Tag Archives: Junk Food

CLAIM: Coca-Cola paid NAACP to call scientists who link soda pop to obesity “racist”

A former lobbyist at Coca-Cola has come forward with bombshell information about the junk food corporation’s deceptive, racist, and potentially criminal behavior.

Calley Means, who worked on behalf of The Coca-Cola Company in years past, says the multinational purveyor of poison “food” paid the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) to slander as “racist” any and all scientists, researchers, or other “opponents” whose work exposed Coke products as toxic.

Coke also paid off willing parties to produce pseudoscience “debunking” the link between soft drink consumption and diseases like obesity and diabetes. (Related: Ten years ago, Coca-Cola tried to boost sales by marketing its high-fructose corn syrup [HFCS]-laden junk food soft drinks as healthy for breakfast.)

“Early in my career, I consulted for Coke to ensure sugar taxes failed and soda was included in food stamp funding,” Means recently revealed. “I say Coke’s policies are evil because I saw inside the room.”

“The first step in playbook was paying the NAACP and other civil rights groups to call opponents racist. Coke gave millions to the NAACP and the Hispanic Federation – both directly and through front groups like the American Beverage Association (ABA).”

In 2011 when the idea of soda taxes really started to gain legislative traction, Coke amped up the slander and bribery agenda. Means says the conversations he heard within the walls of Coca-Cola corporate were “depressingly transactional.”

“We (Coke) will give you money,” Means recalls about the typical conversations that would take place internally between Coke and its target allies. “You need to paint opponents of us as racist.”

As silly as it all sounds, these tactics worked. As the Farm Bill for 2011-2013 was being negotiated and finalized, thousands of articles flooded the news cycle that helped Coke avert soda taxes and possible removal from the food stamp program.

Aggressive lobbying and slander allowed Coke to lie to the public that soda pop is “one of the cheapest ways to get calories”

Means says Coca-Cola also partnered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to funnel money into “academia,” which used it to produce “research” claiming that soda taxes would harm low-income populations.

“I watched as the FDA funneled money to professors at leading universities – as well as think tanks on the left and right – to create studies showing soda taxes hurt the poor,” Means says.

“They also paid for studies that say drinking soda didn’t cause obesity.”

Coke was also able to get away with making the false and ludicrous claim that its soft drink products are “one of the cheapest ways to get calories,” which Means describes as “a flagrantly inaccurate statement when factoring in the health consequences.”

It was none other than the ABA that aided Coke in purveying the lie that taxing soda pop would hurt not just poor people but also “local businesses” while “unfairly targeting one product.”

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is also complicit in this racket, having put forth more lies claiming that “there are no bad foods, only bad diets.”

The entire regulatory structure of the United States has clearly been co-opted by Big Industry, which is steering all the “science” in its own favor. Coca-Cola is just one example among many of what an absolute joke this entire system has become – and that some would argue always was.

“The word ‘racist’ has lost all its meaning,” wrote a commenter about Coke’s flagrant abuse of the English language. “The word has been so overused that it lost its meaning.”

More news stories like this one can be found at RaceWar.news.



Sources for this article include:



Question everything New Zealand – seriously

A little satire goes a very long way … calling out all those anomalies & inconsistencies many of us have noticed of late with the corporation parading as government. NZ has just returned to further lockdowns as of today 12th August, as predicted. If you are following the globalists’ covert global government narrative you will know it was inevitable. Hear ‘Bob from NZ’s brilliant commentary on NZ’s last lockdown experience. Note this lockdown that although considered temporary has put paid to campaign gatherings. We are now restricted to gatherings of 100. The NZ Advance party had a gathering of 3K in Auckland recently. EWR

Bob from NZ

Curious contradictions occurred during New Zealand’s lockdown. Resources and links: Bob from NZ Bitchute Channel https://www.bitchute.com/channel/bob-… Bob from NZ Library Channel https://lbry.tv/@BobFromNZ:8 Over 4200 deaths in NZ during level 4 https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/1216… CDC infection to fatality estimate page https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-… James Corbett’s Bill Gates video time stamped at WHO portion https://youtu.be/wQSYdAX_9JY?t=646 Assymptomatic cases rarely transmit the virus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQTBl… Checkpoints, soldiers, and door to door tracking https://thespinoff.co.nz/politics/15-… The simple truth in under 6 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRlPP… Some labs in florida have only reported positive results (in other words, what’s up!!) https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/fox…

Gluten-free food FRAUD exposed in new Health Ranger video: They’re loaded with MSG and GMO

(NaturalNews) Do you think gluten-free foods are always healthy and wholesome? Think again: many of them are highly processed junk foods loaded with GMOs and MSG.

I’ve just posted a new video exposing the gluten-free fraud by reviewing a few off-the-shelf gluten-free products. As the video reveals, some of the products are made with hidden forms of MSG and genetically modified ingredients. But others are truly wholesome or even labeled Non-GMO Project Verified.

The lesson here is simple: Just because some food product claims to be “gluten-free” doesn’t mean it’s good for you. In fact, many gluten-free products are no healthier than processed junk foods. You’d be far better off eating organic wheat products with gluten than consuming processed gluten-free junk food loaded with GMOs, glyphosate, pesticides and MSG.

Gluten may not even be your problem in the first place… it’s probably glyphosate

On the topic of glyphosate, by the way, it is my belief that many people who mistakenly think they’re allergic to gluten are actually being poisoned by the glyphosate pesticide that’s commonly sprayed on wheat harvests as a drying agent.

Non-organic wheat is almost universally contaminated with glyphosate, a cancer-causing weed killer chemical that permeates the wheat berries and persists in wheat flour. If you are eating non-organic breads, pastries, sandwich buns or even bagels, you’re eating glyphosate.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/054391_gluten-free_foods_GMO_hidden_MSG.html#ixzz4CCTbQ3bf

See our Food Additives (under Chemicals) and Glyphosate pages for more info & links, &/or search categories for further related articles (at left of any page).

Please like our FB page &/or follow our blog, and do spread the word on all the untruths we have been told!




Great Britain’s Most Outspoken Cardiologist Sets the Record Straight on Saturated Fats

So we’ve all been hammered endlessly about this risk! For at least three decades … or more. Another clue to why we must do our own research into what independent studies are saying … and NOT industry funded studies. If you have not yet woken up to the fact that corporations are about profits not people, and the medical industry was heisted for profit around one century ago, then you’re on a slippery slope. Sound extreme? I once would have thought so but after many thousands of hours of reading and examining the conclusions made by independent health professionals who stand to gain little if anything from their findings … I’ve concluded they are providing us with truth.

Listen to this Doctor speak of his findings … he’s interviewed by Dr Mercola.

By Dr. Mercola

Is saturated fat really the health hazard it’s been made out to be? Dr. Aseem Malhotra is an interventional cardiologist consultant in London, U.K., who gained quite a bit of publicity after the publication of his peer-reviewed editorial1 in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in 2013.

In it, he seriously challenges the conventional view on saturated fats, and reviews how recent studies have failed to find any significant association between saturated fat and cardiovascular risk.

In fact, Malhotra reports that two-thirds of people admitted to hospitals with acute myocardial infarction have completely normal cholesterol levels. Malhotra, founder of Action on Sugar, also works as an adviser to the U.K.’s National Obesity Forum.

“My focus has been, ‘what can we do as individuals collectively (the medical profession) to help curb demand on the health system?’” he says. “A lot of that is being driven by diet-related diseases.

According to the Lancet Global Burden of Disease Reports, poor diets now contribute to more disease and death than physical activities — smoking and alcohol combined …

As an interventional cardiologist, we can do life-saving procedures with people who have heart attacks through heart surgery. But to be honest, rather than saving them from drowning, I’d rather they wouldn’t be thrown into the river in the first place. This is really where my focus has shifted.

I think for many of us, as clinicians moving more towards intervention, I think the realization that what we can do in medicine is really quite limited at the treatment end and actually the whole ‘prevention is better than cure’ phrase is very true.”

Hospitals and Medical Personnel Are Far From Paragons of Health

Malhotra’s epiphany that something was wrong with the system came rather early. While working as a resident in cardiology, he performed an emergency stenting procedure on a man in his 50s who’d recently suffered a heart attack.

The following morning, Malhotra spoke to the man, giving him the usual advice about quitting smoking and improving his diet.

“Just when I was telling about healthy diet, how important that was, he was actually served burger and fries by the hospital. He said to me, ‘Doctor, how do you expect me to change my lifestyle when you’re serving me the same crap that brought me in here in the first place?’”

Looking around, he realized that a lot of healthcare professionals are overweight or obese, and hospitals serve sick patients junk food. He believes one of the first things that really needs to happen is to set a good example in hospitals.

“The hospital environment should be one that promotes good health, not exacerbates bad health,” he says. His journey began with an email to celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, who did a lot of work campaigning for improved food in school canteens. Malhotra asked Oliver for ideas on how to improve hospital food.

“A couple of years later, I ended up going to the British Medical Association Annual Conference. I put a motion forward saying there should be a policy from the BMA to ban the selling of junk food in hospitals. It got an overwhelming majority vote.”

Diet and lifestyle changes are particularly important in light of the fact that medical errors and properly prescribed medications are the third most common cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Overmedication is a particularly serious problem among the elderly, who tend to suffer more side effects.

“Part of that is because there are very powerful vested interests that push drugs,” Malhotra says. “They even coax academic institutions and guideline bodies. People aren’t getting all the information to make decisions, whether or not they should take medications …

This is a major problem, especially [since] we’ve neglected or detracted from lifestyle changes, which are going to be much more impactful on your health and without side effects.”



Nestlé Denies that Water is a Fundamental Human Right – from the company with a disturbing health & ethics record on baby formula

The most basic thing you as a consumer can do to these behemoths like Nestlé, is boycott them. If all consumers failed to buy their many products they would not survive. They require your ‘consent’ in a sense to function, consent as in purchasing what they make. For more insight into this global takeover of the world’s water supplies read Maude Barlow’s ‘Blue Gold’ – also available on video. Check out our Water pages also.


Global Research, March 22, 2015

Originally published in December 2013

The current Chairman and former CEO of Nestlé, the largest producer of food products in the world, believes that the answer to global water issues is privatization. This statement is on record from the wonderful company that has peddled junk food in the Amazon, has invested money to thwart the labeling of GMO-filled products, has a disturbing health and ethics record for its infant formula, and has deployed a cyber army to monitor Internet criticism and shape discussions in social media.


This is apparently the company we should trust to manage our water, despite the record of large bottling companies like Nestlé having a track record of creating shortages:

Large multinational beverage companies are usually given water-well privileges (and even tax breaks) over citizens because they create jobs, which is apparently more important to the local governments than water rights to other taxpaying citizens. These companies such as Coca Cola and Nestlé (which bottles suburban Michigan well-water and calls it Poland Spring) suck up millions of gallons of water, leaving the public to suffer with any shortages. (source)

But Chairman, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, believes that “access to water is not a public right.” Nor is it a human right. So if privatization is the answer, is this the company in which the public should place its trust?



For further articles on water go to categories at the left of any page


Processed Foods Similarly Addictive as Illicit Drugs, Another Study Shows

From Natural Society, an expose on how processed foods operate in our bodies. A good reminder to grow or buy organic and preferably prepare our own meals from fresh. Increasingly our foods from supermarkets are empty of nutrition. Like an automobile, our bodies need fuel to operate … nutritious fuel.

“A new study has found what many studies have already concluded – that the junk food plaguing grocery store shelves alters certain parts of your brain responsible for levels of hunger, thirst, and the body’s natural rhythms and cycles. In other words, processed foods and junk foods are addictive…”

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/processed-foods-addictive-drugs-study-finds/#ixzz3Wsnd4WpU
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