Tag Archives: Horizons

Horowhenua Council’s Secret Payout (Kapiti Independent)

From Kapiti Independent News

The Horowhenua Council’s Chief Executive confidentially agreed to provide nearly a million dollars to Te Runanga o Raukawa provided it did not object to a wastewater scheme.

Chief executive David Clapperton made the confidential agreement to provide at least $880,500 to Te Runanga o Raukawa on the proviso the Runanga withdraw its objection to council’s resource consent application to make discharges from the Foxton Waste Water Treatment Plant to Matakarapa Island.

A leaked copy of the September 2017 draft agreement states that Te Runanga o Raukawa (TRoR), “will withdraw their submissions to Horizons [regional council and] the Environment Court in respect of proceedings within 5 working days of TRoR signing this agreement.”

Obligations for Rununga

The agreement also states TRoR will, “not participate in any way (including supporting any other party) in the Foxton Waste Water Treatment Plant (FWWTP) proceedings before the Environment Court in respect of proceedings..or any other regulatory or statutory proceedings related to the current proposal for the discharge of treated human wastewater from FWWTP to land at Matakarapa…”

The agreement defines Matakarapa Island as approximately, “364.3 hectares of land to the south west of Foxton township comprising several parcels of land in ownership of several entities.”

Councillor Ross Campbell said he attended a breakfast signing event for the agreement at Foxton’s Returned Services Association (RSA) on 29 September 2017 where he was told the agreement had been signed by Larry Parr on behalf of TRoR  and Mr Clapperton behind closed doors.

Never debated by Councillors

“This is a huge sum of money distributed to a collective group for purposes which have not been disclosed to the public or debated by council for consideration,” he said.

Mr Clapperton has delegated authority to spend up to $1 million annually on specified contracts for services and Mr Parr was one of seven hapu who signed a March 6, 2018 letter supporting Mr Clapperton’s reappointment as council chief executive after his first five year term ended earlier this year.

The Office of the Auditor General confirmed the funding will be paid to TRoR under Mr Clapperton’s delegated authority in a letter to former councillor Anne Hunt which stated, “I also understand that the arrangements with Te Runanga o Raukawa were made with delegated authority by Mr Clapperton.”

‘Strict confidentiality’

The agreement has strict confidentiality clauses including, “Affected hapu members must keep confidential, and not disclose to any other person, or use for any other purpose the terms and conditions of the Matakarapa Agreement. The Parties may make public statements that agreement has been reached on a confidential basis.”

Horowhenua Mayor Michael Feyen

Mayor Michael Feyen said he has, “only seen an incomplete draft”, that he took, “no part in negotiations” and “did not sign it, as I would expect I would do as mayor.”

After Cr Ross tried to table a copy of the agreement at the November 22 council meeting last year several councillors, including deputy mayor Wayne Bishop, Crs Victoria Kaye-Simmons, Barry Judd, Neville Gimblett, Jo Mason and Christine Mitchell, walked out which meant the council meeting had to be cancelled due to lack of a quorum.

The minutes of the November 22 council meeting state, “This document has not been furnished to the Chief Executive and does not, therefore, form part of the official record of the meeting.”

The draft agreement also includes a clause that some of the funding can be used, “subject to HDC Councillor approval” with the word Councillor struck out, “to invest in the purchase of 28 Harbour Street, Foxton…if the purchase of 28 Harbour Street, Foxton…is not approved…TRoR (Rununga) may seek to utilise the funding..to invest in another suitable property agreed to by both Parties.”




Thanks you to the Kapiti Independant News for bringing this Agreement between TE RUNANGA o RAUKAWA & HDC CE out into the Public view. As you seem to be aware I tried to make this “Agreement” Public at a Full Council meeting on the 22nov 2017. This Agreement had been left in an envelope in my Council letter Box by a concerned person I guess.
I was astonished at its contents, so I decided to table it at the Council meeting(22 Nov). When I endeavoured to do this I requested that our CE remove himself from the table as I believed he to be involved and would therefore have a “Conflict of Interest” if he remained. I tabled the Agreement to the Chair as is the normal way to Table a document and then those Councillors you mentioned left the Chambers in an awful hurry. When the recorded minutes came out for this meeting it was recorded incorrectly ( this happens a lot) stating that I had only given the Document to the Mayor and therefore wasn’t Tabled.( THe Mayor was the residing Chair) so I became gagged by incorrect minutes of the 22nov meeting. I believe that the actions of the other Councillors who left the meeting indicated to me that they may have had prior knowledge of the Ageement and therefore endeavoured to stop the proceedings by removing themselves and causing a lack of corum but it was too late I had tabled the Agreement thus making it Public knowledge.
I would like to see any minutes recording or indicating that Council have given their approval for our CE to sign off an Agreement of this Magnitude and if there is one show it to me. This Agreement has not been approved by a full Council and can not be signed without “Delegated Authority” being given by the Governance Group which is the Councillors it did not even go across the Mayors desk for his approval.WHY? These actions by our CE has put us in a position of embarrassment and a big credibility deficit before our Horowhenua Constituents

Questions that must be Answered!
1. Has the CE set a Precedent now that all matters being heard before our Courts be they Enviromental or others be $$$ bought off with Ratepayers money and the TRoR have indicated to all including their own that their Greviences can be settled in this manner “If the Price is Right”
2. Why didn’t TRoR consult with its supporters. (274s) who had at their own cost and supported them and their claims for a long time and believed in their cause around the matter of Waste Water on their Sacred sites suddenly get left holding the can while TRoR sold out for “Thirty Pieces of Silver”. NEVER AGAIN!
3. Why did TRoR negotiate with the HDCs CE and not as is normal “Rangatira to Rangatira” This has caused a lot of concerns within Raukawa. Maori protocols have been overlooked in order to get a monetary outcome and many are not pleased.
4. Why didn’t the HDC COUNCILLORS who knew this was going on not speak up but run for cover
5. Should we be using Ratepayers money to circumvent the Legal process through the RMA etc and Enviromental Court proceedings? This is a very large sum of money over 30 years!
6. Has this Agreement opened the door to a settlement process that we as Ratepayers are not prepared to fund, or are we?
7. How long has this been going on in our Council and what amounts have we paid out over the years and to who there are a number of MOUs that cost us a lot, with who?

These are my concerns personally and I share them with you so that you may understand my frustration when this is going on behind closed doors.

The Levin 1080 storage fire should have been a ‘notifiable incident’ with strict health & safety procedures in place

From NO to 1080 use in NZ Facebook community

What exactly happened at the fire at the Horizons Council depot Levin, in January? We know that 1080 and other poisons were kept there. We are not told how much, although it could have been up to 100 tonnes. We know that local residents were not aware of the potential dangers of the toxic fumes that may have reached their homes. Note that the council have admitted that “1080 [poison] casing was damaged in the fire.” We also know that the local DHB and therefore the Medical Officer of Health were not informed about the fire via Fire & EmergencyNZ, nor Horizons, nor WorksafeNZ. This should have been a ‘notifiable incident’ with strict health and safety procedures in place, including an evacuation plan for nearby residents and drainage facilities for the fire equipment that prevented contamination of the water-tables.

Will this ‘investigation’ result in any changes?

Police investigation begins four weeks after fire.

An investigation into the suspicious fire at Levin’s Horizons Regional Council depot was stalled for a month due to hazardous substances.

The January fire damaged property, equipment and vehicles stored at the depot.

It was confirmed by police that the depot had been broken into and a quad bike set alight.

Controversial pest control poison 1080 was stored at the depot along with herbicides for weeds, cyanide and rabbit toxins.

Horizons chief executive Michael McCartney confirmed that a 1080 casing was damaged in the fire.

Waste Management Technical Services recently removed and disposed of the hazardous substances, allowing Police to do an internal scene examination on Tuesday.

Mr McCartney said the removal was a complex and time-consuming task but it was now completed and all poisons accounted for.

He said the hazardous substances were not removed immediately following the fire to ensure their casings did not break.

“We did not want to risk moving them until we could ensure this could be done without risk to the environment or human health.”


Lake Horowhenua epitomises the New Zealand Government’s disdain for its indigenous people – both past and present

Lake Horowhenua epitomises the New Zealand Government’s disdain for its indigenous people – both past and present. Throughout the history of Aotearoa, Mua-Upoko has always been at the mercy of a Crown intent on suppressing the cultural and environmental concerns of the indigenous owners of this lake in order to enhance the recreational and economic pursuits of the Pakeha.
Most recently, it was the crux of a case appealed to the Supreme Court, a court supposedly attuned to the nuances of the Treaty of Waitangi. In effect, the Supreme Court has invalidated itself. And Parliament as well. By ceding sovereignty, the Chiefs of New Zealand were guaranteed by the Queen of England ‘full, exclusive and undisturbed possession’ of lands and other property they and their descendants individually or collectively possess.

The Crown’s jurisdiction, its authority to govern therefore rests upon compliance with the Treaty. Before all nations at the United Nations human rights hearing in Geneva on 30 January 2014, the Minister of Justice affirmed the Treaty of Waitangi to be New Zealand’s founding document. Without compliance, this Treaty disintegrates.

And so does governance by Parliament and jurisdiction from the courts.
In terms of ownership, Lake Horowhenua is unique. It is, and always has been owned by
Mua-Upoko; since 1886 in English title.
But there is more to the legend of the lake than constitutional matters of property rights.
Lake Horowhenua was purchased not in cash. It was bought in blood. Here on the artificial islands Mua-Upoko created for their own refuge, Te Rauparaha and his Ngati Toa
raiders stockaded men, women and children ‘killing some from day to day as required for food’. Concealed in clearings nearby, Taueki and the remnants of Mua-Upoko would hear their kin, across the silence of the lake; unable to rescue them if their tribe was to survive.


Type ‘Horowhenua’ into the search box for further articles on the damning history of Lake Horowhenua. See also ‘categories’ (left of page) & our Local Govt Watch pages, Horowhenua. A must read also is the author’s book about the Lake called ‘Man of Convictions’.

Photo: Wikipedia


Is Local Government in New Zealand Corrupt?

This is right on topic and worth a re-visit in light of recent goings on around the country. We as a nation have adopted such a time worn clean green image, it doesn’t occur to many that the reality of the image died long ago, especially with only 40% of our rivers now clean enough to swim in. The clean and green has spilled over long ago into every area of our lives to the extent most Kiwis wouldn’t dream of believing corporations lie to us. Invited over a year ago to speak to a group of senior cits about Smart Meters (aka here as Advanced Meters) my information was greeted in some corners with snickers and whispers. We are a very trusting nation, particularly that generation. That was great three and four decades ago. It isn’t any more. If you are that trusting now you are fair game and seen as simply a sucker. I watch with angst as I see it played out before me … the elderly treated as cash cows by enterprising and unscrupulous business people, and particularly real estate agents. If you’re snickering now please go and watch The Corporation documentary (halfway down the ‘Corporations’ page). That will make you stop. Not to get off topic here (I could say much more but I won’t) … our District Councils have come under much scrutiny of late with many particularly savvy people holding them to the lip service they tend to pay on their websites. Check out our Local Government Watch pages on the site menu for some of the happenings around your country Kiwis. All is not as good as many believe. Listen to the story of the man in Rodney who exposed the corruption in his District Council. He lost his home and business. Certain ones will deal to those who rock the boat it seems.

The following article is from the Whale Oil blog and raises some important data to ponder on.


by Cameron Slater on August 21, 2015 
With three officers from Auckland Council CCO – Auckland Transport – now set to go on trial for bribery it is a convenient opportunity to raise the issue of corruption in local authorities.

Most ordinary citizens have no idea that corruption is rife. But there are varying types of corrupt behaviour and unless one is familiar with the law they can be overlooked.

Two of the most common forms of corruption occur so often you think it’s normal.

These two particular forms of corruption do not result in personal gain – such as back pocketing cash. But they do result in breaking the law, and they happen daily.


The first is ‘malfeasance’ and the second is ‘misfeasance’.

Both are the abuse of authority – or the position of authority.

These generally occur by breaking the rule of law. In NZ the laws that generally govern Local Government are the LGA (Local Government Act) and the RMA (Resource Management Act). Some other laws like the Public Works Act are part and parcel as well.

Breaking the law for ordinary citizens results in penalties. If caught it can do the same for those in local government but nobody is policing them so nothing happens.



Wind Farms: Little People vs Corporate Power in the Central North Island

Imagine …  a transformation from the stunning, pristine view above … to this!

Copy of ruapehu plus turbines

How corporate, big business loves to impose their footprint, all with an eye to profits and usually without true consultation or consent from the people their decisions will affect.

If you’re not up to speed with wind farms and how they work take a look at the events that have gone down with this particular proposed wind farm in the central Hihitahi Plateau, North Island, NZ. Follow the links also to the website that is the voice of those who are trying to oppose this violation of the environment. The site features articles and details of their struggle. There are many question marks over the cost efficiency and safety to human health of wind farms.


Introduction & Timeline of Events:

Meridian Energy Limited (MEL) a state owned enterprise, sought and obtained consents for two wind monitoring masts on the Hihitahi Plateau in 2006 in preparation for a proposed wind farm in the area.  MEL subsequently sought resource consent in 2008 for Project Central Wind (PCW) – a 47 square kilometre site located east of SH1 between Waiouru and Taihape and just north of Moawhango. The site covered six farm properties and sits within three local government jurisdictions – Rangitikei District, Ruapehu District, and Manawatu-Wanganui (Horizons) Region. Consent was sought for the construction of 52 x 135m  turbines and ancilliary works.  Consent with some conditions was granted 11 February 2009…. Read more:  https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/project-central-wind/ 

~ EnvirowatchRangitikei ~

Waikato Regional Council Permits Poisoning of Waterways to Kill Deer

What is laughable about this is the council’s pledge to make the waters swimmable! It is DCs & Horizons that pollute them in the first place with their consents to industry & farming, that they don’t even police correctly. See the links here as witness to that as the pollution of waterways plays out in the Horowhenua district. Same scenario, but not 1080. Nevertheless blatant pollution that is flatly denied by those responsible. Two DC Crs and local iwi Ngati Whakatere have vehemently opposed and exposed this corruption, one Cr stating that the DC is a “top drawer polluter”. We saw recently also the polluting of Auckland’s public water supply with Council’s blessing. 

This is playing out also in many NZ regions (see our LG Watch pages). It is mere lip service. Read their site spin then see what they actually do (or don’t would be more appropriate). So now they’re going to clean up the rivers by adding dead 1080 infused carcasses? This is about Agenda 21. And note who will have to pay out the millions, farmers & property owners, doubtless like everything else they try to shut down, it will become an unmanageable burden & drive them off the land. See our Agenda 21/2030 pages for more info on that, particularly, watch Anne Bressington’s video there, a former Australian politician who caught on to what is really going on. This plan is global.

Check out also our pages on 1080 and other chemical pollutants.





The article of interest here is from tasmaniantimes.com, by Nigel Wayne – TV Wild.

Waikato Regional Council Permits Poisoning of Waterways to Kill Deer …



A massive collaboration process has taken place over the last three years to clean up the Waikato, and Waipa river catchments in the Waikato Region of New Zealand. To make them “swimmable”.

Waikato Regional Council has championed the project from the get-go, back in 2013. The idea is to place tighter restrictions on private land use, and reduce pollution to the waterways by monitoring both direct and indirect pollutant discharges. The targeted contaminants are Nutrients (N & P), sediments, and E Coli.

It has been suggested that farmers and property owners will have to fork out over 500 million dollars to implement the policies, over time. Stakeholders involved with the round-table meetings have reportedly included Fonterra, Dairy NZ, Beef & Lamb, energy companies, and many more. The dream is big and it’s bold, but does it go far enough?

The following video released by New Zealand film makers Clyde and Steve Graf appears to provide strong evidence that 1080 poison baits (a deadly pesticide made in America) are cast across forests and directly into forests streams in the Waikato Region. And to top it off, it is implied that the Council that is leading the Healthy Rivers – Wai Ora project, is the same Council that writes the permits that allow the aerial poison discharges to take place, and directly into water – running water.

The video also highlights contradictions within the Ministry for Primary Industries. MPI, as it’s known in New Zealand, is shown making a public plea on TV One News for all New Zealanders to stand up against animal cruelty, and to inform MPI if they should encounter it.

– See more at: http://tasmaniantimes.com/index.php?%2Fpr-article%2Fwaikato-regional-council-permits-poisoning-of-waterways-to-kill-deer-%2F#sthash.SwQ1N99R.dpuf


Like our FB page &/or follow us for updates. We are about exposing the corruption and lies of particularly corporations whose only allegiance is to their shareholders & not the environment.

Expose them by sharing this information! And be thoughtful about who you vote for next Local Body election time!


Deer Mass Poisoned – 1080 Dropped Directly into Streams that Flow into Lake Taupo – Farmer Speaks Out


More indiscriminate poisoning of paradise, the no longer clean green Aotearoa. As the farmer points out, “they do the drops, and they walk away. They never see the aftermath like we see.” If you feel 1080 is safe and nothing to worry about, please watch the Graf Boys’ videos on Youtube (see our 1080 pages for links). Real eye openers!  And remember the NZ corporation parading as a government has vested interests in its continued use with recently revealed investments in the poison.


Untitleddiagram 2
See how widely our corporation (the NZ ‘govt’) utilizes 1080


” … poisonous baits were dropped directly into almost all streams within the forested areas. The streams all flow into Lake Taupo”.

1080, in spite of denials, finds its way into our precious and already polluted waterways
Friday, 19 August 2016, 4:21 pm

Deer Mass Poisoned – Lake Taupo Farmer Speaks Out

On the 3rd Of July 1080 poison bait was spread across 50,000 hectares of the Hauhungaroa Ranges, which are situated on Western Bays of Lake Taupo.

Beef and sheep farmer Lance Aldrige was informed by a farm hand that he had found four poisoned deer laying on the farm four days after the aerial operation was completed. A field trip was arranged so that Waikato Regional Councillors could be shown the impacts of the resource consents their Council issues.

Many more poisoned deer were found as the group made their way around the farm and bush edges. Lance Aldridge has had to endure the impacts of aerial poison drops for over 30 years ” This is the sort of thing a lot of people don’t see. They do the drops, and they walk away. They never see the aftermath like we see.” He goes on to explain on camera how the operations are difficult to live and work around.




Like our FB page &/or follow us for updates. We are about exposing the corruption and lies of particularly corporations whose only allegiance is to their shareholders & not the environment.

Expose them by sharing this information! And be thoughtful about who you vote for this Local Body election time!


“Be Very Clear – Central Govt, Horizons and Horowhenua DC are Serial Polluters of our Water-Ways” – Film Footage From a District Cr

Recent news in February 2016 highlighted the state of Shannon’s waste water treatment plant. This has all been denied (the pollution that is) by the Horowhenua District Council. The footage and photos don’t lie however. To see the original videos posted see links below. We now have a FB page devoted solely to Horowhenua issues in the interests of disseminating the info and supporting those who are standing up to make changes to the status quo.  Note, to see all ten videos, go to the Youtube icon on the bottom right of the video and watch on Youtube. You will see there plenty more footage of Horowhenua and Manawatu pollution by what appears to be partially treated sewage and farm effluent.

Cr Michael Feyen is one of those and has stated today on Facebook:

 “As a Horowhenua District Councillor I want to make it very clear that Central Government, Horizons Regional Council and Horowhenua District Council are most definitely serial polluters of our water-ways and vast improvements in the governance are necessary if we are to leave anything for future generations. Please post and share and the word will get there.”


Michael Feyen

“In early December 2014 Ngati Whakatere had called me out as a Horowhenua District Councillor to look at their concerns of pollution to the waterways from the Shannon sewage treatment plant.

The following sequence of films clips was taken by myself, Horowhenua District Cr Michael Feyen – of waste water being pumped from the Shannon sewage treatment ponds into the Otauru Stream and into the Manawatu River. These clips back up Councillor Campbell’s (link below) recent film of the same type of disgusting practices of pollution to our waterways by HDC with Horizons Regional Council’s blessing. Both organizations are serial polluters. Please take the time to watch all the videos. When called, Horizons did not send anybody out to investigate. Obviously nothing has changed and no one was held accountable.

Chinese plastic clothes baskets are the filters used by Horizons and HDC & their contractor”.

See our other Local Govt Watch pages for more info & links, &/or search categories for further related articles (at left of any page). 

Please also consider liking our FB page &/or following our blog (right of any page) and do spread the word on all the untruths we have been told! Use the share buttons! 

Thank you!










Why You Shouldn’t Swim in the Manawatu River




Marton Residents Report Wind from the Bonny Glen Landfill Direction 6-7 km Away Smells ‘Obnoxious … like sewage’

I was contacted this week by residents who live in town reporting a foul, sewage-like smell blowing from the direction of the Bonny Glen landfill situated some  6-7 km away. This is in addition to the smell of passing trucks which, as previously reported, drop bits of refuse on the roads. Two of those people who gave feedback on the truck situation had this to say:

  • truck numbers are static but there are bigger and heavier truck and trailer units
  •  3 went past within 5 minutes this morning at 7.10am, empty, and making a really loud crash sound as they hit the bumps and manhole covers outside our house, shaking the house
  • The tankers taking leachate to the wastewater treatment start about 7-7.30am and continue until approx. 4pm, making about 7-8 round trips per day (also report 12 pday). However since this report of last year, these days the leachate tanker is seldom seen (so have they changed routes?)
  • How that is affecting the plant is unknown, but I understand that RDC are to spend upwards of $1million to upgrade to cope with this leachate, a good example of the ratepayers subsidising a corporation? (Yes indeed)
  • Doors and windows are warped and sticking due it’s believed, to the continual earthquake-like house shaking that goes on with the passing trucks
Some Marton residents hear up to 3 trucks in the space of 5 minutes drive past, shaking their homes like an earthquake


Is the leachate tanker now taking a different route given it’s not seen any more? At late last year’s reporting by community members the leachate tanker count was 12 sometimes 13 trips on average per day. This is a considerably higher than the mere 2 to 3 figure bandied around last year and signals cause for concern at the volume being dumped in the WWTP, given the plant was not coping with 2-3 loads.

Leachate is dumped into Marton’s WWTP in unknown quantities under a ‘gentleman’s agreement’, regularly exceeding consent levels

Readers may recall the submission made to the consent hearings last year (2015) by a (then) local man, Hamish Allan, on the issue of leachate and the Tutaenui Stream’s pollution. At the time he was a member of the Marton Community Committee (MCC – a conduit for action between the public and Council) and he said that:

“…a member of the public came to us because they were concerned about ‘Enviro Waste’ trucks disposing of industrial waste from Bonny Glen down a manhole in ‘the junction’. “

Mr Allan outlines the difficult process he experienced in getting any action on this issue. He said that: “…by bringing up the issue of the leachate in our recommendations we were genuinely endeavouring to be an effective liason with the community so…

What could be a relatively simple & democratic process – providing straight-forward answers to straight-forward questions – became an opportunity for Council to tell us off about small-scale procedural matters, with only one councillor voting against the motion, to her eternal credit.

What’s more, the minutes of the Community Committee meeting in February 2012 detail Council’s deliberate attempt at avoiding any direct response to the issue of the leachate…”

… they simply refused to accept the recommendation of the MCC! You can read the submission yourself here. You will find there also,  full details of the ongoing and shocking non compliance issue regarding the pollution of the Tutaenui Stream.

In conclusion, the MCC appears to be giving merely the illusion of a democratic process.

Clearly from Mr Allan’s report of 2011 and 12 events, that avenue for addressing pertinent issues didn’t work. I attended one of the MCC meetings last year to ask when an in-stream biota survey would be conducted to assess the aquatic life of the stream. They should be made three yearly according to the consent, however in Mr Allan’s submission he points out that there hadn’t been one since 2002. At the meeting I attended the Mayor Andy Watson was present and spoke to my question. There was no date given for a survey nor any indication there would even be one. In answer to my query, what action should I take as a member of the public or words to that effect, I was advised to email the Council (ie the Mayor and Councilors). I did that subsequently and have heard NOTHING since.

Clearly also, the democratic processes within your democratically elected council are not working in favour of you the public who incidentally are funding the whole machine with your rates.  Whom it does appear to be working for are the Bonny Glen Landfill owners, Midwest Disposals. 

To read more on historic feedback on the vagaries of the landfill go here.
For the history of the landfill and the quintupling (almost) of its original size go here.


Polluting for Personal Profit – How NZ’s Waterways are Trashed

Here we have an article from the Manawatu Standard (under ‘opinion’) that is rare in its honesty, about the machinations of our environmental ‘protection’ agencies in drawing environmental protection groups into their fold. It’s called ‘collaboration’ but is not what it seems, as the article very honestly points out, titling the collaboration process ‘unmitigated bull faeces’. How refreshing to hear such truth. Our Councils and Horizons pay lip service to environmental protection, bandying around the Agenda 21 catchwords, ‘sustainable development’ and ‘smart growth’ all the while continuing on their ‘polluting for personal profit’ trajectory. If you want to see extreme water pollution, check out Lake Horowhenua, once the pristine food basket of local people Muaupoko, it’s been polluted for decades with human faeces, never mind bull faeces, although some of that goes in there as well.  We’ve

Leachate is dumped into Marton's WWTP in unknown quantities under a 'gentleman's agreement', regularly exceeding consent levels
Leachate is dumped into Marton’s WWTP in unknown quantities under a ‘gentleman’s agreement’, regularly exceeding consent levels

also watched this recently with the leachate saga at the Bonny Glen landfill where the ‘gentleman’s agreement’ has allowed unknown amounts of toxic leachate, over and beyond the consent levels, into the Rangitikei waterways. And the powers that be continue to drag the chain with their hands firmly in the pockets of the landfill corporation. Equally farcical was the ‘independent’ consent hearing; it was held 45 minutes travel from those it affected most, and anybody who attended could see it was a done deal, the chair saying on one occasion when the consents are granted’, a Freudian slip he quickly corrected. This has all been going on since the late ’80s and particularly since our country became a registered corporation owned by Queen Elizabeth II. Corporations require profits not clean environments, however they strategically put up a smokescreen that provides the illusion they want to protect the environment, pretending to collaborate, as this article from the Manawatu Standard points out, particularly in the fact that one of the collaborators has resigned … “Fish & Game’s chief executive Bryce Johnson said changes to the forum’s rules around membership and restrictions on the ability to speak out had “essentially compelled us to resign”… ” read more

You can read the Standard’s article here

A collaborative process can be a sham


“You know that feeling when you’re part of a ‘collaborative’ process?

You get convinced to be involved by people who say annoying things like “it’s better to be in the tent than outside of it” and “you can’t score any points if you’re not in the game”.

Often, at the beginning, you truly believe that there just might be a chance to really make a difference.

After a time it begins to dawn on you that, actually, it’s all a crock of pure, unmitigated bull faeces. You’re being ‘played’….”

“Fish & Game’s chief executive Bryce Johnson said changes to the forum’s rules around membership and restrictions on the ability to speak out had “essentially compelled us to resign”… “

Check out the pollution that is going on in the Manawatu’s waterways. (The Manawatu once earned the dubious honour of being the most polluted in the Southern Hemisphere).

How our waterways are polluted – Crown concedes it failed to protect Lake Horowhenua

Lake Horowhenua, Levin, NZ
Lake Horowhenua, Levin, NZ

An article in the Manawatu Standard reports on a Waitangi Tribunal Hearing that began in Levin today, 5th October 2015

A visit to the Horowhenua district earlier this year led me to discover the shocking history of this lake, in particular, the way the owners, the Muaupoko Iwi have been treated throughout the whole process. (Lake Horowhenua is near Levin). Download and read the whole history of the Lake and how it was incrementally taken over, a long but essential read to understand the background of this story:

“In the beginning.. Not content with the land they lived on, it wasn’t long before the settlers of Levin coveted the lake as well. Lake Horowhenua belongs to Mua-Upoko who had been forced to watch helplessly as ancestral lands, placed in ordinary property titles, disappeared through scurrilous means. A Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry had ferreted out fraudulent activities, not only by those purporting to represent the tribe but by Central Government itself…”       Read more here.

The polluted Lake Horowhenua

Stories like this one are not rare in our indigenous histories … they are just generally unreported in mainstream media. It is also the typical scenario where the costs of preventing environmental damage are ignored in favour of short term profits. The lake has seen decades of pollution (1950s-70s) in the form of human sewage that completely polluted both the food sources and the livelihood of Muaupoko and caused many to leave. Then there has been the surrounding farming and agricultural runoff. Muaupoko who have endeavoured to keep the lake clean have been vilified and maligned as being not the true owners. The official history in fact, also borne out by today’s article in the Standard, reveals their ownership has been whittled away from them incrementally by convoluted land laws and processes, and “left with “a mere sliver” of the 50,000 acres it once had”, again typical in our histories. The lake’s kaitiaki, Phil Taueki has been involved in an ongoing uphill battle in that respect with locals, Council and Police in his efforts to stop ongoing pollution. He featured recently on Kaitiaki Wars (available on demand) and also in this news item from Marae TV on the history and on the Horowhenua District Council’s stance. Taueki states that the lake, “… a prized taonga” has been “turned into the town’s toilet…”

The lake is now so polluted (video)*  it was dubbed in a 2014 Listener article as the ‘Lake of shame’.  It is not safe to drink or to swim in.  A National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research scientist reported in 2012 that the “water in Lake Horowhenua is so toxic that it could kill a small child.” There were plans this year (2015) for swimmers to commemorate ANZAC by crossing the lake (once the training venue for Lord General Freyberg before WWI) however the cost to clean it up was $2.886 million, clearly not a priority. The non priority status of this issue is reflected in the tight time frame given it by the Crown for this hearing, a fact highlighted by Land Claim lawyer Leo Watson.


Crown Concedes it Failed to Protect Lake Horowhenua from Pollution

By NICHOLAS MCBRIDE “The Crown has conceded it failed to protect Lake Horowhenua from pollution, breached the Treaty of Waitangi on multiple occasions and left the Muaupoko iwi virtually landless.

The Waitangi Tribunal hearing opened at the Horowhenua Events Centre in Levin on Monday, with 22 claims looking at Lake Horowhenua, Hokio Stream and the Horowhenua land block.

“We believe this will be one of the most profound hearings we will have in this district,” Judge Caren Fox said on the opening morning of the tribunal.

In its written submission, released before the hearing, the Crown acknowledged that  the Muaupoko iwi had “well-founded grievances”.

It breached the Treaty of Waitangi  and this allowed Lake Horowhenua to become polluted…

In the opening submissions for claimants, lawyer Leo Watson, speaking on the Hokio A land claim and Horowhenua Lake claim, said the Crown had perpetrated wrongs against Muaupoko, causing “profound generational impacts”….

the Crown had not acted in good faith, not talked with Muaupoko and had failed to protect the lake.

It had also been left with “a mere sliver” of the 50,000 acres it once had.”

Read the article here

* Lake image and video courtesy of Nick Simmons YT Channel

Marton’s Waste Water plant to get an upgrade

An article by Zaryd Wilson from the Wanganui Chronicle on the waste water treatment plant that has featured greatly throughout the whole recent process of the consent hearings. The matter being the company Midwest Disposal’s disposal of leachate from its Bonny Glen landfill into the plant. Amounts dumped have exceeded consents and been the subject of a long standing status of non-compliance. You can read about that process on the Bonny Glen page.

(The Bonny Glen landfill was sold to Midwest by the Rangitikei District Council around a decade ago and a leachate-dumping agreement was informally put in place – a gentleman’s agreement – that has been far from satisfactory going by the non-compliance history).

A local has contacted the site recently reporting that there are 7-12 round trips on average per day by the leachate tanker. Sometimes two are operating.

“A multi-million dollar upgrade to Marton’s wastewater treatment plant has been endorsed by councillors.

The plan, which includes a second anaerobic pond, new storage tanks and community involvement in the process, was discussed by Rangitikei District Council’s assets and infrastructure committee last week.

A contributor to the current plant’s failure was leachate (landfill run-off), which was trucked to the treatment plant from Bonny Glen landfill… 

Councillor Nigel Belsham said if it was trade waste causing problems to the plant and not domestic waste, the bill should be picked up by industry.

“I don’t believe that ratepayers in this area should be paying to allow trade waste to be dumped into this plant,” he said. “Opus [consultants] have said that we’ve got a plant that can handle what it was designed to handle.”

Read the article: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/wanganui-chronicle/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503426&objectid=11498302

Further Links:

For info on Bonny Glen: https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/bonny-glen/

Leachate history & non compliance reports: https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/bonny-glen-submissions-hearings/

Local Feedback: https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/bonny-glen/local-feedback/

Council to discuss upgrade of waste water treatment plant

This is from the Wanganui Chronicle and updates us on where RDC is up to with their plans to solve the significantly long standing status of non-compliance with regard to the leachate pollution of the Tutaenui Stream. (To read the full history of this and the non compliance reports see former Martonian Hamish Allan’s submission to the consent hearings earlier this year. There should be an in stream biota survey every three years and it appears there have only been two). More on this later.

Recently a local resident who lives on the truck route informed me he sees 12 round trips per day of the leachate tanker. This is a significantly larger volume than the number that has been cited to the public. 

An upgrade is good news will not be before its time.

Here is the Chronicle article:

“A multi-million-dollar, three-year upgrade of the Marton wastewater treatment plant has been proposed.

Rangitikei district councillors will this morning discuss changes aimed at making the plant compliant with its resource consent.

The MWTP has been non-compliant for at least a decade, partly due to its acceptance of leachate (run-off) from the nearby Bonny Glen landfill. The latest compliance report found the plant’s discharge into the Tutaenui Stream “significantly non-compliant”. At times, ammoniacal nitrogen levels have been 35 times the recommended limit and deemed to adversely affect aquatic life…”

Read More:  http://www.nzherald.co.nz/wanganui-chronicle/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503426&objectid=11496417 

Damning feedback on Bonny Glen landfill; traffic, noise, smell, and the leachate is far in excess of company claims

I was contacted today with further feedback on the trucking situation in Marton and the Bonny Glen Landfill owned and operated by Midwest Disposals, sold to them a decade or so back by the Rangitikei District Council. There have been ongoing local concerns with their gentleman’s agreement to dump their leachate into Marton’s Waste Water Treatment Plant (read a submission made by then local man Hamish Allan), with a trail of non-consents that Horizons have failed to enforce adequately, if at all. With the landfill now set to quintuple in size following the granting of consents to extend, trucks will almost double in number in spite of claims last year that they would not increase at all. A member of the public has expressed an extensive list of concerns regarding noise, smell, volume of traffic and the leachate problem. I have quoted and slightly condensed these:

  • “I am appalled at the number of rubbish trucks passing our house 6 days per week, and the noise and vibration they make
  • In addition,  the number of tankers taking leachate to the Marton Wastewater Treatment Plant is far in excess of claims made by Mid-west Disposals. The number of trips per day is 7 at least, and some days when 2  tankers are used, a total of at least 12 loads are dumped in the Marton treatment plant
  • I fear that this amount of leachate will cause major problems and poisoning of the rivers that receive outflow
  • I fear it  will become a cost to the ratepayers of Marton while the company responsible gets away with not paying for the damage
  • I believe Horizons should be checking and stopping this pollution
  • This landfill must be opposed and shut down as it is a major pollutant of our region
  • we can smell the tip at times when the wind blows from that direction,  6-7 kms away.

No clean and green Rangitikei, just dirty smelly and polluted. It is a  disgrace.”

Please contact the site if you have any similar concerns regarding this landfill and how it is affecting you. And or contact the RDC and let them know. 

~ Envirowatchrangitikei ~

More on Bonny Glen’s leachate disposal … they’re ‘chipping away’ at it

The Chronicle is reporting on the leachate. There have been more discussions regarding the ongoing treatment of this toxic runoff:  “Leachate from the Bonny Glen landfill may soon be treated on site rather than, or before, being dumped into the Marton wastewater treatment plant…”

We heard on June 12th that: “…it would still be a few months before a solution would be finalised concerning leachate…”  and that ” Bonny Glen manager Paul Mullinger …   was taking the issue “very seriously”. They are “… considering some sort of on-site treatment and did not view the issue as insurmountable”… and Deputy Mayor Dean McManaway says “It’s important we keep chipping away and not let this rest.”

Note the operative words here: “may … few months … considering … chipping away”.

It is interesting that on one side of the table, the company that managed to secure a nice loose ‘gentleman’s agreement’ to dump the toxic leachate in the first place, and contaminate our local stream to the extent RDC and Horizons seem unwilling to conduct ongoing in-stream biota surveys, concealing just how loose that agreement was … and on the other side that same company managed to effectively exclude all discussion of leachate, truck nuisance and landfill pests from the hearings altogether. And now it’s all go ahead with the consents safely in hand, still we’re required to ‘chip away’ at things. Some of us are not fooled by all this drag-the-chain rhetoric.

In the meantime, as the latest Chronicle article points out, the waste water treatment plant is still non-compliant.

Read the article here:  http://www.nzherald.co.nz/wanganui-chronicle/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503426&objectid=11465277

Landfill expansion granted consents … surprized?

I’m not faintly surprised at this decision. The day I attended the hearing and heard the ‘independent’ Chair’s Freudian slip … “When the consent is granted …”  illustrated quite graphically for me, the extent of the independence of the commission. In addition, all the concerns that any community would naturally have … leachate, trucks, property values … all these were effectively taken off the table. Hamstrung from the start. It is the neighbors of the landfill in particular who will have to live with this. And all those conditions … I’ll be watching keenly to see how strictly they’re adhered to. If it’s anything like the vigilance we have with other consents and pollution of our environment of late, it’s going to be an interesting road forwards.

“The Bonny Glen landfill expansion has been given the go-ahead.

The landfill’s owners, Midwest Disposals has been granted all resource consents to expand the operation.

The decision, released yesterday afternoon, granted the consents for 35 years with land use consents in perpetuity.

It means the size and life of Bonny Glen, near Marton, will increase significantly over the next four decades. The capacity will increase almost five-fold….”

Read the Wanganui Chronicle article by Zaryd Wilson: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/wanganui-chronicle/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503426&objectid=11450949

From the Chronicle … Softening the blow … More tree planting for Bonny Glen

Midwest Disposals has added further planting to its plans for the proposed Bonny Glen landfill expansion.

The minor changes are in response to concerns highlighted by commissioners considering the company’s resource consent application.

Midwest has applied for resource consents with Horizons Regional Council and Rangitikei District Council to extend the life and size of the landfill near Marton. More trees will be planted along the edge of the site to mitigate the effects the landfill will have on the landscape and views…. read article HERE

From the Wanganui Chronicle: Smelly and ugly – but necessary (the Landfill)

Smelly and ugly – but necessary

LEACHATE poisoning the Tutaenui Stream, rampant vermin, toxicity, litter, bad smells, increased truck traffic … the crime sheet against the Bonny Glen landfill near Marton is long and ugly.

That is the way it usually is for those lords of the underworld – rubbish dumps.

The application by the waste facility’s owners, Midwest Disposals, to significantly expand the site has naturally prompted fierce opposition from those who live sufficiently close to suffer from its operation.

That opposition has been well-voiced at the consent hearing in Feilding which wrapped up last month – though some concerning aspects around Bonny Glen’s business, extra traffic and leaching among them, were unfortunately ruled beyond the scope of the three commissioners who will issue their decision in May…. read article HERE

More on Marton’s leachate saga

Plant performance queried

By Zaryd Wilson

The persistent resource consent compliance failure of the Marton Wastewater Treatment Plant has come under scrutiny.

Representatives from Rangitikei District Council fronted the Horizons Regional Council environment committee yesterday to explain the plant management and decisions made.

The plant’s discharge into the Tutaenui Stream has been failing compliance for at least a decade and is in breach of environmental and reporting conditions.

An independent report last year highlighted leachate, which the plant accepts from Bonny Glen landfill, as the main factor behind significant compliance failure. Without the leachate, the plant would likely meet compliance. RDC has accepted the leachate for a number of years under an informal “handshake” deal in return for payment from landfill operators Midwest Disposals Ltd.

Council representatives acknowledged problems with the MWTP and said they were committed to meeting compliance.

But it is going to cost.

“We regard it as serious and we’re taking our time to get the decisions correct,” Rangitikei Mayor Andy Watson said.

Rangitikei’s infrastructure manager Hamish Waugh said council had improved its data reporting in the past 12 months.

“I acknowledge that it wasn’t up to scratch in the past.”…… read the article HERE

Wanganui Chronicle

Who will pay? Probably not the main polluter in this dance anyway. “…we’re taking our time to get the decisions correct” (emphasis added) …. well that is the truth. And in 2011 ignored attempts by the public via its own community committee to get this whole fiasco out in the open and dealt with.

~ Envirowatchrangitikei ~

From the Standard … Wastewaste discharge to Tutaenui Stream to continue

April 10 2015 …. Caroline Brown from Palmerston North’s Manawatu Standard reports on the ongoing leachate issue and the Rangitikei District Council (RDC).

“The discharge of non-compliant wastewater into the Tutaenui Stream from the Marton Wastewater Treatment Plant is to continue, despite two reports revealing a raft of issues at the site…”

The Council Assets meeting reveals more of the usual ‘pay it forward’ rhetoric that’s been going on for nine years already … aka save money now and forward the expense to a future generation. Cr Dean McManaway says …

“…the council could not just wake up one day and say “no more”. It was a business in the Rangitikei employing people, whether the council liked it or not…”

As usual, businesses ahead of the health of the waterways and the people that use them. We may as well expunge from the records any suggestion of “Rangitikei … unspoilt”. It simply isn’t true.

Read the full article HERE 

Chronicle again highlights a decade of consent breaches by RDC and pollution of the Tutaenui Stream

As previously reported here, RDC has failed to meet consent conditions for all of a decade, and Horizons has failed to deliver any penalties. Now Horizons, according to this latest article by the Wanganui Chronicle, has written to the RDC (after 10 years?) asking why it has been consistently breaching.

“Horizons has written to RDC seeking a formal explanation as to why it is consistently failing to comply with ammoniacal nitrogen standards and what steps it is taking to ensure this matter is addressed. A response was to be provided to HRC this week. A Horizons spokesperson said it was received.”

So ten years pass, and all of that time, it has been quite within the power of Horizons to deliver some kind of penalty regarding these breaches, and now it is asking questions? Closing the gate long after the horse has bolted. You can read the actual compliance/non compliance reports at this link.

In December we had RDC saying there would be a report on why at the end of January. Here we are in mid March with still no real answers.


From the Mayor: Time required regarding the leachate issue



From the District Monitor, time is said to be required regarding this issue.

12 March 2015     I attended the Marton Community Committee meeting last night where Mayor Andy Watson was present, and raised the historic issue of there having been both missing and non-compliant leachate reports. This was not regarded as an unusual occurrence and in the bigger picture, neither it seems is the state of our water ways (whatever that may be given the Chronicle report prior to Christmas indicated that was difficult to guage , given reports were missing). I did express the irony of this given Horizons was mandated with protecting our environment, clearly set out in their website banner.

As regards the in-stream biota survey and the fact one had not been done since 2002, it remains unclear as to whether there will be another done to assess the health of our local stream, in spite of the fact that the consent required one every three years. I was advised by Mayor Andy to notify himself, the CEO and the Councillors by mail to further this matter.

To date, as at 20th May 2015 nobody has acknowledged my email. Ironic isn’t it that one is encouraged to communicate on’es concerns on a matter to the council via its community committee, only to be told at that meeting, to email the matter to the very persons one is speaking to at that meeting about the concern.

~ EnvirowatchRangitikei ~

Wanganui Chronicle reports on the leachate submission

28 Feb 2015 The Wanganui Chronicle has reported on the submission by Mr Allan. Commissioner Brent Cowie has said it was a waste of everyone’s time. Not surprizing given they had taken, this along with the other important issues like land values and truck nuisance effectively off the table. Not a word by Mr Cowie on the fact that the submission is very damning of Horizons and the RDC. The submission provides documented evidence of total negligence in their care of the Rangitikei waterways, in particular the Tutaenui Stream. If you have not already, you can read Mr Allan’s full submission, including all of the reports that were made available at his request, (many were missing). Many show non compliance and yet the RDC have received little more penalty from Horizons than a slap on the wrist with a wet bus ticket.  The reports are uploaded onto the Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch website. Judge for yourself if they have not been very remiss in their responsibilities in caring for the environment as the Horizons website claims they do.

I attended the hearings the day of Mr Allan’s submission (and would have gone every day were it held in the actual home of the proposed extended landfill). Cr Soraya Peke-Mason slammed this decision early in the piece. One could be forgiven for thinking the whole process is mere window dressing for an already foregone conclusion/decision. One of the independent commissioners made a glaring Freudian slip during the proceedings, saying …. “once the consent … well if the consent is granted”….. One would hope the local people will take this matter up with Council & Horizons “once the consent is granted” because nobody else is going to. Not even these independent experts who purport to care for the environment.

Read the Chronicle article HERE


 Submission on RDC’s Leachate Disposal into the Waste Water Treatment Plant in Marton

On February 24th Hamish Allen, a Marton resident, presented a submission to the panel on a topic that is not considered to be part of the consent hearings. (For a background to the consent applications to quadruple the size of the Bonny Glen landfill go HERE). Neither, as was pointed out prior to the hearings, were property values or trucks.  Ironically, since these are the very concerns which automatically arise when a neighbouring landfill announces plans to quadruple in size.  Nevertheless, Allen’s submission concerns the leachate that is disposed of through Marton’s Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) and has been for nine or so years (deemed the RDC’s concern, not Midwest Disposals’) . This has been, rather than a formal arrangement on paper … a ‘gentleman’s agreement’. The levels have been poorly reported and only sporadically tested with many non compliances, as Allen’s submission demonstrates. He has supported his submission with documented evidence. There have been by all appearances, no penal consequences issued by Horizons for these failures in compliance by the RDC. Following is Allen’s submission which outlines the history of how the Marton Community Committe (MCC) of which he was a member at the time, tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to address this in 2011. There needs to be accountability here … as Allen points out in his submission

‘there can be no economy on a dead planet’. 

The consistent placing of economic interests over the environment is NOT sustainable. The very principles our regional authorities are purporting to pursue … Maintaining and enhancing our Region’s land, water, air, coast and habitat protection” (from Horizons’ website) …  are being held in flagrant disregard. These electedrepresentatives need to be held accountable. You can assist with that process by attending the Marton Community Committee Meetings and lodging your objections there: 

Location: Youth Club, Centennial Park Pavilion, Humphrey Street, Marton
Wednesday 11th March 2015 7.00 pm

At the end of the submission below here, the original compliance and non-compliance reports will be available to access by this weekend, 28th Feb 2015. Any inserts of photocopied evidence within the submission can be clicked on to enlarge. 



Landfill extension opposed – Manawatu Standard

The Manawatu Standard reports on the submissions hearing.

Landfill extension opposed

25 Feb 2015

“The application has drawn opposition from neighbouring property owners. There were 62 submissions to the resource consent application….

Turakina resident Richard Grant said in his submission that many residents were worried about the effect of water running off the landfill and into a small stream that ran through the town.

He said leachate was an unknown factor and could affect the quality of the water.”

Many other concerns are presented by submitters: READ FULL ARTICLE HERE

Wanganui Chronicle reports: Fears over toxic waste raised … Bonny Glen Submissions continue

Fears over toxic waste raised

By Laurel Stowell


“Leachate from the Bonny Glen Landfill could make Marton’s wastewater sludge too toxic to be trucked back to the landfill for disposal, Geoff Mills says…

Mr Mills lives in Marton and works in the water quality and water treatment sector. For the last 15 years most of his work has been overseas…

The Marton system has been unable to continuously comply with its resource consent for years, Mr Mills said, despite spending to improve it. Reports have said leachate from Bonny Glen is likely to be having a major effect…

It would be a long and costly process to determine the right pre-treatment for “abnormal waste such as tannery wastes”, Mr Mills said. He was not confident the result would work well, or that the company would be asked to pay the true cost.”

Read the full ARTICLE HERE



Further Comment: 

Geoff and his wife Gretta, who both made submissions asked for the hearing to be adjourned until the problem of the leachate disposal is sorted however were denied and told  the consent ….“only concerned effects at the actual Bonny Glen site – regardless of whether decisions on it had effects elsewhere.”

The very topic that is of most concern to many local residents, as previously indicated here, has been effectively sidelined off the books. Another Marton resident, Hamish Allen, also made a submission regarding the leachate and was reminded that the topic was not part of the hearing. It is the Council’s concern we are told, and yet, the both the Council and Horizons have shown themselves to be grossly negligent over the issue … many years of missing reports regarding the levels of pollution discharged into the local waterways with neither a reprimand nor a penal consequence imposed. The public need to become persistent here in requiring both explanations for historical negligence, and transparent accountability for their future handling of this matter, and in particular the apparent collusion between the parties. We have here a typical example of corporate persuasion. The very organization that ratepayers believe are representing them, by all appearances are representing the conglomerate that is seeking to turn our ‘unspoilt’ region into a sewer (or toilet bowl) pretty much.


As an additional note here, this sway that is now commonly held by corporations over governments and regional authorities world wide is a sign of new times to come. This situation will become even worse should the TPPA be signed by our Prime Minister who is currently taking part in negotiations that are secret and that they refuse to divulge to the very people whom they will effect. The TPPA will give corporations the right to sue governments if they refuse to comply with their demands. It is happening already. You can research this at the itsourfuture website. (Links are on this site’s TPPA page.)

~ Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch ~

Company expects tougher rules in landfill expansion

From the Wanganui Chronicle … article by Zaryd Wilson as the submissions hearing continues in Feilding …

Company expects tougher rules in landfill expansion

By Zaryd Wilson

EXPANSION PLANS: The resource consent hearing to expand the Bonny Glen landfill began in Feilding yesterday. PHOTO/ BEVAN CONLEY 160215WCBRCBONN02
EXPANSION PLANS: The resource consent hearing to expand the Bonny Glen landfill began in Feilding yesterday. PHOTO/ BEVAN CONLEY 160215WCBRCBONN02

“Bonny Glen is an essential piece of regional infrastructure and new consents will provide greater environmental protection – that’s the view of Midwest Disposals, which wants to expand its waste operation there significantly.

The consent hearing for the expansion of the landfill near Marton began in Feilding yesterday in front of three independent commissioners, with the landfill company putting its case first.” ….

Read the article at its SOURCE:

~ Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch ~

Submitters not given time slots at hearing

Submitters not given time slots at hearing

By Zaryd Wilson

Submitters on the extension to the Bonny Glen landfill are having to “put their lives on hold” because they haven’t been given a time slot to speak at a resource consent hearing.

A hearing is under way in Marton on the proposed extension of the landfill near Marton.

Rangitikei District councillor Soraya Peke-Mason, who on Monday said the decision to hold the hearing outside Rangitikei was an “insult”, has again criticised the process. She said many submitters in her Turakina Ward were still waiting for a time slot…. read the full article HERE


I agree with the concerns outlined to date. The venue to begin with is totally impractical for people who are working or unable to travel this distance daily for the 9 days of the hearings. As has been pointed out in this article, folks are waiting around for a time slot. All of this works against a fair and democratic process. The professionals involved in this process, the people who have spent $1.5 million investing in it and defending it … their salaries will continue and time off work for them is not required. It is their work. The folk who will have to live with these important decisions being made here, are having stumbling blocks put in their way. How many employers are going to freely give these folk time off their work to participate? Who is going to take valuable vacation time off to tend to business? Ordinary people need to survive. Having negotiated these obstacles they are now forced to wait around in uncertainty to speak.

And how difficult can it be to arrange this locally, within reach of the participants, with a practical timetable made well in advance of the event so folks can prepare accordingly? Clearly the decision to hold the even in Feilding has come as a complete  surprise going by Cr Peke-Mason’s criticisms on Feb 16th. Let’s face it, these decisions involve not only the lives of those making submissions, but the lives of their children and grandchildren. Midwest is seeking for consents for a quadrupled landfill with a life span of over 30+ years. It’s very clear here who is the dog and who is the tail in this process.

~ Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch ~

Cr Soraya Peke-Mason calls Bonny Glen hearing location an ‘insult’

Bonny Glen hearing location an ‘insult’

This article is from the Wanganui Chronicle regarding  the venue for the submission hearings …. Rangitikei District Council’s Soraya Peke-Mason has slammed the decision for hearings to be held in Feilding ….

By zaryd.wilson@wanganuichronicle.co.nz

“Soraya Peke-Mason has slammed a decision to hold a hearing on the expansion of the Bonny Glen landfill outside the district, calling it an “insult” to Rangitikei ratepayers.

Midwest Disposals Ltd, which runs the landfill near Marton, has applied for resource consents with Rangitikei District Council and Horizons Regional Council to expand the operation…..” read the full ARTICLE HERE

Watching our environment … our health … and corporations … exposing lies and corruption