How to forage, store and cook acorns

Further to a previous article on acorns, a superfood. Here is some info on how to use them. No doubt you will find further recipes by searching the net yourself. EWR


21.5K subscribers Acorns are a super sustainable source of sustenance that you can forage from the forest to your front yard! In this video, Wren discusses the different types of acorns, how to identify a good nut, foraging tips, processing acorn meat, and how to use your acorns to make DELICIOUS food. Let us know if you have any acorn recipes below! NOTE: The labels on the oak leaves at 3:57 are swapped- the left leaf is a white oak and the right leaf is a red oak. Read more in Wren’s Insteading Article…

0:00 Intro 0:55 Acorns as a food source 2:55 Foraging Acorns 4:15 Good and Bad Nuts 6:15 White Acorns and Red Acorns 7:00 Acorn Weevil Larvae 7:27 Cracking Nuts 8:04 Sorting and Prepping 9:20 Leaching 10:20 Acorn Flour 11:15 Acorn Recipes 13:55 Additional Resources 14:54 Conclusion

RELATED: How to make acorn coffee


Growing Edible Flowers in Your Garden


So many flowers are not only beautiful but also completely edible, adding color and flavor to salads, soups, pastas, drinks, and desserts. In fact, in ancient times, flowers were grown more for scent and flavor than looks alone. Here are 15 edible flowers that are also easy to grow.

For centuries, humans have foraged or cultivated flowers and flower buds for food, drink, and medicine. Think of squash blossoms in Italian food, chamomile or jasmine tea, and rose petals in Indian food. Some are spicy, and some herb-y, some are fragrant. All are colorful.

Flowers You Can Eat

We’re seeing a renewed interest in edible flowers. There are hundreds of common wild and cultivated plants with petals and buds which are edible. Not only are these flowers pretty in the garden, but they will add color, diversity, and new flavor to your meals.


Photo: Couleur @

Acorns: A forgotten superfood

Wouldn’t you know it? I always did wonder about acorns … then found this link a few months back, and saved it intending to post here. Food shortages (albeit man made shortages or should that read cabal made?) part of the new world order plan to shrink our self sufficiency. No way will I ever be eating the coming frankenfood. Watch as trees get removed to improve the five G reception. That’s the plan. I’ve already seen young oaks being chopped locally. Anyway … FYI, the little known usefulness of the humble acorn. Tomorrow I’ll post some acorn recipes. EWR


Marcie Mayer has devoted her work to harvesting, processing and researching acorns. As a superfood, acorns meet many of our food challenges in the 21st century. However, even though oak trees are abundant in so many countries, acorns have been forgotten and have even been mislabelled toxic. In her talk, Marcie Mayer demystifies the role of acorns by highlighting their nutritional, dietary and health value in our lives. She believes that harvesting acorns benefits our environment, our economy and our health.

Photo: MabelAmber @

Growing food in a raised garden (Wally Richards)

I wrote this article 8 years ago and to this day I have found it to be
the best and less expensive way to make and grow in a raised garden.

Extract from the original article:
I wanted a raised garden that could be worked without bending down and the cheapest way for that would be to use roofing iron. Three new sheets of galvanized iron 1.8 metres long and two 100 x 100 fence posts were also purchased the length of which was half the width of the of the sheets of iron. When you cut the fence post in half and no wastage.
The fence posts are treated with chemicals so to overcome that problem
a couple of coats of acrylic paint was applied all over the wood surface after cutting them in half. The posts are not going to be dug into the ground and the whole raised bed will sit in the ground on concrete.

(Now this is very important that you have a concrete pad to sit the
raised garden on. If not robber roots from plants, shrubs and trees will find your garden and fill it nearly to the top of the soil with feeder roots.
After one season the raised garden will be useless and will grow

Construction was simple; lay the two painted fence posts on the ground
and place one sheet of iron over the posts to completely cover the two
posts. Check to make sure its square fitting and then drill holes of suitable diameter to take the roofing screws. On a roof you would fasten the ridge part of the iron sheet so water would flow down the gully part.
For your raised garden the reverse applies. Screw in the roofing
screws at both ends of the sheet. The reason for using screws as apposed to roofing nails is they are easy to unscrew if you want to move the raised garden or extend it. The same is done on the other long length of iron. You now have two sides so next the ends.

The final sheet of iron is cut in half making it 90cm long, a nice
width to work on from one side or both. The posts are going to be
inside the bed. The two ends are screwed to the fence posts. It is best to assemble where its going to sit which ideally one long side should be facing in a northerly direction..
One very important aspect about where you are going to place the
garden and that is as far away from trees, shrubs or other plants as
possible. (Unless its is on a concrete pad).
If anywhere near say a tree or too close to a drip line, the tree will
send out feeder roots to your raised garden and then upwards to take
all the goodness out. The garden becomes a dense mesh of feeder roots over a couple of seasons and nothing will grow in it. I found this out the hard way as my first raised garden was about a metre away from a fence that had a cocktail kiwi fruit growing on it. Within two seasons it had become a mass of fibrous roots and resulting in a very big vine on the fence. If your raised garden is sitting on concrete no problems.

Now you have the raised garden ready to fill.
Any trimmings of trees and shrubs goes in onto the pad along with any
organic material which can be grass clippings (not sprayed with herbicide for over 18 months) sawdust, newspaper, old spent compost, old potting mixes and even some top soil (which is likely to have weed seeds in it)
filling the raised garden to about half the depth. You can even trample it down and add more to about half full. Over this you put several layers of newspaper. Cover this with purchased compost that is NOT made from green waste.

Daltons & Oderings Composts are two safe ones along with straight
mushroom compost.

The fill will take it to about 35cm from the top of the raised garden. Now you spread some goodies such as Blood & Bone, sheep manure pellets, Neem Tree Granules, Wallys Unlocking your soil, Ocean Solids, chicken manure and cover these with another layer of purchased compost about 5cm deep. This should then be about 20 to 30 cm from the top of the raised garden and ready for you to sow seeds or plant seedlings. After planting you can stretch some netting or crop cover across the bed and hold secure with a nail in each corner post. This will stop birds and cats from getting in and destroying your plantings and if crop cover is used it will stop most insect pests as well including butterflies. Having one long side facing north will heat up the contents through the iron; warming nicely the mix.

The gap between the mix and the top creates a wind break and so you
have your own special micro-climate and plants will grow twice as fast
compared to if they were in open ground. When a crop is harvested just place more goodies into the bed and cover with more compost. You will get years of pleasure and nutrition dense vegetables for your health.
You can easily extend the raised garden with two more 1.8 sheets and
one more post cut in half. Unscrew one end that you want to extend, removing the end section. Unscrew the sides at that end so your new sheets will overlap onto the existing and be screwed on together.
Posts at other end will take the end half sheet and now you have 3.6
metres of raised garden. Fill this as previously. You may need to place a brace across the middle to posts to prevent it bowing outwards.

Happy Raised Gardening.

Mentioned previously in several articles about a pending food shortage
I see this week that The UN has announced a catastrophic world wide
food shortage pending.
I also see that; “Farmers in England have been given taxpayers’ cash to rewild their land, under plans for large-scale nature recovery projects announced by the government. These will lead to vast tracts of land being newly managed to conserve species, provide habitats for wildlife and restore health to rivers
and streams.6/01/2022 The ambition at Rewilding Britain is to see nature recovering across 30% of Britain’s land area by 2030. That’s equivalent to approximately 7 million hectares.”

In NZ we also see Government encouraging tree planting and conservation programs to reduce the land that is farmed. There are moves to apparently introduce Frankenfood: (Perjorative term
for genetically modified food whether it be derived from genetically
engineered plants or animals.)
All sounds like conspiracy stuff but if the arable food growing land
is reduced and major food suppliers like Russia and Ukraine no longer
exporting food stuffs from crops there is a problem. Best you grow as much as you can and also stock up with essentials like flour, rice, pasta and tins of food.
Remember money is only as good as what it can buy and if there is
nothing available to purchase money is useless. Food then becomes very valuable along with fuels.
Also other bits if you email me.
Phone 0800 466464
Garden Pages and News at
Shar Pei pages at
Mail Order products at

The Nazi doctor, Josef Mengele, known as the Angel of Death, said:
“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing
_NEW ZEALAND BILL OF RIGHTS ACT 1990_. Part II of the Act covers a
broad range of Civil and Political Rights. As part of the right to
life and the security of the person, the Act guarantees everyone:
1The right not to be deprived of life except in accordance with
fundamental justice (Section 8)
2The right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, degrading, or
disproportionately severe treatment or punishment (Section 9)
3The right not to be subjected to medical or scientific
experimentation without consent (Section 10)
4The right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment (Section 11)
Furthermore, the _New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990_ guarantees
everyone: Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion.
This includes the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion,
and belief,
(Section 1)

Regards Wally Richards

A US court case in 2018 revealed there’s been no quality control over vaccines manufactured by big-pharma for at least 32 years

To jog the memory, from 2019 … note broken links in original article now replaced … view at the link. Also, if sharing, best to share the original. It has been reposted here also. EWR

Environmental Health Watch NZ


Forced vaccinations now can be legally stopped-no quality control for 32 years

Wide ramifications for Australia

A recent US court case revealed there has been no quality control over vaccines manufactured by big-pharma for at least 32 years. Autism rates are excepted to drop dramatically now that parents can stop the poison being injected into their kids

Go to:

Case 1:18-cv-03215-JMF Document 18 Filed 07/09/18

Vaccine injury lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,&  Del Bigtree, producer of the suppressed anti-vaccine documentary, Vaxxed and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) are credited with this victory. They demanded the relevant government documents proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality over the past 32 years — and there were none.

Here are the huge legal and practical implications in this legal victory for the American people:

This means that the US Department of…

View original post 1,111 more words

WHO’s extraordinary juxtaposition of contradictory information (Hatchard)

[On March 9th] the World Health Organisation issued an Interim Statement on COVID-19 vaccines in the context of the circulation of the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 Variant from the WHO Technical Advisory Group on COVID-19 Vaccine Composition (TAG-CO-VAC), 08 March 2022

The document contains an extraordinary juxtaposition of contradictory information which points to disagreements and confusion at the World Health Organisation:

“….current COVID-19 vaccines continue to provide high levels of protection against severe disease and death, even in the context of the circulation of Omicron”, (even though severe disease and death rates from Omicron are significantly lower than flu and almost exclusively involve people already seriously ill from other conditions).

Immediately followed by:

“….to ensure COVID-19 vaccines provide optimal protection into the future, they may need to be updated.…particularly for groups at risk of developing severe disease….but the timeframe for their development and production is uncertain.”


“The TAG-CO-VAC continues to encourage COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers to generate and provide data to WHO on performance of current and variant-specific COVID-19 vaccines…but robust data on the global immunologic landscape is limited.”

Followed by:

“The TAG-CO-VAC recognizes the independent role and procedures of relevant regulatory authorities in establishing the necessary requirements for evaluation under the currently established regulatory pathways…”


The double speak needs interpretation, perhaps WHO meant to say that the current Covid-19 vaccines do not work and we have no idea when if ever effective ones will be developed, but they refrained from doing so because a canon of WHO religion requires that nothing can be said if it might lead to vaccine hesitancy. 

Perhaps they then meant to say that Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers have been giving us incomplete data, so we want to warn regulators to be more careful in future, and make up their own minds sensibly after independent research, but WHO can’t say that because a lot of health funding comes from vaccine manufacturers.

I can’t really tell you what is going on at WHO, but it clearly requires copywriters who can convey mixed messages with great skill. No doubt the wise pandits at WHO with their global perspective are pondering the fact that published comparisons between different countries and areas do not show that higher levels of Covid-19 vaccination lead to lower infection and death rates. What they actually admit is:

“There are heterogeneous levels of population immunity between countries…”

I am rather hoping that plain speaking will come back into fashion, but I am not sure that will happen anytime soon at WHO. In the meantime, governments like ours still relying on WHO bulletins to inform their policies will need to employ skilled translators.

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food safety testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID)



Other important news

Dr Vernon Coleman’s (very interesting) take on ‘the war’
– UK farmers paid millions of pounds not to grow any food (frankenfood to come)
– pressure on politicians and bankers to stop the oil companies drilling for more oil
– more spending on ‘essential’ defense
The usual drill …

What the Official NZ Ministry of Health Data isn’t telling you

Is that increase in fetal deaths really normal?

More on those unmentionable ‘treatments’

More info on NZ’s biowarfare front

How to Grow Celery: Tips, Tricks


Before it was a culinary staple, celery was used almost exclusively for medicinal purposes from 850 BC through the 17th century. A 2017 phytopharmacological review (study of medicine from plant sources) on celery confirms “…the Apium has emerged as a good source of medicine in treating various diseases.” From weight gain and skin conditions to rheumatic tendencies and chronic pulmonary catarrh (or “fibroid lung”), celery has proven to be a powerful plant for health. If you want to learn more about the health benefits of celery, click here.

Aside from all its health benefits, celery is a relatively easy plant to grow in many different climates. And it makes a great addition to a food garden, requiring very little space. If you’re interested in trying to grow celery, read on to discover the best reasons to grow it and the top tips for a successful growing season.


COVER-UP: Did A Vaccine Experiment on US Soldiers Cause the 1918 “Spanish Flu” Epidemic?

As always… things are not as they seem. EWR

“…The first cases of bacterial pneumonia in 1918 trace back to a military base in Fort Riley, Kansas. From January 21 – June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley”

Did A Vaccine Experiment on US Soliders Cause “The Spanish Flu” Epidemic? – By Kevin Barry

The “Spanish Flu” killed an estimated 50-100 million people during a pandemic 1918-19. What if the story we have been told about this pandemic isn’t true? What if, instead, the killer infection was neither the flu nor Spanish in origin? Newly analyzed documents reveal that the “Spanish Flu” may have been a military vaccine experiment gone awry. In looking back on the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, we need to delve deeper to solve this mystery.



Grow a Superfood in Your Own Backyard: Turmeric


Curcuma longa

If you’ve ever feasted on Indian food, you’ve undoubtedly enjoyed the pungent flavor and golden color of turmeric, Curcuma longa, aka Indian saffron, an herbaceous perennial in the Zingiberaceae family of plants that is related to ginger and cardamom.

A chemical compound called curcumin found in the fleshy rhizomes of this plant is responsible for the bright hue, as well as numerous potential health benefits.



Horseradish: a vegetable that packs a nutritional wallop & has more vitamin C than most common fruit

Info on how to grow this root vegetable at the link below …

Horseradish Benefits

Horseradish roots pack a nutritional wallop that few cultivated plants, and certainly no other root crop, can match. The freshly grated root contains more vitamin C than most common fruit, including oranges. The root is rich in calcium, iron, thiamine, potassium, magnesium, trace minerals, and proteins, yet desirably low in phosphorus and sodium. Horseradish is 20 times richer in calcium than the potato (with skin) and contains nearly four times the vitamin C and three times the iron.


Photo: Schnu1 @

Hemp Milk: A Nutrient-Rich Dairy-Free Alternative

I’m personally not averse to dairy … organic, raw is what I buy when I do, from the farm gate. An option that narrows with the govt raids picking on small producers of healthy food. However, I do try these various options including homemade almond, flaxseed & other milks. Going to try this one. EWR

From Dr Axe @

More and more people are reaching for dairy-free milk options when browsing through the grocery store. Some of the best options, like almond milk and coconut milk, provide important nutrients — including essential fatty acids and calcium. Hemp milk is no different. In fact, it serves as a nutrient-rich plant-based milk with a creamy texture and nutty flavor.

With the current prevalence of cow milk allergy and lactose intolerance, plant-based milk options are becoming more popular. Although milk from hemp seeds is fairly new to the market, it may be an even more nutrient-rich option than other dairy-free options.



NZ govt monitoring site reports 58,399 adverse reactions to the CV VX – please sign a petition demanding recognition, treatment and compensation

Note: listen to the interviews with the VX injured, no matter how close to the jab the adverse event, victims say the white coats are regularly denying any connection. Listen to the ACC advocate who has spoken out. To word from the Health Forum NZ. The common thread repeated verbatim is … ‘no connection’ or coincidental. Consider signing the petition. Link below. EWR

That the house of representatives in New Zealand formally recognise those harmed by the Covid-19 vaccines.

As of 28 February, 2022 there have been 58,399 reports of adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccine in New Zealand. These injuries are recorded on the Centre for Adverse Reaction Monitoring site (CARM/MEDSAFE) 

We demand that any adverse reactions reported to CARM are investigated as legitimate vaccine injuries and treated as such until it is conclusively proven otherwise. 

Please note that all donations are going to to boost this petition and not our cause. We are in the middle of setting up a charity which we will update you on this petition once we have everything sorted.


The NZ government has raised ‘refusal to engage in a dialogue’ to a modern art form (Hatchard)

New Zealand Takes the Fifth: 

“We are asking a lot of questions of our government, but not receiving many answers. Has Parliament decided to ‘take the fifth? The curious lack of public dialogue, the refusal to meet protestors, and Ardern’s famous dictum that ‘the government is your only source of truth’, all point in this direction.”

As you probably know, ‘taking the fifth’ is an American expression which refers to the fifth amendment of the US constitution. When asked a question you are allowed to remain silent if answering it will incriminate yourself.

People who ‘take the fifth’ in court are generally considered by the public to be guilty even if the court cannot muster enough evidence to obtain a conviction. They may even continue to profess their innocence outside the courtroom, but they will not be believed.

We are asking a lot of questions of our government, but not receiving many answers. Has Parliament decided to ‘take the fifth?

The curious lack of public dialogue, the refusal to meet protestors, and Ardern’s famous dictum that ‘the government is your only source of truth’, all point in this direction.

I would like to ask:

“When did the New Zealand government first receive the Pfizer Adverse effects report completed on 30th April 2021?”

The Victorian government has publicly admitted that they received it early on. Our government has remained silent. Among my follow up questions:

Considering the volume of adverse events and deaths following mRNA vaccination reported by Pfizer, why did you continue to tell the New Zealand public it was completely safe?

No doubt the NewZealand government will continue to try to avoid anything like a courtroom situation where two sides engage in a formal process to uncover the truth.

Instead, their public pronouncements will continue to profess righteous indignation and innocence, whilst painting their accusers with the broad brush of ignorance.


The Broadcasting Standards Authority, the Advertising Standards Authority, the Media Council, and the Human Rights Commission, all of whom are supposed to take an independent stance, have deferred to the government and replied to complainants that government advice on vaccine safety should be taken at face value. Are they also taking the fifth?

Discrimination in the Workplace

The ‘consultative’ processes followed by government departments and private companies in order to ‘legally’ sack their unvaccinated employees also have a familiar ring.

Long scientific submissions by employees facing the loss of their profession and livelihood, are stamped ‘considered’ but not answered. This is quite sufficient to meet government guidelines, which essentially require them to listen, but do not require them to answer.

Will companies who implemented vaccine mandates be able to continue to operate them into the future with tacit government approval? A few public comments seem to point in that direction.

Moreover, some companies are pushing ahead with mandates despite the mild nature of omicron and the failure of mRNA vaccination to stop transmission, infection, and hospitalisation.

Will they ask prospective employees to reveal their vaccination status? Why would they want to do that? Perhaps because they have had a lot of hassle from the government over mandates and they won’t want to go through anything similar in the future.

Now this is an issue with important historical roots. Over the years, employees have won rights and legislation protecting them from discrimination in the workplace. This includes personal privacy of medical records and much more.

The new Covid legislation has had a particular effect on discrimination. Employers are being encouraged to discriminate and are being protected from sanctions for doing so. Nor are they required to explain themselves. They are able to take the fifth and kiss you goodbye.

We Have Reached a Watershed

Those of us who for months have been writing to MPs, mainstream media, GPs, scientists, academics, and watchdogs, are by now well aware that we are whistling in the wind.

I am told that most MPs have their inboxes set to divert correspondence to the spam folder if it contains the words vaccine or Covid. Are they taking the fifth safe within the safe walls of the beehive?

It won’t have escaped your notice that such a system allows for the abuse of power. In common with many other western powers, our government appears determined to push ahead into the future with a programme of mRNA vaccination, whatever the human cost of adverse effects.

It apparently intends to continue to pursue policies which economically and socially disadvantage a minority of our population whilst inflicting long term health risks on the majority.

This is a government that has raised ‘refusal to engage in a dialogue’ to a modern art form. To achieve this, they are funding mainstream media who promote one sided coverage that has little relation to the scientific debates about Covid continuing in scholarly journals.

Finally how can the court of public opinion pass judgement on our government now that they have taken the fifth? As a minimum there are two changes that need to be made:

  • The New Zealand Bill of Rights needs to be entrenched in a constitutional framework
  • Parliamentary privilege, which allows MPs to lie without consequence, needs to go.

Both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated are facing an uncertain future spiralling out of our control. There is less and less point in trying to dissuade people determined to continue down the road to a biotech medical disaster—they are taking the fifth.

Good advice would be prepare for a different future. Failures in education and healthcare will need to be redressed. Narrow specialisation has left many ‘experts’ blinkered to the point of willful ignorance of the wider implications and pitfalls of their advice, even to the exclusion of their own personal health and well-being.

Institutions need to promote a broader interdisciplinary academic focus, critical thinking including deductive and inductive methods, and a wide ranging analysis of historical parallels. Organising institutions that serve people, respect science, and promote self-healthcare should be our priority.

P.S. Stuff newspaper have replied to some of you, who wrote to complain about their recent ad hominem piece about myself, that I was given a ‘right of reply’, I wasn’t. Anything approaching a dialogue is increasingly out of character in our country. New Zealand has taken the fifth.

“Yesterday’s release “New data is confirming mRNA Covid vaccine deathssaid that MoH errors undercounting the New Zealand population were due to inaccuracies in the 2018 census, in fact, they appear to be primarily due to restricting population estimates to those who have recently used government health services. My apologies.”

Thank you for your continued support.

Guy Hatchard


How to Destroy Russia… 2019 Rand Corporation Report: “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia”

Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA. With a staff of thousands of experts, Rand presents itself as the world’s most reliable source for Intelligence and political analysis for the leaders of the United States and their allies.

The Rand Corp prides itself on having contributed to the elaboration of the long-term strategy which enabled the United States to win the Cold War, by forcing the Soviet Union to consume its own economic resources in the strategic confrontation.


Photo: WikiImages @

What’s really happening right now?

The globalist narrative continues….

  • The floods in Australia … Agenda 21/30 relocation to ‘smart cities’
  • the internet shutdown in Russia to eventually exclude international access … ie Russia only … eventually also where you live
  • those VX adverse reactions
  • WW3 but not as we might imagine …
  • “the revolution won’t be televised” …

From the Crow House …




A reader and keen gardener sent me an email recently about using apple cider vinegar in your garden to prevent and control fungus diseases.

Someone shared it with him and so now I will share it will all my readers.

“Hi Everyone.

I use Apple Cider Vinegar to keep fungal diseases away, including brown rot, curly leaf, black spot, powdery mildew, bladder plum, sooty mould, scab, allium rust (for garlic, onions, shallots), etc..

For fruit trees, vines, and plants..Vegetables and herbs, including garlic..Also for roses and other ornamentals

I’ve been doing this since 2009 for my stone and pip fruit trees, berry and grape vines, citrus, garlic, shallot and vegetable plants throughout my large Garden.. and including for roses..

Vinegar kills mould – which fungal species are.

It also prevents mould growing back in places that are prone to having fungal problems, so helps avoid ongoing fungal problems.

I use 250mil Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) mixed with 5 litres water in a 5 litre sprayer I keep just for ACV..

I spray the mix when fruit tree buds are only just beginning to show in Spring as small bumps.

I don’t spray when blossoms are showing, leaving them to bees, bumblebees and other little critters for pollination..

Once blossoms have finished, I spray fortnightly on the fruit trees and plants which are prone to fungal problems.. ie, brown rot on stone fruit, sooty mould on citrus,

black spot on roses, rust on aliums, etc.

I stop once all the fruit on each tree are harvested, ie: Billington Plums finish in early January here in the Eastern Bay of Plenty, so I stop then..

Boysenberries finish late January here, stopping then.. Niagara Grapes, finish mid February here, stopping then..

Omega Plums finish late February here, stopping then.

Spray the mix in the evening when the sun has just gone off your trees or plants, so the sun isn’t heating/burning leaves through the liquid spray droplets on them, and there’s time for the spray to dry before nightfall..

Spray the whole tree, vine or plant.. under and over leaves, the trunk, branches, twigs, fruit everything..

This will also feed the tree through the leaves (when they are there for deciduous trees) as a foliage food.

I do this for all my fruit trees, vines and plants.. stone and pip fruit, citrus, grapes, berries, including strawberries, plus for garlic, shallots, onions, courgettes, cucumbers, pumpkins, tomatoes, roses, etc..

No need for gloves or coverings as it’s good for us too..

I keep a 5 litre sprayer filled with the ACV and water mix, so I can pick it up, pump it to build pressure, and I’m ready to spray this mixture that is good for my Garden..

(Thats a good tip as you can leave in the sprayer what is not used for next time and if you are going to follow this advise, using apple cider vinegar a separate sprayer for this purpose is a good investment)

The ACV mix works as a foliage food through the leaves.. with that feeding them, plus fungal problems not being an issue, the trees, vines and plants grow strongly..

a healthy, strong tree or plant will repel disease.. maybe repel insects like whitefly and vine hoppers, etc, etc, too..

It’s interesting.. I’m continuing to observe.. This is why I use ACV throughout my Garden, and have continued since trialing with it in 2009..

Decided to try ACV due to the goodness of the apples that it’s made with, had excellent results and have continued since for brown rot,

black spot, curly leaf, allium rust, sooty mould, powdery mildew, etc… all the fungal problems that occur often in our NZ gardens..

When my trees were producing well, I contacted the head tutor of the horticulture course at the local polytech, asking if I could swap a box of freshly picked Golden Queen Peaches in exchange for him showing me how to Summer prune. He also has a 6 acre home orchard.

I showed him around my garden.. he kept saying, how have you got your trees so healthy.

I told him about using the ACV mix and why.

As he left, he picked a Golden Queen Peach out of the box, bit into it, said, now that’s how a Golden Queen should taste and I’m off home to start using Apple Cider Vinegar throughout my garden.

Also – ACV for cats: I add 1/4 teaspoon of ACV to our cats food each morning – have done this since March 2019 – no fleas, and they have shiny soft fur..

None of the awful monthly flea treatment that distressed them every time and sent them running from the house to try to get away from it. ” END

Sometimes it is the simple things that we forget about or more likely do not know about and can be very surprised when found to work.

I have now added a 2 litre Apple Cider Vinegar to our mail order web site in the Disease control section so that when you are ordering your other garden bits you can add in this well priced product.

(No point in paying for the expensive stuff as this will do the job.)

Happy Gardening…..

Not wanting to be a Doom sayer but warnings and preparations can save a lot of grief in time to come.

A link that maybe of interest..

Phone 0800 466464
Garden Pages and News at
Shar Pei pages at
Mail Order products at

NZ Newsrooms Cover-up Police Breaches of Peace at Parliament Occupation

“The deliberately inaccurate reporting by New Zealand’s mainstream newsrooms of police breaching the peace to eject the Freedom Occupation means such news outlets have separately, and together, breached section 240 of the Crimes Act, which deals with crimes of deceit.” Steve Edwards

NZ Newsrooms Cover-up Police Breaches of Peace at Parliament Occupation — Wellington Dispatch No. 008

Dear New Zealand Press Council, NZ Broadcasting Standards Authority and Commerce Commission,

RE: Failure to Report Police Breaching the Peace to Disrupt the Freedom Occupation

The deliberately inaccurate reporting by New Zealand’s mainstream newsrooms of police breaching the peace to eject the Freedom Occupation means such news outlets have separately, and together, breached section 240 of the Crimes Act, which deals with crimes of deceit.

The police objective on February 10th, 21st and 22nd was to produce scenes of violence, with the confidence that the mainstream media would not bother to accurately report the clustered events. The modus operandi of the NZ Police has been to bait protesters, knowing the biased media of New Zealand would maintain a lack of fairness and balance by promoting discrimination against the Parliamentary Occupation.


James Corbett on the fake war news (from both sides), and the existential hazards of the zero-carbon fantasy

James Corbett on the fake war news (from both sides), and the existential hazards of the zero-carbon fantasy Mark Crispin Miller 04 Mar 2022 18:40 EST


As the wheels fall off the plandemic agenda …

Important article that gives perspective to the two glaring current global events … from Bruce Cain:
“It’s important to understand that most conflicts between the East and the West are engineered conflicts and the leaders of BOTH SIDES are not really at odds with each other. Rather, these wars are Kabuki Theater; they are wars of convenience to achieve covert ends while mesmerizing the masses with moments of terror and calamity.“ (excerpt)




You may ask why is it important to grow your own food?

First and most importantly it is your Food Security. Not nice to be hungry 24/7.

Second is that the food you grow yourself; if grown naturally without man made chemicals, will be healthier compared that which is grown with chemical fertilisers and sprays.

Thirdly it will have great flavour unlike the bland produce that you buy from commercial growers/supermarkets.

Naturally grown produce; when natural minerals are used, such as Wallys Ocean Solids, Wallys Unlocking your soil rock dust and Magic Botanic Liquid (MBL)… then the plants take up all these wonderful minerals and elements and the result is great flavour and so very tasty.

There is a simple formula ‘Great Flavour/taste = Great nutitional value/health’

My Friend Jack sent me an email this week which promted me to write this current column.

Here is what Jack wrote…

This morning I was waiting to have a haircut here in Tauranga, New Zealand.

The customer in front of me getting his haircut was the owner of a big transport company in the area and was talking to the barber. This is how the conversation went:

“Barber; How are things with you young man?

Answer; Not bad, but I have a lot of drivers off with Omicron at present which is not the best.

However, my biggest concern at present is that AdBlue, an essential additive now used in most modern diesel trucks and cars worldwide, is rapidly running out AND MAY CLOSE DOWN THE ENTIRE GLOBAL DIESEL TRUCK FREIGHT INDUSTRY within a month or two creating global chaos in supply chains.

Barber; Awe, that sounds a bit extreme doesn’t it? Are you pulling my leg?

Answer; No I am deadly serious.

Barber; Well why is it getting in short supply?

Answer; AdBlue is manufactured from Synthesized Urea and is used also for fertilizer and manufacturing conventional explosives.

RUSSIA is by far the biggest manufacturer and exporter in the world with China not far behind.

As a result of the Ukraine crisis, and the sanctions against Russia, Russia in turn, in collusion with China, is turning off the global supply lines.

It actually started last year. Here in NZ and Australia, unless this supply shortage is urgently rectified.

In my own case within a month I will have to park up all my trucks and stand down all my drivers!

That is how serious it may be.”

So everyone. I have no idea if this situation will be resolved quickly or not.

However, in a very short space of time it potentially could turn very nasty!

After all, every can of baked beans doesn’t walk into the supermarket on its own – it comes in by diesel trucks! Do I have to say any more?


Ok if there are little to no trucks to move stuff the empty Super Market shelves will be more apparent than currently also mail order stuff will not only have long delays as currently with drivers isolating but maybe reduce to a trickle?

So you should stock up now with essential items as well as plant up your gardens with vegetables as the day light hours are getting shorter and growth is slowing.

There is one fresh food you can do without a garden or day light hours to worry about and that is healthy seed sprouts.

Grow your own, fresh, nutritious, tasty sprouts. Mr Fothergills Kitchen Seed Sprouter makes it simple and affordable.

You will find these multi-compartment sprouters at Egmont Seeds in their mail order on line.

From their web site they have:

Sprouts are often referred to as Natures Super Foods, and rightly so, they are packed with powerful vitamins and minerals.

A study that involved scientific analysis of the vitamin and phytochemical content of 25 types of micro-greens, found that there were higher concentrations of vitamins and carotenoids (precursors to vitamin A) than the full-grown versions of the plants!

Now you can use the sprouter and make the seeds even more nitrous by adding a very small amount of MBL and Wallys Ocean Solids dissolved in the water you sprout the seeds in.

If possible avoid using chlorinated tap water for sprouting as you dont need the sprouts to take up the chlorine poison.

To overcome this problem place a bucket of chlorinated tap water outside in a sunny spot.

Take a cup of this water lift up and pour back into the bucket when the sun is shining.

This quickly removes the chlorine from the water and after a couple of days it should be free of the poison.

Also a couple of buckets outside to collect rainwater is also great value.

You change the water in the sprouter as to the instructions and ideally the sprouter should be on a window sill where it gets some natural light to green up the sprouts as they germinate.

Kings Seeds NZ is another good source of seeds to sprout with most of them being organic see


Then you can always pick up seeds from places like Bin Inn such as mung beans etc.

Once you obtain a collection of seeds to sprout you then need to store them inside their packets, open or unopened and placed inside a glass jar with a lid and put inside your fridge.

That will keep them fresh for years and ready for you when you need or want to sprout.

With both Russia, Ukraine and China not supplying the West with fertilisers means that a lot of commercial growers are going to come unstuck and what vegetables that are available will be too expensive for many people.

Happy Growing…….


Is the NZ Government Confused or Deliberately Misleading Us? (Hatchard)

“There is a lot of confusion around these days, not the least of which is the hiding of key data by the government and the obfuscation by mainstream media of what little data is released. Aside from the very disturbing impact of pandemic regulations on child mental health, what I also found interesting was the fact that the Ministry of Health was able to supply Dr. Reti with specific information about how the incidence of a single condition has changed since the pandemic began. It is surprising how the incidence of other conditions has not also been released for public scrutiny such as for example the incidence of heart disease and cardiac events. Well never mind, we are getting used to living in a secretive totalitarian state.” Hatchard Report
Yesterday there was a short article in the NZ Herald which discussed the release by the Ministry of Health of some data. The day before, writing in his column in the Northern Advocate, local opposition MP Dr Shane Reti reported that incidents of self harm among 10-14 year olds have increased by 30 percent since the arrival of Covid. 

Disturbing though this is, the response was also disturbing, Shane Reti was admonished for writing about the data which was provided to him by the Ministry of Health. According to the article, Dr Reti should have asked the permission of the Minister of Health Andrew Little first. The Northern Advocate and Dr Reti apologised for the ‘confusion’ this caused.

Covid-19 data is being hidden There is a lot of confusion around these days, not the least of which is the hiding of key data by the government and the obfuscation by mainstream media of what little data is released.

Aside from the very disturbing impact of pandemic regulations on child mental health, what I also found interesting was the fact that the Ministry of Health was able to supply Dr. Reti with specific information about how the incidence of a single condition has changed since the pandemic began. It is surprising how the incidence of other conditions has not also been released for public scrutiny such as for example the incidence of heart disease and cardiac events. Well never mind, we are getting used to living in a secretive totalitarian state.

Yesterday our courts were also pondering the paucity of information released and its misleading character—some doctors and teachers were asking for a relaxing of Covid-19 mRNA vaccination mandates. Following the press coverage, it seems that the arguments being debated have already been decided by mainstream media for us.

The arguments are really very simple and the ‘facts’ are equally so. A tsunami of adverse effects Medsafe has published a summary of 53,000 adverse effects reported to them following Covid-19 vaccination. This is a per capita rate 30 times larger than that of any previous vaccination programme, and Medsafe itself admits that adverse effects are grossly underreported and uses the figure 95% unreported.

Now correct me if I’m wrong, but if I was in Medsafe or in politics I would be wanting to investigate this alarming figure more thoroughly. Given that a large percentage of our population are already affected and possibly at risk in the future, I would look very closely not just at the reports themselves but also at the specific categories of risk that Pfizer itself has already flagged. This is a very long list, now publicly available.

How would I do that? I would compile hospital admission data and GP visit data for these conditions. From Dr Shane Reti’s column, it appears that the Ministry of Health might have already done this, but they haven’t released the data and our politicians appear to be very worried that they might do so without first asking the permission of the Minister of Health Andrew Little. Very Little data has reached our ears.

I would also require an enhanced use of autopsy to determine if there were any unusual characteristics of deaths proximate to mRNA Covid vaccination similar to those reported overseas. These include preponderance of micro blood clotting, changes in character and viscosity of blood, and major organ damage.


The Pfizer “vaccine” has only 1,291 side effects! (The clinical data a judge forced the FDA to release … it’s worse than you could possibly imagine)

Could this have anything—or everything—to do with the ongoing plague of “sudden deaths” now ravaging humanity worldwide?

Mark Crispin Miller

It’s (seemingly) a lucky thing for Pfizer—and all of its accomplices, including Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci (remember him?), nearly every state and national leader, and almost every journalist, both corporate and “alternative”—that Putin picked this moment to invade Ukraine.

A judge forced the FDA to release Pfizer’s clinical data and it’s worse than you can possibly imagine

Emerald Robinson

The FDA was forced by a judge to release clinical data on the COVID vaccines back in January and so 55,000 pages of documents were just released. The FDA had originally wanted to hide the data for 75 years and release it in 2096 because, of course, the FDA is basically engaged in a criminal conspiracy. The COVID vaccines should never have been approved. This was obvious from the very beginning when animal trials were skipped in the Trump Administration’s ill-fated “Operation War Speed.” And now it’s undeniably true. We have the clinical data, and it’s horrific.

Hiding out in one appendix is the clinical data for Pfizer’s vaccine — which lists 1,291 adverse side effects in alphabetical order. Let’s give you just the bad things that can happen to people who took the Pfizer vaccine that start with the letter “a” to enjoy:


Ivanka Trump, a “Young Global Leader” at the World Economic Forum

Thanks SeaShell for this link:

Things are never as they seem really are they? Putin also connected to the WEF & Mr Schwab himself. But aren’t Russia and the US enemies? EWR


How to Wash Vegetables and Fruits to Remove Pesticides


Get proven tips on how to wash vegetables and how to wash fruits so you can protect your health and your family.

Almost everyone should be eating more fruits and vegetables. You know that. But do you know why it’s important to wash your produce before eating it?

In our modern world, almost no food is 100% free of pesticides. Surprisingly, even organic produce may contain some pesticide residues.

Washing produce is important to prevent foodborne illness and substantially reduce your exposure to pesticides.

To reduce your pesticide exposure, the conventional advice is to choose organic food when you can, especially for the foods most likely to be contaminated with pesticides. And then, to wash your fruits and veggies before eating or cooking with them.

But, what foods are the most important to buy organic? And what is the best way to wash your produce to remove pesticides?

Science has given us answers. And we’ll share them with you. We want to help you make the best use of your time and money and to ensure the food you eat and serve is as safe as possible.


Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia’s invasion, the UK Gov. published data confirming the Fully Vaccinated are now up to 3.2x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated

Rights and Freedoms


The latest data published by the UK Health Security Agency confirms fully vaccinated individuals in England are up to 3.2 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than unvaccinated individuals based on Covid-19 death-rates per 100,000 population.

This means, based on Pfizer’s vaccine efficacy formula, that the Covid-19 injections are now proving to have a negative real-world effectiveness against death as low as minus-222%.



The Russian invasion is now being aired in an endless 24/7 loop via BBC News and Sky News, and the UK’s Prime Minister has described it as “the biggest military conflict since World War 2”.

But with Covid-19 now nowhere to be seen across the mainstream media after two years of non-stop propaganda and lies, it’s hard not to conclude that this intensive coverage of a war thousands of miles away is merely a distraction.

One that is deliberately…

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Just Released Documents by Pfizer Show BioNTech Paid FDA $2,875,842.00 “Drug User Fee” for COVID-19 Vaccine Approval

The Blogging Hounds

As the news cycle continues to focus on the Ukraine situation, the FDA complied with a court order to begin releasing 55,000 pages of Pfizer data per month that was used to authorize their COVID-19 vaccine produced with BioNTech, with the first batch quietly released yesterday, March 1st.

There are 150 documents that the public can nowdownload here.

One of the documents released was the “Prescription Drug User Fee Payment” that BioNTech paid to the FDA on 4/20/2021 for the “COMIRNATY COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” which the FDA subsequently approved in August of 2021.

That “Prescription Drug User Fee Payment” was $2,875,842.00.

Another interesting document I found was the “EXTERNAL DATA MONITORING COMMITTEE”found here.

Here is the stated purpose of this “External Data Monitoring Committee”:

This External Data Monitoring Committee (E-DMC) (hereafter referred to as “the committee”) is a single,external, independent, expert advisory group established to…

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