Only 40% of Your Rivers are Swimmable Kiwis, Check First, You Could get Trench Mouth – The ‘Sustainable’ Spin of NZLG, Trading Our Clean Water for Corporate Profit

Your esteemed leaders have traded your clean water for their corporate profits. And you didn’t even notice it was happening!


Don’t forget folks, before taking a dip in our (no longer) ‘clean green’ waterways, check which ones your LG has trashed lately or failed to police.

LG, “… enabling economic growth and … environmental well being” … really? with 60% of our rivers too dirty to swim in? SOURCE

Your authorities that bandy around the term ‘sustainable practices’, ‘sustainable development’ while in practice doing the complete opposite have left us now with only 40% of the waterways safe to swim in. We posted earlier this year on how a person contracted Trench Mouth from ingesting water from the Manawatu River. I kid you not. Our esteemed authorities seem to think the nice images of kiddies smiling and WADING (note) make up for it ; they think we are all gullible. We know why our waterways are trashed and it wasn’t aliens or some strange biological phenomena. It was our central and local governments which are really corporations and not democracies at all, giving priority to their corporate mates. That’s right, discharge your industrial pollution into the waterways and we’ll turn the proverbial blind eye … we’ll even pipe a bit of sewage in there ourselves to add to the 1080 & Glyphosate (in Roundup) among other things.

Sewage pollution of our waterways by Local Govt: see Horowhenua article here

No worries, the folks can just swim in our heavily chlorinated carcinogenic pools instead, and pay for the pleasure. Chlorine is the new sticking plaster for pollution. We also pay large amounts of money to either remove chlorine (and other chemicals) from our drinking water or purchase clean water. And never mind the free swimming holes … the public will adapt eventually, and before long they’ll forget their grandparents even used to swim or catch edible food in them. Are you getting the picture? They have traded your clean water for their corporate profits. And you didn’t even notice it was happening. Remember, or perhaps you didn’t know, our DCs are companies and your government is a corporation. Look up your DC on the Dun and Bradstreet website. A registered company/corporation is accountable to its shareholders and is for profit and not technically a democracy.

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Makeshift water filters in use  by the local District Council as partly treated sewage flows into a local NI NZ waterway  SOURCE

Finally, add to all of this the fallout from Geoengineering that daily pollutes our water, soil & air and you have a completely toxic cocktail of poison.

This is how not only your environment is compromised Kiwis, but your health as well. Soaking in chlorine is not healthy. Stats show that Chlorine is a carcinogen so long term soaking in and ingesting it can lead to cancer. Check out our related pages or search ‘categories’ for similar articles. Use the share buttons and spread the truth.


We are “at risk of losing our inalienable right to wild places” – the thin end of the Agenda 21/2030 wedge Kiwis


If you’ve read about Agenda 21, now also called Agenda 2030, the latter being the date by which the UN Agenda for global governance is scheduled to eventuate, you will prick your ears up at this item of news by Stuff (see below). And if you know about Agenda 21/2030 you will also know that mainstream media is controlled by a very few  corporations (six last count) and tells you only what the corporations want you to hear. That established and if you are not familiar with this UN agenda you need to get reading. The agenda is characterized within our local governments by the all too familiar catch words ‘sustainable development’ paid lip service to only going by the trashing of the environment that’s been happening with DCs’ blessing. (You will find links on our Agenda 21/2030 pages, Kiwis particularly read the NZ page).  Your freedoms are being carefully pulled out right from under your nose. Not too suddenly mind, just slowly enough that you won’t notice. Having familiarized myself with the agenda for a few years now, any mention by the powers that be regarding privatizing our wilderness areas is a warning bell. This is happening already in the US. The aim is to corral us all into the cities & make the wildernesses literally inaccessible. In an article at an instance is cited from 1998 in the US where  “commissioners were approached by Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks (FWP) state land manager … with a proposal to cooperate in driving rural residents out of the Montana countryside into cities.” Horrified, the exchange that followed explained their intentions within an economic framework also. Read what happened at the link.  Following is a quote from that summarizes what has been happening:

“Step by step, piece by piece, the Wildlands Project is coming to fruition. The Project, foundational to the U.N. Biodiversity Treaty which was never ratified by the U.S. Senate, calls for approximately 50 percent of the United States to be set aside as “wildlands”, where no human can enter. Much has been accomplished over the past 10 years toward that goal, and the pace is stepping up, with the help of the federal agencies under Clinton/Gore. (And so much more since then!) From control of the water – to taking land out of private ownership – to “protecting” numerous species – all the pieces of the puzzle work together to form the complete picture. People remain unaware of the size and scope of the operation because land is being taken in the name of “endangered species”. 
The Wildlands Project 

“Fifty per cent … where no human can enter!” Note in the Stuff article how just the idea of privatizing the wilderness places is being put forward. This is how these people operate. They will introduce you to the idea so that months or years down the track when you thought they’d forgotten about it, it will happen.

Now to the average reader this all looks pretty normal. It is being presented to currently within an economic framework. People need to be ‘stumping up’ it’s proposed for the privilege of viewing our beautiful country. The topic is being introduced with the conclusion that things need to be handled better and there it will likely rest for the time being, but watch this space. These people work by increments.

As a last thought, remember we were told in the mass hysteria that surrounded the Foreshore and Seabed Act, that if Māori were given ownership of the foreshore the public would lose access to the beaches. Well currently large chunks of our country are in the ownership of foreigners who own whole islands. Where is the outcry now? Herald has just published an article on that topic. You can read it at the link.
Utopia Divided: What costs of playgrounds for millionaire migrants?
After reading the Herald article here is another on the same theme:
Key Wants to Turn NZ Into a Haven for the 1%

Here are three articles including those cited already that in my opinion, link these seeming benign proposals for action with the Agenda 21/2030 plan.

These Maps Show Us Where We Won’t Be Able To Live After the Takeover of America is Completed – “Human Access Denied”

The Wildlands Project  (many more links contained in this article)

Wilderness Corridors: Agenda 21 Under a New Name

Idahoans Against Agenda 21

Following is the article by

Kiwis Risk Losing an ‘unalienable right to wild places


A rush to make New Zealand’s wild places profitable is putting the “unalienable rights” of Kiwis at risk, a recreation group says.

Growing tourism numbers are having an impact around the country, but nowhere more so than the wilder reaches of the South Island.

Infrastructure in once remote areas such as Mackenzie and Central Otago is groaning beneath the weight of the influx.

A recent report commissioned by a group of tourism leaders, prepared by consultants McKinsey & Company, came up with a raft of measures that would raise $130 million each year to ease the problem.

They included a bed tax, fees for car parking at national parks, and privatising the Great Walks, which collectively lose about $3m each year under Department of Conservation (DOC) management.


1 to 5 million cases of pesticide poisoning occur every year

“There’s no problem with the ban of DBCP [dibromochloropropane] within the United States. In fact, it was the best thing that could have happened to us. You can’t sell it here anymore but you can still sell it anywhere else. Our big market has always been exports anyway.” (Executive, AMVAC Corporation)

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Toxic herbicides are sprayed liberally around public places with no requirement to warn the public, and often little or no protective clothing worn by the operators

We are living in a world now that is awash with chemicals, found not only in sprays and pesticides, but in our food, water and air. Their use has become largely acceptable now with scant regard often for researching into their possible harmful effects. Any alarms sounded about possible risks are greeted with cries of ‘scaremongering’ or ‘over reaction’ … and yet the  independent research is usually there and often ignored. I’m constantly dismayed at this lack of regard for the evidence, especially since our recent generations consider themselves more enlightened than those of our forbears. We have

What's in your food?
What’s in your food?

the knowledge alright, but who will listen and heed it? A video which has encouraged me to keep speaking up about these environmental risks to our health has been that produced by TED talks (they’re on Youtube also) called ‘The Dangers of Willful Blindness’ (the video is on our Home page). Gayla Benefield was just doing her job — until she uncovered an awful secret about her hometown that meant its mortality rate was 80 times higher than anywhere else in the U.S. Worse, when she tried to warn people of her discovery they didn’t want to know! How often we are faced with fact but choose not to believe. We adopt what I call the ‘three monkeys’ approach where it’s assumed, if we neither see, hear nor speak we’re safe … a lot like the ostrich really. But somewhere down the track we run the high risk of it all coming back to bite us on the proverbial rear end!

imagesThe Environmental Justice Foundation on pesticide poisoning states that … Across all agricultural sectors, an estimated 1 to 5 million cases of pesticide poisoning occur every year, resulting in 20,000 reported deaths among agricultural workers and at least 1 million requiring hospitalisation….While developing countries account for less than 30% of global pesticide consumption, the bulk of pesticide poisonings occur in a developing world scenario, including an estimated 99% of pesticide-induced deaths…

Read more


Childhood Pesticide Poisoning (WHO)
Ghana’s Pesticide Crisis

Check our our Chemicals and Glyphosate pages … particularly note under Chemicals the 1080 page and how NZ is being bombarded with it. We consume the highest amount in the world, gradually ensuring there is a rapidly diminishing wild food supply. Another excellent source of information, a Kiwi site, is the Pesticide Action Network Aotearoa NZ (PANANZ). 


NZ Baby food contains 800 times more pesticide than in Europe!

This is a good reminder why it is healthier to either grow your own or source organic produce & make your own baby food. This is disturbing … 800 times more pesticide than Europe’s baby food. From ‘clean & green’ NZ?


New Zealand baby food contained nearly 800 times more pesticides than baby food in Europe, according to a recent analysis. This evidence and why this is a risk to New Zealand babies will be presented tomorrow to the Primary Production Committee by Dr Meriel Watts of the Pesticide Action Network Aotearoa and Alison White of the Safe Food Campaign(*)….. read at SOURCE

Also HERE at Pesticide Action Network Aotearoa New Zealand (PANANZ)

Pike River Families Continue to Protest – Radio Live Interview with Bernie Monk 22 Dec 2016

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Stephen McIvor is joined by Bernie Monk to discuss what’s next for the Pike River families now that they are legally obliged to allow road access to the Pike River mine.

Vitamin C Antidote to all known toxins – Dr Thomas Levy

Dr Thomas Levy is a former Assistant Professor of Medicine, Tulane Medical School and Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, the author of several books including ‘Curing the Incurable’. You can view his full profile at his website. 

(From MrBetonmike‘s channel on Youtube)

Also on the topic of Vitamin C, see our Success Stories page in the Cancer section. Featured is a local (Kiwi/New Zealander) Anton Kuraia who was healed of cancer with IV Vitamin C having received all the chemo the hospital could offer him. He had been sent home to die with literally only weeks to live. You can read his story and more here.

Listen to Dr Levy’s vital information on this valuable and powerful antidote.


Authentic US Naval Training vid on Biological & Chemical Warfare – & you thought it was conspiracy?

Complete with the dramatic sound characteristic of the era, here is a very old training vid from the US Navy on Biological & Chemical warfare. Now most folks think such is found merely in the realm of conspiracy – not so. And it is all well documented folks – EnvirowatchRangitikei

The video is from (Dane Wigington) and I quote from their information section here:

“Those that doubt the twisted and psychotic nature of our own military need to consider long and hard the contents of the newly declassified 14 minute video below. The entire composition of this military “training” film is far beyond disturbing and alarming. The criminal cabal that currently rules the world are well aware of the fact that populations are beginning to wake up to their ongoing global atmospheric spraying programs of total decimation and omnicide. After viewing the attached video, would any sane person doubt the fact that those in power would not hesitate to use such weapons against their own populations in order to retain their grip on power? It is not just a possibility, but has long been a lethal reality that is clearly visible to any who bother to look up, do some objective research, and then put their sense of deductive reasoning to use. Climate engineering is weather warfare and biological warfare. There is no separating these components, they are all one and the same. We are all under direct assault, as is the entire biosphere. This is not alarmism, theory, conjecture, or speculation, it is verifiable fact. Check your priorities, if you are not focused on the critical battle to expose and halt the toxic spraying of our skies being carried out under the global climate modification/solar radiation management umbrella, then you are missing the point. These programs of aerosol spraying are the most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. Make your voice heard in the fight for the common good while there is yet something worth fighting for.”…

Government Rains “1080 Hailstones” On Visiting Anglers – Welcome to Paradise Down Under

This is becoming a regular occurrence going by similar other reports & posts we’ve featured here. Poisoning Paradise would be correct (see Graf Boys’ video of that name). Still our deluded leaders continue to promote us as clean and green. LGNZ is currently advertising a handy app to make it easy for you to see which of the 40% that’s left of swimmable rivers is ok for you to take a dip in. Whatever way you look at it somebody manages to make a dollar or two out of the whole farcical debacle. This product (1080) is a deadly poison! All I can conclude here is take care folks if you plan tramping in the bush this holiday. Watch also what you catch and eat. Check out our 1080 page for links to further info.


“It was like big hail drops hitting the water around us,” said New Zealand trout fishing guide Scott Murray who is a co-owner of River Haven Lodge near Murchison.

It was no ordinary hail storm. The ‘big hail drops’ were toxic 1080 pellets.

The 1080 drop was a joint effort by Ospri for possum “control” and the Department of Conservation’s “Battle for Our Birds” predator control programme. It was December 2, 2016 when Scott and his two guests helicoptered into the Mokihinui River that enters the Tasman Sea north of Westport on the west coast of NZ’s South Island. The upper reaches in the river’s north and south branches are of wilderness character. Also in the area the same day was Zane Mirfin a Nelson guide and two guests. Zane Mirfin’s Californian client was incredulous when Zane explained what the aerial bombardment with 1080 pellets was about.

See more at:


Solid Energy CE “refuses to listen” to UN mining experts on Pike River re-entry – what’s to hide?

Pike River Mine, now closed since the fatal explosion that took the lives of 29 men and which mining company Solid Energy soon plans to seal with 30 meters of concrete

These families whose loved ones still lie in the Pike River mine, are determined to get them out, get answers and justice,  give them a proper burial, and grieve and obtain closure. They’ve gone about acquiring a report from both a group of UN experts as well as a British former mines inspector. The report which has been both peer reviewed and endorsed by mining experts advises re-entry to the mine is “absolutely possible”.

So why is Solid Energy’s CE not willing to even sit down and listen to this report? They have plans to seal the mine in February with 30 meters of concrete. What’s to hide then?

Bernie Monk has said he’s “over” the firm because of this refusal and intends to deal only with the Government from now on. He hopes to bring the expert who wrote the plan to a meeting with new PM Bill English.

This cold hearted and steely indifference to the human suffering of these families for their loved ones is atypical of the character of corporations. The term ‘character’ is not a misnomer by any stretch of the imagination. In the documentary called ‘The Corporation’, professionals in their respective fields have astutely classified and labeled the “legal person hood” that corporations enjoy, as basically “psychopathic”. This legal entity is constructed in such a way that it enjoys complete absolution from all responsibility for the harm it inflicts. We can see this playing out now in the Pike River mining tragedy. Please also read Dr Jacob Cohen’s exposé of their activity in this respect. The following information is from The Corporation film’s own website.

A Legal “Person”

“In the mid-1800s the corporation emerged as a legal “person.” Imbued with a “personality” of pure self-interest, the next 100 years saw the corporation’s rise to dominance. The corporation created unprecedented wealth but at what cost? The remorseless rationale of “externalities” (as Milton Friedman explains, the unintended consequences of a transaction between two parties on a third) is responsible for countless cases of illness, death, poverty, pollution, exploitation and lies.”

The people who work for corporations may be good people, upstanding citizens in their communities, but none of that matters when they enter the corporation’s world.

“To assess the “personality” of the corporate “person,” a checklist is employed, using diagnostic criteria of the World Health Organization and the standard diagnostic tool of psychiatrists and psychologists. The operational principles of the corporation give it a highly anti-social “personality”: it is self-interested, inherently amoral, callous and deceitful; it breaches social and legal standards to get its way; it does not suffer from guilt, yet it can mimic the human qualities of empathy, caring and altruism. Four case studies, drawn from a universe of corporate activity, clearly demonstrate harm to workers, human health, animals and the biosphere. Concluding this point-by-point analysis, a disturbing diagnosis is delivered: the institutional embodiment of laissez-faire capitalism fully meets the diagnostic criteria of a “psychopath.” “

Watch ‘The Corporation’ movie on our Corporations page. A very enlightening movie, it will switch on the light to what is really happening with this heart rending scenario at Pike River. It is time for these behemoths to be disabled and dismantled. They are about control and greed … and absolution from all responsibility for fallout from that. They are what controls the drive for introduction of the TPPA trade ‘agreement’.

Nobody has been held accountable for the Pike River Mining disaster that took the lives of 29 people … the families are seeking answers and closure

Read the related articles below and check out our Corporations and Pike River pages with related links. 


Families of Pike River Mine Disaster Victims Release Expert Plan for Safe Re-entry

Families of some of the victims of the 2010 Pike River mine explosion have submitted an experts’ report to Parliament in a bid to stop Solid Energy from sealing the “crime scene” forever.

The report was written by David Creedy, vice-chairman of the United Nations group of experts on coal mine methane, and Bob Stevenson, a former mines inspector in Britain.

The report has been peer-reviewed and endorsed by Britain’s leading mines rescue expert, Brian Robinson, and mining ventilation experts John Rowland and Roy Moreby.

Moreby has advised Solid Energy, which plans to seal the mine drift, on re-entry of Pike River.


Pike River Blockade Ends but the Protest Continues

Monk said he was “over” the mining firm since chief executive Tony King refused to sit down and listen to what the families’ experts had to say.

“I don’t want anything to do with Solid Energy. They have been uncooperative. They are bullies. I will only deal with the Government from now on.”

He hoped to bring the expert who had written the new plan for safe re-entry to NZ for a meeting with Prime Minister Bill English.



A Very Comprehensive Documentary on Agenda 21/2030 … It is Happening Now Planet Wide


Published on Sep 18, 2016

My car died video:…
Go Fund me:

 Agenda 21/2030 ... “A growing economy creates the resources necessary for environmental protection, and environmental protection makes growth sustainable over the long term” This is all fine sounding rhetoric from a nation that among other things has spawned genetically modified food and Roundup, the most toxic herbicide on the planet, that refuses to let us choose for ourselves if we want to consume GE food, that dumps its banned toxic chemicals on poor and vulnerable nations and sprays the planet relentlessly with toxic chemicals … I could go on but all of this alone is sufficient cause for me to hear warning bells. This call for environmental protection through economic growth is a farce folks.
Check out our Agenda 21/2030 pages, particularly Kiwis, the sub page, Agenda 21/2030 in NZ. This is from the United Nations people. It is not conspiracy theory. It is outworking in our Govt and LGs now.

Neoliberalism is a species of fascism

For those who’ve been reading the writing on the wall our little down under paradise is becoming more fascist by the day. You need to look a little deeper than mainstream however. It’s there though & it’s come in tiny increments. Keep watching.


by Manuela Cadelli, President of the Magistrates’ Union of Belgium, via Defend Democracy

The time for rhetorical reservations is over. Things have to be called by their name to make it possible for a co-ordinated democratic reaction to be initiated, above all in the public services.

Liberalism was a doctrine derived  from the philosophy of Enlightenment, at once political and economic, which aimed at imposing on the state the necessary distance for ensuring respect for liberties and the coming of democratic emancipation. It was the motor for the arrival, and the continuing progress, of Western democracies.

Neoliberalism is a form of economism in our day that strikes at every moment at every sector of our community. It is a form of extremism.

Fascism may be defined as the subordination of every part of the State to a totalitarian and nihilistic ideology.

I argue that neoliberalism is a species of fascism…

View original post 1,102 more words

Twenty early warning signs that cancer is growing in your body

head-254863_1280.jpg  Before relying on testing for answers, you are already gifted with a natural testing machine: your body. Listening closely to your body, it can provide you with some helpful hints on spotting diseases, like cancer, that you might otherwise overlook.

Signs to Look For

Indirect Symptoms

1. Wheezing/shortness of breath

Lung cancer patients remember noticing this as one of their first symptoms but didn’t initially connect it to cancer.

2. Frequent fevers or infections

Frequently a sign of leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells that starts in bone marrow. It causes the marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells that hinder your body’s infection-fighting abilities.


Check our our Cancer pages in the menu. Educate yourself on the alternative treatments others have used with success. Be proactive on this before you receive a diagnosis. Chemo is shown to have a tiny 3% success rate, there are other options with far higher that you won’t be offered.


Sugar industry quietly paid scientists to point blame at fat

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This is kind of shocking isn’t it? All these years we’ve been told no fat, when sugar is the greater culprit in ruining our health. We need to be vigilant … profits over people is the corporate mantra. Guard your health carefully & question everything. Remember too, sugar’s been labeled one of the building blocks of cancer.
EnvirowatchRangitikei  A newly discovered cache of internal documents reveals that the sugar industry downplayed the risks of sugar in the 1960s.

In the 1960s, the sugar industry funded research that downplayed the risks of sugar and highlighted the hazards of fat, according to a newly published article in JAMA Internal Medicine.

by Camila Domonoske

The article draws on internal documents to show that an industry group called the Sugar Research Foundation wanted to “refute” concerns about sugar’s possible role in heart disease. The SRF then sponsored research by Harvard scientists that did just that. The result was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1967, with no disclosure of the sugar industry funding.

22 Must-see vaccine documentaries


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(NaturalNews) In no particular order, here are 22 highly informative, must-see vaccine documentaries that you could share with your friends.

They all have to do with various factors of vaccination – evidence, efficacy, injuries, health effects and medicinal politics.

(Article by Britney Murray, republished from

They come with a brief description pulled from YouTube. Most of them are free and featured here in-full. Definitely add these to your “must see” list of documentary films.

What mainstream isn’t telling you about Horowhenua DC …”We were dumped off committees, access keys taken, derogatory remarks constantly thrown at us …”

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A large crowd of protesters gathered outside Horowhenua DC’s building to protest at the ousting of the new Deputy Mayor Ross Campbell

If you attended the protest outside the Horowhenua District Council building on Wednesday 7 Dec (2016) and particularly if you stayed and listened to the events at the Council’s meeting, then you will have heard the new Mayor’s speech. You would also have heard the revelations presented by former Councilor Mrs Anne Hunt. Mainstream media have mentioned neither. 


If you weren’t there you will only have heard mainstream’s take by now. Herald’s provided the damning conclusions & comments from a Massey University expert on the mechanics of Local Government. They have already cast the new Mayor as a ‘lame duck mayor’, ‘dead in the water’ through his supposedly poor and inexperienced choices, that is, exercising his democratic right using the ‘dumb ass’ LG law to select a Deputy without consulting  the other nine Councilors who don’t support him anyway. They’d already made that clear early in the piece by announcing they were rolling his Deputy, no explanation offered. There was even pre-election mention in social media by a relative of one councilor of the likely outcome if the now current Mayor got elected. He’d be a “Nigel no mates” it was said, if half the Council weren’t also replaced by councilors of like mind. Already a foregone conclusion? This is not a simple personality clash as media would have you believe.

Former Cr Mrs Anne Hunt revealed how she was similarly treated in her nine years as a councilor

Mayor Feyen has acknowledged the law is an ass, and former Cr of nine years, Mrs Anne Hunt pointed out in her speech just how it was made that way. The Local Govt Act gave Mayors the option of choosing their own Deputy when Len Brown in Auckland became Mayor. It was never intended for all Councils. And it clearly doesn’t work.

Since mainstream is not going to highlight it for you, here is Mayor Feyen’s speech anyway. It followed a glowing report on the Economic Development Committee, (that looks not unlike insider trading) and was interrupted by Cr Judd  just as he was about to reveal how he and Cr Campbell had been treated for the past three years. Cr Judd had to be told three times to sit down and be quiet. You can head to the DC’s Facebook page and listen to it all for yourself. The Mayor’s speech is in Part 1. Below is the transcript.

Mayor Feyen speaks:

This is a difficult situation and I believe it’s been brought about,  and you would understand how this has all come about if you had actually been Cr Feyen or Cr Campbell, where everything that you describe, talking about corruption, that everything many have described …

… we simply weren’t accorded any democratic rights in the last three years. We had our access keys taken from us, we were dumped off committees with no explanation, people saw us constantly having derogatory comments  thrown at us by the past mayor, we were always interrupted when we asked questions, when we asked questions in writing we seldom got an answer.

copy-of-protest-7-dec-2016-029We had to ask the questions  in council & that’s what people saw. There was no true democracy leading up to these elections & that is something that I want to bring back into this council where people if they ask for speaking rights they get them. That’s why we’re getting people in here, that’s why people are coming back into council, because they’re seeing that there’s a chance for community to actually participate. It’s been a really difficult road, we’ve got Cr Judd who has come back on the scene, & we have two new Crs.

It’s a paradigm shift that the two Crs that asked all the questions, the public want us in & now here we sit as mayor and DM because they want a change, they’re actually sick and tired  of the half truths that are published in the paper.

copy-of-protest-7-dec-2016-030With the pressure that’s put on the media, .. that’s gone, there is no pressure on the media now  & now we’re getting letters to the editor in the paper where we’re actually getting the full story out there. As a new mayor, I knew it was going to be difficult, the minute I saw the results because I’ve had to put up with three years of being … point of order (Cr Judd interrupts) … no there’s no point of order I’m going to carry on speaking …. can you please take a seat and let me finish Cr Judd … I’m asking you to stay seated … thank you, thank you … I AM speaking to the matter in front of me , it’s quite interesting that every single Cr brought up the past in relating their story to Cr Campbell & I am bringing people into the context of what this is all about … (unclear from the recording at this point) … would give me the time of day during my time in council , that’s the truth of it.

This is crucial background information for understanding why the Mayor has made the choices he has. He was effectively hamstrung. And yet, again, mainstream has made no mention of it whatsoever. Curious isn’t it?

Add to this the revelations made by Mrs Anne Hunt. During her terms of nine years she endured similar to that described by Mayor Feyen and Cr Campbell … basically she too was kept out of the loop.  Mrs Hunt explains in her speech she was given information indicating ‘they’ would “make her life hell” should she become the Mayor in the 2010 election. She goes on to explain that this was not just about Michael Feyen or Ross Campbell.

“… this was not just about Michael Feyen or Ross Campbell … what has happened she said, would happen to anybody who unseated Mayor Duffy…”

She described how for nine years as a councilor she’d been under pressure to sing from the same song sheet. Read at the link of a Code of Conduct incident obtained under the Official Information Act describing Mayor Duffy’s alleged intimidating behavior. You can listen to Mrs Hunt’s speech on the HDC website also, it too is in Part 1.

(Unfortunately this recording has now gone you may find it by searching HDC’s site or asking for the archives there).

So, it’s a little rich that we have Cr Wanden and other Crs in their speeches stressing openness, communication, respect and trust. What astounds me most is that all the councilors who would have observed the bullying behavior described that went on for three years (and beyond) said or did nothing to stop it. We can’t conclude they didn’t know, otherwise jaws should have dropped when the truth was told right there that Wednesday. Jaws didn’t drop however, it’s business as usual, and mainstream is saying nothing, zip, zilch. 

And finally, aside from all of that, neither has there been any mention of opening the books. Or why the same nine who voted the Deputy Mayor out promptly voted against opening the books, first meeting after the installation of Mayor Feyen. You really have to wonder why. If it is all so squeaky clean they should be proud to show us the books. 

All that debt, $68 million! With a CE on a $250K salary. Doesn’t make sense does it? 

Foxton drinking water

On a very bright note however, since the elections Foxton now has two outlets to fill containers with filtered water. The former Mayor insisted the water was fine … it is not and hasn’t been for as long as some folks who live there can remember. We will soon however have a largely unwanted street do up worth $1.5 million. Flash streets are more important than healthy water it would seem. 

Do read our Local Government Watch pages at the menu, and note these goings on are by no means confined to the Horowhenua. Your country Kiwis is not what it used to be. If you watch the video of the gentleman whom Rodney Council took to the cleaners, he relates how an ex Scotland Yard official now in NZ has described your country as one of the most corrupt in the world. Thing is, Kiwis are so trusting and blind they’ve convinced themselves it is one of the least corrupt. For more light reading check out Mainstream Media on how your reading material is carefully filtered.

Note: Cr Campbell declined to reply to the criticism against him. By visiting our Local Government Watch pages (Horowhenua) you can learn more about his historical querying of excessive Council debt, his genuine concerns regarding the Economic Development Committee and his efforts at exposing the pollution of his ward’s waterways by negligent Council practices.

The illusion of democracy: Horowhenua District Council is rolling its new Deputy Mayor and won’t be opening the books … what’s to hide?




The Real Reason Your Rural Banks are Closing Kiwis – It’s Not Lack of Funds

Reports in August last year (2016) told us that in spite of $1 billion Profit, Westpac was still looking to close 19

hands-1319624_1280.jpgrural Branches. So it isn’t because they’re not making money. Same scenario with Housing NZ. Those homes are being hocked off by the thousands currently, not because they are an encumbrance, in fact the Housing Corporation is/was running at a profit. Cast your eye back to the late ’80s and the new Neoliberal rip-off economy that promised us they were working smarter amidst a whole palaver about restructuring aka structural adjustment that seemed to mysteriously only affect the workers and equally as mysteriously fatten the purses of the already wealthy. The gap is getting wider, watch.

These closures began back in the aforementioned late ’80s when banks, hospitals, pharmacies, postal, transport and medical services and so on, collapsed slowly, one by one, like a house of cards. Folks at the time put up a huge fight to retain these services and were successful for a time, however, they eventually closed. The seemingly inevitable. And back then, like now, they were simply decisions from the top echelon in Wellington – economic priorities, not inevitabilities at all. And slowly, as was the intended effect, folks drifted to the cities in order to support themselves and their families. Kiwis are resourceful and not lazy like the current regime would have you believe. We had full employment before the new banking/corporate government took control.

Slowly, as services were closed, the result of economic decisions in Wellington, people moved to the cities in order to support their families

If you would like to know the agenda behind those decisions you need to look at the UN Long Term Plan, called specifically Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. It is very long hence few will have read it. However there are many commentaries/exposes/critiques of it online fortunately, by those who have read it cover to cover, notable people like ex Aussie politician, Anne Bressington. Watch her video at the link. This is the forward thinking plan that superficially looks great and touts sustainability and global cooperation. Be assured it is everything but. Look now at our District Councils, our Local Governing bodies and see how they flout the term sustainability (in practice that is). Their websites however have all the right spin. People are now waking up to the fact and the reality that our nation is being in fact, severely polluted to the extent we can only swim safely in 40% of our rivers. 

And so in line with this change of regime that has been creeping on us since the late ’80s

Mangaweka in the central North Island, a once thriving town, drastically affected historically by the closure of services

and Rogernomics, the closure of facilities in rural areas is designed to drive us to the cities. Friends tell me their rates in the rural towns are far dearer than city rates … with less amenities. If you take the time to research Agenda 21/30 you will see the long term plan – in short – is for us to live in high rise city apartments and riding bicycles for transport. That is the general shift that is in motion.

For a local expose of the plan visit our Agenda 21/30 in NZ pages … Dr Naomi Jacobs has written an ebook about it (downloadable from that page), triggered by the rising rates scenario (an increasingly familiar theme) in Kaipara in the North. No this is not conspiracy theory, it is a documented UN Agenda fact. You owe it to yourself to read it. It concerns you & your descendants.


Westpac looking to close 19 rural branches – union
Elderly face 180km journey if bank closes

See our Agenda 21/30  and Money/Banking pages for more info & links, &/or search categories for further related articles (at left of any page). 

Consider liking our FB page &/or following our blog (right of any page) to help spread the word on all the untruths we have been told! We are about exposing lies and corruption. Use the share buttons! 

Thank you!


The United Nations 2030 Agenda decoded: It’s a blueprint for the global enslavement of humanity under the boot of corporate masters


(NaturalNews) This week, Michael Snyder published an important article entitled The 2030 Agenda: This Month The UN Launches A Blueprint For A New World Order With The Help Of The Pope.

That article references this UN “2030 Agenda” document that pushes a blueprint for so-called “sustainable development” around the world.

This document describes nothing less than a global government takeover of every nation across the planet. The “goals” of this document are nothing more than code words for a corporate-government fascist agenda that will imprison humanity in a devastating cycle of poverty while enriching the world’s most powerful globalist corporations like Monsanto and DuPont.

In the interests of helping wake up humanity, I’ve decided to translate the 17 points of this 2030 agenda so that readers everywhere can understand what this document is really calling for. To perform this translation, you have to understand how globalists disguise their monopolistic agendas in “feel good” language.


Check out our pages on Agenda 21/2030 particularly Agenda 21 in NZ Kiwis. This is already at work in our District Councils. See our Local Govt Watch pages and search in categories (left of any page) for related articles.


The great big list of John Key’s big fat lies

As Key,  is apparently swanning off with his family to Hawaii tomorrow following his shock resignation, likely deserting the ship he’s helped sink, let’s reflect on our ‘esteemed’ leader’s honesty or lack thereof for the past terms we’ve had him installed with his wrecking ball. He wasn’t a banker for nothing. Our post war leaders will be turning in their graves.


“Yep, its that time again when readers are reminded of some of the lies John Key told in the lead-up to and in the seven years since his National Ltd™ came to power.  No doubt there will be a bunch more lies to be added later today when John Key presents his “State Of The Nation” address and, in doing so, further bolsters his legacy as the most dishonest Prime Minister New Zealand has ever had. So, from the top . . .

john key in an armchair
John Key
  1. I promise to always be honest
  2. I will not be hiring Crosby/Textor
  3. The Government I lead will be a Government of good standards.
  4. we are not going to sack public servants, the attrition rate will reduce costs
  5. we are not going to cut working for families
  6. I firmly believe in climate change and always have
  7. We seek a 50% reduction in New Zealand’s carbon-equivalent net emissions, as compared to 1990 levels, by 2050. 50 by 50. We will write the target into law.
  8. National Ltd™ will provide a consistent incentive for both biofuel and biodiesel by exempting them from excise tax or road user charges
  9. National Ltd™ will increase the number of front line police officers by 600 before the end of 2011
  10. there is no truth in Nicky Hager’s book “The Hollowmen”
  11. I didn’t know about The Bretheren election tactics
  12. If they came to us now with that proposal [re trans-Tasman Therapeutic Goods regime], we will sign it
  13. I can’t remember my position on the 1981 Springbok Tour
  14. Tranzrail shares
  15. I did not mislead the House (1)
  16. Lord Ashcroft
  17. National Ltd™ would not have sent troops into Iraq
  18. Standard & Poors credit downgrade
  19. the double-down grade doesn’t really matter and its only about private sector debt
  20. I did not mislead the House (2)
  21. I didn’t say I want wages to drop
  22. I can’t remember why I voted against increasing the minimum wage
  23. lifting the minimum wage to $15 an hour will increase unemployment
  24. the real rate of inflation is 3.3 percent.
  25. the tourism sector has not lost 7,000 jobs
  26. no I have never heard of Whitechapel
  27. I won’t raise GST


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Pike families have been given control of mine road

Pike families take control of mine road

A flame burns from the end of a ventilation shaft of the Pike River coal mine near Greymouth on November 30, 2010.© REUTERS/The Press/Iain McGregor/Pool A flame burns from the end of a ventilation shaft of the Pike River coal mine near Greymouth on November 30, 2010. The families of the men who died in the Pike River coal mine say the owner of the road accessing the mine has given control of it to them.

The families of the 29 men who died in the mine in November 2010 have been fighting the sealing of the mine, saying the drift, a tunnel leading to the mine proper, is safe to enter.

The mine was privately owned at the time of the explosions but is now owned by state-owner coal miner Solid Energy, which says the mine is not safe to enter.

The families have been protesting on the road to the mine, and on Sunday posted on social media “there’s been a wee development”.

“Turns out, Solid Energy don’t own a big slice of the road to the Pike River access road, and don’t have any legal right to access it.”

It’s the only way to get to the mine in the West Coast region of New Zealand’s South Island.

“Oh, and the lovely local farmer who does own it, being a top bloke and loyal Coaster, has given control to us.

“So, you know, we’ll try hard to be reasonable landlords. We’ll allow access for genuine emergencies, if they ask nicely. But, well, that’ll be it for now.

“The town bully just went down.”

The Pike River families plan to go to parliament in Wellington on Tuesday to present the new prime minister with a new legal and technical plan to allow for re-entry of the drift “to retrieve evidence of what happened to our boys, and any remains which may lie there”.

Last week, Solid Energy published an open letter in newspapers explaining its position.

It rejected claims a “quick” inspection of the 2.3km drift, or entry shaft, is safe, that it is not listening to families’ experts, talking to the families and acting with indecent haste.

It also labelled the idea the mine was being sealed because it had something to hide or was colluding with the government in a cover-up plot as “incorrect and farcical”.


This is excellent news! Share this info & go to our Pike River page also. Share using the buttons at bottom of pages. Support the families at Pike River to get justice done for their loved ones!


The Horowhenua DC’s Economic Development Committee that Looks Not Unlike Insider Trading

“These business associates of the Mayor actually came to our table at Council the other night and addressed us and advised us to vote for the policies that would benefit them!”   Cr Ross Campbell

Last July it was brought to our attention by the currently-being-rolled Deputy Mayor (then) Councilor Ross Campbell, that a certain group within the HDC called the Economic Development Committee, was actually functioning in an advisory capacity to the district’s ELECTED representatives, the HDC Councilors. That economic group is comprised of:

EIGHT NON-ELECTED members of the business community … developers, retailers, manufacturers, contractors… and TWO ELECTED COUNCILORS, who in turn are advising ELECTED COUNCILORS how they should vote. 

The Economic Development Committee is privy to information that the public isn’t

These people are privy to information that the public isn’t. Now this is not right, to have information that puts you at an advantage over your competitors. This Councilor is about to be ousted from his position as Deputy because the Council doesn’t want him in that position. They have not given a reason why. Is this why?

Bear in mind also, this is the same Councilor who has constantly cautioned the Council about its fiscal mismanagement … Council is currently $100 million in debt. The (previous) Council has argued it’s $68 million however, why is that figure even acceptable? Why would even ONE million be acceptable? How is it a CE on a $250K salary, can allow a small town Council to sink into such obscene debt?

Listen carefully to what Cr Ross Campbell says. Read the transcript if you are unable to watch it. He has brought important information to the attention of you the voters.

If you cannot play this video, here is the transcript for you to read:

“My name is Ross Campbell and as most of you know I’m the District Councilor for the Miranui Ward which takes in Tokomaru & Shannon, Opiki, Akarua, Buckley & Mangaore and this lovely part of the district of Miranui.
I’ve got a few things that concern me when I’m in Council. One of them is these … we get a lot of information at Council … we get information from the NZTA you know, that’s the roading people; we get Government departments telling us all sorts of statistics and things, what they are likely to do and what they want to do. We get a lot of information from statistics of course, we get market trends, we get inquiries from overseas investments … we get information from Regional Councils, Health Boards and so it goes on … there’s a lot of information coming in. This information is meant to be used in briefings to councillors, to help them in their decisions, planning the district, and which way we want to go, if we want to go forward or we want to go sideways or whatever the case might be, and so we use this information to help us make decisions.

But this concern is something that I want to bring to you … it’s not always the case. Our mayor … some of you might not know this ,.. our mayor has formed a group of his closest business associates. They’re the people who he mixes with. And together with these
associates there are developers, there are retailers, there are manufacturers, contractors, who have been selected by him. They’ve formed themselves into what we call an Economic Development Committee. That’s what the Council calls it. You see all the information that we receive is passed on to this committee who are not elected people … they’ve not been elected to be there by you, who may be arguably your closest competitor in your business, and these people all get an unfair advantage over their closest rivals, and that rival could be you. Because of all this information coming in, they know where the trends are, they know the direction the council’s thinking. They are privy to information that gives them an advantage over others, especially at this time when we councillors are told often to be quiet about the different possibilities that may happen.

These business associates of the Mayor actually came to our table at Council the other night and addressed us and advised us to vote for the policies that would benefit them!


This handful of business associates that our Mayor has selected are receiving an advantage over their competitors, and it’s just not right. These folks have not been elected by you. They’ve never sworn allegiance to the district, and are being rewarded for their faithfulness to the Mayor. Go figure. What do you think? Just last week a decision was made to announce to the retailers in Levin as to where the road of national significance was going. But we wouldn’t announce it until February 2017.

As it was told to us by the Mayor we shouldn’t announce it before the election as the Mayor, because of this, could get skinned alive.

So just whose interests are we looking after? Folks, we must get out there and vote, and elect those you trust … not those who are there to furnish the Mayor’s ego and their own business pockets. That is one of my concerns and over the next few weeks, I’m going to share some of the other concerns I have. They are concerns that I believe you need to know about … that we haven’t got a Council that’s working directly for you … we’ve got a Council that is working for the few.”

NOTE: If you would like to know the names of the seven business people from your community and their activities as part of the Committee, this has been summarized for you in video part one of the HDC meeting streamed on 7 December 2016  (on the HDC Facebook page).

That’s true Kiwi ‘democracy’ for you! Still, the Horowhenua voters who wanted change are not going to take all this lying down. 

There will be a protest against both the selling of the community housing, and the
rolling of the new Deputy Mayor Cr Ross Campbell … outside the HDC building at 126 Oxford Street in Levin on Wednesday 7th December 2016! A peaceful protest … but one that will send a clear message that those who voted for our current Mayor are not happy with what is happening. Please come and bring a placard if you can.

You will find updates or changes at the Facebook page, at the Nua on our own FB pages (links at right of page) and our petition page here (see menu). 



Weather Weapons are Real, They Have a Treaty to Regulate Them

There you go Kiwis, and you all thought it was conspiracy!

Covert Geopolitics

There is still a sizable portion of our society who cannot grasp the reality of weather altering devices and technologies which have made us all unsure about which weather is real, and which ones are not.

View original post 3,080 more words

Industrial GMO Food Threats & The Global Monsanto Take Down

Covert Geopolitics

The debate over GMO safety and risks stems from the fact that the definition is too generalized, or too ambiguous. The mainstream conversation about its pseudo-science always favors the corporations behind it.

But mere scientific definition is not enough to circumvent the actual disastrous experience, i.e. those glaring facts about its negative effects outside the GMO laboratories.

View original post 1,849 more words

So Key’s Resigned Amidst Quake Warnings and Other Things – What’s Going on Kiwis?

It’s been an eventful week nobody could argue, and an equally as eventful time since the very large quake that rattled NZ last month on November 14th. What to make of it all?

Image: Prime News on Youtube

Yesterday we heard our esteemed leader (said with tongue in cheek) has resigned, along with a further afield & equally surprising resignation by the Italian PM.

PM John Key resigns [Photo:]
Shamubeel Eaqub, economist is hinting at a possible housing bubble burst [Photo:]
Then last weekend we had Gerry Brownlee advising us to be prepared for a major quake and yesterday along with the PM’s shock announcement, the equally esteemed economist Shamubeel Eaqub (the one of ‘zombie towns have to die’ Agenda 21 renown) is hinting that the housing bubble could be set to burst. They were talking about this back in June. So what’s really going on here? In my humble opinion it all has a very suspicious smell to it.


Source: NZ Herald

On the quake topic,  a trusted friend recently told me

“…a mate of mine’s husband is a first responder, he was called by his team leader 2 days before Gerry Brownlee got this out in the media, and told to triple his first aid kits and to prepare his family’s emergency kit…”

There is a man who gave folks a heads up on the last quake (Nigel Gray, an unassuming painter and decorator from the Hawke’s Bay who has been documenting geoengineering and weather modification)  drawing world wide attention to Kiwiland. He has indicated we should be on the alert next week either side of 13.12.2016.

Note mainstream originally debunked him … until he drew global attention, then they did an about turn. Typically of media, and not surprising in that he has drawn attention to geoengineering, something our government admits is a scientific practice, but deny is happening here.

So basically I’m not taking any chances, as neither we should in light of Brownlee’s warning even. We need to be prepared in any event so stay safe people and get your emergency back up plan ready. Just in case.


Earthquake Prediction Goes Viral:
Supermoon: Man’s Earthquake Prediction Debunked:
‘Be Prepared for a Major Earthquake’: Gerry Brownlee Warns Kiwis:

NZ Has Zombie Towns That Need to Close:—-economist-ns-159124
Nation of Debt: Ready, Set, Crash – Could NZ be the Next to Fall?:
Blowing Bubbles: Bubbles are Normal and Rational and then they Pop – Shamubeel Eaqub:



What is the Agenda behind Agenda 21?

Officially, “Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.

Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the Statement of principles for the Sustainable Management of Forests were adopted by more than 178 Governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992.

The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was created in December 1992 to ensure effective follow-up …. Read more

Click to enlarge

There is however a side to Agenda 21 that is little known. Already implemented in four NZ Councils, it is:

…  an action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world (Rosa Koire)

Rosa Koire wrote ‘Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21’, a book that exposes the true agenda of the Sustainable Development movement if you like. Sustainable development (the other term Agenda 21 is known by) as a concept, a plan, an aspiration, is definitely a good thing, there’s no doubt about that, however those who initiated this agenda, have in mind something very different, and something not all of its proponents are aware of. There are other folks who have discovered this agenda and are also speaking up about it including former Australian politician Anne Bressington … read more & view videos here:

The “Golden Rice” Hoax – When Public Relations replaces Science – By Vandana Shiva

Ban GMOs Now

Unfortunately, Vitamin A rice is a hoax; the problem is that vitamin A rice will not remove vitamin A deficiency (VAD). It will seriously aggravate it. It is a technology that fails in its promise.

The “Golden Rice” Hoax’ - When Public Relations replaces Science by Vandana Shiva (Seed Freedom, republished in blog)Source: “THE ‘GOLDEN RICE’ HOAX – When Public Relations replaces Science,” by Vandana Shiva, Seed Freedom1

[The original date of publication for this article is uncertain although references to it can be found as far back as 2000]

By Vandana Shiva, Seed Freedom1

“Golden Rice”: A technology for creating Vitamin A deficiency.

Golden rice has been heralded as the miracle cure for malnutrition and hunger of which 800 million members of the human community suffer.

Herbicide resistant and toxin producing genetically engineered plants can be objectionable because of their ecological and social costs. But who could possibly object to rice engineered to produce vitamin A, a deficiency found in nearly 3…

View original post 1,949 more words

‘A Culture of Corruption’, Former Auckland Council Manager in Court

money-501613_1280.jpgYour governments, local and national, are not what they used to be Kiwis. Check out our Local Government Watch pages for similar in other districts. Search ‘categories’ also (left of any page) for related articles. Particularly this one … Is Local Government in New Zealand Corrupt? And not-to-be-missed, the Horowhenua’s long history of intriguing events. Like many Councils NZ wide, Horowhenua is in serious economic debt to the tune of $68 million, although it’s alleged the figure is closer to $100 million. These debt figures in NZ have accrued under the watch of very well paid CEs with salaries ranging from $600K to $150K. On average, council chief executives are paid almost three times the mayoral salary – and almost five times the average household income of their area. This is what happens when the bottom line is profit. We are undergoing a shift from a Welfare State to Corporate fascism. When Police appear to be monitoring who attends protests (once a democratic right) and acting on behalf of LG, something is seriously wrong folks. Check out Naomi Jacobs’ take on all of this here.


Case circumstantial and reliant on suspicion: court told

NZ Herald, 15 Nov 2016

The lawyer acting for a former Auckland council manager has disputed claims from the Serious Fraud Office that his client created a “culture of corruption”, by pointing to undeclared gifts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars given by others to council staff – including a former council chief executive.

The explosive claims emerged in closing arguments for the defence in the trial of Murray Noone and Stephen Borlase, accused of bribery and corruption over $1.1 million in consultancy payments between 2005 and 2012.

The Serious Fraud Office alleges these payments, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in travel and entertainment spending on associated council staff, was connected to Noone’s awarding of tens of millions of dollars of roading contracts to Borlase’s firm Projenz by Rodney District Council and Auckland Transport.

The long-running trial which opened in late September closed today with Simon Lance, acting for Noone, outlining to the High Court at Auckland how the evidence showed his client’s relationship Projenz was neither atypical nor corrupt.

Lance said the prosecution case had made much of potential conflicts of interest and Noone’s alleged lack of disclosure.

“These allegations did eventually lead to Noone’s employment at Auckland Transport being investigation, then brought to an end. But the lack of disclosure cannot necessarily lead to the conclusion there was a corrupt agenda,” Lance said.

Lance said evidence heard over the past seven weeks supported the contention that this was at worst an employment issue, and many of Noone’s colleagues and superiors had treated similar issues the same way.

Lance, quoting former RDC chief executive Roger Kerr-Newell’s testimony given earlier in the trial, said conflicts of interests were not “the end of the world”. Lance said Kerr-Newell admitted to receiving an expensive bottle of whiskey and a cigar from Projenz that were not listed on the RDC gift register.

“Some gifts, for example whiskey, were simply provided as a goodwill gesture – ‘a courtesy of life’. This was seen as standard industry practice,” Lance said in written submissions to the court.

Lance also said the council’s claim that Noone and Borlase were responsible for a “culture of corruption” in Auckland roading management was not supported by revelations at trial that Noone’s deputy Barrie George received hundreds of thousands of dollars in travel gifts and perks from other contractors.

Lance said George received $200,000 in travel gifts from Hiway Stabilisers, all before Noone was employed in 2005 at RDC.

George was originally charged alongside Noone and Borlase, but pleaded guilty on the eve of trial to corruptly receiving $103,580 in gifts from Projenz. He gave evidence for the Crown while wearing a home detention bracelet.

Lance argued the case against his client, and Borlase, was circumstantial and was reliant on suspicion.

“Suspicion plus suspicion only ever equals suspicion. If maybe this thorough investigation, which goes for a number of years, sees suspicions raised: But that is not proof beyond reasonable doubt,” he said.

The trial, before Justice Sally Fitzgerald alone, finished hearing eight weeks of evidence this morning. Justice Fitzgerald directed a hearing be scheduled for December 9 where she would deliver her verdict.

NZ Herald


See how a mere handful of powerful banking families in London control what the world reads



John Swinton (1830-1901) was the chief editorial journalist at the New York Times from 1860 to 1870 and for the New York Sun from 1875-1897. In 1880 while as a guest of honour at a banquet of leading journalists , he was offered a ‘toast to the independent press’ and he outraged his colleagues by replying:

“There is no such thing, at this state of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours, my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to  sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes”.


I’ve always referred to mainstream media as whore media, guess I’m not alone in that. This speech did surprise me however as I’d thought the ‘fawning at the feet of mammon’ was a more recent development. This concept is most certainly a major one to grasp in sorting through the information we are bombarded with daily. The long arms of these moneyed controllers are corporations and they’ve weaseled their way into practically every nation on earth. They plan to solidify that influence via the TPPA.
Remember too your PM is an ex (?) banker Kiwis … join the dots.

Check out our Banking (under Money Trail) and Corporation pages. ‘The Corporation’ movie is a must watch, there on the Corporation page.

