Scientist Says RFID Won’t Be Optional & May Change The Essence Of What It Means To Be Human

Headlines like this (it’s a direct quote from the article) are designed to make you resign to the so called ‘inevitable’. Don’t be sucked in. If you are a Christian then you will have sold your soul if you do. Bible prophecy has a lot to say about it. If you are not a Christian, you will still have sold your soul to the soulless corporations who are herding you into the future designed for you by the one world government folk, the tiny 1% who lie when they say the planet is not big enough for all of us. There is ample room. They just want it for themselves. It is about power and control of the many by the few. An age old blot on the character of humankind. The end game of the chip will include your inability to buy or sell (particularly food) – Kissinger spouted on that decades ago. Control of food & energy are two prime targets. Thereby they control you. Since we are the 99%, then doesn’t that tip the power somewhat. They hold us all in ignorance of the larger picture. If we all 99% pulled the plug and stopped buying & complying tomorrow, their power would fizzle out like a pricked balloon. EnvirowatchRangitikei

In bed with the world’s biggest polluters the WWF is also accused of committing violent crimes against indigenous peoples, contributing to 20 million ‘conservation’ refugees

Not new, as is from 2014. Stories like this deserve to be shared over & over lest the revelations be forgotten. I stopped donating to this cause long ago after I learned some of the ugly truth.

From Natural News

World Wildlife Fund’s hidden role in spreading harmful corporate practices is revealed in new book

Monsanto, Coca-Cola, Shell, HSBC, Cargill, BP, Alcoa and Maine Harvest have reportedly all benefited from the WWF’s green label while continuing business as usual … Wilfried Huismann

NaturalNews) Overcoming adversity by piercing through the corporate fabric in which the world’s corporations are banded together, PandaLeaks – The Dark Side of the WWF exposes the ugly underbelly of the planet’s largest conservation group.

Written by award-winning German journalist and filmmaker Wilfried Huismann, the book almost didn’t make it to print after the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) fought tooth and nail to stop its sale. The group’s efforts to stop the book’s publication, which included a massive campaign of threats and a series of lawsuits, fell short of preventing the controversial report from reaching the market.

Two years of on-the-ground investigative research reveals a number of horrid, and incredibly disappointing, facts about the WWF. While earlier skepticism has surrounded the conservation group for years, their unethical and hypocritical tactics have not yet been exposed in depth until the release of Huismann’s recent research.

The book accuses the WWF of “selling its soul” to corporations in exchange for their donations, as well as forging alliances with powerful, non-sustainable businesses that are destroying the planet and “greenwashing” their operations under the conservation group’s label.

New book blows the whistle on WWF’s cozy relationship with Big Business

Originally released under the name The Silence of the Pandas in 2012, the book became a German bestseller before being recently published in English following a series of injunctions and court cases, according to The Guardian.

Monsanto, Coca-Cola, Shell, HSBC, Cargill, BP, Alcoa and Maine Harvest have reportedly all benefited from the WWF’s green label while continuing business as usual, said Huismann. While publicly condemning such corporations, behind closed doors the WWF has set up “round tables” of industrialists on hot commodities such as palm oil, timber, sugar, soy, biofuels and cocoa.

An ethnic group residing in the Congo, the Baka people, say they’ve been forced from their ancestral lands in the name of “conservation.”

“WWF is a willing service provider to the giants of the food and energy sectors, supplying industry with a green, progressive image… On the one hand it protects the forest; on the other it helps corporations lay claim to land not previously in their grasp. WWF helps sell the idea of voluntary resettlement to indigenous peoples,” said Huismann.

WWF involved in the beatings and torture of indigenous peoples in the name of “conservation”

An elite club consisting of 1,001 of the world’s richest people, including philanthropists, industrialists and upper-class naturalists, are reportedly operating out of the WWF, which was set up more than 50 years ago by Prince Philip and Prince Bernhart of the Netherlands. This elite club serves as an “old boys’ network,” holding “influence in the corridors of global and corporate and policy-making power.”

Aside from being in bed with some of the world’s biggest polluters, the WWF has also been accused of committing crimes against indigenous peoples by funding their “displacement” and “cultural extinction,” contributing to more than 20 million people who are now classified as “conservation refugees.”


Photo: Pixabay

Official Information requested by Horizons from NZ Defence Force about an environmental hazard at Ohakea Air Base was not disclosed for more than a year later

Becoming a familiar story isn’t it? (They legally have around 21 days to come up with the requested info).

Recently we saw they’d declined to notify the public of the presence of 1080 in storage which they should be doing (remember Whitianga?). Or if it is burnt which they also recently declined to do in Levin. And increasingly, info is declined in the OI requests. I’ve also been hearing lately information about the burial/dumping of 1080 & also of asbestos in ‘unknown’ locations! If folk know anything they need to blow the whistle. This is an area of total cover up in more ways than one. Yet another illustration that the ‘sustainable’ verbiage on the council websites is just that & of no particular use except to pull the wool as the saying goes. Sustainable practices stopped with Rogernomics. The history is long and damning. EnvirowatchRangitikei


Horizons Regional Council’s chairman has blasted the Defence Force for keeping his organisation in the dark about contamination from firefighting foam used at Ohakea airbase.

The regional council was not told groundwater and water supplies might be contaminated until December last year – many months after the Defence Force knew of a potential problem.

“We are the environmental agency and they wanted to keep it from us,” Horizons chairman Bruce Gordon said.

“We found out from the media [about the contamination] because the Defence Force didn’t want to share it with us.”​

Toxic foam found in fire trucks and storage at three more commercial airports
Nationwide investigation into toxic firefighting foam launched​
Testing area for Ohakea toxic foam contamination to be extended
Firefighter foam poses water risk around NZ air bases

It was revealed last week Horizons Regional Council  was asked for information about water systems near Ohakea Air Force Base in Rangitīkei three times before it was told there was a contamination problem involving firefighting foam.

The first request for information came as early as April 2016 – a year after the Defence Force received the first results of tests – but officials didn’t let on to the regional council that some water was contaminated until December 2017.



Photo: PN Airport .. Wikipedia


Since a 1080 drop in Fiordland’s Hollyford Valleys in late 2017 the rat population has INCREASED & native birds, deer & trout are in severe decline

From Carol Sawyer


(These results come from inside the Dept of Conservation itself, but I doubt that they would have seen the light of day if they were not exposed here! DoC need to understand that not all their employees agree with their poisoning ways.)


This 1080 drop in the Lower and Upper Hollyford Valleys in Fiordland, 5-6 October, 2017 has been an unmitigated disaster! The area had never been 1080 poisoned before.

Read on….



For many years, there has been a volunteer trapping programme in place around Gunn’s Camp on the Hollyford Road. Ninety-eight traps are set along approximately 20 kms of the Hollyford Road, back into the bush a bit, from Marian Corner to Humboldt Creek and for a couple of kilometres beyond the end of the road.

These traps are set approximately 200 metres apart, and they are cleared every three weeks, weather permitting. For years, these traps have averaged a total of 6 to 12 rats every three weeks, all up.

After the 1080 drop, the next couple of trap clearances yielded very little. This is what one would expect immediately after an aerial 1080 drop.

However, now things have changed and, five months on, the rat plague that is to be eventually expected after a 1080 drop, of triple and even quadruple previous rat numbers, (not that the Dept of Conservation will publicly admit to this), has started.

Three weeks ago the traps were cleared and contained 32 rats. Interestingly, some of the traps had two rats in them, which is apparently unusual.

Last weekend’s tally was 24 rats. That equates to 54 rats in a period of 6 weeks, whereas prior to the drop one could have expected, at the most, 12 to 24 rats to be caught in that time.

Rats have NEVER been caught here in these numbers before !

Add to this the fact that the rats being caught recently are all young rats, this means that a veritable rat plague is on its way, and by the time the anniversary of this virgin 1080 drop comes around this October, a rat plague is what people in the area will be witnessing !


Gunn’s camp in the Hollyford was a Kaka haven. Twenty to forty Kaka were regularly seen there, and as many as fifty were counted on one relatively recent occasion.

Moreporks ( Ruru ) abounded. One Morepork used to sit behind a generator shed there, and when the generator was turned off every night it then became very vocal. It was a loved ‘character’ of this special place.

There has not been a Morepork or a Kaka seen or heard since the 1080 drop five months ago. ( The “generator” Morepork was also obviously killed by the poison. ) Fantail numbers have taken a major dive, as the insect population has, of course, decreased and consequently the fantails are short of food.


A local helicopter company has had reports, recently, from hunters it transports into hunting areas that deer numbers are ‘low to non-existent’ since the drop.


It is reported that a big pond in the Hollyford River, above Gunn’s Camp, which always had trout, now has none.


This would be very hard to ascertain. Even an OIA request won’t do it, or at least not in the least accurately.

( Take for example the aborted 1080 operation at Makarora, Mt Aspiring National Park, in 2015, where prefeed baits were dropped, but far too late in the year and winter set in so the poison part of the operation never went ahead. The 66 tonnes of poison had to be retrucked back to the North Island and buried in a landfill (it was rumoured to be in Marton). DoC Wanaka claimed the total cost of that farce was $187,000 but figures i spent a long time working on showed the true cost to be well in excess of $1 million – even before the relocation of 1080 back for burial in the North Island ).

HOWEVER, I was told by a very reliable source ( a local helicopter pilot ) that HeliOtago received $1.2 million for this 40,000 hectare aerial 1080 drop in the Hollyford Valley, Fiordland National Park, last October. That of course was only a fraction of the total cost.

Photos :
Gunn’s Camp – Photo Michael Venter
Kaka – Photo Birding NZ
Morepork ( Ruru ) and young – NZ Birds Online
Gunn’s Camp – Photo Forthloveoftravel
Fantail – Photo Birding NZ
Hollyford River at Gunn’s camp – Photo Earth Burners


How to Profit from Environmental Destruction

Now this is on topic for NZ & our recent revelations about the Nature Conservancy group from Hong Kong their partnership with corporations and international bankers who have been eyeing up Fiordland by helicopter, 30 or so of them along with our DoC head. What were they up to? The corruption of all things clean and good by greed.

The Most Revolutionary Act

Pricing the Planet Part 2

Al Jaceera (2018)

Film Review

Part 2 of Pricing the Planet is even more disgusting than Part 1. It concerns the “green conferences” organized by oil, chemical and mining companies to promote ways they can invest in “credits” to mitigate their activities that degrade the environment.

All the industries that attended a recent “green conference” continue to lobby heavily against government regulation to curb the environmental damage they cause. However now that they see an opportunity to profit from carbon and species trading they’re suddenly spouting off about the future of our planet.

The documentary shows footage of Dow Chemical and Nestle executives at a recent green conference. Dow has one of the worst reputations for environmental degradation. Dow produced Agent Orange, responsible for cancer and birth defects in thousands of Vietnam veterans and Vietnamese civilians and their offspring. They also own the subsidiary responsible…

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40-year history of deceit and collusion by the chemical industry uncovered – 100,000 PAGES OF INDUSTRY SECRETS GATHERED DUST IN AN OREGON BARN FOR DECADES – until now

Add this to the Circle of Poison information (we have articles here on that, use the search box). Shipping separate banned chemicals abroad to third world countries & assembling them there instead. Excellent book & doco on that topic. Still trust these people when they say Roundup for example is safe as dish liquid which is what they told farmers in the ’70s. Highly diluted & fed to rats for two years it produced huge tumours & the industry has spared no effort to debunk that experiment by Professor Séralini. See our Glyphosate pages.   EnvirowatchRangitikei


FOR DECADES, SOME of the dirtiest, darkest secrets of the chemical industry have been kept in Carol Van Strum’s barn. Creaky, damp, and prowled by the occasional black bear, the listing, 80-year-old structure in rural Oregon housed more than 100,000 pages of documents obtained through legal discovery in lawsuits against Dow, Monsanto, the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Forest Service, the Air Force, and pulp and paper companies, among others.

As of today, those documents and others that have been collected by environmental activists will be publicly available through a project called the Poison Papers. Together, the library contains more than 200,000 pages of information and “lays out a 40-year history of deceit and collusion involving the chemical industry and the regulatory agencies that were supposed to be protecting human health and the environment,” said Peter von Stackelberg, a journalist who along with the Center for Media and Democracy and the Bioscience Resource Project helped put the collection online.

Van Strum didn’t set out to be the repository for the people’s pushback against the chemical industry. She moved to a house in the Siuslaw National Forest in 1974 to live a simple life. But soon after she arrived, she realized the Forest Service was spraying her area with an herbicide called 2,4,5-T — on one occasion, directly dousing her four children with it as they fished by the river.


Photo: from site

New CRISPR Gene-editing: The Extreme Dangers

Nwo Report

Genetic roulette is alive and well

Jon Rappoport | (6/26/17): “CRISPR gene editing is taking biomedical research by storm. Providing the ultimate toolbox for genetic manipulation, many new applications for this technology are now being investigated and established. CRISPR systems are already delivering superior genetic models for fundamental disease research, drug screening and therapy development, rapid diagnostics, in vivo editing and correction of heritable conditions and now the first human CRISPR clinical trials.”

All hail.

It’s called CRISPR, a much faster, more precise, and cheaper technique for editing genes. Researchers are in love with it. You can find hundreds of articles and studies fawning over the innovation.

At, however, we have this, ahem, warning note (5/29/17): “…a new study published in Nature Methods has found that the gene-editing technology can introduce hundreds of unintended mutations into the genome.”


“In the new study, the researchers sequenced the…

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Minnesota Eugenics Society Forms: a short history of the Eugenics movement

About the history of the eugenics movement. Expunging humans whom you think are no use to the planet & general order of things. Still happening today pretty much.



In the early 1920s, Charles Fremont Dight, a physician in Minneapolis, launched a crusade to bring the eugenics movement to Minnesota. He combined the moral philosophy of eugenics with socialism and espoused that the state should administer reproduction of mentally handicapped individuals. His main lines of approach included eugenics education, changes in marriage laws, and the segregation and sterilization of what he called “defective” individuals. Dight organized the Minnesota Eugenics Society in 1923 and began campaigning for a sterilization law.

England was the birthplace of eugenics, and Charles Darwin’s cousin, Francis Galton, the movement’s father. The term became the name of a progressive project of improving the human species by controlling genetic selection. He aimed to apply the creed of “survival of the fittest” to the human race. Think of it, perhaps, as an attempt to create human thoroughbreds.

American progressives founded or led many organizations like Dight’s during…

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Your “GE-Free” NZ Govt secretly approved the use of a GE-bacteria pig growth hormone in 2001 & it’s NOT labeled!

Environmental Health Watch NZ

See here how murky our clean green image is now?  Yet again we are consuming food that is not safe, with neither our knowledge nor our permission? They approved this secretly folks! How can we possibly trust these people who are charged with protecting our food supply? I posted a while back the alert that our stock is being fed GE feed. At least the business operators “couldn’t rule it out the feed wasn’t GE” as it included corn and soy, typically GE products. And the Greens have also made statements about GE feed here in NZ. If GE feed and hormone growth products are so safe why then are they being so underhanded about it all? Not rocket science is it? Vote with your wallet and don’t buy it. There aren’t a lot of options left to us as clearly they’re intent on steam rolling ahead with opening…

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Who Controls the Money Controls the World – an insight into the banking scam

Important info to help you make sense of things.

Published on Nov 13, 2011

All facts in this movie have been independently confirmed. Sources are documented at History will repeat itself as long as these bankers and their corrupt politicians are in charge. Save yourself from the upcoming economic collapse of 2012. Please share this important knowledge with your family and take action.

New info on the recent 6-helicopter entourage over Fiordland by the head of NZ’s Dept. of Conservation & 30 odd international bankers

In brief, this entourage may be connected to an environmental group called The Nature Conservancy group as stated by another source. It is a group that partners with corporations to fund conservation. This trend sees companies known for their polluting practices dubbed by many as ‘greenwash’ corporates. Just another sneaky way into yet another cash cow … the environment. And all a part of UN’s Agenda 21/30. Read the full article below.





Recent info supplied by Carol Sawyer about the sighting of a DoC, banking helicopter entourage over Fiordland has brought comment at our Facebook discussion from a visitor who is a former Labour Party MP. She assured me that the entourage was not paid for by DoC (although that was a minor concern compared to 30 odd international bankers eyeing up the landscape from on high). She says a reliable source told her in confidence that the members touring were from The Nature Conservancy (TNC) group.  Carol who supplied the original information, also from a confidential & reliable source maintains firmly that these were definitely international bankers.

A little research into the TNC which I’d not hitherto heard of, proved very interesting. It is a Hong Kong group and is headed by a former Goldman Sachs CEO.

If what this visitor to the discussion is saying is true, and if it’s said in terms of ‘all’s well, it’s just about conservation & DoC weren’t paying’, then we in fact do have cause for concern. Check out their corporate partners: “Pepsi Co, Disney, IBM, Goldman Sachs, Walmart and Cargill. In Asia Pacific, … Neutrogena in Australia and Rio Tinto in Mongolia. In Hong Kong, …  Dragonair, Pacific Coffee Company, FORTUNE China, HSBC Private Bank, the Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Hong Kong Commercial Radio, Moet Hennessy Asia Pacific, Time Asia, Sun Hung Kai Properties and the Hong Kong Airport Authority”. And there it is again, Goldman Sachs. They’re featuring quite prominently. And Key’s friends from Merrill Lynch.

If you navigate from the NZ website for TNC, there is another list of global companies that have partnered with them. On that very long list are Dow Chemicals, Shell & Coke to name three, who are all ill qualified to fit any green profile by any stretch of the imagination.

Speaking broadly, a not so new breed of ‘environmental’ people have clearly been dominating the green movement for some time particularly since neo liberal economics and are in fact all for profit. Strange bedfellows they shroud their activities in a deceptive cloak of green & sustainable rhetoric but don’t be fooled. The bottom line of corporations is profit. (Read Behind the Green Mask on that. The author Rosa Koire’s site is here).

TNC has been operating here in NZ since 2016:

“As part of a three-year strategic plan, in 2016 we worked with government officials, local communities, indigenous (Iwi) leaders, businesses and local conservation groups to identify science-based solutions to poor water quality and runoff.”

You can read at the link what else they’re up to. Clearly with their input our waterways are no cleaner and our clean water reserves are still either under threat, or being bottled and sent off shore for the sole benefit of foreign corporations that plunder us with impunity. While the councils that gave the consents sit by and twiddle their thumbs, plunging their rate payers into deeper and deeper debt. Doesn’t make sense does it? Why do you virtually give away a valuable water resource to an offshore corporation but charge your own people top dollar? Why do you not sell it instead & benefit your district and its ratepayers? Favours for your corporate mates I’d suspect. And further cheap land available when the ratepayers’ find they can’t meet the rates. See what happened in Kaipara. 

Copy of no-money-2070384_1280.jpg

For an explanation on the councils’ debt agenda go here & read Dr Naomi Jacobs’ exposé. A useful exercise on consents is to attend one of your council’s consent hearings. The last one I sat in on, the chair of the ‘independent panel’ (one of three corporates well versed in the RM Act) made a Freudian slip & said ‘when the consent is granted’ … ‘I mean, if the consent is granted’. The consents were of course granted & the folk who lived next door to the moderate sized Bonny Glen refuse tip that the Rangitikei council sold in the early 2000s to an offshore Chinese corporation, were faced with living next door to a tip quadruple the size and all the drop in property values, the stench, the trucks through town, the rats, feral cats and the leachate in the waterways that go with that.  (Sustainable practices). The hearings were held far from the residents’ who were to be affected of course, many of whom doubtless had jobs to go to, a time worn tactic employed on Māori to relieve them of their lands.

There is big money in refuse.

So TNC’s vision as stated at their website is:

“…to leave a sustainable world for future generations, in Hong Kong and around the world.

Sounds great doesn’t it? (Hong Kong note, one of the entourage was head of Hong Kong Goldman Sachs). If you are familiar with Agenda 21/30 you will have spotted that word ‘sustainable’. It’s what is woven throughout local & regional councils’ websites world wide as a purely lip service stab at getting you to believe it’s about conservation. It is a line that really is wearing thin. I mean really thin. Any smart thinking person can see there’s been nothing sustainable going on since the corporate takeover of all things precious and dear on the planet three decades ago. That would be since the early nineties when Bush first announced the New World Order directly after the Gulf War. That by the way was when the US military injected their soldiers with that ‘mysterious’ illness called Gulf War Syndrome. Followed by theRio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the Statement of principles for the Sustainable Management of Forests, adopted by more than 178 Governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992″. Since then our countries have also become corporations, along with their respective former government departments. Since the signing up of those nations to this Agenda 21 agreement now known as Agenda 2030, we have had our fresh waters trashed, lands pilfered, forests plundered and our oceans trashed & pilfered as well. Did I miss anything? There’s little left anywhere of anything pristine yet the lies continue to roll out for the gullible to swallow, on the plan for sustainable development. What bollocks.

This blog thread on TNC is interesting. Read the comments also at the link.

“The CEO of TNC is Mark Tercek who was formerly “managing director at Goldman Sachs where he played a key role in developing the firm’s environmental strategy. He headed the firm’s Environmental Strategy Group and Center for Environmental Markets, which worked to develop and promote market-based solutions to environmental challenges”. I concur with their thoughts, climate disaster & pollution are not opportunities for investment!

Noted also are the level of salaries these CEOs earn & we are urged to cease donating to them, it being better to donate to groups that use the money to do the work not pay obscenely large salaries of $250K.  Note also the salaries of our heavily indebted councils across NZ. District Councils are the Trojan horse for Agenda 21/30.

Tercek is also a member of several boards and councils, including Resources for the Future and the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Think Bilderberger and secrecy & New World Order on the latter organization. That is cause for concern just by itself (that is if you don’t believe the lie of the happy global village with all things equal. Is it looking anything like equal three decades in?)

Tercek is also the author of a book called Nature’s Fortune: How Business and Society Thrive by Investing in Nature.

They sure do.


Corporations always have this awkward marrying of profit and economic sustainability & guess which always wins out?  A quick glance around your local district councils and their modus operandi will tell you that. It’s never the environment. It’s all in the clever wording. They have to balance the two. “…each [corporate] engagement has, at its core” says TNC, “the potential to help us achieve our goal of protecting lands and waters on which all life depends.” Note the operative words there are “the potential”. Nice and non committal, non conclusive … followed by the emotive protectorate verbiage about land and water “on which all life depends”. (Note: If you’re unfamiliar with the absolute bottom line of corporations ie profit, do watch The Corporation doco).

There are other global environmental organizations being run by global banking elites. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) for instance was at one time (2010 according to the source) managed by an ex Goldman Sachs Managing Director Larry Linden. The current WWF CEO Carter Roberts “has built partnerships with some of the world’s largest corporations, including Walmart, Cargill and Mars” and is also a member of the CFR.

The WWF is an organization with a little known dark side. It’s not just about cuddly Panda bears. You can learn about that at the following link:

A new book “accuses the WWF of “selling its soul” to corporations in exchange for their donations, as well as forging alliances with powerful, non-sustainable businesses that are destroying the planet and “greenwashing” their operations under the conservation group’s label.” WWF it’s reported is also involved in “the beatings and torture of indigenous peoples in the name of “conservation”.

So, the marriage of corporations & the banking fraternity with conservation & under the banner of ‘sustainable development’, the guise of all things green, is a complete scam and a sham. Again, don’t fall for it.

“The interest in NZ by these people is all about resources and more sinister technologies. Everyone wants a piece of ‘Little Texas’, and this unregulated airspace and associated tech opportunities.  Lets NOT forget our close location to the Pole and the large wealth of resources therein. Christchurch is the world’s ‘mine’ door.” (Comment from

You can be assured Kiwis, that the clearing off of our lands with all the poison is not about conservation.  Watch the four times award winning film on NZ’s wholesale poisoning program that your government/corporation doesn’t want you to see.

Watch now for NZ partnerships. Who is cosying up to who? As the saying goes, “There’s gold in them thar hills”. On land acquisition, it being the end game of a group that wants global governance, check out their Public Private Partnership modus operandi. The late Joan Veon* told us that:

“Private Partnerships (PPP)are an arm of the world’s growing Public corporatocracy & their bottom line is to take control of the assets of Government”.

The Horowhenua District Council last year announced they would be using PPPs to sell off their surplus land having already all but gifted their community housing assets to a large property developer. Similar has happened in Tamaki with our State homes, all exposed thanks to Penny Bright’s investigative work.

So, regarding the entourage over Fiordland, it’s watch this space. We may in due course see some new plan emerge to conserve the Fiordlands. Not for profit of course.

*Joan Veon in the course of her work alongside and with the UN researched extensively andinterviewed high profile public figures on these matters during the ’90s when things were kicking off. You can read and listen to her at this link. There are many more of her lectures on Youtube. (When I post Joan’s PPP video on Facebook it gets marked as spam).

To learn more about UN’s Agenda 21/30 visit our main menu. The agenda is already in NZ, see the Agenda 21/30 in NZ page also.

Post Script:
I am keen to hear from any of you out there who knew about and were familiar with the TNC group and their conservation work. I would’ve thought it would be headline news and any activity over Fiordland with their corporate partners (?) on conserving that place would be also? But no it flew literally right under the radar. By helicopter.








Dentists Dying From Mercury Poisoning?


Story at-a-glance

  • A cluster of eight dentists and one dental technician from Virginia were diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a chronic and progressive lung disease with no known cure
  • One of the dentists contacted the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in April 2016, concerned that a number of dentists were all being treated for the same relatively rare disease
  • The dental workers were 23 times more likely to develop IPF compared to the general population
  • Mercury used for amalgam fillings is a known lung-damaging agent, and dentists are known to be exposed to mercury vapors in dental office air as well as have higher mercury levels than the general population

By Dr. Mercola

Exposure to hazardous substances while on the job is a reality for many occupations, from farmers and construction workers to firefighters — and dentists. In the latter case, the use of toxic substances…

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How You Can Change Your Facebook Settings To Avoid Apps That Can Spy On You

Openhearted Rebellion

By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

As you’ve probably already heard, Facebook is getting a lot of bad press lately, for multiple reasons. Sometimes it seems we’re coming down too hard on Facebook, because to be honest, it’s been a great tool for connecting people worldwide, and also a great tool to share free and open information away from the influence of corporate and government influence.

Things were going great in this regard, until the entire ‘fake news’ epidemic hit causing Facebook to change their algorithm, and ultimately decide what information people have the right to access, without letting them examine sources and make up their own minds. That being said, there may be a bigger entity behind Facebook influencing its decisions, like the Federal Communication Commission, but who knows.

Censorship on information is at an all time high, and that’s no longer a secret. These days, we require more transparency…

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The legendary Chuck Norris pens article urging Americans to wake up on the ‘covert chemtrailing’ taking place in this country

Hutt's World of People

Do you get a visceral reaction when jets spew their poison and ruin a beautiful blue sky day with their aerosols, nanoparticles and assorted toxic chemicals? 76-year-old actor and activist Chuck Norris agrees with you. Norris is using his celebrity and writing prowess to bring attention to these toxic geo-engineering programs. He recently penned an article in World News Daily entitled “Sky Criminals,” as reported by

“[Norris] argued that people are not taking the issue seriously when there is evidence pointing to the government as having already used chemtrails.

“The chemtrails conspiracy theory claims that the U.S. government or other powerful people are using airplanes, helicopters, and other types of aircraft to control weather and people. In his article entitled Sky Criminals, Norris urged his readers to join him in asking more questions about ‘covert chemtrailing’ – which means that not only is the government practicing it, but…

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Pesticides May Now Be Dropping Hummingbird Populations Too

Openhearted Rebellion

By Brandon TurbevilleNatural Blaze

Some species of North American hummingbirds are experiencing a sharp decline and many are now wondering whether pesticides are playing a role.

One individual concerned about the decline and the role insecticides may be playing in it is British Columbia research scientist Christine Bishop who works with Environment and Climate Change Canada. She began looking at different factors that could be contributing to the decline of the hummingbirds and began taking urine and feces samples (in a way that did not harm the birds) to determine whether or not pesticides could be found.

“No one has ever measured pesticides in hummingbirds before. So we decided to try it,” she. “It turns out, to our surprise actually, that the birds are obviously picking up pesticides in their food, which can be nectar and also insects.”

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Study Shows What Happens To The Human Body When It Goes Just 10 Days Without Sugar

Openhearted Rebellion

By Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

It has become increasingly common knowledge in recent years that sugar wreaks havoc on our health, leading to such prevalent and serious ailments as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. We are eating more sugar now than ever before, as almost all processed foods are laced with some form of the sweet poison. While once we believed fat to be the culprit for our expanding waistlines, that theory has been proven incorrect, and the obesity epidemic has only worsened since food manufacturers began replacing fat with sugar in all our favourite products.

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High Energy lasers and microwave anti-drone weapons will be a multi-billion market by 2023

Raytheon? Well who benefits from war? Corporations benefit and of course they owe humans (apart from the shareholders) no accountability whatsoever. On that, watch The Corporation movie on our corporations page. … and who benefits least from war? Civilians. Innocent little kids.

Nwo Report

Raytheon ramping up High Energy Laser (HEL) and High Powered Microwave (HPM) weapons that can find, fix and kill or disable the increasingly cheap and capable drones.

Antidrone lasers and microwave weapons will be a several billion dollar market over the next five years.

Above – This is the Raytheon laser dune buggy, a solid-state laser combined with an advanced variant of the company’s Multi-Spectral Targeting System of sensors, installed on a small, all-terrain Polaris militarized vehicle. Coupled with a generator, the HEL weapon system provides military members with counter-UAV capabilities and a virtually unlimited magazine. (U.S. Army photo)

The mini-drone threat is a high priority for the Pentagon, along with anti-aircraft defenses in general. Daesh has used commercial drones to drop hand grenades. Hezbollah has used similar setups to strike Daesh. The Iraqi police and military have used commercial drones for similar purposes. And the Russians have used drones…

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Aggressive Brain Tumors on the Rise in England

This is not surprising news IMO. Watch yesterday’s info on 5G and see how much worse it is going to get!

Smart Meter News

Aggressive Brain Tumors on the Rise in England

Rate of GBM More Than Doubled Between 1995 and 2015

March 25, 2018

The incidence of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the deadliest type of brain tumor, more than doubled in England between 1995 and 2015, according to a new analysis of national statistics. During that time, the number of cases of GBM rose from 983 to 2,531.

“We found a sustained and highly significant increase in GBM throughout the 21 years and across all ages,” said Alasdair Philips, the lead author of the study, which has just been released online by the peer-reviewed, open access, Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 

“The incidence rate of GBM, the most aggressive and quickly fatal brain tumor, is rising dramatically in England while the rates for lower grade tumors have decreased, masking this dramatic trend in the overall data,” Philips told Microwave News from…

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5G is a kill grid, rolled out in schools in 2 US locations, it produced paralysis, arrhythmia, neurological problems, passing out and more … be warned

This man has Bachelor Degrees in both Chemistry and Biological Science. Hear him disseminate how this technology is going to affect your body. It isn’t pretty. He warns with urgency. There are ways to protect yourself that you need to employ.

Published on Feb 10, 2018

Very important information you will hear nowhere else! Joe Imbriano discusses the plan to microwave all of us and how it eventually will result in forced vaccinations unless we thwart their evil plans for culling humanity. I also entered this into the public record at the 2-6-18 Fullerton City Council Meeting-……

Top 10 Weather Modification Technologies, Jim Lee (by Vinny Eastwood)

Published on Nov 23, 2017

Top 10 Weather Modification Technologies, Jim Lee… Jim Lee is trying to raise money so he can go to a real world geoengineering conference and tell these climate changers about the dangers of their insane weather weapons.…… Other Shows About Geoengineering… Other Videos About Geoengineering…

Baking Soda Will Wash Off 96% of All Toxic Pesticides from Your Fruits and Vegetables – from a team of Researchers at the University of Massachusetts

“A team of researchers at the University of Massachusetts has conducted a study on gala apples to determine baking soda’s efficacy in cleaning the fruits.”


Baking soda is a magical product with so many practical uses, such as curing heartburn, cleaning white clothes, and now, new research has found that this wonder ingredient can remove up to 96% of pesticides from fruit and vegetables.

A team of researchers at the University of Massachusetts has conducted a study on gala apples to determine baking soda’s efficacy in cleaning the fruits.

During  the research team has applied two most common pesticides thiabendazole and phosmet to organic gala apples. Thiabendazole is a fungicide that has been previously noted for its capacity to penetrate apple peels. Phosmet is a popular insecticide, the experts say. The scientists have then washed the contaminated apples with three different liquids, which include: tap water, a one percent baking soda/water solution, and a commercial bleach solution approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The commercial bleaching solution is the most commonly used liquid in cleaning produce.


Killing the myth of hunting as conservation

Exposing the Big Game

by Fran Silverman, FOA Friends of Animals
March 2018

The Trump administration is making it easier for Americans to go to Africa, shoot elephants and lions and bring their body parts home as trophies to mount on walls – all in the name of conservation….

Hunter supporters use unscientific bear sightings to inflate numbers and livestock conflicts to scare the public to justify bear hunting.

elephant and calf
Image from Memories of Elephants

If it sounds ridiculous, it likely is. So say this out loud and tell me how it sounds.

Shooting endangered and threatened species will help save them.

Here’s another one.

Hunters are helping keep you safe by killing black bears.

In honor of National Wildlife Week, let’s parse these statements.

Supporters of black bear hunts assert that the bears are a nuisance at best and a safety hazard at their worst. They point to unscientific bear sightings to inflate…

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London Grenfell disaster survivors still homeless

No surprizes there given we have by all appearances, gentrification. A return is it to Dickensian London? Looks very much like it. And we have similar globally.

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This December 2017 video is called Survivors of Britain’s Grenfell inferno homeless for Xmas.

By Ceren Sagir in England:

Friday, March 23, 2018

Tory housing secretary admits most Grenfell fire victims are still homeless

Nine months on from the tragedy only 62 of the 204 households have been resettled

MOST Grenfell fire victims are still homeless nine months on from the tragic incident, Housing Secretary Sajid Javid admitted to the House of Commons today.

Only 62 out of 204 households have been resettled into permanent accommodation Mr Javid said, saying this was “welcome news.”

But the minister acknowledged “progress has been far too slow”, telling MPs that 82 households are still in emergency accommodation, including 15 in hotels, with 25 families and 39 children among them.

It is unlikely that all households will be permanently rehoused by the one-year anniversary of the fire, he confessed.

A Justice4Grenfell

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What you aren’t being told about wireless and the inherent risks to your health, from a Silicon Valley engineer

Published on Feb 18, 2016

A Silicon-valley engineer turned technology health advocate, Jeromy Johnson discusses our attachment to technology and the health hazards such an addiction may hold. [AV and event video provided by]. Jeromy Johnson is an expert in mitigating the negative impacts of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure. He has a leading website on the topic and consults with individuals, families and organizations around the world to implement solutions that reduce and eliminate EMF pollution. Jeromy has an advanced degree in Civil Engineering and has worked in Silicon Valley for 15 years. After becoming what medical doctors call “Electro-hypersensitive” (EHS) in 2011 after extensive exposure to EMF radiation, he embarked on a journey of regaining his own health and educating others to critically evaluate theirs. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Merck and UAB recruiting 16 to 26 year old mothers who just gave birth to enroll in Gardasil 9 vaccine trials (VAERS reports of breastfeeding babies dying after mother HPV vaccinated)


The Gardasil HPV vaccine is probably the most controversial vaccine in the world right now, with many countries withdrawing their approval of the dangerous vaccine.

Outside of the U.S. parents and organizations have taken legal action against Merck for injuries and deaths due to Gardasil, and in France one doctor who previously worked for Merck predicted that Gardasil would become “the greatest medical scandal of all time.”

Are postpartum 16 to 26 year old mothers in a position to decide to take part in Gardasil vaccine trials 0-4 days after giving birth?


Since this story was published representatives from SaneVax, Inc., one of the Internet’s leading portals on the dangers of the Gardasil vaccine, notified us that there have been entries into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database citing instances where breast-fed healthy infants have died after their mothers were vaccinated with the Gardasil vaccine. One such case is VAERS ID: 398755

Information has been received from a physician for the pregnancy registry for GARDASIL, concerning a female who on 01-SEP-2010 was vaccinated with the first dose of GARDASIL (lot number not reported) intramuscularly while breastfed her baby was 40 day old (WAES 1009USA00625), it was reported that the mother”s and baby”s health were good (well controlled). On 02-SEP-2010, in the morning, the baby”s condition was still good but in the afternoon the condition suddenly drop. The family immediately took the baby to hospital and it did not help since the baby died shortly after that. The cause of death was not reported, it was also reported as “not recovered from death”.

Could it be that nursing mothers who are vaccinated with Gardasil are passing on the contents of the vaccine to their infants through their breast milk?

The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) in collaboration with Merck pharmaceutical company is planning to conduct Gardasil 9 vaccine trials on postpartum mothers between the ages of 16 to 26 immediately after giving birth at the UAB hospital.

According to, the desired outcome of this study is to have more young women vaccinated with the Gardasil vaccine, because they do not believe enough young women are being vaccinated:

Due to low HPV vaccine uptake in the US, innovative approaches to vaccinating vulnerable populations are necessary in order to maximize the cancer prevention potential of this vaccine.

Previous studies on the Gardasil vaccine have shown that young women who are in the hospital due to giving birth are open to receiving the Gardasil vaccine, particularly Hispanic populations:

The puerperium is a time period when women are engaged in the healthcare system and have almost universal access to affordable health care.

Two prior studies have shown that postpartum HPV vaccination is acceptable to patients, and high rates of vaccination were achieved in these primarily Hispanic populations.

Merck and UAB want to test the vaccine on 16 to 26 year old postpartum mothers because “the immune response in young women is less robust than in adolescents,” and because “no studies have examined immunogenicity in postpartum women specifically.”


Watching our environment … our health … and corporations … exposing lies and corruption