US bankers stole $7 trillion during COVID-19 lockdown, destroyed small businesses

AGR Daily News

The mainstream media seems to be part of a propaganda operation that is trying to change the conversation right now from what really matters, which is that the most powerful banking cabal in the world – the people who essentially own and operate the government of the United States, the West and much of the world, just stole at least $7 trillion, primarily from poor people in the COVID lockdown which destroyed small businesses all over the world, which is starving poor people all over the world, and which led to the printing of unlimited money for the world’s biggest wealthiest bankers. It bailed them out of their debt crisis and gave them the right to give themselves and their friends as much money as they want by printing it out of thin air and they are doing that even as we speak.

There was a corporate bailout at the…

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“All we need is the right major crisis & the nations will accept the New World Order” (David Rockefeller, ’94)

Operation Lockstep, right in plain sight.

Check out the NWO and Agenda 21/30 pages (& sub pages) for further info… EWR

RELATED: “Under the guise of a pandemic, we will create a prison state” the Rockefeller Foundation’s DOCUMENTED plan for martial law… OPERATION LOCKSTEP

Other ‘achievements’ of the Rockefellers) : How Modern Medicine Became a Monopoly

Image by FrankundFrei from Pixabay

Bill Gates Outspends U.S. Government and Provides $18 BILLION to WHO for COVID Vaccines

AGR Daily News

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced today their plan to vaccinate every person on the planet with a COVID-19 vaccine.

In order to do this, they have received $18 BILLION from two organizations funded by Bill Gates: GAVI and the Vaccine Alliance and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).

It is hard to keep track how much money the U.S. Government has given Big Pharma companies to develop a COVID vaccine, but I believe it is still less than $5 BILLION.

Vaccineimpact Bill Gates Outspends U.S. Government and Provides $18 BILLION to WHO for COVID Vaccines

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Children Have 0.00% Chance of Dying from COVID but are Harmed for Life by Social Distancing, Which has its Roots in CIA Torture Techniques

It’s yet to be seen what NZ’s suicide rates were for the lockdown period. It was noted by somebody that the stats disappeared from the MOH website before lockdown, I have no proof of that of course but will be sending an OI request in due course to determine what the figures were. One seven year old child in the Hawke’s Bay area we noted, had attempted suicide twice. So tragic & so under the radar. While billionaires like Gates fattened their income. EWR

Image by ikon from Pixabay

AGR Daily News

To lead with the conclusion: social isolation is a human rights violation – which is on par with torture and other war crimes.

Indeed, social isolation is theprimaryprotocol deployed against enemies in times of war, regardless of time period or country in question.

This is due in large part to the fact that it is so successful in psychologically destroying the individual, without need of more bloody and difficult physical interventions.

The studies of social isolation against enemies of state began in the 1950’s and 1960’s by the CIA:

“In 1960, one of the agency’s most active contractors, Lawrence Hinkle of Cornell, confirmed the significance of Hebb’s research for the CIA mind-control effort. Through a comprehensive review … ‘for the purposes of intelligence,’ Hinkle found Hebb’s work [on social isolation], in light of the neurological literature, the most promising of all known techniques.”

To wit:

It has long…

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African President of Burundi dies suddenly after expelling WHO for false pandemic

Jun 16, 2020 President of Burundi Pierre Nkurunziza, 55, has died “following a cardiac arrest”. The sudden death comes as a surprise as he had been evaluated recently as being in good overall health.

But controversy has emerged in the African country as local pundits have suggested that his death could have been the consequence of poisoning.

Less than a month ago, the Burundian government ordered the expulsion of experts from the World Organization of Health (WHO) responsible for ‘advising’ on the false pandemic COVID-19.

The President and his Ministry of Foreign Affairs had declared that the WHO representatives would henceforth be ‘persona non grata’, that is not welcome on Burundian territory. For information, to date, and despite its courageous opposition to the WHO, Burundi officially declared only one COVID death. This is compared gainst around 30,000 dead in France, who are largely enslaved by the ‘recommendations’ of the WHO.

The unexpected death of Nkurunziza is reminiscent of the mysterious plane crash of Polish President Lech Kaczyński in 2009, in which he was killed shortly after he refused the vaccine made by the WHO against the H1N1 flu.


Photo: wikipedia – By Copyright World Economic Forum/Eric Miller, ( – originally posted to Flickr as Pierre Nkurunziza – World Economic Forum on Africa 2008, CC BY-SA 2.0,

A NZ psychiatrist pleaded with Jacinda Adern to reconsider the extended lockdown due to concerns about people’s mental health

From Dr. Emanuel Garcia, a citizen of both the US and New Zealand:
Dear Prime Minister Ardern, I am a psychiatrist employed by the Hutt Valley DHB, with whom I have worked for over 14 years, and I am writing to express my concerns about the effects of the lockdown and isolation imposed by your emergency decrees on people generally, particularly those with mental illness.


Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

The Return of Inspector Bozo: Former PM warns of ‘Deep Fakes will he would know.

BEN VIDGEN -- The Consulting 'Oartistic' Dyslexic Detective.

Spies, Lies, Alibis: The Film John Key Really Plays In, Shame We're The  Extras | Aotearoa: A Wider Perspective

Apparently the repetition of the word Fake News has not scarred us enough to only trust big brother. So now the fear porn merchants have a new word ‘deep fake’ And in New Zealand this phase similar to deep throat and deep gag is being sold to us by a big dick Sir John Key, aka Inspector Bozo who own term was plagued by cyber spy drama and deep fakes (e.g mostly everything Key said when ever he opened his mouth). Key who is now marketing himself as cyber security czar says State-based cyber attacks are not new, and people who do not take their cyber risks seriously could get an “awful surprise” Key at the time was speaking at the launch of tech industry hub Umbrellar Connect on Friday. Key was speaking in the capacity as being a director on the board of USA cyber security giant Palo Alto.

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Flying Hare Over Dunedin – tech lords, AI & data mining.

BEN VIDGEN -- The Consulting 'Oartistic' Dyslexic Detective.

Folk like Hyram Twang, one of Dunedin’s most respected musicians and deemed a community stalwart all round town, has just given an eye witness observation of a gulf stream over Mosgiel by Dunedin Airport. Following my own lookey lue at private aircraft and super yachts (many spouting some interesting antennas) I went looking to see what I else I could find.

What I found initially was just puzzling and then startling.

Over the lock down period those planes and boats have shipped in a plethora of market speculators wanting to cash in on Covid 19 and it has included Saudi, Chinese, American, tech lords, data miners, biotech entrepreneurs. They have all visited Dunedin and other parts of NZ (during lock down), with a vision of tomorrow whether we want it or not. We certainly have not being asked or consulted and this would prove to be more of the same when…

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Why is DoC set to poison Fiordland’s stoats when stoats don’t eat 1080 baits & threatened native Kea do?


By Carol Sawyer

So, here they are again and this time DoC have done a wee conjuring trick and say it is for stoats (there being no rats). Stoats don’t eat 1080 baits.”

“We have an estimated 1,000 Kea left in the wild in New Zealand….. in the whole world in fact, as they are endemic – i.e.they exist only here! The latest 1080 poison drop in the Matukituki Valley, Mt Aspiring National Park, February 2020, killed 50% of the Kea. More than that will die in the Wet Jacket Peninsulas drop because it is midwinter and the Kea are very hungry.”

Do you know what happens to 1080-poisoned Kea? They stagger around taking hours and hours to die. They bury their heads in the snow to try and get relief from the pain. Dr.Jo Pollard says “The keas’ deaths will be horrific, with extreme muscular spasms going on for many hours.” David Attenborough called them the most intelligent bird in the world. They are the world’s only alpine parrot.

Three BK-117 helicopters – ZK-IME (a.k.a Big Red the Rescue Helicopter), ZK-HJK,(white), and ZK-HEM, (red and white), and a Longranger, all belonging to HeliOtago Ltd, left Dunedin at 6.30 pm this evening heading west to be in place for starting their evil work tomorrow morning. Seven choppers arrived at Monowai tonight… yet to find out if they are all HeliOtago Ltd or if three are from another company. I have been told HeliOtago Ltd flew the prefeed baits from a private farm property at Monowai, last weekend.

This area has never before been poisoned. The drop was planned for last October but there were NO rats so it was postponed and, I am told, the poison that had been brought south for the drop was instead used in the Kepler Mountains drop last March, which was squeezed in just before lockdown…. I’m informed they added on the Princess Mountains to use all the extra poison up. No monitoring done there apparently.

So, here they are again and this time DoC have done a wee conjuring trick and say it is for stoats (there being no rats). Stoats don’t eat 1080 baits.

I can tell you what it WILL kill in large numbers… Kea. As the area has never before been poisoned there are many Kea reported to be in the area. (A while back a pilot sent me a photo of seven Kea that landed beside him when he touched down there.)

We have an estimated 1,000 Kea left in the wild in New Zealand….. in the whole world in fact, as they are endemic – i.e.they exist only here! The latest 1080 poison drop in the Matukituki Valley, Mt Aspiring National Park, February 2020, killed 50% of the Kea. More than that will die in the Wet Jacket Peninsulas drop because it is midwinter and the Kea are very hungry.

The Empire of the Dept of Conservation, greedy helicopter companies, and all their parasitic acolytes WILL fall… but it will be too late for the Kea.

Any of you gutless DoC employees reading this who put your personal livelihoods before your knowledge of this travesty and the horror it entails, and keep your mouths shut pleading “I can’t afford to lose my job”… hang your heads in shame why don’t you! You know who you are!

Ditto the local media who know about this drop and are too scared to touch it and tell the truth. You know who you are too.

Kea photo: Clyde Graf

The eugenicist Gates are busily Depopulating Africa: funding illegal abortions, sterilization vaccines and HIV linked birth control drugs

Obianuju Ekeocha

27.5K subscribers #ExposeBillGates
Recommended Reading: Target Africa (Kindle version): Target Africa (Paperback) : Recommended Documentary: Strings Attached:… Find & follow me on Twitter: @obianuju

Why Social Distancing Should Not Be the New Normal, by Joseph Mercola


Having sick people stay home is as effective, if not more so, in addressing the coronavirus as lockdowns and social distancing. From Joseph Mercola at

According to some, Bill Gates prominently among them, social distancing is part of “the new normal.” Alas, there’s plenty of evidence to suggest social distancing and lockdowns will not be necessary at all, and were probably a bad idea in the first place.

According to Nobel-prize-winning scientist Michael Levitt,1 the rate of SARS-CoV-2 mortality never experienced exponential growth, as was predicted, which suggests a majority of people may have had some sort of prior resistance or immunity.

Levitt, a professor of structural biology at the Stanford School of Medicine, received the Nobel Prize in 2013 for his development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems.

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Davos: the birthplace of a New World Government? But who are the parents?

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Charlie Chaplin: The Great Dictator

By Robin Horsley

DAVOS, is the small town, nestled high in the Swiss Alps, widely known for hosting the annual conference of global business-people, world leaders, activists, and journalists that takes place every January. The organisation that arranges the event, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and its enigmatic founder Klaus Schwab, are less well-known.

The WEF’s exclusive shindig used to be thought of simply as a grandiose talking-shop. The ultimate annual ‘networking’ event where the wealthy and powerful could grand-stand in front of the world’s media. But in recent years, as the ambitions and agenda of the WEF have become clearer, many people have gradually realised there is far more to Davos and the World Economic Forum than they previously thought. 

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The sleight-of-hand diversion of your attention from what’s just happened

Please note, the FB share button is currently not displaying on all posts on the News page (that’s the front page, not the Home page). To share to FB click on the article heading which takes you to the post page & currently at least the FB button displays on that page. I am unsure why this is happening, but it does periodically & my usual remedies are not working. EWR

Inspire Discipline

380K subscribers This has had many reasons why it’s happening now……Is it to Divert Attention from what’s just happened – “It is all a Diversion” More On Facebook: 🎤 Speaker: David Icke 🎬 All footage is licensed via Storyblocks and Artgrid 🎬 ✂️ If any content owners will want their images removed please contact us Via email at ✂️ ⚠️Video Was Uploaded with Permission from owners ⚠️ * Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. * 1.) This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them) 2.) This video is also for teaching purposes. 3.) It is not transformative in nature. 4.) I only used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary.

Global governance at the door – the long planned global reset

Fourteen of the seventeen Sustainable Development (Aka Agenda 2030) goals (SDGs) involve vaccines. Ostensibly they are maximizing human well being by redistributing wealth (yours not theirs). Hear Spiro Skouras on the global reset they have planned. EWR

Spiro Skouras

84.2K subscribers For months we have seen our way of life change dramatically. We have been told time and time again things will never be the same and we must accept the new normal. Now the social engineers have revealed their hand and officially launched their solution to this crisis. The proposed solution is the Great Reset. In this report we examine what exactly is the great reset and who is involved. We also explore what the Great Reset means for humanity as face unprecedented times. Now is the time for a ‘great reset’… World Economic Forum and UN Sign Strategic Partnership Framework… The Great Reset… What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?…

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

Government poisoning of World Heritage sites in NZ – an open letter from Dr Jo Pollard to IUCN World Headquarters

Peter Shadie
Director, IUCN World Heritage Programme
IUCN World Headquarters
Rue Mauverney 28
1196 Gland

11 June 2020

Dear Mr Shadie

Re: Government poisoning of World Heritage sites in New Zealand – Open letter

I am writing to bring your attention to the serious issue of the New Zealand Government’s aerial poisoning of a World Heritage site and hope that you will urgently contact the World Heritage Committee so they may act on this matter. The 40,000 ha Wet Jacket area is to be aerially poisoned this month under contract to the government’s Department of Conservation (DoC). This poisoning is not justified as the appropriate scientific or technical measure necessary for the conservation of this site, and would breach New Zealand’s obligations under the World Heritage Convention.

The contractor’s application to DoC (attached) to poison the Wet Jacket area describes a hotspot of biodiversity, home to at least 17 species of endangered birds as well as 25 other species of birds. Six species of lizard have been recorded including the rare Fiordland skink. The invertebrate fauna is described as “not fully explored” and “distinctive and important” (Contract Wild Animal Control, 2019).

The 1080 poison to be used is broad spectrum, affecting organisms that breathe oxygen (ERMA, 2007). It is added to cereal food baits and distributed from hoppers carried beneath helicopters. The distribution process creates fragments (Morgan et al. 2015) and dust (Wright et al., 2002). Native lizards, birds and invertebrates are all known to feed on the cereal bait (ERMA 2007). The poison is highly toxic, readily contaminates despite stringent precautions, travels rapidly in water and up food chains, causes reproductive defects across a vast range of species and has highly variable effects which remain poorly understood, with studies being sparse and of poor quality (ERMA, 2007).

Due to poor monitoring, effects of 1080 poisoning on populations of most NZ native animals are unknown (ERMA, 2007; Whiting-O’Keefe & Whiting-O’Keefe, 2007). Only six species of birds were reported as reliably monitored through 1080 drops. Of those, fernbirds suffered most with an estimated 9% loss of the local population per poisoning (Fairweather et al., 2015). Kea have also been intensively monitored, with the finding that on average 12% of birds are killed per operation (DoC, 2016).

The Application to poison the Wet Jacket area shows significant shortcomings, as follow.


The reason given for poisoning the Wet Jacket area is to “protect the health and integrity of the flora and fauna susceptible to predation by rats, stoats and possums.” It lists animal species it considers particularly in need of protection: bats, kiwi, parakeets, kea and fiordland crested penguins.

These claims of susceptibility are not referenced or supported by scientific observations. In fact, it was concluded twice that predation was not a problem to kea (Jackson, 1969; Elliot & Kemp, 1999). Short-tailed bats were considered relatively safe from predators, being fast and agile, fiercely mobbing intruders and choosing winter roosts that were inaccessible (Lloyd et al., 2005). “Evidence” of predation of long tailed bats was just an observed association between low bat survival and high rat numbers (Pryde et al 2005; O’Donnell et al., 2011). Doc has attributed failures of some of its invasively monitored bird nests to predators, however they are not representative of undisturbed nests (Ellenberg et al., 2015).


Known costs left out of the Application include negative ecological effects from aerial poisoning. In many cases, rat numbers rebound to vast new heights within months (Innes et al., 1995; 2010; Powlesland et al., 1999; Ruscoe et al. 2008; Sweetapple et al., 2006). This effect can decimate prey such as invertebrates (Sweetapple & Nugent, 2007). Re-poisoning of rats is likely to become less and less effective due to the rats learning and developing physical tolerance (Byrom et al., 2013; Mitel, 2016; Pollard, 2016). Thus the Eglinton Valley (also in World Heritage site Fiordland National Park) has just received its fourth aerial poisoning in five years (2014, 2016, 2019, 2020). Despite increasing the intensity of the poisoning for rats in September 2019 (DoC, 2019a) another poisoning was carried out this May.

Mouse numbers usually increase soon after aerial poisoning (Innes et al., 1995; Sweetapple & Nugent, 2007, Ruscoe et al., 2008). The increases in rodents during the months after poisoning create ideal conditions to for stoats to flourish (Byrom et al., 2013). In addition, stoats that survived aerial poisoning were found to switch from eating rats to eating native birds (Murphy et al., 1988).

The Application contains no discussion of the conservation importance of the loss of kea, with previous studies indicating a 12% loss of local birds is expected. DoC claims that kea in remote areas are unlikely to get poisoned, however 9% of marked birds were killed by 1080 in an area chosen by DoC to represent remoteness (Kemp et al., 2016 unpublished). The total number of wild kea left is unknown and possibly less than 1000 ((Bond & Diamond, 1992; Harper, 2012; Roy, 2016).

Issues not addressed

Important issues left out of the Application include how much bait will enter the marine area; what effects there will be of baits, fragments and dust in the littoral zone (e.g. on penguins) and in the productive areas of shallow, still water; what will the effects be of the predicted “zero grazing ungulates” (being the last large grazing animals left); what are the chances of cold weather killing off rats in winter if they are left unpoisoned; should a highly diverse, unexplored ecological community be poisoned to try to make it better; what will be done if pest animal numbers are low, without poisoning.

DoC has a strong track record in misleading, pro-poisoning behaviour. It intrudes on nesting birds, attaches equipment to them and their nests, blames predators for nesting failures, then uses the poor nesting results to justify predator control (e.g. for kea (Kemp et al., 2014, unpublished), mohua (Elliott 1996), kiwi (Waterworth, 2019) and kaka (Moorhouse et al., 2003)). It quotes increased “nesting success” as an indication of a bird population’s positive response to poisoning, but nesting success is likely to increase if a population is culled (Nilsson 1984; Arcese & Smith 1988). “Five minute bird counts” are used by DoC to assess bird numbers. This method is notoriously unreliable (Westbrooke & Powlesland 2005; ERMA 2007; Green & Pryde 2012; Hartley 2012), due to major problems such as bird calls increasing after poisoning as birds try to find their dead partners and family, or search for new company.

DoC’s pro-poisoning bias and lack of scientific honesty are also apparent in its publications. For example a stoat plague that followed DoC’s aerial poisoning at Okarito (Kemp et al., 2015, unpublished) was truncated from the published graph (Kemp et al., 2017), despite this being an important outcome. In another example, in a study on bats after a 1080 operation, the contents of one bat roost tree had spilled onto open ground. Inspection revealed a baby bat with placenta attached, which tested positive for 1080. Other roosts in the study were inspected for dead and dying bats by roost camera “where practical” (Edmonds & Pryde, 2015). The published paper has a re-worded section of the original report that now insinuates all roosts were searched equally for dead babies (Edmonds et al., 2017).

The claim that some Eglinton Valley birds are prospering due to DoC’s 1080 poisoning (Minister of Conservation’s media release 11/4/20) is impossible to make: poison in bait stations and trapping are used to try to control mammals in the Eglinton Valley and any separate effects of 1080 cannot be assessed. Mohua (including some from the Wet Jacket area) were restocked there in 2010, 2015 and 2017.

Due to low rodent densities the Wet Jacket area poisoning was postponed in October 2019 (DoC, 2019c). The poisoning has since been promoted in the media as being needed to kill stoats, on the unscientific basis that local, heavily monitored kiwi chicks haven’t been surviving (Waterworth, 2020). These locally monitored kiwi weren’t even mentioned in the Application. There may be a very low stoat kill rate if there is a lack of poisoned rats for them to eat. If the poisoning proceeds regardless of low pest numbers, this will not be unusual. Makarora was poisoned in 2017 for rats despite low numbers (data accessed 22/3/17 via Official Information Act request); poisoning of Arthurs Pass in 2019 went ahead with no rats (data accessed 8/10/19) (mice were present but 1080 pellets are not usually eaten by mice (Fisher & Airey, 2009).

A fraction of the resources being used to poison the Wet Jacket area could support careful, scientific studies of the biodiversity and ecology of the area before a management plan is decided upon. Where populations of rare organisms are considered in immediate danger, localised, benign management can be applied, such as tree banding and caging, and protecting nesting kiwi and kea from DoC staff.

I trust you will act to prevent the unfounded wholesale poisoning of this precious site.

Yours sincerely

Dr Joanna Pollard (BSc (Hons), PhD)

See the IUCN reply to Dr Pollard below references.


Arcese, P., Smith, J.M., 1988. Effects of population density and supplemental food on reproduction in song sparrows. Journal of Animal Ecology 57: 119-136.

Bond, A., Diamond, J., 1992. Population estimates of Kea in Arthur’s Pass National Park. Notornis 39: 151-160.

Byrom, A., Banks, P., Dickman, C. & Pech, R., 2013. Will reinvasion stymie large-scale eradication of invasive mammals in New Zealand? Kararehe Kino 21: 6-7.

Contract Wild Animal Control, 2019b. Completed DoC Application form for predator control in the Wet Jacket Area. 34 pp.

DoC, 2016. Aerial 1080 in kea habitat. Code of Practice. NZ Department of Conservation Unclassified document. 24 pp.

DoC, 2019a. Application for DoC permission to use vertebrate VTAs assessment report: Clinton and Eglinton catchments. 11 pp.

DoC, 2019b.

DoC, 2019c. Revocation permission ID DoC 5909386.

Edmonds, H., Pryde, M., 2015. Eglinton Valley lesser short-tailed bat monitoring programme 2014/2015. DOCDM 1568082 15 pp.

Edmonds, H., Pryde, M., O’Donnell, C., 2017. Survival of PIT-tagged lesser short-tailed bats (Mystacina tuberculata) through an aerial 1080 pest control. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 17: 186-192.

Ellenberg, U., Edwards, E., Mattern, T., Hiscock, J.A., Wilson, R. & Edmonds, H., 2015. Assessing the impact of nest searches on breeding birds – a case study on Fiordland crested penguins (Eudyptes pachyrhynchus). New Zealand Journal of Ecology 39: 231-244.

Elliott, G.,  Kemp, J., 1999. Conservation ecology of kea (Nestor notabilis). WWF-NZ Final Report 1 August 1999, 64 pp.

ERMA Review, 2007. Environmental Risk Management Authority’s reassessment of 1080, 2007, Application HRE05002.

Fairweather, A, Broome, K., Fisher, P., 2015. Sodium fluoroacetate pesticide information review. Department of Conservation Report Docdm-25427. 103 pp.

Fisher, P., Airey, A.T., 2009. Factors affecting 1080 pellet bait acceptance by house mice (Mus musculus). Department of Conservation DOC Research & Development Series Feb-Mar 305-308

Greene, T.C., Pryde, M.A., 2012. Three population estimation methods compared for a known South Island robin population in Fiordland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 36: 340-252.

Guthrie, 2017.

Harper, P., 2012. DOC shocked five Kea shot dead. Nestor Notabilis 6: 24.

Hartley, LJ 2012. Five-minute bird counts in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 36: 268-278.

Innes, J., Kelly, D., Overton, J., Gilles, C. 2010. Predation and other factors currently limiting New Zealand forest birds. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 34: 86-114.

Innes, J., Warburton, B., Williams, D., Speed, H., Bradfield, P. 1995. Large-scale poisoning of ship rats (Rattus rattus) in indigenous forests of the North Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 19: 5-17.

Jackson, J.R., 1969. What do keas die of? Notornis 16: 33-44.

Kemp, J., Orr-Walker, T., Elliott, G., Adams, N., Fraser, J., Roberts, L., Mosen, C., Amey, J., Barrett, B., Makan, T., 2014, unpublished.  Benefits to kea (Nestor notabilis) populations from invasive mammal control via aerial 1080 baiting. Department of Conservation. 29 pp.

Kemp, J., Cunninghame, F., Barrett, B., Makan, T., Fraser, J., Mosen, C., 2015, unpublished. Effect of an aerial 1080 operation on the productivity of the kea (Nestor notabilis) in a West Coast rimu forest. Department of Conservation report. 15 pp.

Kemp, J., Hunter, C., Mosen, C., Elliott, G., 2016, unpublished. Draft: Kea population responses to aerial 1080 treatment in South Island landscapes. Department of Conservation, 14 pp.

Kemp, J., Mosen, C., Elliott, G., Hunter, C., 2018. Effects of the aerial application of 1080 to control pest mammals on kea reproductive success, New Zealand Journal of Ecology 42: 158-168.

King, 1984. Immigrant Killers. Introduced Predators and the conservation of birds in New Zealand. Oxford University Press.

Mitel, S., 2016.

Moorhouse, R., Greene, T., Dilks, P., Powlesland, R., Moran, L., Taylor, G., Jones, A., Knegtmans, J., Wills, D., Pryde, M., Fraser, I., August, A., August, C. 2003: Control of introduced mammalian predators improves kaka Nestor meridionalis breeding success: reversing the decline of a threatened New Zealand parrot. Biological Conservation 110: 33–44.

Morgan, D., Hickling, G. 2000. Techniques Used for Poisoning Possums, in TL Montague (ed. The brushtail possum: biology, impact and management, Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln, pp. 143-153.

Murphy, E., Clapperton, B., Bradfield, P., Speed, H. 1998. Effects of rat-poisoning on abundance and diet of mustelids in New Zealand podocarp forests. NZ J Zoology 25: 315-328.

Nilsson, S.G., 1984. The evolution of nest-site selection among hole-nesting birds: The importance of nest predation and competition. Ornis Scandinavica 15: 167-175.

Pollard. J.C., 2016. Aerial 1080 poisoning in New Zealand: Reasons for concern. 17 pp.

Powlesland, R., Knegtmans, J., Marshall, I. 1999. Costs and benefits of aerial 1080 possum control operations using carrot baits to North Island Robins (Petroica australis longipes), Pureora Forest Park. NZ J Ecology 23: 149-159.

Roy, E.A., 2016. New Zealand kea, the world’s only alpine parrot, faces extinction

Ruscoe, W., Sweetapple, P., Yockney, I., Pech, R., Barron, M., Cave, S., Ramsey, D. 2008. Interactions of mammalian pest populations following control. Kararehe Kino Vertebrate Pest Research 13: 4-6.

Sweetapple, P., Nugent, G., Poutu, N., Horton, P. 2006. Effect of reduced possum density on rodent and stoat abundance in podocarp-hardwood forests. Science for Conservation 231. 25 pp.

Sweetapple, P & Nugent, G 2007 Secondary Effects of Possum Control. Kararehe Kino 11: 9-10.

Waterworth, K., 2019.

Waterworth, K., 2020.

Westbrooke, I.M., Powlesland, R.G., 2005. Comparison of impact between carrot and cereal 1080 baits on tomtits (Petroica macrocephala). New Zealand Journal of Ecology 29: 143-147.

Whiting O’Keefe, P., Whiting-O’Keefe, Q., Aerial monofluoroactate in New Zealand’s forests. An appraisal of the scientific evidence. 89 pp.

Wright, G., Booth, L., Morriss, G., Potts, M., Brown, L., Eason, C. 2002. Assessing potential environmental contamination from compound 1080 (sodium monofluoroacetate) in bait dust during possum control operations. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Science 45: 57-65.


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What no political party talks about … lending you non existent money (credit) at interest … governments (that are corporations in fact) borrowing from private banks that you pay interest on. Important info. EWR

Inspire Discipline

380K subscribers IT’S Going On TODAY!, I don’t hear anyone talk about this, This Exchange has sucked the wealth of the world. More On Facebook: Special Thanks To Our Friend Brian for Amazing Interview 🎤 Speaker: David Icke 🎬 All footage is licensed via Storyblocks 🎬 ✂️ If any content owners will want their images removed please contact us Via email at ✂️ ⚠️Video Was Uploaded with Permission from owners ⚠️ * Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. * 1.) This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them) 2.) This video is also for teaching purposes. 3.) It is not transformative in nature. 4.) I only used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Media Executive Warns Big Tech Is Secretively Seizing “All The Power” Over Information

Nwo Report

Testifies that Google and Facebook are trying to have a monopoly on news with ‘black box’ algorithms

Media Executive Warns Big Tech Is Secretively Seizing "All The Power" Over Information

Source:Steve Watson |

Newspaper executive Peter Wright has slammed big tech for secretively developing and changing algorithms for news distribution without giving the industry any indication whatsoever of what they are doing.

Wright of DMG Media, which is the parent company of The Daily Mail, was testifying before the House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee Tuesday.

He accused companies like Google and Facebook of ‘monopoly behaviour’ as they seek to seize ‘all the power’ in online news and advertising.

Wright claims that the Mail’s online daily traffic from Google searches has been diminished by 50 per cent in just one year after the company changed the algorithm for news content in 2019.

“Google and Facebook in our view are market dominant companies and they behave in the way that market…

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Jacinda’s COVID Coup – How do we take our country back?

By Kiwi4Justice

Jacinda Ardern is now the ‘poster politician’ of the world. She ‘crushed the curve’ and showed the world how to act ‘early and decisively’ to defeat this unprecedented threat to New Zealand and the world. It sounds good. It looks good. We can quite rightly be proud Kiwis leading the world. Or can we?

Underneath the daily COVID media circus, was it actually something very different? Was it in fact New Zealand’s darkest hour? Did Jacinda Ardern, under the direction of the United Nations and very powerful global financial and corporate influencers, just commit the most devastating attack on our nation’s sovereignty and freedom in our short history? Was this in fact Jacinda Ardern’s COVID Coup? If it was, what can the people of New Zealand now do about it?

In 1915-16 at Gallipoli, New Zealand lost around 0.3% of our entire population. It was the most devastating episode of our nation’s history. Those Kiwis died in the mission of fighting to protect the sovereignty and freedom of both New Zealand and other nations. In 2020, it may well be that Kiwis have a new and very different looking ‘Gallipoli moment’, but the threat to our nation’s sovereignty and freedom may well be our most severe ever. On the back of an historically unprecedented lock-down of society, New Zealand as a nation needs to look at this situation very quickly and very seriously. We need to push aside the media propaganda circus and try to assess this situation with a clear mind and true heart. We have no choice but to do this. There is no hiding from this fact, as we have all just experienced.

Let’s take a look at the reality of COVID-19 as we know it now. What the impact has been, and will be, on New Zealand from the actions taken. What has Jacinda Ardern and the New Zealand government really been doing here? It requires the most stringent examination and consideration by the people of New Zealand, RIGHT NOW.

We now know that the severity of the threat of COVID-19 was vastly over-stated by the ‘global advisors’. Neil Ferguson, at Imperial College in London, provided the original projections of tens of millions of deaths globally, based on his computer modelling for which he has a career track record of getting catastrophically wrong. The World Health Organisation (WHO) then adopted Ferguson’s projections, without considering all the other world renowned scientists providing contradictory analysis, and came up with, through extremely ‘dubious methodology’, their own COVID-19 projected mortality rate of 3.4% . A devastating mortality rate when compared to normal flu mortality rate of around 0.1%. This included a projection of 80,000 deaths in New Zealand.

These figures by Imperial College and the WHO are now completely discredited (1). Doctors and scientists all over the world have now come forward with the real-life data showing that the true mortality rate of COVID-19 is in reality very similar to normal flu, but with a very high skewing towards the elderly and health vulnerable (2). Bill Gates funds the Imperial College and is also the number one funder of the WHO, having given them billions of dollars. Bill Gates and the WHO are more or less the same thing. Bill Gates also funds the Pirbright Institute in the UK that in 2015 was granted the patent rights for Corona Virus. Yes, you read that correctly. Bill Gates effectively owns the patent for Corona Virus. In October 2019 Bill Gates also funded and supported ‘Event 201’, a global workshop on how nations could best respond to a hypothetical catastrophic global pandemic of Corona Virus (3) . Two months later the world got that exact scenario. Bill Gates seems to be extremely strongly connected to every single element of COVID-19/Corona Virus, before, during, and after this global event. In 2019 Bill Gates signed off a $100 billion Contact Tracing contract (4). What did he know was coming? He has also set himself up to potentially provide the world with the COVID-19 vaccine solutions, potentially worth hundreds of billions, if not trillions of dollars. In his own words, people will not be able to return to ‘normal society’ until they have received (his) vaccine and his ID2020 solution which combines his two main loves in life, which are vaccines and human tracking technology that can be implanted together inside the human body (5) .

The world is starting to catch up with all this now. On social media during lock-down, the theme #ExposeBillGates went globally viral on social media. This led to many large street protests in the United States and Australia where protestors ignored lock-down orders to take to the streets to demand the arrest of Bill Gates. The United States have now de-funded and broken ties with the WHO/Bill Gates on the back of COVID-19. Italy are now demanding the same thing , and Neil Ferguson has resigned in disgrace from Imperial College (6). Yet despite us now knowing all these things, the narrative of the ‘COVID Catastrophe’ continues in New Zealand and around the world through daily media and political spin and misinformation. Yes, we should take reasonable and appropriate precautions for the virus, but the actions need to be proportionate to the severity of the threat, and they need to be consistent with the OVERALL welfare of the New Zealand people.

So what has been the true impact, the real implications for New Zealand of the government response? The COVID response saw the largest removal of human rights in history, the country was put into a level of financial debt that will take generations to repay, small businesses across the country have been crushed out of existence, hundreds of thousands unemployed, and poverty and suicides sky rocketing.

In response to COVID-19, somewhere in the vicinity of $6-7 trillion was borrowed globally to help cover the costs of lock-down. In New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern borrowed more that $50 billion to keep us all happy with our grants and pay outs while being locked up. The entire world suddenly got put into enormous debt and whoever lent that money just got enormously powerful. Who lent Jacinda Ardern that money? We absolutely need to know, and we absolutely need to know what the conditions of that loan were. Because whoever it was, they now control or dictate how New Zealand operates. That’s how these things work. Does New Zealand still have its national sovereignty, or has Jacinda Ardern effectively sold that?

Was this all linked through the World Economic Forum in some way, which is the sister organisation of the United Nations, which is the sister organisation of the WHO/Bill Gates? The ‘Event 201’ global Corona Virus training exercise conducted in October 2019 was conducted in partnership by the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates. On the back of COVID-19, the sister organisations of the World Economic Forum, the United Nations and the WHO/Bill Gates, have since recommended to the world that 10% of every country’s GDP be paid to them. That is approximately $8.7 trillion per year (7). Something is smelling very bad here.

Then we have the NZ COVID-19 Public Health Response Bill (8). Some people have referred to this as Jacinda Ardern’s ‘God Bill’, because it gives Jacinda Ardern the power to do almost anything she likes. It gives her the power for Police Officers or ‘Enforcement Officers’ to forcibly enter homes and other premises without any due process or evidence, detain people, and put them into isolated confinement for an undetermined period of time. It allows Jacinda Ardern to order the shut-down of a business or businesses at her discretion as she feels necessary, and allows her to ban public gathering to protest, which is one of the foundations of the Bill of Rights and freedom of speech (9). The new Internet Filtering Bill is also something that looks potentially alarming in its move towards government powers to decide what type of information and messages the New Zealand public can and can’t communicate.

These are all government powers and individual powers of enormous significance. The Public Health Response Bill completely overrides the New Zealand Bill of Rights, which is the single biggest protection of human rights that the people of New Zealand have. This is not reflective of a democratic and free society. This is much more reflective of what countries with dictatorships and tyranny look like. Not New Zealand. Remember, these extreme looking government powers have been rushed through parliament, and many more are currently being rushed through, on the back of something that has now been confirmed as having a mortality rate similar to normal flu. We need to stop and think. Does this make rational sense? If it doesn’t, then we need to ask ourselves why it doesn’t make sense.

Who would want to own a small business in New Zealand now? Small local businesses are the life blood and the backbone of the New Zealand community. But more and more we see this being engulfed by big corporations and big government. COVID-19 has put that trend onto steroids. Now we also have the military taking over COVID-19 quarantine. What’s going to be next?

A very disturbing aspect of the whole global COVID-19 event is that so many of the extreme measures that have been implemented in New Zealand and around the world are very consistent with a direction towards United Nations Agenda 21, which has now been morphed into United Nations Agenda 2030. If people in New Zealand don’t know what UN Agenda 21 and UN Agenda 2030 are, they need to research this. Quite urgently. The United Nations and the WHO/Bill Gates have a very clear blueprint for how they want the world to look and operate in the future. That blueprint for the world is VERY different to how today’s global society looks. It is based on an extremely restrictive society and extremely restrictive way of life, based on a total command and control structure, tracking and control of every aspect of people’s lives, and dictated from a centralised global power structure. It also includes Bill Gates’ ID2020 plans described earlier. Agenda 21/30 is not a way of life that most people in the world would be sprinting towards and embracing by choice. But COVID-19 sure did introduce and acclimatise the public to a lot of the features of the Agenda 21/30 blueprints. Many of the UN Agenda 21/30 templates and community behaviours have now been established for the future through COVID-19, whether that comes through COVID-19 Part 2, or something else down the track.

An important point to note here. Jacinda Ardern spent significant and focussed time in 2019 with both the United Nations and Bill Gates, and pledged to lead the world in implementing their plans (10). She appears to be true to her word on that front.

So, is New Zealand being run by a government representing New Zealand, or is it being run by the United Nations, the WHO/Bill Gates, and others? There are some very disturbing looking things at play here. As highlighted earlier, right now may well be New Zealand’s new ‘Gallipoli moment’. Our country, our sovereignty, our freedom, and our way of life look to be in severe jeopardy.

So what can be done about it? How can the people of New Zealand fight such high levels of corruption and such powerful global influences and threats to our country? To try to fight this it cannot be anything that vaguely resembles political business as usual. The big traditional political parties of National and Labour are both going to be completely controlled and obedient to this power structure. That is the law of the jungle in geo-politics at the moment unfortunately. A very dark level of corruption has taken hold and has been embedded very deeply, very strongly, and very widely.

The only possible way is for a true bottom up, grass roots political uprising. It will require New Zealand government to actually be taken back by ‘non politicians’. By people who actually don’t want the power and influence that comes with that. We are seeing this developing in New Zealand right now. We are seeing a big rise in new political parties, driven by non politicians. Driven instead by patriotic Kiwis who actually have no desire to be politicians, but who just want to fight to get their country back for the people of New Zealand and for the Kiwi way of life.

It has to be this way. There has to be a seismic shift in who and how New Zealand is run. Right at the top of the list of what will be needed is a ‘People’s Constitution of NZ’. A core framework of human rights and values for New Zealand which sits at the very top of the New Zealand legal framework as the supreme law of the land. Something that cannot be overridden by someone like Jacinda Ardern taking instructions from someone like Bill Gates. The power of big decision making needs to swing back much more into the hands of the people so that career politicians can’t just sell off New Zealand’s sovereignty and freedom.

These are things that are easy to say, but mighty difficult to do. There is no denying that. But the people of New Zealand have to throw everything at this, RIGHT NOW. The situation is very time urgent. This is New Zealand’s new Gallipoli. Courageous and committed people are standing up around New Zealand and drawing their line in the sand to ‘fight’ this right now.

So far, two new political parties have come forward and pledged to run specifically on the agenda of creating a ‘People’s Constitution of NZ’ as described above. The NZ Outdoors Party have pledged to do this, and leading Environmental Lawyer Sue Grey is driving the party on that front (11). Renowned international musician Billy Te Kahika has stepped up and is now inspiring a dramatic rise of a new political party, the NZ Public Party (12). His speech in Auckland on June 11th to a packed house to launch the new party laid out a clear framework for returning power from the United Nations power grab and global power systems, back to the New Zealand people, and back to New Zealand sovereignty (13). Other parties and other committed Kiwis are stepping up with similar messages and similar agendas right across New Zealand.

A grass roots political revolution driven by real Kiwis may well be blowing in the winds when spring hits in the lead up to the September election. Will this be the cure for COVID-19? New Zealand desperately needs it. Support for this is spreading rapidly across New Zealand. It’s spreading like…….well…….a virus.















Image by Sophie Janotta from Pixabay

Tale of Two Pandemics And the 2nd Wave

Truth To Power

“We’re stopping it here, and we’re going to do that no matter what it takes. But we can choose to do that by creating a police state and taking steps that are scary to people, or we can choose to see people as our fellow human beings and treat them with compassion and respect. We chose the latter course.” That was the Dallas official praised in national media talking about how he would handle EBOLA in 2014 (who this yr went full police state, fined & locked up a hairdresser who wasn’t even sick). Now TX Gov Abbott is vilified on media & social media for taking the same approach with COVID that has the same fatality rate as ordinary flu. There Has Been A Massive 90% Drop In Deaths In The last Two Months That The Media Is Covering Up!!

Link To Banned Video:

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Bayer settles Roundup cancer lawsuits for up to $10.9 billion


Bayer AG agreed to settle U.S. lawsuits claiming that its widely-used weedkiller Roundup caused cancer for as much as $10.9 billion after more than a year of talks, resolving litigation that has hit the company’s share price.

The German drugs and pesticides maker has come to terms with about 75% of the current Roundup plaintiffs, involving about 125,000 filed and unfiled claims overall, it said in a statement on Wednesday.

The German drugs and pesticides maker has come to terms with 
about 75% of the current Roundup plaintiffs.
The German drugs and pesticides maker has come to terms with about 75% of the current Roundup plaintiffs. © Mark RALSTON AFP

The settled cases account for about 95% of those currently set for trial, it added.

“The Roundup settlement is the right action at the right time for Bayer to bring a long period of uncertainty to an end,” Bayer Chief Executive Werner Baumann said.

The company added it will make a payment of $8.8-$9.6 billion to resolve the…

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BEN VIDGEN -- The Consulting 'Oartistic' Dyslexic Detective.

Ben Vidgen look at Murdoch paper links to current story being stirred up in Auckland and the Murdoch own ties to the Auckland marina and Dancing Hare.

Vidgen highlight the Murdoch ties to Dancing Hare when there boat were in NZ parked next to Dancin Hare earlier in the year and Murdoch 10,000 reward for information on where Ghislaine Maxwell is. Then debunks the so called cyanide claims after speaking to regional headquarters Richard Twomey and confirm America cups planning under way despite the covid 19 crisis.

Again the real story is not its pedo boat or even tied to Maxwell but how come their appears one rule for VIP who want to enter the country and another for those who are not well connected and wealthy.

And Vidgen focus on the shady background of the UnIted Nation (not United NationS) “marshals” who steering Dancing Hare story away from 5G…

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The cashless economy – an ‘unintended’ cost of avoiding contact?

Bank branches and ATMs set to close across Australia as the pandemic shifts Aussies into the ‘cashless economy’. Unintended? Not in my opinion. If you’ve had your finger on the Agenda 21/30 pulse you’ll know that’s always been the end game. That dear Kiwi man Barry Smith told those who would listen in the 1970s that was the end game. Digital transactions make you 100% track and traceable. It will still suck in the trusting however. Note they refer to the many thousands of elderly from rural areas who will prefer cash … as with previous rural bank closures it will be stiff cheese for them. Those in control make ‘caring’ noises but they are anything but. Remember the recent scenarios where the elderly died alone in elderly facilities? In some countries they were simply abandoned. This no cash scenario is their not so subtle way of getting you out of rural areas folks, but they make it look like it’s your choice. You wanted it. However smart cities is the favored destination under Agenda 2030. Pack and stack living and (having gifted your state housing to property developers) locked into the (not so) smart grid. It’s all moving along according to plan. EWR

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay