
We have all been well conditioned to believe wars are for ‘King and Country’ … as our beloved forbears were, 70 odd million of whom died in the last World War …  or, nowadays, wars against terrorism, the ones that started with the very dodgy 9/11 that looked extremely like a controlled demolition. These wars, as ever, are ostensibly about imposing ‘democracy’ on countries who didn’t request it, while really about siphoning off and profiting from their resources.  Or imposing a Rothschild bank.

Hear Dr Michael Parenti speak on the acquisition of resources. They will be obtained ‘peacefully’ as first resort, and by military force as last, generally.  Witness the ‘land wars’ fought in the various colonies that were thereafter named ‘Maori Wars’, ‘Boer War’, ‘Indian Wars’ etc. This deflects the very young reader (and subsequently old) off the real reason for the war.

All Wars are Bankers’ Wars

The war machine is an effective time-tested tool of certain wealthy families … the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and their ilk. As Mrs Rothschild said …


…and she should know her own sons I’m sure. She sounds obscenely proud of her offspring and their very dubious ‘accomplishments’.

239 Years of Mostly Wars

So, if there’s one thing the US does well … and often, it’s war. See a 239 Year Timeline of America’s Involvement in military conflict, spanning from 1776 to 2011. This country that prides itself on being a peaceful, peace making nation has never in fact gone a decade with out war, to the extent no President can be considered a peace time President. The only time the US has gone for five years without war was during the Great Depression … and we know that financial depressions have always been artificially created, by the very same people who are fomenting the wars. The Bankers.


President Theodore Roosevelt said … 

Financial panics are scientifically created (US Congressman Charles Lindbergh, 1920)

The United States of America has been engaged in some kind of war during 218 out of the nation’s total 239 years of existence, not including the war of annihilation, rape and pillage it waged on its indigenous population to acquire their lands and establish itself.

A must watch on the vagaries of war that cuts right to the chase is General Smedley Butler who harks from way back to WW2. There are shorter versions on Youtube, this is the longer version. Or you can read his book by the same name “War is a Racket”.

The Peace Report

How money flows through the Military-Industrial Complex.
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Democracy Now!    Published on Mar 20, 2013
http://www.democracynow.org – In part two of our interview, Al Jazeera reporter Dahr Jamail discusses how the U.S. invasion of Iraq has left behind a legacy of cancer and birth defects suspected of being caused by the U.S. military’s extensive use of depleted uranium and white phosphorus. Noting the birth defects in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, Jamail says: “They’re are extremely hard to bear witness to, but it’s something that we all need to pay attention to … What this has generated is from 2004 up to this day, we are seeing a rate of congenital malformations in the city of Fallujah that has surpassed even that in the wake of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that nuclear bombs were dropped on at the end of World War II.” Jamail has also reported on the refugee crisis of more than one million displaced Iraqis still inside the country, who are struggling to survive without government aid, a majority of them living in Baghdad. Click here to watch part 1 of the interview. Take a moment to view our interactive Iraq War timeline at http://owl.li/jd2ur. Visit the Democracy Now! news archive to see 10 years of reports on the Iraq War at http://www.democracynow.org/topics/iraq. To watch the entire weekday independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, search our vast archive, or to find more information about Democracy Now! and Amy Goodman, visit http://www.democracynow.org. To watch more Democracy Now! reports about Syria, visit http://www.democracynow.org/topics/syria Democracy Now!, an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on 1,100+ TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/democracynow Twitter: @democracynow Subscribe on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/democracynow Listen on SoundCloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/democracynow Daily Email News Digest: http://www.democracynow.org/subscribe Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today, visit http://www.democracynow.org/donate/YT

Published on Mar 10, 2014

The Hidden Enemy – Inside Psychiatry’s Covert Agenda Full Documentary. This documentary shows how the army is exploited as Psychiatry’s testing ground for drugs and other inhumane “treatment” which have resulted in exponential growth of military suicides. Currently, more US soldiers die from suicide than from combat. “The battlefield is safer than psychiatry. You understand that? Statistically you are less likely to be shot by an enemy than to be killed by a pharmaceutical drug. That’s the truth about psychiatry.” —Mike Adams “Health Ranger” creator of http://www.naturalnews.com Our military are being prescribed the following drugs (list not complete): Seroquel, Paxil, Prozac, Abilify, Wellbutrin, Modafinil, Methylphenidate, Xanax, Dexedrine, Effexor, Haldol, Adderal, Stelazine, Depakote, Thorazine, Zoloft, Ambien. 23:16 “You take your meds and you can just start feeling it going down and you’re just like bam you’re just a zombie…. “I just said f^#k it i’m done. I took my pistol and f%$^ing put it in my mouth. And she [his wife] opened up the door.” —Michael, First Sergeant US Army (Ret.) 51:20 “I had to literally grab the weapon away from him because it probably would have happened.” —Elise, Wife of Michael 51:52 “I knew I wasn’t me, you know? It was the drug that was doing it and I knew I had to change or I’d be dead. And that’s why I changed it.” —Michael, First Sergeant US Army (Ret.) 52:26 Official website Citizens Commission on Human Rights: http://www.cchr.org Actions you can take: http://www.cchr.org/documentaries/the… Buy the documentary: https://secure.cchr.org/store/documen


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