Protecting your fruit crops from Codlin & Guava Moth (Wally Richards)

I wrote this article a few months ago but as several gardeners recently have been asking how to protect their fruit crops from both Codlin Moth and Guava Moth

I think it is well worth repeating this information. Guava moth is mostly in the upper north island but there has been a few cases in other areas likely as a result of fruit been brought south from infected areas.

So share with family and friends as there is nothing worse than losing your crop to these two pests.

There are two moths in New Zealand that attack fruit namely, Codlin Moth which have apples, pears and walnuts as their host fruit. Guava Moth which has all fruit and nuts as their host.

The Codlin Moth is seasonal active while there is fruit on their host plants but the Guava Moth is all year around going from one host tree to another.

Both are relatively easy to control so that you can obtain a reasonable amount of your crop as long as you follow my proven advise. Firstly let us understand how these two pests operate.

Being moths they only fly at night and they find their host tree by the smell of the forming and ripening fruit. So if they cannot smell your tree/fruit they will fly on by to a tree they can smell.

This is the first step in reducing the damage to your fruit by disguising the smell of the tree/fruit.

To do this you need an overriding smell that negates the smell of the tree.

Wallys Neem Tree Powder scattered on the ground underneath the tree from the trunk to the drip line.

Then by making some little bags out of curtain netting we hang more of Wallys Neem Tree Powder in the tree on the lower branches about head high at the four cardinal points.

So we use the Wallys Neem Tree Powder as described after flowering and when the fruit has formed to a reasonable size.

One application then is all that is needed for each crop to disguise the fruit as the powder last over 2 months slowly breaking down..

The next step in control is to prevent any grubs that hatch out near your fruit from eating their way into the fruit.

Once a grub enters the fruit you have lost the battle cause even if you use a poisonous systemic insecticide to kill it? Whats the point its going to die inside the fruit and be useless.

No you need a non toxic substance on the outside of the fruit that is going to prevent the grub from eating its way in.

Wallys Super Neem Tree oil with Raingard is the perfect answer.

You spray the fruit, not the tree so there is a coating of Wallys Neem Tree Oil on the skin of the fruit

protected from washing off in rain with Wallys Raingard (lasts for 14 days before reapplying.)

The Neem Oil is an anti-feedent which means when the young grub takes its first bite it will get some Neem Oil in its gut and will never eat again starving to death fairly quickly been so young.

On your mature fruit you will have a little pin pricked scar that where it took its one and only bite.

So all you do is just spray the maturing fruit every 14 days that are relatively easy to reach and spray.

Fruit that are more difficult to spray will likely be eaten by birds later on anyway and as long as you are getting a nice amount of fruit to harvest that is all that really matters.

Then there is also another way to control moth problem by which you set up a moth lure to attract them and kill them.

Take one litre of hot water add a100 grams of sugar, one teaspoon of marmite, half a tablespoon of Cloudy Ammonia and half a tablespoon of Vanilla:

Mix well and divide the mix between two plastic milk or soft drink bottles.

Punch some holes in the side of the bottles just above the level of the mix.

Place on a stand about a couple of metres away from the tree.

At about waist height like on a small folding table.

When a number of moths are caught dispose of them and make up a new solution.

Cloudy Ammonia used to be common once upon a time from a grocery store if not so easy to find try hardware stores, there are two chains in NZ and they may have.

If you do all three procedures for control or at least the first two then you should be able to once again en joy your own fruit.

The Codlin Moth traps are useful as if you monitor them they trap the male codlin moths which tells you it is the time to start using the Wally Super Neem Tree Oil spray on your apples etc.

If after a month you find no new male moths in the trap you can stop spraying as it is all over for the season. (That is unless you have Guava moths in your region).

Guava moth pheromone traps are a waste of time because they are all year round so there is no time to start or stop control sprays as with the Codlin Moth………..

Curly Leaf and Garlic Rust are also two concerns of many readers.

If you have either of these conditions currently my suggestion is to take a tablespoon of molasses dissolve in a litre of hot water and place in a trigger sprayer with 20 mils of Magic Botanic Liquid MBL (per litre) and spray the foliage of either plants. Repeat weekly.

The molasses can help save your crop by supplying energy that the leaves cannot create from sunlight because of the damage they suffer from the two diseases.

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How to collect rainwater for plants and garden as the summers get hotter and dryer

How to collect rainwater DIY

Collection of rain water at your hobby farm can be done in many ways. Most setups collect water from the roof of a house, garage or small building using the rain gutter diverting the water into holding tanks. Once the water is collected in a storage container the water can be used to water plants or gardens with the aid of a water hose outlet.


OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Operation In World History

Not new news but some folk may not have seen it. Worth a listen .. EWR

Finally, a military pilot steps forward and completely blows the lid off the unlawful and exceedingly destructive Global Chemtrail Program. What follows is a video which puts forth a true story about a courageous pilot who has broken ranks with his chemtrailing peers. In so doing he has risked his life and the life of his family. As you listen to this presentation, or read the text provided below, bear in mind that chemtrails are being sprayed 24/7 around the globe with terrible consequences.



Discover the AMAZING skin-protective benefits of black seed oil

(NaturalHealth365) Every day millions of dollars are spent by people trying to be more attractive, look younger, or resolve a skin problem like acne, eczema, or psoriasis.  Every day, many of those people are sorely disappointed.  There are many commercial products out there that are loaded with chemicals and synthetic ingredients that can do more harm than good.

By contrast, nature has again and again provided superior remedies for so many of these skin concerns.  One of the shining stars among them is Nigella sativa – black seed oil.



Grow Your Own Food with Tips from A School Garden Teacher

The coronavirus pandemic has inspired a lot of people to explore self-sufficiency in the form of scratch cooking and growing their own food. But for many first time gardeners, growing your own food is an intimidating task that brings up lots of questions: what to grow, where to grow it and, well, how not to screw it up? Is it as simple as throwing some seeds in some dirt, watering them and giving them sun? We asked an elementary school garden teacher for her tips: we figured, if she can teach young kids to grow their own food, she can teach you, too.

Sanaya Irani is a FoodCorps service member with Detroit Public Schools. She teaches kindergarteners through 6th graders how to turn nothing into something — how to feed themselves. She has found that “the detail-oriented aspects of gardening are especially challenging for students,” which is probably true for a lot of first time gardening adults as well. Here we dig into some of those details.


Image from Pixabay

The Gates/Rockefeller “Green Revolution” Scam Exposed

You’ve got to hand it to the globalists: they know how to take advantage of our better instincts. They have designed an entire international institutional infrastructure around the issues that the average non-psychopath cares about (or at least pretends to): helping the poor and the downtrodden, caring for children, ending inequities, taking care of the planet, etc.

This is why Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, just released his report on “Our Common Agenda,” which purports to provide a road map for “rebuilding our world and mending the trust in one another we need so desperately at this moment in history.” Not because he actually cares about saving the world, of course, but because he knows that we do and that many people can be persuaded to “make sacrifices”—up to and including relinquishing their personal sovereignty, as this report ultimately calls for—for the “greater good.”


What Are Figs Good For?

Often mentioned in the Bible as a sign of peace and prosperity,1 the fig tree is so ancient, remnants of the fruit have been discovered in Neolithic excavations sites circa 5000 B.C.2 Thought to be native to Western Asia or Egypt, figs were cultivated very early throughout the Middle East and Europe and finally reached England and China by the mid-1600s. Spanish missionaries planted orchards in California in 1769, where they still thrive today.3

Belonging to the mulberry family, there is a plethora of fig tree varieties.4 Most of them are small at 10 to 30 feet and thrive in warm, dry climates. Pollinated by a tiny wasp, fig trees never blossom because the flowers are on the inside, producing dozens and sometimes hundreds of miniscule seeds that give figs their unique, crunchy texture.5

Considered exotic in some areas of the world, figs are sweet and juicy when ripe. They can be red, yellow, purple-skinned or green-striped,6 each with their own unique flavor. But before they reach optimal ripeness, figs are gummy with “latex,” which contains serious skin irritants, so protective measures for workers are sometimes mandated for fig production operations.7

Dried figs are sometimes roasted and ground as a coffee substitute or converted into alcohol as a liqueur or tobacco flavoring.8

Figs are quite perishable and should be refrigerated if not eaten within a few days. They should be placed in the coldest part of your fridge, and will stay fresh for several days.9 Like apples, figs are a great snack by themselves, but can also be added (peeled or unpeeled) to many recipes. It’s interesting that the seeds only add to the satisfying, tasty chewiness. Best at the firm-to-tender stage, the riper they are, the more antioxidants they provide.10

Health Benefits of Figs

Figs are high in fiber and are a good source of several essential minerals, including magnesium, manganese, calcium (which promotes bone density) and potassium (which helps lower blood pressure), as well as vitamins, principally K and A, as well as folate and choline.11

The nutritional value of figs by weight increases when they’re dried, and they also keep for a longer period of time. A 100-gram serving of fresh figs, for instance, provides 35 milligrams (mg) of calcium, but the same amount of dried figs has 162 mg of calcium.12

Keep in mind, though, at the same time, 100 grams of dried figs contain nearly 48 grams of total sugars — 10 more grams than the maximum amount of added sugars recommended for adult males for a whole day — while raw figs contain just a little over 16 grams. Therefore, it’s important to monitor how many figs you eat if you consume them dried.

Whether fresh or dried, figs contain powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in your body and help fight disease.13 Figs also supply healthy amounts of dietary fiber, which keeps your digestive system regulated and may have a positive effect on weight management. According to one study, the fruits with the most fiber content include apples, dates, figs, pears and prunes, and there was a 34 percent reduction in breast cancer risk among women who consumed the most fruit fiber, compared to those who ate the least.14,15

Traditional medicine around the world has made use of figs as poultices on tumors, warts16 and wounds. The fruit and leaves have been pulverized and added to gargles to relieve sore throats.17

In some cultures, fig leaves are nearly as important as the fruit itself because of the unique health-related benefits they offer. This includes their ability to regulate blood sugar levels, since research has shown they contain properties that can actually reduce the amount of insulin needed by diabetics.18

As mentioned, despite their benefits, you should consume figs in moderation because they contain fructose (sugars), which may be harmful to your health in excessive amounts.

 Amt. Per
% Daily
Total Fat0.3 g 
Saturated Fat0.06 g 
Trans Fat  
Cholesterol0 mg 
Sodium1 mg 
Total Carbohydrates19.18 g 
Dietary Fiber2.9 g 
Sugar16.26 g 
Protein0.75 g 
Vitamin A 7 µgVitamin C2 mg
Calcium 35 mgIron0.37 mg

Studies Done on Figs

Natural phytochemicals with potent cytotoxic properties isolated from the ficus carica, as well as soybeans, were identified in one study as having inhibitory effects on the proliferation of various cancer cell lines.20

In another study, the fig variety Dottato was examined to assess its unique antioxidant, cancer-fighting, and phototoxic activity on melanoma cells. Data obtained indicated that this fig cultivar may be an excellent source of bioactive compounds such as phenolics, coumarins and fatty acids. This study offered a new perspective in developing other fig-containing formulations potentially useful in treating nonmelanoma skin cancers.21

Compared to other foods, figs were found to be one of the densest in phenolic antioxidants and nutrients, mostly fiber, in a study on the amount and quality of phenol antioxidants in dried and fresh fruits. Figs and dried plums had the highest nutrient score among dried fruits in trials of several individuals consuming them with carbonated beverages.

Scientists reported that fig antioxidants can enrich lipoproteins in plasma, protect them from subsequent oxidation, produce a significant increase in plasma antioxidant capacity for four hours after consumption and overcome the oxidative stress of consuming high-fructose corn syrup in a carbonated soft drink. The study conclusion was that:22

  • Figs are dense in phenol antioxidants and nutrients, especially fiber
  • They’re potent antioxidants (when they’re eaten)
  • Dried fruit makes up less than 1 percent of the fruits consumed by most Americans
  • Dried fruits should be eaten more often because of these findings

Scientists studying the effect of fresh fig “latex” on a stomach cancer cell line found that the latex acted as an anticancer substance without any toxic effect on normal cells. In another trial, dried figs were weighted down into 1 ml of distilled water for three months. After the water was drained, it was found that fig tree latex powder still retained its anticancer properties. Results showed that figs, dried or fresh, are possible subjects for helping treat stomach cancer.23


Image by Couleur from Pixabay

How to Make Homemade Yogurt – No Machine Required

Ready to make your own yogurt in your home or hobby farm. Here are some of the most watch videos on easy to follow steps on how to make your own fresh yogurt at home. Now you can enjoy homemade yogurt with no added chemicals or artificial flavors.


Image by Terri Cnudde from Pixabay

How to Grow Your Own Food

Growing your own is not only for survivalists, it’s for anyone that wants to save some money at the grocery store! There are also other benefits to growing your own food such as knowing what going into the soil, you get more food for your money, and you can feel good about yourself because you helped something grow. Even if you don’t know the first thing about growing your own food, we have a basic list below to help you get started.

Decide what to grow

The first step in this process is to decide what you want to grow. You may love to get lettuce from the grocery, but it may be worth considering trying to grow your own instead.


Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Virgin Coconut Oil Supplementation Improves Diabetic Related Kidney Dysfunction

by Crystal Lauer
Health Impact News

With Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) on the rise, and its clear relationship to unmanaged blood sugar and blood pressure unquestioned, virgin coconut oil is proving a valuable addition to the fight with ameliorate kidney function parameters in suffers of CKD and can even be protective for those at risk for the disease.

Lowering your risk for kidney dysfunction rests largely on lifestyle changes, but for change to occur in something so entrenched as an individual’s lifestyle, there is a need for impetus, and despite the fact that over 37 million people in the US alone are estimated to have CKD, many of those are completely unaware of the slippery slope they are currently on or headed towards.

For many people with damaged kidney function, the first they’ll hear of it is during a doctor’s visit, after damage has already begun and is revealed through blood and urine tests.

This ignorance of their condition stems from the lack of concerning symptoms, which would normally alert an individual to the presence of illness or disease and signify a need for change. 


Image by Couleur from Pixabay

16 Health Problems That Improved in Patients Who Switched From GMO to Organic Diets

By Jeffrey M. Smith

A new study reveals the harsh reality of a diet filled with genetically modified foods.

Peer-reviewed article released Tuesday in the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine and conducted by the Institute for Responsible Technology revealed that the health of all of the participants improved after switching to a non-GMO diet or simply reducing the amount of GMO foods they ate.

The results, from over 3,250 people, mostly in the United States, closely matched reports by physicians around the nation who have seen similar results when their patients change to largely non-GMO and organic diets.


Image by tookapic from Pixabay

Bentonite Clay: a safe way of removing toxins from your body

We are all struggling to avoid the wide variety of toxins in our modern world that gradually accumulate in our bodies and degrade our natural health. Test results prove very high concentrations of metal nano-particles are in the air, water and soil. Many sinus and respiratory issues are blamed on other afflictions; when actually, all of this is physical proof that geo-engineering is contaminating your life and health.

You must realize that any particles of metal in your blood stream, affects your mind and its ability to focus, remember and consider. We may not be able to stop this global assault on all life. But you can protect yourself and loved ones by removing these metals from your bodies.


Image by silviarita from Pixabay

“STUNNING” study reveals: Making THIS simple dietary change improves gut microbiome, helps prevent inflammatory diseases

(NaturalHealth365)  Research confirms what natural health experts have insisted for years:  that the gut microbiome – the community of bacteria in the intestinal tract – plays a vital role in health.  Researchers say imbalances in this microbial community – alternatively known as dysbiosis – can trigger a laundry list of unwanted health conditions, including increased risk of obesity, autism, “leaky gut,” and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

Now, a new Stanford School of Medicine study suggests that one simple dietary “tweak” – enriching the diet with fermented foods such as yogurt, fresh sauerkraut, and kimchi – can improve the health and diversity of the microbes (or microbiota) while reducing levels of inflammatory enzymes in the body.  So let’s look at how fermented foods contribute to better health and disease prevention.


Image by Benjamin Balazs from Pixabay

The Idiot Box: How TV Hypnotizes You (James Corbett)

In preparation for James Corbett’s upcoming course on The History of the Media, The Corbett Report Subscriber is presenting a three-part series on the past, present and future of mass media. Last week we examined How the First Media Moguls Shaped History. This week we examine the history of psychological research into mass media’s effects on the public mind and explore the particular properties of the television set that render its audience susceptible to its lies.

You can tell a lot about an item by the nicknames we give it. So what do our nicknames for the television tell us about that device?

“The idiot box.”

“The boob tube.”

“The tell-lie-vision.”


COGNITIVE WARFARE: The Battle for Your Brain [Part One]


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Ice Age Farmer@iceagefarmer 13,894 Followers


NATO has taken aim at a new target: your brain. Their ‘Cognitive Warfare’ report describes a hybrid of biotech/nanotech, social engineering, information warfare & psychological operations, and total surveillance, with a stated goal of “harming brains” of even civilians, to impair cognition and disable critical thinking. We are approaching not just the end of free speech, but of free thought, by associating any questioning of the official narrative with “extremism” and “terrorism.” Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

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SUPPORTERS – I recommend (because I use personally)

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Photo: screenshot iceagefarmer video

Detox Methods



  1. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC);
  2. Systemic enzyme blends (e.g. “Neprinol”), which support the healthy function of the liver and kidneys as they naturally clear and detoxify all systems of the body in eliminating unhealthy parasites, heavy metals, etc;
  3. Activated charcoal;
  4. Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.);
  5. Zeolite;
  6. Bentonite clay;
  7. Natural spike-protein repelling substances, e.g. fennel seeds, pine needle tea, star anise, vodka, tequila;
  8. Essential oils (e.g. Oregano, Star Anise, Melissa, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Fir, Spruce, Salvia);
  9. Ivermectin;
  10. Vitamin D3, Vitamin C and Zinc;
  11. Dandelions (e.g. roots, leaves and flowers); teas, infusions, tinctures, salads, etc;
  12. Garlic;
  13. Hydroxychloroquine (*see recipe below);
  14. Ayahuasca, Psilocybin mushrooms and Peyote.

The amount of time taken to clear/remove depends upon the original state of the body prior to the ingestion of these substances, either via experimental injection (Covid “vaccine”), air (chemtrails, geo-engineering, spraying, etc) or food (pesticides, fertilisers and impure water).

The importance of following a healthy protocol, which addresses all…

View original post 217 more words

Shindy’S 2021 Urban Container Garden

Cooking with Shindy

Growing an entirely container garden on a 22 ft * 22 ft concrete patch in Brooklyn, cultivates patience and gratitude right alongside your produce. I started this blog during the early stages of the COVID 19 pandemic in 2020. My experience in 2021 compared to 2020 can be described by the financial market caveat that “past performance is no guarantee of future results.”


Aerial View
Partial aerial view of garden

Nonetheless there were some disappointments and hard lessons learned about pest management and the general capriciousness of nature. Growing a container garden is hard work but oh so rewarding! You learn to see the beauty in produce that would be rejected from supermarket shelves.

But to be honest, it can be an expensive past time where the economic return on investment is questionable, especially when they yield does not meet expectations. I recommend saving seeds as much…

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This teenager spends her free time building custom wheelchairs for animals with mobility issues 

Something beautiful in our dark dark world right now …



A high schooler from Minnesota is on a mission of providing mobility to animals with mobility challenges.

During her free time, Shaine Kilyun is building wheelchairs for animals in need. With no one to teach her, the 16-year-old relies on YouTube tutorials to perfect her technique. Her process and finished products become more refined as she makes more of these devices.

Each wheelchair is customized based on the animals’ specific needs. So far, Shaine has created customized mobility devices for dogs, cats, and, soon, a duck.

As she is self-taught, Shaine works on a trial-and-error basis. She has made wheelchairs for animals of all shapes and sizes—from a tiny Chihuahua to a huge Great Dane. She has also come up with a unique locomotion aid for a hedgehog!

As young as she is, Shaine is already doing fantastic work for these animals. The impact of her mission…

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“The will to live life differently can start in some of the most unusual places….”

Environmental Health Watch NZ

“The will to live life differently can start in some of the most unusual places….”


From Pam Warhust in Todmorden. Here is one of the most amazing videos (13 mins) you’ll ever see if you have a love for transformation (and gardening). Like those TV programs featuring transformation of your home, your garden … anywhere … this ‘experiment’ can revolutionize the whole way townsfolk view gardening and its purpose in their surroundings. Representatives from the Todmorden project were invited to speak in Christchurch following the big 2011 earthquake to inspire their rebuild. Their system if you like, has spread around the world in fact … the TED video featured will show you just where. She and a group of volunteers … ‘we’re only volunteers and it’s just an experiment’ …  sitting around the kitchen table dreamed up this scheme to grow edibles around their town. Skipping all the usual paperwork…

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US Government funded study confirms fluoride reduces childrens’ IQ

Environmental Health Watch NZ

Fluoride Free NZ has sent a letter to the Minister of Health, David Clarke, drawing his attention to the research. You can read their letter at the website:

Dear David,

As you know, the landmark IQ study, Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6–12 Years of Age in Mexico, was published last year in Environmental Health Perspectives, the world’s leading health science journal.

The funding agencies for this study were U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Institute of Public Health, and the Ministry of Health of Mexico.

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More on the disposal of 1080 in our landfills

Environmental Health Watch NZ

The Whanganui item in this is the gob smacker. Unlined hole, old wetlands reserve turned landfill, undisclosed to public by all appearances, right dab next to a PRIMARY SCHOOL! How irresponsible is THAT? … EWR.

From NO to 1080 use in NZ FB page

1080 poison (Sodium Monofluoroacetate) is a hazardous chemical that is repeatedly dumped in New Zealand’s landfill sites (official and unofficial) without consideration for the potential harm. Contrary to some claims, 1080 does not easily breakdown into ‘harmless by-products’: one teaspoon of the poison can kill and harm as many as a hundred adults. It is highly lethal, stable in water, disperses readily through the environment, and in some conditions remains poisonous for months, if not years. For instance, in March 2000, 20 tonnes of mixed, unwanted 1080 poison baits, between 8-20 years old, were buried in West Coast farmland. When tested a few months later…

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Homemade cheese Making your own cheese at home

Hobby Farm Basics

How to make homemade cheese from milk

Learning how to make your own cheese on your hobby farm will allow you to have fresh homemade cheese. If you have you own dairy cows that will be even better. Know how to make cheese is a great craft for anyone to know. Take the time to what these how to videos and start making cheese at home.

How To Make Homemade Cheese! Simple, Cheap & Delicious

Easy homemade cheese

Making cheese can be down with easy to learn tips. The process is easy but can be a long process depending on the type of cheese being made. Some cheese can be made in 30 Minute Homemade Fresh Mozzarella Cheese.

How to Make Parmesan Cheese (Italian Hard Cheese) at Home

Learn how to make Parmesan cheese in your own homestead, This video provides all the steps from the type of milk to…

View original post 83 more words

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Cooking Green Goodness Magazine’s guide to growing good food at home

Violet's Vegan Comics

This is a brilliant inspirational post from Eartha Lowe, which makes me want to grow my own food, and tells you all the ways to go about it, even if you don’t have a garden. Click here to read the whole thing.

Published onMay 2, 2020

A Guide to Growing Good Food at Home: Planning YourSpace

written byEartha Lowe, Cooking Green Goodness Magazine

Gardening, for many people, is a uniquely fulfilling leisure pursuit. There are few better ways of quieting anxieties, stilling emotions and regaining a truer perspective on life. The whole point of maintaining a garden is to provide relaxation, or even food for the spirit with your own nurturing hands. However small your plot is, use it to grow aromatic herbs or flowers, attract butterflies, or maybe even vegetables and fruits – if you are really ambitious.

Photo Credit: Ashlie Thomas@the.mocha.gardener


Healthy, fresh food…

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Maine hospital fired so many unvaccinated employees they had to close the ICU

The Blogging Hounds

The administrators of Central Maine Healthcare in Lewiston, Maine, enacted a vax policy demanding all employees to take the vaccine. But more than 250 employees refused to comply before the deadline. These employees were subsequently fired.

Unfortunately for patients, about 170 of those employees were needed to staff the intensive care unit. Consequently, the hospital had to shut down its ICU because of the firings.

Because it lost so many employees, the hospital plans on cutting intensive care beds by 50% and reducing the number of medical surgical beds by 40%, theBangor Daily Newsreported. (Click Here)

Buttermilk Pancake Mix CasePack (50 servings, 5 pk.)

Other healthcare companies in Maine have also quit their jobs.

MaineHealth said 69 staffers resigned, Central Maine Healthcare reported 70 resignations at the time and 500 open positions at the hospital, and another 89 staffers left at Northern Light Health over…

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Walmart recalls aromatherapy spray that contained deadly bacteria


Walmart is recalling an aromatherapy room spray that contained a dangerous bacteria, which can cause a fatal health condition, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said Friday.

The retailer is recalling 3,900 bottles of the Better Homes and Gardens-branded essential oil infused aromatherapy room spray with gemstones. The spray bottles could contain Burkholderia pseudomallei bacteria, which can cause a condition called Melioidosis.

According to the CPSC, Melioidosis can be difficult to diagnose and can be fatal. Melioidosis is a rare but serious disease in the United States, with about 12 cases reported annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC conducted tests on the product and investigated four confirmed cases of Melioidosis, including two fatal cases, in the United States. Though the source of these four infections has not been confirmed by CDC, the CPSC said the bottle with the same type of bacteria was…

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