Who’s checking the promises as Kiwi land ownership is lost? – Winston Peters

Certainly NZ is being sold lock, stock and barrel. The National Government seems indeed set on disposing of land hand over fist, along with our State Housing and other assets. This is the way of corporations … remember, our government is a corporation. The face of our country is truly changing in a very disturbing way. Watch this space.     EnvirowatchRangitikei

From Radio Live 31 Aug 2015

court-510750_1280“New Zealand land continues to go under the hammer to foreign buyers but no one is holding buyers to their promises of job and wealth creation for New Zealanders.

Strange, given the approvals are based on those promises. Oddly, no applications get rejected. In the last two years they have all been approved.

The promises, which give them the go ahead, include job creation, investment, protection of indigenous plants, donations to local organisations or schools, etc.

The Overseas Investment Office, the apparent guardian of our precious land, is letting us down. But the fault lies with the government which should be staffing it adequately and giving it the correct mandate…”

Winston Peters is NZ First leader 

Read more: http://www.radiolive.co.nz/WINSTON-PETERS-Whos-checking-the-promises-as-Kiwi-land-ownership-is-lost/tabid/615/articleID/95724/Default.aspx

A Rangitikei observer reports seven to twelve truckloads of leachate per day for the WWTP

The Marton Waste Water Treatment Plant is up for a multi million dollar upgrade as reported recently in the Wanganui Chronicle. It was noted in the article (and locals of course know this) that “…a contributor to the current plant’s failure was leachate (landfill run-off), which was trucked to the treatment plant from Bonny Glen landfill..” 

According to RDC’s own report of December 2014 “Marton’s WWTP is configured as a domestic/municipal wastewater treatment based upon pond technology. It is not well suited to provide high levels of treatment to significant industrial trade wastes of a complex nature”. 

The Chronicle’s article goes on to say that … “The landfill’s owners are now working on pre-treating the leachate and the council’s utility assets manager Joanna Saywell suggested Midwest may be able to fully treat the leachate within a few years.”

The operative words here are “working on”, “may be able to” and “a few years”. This non specificity will allow all parties concerned to drag their feet for quite possibly another decade or so  given the wheels of bureaucracy turn very slowly. Note they have dragged their feet for one decade already whilst polluting the Tutaenui stream to who knows what extent … as  deputy Mayor “Mr McManaway said it was a worry that records of what was being put through the system [that he serves] had not been maintained.” (Wanganui Chronicle 20/12/14). In fact, with 10 of the required 36 reports over nine years either missing or non-existent, and a decade of largely non-compliance, going by the water testing that did occur,  we can fairly safely conclude it’s in a bad state. And the in-stream biota surveys? There’s been none since 2002 … the consent requires one every three years so four are missing. (These surveys tell us the state of the stream’s aquatic life, if any). My two queries in March to RDC asking if there’d be another one hasn’t garnered a response yet.

In December 2014, pre-consent stage, the official reporting of leachate-truck activity was one load every two days:

“Leachate is put into the waste water system about every second day under a ‘gentleman’s agreement’ between the council and Bonny Glen operators Midwest Disposals Ltd… Some days leachate can contribute almost 70 per cent of the ammoniacal nitrogen levels which regularly exceed consented levels..”  Wanganui Chronicle 20/12/14

A person on the truck route commented on the article however that they were seeing the leachate truck go past at least three times a day. A conservative estimate then would make that one round trip a day at least.

Waste water treatment in Marton

Fast forward eight months. The consents are granted to quintuple the landfill size (not quadruple as previously broadcast) with a now increased volume of leachate due to the extended capacity of the landfill. It’s been observed by a local who lives on the truck route, that the leachate tanker is making seven round trips a day on average, and often there are two tankers working bringing that up to twelve round trips a day, six days per week.  So we have progressed from an estimated six truckloads per week to a conservative forty two to seventy two per week. That is quite some increase.

We are certainly going to be needing that multi million dollar upgrade and let’s keep our fingers crossed that Midwest “may be able” to treat the leachate themselves “within a few years” as they’re saying. As Nigel Belsham’s quoted in the article, “… if it was trade waste causing problems to the plant and not domestic waste, the bill should be picked up by industry.” 

But then we do have a gentleman’s agreement that it appears, at all costs must be kept. Hopefully RDC will see their way clear to getting an in-stream biota survey soon so we can know how trashed the Tutaenui really is.

If you haven’t surely already deduced this, RDC, like councils everywhere these days, has been placing corporate interests above the interests of both the environment and the people who elect them. These same councils espouse ‘sustainability’ – the new ‘buzz’ word – while in reality their practices are everything but sustainable.


Who controls the money controls the world

A 13 minute clip that explains the money system. Many notable people have referred to the banking fraternity’s control over the planet … one was Reginald McKenna, who had served as Chancellor of England’s Exchequer. In 1924 he said:

“I am afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can and do create money, and they who control the credit of a nation direct the policy of the governments and hold in the hollow of their hands, the destiny of the people”

“All facts in this movie have been independently confirmed. Sources are documented athttp://thrivemovement.com   History will repeat itself as long as these bankers and their corrupt politicians are in charge…” (Source)

Give me control over a nation’s economy, and I care not who writes its laws

Meyer Amschel Rothschild

Dr. Sebi: The Man Who Cures AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes and More

By Carolanne Wright

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

“Meet Dr. Sebi, a pathologist, biochemist and herbalist. He came to the U.S. from Honduras and is on a mission to heal humanity. As it happens, he has been curing some of the most deadly diseases on the planet for almost 30 years. AIDS, cancer, diabetes, lupus and epilepsy are just a few of the ailments he has completely reversed. In fact, he is so committed to his work that he took on the Attorney General of New York in a Supreme Court trial — and won….The judge presiding over the case requested that Dr. Sebi provide one witness for each disease he claimed to have cured. When he instead furnished 70 witnesses to support his argument — showing without a doubt that he did in truth heal all the diseases listed in the ad — the judge declared the doctor not guilty on all counts…” 

Read about Dr Sebi’s protocols and healing diet in the full article with videos at the wake-up world website.

Visit Dr Sebi’s FB page for further info & links to his websites: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Sebi-Natural-Healer/162740820412753

Video Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM0EsgT9_00

Read more: http://wakeup-world.com/2015/08/28/dr-sebi-the-man-who-cures-aids-cancer-diabetes-and-more/?utm_campaign=Wake+Up+World+e-Newsletter&utm_content=Latest+Headlines+inc.+Dr.+Sebi%3A+The+Man+Who+Cures+AIDS%2C+Cancer%2C+Diabetes+and+More&utm_medium=email&utm_source=getresponse

Another week of neoliberal economics – (and who cares about the poor?) – from the Daily Blog

From the Daily Blog in NZ, a thought provoking look at the world of economics where policy fallout on human populations is of no particular importance. Discussing also the incentives (are there any?) for mothers to leave their babies in day care and take up paid employment. Many are apparently worse off for working full time.

Capitalism is not about free competitive choices among people who are reasonably equal in their buying and selling of economic power, it is about concentrating capital, concentrating economic power in very few hands using that power to trash everyone who gets in their way. (David Korten)

By   /   August 29, 2015
“In the world of economics there are no crises, no gender issues, no growing inequality, no precariat hanging on in a fragile labour market by their toenails. No families ‘choosing’ to be cold and sick so they can pay the rent, no mothers  sent to jail for infringing 19th century rules,  no children spluttering up sputum from 3rd world diseases because our  housing is so bad ,no inconvenient  hungry students with enormous debt ….
mansion-411128_1280Thus it was this week on Monday at the 13th annual economists breakfast  at the Heritage hotel in Auckland…

Economists after economist pontificated on whether interest rates and exchange  rates are going up or down and why and the virtues of quantitative easing that didn’t happen soon enough, apparently, except in the US.  Never a mention of fiscal policy, except the bad effects of increase in GST in Japan…
…of course, there was no mention by the economists of high rates of poverty, , casualisation, low pay and uncertain hours, rampant speculative activity in real estate and growing inequality, even though the IMF and the OECD are regularly warning of the dangers…

When the inevitable downturn produces higher unemployment, more foodbank demand, foreclosures and poor-330395_1280widespread mental illness, who asks or cares whether the economic system works for low and middle income people and their children?”

Kiwis lose $871 million from power company privatisations, power is up 3.8% & the elderly freeze

Whilst many elderly are stopping in bed all day to keep warm because they are paying outrageous prices for power (courtesy of Smart Meters) the CEOs of the powercos are on salaries of 1-2 million dollars. This is the insanity of corporate greed at its finest.

Today’s business corporation is an artificial creation, shielding owners and managers while preserving corporate privilege and existence. Artificial or not, corporations have won more rights under law than people have – rights which government has protected with armed force
Richard L Grossman and Frank T Adams
Recent articles in Nelson have illustrated what can happen following the installation of Smart Meters with accounts coming in at double the normal price and beyond. (Post to come on that one). The Greens in this article have highlighted the nonsensical world of privatisation … a thinly veiled scheme that clearly benefits the corporate world while claiming to benefit all. Remember, we were told the asset sales would get us out of debt (clearly wrong as our debt continues to climb). We were also told that more powercos meant more competition (free enterprise, the market and all that)  which would mean lower prices … wrong again.
“…free enterprise, [is] a term that refers, in practice, to a system of public subsidy and private profit, with massive government intervention in the economy to maintain a welfare state for the rich.”   Noam Chomsky

“New analysis of the financial statements of Genesis, Mighty River Power, and Meridian released by the Green Party today shows that National’s partial privatisation of power companies has cost New Zealand taxpayers $871 million, the Green Party said.

“The latest data shows that National’s sale of 49 percent of shares in the power companies was a massive transfer of wealth from the people of New Zealand to a few select investors, many who live overseas,” Green Party energy spokesperson Gareth Hughes said.

“If the Crown still owned 100 percent of these companies, taxpayers could collectively have earned another $381 million this year alone and a whopping $775 million since the selloff.

“Add to that the $96 million of costs associated with the sale process, including bonus shares to sweeten the deal for private investors, and the New Zealand taxpayer is $871 million worse off because of National’s failed privatisation plan.

“Consumers are hurting because power prices are up 3.8 percent – meanwhile power companies are paying out massive salaries to their CEOs and directors.

“The CEOs of the three partially privatised power companies now all earn over a million dollars each, and Meridian’s CEO gets close to $2 million when extra perks are included.

“Rising salaries for power company CEOs are cold comfort for Kiwi households facing higher power bills,” said Mr Hughes.

Mighty River Power’s announcement today of a special shareholder dividend means it will pay out almost $300 million for the year, and caps off a string of recent profit announcements from the partially privatised power companies. Contact and Meridian are also paying special dividends, while Genesis’ profit doubled from the previous year.

The Green Party has released new analysis, undertaken by the Parliamentary Library, of the financial statements of the recently partially privatised power companies Genesis, Mighty River Power, and Meridian.

SOURCE: https://www.greens.org.nz/news/press-releases/kiwis-lose-871-million-power-company-privatisations

World Health Organization Only Requires 90 Days ‘Safety Testing’ on GMOS – Not Long Enough for Tumours to Show

It is well documented what GMOs do to the human body (see videos in this article) let alone the animals. (Liver disease is one effect). However, here we see how Monsanto (and WHO) manage to hoodwink the public by ensuring the testing period required is not long enough for any health effects to emerge … yet. As Prof Seralini discovered in his two year long research with lab rats.  As to the animals, here in NZ our stock (who knows how much) is being fed GE feed. Two producers I’ve contacted here in NZ who are particularly more humane in their animal treatment couldn’t rule out some of the cheaper feed they acquire (making their businesses economically viable) ‘may’ contain GMOs given they are soy products. So … if they admit they possibly are feeding their stock GE food, then what of the larger factory farmed livestock where cost cutting is a primary objective? You can bet your bottom dollar they will be munching on GE feed. The Green Party has drawn this to the public’s attention numerous times.

An excerpt from the Natural Society’s article:

By Christina Sarich

“The WHO could have picked any arbitrary number of months to ensure that GMOs were safe, and make sure that the public wasn’t dining on food that would cause serious damage to their intestines, their livers, their reproductive organs, and their brains. But I suppose just THREE months will do just fine when experimenting with the global food supply and global population.”

Read more about the GMO/Glyphosate connection at our website:https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/glyphosate/
Sign our Petition to Restrict the Use of Glyphosate in Rangitikei’s Urban Public Spaces: https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/petition-2/

The Horrible Truth About Fukushima — Helen Caldicott, MD

Like many folk today you possibly think that Fukushima has gone away and all’s well. At least that is what the media would have us believe. Dr Helen Caldicott, co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, has authored many books on this topic & for over four decades has been the embodiment of the anti-nuclear banner. Listen to her tell you how things really are. (38 min Video)

Published on May 6, 2015

“Australia Nobel Prize Candidate Helen Caldicott MD discusses the grave danger of Fukushima Radiation – Helen Caldicott, MD was among 45 leading scholars, authors and activists who convened at The Great Hall of Cooper Union, New York City, on October 25-26, … Helen and Arnie talked about the lies and deception practiced and sustained by TEPCO, the Japanese regulators and government, even to this day at Fukushima … Streamed live on Nov 10, 2013 “
PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE YOU LOVE…IMMEDIATELY! Take notice of what Helen Caldicott is saying.”
The Horrible Truth About Fukushima — Helen Caldicott, MD

What’s Really Going On At Fukushima? by Tyler Durden

“Fukushima’s still radiating, self-perpetuating, immeasurable, and limitless, like a horrible incorrigible Doctor Who monster encounter in deep space.

Fukushima will likely go down in history as the biggest cover-up of the 21st Century. Governments and corporations are not leveling with citizens about the risks and dangers; similarly, truth itself, as an ethical standard, is at risk of going to shambles as the glue that holds together the trust and belief in society’s institutions. Ultimately, this is an example of how societies fail….Tens of thousands of Fukushima residents remain in temporary housing more than four years after the horrific disaster of March 2011….[radiation] is insidious because it cannot be detected by human senses. People are not biologically equipped to feel its power, or see, or hear, touch or smell it (Caldicott). Not only that, it slowly accumulates over time in a dastardly fashion that serves to hide its effects until it is too late….

Chernobyl’s Destruction Mirrors Fukushima’s Future

As an example of how media fails to deal with disaster blowback, here are some Chernobyl facts that have not received enough widespread news coverage: Over one million (1,000,000) people have already died from Chernobyl’s fallout….

Fukushima is literally a time bomb in quiescence. Another powerful quake and all hell could break loose. Also, it is not even close to being under control. Rather, it is totally out of control. According to Dr. Caldicott, “It’s still possible that Tokyo may have to be evacuated, depending upon how things go.” Imagine that!…As the disaster happened, enormous levels of radiation hit Tokyo. The highest radiation detected in the Tokyo Metro area was in Saitama with cesium radiation levels detected at 919,000 becquerel (Bq) per square meter, a level almost twice as high as Chernobyl’s “permanent dead zone evacuation limit of 500,000 Bq”….“The US government has come up with a decision at the highest levels of the State Department, as well as other departments who made a decision to downplay Fukushima….

Dr. Caldicott ended her speech on Sept. 2014 by saying: “In Fukushima, it is not over. Everyday, four hundred tons of highly radioactive water pours into the Pacific and heads towards the U.S. Because the radiation accumulates in fish, we get that too. The U.S. government is not testing the water, not testing the fish, and not testing the ambient air. Also, people in Japan are eating radiation every day.”…

Read the full article with links to Dr Caldicott’s and other books on this issue: 


How Smart Meters Are Harmful, Raise Costs and Invade Privacy

From Natural News, a short video clip that explains in a nutshell what is wrong about having a Smart Meter in your home … particularly of note are the health effects. You can also follow the links to sign up to their free EMF summit.

Raising costs is a significant issue, as if the health ones weren’t enough with Smart Meters (aka Advanced Meters here in NZ)

A Genesis Smart Meter
A Genesis Smart Meter
Elderly struggling to keep warm

… I know of two people locally whose power bills are inexplicably & astronomically high. An elderly pensioner who has a scantily used electric heater, is in a one bedroom flat and is paying $300 per month. Another I know uses no heater at all and pays $200 per month. Both with Smart Meters. And another with no Smart Meter, similar sized flat, heater going most days, most of the day, $200-230 per month. This is not right no matter what way you look at it. We noted here recently that elderly NZ folks were staying in bed all day to keep warm. And yet the powercos offer no other explanation I’ve found other than pre Smart Meter you were getting cheap power because the meter wasn’t measuring it properly. Shame on them. These elderly people built the cruisy world these predators live in and they are riding rough shod over the top of them. They are too polite to switch power companies or insist on some answers. Watch for a further post on this matter.Check out more information on the site for links to help and advice on avoiding a Smart Meter, or what to do if you already have one. Your best education on this issue is to watch the award winning documentary ‘Take Back Your Power’ at their website. If you are in the Rangitikei I can lend you a copy to watch.   (EnvirowatchRangitikei)

The man who speaks on the clip is Farren Landers of healthyhomesenvironmental.com

“Join us at http://EMFsummit.com to learn all about Smart meters, how they raise your electrical costs, invade privacy and emit harmful EMF radiation. This expert interview series will help you understand the dangers of electromagnetic radiation and what you can do to protect yourself and your family.

It seems we are asleep and unaware of the international roll out of Smart meters. Women are calling Farren Lander in tears as their children are getting sick from the Smart meters on the home.

Farren calls it residential espionage. Smart meters are used to collect data about your personal and private activities. They are used to cut off your power and more.

On the EMF summit you can watch world class experts in the field of EMF radiation”

Watch the video here:


Nestle Pays Only $524 to Extract 27,000,000 Gallons of California Drinking Water – from Antimedia

More revelations on Nestle from Claire Bernish at ANTIMEDIA, August 20, 2015


Some thoughts on our own supplies of water in NZ:

Lake Horowhenua

Many Kiwis will be aware of similar water issues here, particularly the Hawkes Bay where water rights have been sold to a Chinese company at bargain rates, giving them the right to extract, bottle and sell, whilst local orchardists pay through the nose for water to irrigate their orchards. Watch for a post on this issue. Water rights is an issue of growing importance, something we were all warned about by Maude Barlow in her book ‘Blue Gold’. These supplies, particularly aquifers, are indeed gold now as the rivers world wide are becoming increasingly polluted to the extent they are unsafe to drink or often even to swim in, as in the case of Lake Horowhenua. Continually the environment is being compromised in favour of corporate profits, and our authorities are letting them away with it. This reeks of corruption in the light of our so called ‘sustainable’ councils which speak

Bonny Glen Landfill
Midwest Disposal’s Landfill

with forked tongues. Not only are they allowing foreign companies to pillage precious supplies at ‘mates rates’, they also turn a blind eye to industry’s ongoing and blatant pollution of our precious waterways. This is evident in Rangitikei’s ongoing issue and lack of accountability with regard to the dumping of leachate into our water systems by local landfill owners, Midwest Disposals. Watch this space.


Now More on California & Nestle’s Super Cheap Water Rights

“In 2013, the company drew 27 million gallons of water from 12 springs in Strawberry Canyon for the brand — apparently by employing rather impressive legerdemain —considering the permit to do soexpired in 1988.

But, as Nestle will tell you, that really isn’t cause for concern since it swears it is a good steward of the land and, after all, that expired permit’s annual fee has been diligently and faithfully paid in full —all $524 of it.” ….

“There is another site the company drains for profit while California’s historic drought rages on: Deer Canyon. Last year, Nestle drew 76 million gallons from the springs in that location, which is a sizable increase over 2013’s 56 million-gallon draw” …

“Though there is no way to verify exactly how much Nestle must spend to produce a single bottle of Arrowhead spring water, the astronomical profit is undeniable fact: the most popular size of a bottle of Arrowhead 100% Mountain Spring Water (1 liter) retails for 89¢ — putting the potential profit for Nestle in the tens of billions.

Activists have called for a boycott of Nestle Waters and all Nestle products until they are held accountable for their actions in California.”

Read the full article here: 


Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression

Smart Meter Harm

Neurological, psychiatric, and specifically cognitive impacts are commonly reported by the public after exposure to wireless microwave technology, including Smart Meters. These include

Insomnia, headaches and migraines, tinnitus, heart rhythm disturbances, seizures, dizziness, blackouts, memory loss, concentration difficulties, mood disorders including depression, agitation, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts, blood pressure changes, pain, hormonal changes, and skin tingling.

Dr. Martin Pall, in his review of literature published in the Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy this month, concludes

Non-thermal microwave/lower frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) act via voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC) activation.”

Why is that important?

First, non-thermal effects have been at the heart of the health debate waged by the telecom and utility industry, the military, and federal agencies like the FCC, against the public. FCC exposure guidelines are based solely on thermal effects.

Second, this shows another mechanism by which these widespread harmful impacts are occurring in the body, further debunking the industry et…

View original post 498 more words

The Kiwi Saver Scam Finally Comes Home To Roost.

Someone I know told me just the other day that $3K had gone missing from his Kiwi Saver account … be warned people.

Aotearoa: A Wider Perspective

On the Facebook page John Key has let down New Zealand (If you don’t know about this page consider becoming a member. You would join more than 16.000 of us) people are waking up to the fact that overnight the have lost thousands of dollars of value on their Kiwi savers account. This is, so they are told, the result of the fluctuations on the stock market.

With about $ 1.5 quadrillion in unaccountable derivatives and financial products waiting to collapse and about $ 32 trillion in unnecessary trades made every year to make stockbrokers and banks richer and richer and investors around the globe poorer and poorer this may well be true but what causes the current fluctuations in the market and how will it end for you the Kiwi saver is a question that should be asked and for some reason never is.

John Key, who as an…

View original post 1,292 more words

NZ Government Classifies Worm Farming as a High Risk Industry … Along with Bee Keeping & Cat Breeding

From TV3 …

” …  the Government has classified worm farming as a “high-risk” industry.

This is what’s known as ‘Nanny State gone mad’.

What makes this even more ridiculous is the Government has deemed sheep, beef and dairy farming low-risk.

Yes, under the proposed law worm farming is listed alongside mining and forestry as high-risk, but most other farming is low-risk.

It simply does not make sense. In the past five years there have been 104 agriculture and farm deaths, but not a single one in worm farming…”

Read the article here:  


Related Links:

You Run a Worm Farm Without a Permit? We Can Now Prosecute You In Secret! 

Woodhouse can’t remember if he was told worm farming was defined as ‘high-risk’

UnitedFuture not budging on Health and Safety reform bill

Corporate Knighthoods … and Why You Should Boycott Talley’s Products

(Photo credit: Support Talleys Workers! FB page)

“Corporations are required by law to place the financial interests of their owners above competing interests. They are legally bound to put their bottom line ahead of everything else, even the public good” (Noam Chomsky, ‘The Corporation’).

Talleys has been in NZ’s news this week with a FB page calling for the public to boycott their products. This is in response to Talley’s attempts to destroy their own workers’ rights. Meat Workers Union members had asked 18 months ago for their existing collective contract to roll over along with a 1.5 % pay increase. Talley’s refused to sign off the Collective Employment Contract and stalled until the National government passed a new law allowing them to walk away from negotiations. 

… from the The Daily Blog NZ:

“After threatening worker rights, after trying to set up a new Union, after using hunger as a negotiating tactic that impacted 5000 children, after having the Police contact me and request blogs be taken down, Talley’s has made a complaint to Facebook to remove the ‘Boycott Talley’s’ Facebook group.” 

Talleys who bought out Affco has eight meat processing plants in the North Island of NZ  …” a major player in the meat industry with a billion dollars in revenue annually and 2800 staff…”  Talley’s launched a fight to destroy the meat workers union and  “… the demands the company put on the table would have cut workers pay, increased the working day, gut union protections, and eliminated seniority rights for staff. The company’s purpose is simple – to boost production and profits at all costs – including the lives and limbs of their workforce, as well as the environment…”

are the people who support their local communities. They perform all the voluntary functions that keep communities going and contribute to their health and vitality. When any government or company seeks to take a decent living away from families they inevitably affect whole communities.

Anyway, since Talley’s has requested FB take down the boycott Talley’s page, perhaps you’d like to go’ like’ & join it to help Talley’s workers get a fair deal. Talley’s is certainly off my menu from hereon in. The company produces for local & export markets … meat, dairy products, ice cream and frozen vegetables so it’s an international effort here, not just local.

You’ll see in the Daily Blog article, Peter Talley, joint manager of Talley’s, was knighted back in 2012 for his services to humanity … by the Queen who owns a sixth of the planet no less.

Talley’s Safety Record

“Over the last three years ACC has paid out $8 million to nearly 5000 Talley’s employees – that’s more than one injury for every worker employed by Talley’s companies. 1286 Talley’s workers were injured on the job last year alone.”See more


This is all typical behaviour for corporations because their bottom line is always profits for shareholders. This is their legal mandate … and to boot they have no legal liability for damage to people or environments. They offload those costs onto the recipients of their ‘benevolence’ and call them ‘externalities’. And by the way, your country NZ is a corporation and its CEO aka PM is also a banker with a wealth of experience at Merryl Lynch. Adds up doesn’t it?

As a FB blogger has pointed out, the people who work for these companies

It’s all about being part of the club and the corporate arm is its strong arm.

Find out more … read the Daily Blog’s full article here:


BREAKING: Fukushima nuclear waste detected along Southern California coast – from ENENEWS

What they are not telling us about Fukushima. It is far worse than we’re led to believe. And those who think we in NZ are exempt, check out the chart below the article of radiation recordings in the South Island, and watch the video by RadChick from Youtube on the real state of affairs.

Firstly though the ENEWS article:

“Highest levels seen anywhere in North America since testing program began — 8.4 Bq/m3 of radioactive cesium measured near beach between Los Angeles and San Diego … 

The sample was taken just over a mile off the coast of Del Mar, CA – located about 15 miles north of San Diego and 100 miles south of Los Angeles. The only other location Woods Hole has reported detecting nuclear waste from Fukushima Daiichi along the shoreline of North America is in Ucluelet, Canada about 1,200 miles to the north of Del Mar.

7.2 becquerels per cubic meter of Cesium-134 and Cesium-137 was measured in a Ucluelet sample taken in February 2015. The Del Mar sample had 8.4 Bq/m3.

Results for other Fukushima Daiichi-derived radionuclides were not posted. According to media reports, “The plume also contains other radioactive material, including Strontium 90… radioactive isotopes of iodine, low levels of plutonium and tritium might be in the plume.”  Read the full article & further links here: 


NZ Radiation Readings Taken in 2013

Readings taken in 2013. 100CPM is Alert Level
Readings taken in NZ, 2013. 100CPM is Alert Level. Chart courtesy of  thecontrail.com Click on image to enlarge

Published on Oct 31, 2013

Part 7: 28 signs continues…

*Status of Fukushima & the Pacific Ocean
Leuren Moret & Christina Consolo aka RadChick
Hosted by James Fetzer of “The Real Deal” and
Veteran’s Today

Program air date Oct 24, 2013

Items discussed:

Links to entire series:
Part 1: Intro and Embryonic effects of nuclear fallout

Part 2: Mutations and evidence of fallout

Part 3: Warning signs in species

Part 4: What does the Government know? Bomb testing, cow mutilation, & Political Ponerology

Part 5: 28 signs the West Coast is being FRIED with Fukushima radiation

Part 6: 28 signs continues…and another FIRST for Fukushima – cesium spheres

Part 7: 28 signs continues…”THEY ARE KILLING THE OCEANS” (final)

Forest Service Official Who Let Nestle Drain California Water Now Works for Them … the Nature of Corporations

Corporations owe no allegiance to anybody except their shareholders. Behemoths with legal person hood, they focus solely on maximizing profit … personal ethics are foreign. If you are of the older school you will have noted that for more than two decades now loyalty to staff is a thing of the past and consequently, staff hold little loyalty to their employers. We’ve all heard stories of folks who worked for companies that put out the rumour there was a possibility staff would be cut … so everybody sweated it out for months wondering if they were selected to go. It had the effect of causing folks to look for work elsewhere which saved the boss the job. Then there are stories of folks arriving at work and being told, pack your bags, you no longer have a job as from today. A far cry now from the days when an employee worked 30 odd years for a company and retired with a gold watch. hand-648444_1280 Watch The Corporation documentary and learn how the attributes of a corporation are literally psychopathic. In light of their modus operandi, this article makes complete sense. Personally I prefer to boycott companies like these. Why not join me? If nobody buys their stuff then their whole raison d’etre falls flat. Read the article.

Claire Bernish
August 13, 2015

(ANTIMEDIA) San Bernardino National Forest — “An ongoing investigation by The Desert Sun into Nestle’s contentious bottled water operations in drought-stricken California first disclosed that the company’s permit to draw water had a rather astonishing expiration date that occurred over a quarter century ago, in 1988. Recently, the Sun reported an update in the investigation with a jaw-dropping twist: the Forest Service — not Nestle — is the agency primarily responsible for failing to renew Nestle’s permit.

In fact, judging by the government agency’s complete inability to even review Nestle’s long-expired permit — not to mention the lucrative job a retired Forest Service supervisor currently enjoys — there is an arguable case that collusion and corruption are at the heart of the entire issue…”

Read the article here: http://theantimedia.org/forest-service-official-let-nestle-drain-california-water-now-works/

1959 Disney film about weather modification – “weather control will both enrich & safeguard our daily lives”

“In the world of tomorrow weather control will both enrich & safeguard our daily lives. In the foreseeable future we will conquer more than violent storms, we will turn the destructive elements of today into new sources of power, shaping the land on which we live. All mankind will benefit, arid wastelands will be made green and fertile, and vast frozen areas will become productive. To this end man made satellites will probe the secrets of the skies, they will be our eyes in outer space…”

Above are some lofty sounding ideals quoted from the closing seconds of a Disney film produced in 1959.

If you thought weather control was in the realm of conspiracy and tinfoil hats think again. Here it is proposed as beneficial for mankind, unfortunately it has ended up in another realm – that of weaponized weather with chemtrails, defined as an exotic weapons system  in HR2977, Space Preservation Act.

The video is from Mresu Hlamer‘s channel on Youtube. Mention of weather modification methods begins at 7.10.

EPA sends Navajo polluted water in OIL TANKS — Animas spill from FRACKING WASTEWATER?!

Shocking revelations by dutchsinse on Youtube! 

Published on Aug 21, 2015

“PLEASE! Get this out to the people of the Navajo Nation, to the people of Colorado + New Mexico, to state representatives, and NATIONAL Government (Senators and Congressmen).

Full website post covering this story with all the links shown in the video here:


I stand behind these findings , and the people of the Navajo Nation need to compare the Animas river pollution to oil well / fracking wastewater injection chemicals IMMEDIATELY.

This wastewater delivery looks like an attempt to spread the chemicals on purpose — to cover up the wastewater in the Animas coming from the nearby Oil / Gas / Wastewater disposal wells located all around Durango Colorado (each well containing millions of gallons of toxic water . Thousands of wells nearby the location in question).

In my assessment, most likely one of the wastewater injection wells gave way, since NASA / NOAA are already studying the same area due to a HUGE methane leak causing a pocket of methane over the whole 4 corners region.

This same “leaking” injection well operation is now the area where the Animas river has been polluted. The “Gold Mine” story might just be that — a STORY made up.. not based in actual reality.

The Environmental Protection Agency caused a toxic water spill into the Animas river, which feeds the Navajo Indian Nation with water.

The spill was blamed on an “old Gold mine” which somehow had toxic water released by the EPA during an inspection of a well / mine location.

When the EPA did their inspection of this supposed “Gold King Mine”, they somehow released millions of gallons of toxic water into the Animas river. The toxic spill thus cut off the water supply to the people down stream.

Professor Doom’s video:

Fracking wastewater injection wells are quite possibly the REAL cause of this waste spill by the EPA since the area is leaking methane to the point where NASA / NOAA are studying the area currently (2015).

Massive leaks in the huge fracking / oil pumping operation have been detected.. thus if gas is leaking from these wells, no doubt the waste water which they inject under pressure is also being released.

I’m venturing a guess that if the water in the Animas was tested , and you looked for oil pumping / gas well operation chemcials .. that you’d find out a giant WASTEWATER DISPOSAL WELL must have broke when the EPA was inspecting it.

Was it a Gold mine, or was it a large wastewater disposal well?

Since there are THOUSANDS of wastewater disposal wells, oil wells, and frack wells , and only ONE Gold Mine .. the chances of this giant release of wastewater coming from a wastewater well are much higher than a “Gold Mine” being the culprit.

One culprit cannot be sued, or blamed (the Old Gold Mine).. the OTHER culprit (the fracking injection well / oil pumping operations) are capable of being legally held responsible.

Could it be that they sent these polluted tanks of water in the hopes the Indians would spread it out across their land, and then the EPA would have an excuse for all the fracking / oil pumping injection chemicals to be across the Animas river?!

People in the Indian reservations need to immediately compare the Animas pollution water to known Oil / Gas well drilling injection chemicals.

I’d be willing to bet that we’d find out this “spill” is from a fracking / injection / wastewater operation as opposed to an “old gold mine”.

Why are NASA / NOAA out in the same area studying leaking gas wells? I think it is obvious the two are related.”

How the West Systematically Underdevelops Poor Countries

This five minute broadcast is an eye opener … from Dr Michael Parenti, one of my favourite authors/lecturers/activists. The beginning of my journey into discovering the many lies perpetrated on the West by the powers that be was Walter Rodney’s ‘How Europe Underdeveloped Africa’. The latter is a well documented treatise on how that rich continent, Africa, has been milked from the days of Cecil Rhodes onwards … Rhodes was that decorated gentleman and son of the British Empire who dreamed that white people would rule the world and said quite unashamedly:

download“We must find new lands from which we can easily obtain raw materials and at the same time exploit the cheap slave labour that is available from the natives of the colonies. The colonies would also provide a dumping ground for the surplus goods produced in our factories”

The big lie they used to cover their exploitative activity was that they came to benevolently share the fruits of civilization. This was sheer humbug and were it so the recipients would now be prosperous. Instead they feature highest in all the negative stats of their respective countries. The latter is explained away by shifting the blame onto the recipients (eg. ‘they’re lazy) … an easy feat since perpetrators own the media. Listen to Parenti encapsulate it in a nutshell how this process continues on today:

Featured header image courtesy of Miles Pfefferle

Marton’s Waste Water plant to get an upgrade

An article by Zaryd Wilson from the Wanganui Chronicle on the waste water treatment plant that has featured greatly throughout the whole recent process of the consent hearings. The matter being the company Midwest Disposal’s disposal of leachate from its Bonny Glen landfill into the plant. Amounts dumped have exceeded consents and been the subject of a long standing status of non-compliance. You can read about that process on the Bonny Glen page.

(The Bonny Glen landfill was sold to Midwest by the Rangitikei District Council around a decade ago and a leachate-dumping agreement was informally put in place – a gentleman’s agreement – that has been far from satisfactory going by the non-compliance history).

A local has contacted the site recently reporting that there are 7-12 round trips on average per day by the leachate tanker. Sometimes two are operating.

“A multi-million dollar upgrade to Marton’s wastewater treatment plant has been endorsed by councillors.

The plan, which includes a second anaerobic pond, new storage tanks and community involvement in the process, was discussed by Rangitikei District Council’s assets and infrastructure committee last week.

A contributor to the current plant’s failure was leachate (landfill run-off), which was trucked to the treatment plant from Bonny Glen landfill… 

Councillor Nigel Belsham said if it was trade waste causing problems to the plant and not domestic waste, the bill should be picked up by industry.

“I don’t believe that ratepayers in this area should be paying to allow trade waste to be dumped into this plant,” he said. “Opus [consultants] have said that we’ve got a plant that can handle what it was designed to handle.”

Read the article: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/wanganui-chronicle/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503426&objectid=11498302

Further Links:

For info on Bonny Glen: https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/bonny-glen/

Leachate history & non compliance reports: https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/bonny-glen-submissions-hearings/

Local Feedback: https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/bonny-glen/local-feedback/

Cancer? Looking for alternatives & don’t know where to start? Here are 3 excellent resources

Cancer statistics are now one in three. That is one in every three persons currently in NZ will be diagnosed with cancer every year. I have heard anecdotally that in America it is one in every two males, and one in three females.

  • Cancer was the most common cause of death for both males and females in New Zealand in 2011, accounting for nearly a third of all deaths.
  • 8891 people had cancer recorded as their underlying cause of death; 52.3% of these were male.
  • Between 2001 and 2011 the age-standardised death rate from cancer decreased by 13.4%, from 145.5 to 125.9 per 100,000 population (Sourcehttp://www.health.govt.nz )

These statistics are shocking. With such a high rate nearly everybody we care about in one way or another has watched a friend or relative suffering with this plague … or once removed even. I know I have had two friends and three close relatives taken, plus I’ve seen several extended family members also taken, not close to me personally but to those I love.

The thing is, when all hope is gone and chemo is not working, there are alternatives. I was inspired recently by both Allan Smith’s and Anton Kuraia’s testimonies of healing through IV Vitamin C (both are here on the site), and since they are both NZ men I decided to forearm myself should this dreaded verdict, the big C, ever strike my family again. There are Medical Doctors in our country who will administer Vitamin C intravenously and a google search will locate them for you. There are many other treatments also that people have used successfully. On one of the sites featured in the link there are treatments that range from ‘dirt cheap’ to expensive. This is excellent news as not everybody can afford to travel abroad let alone fund the treatment when they get there.

If you visit the link for this post it will take you to our page that provides links to the three excellent sources I’ve featured. I am sure there are more but these are very comprehensive and backed up with success stories of people who also sought alternatives. The alternative treatments are all there on the cancertutor site down the left hand column of the page. The truthaboutcancer website has many videos you can watch with interviews of Medical Doctors and Oncologists.

Find these links here:  https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/links-to-information-on-alternatives/

Disclaimer: It is my aim here, not to treat you (for I am not qualified), to offer advice or give you false hope, rather it is to inspire you with information from both professional Medical Doctors and Oncologists who have long -time experience in the field, and with stories from people like Anton who fought life threatening illnesses and survived. There are many, both abroad and in NZ.  Anton Kuraia, with all hope gone, was motivated by another’s success story, to pursue the same alternative treatment; that of Intravenous Vitamin C. It paid off. Should you also wish to pursue this option (or any other options you learn about in your research) search online for Medical Doctors in your country who will administer it. 

Scotland Announces Total Ban on GM Crops

This is good news from Scotland on the GM crop topic. Increasingly, countries are waking up to the dangers of GMOs and making moves to protect the public.

Livestock fed GM feed suffer liver damage … watch Jeffrey Smith’s interviews on the topic of health & GMOs. Very revealing.

Here is one:

Jeffrey Smith: GMO Health Conditions Already Known

Read the Sustainable Pulse article on Scotland:

“Growing genetically modified (GM) crops will not be permitted in Scotland, Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead has announced as he moved to protect Scotland’s clean, green status.

The Scottish Government will shortly submit a request that Scotland is excluded from any European consents for the cultivation of GM crops, including the variety of genetically modified maize already approved and six other GM crops that are awaiting authorisation.

The Cabinet Secretary said:

“Scotland is known around the world for our beautiful natural environment – and banning growing genetically modified crops will protect and further enhance our clean, green status….” read more

Further links:

The GMO Threat:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPvkZv5MfRw

Gluten & GMOs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVo51yLnohY


After you drink a can of Coke … here’s what happens to your body

A reminder from Natural News of what sugar does to our bodies. 

“Cleaning a toilet is cheap and easy with a can of Coca-Cola. After the Coke sits in the toilet for an hour, the carbonic and phosphoric acid gets the job done, leaving behind a scum-free toilet bowl!

When that same can of Coke is poured into the mouth and down the esophagus of a human being, a much more complex chain of events occurs. After burning its way down the throat and leaving behind a film of caramel coloring on the teeth, the Coca-Cola begins its nutritional destruction on the inside of the body...”  Read More


Aside from what the soda does to your insides, there’s also the ten teaspoons of sugar per can ….

Head to The Truth About Cancer’s website and learn about cancer’s ‘favourite building block’. The people at this site feature information from medical professionals including Oncologists. They should know what they’re talking about.

Dr Mercola comments: 

“Is sugar a sweet old friend that is secretly plotting your demise?

There is a vast sea of research suggesting that it is. Science has now shown us, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that sugar in your food, in all its myriad of forms, is taking a devastating toll on your health…” Read More 

GreenMedInfo tells us:

” … a report by Dr. Sanjay Gupta appearing on 60 Minutes featured the work of Dr. Robert Lustig, an endocrinologist from California who gained national attention after a lecture he gave titled “Sugar: The Bitter Truth” went viral in 2009. Lustig’s research has investigated the connection between sugar consumption and the poor health of the American people. He has published twelve articles in peer-reviewed journals identifying sugar as a major factor in the epidemic of degenerative disease that now afflicts our country…”  Read More

Educate yourself and protect yourself and your family by eliminating cancer risks.

Sugar is hidden away in so many products now. Check the labels next time you shop and you’ll see.

~ EnvirowatchRangitikei ~

Natural News article: http://www.naturalnews.com/050654_drinking_Coke_liquid_sugars_sweeteners.html#ixzz3j1RmyRkr


Dr Mercola:  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/04/20/sugar-dangers.aspx

Sugar Killing Us Sweetly from Greenmedinfo:  http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/sugar-killing-us-sweetly-0