For over 50 years the New Zealand Government has been systematically dropping massive amounts of food, laced with a cruel and universally toxic poison into its forest ecosystems. Enough poison every year to kill the entire population of NZ four times over. No other country is doing, or ever has done, anything remotely similar on such a scale.


Sodium Fluoroacetate

Animals poisoned by 1080 die a long slow and horrible death

1080 is an alias for Monofluoroacetate, a chemical. Monofluoroacetate was originally developed and marketed as an insecticide. It functions primarily by interfering with the citrate step in the Krebs cycle [5]. The Krebs cycle is the major and an essential mechanism by which all air breathing creatures utilize food to produce energy. It is therefore universally toxic to all animals, essentially every living thing except plants and some micro-organisms. The degree of toxicity of 1080 is extreme, but varies somewhat among species. It is categorised by the World Health Organization (WHO) as 1A, their highest rating, “extremely toxic” [1,2]. The PAN pesticide database classifies 1080 as one of the few “PAN Bad Actor Chemicals”, by which it means “highly acutely toxic” [2]. It can kill every air-breathing animal. One hundred milligrams is sufficient to kill an adult human [1]. In theory, one could kill at least 20 million people with the amount being dropped into New Zealand Forests every year.
Dr Q Whiting-OKeefe (BA Chemistry, Math), MD, FACMI

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies 1080 as ‘Extremely Hazardous’, most countries ban it outright. NZ uses 85% of the world’s supply … presumably the world hasn’t figured out what a wonderful thing it really is.

1 WHO. Data sheets on Pesticides No. 16 – Sodium Fluoroacetate. World Health Organization, Data Sheets on Pesticide No. 16 (1975). <112>
2 PAN Pesticide Database. http://www.pesticideinfo.org/Detail_ChemReg.jsp?Rec_Id=PC35155 (2000-2010). <269>
5 Eisler R. Sodium monofluoroacetate (monofluoroacetate) hazards to fish, wildlife, and invertebrates: a synoptic review. Contaminant Hazard Reviews, Report No. 30, Biological Report 27, February (1995). <21>


 For an easy to understand summary of facts and concerns about the use of aerially applied 1080 to the environment, hear this interview with a medical copywriter … at the Australian Hunting Podcast website. Michelle Read gives the simple facts & the research on 1080 that we are never told:

  •  The terrible effects of Sodium Monofluoroacetate (1080) in New Zealand
  • What is 1080 poison and how its made
  • Where and how 1080 is dropped
  • What animals can suffer from 1080 and how it kills
  • What species are targeted by the NZ government and why
  • 1080 in the rivers, dams, and creeks of New Zealand
  • Why dogs are very susceptible to 1080
  • The lifespan of 1080 in animals that have been affected

There’s more, but we’ll let you discover it as you listen to this new episode of the Australian Hunting Podcast. LISTEN HERE

Another good article (our own) if you want a general overview of the use of 1080 & why folk are growing increasingly concerned about its liberal use in our environment:


I’ve been following this issue for at least three years now & this widespread aerial distribution of 1080 into NZ’s environment for pest control is the issue that gets by far the most views and shares at EnvirowatchRangitikei. The article by Jenese James on the GrafBoys’ press release on 89 (dead & not tested) Kiwi has had 1a Copy of 41416241_313660829439279_5140545218692513792_n54K shares to date on facebook. Folk are outraged at what is coming to light and rightly so. I personally began researching the independent information about 1080 after watching the documentary by the GrafBoys called Poisoning Paradise. These two Kiwi guys were raised in the bush, they know their stuff. Their doco has won four international awards  (see here also) and yet … get this … NZ television will not play it here in our own country. They are assuming that we cannot listen & judge for ourselves? Does that not raise alarm bells for you? It should. That doco was the starting point that left me with enough question marks around the official line, to prompt me to look further than DoC’s own research. That is literal too, for the research DoC uses to justify the alleged safety of aerial distribution of 1080 in NZ is 70% in-house, writes Reihana Robinson in her book The Killing Nation.  READ MORE


Published on Feb 8, 2016

The Auckland Council stated in its pacifying document that it used “highly accurate GPS application technology to apply bait”.
The truth is that GPS technology was used to ensure every stream and watercourse within the drop boundaries were spread with 1080 poison.

The Auckland Regional Public Health Service set conditions “to protect human health”, and also helped with the “drinking water monitoring plan”, stated Auckland Council in a project document. However, it’s sobering to note that in 2008 the Ministry of Health stated “To date there are no known epidemiological studies that have been carried out in relation to 1080 and potential adverse health effects on humans.” It’s now 2016, and still no studies on chronic impacts have been done, but the areas the poison is being dropped into our environment continues to increase ….

In Oct 2014 two of Auckland’s water supply lakes were closed for four months because the herbicide metsulfuron-methyl has been found in them. Soon afterwards, Auckland City Council announced that they planned to drop 1080 on the Hunua Ranges, the source of their water supply. The Greymouth Star reported on Oct 16 2014 that the West Coast Regional Council had admitted they have a $500,00 investment in a new factory that is considering the manufacture of 1080 near Christchurch.  A metabolic poison, 1080 is extremely toxic to all air-breathing organisms. In most countries it is banned outright or severely restricted because of its lethality and its indiscriminate killing power.

For further information on 1080 (NZ uses about 90% of the world’s production!) read here: http://ban1080.co.nz/1080-facts/

or watch a trailer at this link:  http://www.thegrafboys.org/movies/preview.html  You can purchase the Graf Boys’ documentaries on 1080 at this link: http://www.thegrafboys.org

See also the TheGrafBoys YT channel and website for more videos. See also http://1080science.co.nz/

Could this Healthy 23 Year Old’s Cardiac Arrest Have Been Caused by Exposure to 1080? … We Will Never Know Because Incredibly, the NZ Lab Lost Her Heart!

Hikers and visitors to NZ, beware and use caution when tramping/hiking. Please read.

Whitney Robie, a 23 year old woman had been hiking in in a 1080’d area in the South Island, felt unwell, and after retiring to bed, died in her sleep. Her family is left with few answers and no closure regarding her death.


She had come here to our ‘clean green’ paradise to live. Sadly she died here.

(NZ is not clean and green people, it is severely polluted and toxic now … and worse, our authorities lie about that).

Sudden accidental deaths (SADs) do happen however this story has some anomalies which could have but have not been solved due to a medical blunder. This all does indeed appear to point very keenly to a cover up of sorts. It is thanks to a GP who followed up on Whitney & questioned  friends at the hostel where she was staying, that we have a little more of this story than we would otherwise have known.

“This New Zealand film has won 4 international environmental awards – but here in NZ, TV channels refuse to play it. Why? Because if they did, there would be outrage and riots over New Zealand’s use of aerially applied 1080 poison. See for yourself … ”  From TheGrafBoys‘ Youtube Channel


An excellent and informative interview. Fiona McQueen (MBChB, MD, FRACP) wrote The Quiet Forest, The Case Against Aerial 1080 in 2017. She graduated from the University of Otago in Medicine in 1980 and has worked as a consultant rheumatologist within the NZ public health system for the last 26 years. She completed an MD in Immunology in 1996 and was made Professor of Rheumatology in 2009. She has had a distinguished international academic career and has been active in research and teaching. She has had a life-long passion for tramping and experiencing the NZ bush, especially the alpine regions of the South Island. This has led to a deep interest in conservation. (Information cited from her book).


DOC’s dubious ‘success’ rate with 1080 – $3.5 billion, a decade later and not a single endangered bird species in recovery

DOC has received $3.5 billion of taxpayer’s money in the past decade, and not a single endangered bird species is in recovery on mainland NZ. And they have another significant drop planned for 2016.

From Bill Wallace at stuff.co.nz
“DOC is currently preparing the New Zealand public for another massive aerial 1080 poisoning of our forests in winter 2016, supposedly in response to yet another beech mast.  Read more

Published on Jan 3, 2015

In a letter to the CE of Waikato Regional Council, the CE of the Environmental Protection Authority suggests that 1080 poison does not harm aquatic life, and breaks down into harmless bi-products in water.

However, some of the research referenced – Niwa freshwater ecologist Dr Alistair Suren’s work – highlights a common trend in the poison industry, with regard to the misrepresentation of 1080-poison science by New Zealand authorities, and those that use the poison …


 A satirical video here that tritely illustrates the point that rats are not as overly interested in birds eggs as DOC would have the public believe.

 Search ‘categories’ (top left of any page) for further articles on 1080
See also the ‘Suspected 1080 Poisoning Cases’ and our Resources page for many links to other independent information on 1080 including FB groups, websites etc. 



This site aims to educate the public by providing independently researched evidence and by exposing untruths. Corporations are not inclined to tell you the full facts because they have a priority of profits over people.

We do not in any way encourage or condone violence in raising these issues.
It is our ultimate wish that the government/corporation desist from unleashing toxic poisons into our once clean and green environment, but until they do we simply wish to warn people to protect themselves from possible harm.

Watching our environment … our health … and corporations … exposing lies and corruption