In spite of their spin the Horowhenua District Council is not enabling “democratic local decision making”… they’ve just issued a liquor license that Shannon locals didn’t want!

Cr Ross Campbell conducted a street poll regarding a proposed liquor license … the results were not in favour of the license however the DC went ahead and issued one anyway! How’s that for listening to your people?

For those who don’t know Shannon, it is a small town on State Highway 57 between Palmerston North and Levin in the lower North Island. Recently it featured in the news media following the filming by Horowhenua District Councillor Ross Campbell, of HDC’s pollution of the local waterways. You can read about these events that saw Cr Campbell trespassed, at this link. 

More recently, Cr Campbell conducted a street poll to air the proposal by Council of issuing another liquor license in the town.  Shannon already has two off license outlets and five licensed outlets, and the public voted an overwhelming 309 to 3 against. Now that is a clear message from constituents to at the very least hold off, and at most to conduct a proper survey of the town.

But no, the HDC Licensing Chair-person Councilor Ross Brannigan and Committee and obviously the Police thought otherwise and granted yet another license!

Disappointed with this outcome, Cr Campbell, who has fought hard for this community, commented that he thought the Police would have been more supportive of locals’ wishes especially with this issue.

Now, I’ve noticed for some time now, as have many others, that DCs seem to not really be listening to what their constituents say. The official spin if you like on their websites tends to sound very democratic but in practice, in reality, as can be seen from all of the above, they are everything but democratic. A former Cr, Mrs Anne Hunt, recently went public and divulged the persuasive measures that HDC take with their own, coercing them to deny the facts about certain issues. Something is clearly not right with local government in NZ, the HDC being no exception. Here for instance, to illustrate, is some of their spin, quoted from HDC’s own website (our emphases):

Council’s Functions, Responsibilities and Activities

The purpose of the Horowhenua District Council is to enable democratic local decision making to promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural well being of the Horowhenua District in the present and for the future.   

In meeting its purpose, the Horowhenua District Council has a variety of roles:

  • Facilitating solutions to local needs
  • Advocacy on behalf of the local community with central government,  other local authorities and other agencies
  • Management of local infrastructure including network infrastructure (eg roading, water supply, waste disposal, libraries, parks and recreational facilities)
  • Environmental management planning for the current and future needs of the local district.

So there is a discrepancy right there in the first paragraph:

…to enable democratic local decision making to promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural well being of the Horowhenua District

In this instance, clearly demonstrated by Cr Campbell, they are not enabling democratic local decision making. Locals commenting on social media clearly reflected that they neither needed nor wanted more liquor outlets so HDC is neither consulting nor listening to locals and … facilitating solutions to local needs. (Their own words).

Shannon already has two off license liquor outlets and five licensed … the public voted overwhelmingly against a new license [photo credit:]
So who needs more liquor outlets? … no prizes for guessing that one … the liquor companies of course.

So the question that needs to be asked here is …  why is a supposedly responsible DC favoring the wishes of the liquor industry, over the people who voted them in?

Hopefully the locals will be phoning those who made this decision on their behalf .. (in particular Cr Ross Brannigan in case you missed it) to ask them “why”?  Why are they contradicting their own policy statements?

We need to be speaking up about these matters  … our silence is interpreted as consent.

The contact details for all councilors and others who are serving you the rate payers, can be found on the respective Council websites. And remember, elections are coming up soon … be sure to vote, and vote for those who are genuinely for changing the current status quo.

In addition, consider registering your opposition to the way these decisions are made by filling in a form at the Citizens Government Corruption Watchdog Commission. This is easy to do, and the site is a NZ one. 

HDC contact details can be found HERE at this link.

Shannon will be entering the “Keep NZ Beautiful”competition this spring. Good luck to them!





Dr. Weston Price DDS – Dental Health Industry Deception, Fluoride, Implants, Veneer, Amalgam, And Root Of Dental Problems

AGR Daily News

Dr. Weston Price DDS – Dental Health Industry Deception, Flouride, Implants, Veneer, Amalgam, And Root Of Dental Problems

Sally Fallon discusses the research work of a very courageous dentist  named Dr Weston Price DDS. He proves with photo’s in this presentation that demonstrate just how our supposedly ‘modern and civilized’ diet affects people in the first, and then the second generation in a very negative fashion, and how most of what is taught in dental schools is based on myths, misinformation and deception. Can you handle the truth, as taught by Dr. Price DDS?
We can turn this degeneration of our genetic expression around by learning from our elders, so to speak… the traditions of the indigenous people that Weston Price researched…They have much to teach us, if we will listen, hear and open our minds to their wisdom, Natures laws, and her bounty. 
Weston A Price Foundation:

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Why And How To Make Home Made, Fluoride Free Toothpaste, Plus Large Variety of Sources For Ingredients and/or Fluoride Free Toothpaste Provided

This will get the pro fluoride lobby hyperventilating, intent as they seem to enforce the status quo of fluoridated water, toothpaste, meds etc etc. upon all of us. I reiterate, let us choose for ourselves which chemicals to ingest. Enough’s been written about the dangers toxic chemicals pose for our health, long term … however for those who wish to continue ingesting them, they have the choice. Those of us who do not wish to would like the choice also. (Apologies for the spelling error in ‘fluoride’ … this is not my article so I cannot change it, it needs to be corrected at the source).  EnvirowatchRangitikei

AGR Daily News

Where does flouride come from? Flouride is a highly toxic, poisonous waste/garbage product produced by the aluminum, chemical fertilizer and nuclear industries. As a man made chemical, it is used to produce deadly rat poison and insecticide. 

IS FLOURIDE IN TOOTHPASTE DANGEROUS? “Is Fluoride Dangerous in your water. Is Fluoride Dangerous in your toothpaste? Dr Layton DDS is a Holistic Dentist In Encinitas Ca. In this video he talks about the dangers of Fluoride in your toothpaste and in your water. Layton Dental is also known as a Natural Dentist and practices Metal Free Dentistry and is an expert in safe Mercury Removal. Dr Layton has videos demonstrating this procedure on his website. Layton Dental 285 N. El Camino Real, Suite 102, Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 753-7700.”
Bottom line, this truth telling dentist is advising everyone to NOT allow children to be exposed to ANY flouride, at all.


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Most advanced nations don’t fluoridate their water – 10 facts about fluoride from an attorney

Published on Apr 8, 2013

Attorney Michael Connett summarizes 10 basic facts about fluoride that should be considered in any discussion about whether to fluoridate water. To download the flyer that accompanies this video, visit:…. To watch Michael debate two advocates of fluoridation, see:….

For more info search under categories at the left of any page, or visit our fluoride page.


Had enough of Govt corruption Kiwis? Here is a venue for reporting, exposing & taking action: the “Citizens Government Corruption Watchdog Commission”

By making these reports you are adding to a database of complaints that documents multiple violations. This makes the case for change much stronger and if the department concerned doesn’t act then we can take it to media for publication and to pressure change. Mainstream media will probably be either forced to print our exposes or lose their place as Mainstream Media and those who DO share it will become the new “Mainstream Media”!

Those of you who think beyond the mainstream media … or even those who don’t … you’ve probably noticed a few things are not ticking the boxes lately regarding democratic processes.

Local Government

One example would be the way District Councils appear to have minds of their own and increasingly they are failing to consult those who elect them regarding decisions that will be affecting them. Recently the Whaleoil blog featured the growing problem of local government breaking the law and points out that they get away with it because nobody is policing it. Check out the blog as there are many examples cited of things folks are encountering with their DCs.

Here is a recent example in Shannon where locals were consulted by their representing Councillor Ross Campbell on whether they wanted yet another liquor outlet licensed … overwhelmingly more were against than for (309 to 3) … yet the DC has gone right ahead and issued the liquor license anyway.  So who is this council  batting for? Their constituents, or the liquor industry? No prizes for guessing. Shannon has also had recent issues with discharge by Council of raw sewage into the local waterways, an ongoing issue with many DCs NZ wide. Cr Campbell was  trespassed for two years by HDC for filming the discharge of raw sewage into the town’s waterways. Shutting down dissent!

The street poll by Cr Ross Campbell in the Horowhenua district … the poll overwhelmingly against the issuing of yet another liquor license in Shannon, and the DC has gone and issued the one anyway

The Rangitikei DC was also exposed last year with regard to their long standing non compliance in relation to pollution of its waterways with leachate. They too shut down dissent by failing to accept the recommendation of their own Community Committee!
For further examples of local government corruption see our Local Govt Watch pages.

Health and Related Services

Then we have many services (formerly ‘government’, now ‘corporate’ departments) that blatantly ignore the rules and run rough shod over people. I heard of one for instance just recently. An older woman who was admitted to A & E at a public hospital, left in a cold corridor, no warm blanket, no buzzer, calling for the toilet, left for hours in her own feces then loudly told off! The patient was too sick to respond.

With recent events in our corporatized government departments we need a watch on our health care providers and their protocols, particularly with the elderly and the dying

Also, on the hospital subject, I heard recently of a dying patient on ‘nil by mouth’, without the family’s knowledge. On this horrific subject please google ‘Liverpool Care Pathway’ the thin end of the wedge in my opinion, to euthanasia. Now there’s huge debate as we know about that, however, since when do we administer ‘nil by mouth’ without explaining the rationale to the distressed relatives, whose loved one is crying out for water? And since when has this become the ‘norm’? Dying of thirst? I don’t recall any public discussion around this.

Weather Modification Practices

Marton NZ, 1 Oct 2014, 9:31 am
Trails over the Rangitikei, here in plain sight in 2014

The other glaring elephant in the room on the topic of flagrancy is the practice of geoengineering … ie spraying us all daily with toxic chemicals then telling us it is only steam or condensation. Or worse, “nothing doing here please move along you ‘conspiracy theorists'”.

There will be many more issues and other departments that spring to mind that need policing. 

Reporting and Taking Action

What to do!?

When these various events happen we’re often left standing, mouth open, grasping for who to tell, or, we’re so deep in grief we’re unable to act. And from my experience, often nobody knows just who to tell anyway. Many have tried for instance in the geoengineering domain to approach the various authorities charged with protecting us from unhealthy toxic environments only to be told there’s nothing doing. Denial, yet all the while scientific testing is revealing high levels of toxic chemicals in water and soils. These authorities need to be held to account.

So here is a venue for you to report these various incidents. It’s easy to do, simply go to the site (links below) and fill in the appropriate form online (more forms to come).


The reports will be collated to reveal the extent of the respective complaints, all documented in reports and kept for evidence when confronting the department concerned, and/or for timely publishing on this and other websites, and on social media. Since our so called mainstream media is displaying a growing reluctance to fully air the truth, we can become a force to be reckoned with. This is people power!

By making these reports you are adding to a database of complaints that documents multiple violations. This makes the case for change much stronger and if the department concerned doesn’t act then we can take it to media for publication and to pressure change. Mainstream media will probably be either forced to print our exposes or lose their place as Mainstream Media and those who DO share it will become the new “Mainstream Media”!

Here are links to both the site and the new Facebook page (head there and ‘like’ the page, and get reporting. You can also report historic incidents).




Protecting your child’s brain development – Harvard MD warns against fluoride

When it comes to avoiding chemicals our respective governments/corporations prefer not to give us a choice, they add it in, spray it on, feed it to us, all without our knowledge, and usually without prior discussion with, and consent from those who will be ingesting it. Us. The pro fluoride lobby are really keen to keep us ingesting fluoride … instead of letting us choose to add it to our diets ourselves. So we are compelled to continue filtering these (frequently carcinogenic) chemicals out, at our own cost. If anybody is doing well out of this scheme it would have to be the water filter people.  Judging by the push to make vaccines and even chemo mandatory, next it’ll be mandatory fluoride as well. And I haven’t even mentioned GM food.




From Dr Leonard Coldwell’s website:

Drs Grandjean and Landrigan write, “Our very great concern is that children worldwide are being exposed to unrecognized toxic chemicals that are silently eroding intelligence, disrupting behaviors, truncating future achievements, and damaging societies, perhaps most seriously in developing countries.”

Fluoride joins lead, arsenic, methylmercury, toluene, tetrachloroethylene, and other chemicals known to cause harm to brains, reports the Fluoride Action Network (FAN).

faucet-158911_1280Fluoride is newly classified as a developmental neurotoxin by medical authorities in the March 2014 journal Lancet Neurology (a search for the wordfluoride in this article will not produce results, we suggest you search for ride). The authors are Dr. Philippe Grandjean of the Harvard School of Public Health and Dr. Philip Landrigan of the Icahn School of Medicine.

The authors write “A meta-analysis of 27 cross-sectional studies of children exposed to fluoride in drinking water, mainly from China, suggests an average IQ decrement of about seven points in children exposed to raised fluoride concentrations.”  The majority of these 27 studies had water fluoride levels which the US Environmental Protection Agency currently allows in the US – less than 4 milligrams per liter.

Developmental neurotoxins are capable of causing widespread brain disorders such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, and other cognitive impairments.  The harm is often untreatable and permanent.


21,000 new millionaires made in WW1 … exposing the racket that is war … remembering our loved ones who died needlessly because of it

Copy of dad2
L. Sgt. J Vernon 

Those of us who remember our loved ones who either died in war, or who returned, ever to live with the horrific memories of war, we do so from deep respect. We are not glorifying war. These men and women were of a very unique breed. They went in love, desiring to defend their loved ones, us, and their beloved countries. They never wanted war, they were caught up in events against which they had very little, if any, ability to influence. My uncle was so deeply affected by war he would weep when he remembered it. These men on return had no counselors to hear their trauma, they just got on with life and raising families, and buried their grief. They bore a great cost.



DSC10076  too many kiwis...
50 million lives lost in WW2 … “newly placed gravestones, mangled bodies, shattered minds, broken hearts and homes” (Maj Gen Smedley Butler) – the senseless heartbreak of war.

War is a Racket – literally

Although every ANZAC we honour these our forbears, we also now know that these loved ones who truly did sacrifice their lives, were pawns in a much larger scheme of events. My father, who went off to WW II with his four brothers at the tender age of 17, said in his latter years that wars would never end because ‘wars make money’. Because our true histories are little known and because the media provides us with a very narrow slanted view, then it’s not widely known that the so-called mother country, Great Britain and the royal family deal in the arms trade. Yes they actually profit from wars. Major General Smedley Butler in his famous lecture: ‘War is a Racket’ clearly outlines whom war serves – the corporations. In the age old rationale of ‘defending democracy’ – the military are really defending the mother country’s rights to plunder resources. Hear his speech here.

So, as always, we need to follow the familiar money trail.

So called ‘Maori Wars’ were Actually Land Wars

Copy of March 16 001
Some of the lands confiscated in Aotearoa by Te Kooti Tango Whenua, The Land Taking Court 

It’s little known that some of our own Maori soldiers returned from those World Wars to find their ancestral lands confiscated by the very government they fought for.

Those who read beyond those official histories we all heard in school (who know that ‘Maori Wars’ and ‘Indian Wars’ were actually ‘Land Wars’) will also be aware of the role of the Rothschild family in fomenting and profiteering from wars for hundreds of years, boasting even of funding both sides. These people, incredible as it sounds to real human beings, are dealing in blood. (The following video is the short 12 min version of ‘War is a Racket’, the longer one is found at this link).


The death toll from WWII was over 50 million lives.

“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply”…Nathan Mayer Rothschild

“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none”… Mrs Rothschild

Our loved ones were simply pawns.

smedley butler

Nevertheless, again, we honour the fact that our loved ones went honourably and served their beloved countries and peoples. If you want to get angry at the so called ‘celebration’ of war, please direct this not at our commemorations, but at these other people, the profiteers, who have blood on their hands. Blood that one day,  they will  have to answer for.

When your children are old enough, teach them the true histories, tell them how it really was and still is. We want wars to stop, but the truth needs to be told about the origins of those wars. You will have to uncover those histories for yourselves because mainstream media is not about to. They guard this dirty little secret well.


All Wars are Bankers’ Wars
Professors and Politicians Gather to Warn us about the New World Order
Who Really Rules the World?
Australia Wages War on its Own Indigenous People
ANZAC, General Freyberg and the Once Pristine Lake Horowhenua Pt 1
ANZAC, General Freyberg etc Pt 2
The History of the House of Rothschild Pt 1

Read our pages on Banking, The Money Trail and Corporations.





TPPA “Key government regards the Treaty as an inconvenience rather than as the founding document of our nation…” Prof Jane Kelsey

Bryan Bruce, one of my favourites, an award winning documentary maker and best selling author,  updates us on Prof Jane Kelsey’s comments on TPPA ‘progress’ as it relates to Aotearoa’s founding document the Tiriti o Waitangi – visit his website, “Knowledge is Power” for further articles.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi – The Treaty of Waitangi, signed in 1840

That Incovenient Treaty Thing Again

Bryan Bruce

Professor Jane Kelsey says that the reason why the government suddenly announced it is fast-tracking the report date for the select committee considering the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) from the end of May to 4 May is now clear.

In a press statement released today she states:

“It gives the Waitangi Tribunal three rather than seven weeks to produce its urgent report on the claim brought by prominent Maori that the Agreement violates the Crown’s obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi”….


There’s no need for the Waitangi Tribunal to be rushed into making its decision.

As Professor Kelsey points out :

” The earliest the US Congress will consider implementing legislation is during the lame duck period after the presidential election in November.”

This shortened consideration process demonstrates ( if you were in any doubt) that the Key government regards the Treaty as an inconvenience rather than as the founding document of our nation.

And that is an insult to us all – because the thing that makes us unique in the world as a nation is that we are the people of the Treaty.

If we dishonour it – then who are we?

Read more: SOURCE

You can also read Jane Kelsey’s Press release here:…/government-seeking-to-stymie-repor…




The rationale for eliminating fluoride from your diet is well documented – Dr Mercola

Mercola Internationally renowned natural health physician and founder, Dr. Joseph Mercola, answers questions about water filters and fluoride, posed to him by followers on Facebook.

Maori Activist Calls For More Transparency From Government Regarding Aerosol Spraying Operations


catherine Activist, Catherine Murupaenga-Ikenn

Like many people around the world in recent years, Māori activist and lawyer, Catherine Murupaenga-Ikenn of Ahipara, Northland has become increasingly concerned at seeing lingering aerosol trails transforming her formerly unpolluted skies.

A passionate speaker on indigenous rights at international forums, she is a strong believer in people power and would like to see a citizen-based initiative where “sufficient compelling data is collected” on aerosol spraying operations and used to lobby the New Zealand Government to instigate a transparent and robust inquiry into aerosol crimes.

She writes here about what led her to the realization that geoengineering in all of its forms was unregulated in New Zealand and illustrates why government needs to be more transparent around this issue.

By Catherine Murupaenga-Ikenn

Catherine atun Catherine Murupaenga-Ikenn speaking at the UN

 I decided to make inquiries about “geoengineering” to the Environmental Protection Authority, (EPA) and the Ministry for the Environment…

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“Our Daily Dose” of Fluoride

We’ve recently had NZ’s decision to hand over fluoridation of our water and decisions pertaining to, to local health authorities instead of district councils. Suddenly they are concerned about tooth decay in our children, whilst they care nothing about many who go hungry. They also are totally ignoring the damning evidence against, and complete lack of data confirming the usefulness of fluoride to our health. Educate yourself with independent research because neither corporations nor governments (corporations in disguise) are going to tell you the truth. Kiwis, see here a Whangarei dentist speaking out about all of the above here.



Our Daily Dose

Thanks to South Canterbury Sky Watch for this link:

Published on Oct 19, 2015

To purchase a full resolution download for personal/private use or for public screenings, go here:

Hailed by the Centers for Disease Control as one of the top ten public health achievements of the 20th century, water fluoridation is something most of us assume to be safe and effective. But new science has upended this assumption, revealing that fluoride is a developmental neurotoxin and an endocrine disruptor. The CDC tells us that drinking fluoride decreases tooth decay, at best, by 25%. That is one-half to one cavity per person over a lifetime. Is one less cavity worth risking a child’s long-term brain and thyroid health? It’s time to rethink this very old practice.

In OUR DAILY DOSE, filmmaker Jeremy Seifert (GMO OMG) lays out the dangers of water fluoridation informatively and creatively, highlighting the most current research and interviewing top-tier doctors, activists, and attorneys close to the issue. Through thoughtful examination of old beliefs and new science, the film alerts us to the health threat present in the water and beverages we rely on every day. This is an eye-opening look at how we have less control over our health than we may have thought.




Nestlé Denies that Water is a Fundamental Human Right – from the company with a disturbing health & ethics record on baby formula

The most basic thing you as a consumer can do to these behemoths like Nestlé, is boycott them. If all consumers failed to buy their many products they would not survive. They require your ‘consent’ in a sense to function, consent as in purchasing what they make. For more insight into this global takeover of the world’s water supplies read Maude Barlow’s ‘Blue Gold’ – also available on video. Check out our Water pages also.


Global Research, March 22, 2015

Originally published in December 2013

The current Chairman and former CEO of Nestlé, the largest producer of food products in the world, believes that the answer to global water issues is privatization. This statement is on record from the wonderful company that has peddled junk food in the Amazon, has invested money to thwart the labeling of GMO-filled products, has a disturbing health and ethics record for its infant formula, and has deployed a cyber army to monitor Internet criticism and shape discussions in social media.


This is apparently the company we should trust to manage our water, despite the record of large bottling companies like Nestlé having a track record of creating shortages:

Large multinational beverage companies are usually given water-well privileges (and even tax breaks) over citizens because they create jobs, which is apparently more important to the local governments than water rights to other taxpaying citizens. These companies such as Coca Cola and Nestlé (which bottles suburban Michigan well-water and calls it Poland Spring) suck up millions of gallons of water, leaving the public to suffer with any shortages. (source)

But Chairman, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, believes that “access to water is not a public right.” Nor is it a human right. So if privatization is the answer, is this the company in which the public should place its trust?


For further articles on water go to categories at the left of any page


“Murder by Injection” – the incredible heist of the medical profession: the true history of cancer cures, vaccines & the pharmaceutical industry



A free ebook download by Eustace Mullins
Here is a book written by a man who passed on in 2010 in his 80s. He had the benefit of an overview of last century’s developments in real time. He saw much behind the official stories we hear on media and from our education systems. For those who are awake to these realities, this is a refreshing reminder that back before internet was here, there were still those who were equally as awake as ourselves. Note also Wikipedia calls him a conspiracy theorist, a convenient word coined to divert serious questioners from the truth. Although the author deals with many issues in his other works, in this particular one he exposes the corruption of our health treatment systems, away from natural cures and towards pharmaceuticals,  tracing it right back to its origins. A must read if you really want to know the truth. There are many lectures of his also on Youtube if you search there.


Murder By Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America



Eustace Mullins [Wikipedia]
From the Foreword: The present work, the result of some forty years of investigative research, is a logical progression from my previous books: the expose of the international control of monetary issue and banking practices in the united States; a later work revealing the secret network of organizations through which these alien forces wield political power–the secret committees, foundations, and political parties through which their hidden plans are implemented; and now; to the most vital issue of all, the manner in which these depredations affect the daily lives and health of American citizens. Despite the great power of the hidden rulers, I found that only one group has the power to issue life or death sentences to any American – our nation’s physicians.


I discovered that these physicians, despite their great power, were themselves subjected to very strict controls over every aspect of their professional lives. These controls, surprisingly enough, were not wielded by any state or federal agency, although almost every other aspect of American life is now under the absolute control of the bureaucracy. They physicians have their own autocracy, a private trade association, the American Medical Association. This group, which is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, had gradually built up its power until it assumed total control over medical schools and the accreditation of physicians….


Following is an interview of Eustace Mullins on the same topic, Death by Injection

TruthViews on Youtube
Eustace Mullins (1923-2010), discusses one of his best-selling books; ‘Murder by Injection’ exposing the unholy dynasty of the big drug companies, the medical establishment, the Rockefeller syndicate and the evils of the cut-slash-and-burn cancer racket that has killed millions in the name of ‘fighting cancer.’

While there are many books on the corruption of modern medicine, there is no other book out there that so effectively tells the whole story as does this seminal volume, laying bare the criminal machinations of those who profit in the name of “promoting good health.” The federal bureaucracy that ostensibly “regulates” the big drug companies is all part and parcel of the problem.…


EU Parliament backs glyphosate restrictions

Greenpeace Press release – April 13, 2016

Brussels/Strasbourg – MEPs have backed restrictions on the use of glyphosate – the world’s most used weedkiller – and a shortening of its licence, amid rising health concerns.In a non-binding resolution, the European Parliament called for a ban on all uses of glyphosate-based herbicides in private and public green areas, including spraying in and around public parks, playgrounds and gardens. MEPs also called for restrictions on use in agricultural fields shortly before harvesting, and said a new glyphosate licence should be limited to seven instead of 15 years.

Glyphosate is used widely in NZ, in public spaces, roadsides, playgrounds and parks and is recommended for pasture spraying in tertiary text books

The Parliament also called for full disclosure of the scientific evidence behind an assessment of glyphosate by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Environmental and transparency organisations have called for the full publication of this evidence, and criticised glyphosate producers for their reluctance to publish carcinogenicity studies evaluated by EFSA.

Greenpeace EU food policy director Franziska Achterberg said: MEPs are right to call for tough restrictions of glyphosate use, but these are not sufficient to protect people and the environment. The science shows that glyphosate is a threat for public health and must be banned outright. A ban in cities and gardens would not prevent large-scale contamination of food, water, soil and air.”

FDA Wants To Make Psychiatric Industry’s Billion Dollar Electroshock Therapy More Widely Available

6th April 2016

By Carolanne Wright

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

“The FDA has initiated a proposal that would reclassify Electroconvulsive Therapy Devices (ECT) from its current category as a high risk device, to a lower risk machine with less regulatory controls. This is despite the federal agency’s admission that the ECT device has not been proven safe and effective.” ~ CCHR Documentaries

The Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) in Canton, Massachusetts has a long history of controversy for how it handles disabled children and adults. The school has been condemned by the United Nations Special Rapporteurs on Torture, a variety of disability groups, Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick, and an FDA advisory panel.

What is it about the school’s protocol that has attracted such criticism? The answer lies in the way the school handles “unacceptable” behavior — by using frequent electric shocks as punishment. Former teachers at Rotenberg have described how mentally challenged children would writhe on the floor, screaming in pain after receiving the shocks. And yet, the school still has around 200 students, with more referrals in the pipeline. Rotenberg is the only designated school in the United States that uses electric shock for behavioral management.



‘Justice remains to be done’ over Lake Alice
New probe looks into Lake Alice Hospital




Did you know your money in a term deposit in a NZ bank is not guaranteed by your Government?

Remember people, this is your government (really a corporation) that just lost $200 million of your hard earned Kiwisaver funds to a collapsed Portuguese ‘fail safe’ bank! Do you really still trust them!  EnvirowatchRangitikei

By Bernard Hickey:

Bernard Hickey says the quiet removal of the guarantee for Kiwibank savers should remind all savers about the lack of a deposit guarantee and prompt regulators and the industry to run a public education campaign about NZ”s lack of a deposit guarantee.

Did you know that your money in a term deposit in a bank is not guaranteed by the Government?

piggy-bank-967181_1280Those in the know are aware that there is no Government guarantee, but it turns out most regular people, and certainly most term depositors, either still think there’s a guarantee, or think there’s always has been one.

New Zealand briefly had a government guarantee for retail bank deposits from October 2008 to December 2011. It was introduced at the worst point in the Global Financial Crisis to stop a run of deposits across the Tasman to the banks’ parents in Australia, where the Kevin Rudd Government offered a guarantee for depositors there.

It was quietly dropped once global markets had settled down and was replaced by a system called ‘Open Bank Resolution’. This means there is no Government guarantee and if a bank was to fail, the Reserve Bank would shut it down and manage a capital restructure overnight so that it could re-open the next day. One way a bank’s capital could be restructured by the Reserve Bank is through a ‘hair-cut’ for depositors. Essentially, the Reserve Bank would slice a certain percentage – say 10% – off the value of term deposits to allow the bank to re-open with enough capital to survive.


Another Very Short Collection of John Key’s Lies

 Bevan Morgan on Youtube

Cancer Cures Exposed! Natural Medicine Finally Revealed As THE Answer

Posted By:

GMI Reporter

Natural cures for cancer not only exist, but have a huge body of scientific literature supporting them. Why don’t more know about it? Both and Ty Bollinger’s documentary, The Truth About Cancer, provide a powerful combination of awareness raising tools to help move the paradigm of cancer prevention and treatment out of the Dark Ages into a compassionate, natural, effective and affordable, root cause resolution approach.’s #1 health advocacy is cancer, measured both by the sheer density of research we have collected and reported on the subject over the past seven years, and the primary interest of our user base measured by traffic to cancer related topics, which includes an average of over one million unique visitors monthly. Our cancer database — a byproduct of a decade of work — now contains thousands of abstracts from published studies documenting the therapeutic or preventive value of natural interventions for cancer, as well as the unintended adverse effects of conventional appraoches. You can view this free resource here.



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Powerful forces threaten Houston film festival to pull VAXXED documentary… ‘heavy handed censorship’ by government officials who resort to financial extortion to shut down public screening

Thursday, April 07, 2016
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) As the war on the truth about vaccines continues to heighten, organizers of film festivals are starting to speak out about the incredible censorship and intimidation tactics being used against them to try to silence this independent film. VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe unveils the true story of CDC scientist and whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, who publicly confessed to taking part in organized scientific fraud at the CDC to conceal the link between vaccines and autism.


Now, in what is being described as “criminal conduct and extortion,” the Chairman of TEAM WORLDFEST in Houston describes how his film festival was aggressively threatened in a criminal manner by government officials to pull the film:

[A]fter very threatening calls late yesterday (Monday) from high Houston Government officials (the first and only time they have ever called in 49 years) – we had no choice but to drop the film. Heavy handed censorship, to say the least… they both threatened severe action against the festival if we showed it, so it is out. Their actions would have cost us more than $100,000 in grants.

On JP Morgan: Fines, Corruption and Gauging Aside Why Should They Be In New Zealand

Aotearoa: A Wider Perspective

On the 1th of October 2007 a bank opened in New Zealand. It wasn’t open for the general public and would only supply money for big stuff and the big boys. It’s name? JP Morgan Chase!

I was announced in the MSM with the smallest of fanfare and I only picked up on it because I was blogging about John Key and NZ’s connection to the international financial world. It exactly one year before the elections which brought “Ex” Wall street banker John Key to power.

Last week a former JP Morgan Chase employee, a New Zealand trader was charged with attempting to manipulate LIBOR rates and the entire bank is constantly having to pay huge fines because they are involved in some of the most pernicious criminal and corrupt practices the world has ever seen.

But that is OK according to CNBC because they make truckloads of money. it’s…

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CDC is hiding a massive collection of damning scientific evidence proving vaccines are linked to autism… shocking details from the recorded phone calls of Dr. William Thompson


injection-519388_1280(NaturalNews) The Berlin Wall of vaccine injury denialism is about to crumble. Although every effort is being made by the vaccine establishment to crush and silence the truth about vaccine injuries — including heavy-handed censorship of the “VAXXED” documentary — the truth is that vaccines cause autism in some children.

That fundamental scientific reality has been desperately — and criminally — suppressed by the CDC and vaccine pushing propagandists whose pseudoscience dogma infects every powerful institution across a corrupt political regime steeped in medical totalitarianism.

In 2014, a top CDC scientist named Dr. William Thompson confessed to taking part in a massive scientific cover-up to alter data that demonstrated a link between vaccines and autism. He not only went public with a statement of confession, he also spoke at length to Dr. Brian Hooker, now regarded as the key investigator in the #CDCwhistleblower phenomenon.

What follows below is a partial transcript from a series of phone calls that took place between Dr. Brian Hooker and Dr. William Thompson in 2016. Here, you’ll learn that the CDC is sitting on a treasure trove of scientific evidence proving the vaccine-autism link

Learn more:

6 Things You Didn’t Know About Watermelon

By Dr. Mercola

In the US, July is National Watermelon Month, so named not only because a cool, refreshing slice of watermelon represents the epitome of summer, but also because watermelon harvests peak this month.1

Watermelon is now the most-consumed melon in the US (followed by cantaloupe and honeydew). This cousin to cucumbers, pumpkins, and squash is thought to have originated in Egypt close to 5,000 years ago, where it is depicted in hieroglyphics.



Today, upwards of 300 watermelon varieties are grown in the US and Mexico (although only about 50 are popular).2 You may think you know everything there is to know about this summertime fruit, but allow me to surprise you… watermelon is more than just delicious… it’s a super-healthy addition to your diet (in moderation, of course).

You just need to be careful when eating any melon, including watermelon to follow the advice of Wayne Pickering in my interview. Eat melon alone or leave it alone because it will make your stomach groan. So ideally, no food 30 minutes before or after eating melons.

Most people throw away the watermelon rind, but try putting it in a blender with some lime for a healthy, refreshing treat.6 Not only does the rind contain plenty of health-promoting and blood-building chlorophyll, but the rind actually contains more of the amino acid citrulline than the pink flesh.7


Monsanto Profits Drop 25% AGAIN as Farmers, Individuals go Organic


Your Voice Is Being Heard

Monsanto profits fall
Mike Barret
April 7, 2016

Biotech giant Monsanto reported multiple profit-plummets in 2015 relating to sales for both its genetically modified crop creations and its best-selling herbicide, Roundup. Once again, Monsanto has reported declining profits for the fiscal second-quarter earnings – by 25%.

For Monsanto’s 2nd quarter, total sales for Monsanto dropped 13%; with one of Monsanto’s top-sellers, corn seeds, falling 11%. The biotech giant cites an “unfavorable agricultural market” for its losses, pointing out that:

  • Pressures in overseas markets is increasing
  • Farmers are reporting less income due to less-than-ideal harvests
  • The strength of the U.S. dollar made products more expensive

But the company makes little or no mention of the other key factors affecting its bottom line.

  • Organic food demand is exploding like crazy – and the figures show no sign of it slowing any time soon.
  • The world is seeing how toxic pesticides and herbicides really…

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“When the world around the IMF goes downhill, we thrive” – Christine Lagarde CEO

Christine Lagarde, CEO of IMF [SOURCE]
For those of us who are awake to the hidden agenda that is going down world wide, this statement from Christine Lagarde of the IMF comes as no surprise really. We already know for instance that the banking fraternity (including the British royal family) profits greatly from wars that have been fomented for centuries by the Rothschilds, who gaily and shamelessly profiteer by funding both sides and boast about it.


Shamelessly too in terms of who they expunge from the planet be they innocent children or whomever. As Madeleine Albright said in her infamous statement ‘it is worth it’ – worth it to kill and maim 500,000 innocent Iraqi kids. And shameless in terms of the military whom they experiment on endlessly, casting them aside when their usefulness has come to an end. As Major General Smedley Butler informed us decades ago … ‘war is a racket’. These are the kinds of people who can make statements like the above about their banking activity,  with ne’er the bat of an eyelid, their consciences (if ever they did have one) long hardened to the fact that this is actually not right. This is the nature of corporations – they are soulless – psychopathic entities, totally void of empathy.

We have here the outright admission though (for those who are too blind to have seen all previous pointers to this) that they actually profit from economic recession. That they in fact desire recession. They desire wars. Now how warped and twisted is that? To want to unleash poverty and death upon one’s fellow human beings? Particularly upon children. Note, they were not doing so well in 2006 and 7 says Lagarde, that was put right for them, or perhaps by them, with the 2008 recession.

“Financial panics are scientifically created”
Congressman Charles Lindbergh of Minnesota (1920)

It is true what was stated long ago by successive prominent people in government … Willard Cantelon lists many of their statements in ‘The Day the Dollar Dies’ (1973) – a warning to all:

“I’m afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can and do create money, and they who control the credit of a nation direct the policy of the government and hold in the hollow of their hands, the destiny of the people”
Reginald McKenna, Chancellor of England’s Exchequer (1924)

“The Governor of the Bank of England must be the autocrat who dictates the terms upon which alone the government can obtain money”
Sir Drummond Fraser, vice-president of the Inst of Bankers (1924)

“The government … in the matters of finance was to leave the money power supreme and unquestioned”
Lord Gladstone, Chancellor of Britain’s Exchequer (1852)

“He who controls the money of a nation controls the nation”
US President James Garfield (1881)

“You see, gentlemen, who owns the United States”
Vice-President John Garner (1933) (referring to international bankers)

“Give me control over a nation’s economy, and I care not who writes its laws”
Meyer Amschel Rothschild

“Money plays the largest part in determining the course of history”
Karl Marx


And when these scientifically created panics happen, we know from history that many folk commit suicide. Peoples’ hard earned life savings are pitched straight down the proverbial drain … more accurately … straight into a banker’s pockets.  And these vermin continue to escape penalty, with blood on their hands.

From Tyler Durden via Wake Up Kiwi at  thecontrail we have more on Christine Lagarde’s hideous statement:

IMF’s Christine Lagarde: “When The World Goes Downhill, We Thrive”

Tyler Durden's picture

When we wrote earlier that based on a leaked Wikileaks transcript, which the Greek government interpreted “as revealing an IMF effort to blackmail Athens with a possible credit event to force it to give in on pension cuts which it has rejected“, the article promptly went viral. While it remains to be determined if the IMF indeed made such an implied threat, we attribute this spike in interest to the general public’s surprise that the IMF could stoop to such a low, even by its own standards, level as to use a nation of 11 million people as a lab rat on which to conduct policy experiments.

But why the surprise?

As the below transcript from a April 2012 interview given by Lagarde to the Wharton school …, none other than IMF president Lagarde herself admitted that for the IMF to “thrive”, the world has to “goes downhill“, and that the IMF “to be sustainable” it needs to be “very in touch with our client base.”

She added that “when the world goes well and we’ve had years of growth, as was the case back in 2006 and 2007, the IMF doesn’t do so well both financially and otherwise

It goes without saying that Lagarde’s sole prerogative as the managing director of the IMF is to make sure it “does well.”

She concluded by saying that “we need to be able to invent and reinvent ourselves in many ways.” One such client-facing “reinvention” just happened to be caught on tape.

Here is the key section:

Knowledge@Wharton: Of all the things that you do here, what are you most passionate about? What would you really like to make sure happens? It could be a small thing, it could be a large thing. What is it that really has your heart?


Lagarde: That’s complicated. I think it’s this issue of relevance … that is of real concern to me. You see, this is a very fascinating institution because it’s completely counter-cyclical. When the world around the IMF goes downhill,




A NZ Smart water meter installed without consent

With all the information now flowing about how a smart meter is not compulsory and notification of intention to install is required – how can these companies continue on their aggressively persistent mission to ensure we all have one? Legally that is.

Following our recent post about the installation of a Smart (electricity) Meter on a NZ home in Taumaranui where the owner had not given consent and had in fact locked the meter – yet undeterred the lines people broke into the meter box! And here we have more of the same, this time a Smart water Meter was installed. The report comes from  …

Smart water meter installed in Waiuku NZ without consent

Smart Water Meter [Photo Credit]

This morning received an email from a concerned resident of Huia Street in Waiuku to say that on Monday (February 29, 2016) she found a card in her letter box informing her that a smart water meter had been installed for her home as part of a trial.

This home owner did not consent to the installation of this device which is designed to produce microwave radiation to send data about water use. In fact just the previous Friday she had received notification from the company that her “water meter did not need to be replaced.”

According to Watercare’s website the smart water meters that it is installing will transmit only once per day; however this information cannot be independently verified at this stage as the company did not state the make and model of the meter on its website.  (The type of smart water meter trialed in Tairua transmits every eight seconds.)

The type of radiation produced by smart water meters (and smart electricity meters) has been classified as possible carcinogen (class 2B) by the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer.


You can find more info at the above site on how to avoid getting a Smart (aka Advanced) Meter or  how to get rid of one if you already have one. The site manager is contactable and helpful if you are having difficulties. Also check out our Smart Meter pages for further info &/or follow us to receive updates. Most importantly, watch the doco Take Back Your Power, links are at the site.

For further articles on Smart Meters, water or electricity, go to categories at the left of any page. Not all of the related articles are on the pages here.





Chemtrails exposed! Audio of NASA scientist admitting they are real!

We have a video here by DAHBOO777 on Youtube and who by way of introduction, leads you into an audio of an actual conversation between a concerned and inquiring member of the public and a NASA scientist who admits that lithium is being sprayed from their planes! He doesn’t admit as in he’s point blank questioned, the admission is within a matter of fact discussion about literal chemtrails and he terms them as such. That term we’ve all been mocked and dissed for as being mere conspiracy. So all the denials hitherto by the establishment that we are being sprayed from the sky without our consent, fly out the window. This preliminary discussion by DAHBOO777 also includes reference to the alleged use of coal ash in the mix. (See info below for the contents of chemtrails). Contacts from the industry have seen it being shipped to air facilities. The information below each video is what has been provided by the producer of the videos, found at Youtube.

About the term ‘chemtrail’ … “Contrary to rumors of ‘conspiracy theory’, the Department of Defense first published ‘Chemtrails’ in 1990 as the title to a chemistry course for new pilots attending the esteemed US Air Force Academy”. (SOURCE)

If you are new to chemtrails, or the term frequently used to avoid the ‘conspiracy’ label, ‘geoengineering’ (or weather modification) go to our Geoengineering pages and follow the links and watch the documentaries there. Also, search for other articles under ‘categories’ at the left of any page, as not all articles appear on the Geo pages. Officially our gov/corporation has deemed these (originally) as being conspiracy (*Nick Smith) – however that stance has shifted to an acknowledgement that geoengineering is a scientific practice however it’s ‘not happening here in Aotearoa’ they say. Thousands of Kiwis however know it is happening because they both observe and document it in images daily.

Obviously the contents of these trails have serious implications for our health among other things (see here also). Be informed and spread the word!


South Canterbury Sky Watch Youtube Channel

If you’re new to all of this and just want the ABCs I recommend you go to this site:


*I’m afraid I no longer feel I can refer to our politicians as ‘Honourable’. Any government that is really a corporation, that approves the spraying of toxic chemicals on its population is not honourable. This all aside from the fact that our successive governments have trashed our beautiful country with increasing gusto, whilst continuing to call it clean and green, and whilst spouting their ‘sustainable practice’ spin on their websites, that only 40% of its rivers can now be swum in. I could go on however I won’t, my feelings about all of that are sprinkled liberally around my site! (See also the pages ‘Home’ and ‘About’. Enough said.

Finally, the header image was captured last month over the Rangitikei.



Published on Dec 4, 2015




Published on Dec 4, 2015

Contents of Chemtrails

(Courtesy of
Open air Chemtrail spraying operations are now live in
California (all 50 states and all NATO countries). Independent analysis of chemtrail fallout has identified many toxic chemicals including;

Aluminum Oxide Particles, Arsenic, Bacilli and Molds, Barium Salts, Barium Titanates, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells, Ethylene Dibromide, Enterobacter Cloacal, Enterobacteriaceae, Human white Blood Cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA), Lead, Mercury, Methyl Aluminum, Mold Spores, Mycoplasma, Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass, Nitrogen Trifluoride, Known as CHAFF), Nickel, Polymer Fibers, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Pseudomonas Florescens, Radioactive Cesium, Radio Active Thorium, Selenium, Serratia Marcscens, Sharp Titanium Shards, Silver, Streptomyces, Stronthium, Sub-Micron Particles, (Containing Live Biological Matter), Unidentified Bacteria, Uranium, Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins

So our infants need corn syrup & GMOs? – Mike Adams on CNN’s “breastfeeding’s not natural” debacle

Further to the recent article in a pediatrics journal coercing us not to call breastfeeding ‘natural’, Mike Adams weighs in on their preferred alternative – formula with GMOs and corn syrup… satirizing and exposing the whole debacle for the idiocy that it is.
Published on Mar 28, 2016

Wow, CNN is so totally brain dead that it’s now warning against calling breastfeeding “natural.”

What’s the problem with that? They claim if we call it “natural,” then we might be encouraging moms to pursue other “natural” things like nutrition or organic food (or avoid vaccines).

And that’s BAD, according to CNN.

Yep, the Communist News Network has gone full retard…

Learn more at



Pediatrics Journal says to stop calling breastfeeding natural