Why are people so concerned about 1080?

With the ranks of those who oppose the aerial spreading of 1080 swelling exponentially, you may well be asking, why are folk so concerned about this poison? (Note, If you are new to 1080 poison read here for an overview). I’ve been following this issue for at least three years now & this widespread aerial distribution of 1080 into NZ’s environment for pest control is the issue that gets by far the most views and shares at EnvirowatchRangitikei. The article by Jenese James on the GrafBoys’ press release on 89 (dead & not tested) Kiwi has had 1a Copy of 41416241_313660829439279_5140545218692513792_n54K shares to date on facebook. Folk are outraged at what is coming to light and rightly so. I personally began researching the independent information about 1080 after watching the documentary by the GrafBoys called Poisoning Paradise. These two Kiwi guys were raised in the bush, they know their stuff. Their doco has won four international awards  (see here also) and yet … get this … NZ television will not play it here in our own country. They are assuming that we cannot listen & judge for ourselves? Does that not raise alarm bells for you? It should. That doco was the starting point that left me with enough question marks around the official line, to prompt me to look further than DoC’s own research. That is literal too, for the research DoC uses to justify the alleged safety of aerial distribution of 1080 in NZ is 70% in-house, writes Reihana Robinson in her book The Killing Nation.

So what is coming to light then? Does NZ’s Department of Conservation (DoC) not have our best interests at heart? The best interests of our native flora & fauna? Don’t they have all the right checks & balances in place? Do they not have a body of scientific data & research (including follow up data) justifying the use of this poison, that has been banned incidentally by most other countries on the planet? Well, as it turns out, no they don’t appear to have a sound, watertight body of scientific data that actually proves 1080 is both safe & achieving (after 60+ years) what it set out to do.

“… there is not a single scientifically credible study showing that aerial 1080 when used on the mainland is of net benefit to any species of New Zealand’s native fauna. Thus the upside for native species is entirely unproven, despite 15 years of increasingly desperate attempts by DoC to show one.” … Pat and Quinn Whiting-OKeefe, Scientists


In light of this, people are understandably worried about their food sources. If it’s touted as being ‘safe’, safe in our food, safe in water and so on, yet the science has any kind of question mark over it, then logically, folk will be concerned. I certainly am. The authorities should be practicing the precautionary principle:

“The precautionary principle is the concept that establishes it is better to avoid or mitigate an action or policy that has the plausible potential, based on scientific analysis, to result in major or irreversible negative consequences to the environment or public even if the consequences of that activity are not conclusively known, with the burden of proof that it is not harmful falling on those proposing the action. It is a major principle of international environmental law and is extended to other areas and jurisdictions as well.”  (New World Encylopedia)

Always I go back to the statements of the late Dr Peter Scanlon on this:

“Where are the cancer causing or carcinogenicity studies? … there aren’t any;

Where are the reproductive studies, particularly focusing on female eggs? … there aren’t any;

Where are the developmental studies, early exposure to brain, immune system? … there aren’t any;

Where are the long term chronic exposure studies looking at mitochondrial DNA content and mutation rates? there aren’t any.

There’s a lot of doubts about this substance, it’s dangerous.”

Should they not be stopping the use of aerially dropped 1080 until the studies are done as a US Biophysicist from Tufts University has suggested?


Many NZers hunt and fish for their food [Photo: Courtesy of Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation FB page]
NZers are keen hunters and fishers. Wild food (pigs and deer, fish & eels from the rivers, koura from the streams, whitebait and so on) are a staple for many. This is their families’ kai (food). The rivers and bush or forests are their food cupboard. And now they are seeing that source becoming a safety risk because a toxic poison is being dumped into it and has been for 60+ years. In spite of verbiage telling us it’s harmless as a cup of tea or a packet of crisps  (potato chips) (the oft quoted justifications on blogs by pro 1080 folk).

So not only is there concern about contamination of hunted animals, but contamination of the flora as well.

Not only is 1080 highly toxic to mammals, birds and insects- one scientist has even discovered that it is toxic to plants and so forests do not do so well after 1080 drops.   (interview with Clyde Graf) ourplanet.org 

Lest you think I’m scaremongering here, be assured, the safety data sheet for 1080 warns that it should not be dropped into any body of water.

Forest & Bird Say 1080’s as Safe to Eat as a Packet of Crisps … and DoC Says it’s Deadly to Dogs?
1080 poisoned trout risk much greater than first declared says researcher – fishermen BEWARE
TROUT MASS-POISONED IN NEW ZEALAND-DOC warned fishermen in 2014 not to eat their catch
Family face permanent disablity after eating wild pig 17/11/17

1080 is “Highly toxic to wildlife” the data sheets warn

Take for instance the recent poisoning of the family in Putaruru in the Waikato. This family, after beginning a meal of wild pork, fell instantly ill and had to be rushed to hospital by ambulance. The scenario that followed is revealing indeed regarding the apparent cover up that is going on with regard to testing possible victims of 1080 poisoning. A Doctor suspected 1080 as the source of the problem early in the piece as records showed when they were finally released after some of the usual foot dragging that seems to be characteristic of any request by the public for official documentation around  possible 1080 poisoning. The family could not even access their own records! Not only did the hospital fail to test for 1080 within the required time frame, the fact that the patients were literally tied to their beds because of the violent convulsions characteristic of 1080 poisoning, was never mentioned in the media.

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The ongoing mantra from mainstream media on this was ‘botulism’.

Update from a Neuroscientist on the Waikato family poisoned by wild boar meat .. the anomalies surrounding the official diagnosis

You can read about this whole shocking debacle at the 1080 page, ‘Suspected 1080 Poisoning Cases’. Please read the evidence there if you at all hunt or fish for food. And if you are a tourist, it is better in my opinion, not to drink from the streams as many have been observed doing. Observers have described how tourists are sometimes not even aware of the purpose of 1080 drops going on right over their heads. So much for public warnings.

Invariably what I am seeing in the reports, articles and general chat by eye witnesses is that the toxicity of 1080 is totally downplayed. It is even being taught in children’s school texts that 1080 is ‘not very dangerous’ to humans. This is a substance that is banned in most countries. That kills all breathing organisms from insect life to worms, right up to larger animals such as horses. And yet we are supposed to believe it specifically targets pests? How ever is that possible? Another miracle from NZ’s Department of Conservation? Read Dr Meriel Watts’ exposé of that theory.

Banned in most countries & classified by WHO as ‘Highly Hazardous’… 1080 is a broad-spectrum poison that kills ALL oxygen-breathing animals and organisms – Dr Meriel Watts

Then we heard this year from research by the Graf Brothers that the authorities have changed the rules to allow the dropping of 1080 into our waterways without a Regional Council consent. They can now effectively bypass the pesky Resource Management Act. And dropping it they are. Prior to this, it was ending up in waterways anyway as witnesses have shown with their many photographs posted online. The late Bill Benfield’s research revealed that a drop in the Hunua Ranges, home of Auckland’s town water supply, saw the water filters filled with 1080 pellets! Seriously. In addition, there is NO antidote! It is undetectable as the cause of death if tests are not done early enough.

To date there are no known epidemiological studies that have been carried out in relation to 1080 and potential adverse health effects on humans.
… NZ Ministry of Health 2008

The Startling Truth: “No known epidemiological studies for potential adverse health effects of 1080 on humans” … and yet DOC continues to drop it into our waterways

Then there is the risk to outdoors people who simply walk or hike. Over the past three years I’ve seen various reports of folk out picnicking, out tramping or simply enjoying the scenery, rained down on by 1080 pellets.

Hiker Whitney Robie died of suspected 1080 poisoning however NZ’s authorities lost her heart thereby rendering the cause undetectable

Government Rains “1080 Hailstones” On Visiting Anglers – Welcome to Paradise Down Under
THREE years on, two women alleging 1080 poisoning while picnicking STILL waiting for answers from NZ Health

Two women fell ill after this kind of scenario while innocently out for a picnic. Nobody will of course admit to any link between their illness & exposure to 1080. The most upsetting of all the examples of this has been that of the young US woman who died following a tramp in the Queenstown area. Her Doctor suspected 1080 poisoning & tried to bring about an investigation into that. Her heart was sent for testing as to the cause of her cardiac rest and unbelievably the NZ lab lost her heart. Seriously. They lost her heart! Dr Charlie Baycroft a retired MD, recently warned the public that if anybody dies from 1080 poison nobody will know. He was threatened with prosecution by the Ministry of Health for publicly advising folk how to go about getting tested if they feared poisoning.

Could this Healthy 23 Year Old’s Cardiac Arrest Have Been Caused by Exposure to 1080? … We Will Never Know Because Incredibly, the NZ Lab Lost Her Heart!

Are you beginning to feel uneasy at all about our wild food sources?

I read a comment just the other day by a woman who has stopped taking her children to a recreational/scenic area where she’s noticed signs up saying it’s been treated with 1080.  I spoke recently with a university lecturer on the poisoning program, he has noticed a proliferation of poison signs when he goes into the bush. This is a common comment from tourists and locals. Poisoning signs everywhere. There are 65 dogs die each year from 1080 poisoning a NZ site called Pause for a Cause reports. Then there are the ongoing and endless reports of farmers whose stock have succumbed to death by 1080.  Dr Meriel Watts in her book ‘The Poisoning of New Zealand’ (1994) of a South Island farmer who lost 570 sheep in a bungled drop, with sheep still dying six months later. To make things even worse, they die a long slow horrific death that, says a veterinarian, is like two days worth of electrocution. The NZ authorities changed the animal welfare act to allow this. To top it off, adding insult to injury, they are forced to lie about this in the paperwork should they desire compensation for their losses. Hobson’s choice.

Then there is the apparent lack of regard for public safety around the handling & storage of 1080 including disposal of leftover 1080. That’s another whole issue by itself.

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75 KG of left over 1080 pellets dumped on Stewart Island 2018 (Photo: screenshot newshub.co.nz)

Second incident of 1080 dump found on Stewart Island

Then there was the Whitianga debacle. The attendance by one concerned man at the scene of the unloading of 1080 in the CBD of Whitianga with no public warnings or signage out as legally required, a man who was subsequently assaulted by a security guard, was himself charged with assault, the case eventually dismissed but leaving him with more than $22K in court costs. If you were at all conspiratorial you might think a clear message was being sent to the public. You can read about that at these links. Then in Levin a Horizons storage facility where 1080 was stored caught fire, with apparently no public warnings in place. I observed myself, comments on social media by a man who had noticed symptoms of illness following that fire. He lived in the vicinity. His conversation around the effects cut abruptly short I noticed.

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Data Sheets warn about the disposal by burning of 1080 pellets

More recently we’ve had revelations on lack of safety with 1080, by an ex employee of Horizons. Diluted solutions of 1080 were sprayed all over the Palmerston North landfill by a contractor surprised that he was allowed to do this. What of the leachate from that dump? What of public in the vicinity of the spraying? What of the earth it was sprayed onto? Of nearby water sources/streams/ditches and so forth?

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Data sheets warn against baits entering waterways (Photo: TV-Wild)

ERMA’s Agency warned that “No studies have been conducted using standard international guidelines to assess the route and rate of degradation of 1080 in soil. The rate of such degradation under New Zealand conditions is uncertain.”And regarding water: ”Overall, the relevance of the aquatic plant/water studies to the degradation of 1080 in water in NZ is not clear. … Dr Jo Pollard (BSc (Hons, PhD)

You can read about that at this link:
Shocking revelations on 1080 from a former Horizons employee

And yes there is more that folk are concerned about.

The birds. Frequently we are reading comments by people who note there is no birdsong … no birds in the bush. Folk who have lived long enough to remember how things used to be, like an 82 year old gentleman recently who said the Kiwi, Kereru, Kea, Weka & Tui had all disappeared from where he lived on the West Coast. Reports also come from people who aren’t even anti 1080 or even aware of these drops. Tourists. One I read commented that since their last trip to NZ in the ’70s the birds were noticeably scarce. The GrafBoys & others have posted videos online following 1080 drops & illustrated the lack of birdsong. Listen below.

Below a blogger comments about Lake Matheson in the South Island:

Lake Matheson, near Fox Glacier township, South Westland. When I lived there many years ago (Fox Glacier I mean) there was so much birdlife. The day I took that photo there was nothing. You can see what a beautiful morning it was. There was a pair of Paradise ducks on the lake, I saw one male Tomtit, and I heard one Grey Warbler. In one hour of walking round the lake that was all the birdsong I heard. A real “Rachel Carson” moment ! PS That area is also overrrun with tourists and campervans now too.
No … people who oppose the use of aerial 1080 are not terrorists as mainstream media is doing their utmost to portray them as. They simply do not want their food sources  & their environment poisoned. I think that is a fair request.We are constantly told that 1080 is the best tool in the tool box, yet there are alternatives & the most glaringly obvious is trapping with all of it’s obvious benefits. Employment, trade & food. But no, DoC don’t want a bar of it.

It seems pertinent at this point to highlight one of the apparent major incentives for the continuation of 1080 drops, as a former Mayor of Taupo expounded:


Orillion, the company in Whanganui that makes 1080 baits is a State Owned Enterprise, its two share holders are the Minister of Finance & the Minister of Primary Industry. (Info at 2.40 in this video).

People need to look beyond the diversions mainstream is constantly throwing out … were the dead birds on Parliament steps killed by 1080 or blunt force? Seriously? What does it matter?

Some better questions to ask would be … were the 89 dead Kiwi documented in DoC’s own records killed with 1080? Or was the young female hiker’s heart really lost? Or why is DoC allowed to wipe out 10K non target birds in one 1080 drop? And why were they allowed to wipe out all the Weka on Tawhitinui Island?  Or why DoC would ask that their lawyer not be questioned in court?

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These are questions however that mainstream media quietly & persistently ignore. It is fairly obvious who they are working for & their current mandate is clearly painting any persons who are against poisoned food & environments as dangerous terrorists.

And we are never of course going to hear answers to those questions … figuring them out for ourselves really isn’t rocket science though is it?


NOTE: For further articles on 1080 use categories at left of the news page.

There are links also on our 1080 resources page to most of the groups, pages, sites etc that will provide you with further information to make your own informed decision on this matter.

If you are pro poisoning of the environment, EnvirowatchRangitikei is not the place to espouse your opinions. Mainstream would be the place to air those. This is a venue for sharing the independent science you won’t of course find there.

Finally we don’t endorse violence in any way shape or form.

NOTE: Periodically & randomly the facebook share option will disappear from posts on the front (news) page. If it is not appearing, click on the heading of the article to go to its own page, usually the share button will show up there. (All else failing copy & past the url to your facebook page).



The Stingray: How Law Enforcement can Track You

Published on Aug 29, 2017

RALEIGH, North Carolina (WTVD) — You could be just about anywhere and data on your cell phone can be scooped up by law enforcement without your ever knowing. It happens all the time. The device that makes it possible is called a “cell site simulator.” That’s the generic name; Stingray is the most common brand name. Initially developed for military use, Stingrays have made their way into local police and sheriff’s departments around the country. Months ago, the I-Team sent open records requests to every law enforcement agency in our viewing area and learned that three agencies close to home have been using cell site simulators: the Wake County Sheriff’s Department, Durham Police Department, and Raleigh Police Department. A spokesperson for RPD told the I-Team they stopped using theirs when the software needed to be upgraded. The ACLU’s Mike Meno has been watching Stingrays spread into local law enforcement for years. “Like a lot of militarized technology and surveillance technology, this is something that was developed overseas and it was developed for one use, but then it comes back home and is used against our own citizens. It’s used here in the States. And the government will say, ‘We need to keep this confidential,’ but we have constitutional rights. We’re supposed to have checks and balances,” he said. http://abc11.com/1968769/

The Tyranny of the State: One Minute To Midnight

The PPJ Gazette

Chuck Frank


Besides war and all of the insane massacres that have taken place through the ages, which also included roughly 45 million Chinese murdered in graveside trenches during Mao’s revolution, (i.e. I have seen the films), there is today, a comprehensive plan presently being ushered in by those elite’s who are connected to the New World Order, whereby the “Republic” of the United States of America is near to a mandate that will tag every person in America with an RFID chip, either into one’s driver’s license, or an ID Card, their passport or possibly other documents that may be in one’s possession for the purpose of financial transactions and surveillance. And to add to this, there will be the government’s crowning achievement to implant the chip on the right hand or the forehead of the person. As many know already, this prophetic agenda which is meant…

View original post 569 more words

The Deaths of Two Immigrant Children Could Have Been Vaccine-induced

From globalresearch.ca

(Don’t trust the ORR, the AAP, the CDC or the ACIP to tell the truth about ANY vaccine-induced or drug-induced iatrogenic disease)

he Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) requires that all unaccompanied alien children (UAC) be vaccinated while in ORR custody in accordance with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) catch-up schedule (see this).  The potentially lethal schedule mandated by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) ACIP or ages 7 – 18 are acknowledged by the CDC.  

Many of these vaccines have the neurotoxic metallic adjuvant aluminum in the injected solution and some have live viruses in them, (If influenza vaccinations occur, these children will be intra-muscularly injected with the neurotoxic mercury, the second-most poisonous substance (behind plutonium) on the planet.)

An unknowable number of the vaccines can be expected to be contaminated with dangerous extraneous substances, depending on the country of origin and the sloppiness with which the vaccine batch is manufactured.

If all these vaccines are injected at one sitting (as can be expected at the ORR), some of the children will likely develop some sort of (acute and/or chronic) vaccine-induced illness, and some will certainly be so seriously poisoned that they will die.

READ MORE: Vaccines: “Just Get Your Damn Shots”

Given the bureaucratic “efficiency” (and total lack of informed consent or adherence with the Precautionary Principle) with which most children in the US (not just immigrants) are dealt with by American Academy of Pediatrics (APP) pediatricians in their offices, none of the “despised” non-white immigrants kids will have their immunization histories checked prior to the inoculation cocktails being given.

Thus unknown percentages of children who have already been fully vaccinated in their homelands will be at risk of having anaphylactic reactions from the second or third dose of a inoculum to which they had developed a mild allergic reaction (which sets them up for a more serious anaphylactic reaction when the next shot is administered).



10 dark secrets brands don’t want you to know

Published on Feb 7, 2017

It’s a brand’s business making sure you get a warm, fuzzy feeling like when you crack open an ice cold Coke. So it should come as no surprise the lengths they go to protect their image. From computer giants IBM to the cuddly charity Kids Wish Network, there is a lot that brands are trying to keep from you.

CONVERGENCE: The inescapable explanation that connects all world events unfolding now… can you handle the cosmic truth? (NaturalNews)

From naturalnews.com


(Natural News) Taken one at a time, the events unfolding across our world seem unconnected, insane or random. However, there is an overarching pattern to everything you’re witnessing and experiencing. That pattern exists because there is intention to deploy world events, cultural trends, economic control and political obedience to achieve a desired aim.

If I tell you that aim right up front, you will discard it as unbelievable. The only way to come to understand the purpose of this pattern is to arrive at the inescapable conclusion step by step. I can help you walk the path of discovery, but I cannot flip that switch in your own mind that transforms you from a “sheeple” into an aware, conscious being with a cosmic picture of what’s really happening to the human race and our planet.

If you read any of this and find it too uncomfortable, you can always tell yourself it’s nothing but science fiction. Via The Matrix:

Don’t worry about it. As soon as you step outside that door, you’ll start feeling better. You’ll remember you don’t believe in any of this fate crap. You’re in control of your own life, remember? Here, take a cookie. I promise, by the time you’re done eating it, you’ll feel right as rain.

Let’s begin by considering the global convergence of the following 12 events and trends:

1) The desperate effort by globalists to end all national sovereignty, erase all borders and flood the world’s wealthy nations with Third World migrants and violent criminals who will can’t help but vote for authoritarian tyranny. (Which, not coincidentally, is exactly what they are fleeing in their home countries.)

2) The aggressive ramping up of efforts to disarm all law-abiding citizens while granting legal immunity to violent illegals. Why would a rational society want to take guns away from those who use guns to prevent violence, all while granting legal immunity to the criminal class that uses guns to commit violence?

3) The “blowout” economics of endless money creation, now combined with the sudden squashing of debt leverage by raising interest rates among central banks. The combined effort to first create easy money, then to slam the brakes and collapse that easy money, is not an accident. It has a specific purpose.

4) The terraforming of planet Earth with “stratospheric aerosol injections” that mainstream scientists now admit is a form of geoengineering designed to alter the chemistry of the atmosphere and reduce the intensity of solar radiation reaching the surface of the Earth. Importantly, this action would also collapse global food production and sharply reduce the level of oxygen in the atmosphere, making the planet increasingly inhospitable to humans.

5) The increasing talk by cultural leaders and thought leaders about escaping Earth and colonizing Mars, presumably because they believe Earth will not survive as a habitable planet for much longer.

6) The rapid acceleration of cultural attacks on fertility, masculinity and male biology, almost as if everyone has been ordered to declare sperm to be evil and children to be toxic to the world. Canada’s government, for example, has recently declared that giving birth to a living human child is a threat to the sustainability of the planet. The LGBT agenda to erase the concept of male biology and rewrite biological science is also part of this effort.

7) The global installation of 5G cell towers that have the capability to track and irradiate specific human targets while subjecting entire cities of human populations to high-energy radiation that causes brain tumors.

8) The complete transformation of the food supply from something that once nourished humankind to a vector for the mass poisoning of humankind. Similarly, the corruption of language (words, “facts,” reason, etc.) has also transformed words from something that used to inform the mind into something that now poisons the mind.

9) The utter collapse of logic, reason and rationality, to the point where nearly half the population of America’s youth now believe that men can get pregnant and that chromosomes have nothing at all to do with gender. The very ability of mankind to reasonis under constant attack and now all but obliterated.

10) The increasing celebration of Satan and death, including Planned Parenthood abortion centers and Satan-worshiping religious movements. Even the Vatican is now lead by an agent of Satan, and numerous churches have been transformed into anti-Christian, pro-globalism obedience training centers.

11) The increasing concentration of all power and influence into the hands of the few, from search engines and online censorship to media publishers and government bureaucrats. Nearly every single thing the people of the world now see, think, believe or consume is controlled by a shockingly small number of companies and individuals who rule through deception and predatory monopolistic practices.

12) The sense of panic and urgency among globalists to defeat nationalism, free thinking and individual liberty, almost as if they are in a race to enslave the population of the planet before some ominous, looming deadline.

With the above observations in mind, what pattern explains them all?



COVER-UP: Scientists who find glyphosate herbicide in common foods are silenced or reassigned

(Natural News) Do you know what’s really in the foods you eat? Sure, there’s a list of ingredients on the package, but your food could contain one very toxic substance that isn’t disclosed: glyphosate. You might not be too surprised to find this deadly herbicide ingredient in non-organic fruits and vegetables, but the truth is that it has also made its way into a surprising number of popular foods – and countless unsuspecting people are ingesting this dangerous carcinogen.

The Guardian reports that U.S. government scientists found glyphosate in foods like crackers, cornmeal, and granola cereal. Of course, this information wasn’t publicized; it was uncovered in emails that were obtained through a Freedom of Information request.

For two years, the FDA has been testing food samples for glyphosate residues, but they have yet to release the official results. Nevertheless, one email written by a chemist for the FDA, Richard Thompson, to his colleagues showed how pervasive the problem is.

“I have brought wheat crackers, granola cereal and corn meal from home and there’s a fair amount in all of them,” the Arkansas-based chemist wrote, adding that broccoli was the only food that he happened to have on hand that turned out to be free of glyphosate.

That email was dated in January of 2017. Unfortunately, because he made the discovery while validating his methods of analysis rather than as part of the official checks, the residues are unlikely to make it into any official reports. The FDA’s official findings aren’t usually released until around 2 to 2.5 years after the data is collected.

Meanwhile, FDA chemist Narong Chamkasen discovered levels of glyphosate that exceeded the acceptable levels in corn; the 6.5 parts per million found were well above the legal limit of 5.0 parts per million. Although such levels normally must be reported to the EPA, a supervisor with the FDA informed an EPA official in writing that the corn was not part of an “official sample.” It looks like Americans will never know which corn is going to give them cancer!

In 2016, Chamkasen also found glyphosate in several honey samples, along with oatmeal products. His lab was promptly “reassigned” to other tasks.

Each year, the FDA tests food samples for residues of pesticides to see if any are above the limit. However, they’ve only recently started looking out for glyphosate, despite the fact that it has been used for four decades. In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer labeled the chemical a “probable human carcinogen.”



PHOTO: NaturalNews.com

The research of a US biophysicist indicates aerial poisoning has “twice as many costs to native species as benefits” & is “twice as costly to native species as unmanaged possum populations”

Nearly 70% of DoC’s studies justifying aerial 1080 operations were conducted by employees of either AHB [Animal Health Board] or DOC [Dept of Conservation] with only three being published internationally (Robinson, pp 34, 35). 

Reihana Robinson in her book titled ‘The Killing Nation, NZ’s State-Sponsored Addiction to Poison 1080’ cites the research of US biophysicist Dr Alexis Mari Pietak of Tufts University, Massachusetts.  

Dr Pietak ‘conducted a comprehensive literature search for “peer-reviewed scientific investigations into the effects of aerial poison operations on non target fauna” and compared “the costs and benefits to native species poison operations versus unchecked possum populations at their peak density”.’

Quoting from Robinson’s book (emphases mine):

“Her research indicated aerial poisoning has “twice as many costs to native species as benefits, and that aerial poison operations were twice as costly to native species as unmanaged possum populations at their peak density.” this potential for widespread poisoning of insectivorous, omnivorous and carnivorous endemic and endangered or threatened bird species she believes is “a serious issue worthy of international and immediate action,” Namely, to immediately halt aerial poison operations.

   Dr Pietak notes the few bird species that have actually been the subject of “proper radio-transmitter, colour banding, and mark-recapture analysis before and after poison operations’ are the nectar, fruit and foliage eating birds such as hihi, kereru, kōkako and kaka and are indeed most likely to benefit from possum removal. Missing from thorough research are those birds identified as being high risk of primary or secondary poisoning. They number 24 indigenous bird species. She references work by Armstrong 2001 that “notes that data derived from bird or call counts cannot be analysed to separate changes in abundance from changes in detection, due to the fact that bird behaviour is affected by the presence of a human observer. Detection rates can vary depending on the weather, human observer, and unknown bird behavioural patterns.” She states the “science seems to have been selectively interpreted, ignored, and moreover left grossly incomplete in its scope, presumably in the name of non-environmental economical interests” “

Like a growing number of researchers Dr Pietak notes the potential for bias given the large number of studies funded by AHB [Animal Health Board] or DOC [Dept of Conservation]. Of the 28 studies retrieved she finds 19 of 28, (nearly 70%), were conducted by employees of either AHB or DOC with only three being published internationally”. (Robinson, pp 34, 35)*. 

* Pietak, Alexis Mari A Critical Look at Aerial-Dropped, Poison-Laced Food in New Zealand’s forest Ecosystems 2010 Creative Commons


NOTE: For further articles on 1080 use categories at left of the news page.

If you are new to the 1080 poisoning program, a must watch is Poisoning Paradise, the doco made by the GrafBoys (banned from screening on NZ TV, yet a 4x international award winner). Their website is tv-wild.com. Their doco is a very comprehensive overview with the independent science to illustrate the question marks that remain over the use of this poison. There are links also on our 1080 resources page to most of the groups, pages, sites etc that will provide you with further information to make your own informed decision on this matter.

8 Popular Tea Bag Companies That Contain Illegal Amounts of Deadly Pesticides

Note: Twinings the worst. I posted on their substituting chemical flavouring in lieu of real bergamot in their Earl Grey brand a while back.

From livelovefruit.com

There’s nothing nicer than sipping on a warm cup of herbal tea on a cold midwinter’s day. But besides being tasty and warming, tea provides a host of different health benefits – that is, unless your tea is soaked in pesticides.

CBC News recently conducted an investigation on the pesticide levels in some of the most major tea-producing companies. Using an accredited lab, the investigators utilized testing methods employed by the National Food Inspection Agency to test pesticide residues on dry tea leaves.

Pesticides in Tea

The investigators at CBC found that over half of all teas tested had pesticide residues that were above the legally acceptable limit. Multiple chemicals were found in 8 out of 10 teas, with one brand of tea containing over 22 different types of pesticides (Uncle Lee’s Legends of China tea brand).

A large majority of these pesticides are currently being banned in several countries due to the health risks they pose to workers that handle them, and the negative effects they have on the environment (as well as the health of those that consume the products).

Environmental lawyer, David Boyd, told CBC:

“This is very worrisome from a number of perspectives…The presence of so many pesticides on a single product and so many products that exceed the maximum residue limits for pesticides, suggests that we’re seeing very poor agricultural practices in countries, which poses risk to the environment where these products are being grown; which pose risk to the farm workers who are growing these crops, and ultimately pose risk to the Canadians who are consuming these products.”



The public have seen little accountability from the Horowhenua NZ Trust formed last year

From Veronica Harrod

Last month Horowhenua deputy mayor Wayne Bishop’s land and property development company was sold 2.7 hectares next to land earmarked for transfer to the Horowhenua New Zealand Trust.

On 2 November Wayne Bishop Investment Ltd purchased half a hectare of a former industrial site at 56-62 Cambridge Street South for $480,000 and 2.7 hectares of land behind it for $360,000. It is the first time the 2.7 hectare block has been sold.

The 2.7 hectare of land now owned by Cr Bishop’s company is directly beside 7.6 hectares of public land owned by Horowhenua District Council at 72 Cambridge Street South earmarked for sale in Council’s November 2015 Property Strategy.

Last year Council voted to establish what it referred to as an “economic development trust” called the Horowhenua New Zealand Trust (HNZT) and transfer up to 40 percent of public assets to the trust as “seed capital” which includes the 72 Cambridge Street South site.

The Cambridge Street acquisitions are in close proximity to three other land purchases by Cr Bishop’s land and property development company in Hinemoa and Liverpool Street totalling almost 12 hectares of prime real estate.

Almost one hectare in Hinemoa Street has a rateable value of just $165,000 but a Capital Value of $1.2 million.

The valuation of Cr Bishop’s Speldhurst development, being built in stages on the 48 hectare former Kimberley Hospital site, increased by 430 percent in 2016 from $3.8 million to $20.3 million. The site is still listed as “leasehold land” on Quotable Values database, “meaning someone else has a freehold interest in the property.”

Cr Bishop was deputy chair of the Economic Development Board (EDB) and six former board members are now all trustees of the HNZT.

Since six members of the EDB were named as trustees Council has removed all references to the EDB from its website although there has been no formal announcement the board has been dis-established.

On 18 October 2018, five months after HNZT was registered, a financial services company called The Horowhenua Company was established naming all but one trustee of HNZT as shareholders.

Former EDB chair and trustee of HNZT Cameron Lewis is a director and a shareholder of The Horowhenua Company.

The other shareholders include former EDB members and trustees of HNZT Antony Young, Evan Kroll, Larry Ellison and Ron Turk.

The majority of councillors voted in support of Council’s chief executive officer David Clapperton assisting the trust but voted against Mayor Michael Feyen being involved.

The author further comments:

The public have not been provided with any information since the Horowhenua New Zealand Trust was registered on 31 May. Has land already been sold or transferred to the trust? Council’s chief executive David Clapperton has made conflicting statements. He initially said the public would be consulted. But then he released information that stated the public did not have to be consulted on the sale of $28 million property because it was “non-core” property; not significant or “core” property. Has 72 Cambridge Street South already been transferred to the trust? What other property has been transferred? A Stuff article of 28 June [five months ago] states “the first group of properties are expected to be transferred in the next few months.” The public were assured the trust structure included accountability however the public have seen little of that. Instead it appears the public know little to nothing that is apparently being done on the community’s behalf as a charitable trust.

More recent whale strandings around NZ & the Chathams & what mainstream isn’t telling you

There was another threatened stranding of our sea creatures recently in Northland on 8 December, this time dolphins. Right on the heels of 80-90 stranded whales on the Chathams recently, 51 of those did not survive as of 30 November 2018. There were also two other NZ strandings, one on Stewart Island that saw 145 dead, another in Northland which saw a loss of 5.  This is all so tragic and with Christmas almost upon us the enormity can tend to fly under the radar. There will be more for sure. We posted a while back on this topic with other strandings, joining dots & making links to causes other than the usual mantra the authorities roll out as they have in this article.

DoC said exactly why whales and dolphins stranded was not fully known but factors could include sickness, navigational error, geographical features, a rapidly falling tide, being chased by a predator, or extreme weather. More than one factor might contribute to a stranding.

They never mention the factor that recently had alarmed conservationists in the US up in arms:

Defenders of ocean habitats and marine life are up in arms on Friday as the Trump administration is set to approve new abilities for the fossil fuel industry to conduct widescale and “deafening” underwater seismic in federal waters off the U.S. Atlantic coast.

Early in 2017 NZ saw the biggest whale stranding ever, located at Farewell Spit … 400 whales beached with 70% of those quickly lost.  Here is a mainstream media link to the event:

In that article at the link there is another article referenced …  Why whales strand and how to help them. It cites the usual reasons already mentioned; ‘whale strandings are natural occurrences’.

Media is predictably quick to eliminate man’s interference with the environment as causal regarding any environmental damage. If you’re familiar with this site you will know that this denial is not uncommon. Corporations whose primarily focus is profits all vehemently deny that their practices cause damage. They are also well armed with a bevy of well paid lawyers to ‘legally’ destroy anybody who threatens those profits. People are targeted, assaulted and even lose their lives standing up to corporate profiteering.

That said, it is well to search for and consider the independent information on all events since corporations cannot be trusted to tell you the truth. They tell bold faced lies. If you doubt that watch ‘The Corporation’ doco found on the Corporations page.

The Threat of Underwater Noise Pollution to Marine Life, Particularly Seismic Testing

The following short video from oceancare.org explains concisely the threat of noise to marine life saying “underwater noise pollution is a serious threat…” (the phenomenon media doesn’t mention).

At 1.45 minutes the effect of sonar from military ships is explained and at 2.22 minutes, the effects of seismic exploration for oil and gas on marine life. As many Kiwis will know our oceans are now replete with activity from the latter, especially since our ‘esteemed’ and recently departed leader John Key signed away drilling rights to his corporate friends. Key and his corporation (aka known as the NZ Government) have no regard whatsoever for our natural environment. Corporations are about profits not people or environments. See more on Key below.


Underwater noise – the overlooked catastrophe

Uploaded on Apr 11, 2011

my news montage.

VIDEO INFORMATION: “Basically, John Key is [was & his legacy continues] killing whales and dolphins, and potentially ruining the seafood (crabs, crayfish etc) industry in the areas where this seismic survey technology is used.

the Media has not told you ANY of this…


The main environmental concern for marine surveys is the potential of seismic sources to disturb animal life, especially cetaceans such as whales, porpoises, and dolphins. Surveys involve towing an array of 15-45 pneumatic air guns below the ocean surface behind the survey vessel and emit sound pulses of a “predominantly low frequency (10–300 Hz), high intensity (215-250 dB).

Seismic surveying can damage the reproductive processes, auditory functions and other damaging effects to highly lucrative marine species (lobster, crab) and it poses potentially fatal effects to marine mammals.

Seismic testing is not fully responsible for whales running ashore or becoming stranded, but there is evidence that it plays a major role. Studies of seismic effects on several whale species such as Gray, Bowhead, Blue, Humpback and Sperm whales indicated substantial effects in behavior, breathing, feeding and diving patterns.

Beachings and Seismic Tests

On November 28, 2004, Reuters reported that during a three day span, 169 whales and dolphins beached themselves in Tasmania, an island off the southern coast of mainland Australia. The cause for these beachings is not known, but Bob Brown, a senator in the Australian parliament, said “sound bombing” or seismic tests of ocean floors to test for oil and gas had been recently carried out near the sites of the Tasmanian beachings.

According to Jim Cummings of the Acoustic Ecology Institute, seismic surveys utilising airguns have been taking place in mineral-rich areas of the world’s oceans since 1968. Among the areas that have experienced the most intense survey activity are the North Sea, the Beaufort Sea (off Alaska’s North Slope), and the Gulf of Mexico; areas around Australia and South America are also current hotspots of activity.

The impulses created by the release of air from arrays of up to 24 airguns create low frequency sound waves powerful enough to penetrate up to 40km below the seafloor. The “source level” of these sound waves is generally over 200dB (and often 230dB or more), roughly comparable to a sound of at least 140-170dB in air.

According to the Australian Conservation Foundation, these 200dB — 230dB shots from the airguns are fired every 10 seconds or so, from 10 metres below the surface, 24 hours a day, for 2 week periods of time, weather permitting.

These types of tests are known to affect whales and dolphins, whose acute hearing and use of sonar is very sensitive.

On December 24, 2004 there was a magnitude 8.1 earthquake more than 800 kilometres southeast of Tasmania near New Zealand, with a subsequent aftershock 6.1 a little later in the morning that same day.

Then on December 26 the magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck leading to the devastating tsunami that killed more than 300,000 people.

On December 27, 20 whales beached themselves 180 kilometres west of Hobart on the southern island state of Tasmania.

As part of Budget 2009 a total of $20 million over three years will be allocated to the seismic data acquisition programme run by Crown Minerals, which is responsible for the administration and promotion of New Zealand’s oil and gas.


LINKS TO THE OTHER THREE VIDEOS IN THIS SERIES can be found by locating the video at Youtube. The other videos will be there on the side bar to the right.


Call for mandatory autopsies on stranded whales

Call for autopsies on stranded whales; concern about seismic blasting


For more in depth information and interviews on seismic testing, the oil industry and the agenda of foreign oil companies here in our waters listen to three interviews with Rose Paige from thecontrail.com This is info you won’t be hearing in mainstream any time soon :




Header image Credit: thecontrail.com




Some insights on DoC from insiders

Some insights on DoC here from insiders … note that familiar word ‘restructure’ the the smoke & mirror modus operandi of the corporates. When the music stops (the restructure music) … less bums on seats, more work for those who are left, more profits for CE & the likes. A post Rogernomics tactic.

Insiders pan DOC’s corporate embrace

From newsroom.co.nz

Another sign of how the Department of Conservation has lost its way, some insiders and ex-staffers say, is its embrace of corporate management methods. David Williams reports.

Faced with staff discontent, the Department of Conservation called in consultants and rolled out a suite of management tools. First there was the so-called interface project, to improve relations between scientific and operational staff. After that, there was “team process” and “reflection logs”, and, for managers, “single-point accountability”.

DOC director-general Lou Sanson, a proponent of the changes, says when he was appointed in 2013 the department was “siloed”, after two big restructures that shed 250 jobs. The new wave of staff interactions have led to huge advances, he says.

But critics say the new set of behavioural rules are another sign DOC has lost its way – showing how disconnected the leadership of the organisation’s become from the work it’s there to do. One former DOC worker says the department’s been captured by fads, which has ushered in a period of “empty change”. They paint a picture of excruciatingly awkward, hours-long meetings of unnecessary navel-gazing.

Another former DOC staffer says: “A tremendous amount of money, time and effort was being spent on what I would regard as wasted projects trying to make communication internally within the department better.”

‘Just doing his job’

A current DOC insider says the changes accentuated the decision-making authority of managers, who were encouraged to manage workers more assertively. That’s made them more sensitive to people who – like departed ecologist Nick Head – challenge authority about poor decisions.

Head was controversially suspended for sending photos to conservation organisations, after being asked to do so, of irrigation pipeline work on public conservation land. But some of his ex-colleagues say he was just doing his job and was effectively punished for speaking up about “piss-poor” decisions.



The Fusion Doctrine, For a Totalitarian Take Over. Militarization and “Privatization of the State” By Julian Rose

The New Dark Age

24 December 2018 — Global Research

It has become increasingly apparent throughout the past decade that the nation state, and the traditional notion that it represents a culturally cohesive citizen’s platform, is no longer a valid supposition.

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America takes one step closer to Arctic drilling

Nwo Report

The Trump administration is acknowledging its plan to open Alaska’s pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas development that would affect polar bears, tribal hunters and many others.

The administration released the draft environmental impact statement Thursday for its plan to sell oil and gas leases in the refuge. Publishing of the report moves the administration one step closer to realizing the plan, which environmental groups fervently oppose.

The report released by the Bureau of Land Management acknowledges oil exploration in the remote wilderness area would have an impact on Arctic wildlife and Native Alaskans. It puts four different options for handling any leases up for public review.

In a statement, outgoing Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke calls the move necessary to an “energy-dominant America.”

The Associated Press contributed to this article. 

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Harvard Scientific Paper Details Entire Geo-Engineering Program Using Jet Aircraft

From naturalnews.com blogs

By raptorman

Geoengineering is a controversial subject, to say the least, with so many different theories about its origins and implementation. Geoengineering using aircraft has a long history and many different forms from cloud seeding in the 1960s over Vietnam in Project Pop-Eye to ski resorts using commercial weather modification companies to create snow to this day. Far from a conspiracy theory, Geoengineering is being openly bragged about by China and Russia, both using jet aircraft to spray chemicals to disperse clouds for national holiday parades. has a huge Geoengineering program to create rain for its agricultural regions and publicly admits it. Using jet aircraft and mountain top dispersal units to inject chemicals into the atmosphere to make rain for crops.

Yet when the subject comes up in the Western zeitgeist, it is automatically a far out conspiracy theory which is to be ridiculed, that such a thing could even exist. Many observers content a secret program already exists in Western countries to control the weather using jet aircraft. Dispersing long plumes of chemicals in the sky to alter the climate in various ways, exactly as is being done elsewhere by other governments.

It only adds to speculation when the summation of all the U.S. funded government research on future Geoengineering describe a program that is a mirror image of what curious observers are seeing now. Using jets to disperse chemical aerosols at high altitude to reduce solar radiation. The U.S. government claims Geoengineering is definitely not going on right now but probably will be in the future.

“After surveying an exhaustive list of potential deployment techniques, we settle upon an aircraft-based delivery system.”    Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner

A recently published IOP Science paper by Harvard scientists Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner titled “” is a collation of all the public research on Geoengineering and prescribes a program using high altitude aircraft to disperse chemicals in the stratosphere to reflect sunlight and curb global warming. Going into all the details that would constitute a Geoengineering program. This paper gives a rare insight into how such a thing would operate, how much it would cost and how many planes would be needed. Lending clues to those that want to estimate the size and scope of any possible ongoing Geoengineering that may be occurring over Western countries but is being kept classified.

The paper even bemoans the fact that such a program would be very difficult to keep secret. Harvard scientists Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner state that such a program would be hard to keep classified since jet aircraft would be leaving long plumes of chemicals behind them that span the entire sky blocking the sun in a soupy haze. Keen observers would surely notice the changes and criss-crossing patterns of aircraft trails littering the sky from horizon to horizon. Sounds very familiar to what is being seen by so many now, in the skies over many N.A.T.O. countries, that deny such programs exist.

We conclude by arguing that, while cheap, such an aircraft-based program would unlikely be a secret, given the need for thousands of flights annually by airliner-sized aircraft operating from an international array of bases.     Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner

These white papers are thinly veiled, making things sound rosy. Who would admit to such a thing? Read between the lines to get a gauge of what may be going on now. Using the paper to get a guesstimate on how big and costly a current Geoengineering program may be. The paper states the cost of Geoengineering for Solar Radiation Management by way of jet aircraft at 2.25 billion a year, possibly up to 5 billion a year. That’s for the whole globe but this does not include the ill health effects on the population of the world.

We calculate early-year costs of ~$1500 ton−1 of material deployed, resulting in average costs of ~$2.25 billion yr−1 over the first 15 years of deployment. We further calculate the number of flights at ~4000 in year one, linearly increasing by ~4000 yr−1.      Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner

The paper also calls for a new type of stratospheric tanker plane for future operations. Eventually building up to a fleet of 95 new aircraft that fly higher and carry more aerosol by 2047. At its peak conducting 60,109 flights per year. There must be 100s of available modified aircraft being used for any current operations since it states today’s modified dispersion jets don’t go high enough or carry as much aerosol as desired. A conservative estimate would be a hundred and fifty thousand flights, or more would be needed for this type of operation using today’s modified dispersal aircraft at possibly twice the cost.

However, we also conclude that developing a new, purpose-built high-altitude tanker with substantial payload capabilities would neither be technologically difficult nor prohibitively expensive.     Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner



Photo: Marian Sutherland, NZ

Silent Night

All capitalist origins aside 😉 wishing all our readers a peaceful & blessed Christmas (or whatever it is you celebrate at this time of year). Hope you enjoy this beautiful rendition of Silent Night. And many thanks to all who have made contact & commented throughout the year. Appreciated.

Wishing you all the best for 2019 and whatever that brings.

Thanks to Tj Taotua

Why Aren’t Hospitals Treating Cancer With Black Seed Oil?

Why? Because IMO they are all in bed with the Pharmaceutical industry. They only ever offer chemo, radiation & surgery, while certain outspoken MDs tell us you will live longer with no treatment at all than the latter. And if they truly cared for our health they would not have jailed the man recently in the news for the ‘serious’ crime of treating cancer patients (successfully) with means other than the aforementioned three.

From naturalnews.com blog


“Thymoquinone modulates nine of the ten hallmarks of cancer.”

There are very many research studies that show great results for black seed oil treatments related to its’ cancer killing and anti-inflammatory properties.

What is Cancer?
Well, of course, that depends on what type of cancer that we are talking about. In it’s most basic explanation, cancer is cells gone wrong. The cause of which is most often not discovered. There are benign cancers and malignant cancers. It’s the latter you have to worry about.

The Research
There have been many studies that have shown the effects of Nigella sativa on many different cancers and I will quote just a few of them here. The full list of research studies that I found is included at the end of this chapter. The list is long!

Even doctors are now urging more research into thymoquinone (TQ) the main constituent in black seed oil, for adjuvants to pharmaceutical cancer treatments – REF – ‘Thymoquinone as a Potential Adjuvant Therapy for Cancer Treatment: Evidence from Preclinical Studies.’

What the scientists are looking to discover are the exact signalling pathways that helps black cumin seed oil play such a big role in killing cancer.

Many Pathways To Healing
“The anti-cancer effects of thymoquinone are mediated through different modes of action, including anti-proliferation, apoptosis induction, cell cycle arrest, ROS generation and anti-metastasis/anti-angiogenesis. In addition, this quinone was found to exhibit anti-cancer activity through the modulation of multiple molecular targets, including p53, p73, PTEN, STAT3, PPAR-?, activation of caspases and generation of ROS.

Thymoquinone is an active ingredient isolated from Nigella sativa and has been investigated for its anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities in both in vitro and in vivo models since its first extraction in 1960s.

Its anti-oxidant/anti-inflammatory effect has been reported in various disease models, including encephalomyelitis, diabetes, asthma and carcinogenesis.

In addition, thymoquinone could act as a free radical and superoxide radical scavenger, as well as preserving the activity of various anti-oxidant enzymes such as catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase.”

More Amazing Cancer Research With Black Seed Oil
“As non-invasive lesions progress to malignancy, the precursor period provides a window for cancer therapies that can interfere with neoplastic progression. Thymoquinone (Tq), a major bioactive component of essential oil from Nigella sativa’s seeds, has demonstrated antineoplastic activities in multiple cancers” REF – ‘Molecular Analysis of Precursor Lesions in Familial Pancreatic Cancer’



Photo: naturalnews.com

German Commentary: The UN’s Never-Ending String Of Failed Climate Conference Junkets

Iowa Climate Science Education

The senselessness of climate conferences

By Dr. Dietrich E. Koelle
(German text translated/edited by P Gosselin)

Once again – for the 24th time – a mass climate conference with over 20,000 participants (400 of them from Guinea alone) has come to an end and the politicians and climate officials involved praised its success: “Once again the earth was saved”.  It’s all actually quite simple: you only need to reduce CO2 emissions and global temperature drops.

“Strongly decelerated warming”

Reductions have been decided at every conference for 24 years – and emissions have always risen the following year, and done so for 24 years now.

Source: IEA-Report für 2017

But nobody is interested in the fact that despite this, there has hardly been a global rise in temperature in 16 years (since 2002) and record emissions of 500 billion tons of CO2 in this period. Instead there has been a strongly…

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Panic Attacks and Anxiety Linked to Low Vitamin B and Iron Levels


If you suffer from anxiety or develop occasional panic attacks marked by bouts of hyperventilation, you could merely be experiencing the side effects of an underlying nutrient deficiency that is easily correctable. This definitely appears to have been the case with 21 people who participated in a recent study based out of Japan, which identified a lack of both vitamin B6 and iron among participants who experienced panic or hyperventilation attacks.

The relatively small study evaluated nutrient levels among a group of participants with varying degrees of anxiety and frequencies of panic and hyperventilation attacks, some of which resulted in emergency room visits. A control group was also evaluated, and its participants’ nutrient levels compared to those of the primary group.

Upon evaluation, researchers noted that both vitamin B6 and iron were lacking in the subjects with anxiety and hyperventilation issues, while those in the healthy group had adequate levels…

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