a series of four articles about Dr. Moulden — the man, the physician, and the powerful advocate for ending all vaccine use. In future articles, I will summarize his detailed scientific evidence, which shows how vaccine damage occurs. I will explain the common mechanisms behind vaccine damage and how vaccines harm the health of everyone who receives them regardless of whether or not they notice any adverse reactions at the time they take the shots.

Dr. Moulden stated:

What we have done to each other [with vaccines] has produced the most profound damage to humankind by humankind in the history of humanity. And the reason why we got here is partly because of:

  1. Our arrogance in thinking that we know everything. In physiology and medicine we do not know everything!
  2. [Our greed] to advance our own self-interest to make money, to sell products and to advance corporate alliances. Commercialization has overtaken the fundamental human value of “do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” When society turns toward this human value, then we would all be working together for the greater good of each other. [However, other values have become more important] I don’t care whose feet I step on or how I get there as long as my American dream is realized. I don’t care who has to pay for it on the way of getting there. [1]

See more at:

Photo Credit for header image:


Must See Documentary: Pharmaceutical & Medical Industry Kill More than All Wars

All information reported on TRUTH TALK NEWS and is sourced and verifiable.
It is critical that you take the initiative to confirm the information contained in this presentation.

For a library of additional links, books, articles and related information please visit

Find your own truth.
There is only one truth.
Seek and you will find it.




Death by Medicine a film by Gary Null

See our Cancer pages particularly ‘How Modern Medicine Became a Monopoly’.


DoD first published ‘Chemtrails’ in 1990 as the title to chemistry course for new pilots at the esteemed US Air Force Academy
By Harold Saive

Contrary to rumors of “conspiracy theory”, the Department of Defense first published “Chemtrails” in 1990 as the title to a chemistry course for new pilots attending the esteemed US Air Force Academy.

It’s reasonable to speculate that “Chemtrails”, and its implied meaning was eventually adopted by civilian observers to describe unusual military jet contrail emissions and later, commercial aircraft persistent contrails.

In etymological terms, the origin of a word is very important. Regardless the intended definition, history clearly shows the term “Chemtrails” originated at the US Department of Defense as the title for a Chemistry manual used at the Air Force Academy cadet training program in the early 1990’s.

The purpose of this post is to establish the term “chemtrails” was invented by the DoD for the Air Force Academy.   However compelling, we resist claiming that the title and/or content is directly linked to the covert aerosol geoengineering and “chemtrails” operation that has been infecting planet earth since the early 1990’s.  The course content, however suggests possible methods for manipulation of the earth’s atmospheric chemistry and conductivity, and could be construed as a course requirement for pilots who could be engaged in deploying chemicals into the atmosphere….

Copy of chemtrails-manual-chain-of-custody-425x640

An inter-library loan initiated by the Alachua County main library yielded a microfilm copy of the 1990 Chemistry 131 Manual used in training by the US Air force Academy. The lending institution was the William T. Young Library at the University of Kentucky as shown in the label below.

The microfilm was in acceptable condition, however the 1990 Chemtrails manual was scanned in 1992 under less than optimum conditions from a well-used original.

The Alachua County Library equipment was used to scan each of the 200 pages to digital *.TIF files. Photoshop was used to optimize each image to the smallest file size that would permit adequate resolution for on-line viewing. Each image was imported to a Microsoft Word page where the complete manual was saved to a 28 MB PDF file. (Portable Document File).



For further information and links on chemtrails/Geoengineering, see our Geoengineering pages. In spite of our own NZ government/corporation’s denial (as in all governments) chemtrails have been deployed over our nation for decades.

South Canterbury Sky Watch Youtube Channel

If you’re new to all of this and just want the ABCs I recommend you go to this site:

NOTE: Header image features a chemtrail over the Rangitikei, captured by the author


MMR Vaccine Causes Autism – Courts Quietly Confirm

 “There can be very little doubt that vaccines can and do cause autism. In these children, the evidence for an adverse reaction involving brain injury following the MMR that progresses to an autism diagnosis is compelling. It’s now a question of the body count. The parents’ story was right all along. Governments must stop playing with words while children continue to be damaged. My hope is that recognition of the intestinal disease in these children will lead to the relief of their suffering. This is long, long overdue.” –said Dr. Wakefield to the independent grassroots outlet.

Patricia Elliott  There have been passionate debates for years and decades, and now there is a possibility parents who were seeking for the truth missed the repeated admissions by drug companies and governments alike that vaccines indeed cause autism.

Finding a free of propaganda documentation or any kind of information was more than difficult, however, since the exact same people who own the world’s drug companies also own America’s news outlets.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield of Austin, Texas was at the center of the fifteen-year controversy that lasted for fifteen years. He was the first one brave enough to publicize the link between stomach disorders and autism, and taking the findings one step further, the link between stomach disorders, autism and the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine.

As many may have expected, due to his work on the issue, this discovery in 1995, and a subsequent research paper published in 1998, the doctor became a victim of a world-wide smear campaign by governments, media and drug corporations.

vaccine-789890_1280Things went so far that he received restrictions in his work, and wasn’t able to legally practice medicine because of his discovery. Instead, he has instead become a best-selling author, the founder of the Strategic Autism Initiative, and the Director of the Autism Media Channel.

Nevertheless, courts, governments and vaccine manufacturers recently have quietly conceded the fact that the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine most likely causes autism and stomach diseases, and pharmaceutical companies even pay out massive monetary awards, totaling in the millions, to the victims in an attempt to compensate them for damages, if thus possible,  and to keep them silent.



See a Chemtrail in Time Lapse – Geoengineering Pollution is Slow Kill to all Life on the Planet

Here is a video from South Canterbury Sky Watch, featuring a chemtrail in time lapse. This enables you to see how these trails begin and how they end up, from a fine straight line, clearly an emission from an aircraft, to hazy white cloud cover. If you’re new to geoengineering and the clouds formed from it, go to our Geoengineering page. You’ll find links there to many other resources. Geoengineering in a nutshell is covert weather modification. If you are of the inclination that these trails are simply contrails aka condensation, imagine your breath on a freezing day, staying there and forming cloud around you. It’s not going to happen.

This video also includes the trailer to a new movie ‘An Unconventional Shade of Grey’ from Michael Murphy, producer of the ‘Why in the World are they Spraying?‘and its two sequels (links below). See links below also for the video information at Youtube.

By the way, about the term ‘chemtrail’ … “Contrary to rumors of ‘conspiracy theory’, the Department of Defense first published ‘Chemtrails’ in 1990 as the title to a chemistry course for new pilots attending the esteemed US Air Force Academy”. (SOURCE)




South Canterbury Sky Watch

Published on Mar 5, 2016

A while ago i was asked to try get a chemtrail on a time lapse, well here we go. ( I finally got one Mick… Mick Raven, ConspiracyOz website 😉 From where i am positioned on the coast line on the beaut South Island of New Zealand, its quite the task to actually keep the time lapse in one place to follow a chemtrail but here you will see, this crap DOESN’T disappear but spreads out.
Strange thing here, Autumn arrived on the 1st of March and low and behold, out of the blue came them bloody trails again. Only days before i had mentioned in a comment, about not seeing one in a while. Maybe i spoke to soon, the curse of the black jelly bean maybe 🙂
As i point out in the video, quite odd to see that the particular plane was not showing up on the radar.
Further on South, there is a place called Omarama, world renown for its thermals and Gliders. Now these gliders, i have seen showing up on Flight Radar, so why is a aeroplane, RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS FILTH, not registering on the radar??
Be sure to stay watching towards the end and see the latest production, that is in progress, from Micheal Murphy.
Here is the link to his and his teams web page:

Other websites well worth the look and support, are:


Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
“Dama May”
“Lost Frontier”


Why in the World are They Spraying? (Full Length) HD
What in the World are They Spraying? 



See How Rodney Council Deals to People Who Expose its Corruption Pt 1

Exposing District Council Corruption

We’ve witnessed recently the cover up of the Horowhenua District Council’s role in polluting their own waterways, and the revelations by a whistle-blower, on the way she and fellow Councillors were coerced into “toeing the line”. Basically … Council corruption.

Here we have corruption of an even more sinister kind in the Auckland district in terms of suppressing dissension about their practices. Unlike the Horowhenua district example, it is not centered on conservation, but reflects what is becoming quite a familiar methodology employed by Councils. Russell Malcolm’s story, told by himself, will shock you and hopefully urge you to action. After exposing Rodney Council corruption around building consents some ten years ago, the entire Council was fired. However, the next time he attempted this, he was met with a scenario that could only be described as your worst nightmare. The first video is concise and tells you basically what happened to him,  the second gives full detail of Mr Malcolm’s very disturbing experience at the hands of Police, the Rodney District Council and even John Key.

The Rodney Council

To see how all of this outworked in the Rodney Council, watch the Vinny Eastwood coverage here or on Youtube. Follow the links.

NZUncovered (Youtube channel)

Thanks to Vinny Eastwood Mr News for this item.
Russell Malcolm questioned extortion at Rodney Council, and several years later Auckland Council staff retaliated by blocking the processing of a consent application. After 2 years of stalling Russell advised council he would be going public.

As he commenced to he was arrested and silenced by gag order bail conditions, coming from Prime Minister John Key.

The matter was highly embarrassing to John Key’s Government at election time.

Three hours after his urgent arrest and detention a town planner is contacted to be the complainant, after being referred to as an ‘evil bitch’ in a blog she was not party to.
No one has ever been charged for such an offense before and no such offense exists under NZ law.
Three months later his home and business is raided twice by Police, forcing the loss of his business. The reason given is because he has pleaded not guilty.

A year later his home and other properties are seized in a joint covert, Police, ASB Bank operation.
Russell arranges refinancing with another Bank, which ASB prevents by blocking access to a valuer. ASB then undersell the properties at half value.”

Watch the video and learn the outcome.

United Nations Agenda 21

What we have seen in the past decade or more with District Councils, is a switch from the old school democracies where Councillors truly represented the views and wishes of their rate payers, to a very different animal. Witness the above scenario experienced by Mr Malcolm and as referred to, the Horowhenua debacle with the sewage spillage into the local waterways. Although I’m not personally a fan of Cameron Slater, he summarizes here some growing anomalies with District Councils. He describes a Government culture that’s in ‘moral decay’.

For further insight into this increasingly familiar scenario, listen to former Australian politician, Anne Bressington’s  speech on this topic as she saw similar happening in her country. Agenda 21 is planet wide, basically, the filtering down into our local governments of the United Nations’ agenda termed, ‘Agenda 21’. It is masked with environmental rhetoric however, as you will see, it is everything but. (See also our Agenda 21 in NZ  page).

“We are at present working discreetly, with all our might, to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands.”                                                       Arnold Toynbee – International Affairs, p.809, November 1931

Watch for Parts 2 and 3 of Russell Malcolm’s story.




“Toe the line and deny any pollution by the HDC” was the clear message given by Mayor Brendan Duffy to Horowhenua District Councillors – a former HD Councillor speaks out



Flu Shot Ingredients & Why You Should NEVER Get One

[Photo Credit:]

Flu shot hysteria is in full swing. In some ways, the most dangerous flu shot ingredients are the socio-political elements that make up the hysteria: drug company marketing, co-worker bullies, corporate mandates. I can’t tell you how many stories I hear from readers who are bullied and subjected to discrimination at corporate offices. It is utterly appalling.

But there are actual ingredients which are, well, pretty bad. They are disgusting. Here are a few winners.

Formaldehyde: You know, the stuff your science class preserved frogs in. This stuff is also used to maintain (stabilize) your flu vaccine concoction. Formaldehyde is a colorless and flammable substance often used in household cleaning products. You can, as alluded to before, embalm a dead body using it. It has been linked to neurological damage and metabolic acidosis. It can make it difficult for you to breath. Your kidney may take a dive. It has also been classified as a carcinogen for humans, which means it causes cancer.

Otherwise, it’s pretty safe.





Watch the doco ‘Silent Epidemic: the Untold Story of Vaccines’


Search for more articles under categories, top left side of page

Fluoride Officially Classified as a Neurotoxin in World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journal


The Lancet, a prestigious medical journal, has just classified sodium fluoride as a neurotoxin.

The movement to remove industrial sodium fluoride from the world’s water supply has been growing in recent years, with evidence coming out against the additive from several sources.

Now, a report from the world’s oldest and most prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, has officially classified fluoride as a neurotoxin, in the same category as arsenic, lead and mercury.

The news was broken by author Stefan Smyle and disseminated by the Facebook page Occupy Food, which linked to the report published in The Lancet Neurology, Volume 13, Issue 3, in the March 2014 edition, by authors Dr. Phillippe Grandjean and Philip J. Landrigan, MD. The report can be viewed by clicking here.

The Top 15 Lies You’re Being Told About Health and Mainstream Medicine

By Marco Torres

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Do you ever question what doctors, nutritionists, institutions and even science tells you about your health, food, environment and lifestyle? You should, because we live in an era of deception and duplicity where the most trusted and valued sources of information are hijacked by much bigger interests than you can imagine.


The reason they’re failing us is because corrupt governments, corporations and the media are constantly feeding us lies on a daily basis, which through repetition, the public eventually accepts as truth. The internet is one of the last frontiers for truth, informing and educating billions on why our systems of health, agriculture, medicine and many other areas we depend on are failing us….

LIE #1. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Can Feed the World
LIE # 2. Electromagnetic Fields and Wireless Radiation are Not Harmful to Humans
LIE # 3. Medical Screening and Treatment Prevent Death

Read the remaining 12 LIES HERE


“The tactics Horowhenua District Council used to discourage people from commenting on sewage spills is long-standing and insidious” … More revelations from former Councillor Anne Hunt

2Copy of Anne

“The tactics Horowhenua District Council used to discourage people from commenting on sewage spills is long-standing and insidious … the whole thrust of one workshop was aimed at undermining the credibility of WECA (Water and Environmental Care Assn Inc.) members”  

“We were given a plausible explanation from staff” and then urged to “get [the message] out there because these people who were complaining didn’t know what they were talking about … as I was generally kept out of the loop, only occasionally did I hear what tactics they were planning to use to discredit these people”

Former HDC Councillor, Anne Hunt

In our previous articles on the topic of the Horowhenua District Council’s role in pollution of its waterways with inadequately treated sewage (see links to articles below) former Councillor Anne Hunt described how Mayor Brendan Duffy had coerced Councillors into  supporting the Council CEO’s assertion that HDC was not guilty of polluting Lake Horowhenua. In other words “deny it”.

In 2007 Councillors Were Expected to “Toe the Line” on Shannon’s Waste Water Treatment (or lack thereof)

Mrs Hunt also described a second occasion when she and her fellow Councillors were expected to “toe the line”. (Go here to read of the first).

This occurred shortly before the election in 2007, the year she first contested the Mayoralty.

Once again, the problem was the Shannon waste water treatment.

In the Environment Court a couple of years later, HDC would admit “pumping 5.1 million litres of partially treated sewage into the Manawatu River” (Dominion Post 2007).

Here in the video you will see straight sewage going into Stansell’s Drain 

Horizons lawyer Ben Vanderkolk told the Court that 5000 cubic metres of sewage was pumped into Stansell’s Drain over 48 hours. “Rudimentary” filter screens including plastic netting had been erected at the entrance to the drain, but this had not stopped contaminants and some sanitary items entering the stream. (Dominion Post 2007)

At the time, HDC had tried to hush it up, and ironically it was Ross Campbell who alerted Cr Hunt to the problem. Stansell’s Drain feeds into the Mangaore tributary of the Manawatu River. There were whitebaiters downstream, so it was a serious health issue.

“There were whitebaiters downstream, so it was a serious health issue”  

Horizons had decided to take legal action against the Horowhenua, admitting that it should have been harder on Horowhenua earlier, so that the years of waste being pumped into the drain could have been stopped.

It was dubbed by Green Party MP Russel Norman as a “terrible example of environmental pollution” and Massey University ecologist Mike Joy said the discharge would have had a big impact on the river which was already severely polluted.

“…once again the elected members were expected to support the public relations spin from HDC” 

Behind the scenes, there was a flurry of e-mails highly critical of Horizons, Mrs Hunt remembers, and once again the elected members were expected to support the public relations spin from HDC.

Ratepayers would be stung twice with legal costs for their district and regional councils, and ultimately the fine.

David Ward as district’s chief executive at the time would later try to claim that by pleading guilty, the council was ‘taking a responsible attitude”, and ratepayers ‘should be pleased’ additional legal costs had been avoided.

HDC’s resource consent for Shannon had expired in 2001, but a temporary renewal was issued for four years while a new consent was sought.

Despite a council meeting that week, Councillors were not notified when an application for a new resource consent was eventually filed in 2005. WECA filed a submission on this proposal.  When Councillors were finally allowed to have some input into an amended proposal, Mrs Hunt says …

“…the whole thrust of this workshop was aimed at undermining the credibility of *WECA members …”

Mrs Hunt says the tactics used to discourage people from commenting on sewage spills is longstanding and insidious.

This week, her priority is supporting Cr Ross Campbell who is facing a code of conduct complaint as a result of his comments on TV 3. Mrs Hunt had several of those during her time on council.

So Who is your District Council Representing?

Being kept “out of the loop” meant that Mrs Hunt was effectively prohibited from representing your (the rate payers’) wishes with regard to protecting  your resources. I would reiterate here, these Councillors are elected by you. You should rightfully expect that your views are going to be reasonably represented by them. This is fundamental to democracy. It is very reasonable to expect that the voiced concerns of Councillors who are fulfilling their role, will not be overridden by a CEO. However, this is where the conflict lies. These CEOs are operating as directors of companies. Consider, your local District Councils are registered on Dun and Bradstreet’s website as companies. (Check this out for yourself). A company is:

“… any formal business entity for profit which may be a corporation, a partnership, association or individual proprietorship…” SOURCE

We need to be asking ourselves, to whom do our Councils (that are really companies) owe their allegiance? To you the ratepayer/citizen? Or to corporate/company interests, given they exist ‘for profit’?

As for silencing District Councillors from speaking out, people should be more than outraged at this. It is a clear abuse of the role entrusted to them by you the public. 

On a final note, these courageous Councillors who have put their heads above the parapet and spoken truth deserve our thanks. Do consider emailing them in that regard, or leave a comment here.  And the same goes for the local residents, in particular Mr Andrews,  who have also stood up and been counted.


If you agree with this article please like our Horowhenua &/or Rangitikei FB pages and share – help us to expose lies and promote truth.

See our Local Govt Watch pages (Horowhenua sub pagefor more info & links, &/or search categories for further articles (at left of any page). 

Please also consider following our blog (right of any page) and do spread the word on all the untruths we have been told! Use the share buttons! 

Thank you!



*(Note, WECA is also on Facebook)
See below for references for this article


Exposing the pollution of your waterways may well incur a violent backlash as two Horowhenua residents found out – the ongoing lip service Councils pay to Iwi, the RMA & ‘sustainable development’

“Toe the line and deny any pollution by the HDC” was the clear message given by Mayor Brendan Duffy to Horowhenua District Councillors – a former HD Councillor speaks out

Horowhenua District Council’s pollution whistleblower has been served a trespass warrant – so what’s to hide?

“HDC is a top drawer polluter” says another Horowhenua District Councillor who filmed similar pollution to Shannon’s 14 months ago – he says HDC’s recent take was “misleading & full of half-truths”



3 Oct 08 Manawatu Standard-Lake Horowhenua Contamination from Sewage Confirmed 

Sad Time for Lake Horowhenua – Green Party Press Release 2 Sept 08

Sewage Ponds Overflow at Lake Horowhenua Green Party Press Release 21 Aug 08 – Russel Norman gets offside with local Council 26 Aug 08




NZ needs a Consul-General (and a $6.2 mill mansion) in Hawaii because ‘the US has big defense headquarters in Honolulu’ … really?

Timely to re blog this as the Govt raises the minimum wage by FIFTY CENTS, which Key says is generous. Really?

Environmental Health Watch NZ

Our pretend government aka corporation is borrowing $27 mill a day to keep us afloat, and has spent $6.2 mill on a house that is double the value of surrounding houses. It’s not a house it’s a mansion fit for a king. Our corporation is also flogging off our state housing, whilst many Kiwis are homeless and doesn’t give a toss about kids in poverty. Here then is a blatant example of ‘let them eat cake’. Something has gone terribly wrong with this country that once stamped out poverty and homelessness. Our CEO is a banker folks, he’s not a leader. He simply poses as one.

In case you missed it, the corporatization of our nation & its former government departments has led to a bottom line of maximizing profits. People no longer matter.

Read TV3’s story & watch the video ….

Untitled $6.2 mill…

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