Washington, DC Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Concerned About Health Opposes 5G in New Resolution —

New Human New Earth Communities

By B.N. Frank Activist Post continues to report about now-passed federal legislation, continued opposition, and health concerns regarding the “Race for 5G… 841 more words

via Washington, DC Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Concerned About Health Opposes 5G in New Resolution —

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Quayside: Google’s New Smart City Is A Privacy Nightmare

Smart Meter News

Quayside: Google’s New Smart City Is A Privacy Nightmare

As Google applies its data management skills on a real city, Quayside, it is turning into a privacy nightmare. What it needs to do, it will not do because its prime directive is to collect identifiable data. De-identified data is totally useless to Technocrats at Google. ⁃ TN Editor

Sidewalk Labs, an Alphabet division focused on smart cities, is caught in a battle over information privacy. The team has lost its lead expert and consultant, Ann Cavoukian, over a proposed data trust that would approve and manage the collection of information inside Quayside, a conceptual smart neighborhood in Toronto. Cavoukian, the former information and privacy commissioner for Ontario, disagrees with the current plan because it would give the trust power to approve data collection that isn’t anonymized or “de-identified” at the source…

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Prior to its US ban, 1080 was added to water to poison ship rats – yet DoC says it’s safe in our waterways

Remember the NZ Government has changed the rules so that 1080 poison, a Class 1A Ecotoxin, can be dropped directly into our waterways, without a consent from regional councils. They assure us it is perfectly safe and breaks down in water. And yet, here we see historically it was added to water to poison rats. How ‘scientific’ is that? We have two conservation academics with multiple degrees to their names, one considered the ‘founder of modern pest management in NZ’,  discussing their concerns at the science used by DoC to back their Predator Free 2050 program. They say it “has not been well informed by scientific knowledge or conservation best practice”. Now, aside from the questions raised about the reliability of the science behind this ambitious yet questionable program, we have a seeming reluctance by the authorities  to test for 1080 should you get poisoned. Please check out our 1080 ‘Suspected Poisoning’ page to explore that notion. And more recently we had a retired NZ physician threatened with prosecution for advising the public how to go about getting themselves tested should they suspect they’ve been affected by a nearby 1080 aerial drop. He adds that should you die of it, nobody will know. 

Finally, on dilution. To cover that whole topic thoroughly requires a post of its own, however bear in mind the manufacturer’s data sheet warns us not to place 1080 in waterways at all:

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Then there was a former co leader of the Green Party who expressed concern about the testing of post 1080 drop water. The frequency of finding 1080 in water samples is at odds with independent testing he said. Official figures say 1080 is detected only 3% of the time however, from the calculations of an independent scientist that incidence is closer to 60%. Lastly we have to ask ourselves, if 1080 is so safe in water because it breaks down, then why was there ever a regional council consent required for it in the first place? All in all not good enough in my opinion. Keeping a Class 1A ecotoxin out of your drinking, or any other water really isn’t rocket science.


During the 1950s prior to being banned in the US, 1080 was added to  water to poison ships’ rats

From the ‘NO to 1080 use in NZ’ FB page

 1950’s America

Contrary to recent articles in the New Zealand media (including one seemingly supported by the Toxicology Dept of the University of Otago), 1080 poison does not become ‘safe’ when dissolved in water. In fact, historically (before it was banned), it was used in the USA as a poisoned water solution (along with DDT, before that was banned too), to kill the rats on cargo ships, in order to reduce the risk of rats’ fleas carrying a plague disease to humans.

In an academic public health journal, an article was published by Dr John H. Hughes on Aug. 11, 1950.
Entitled “1080 (Sodium Fluoroacetate) Poisoning of Rats on Ships” (Public Health Reports (1896-1970), Vol. 65, No. 32, pages 1021-1028) Dr Hughes explained how “the recommended concentration [for killing rats] is one-half ounce or 14 grams of the poison [which was] dissolved in one gallon of water.” The rats would drink from the poisoned-water bait-stations (which were made of paper cups) and die. Thousands of rats were found dead on 379 different ships, during inspections of the ships’ holds that took place between 24 hours to over a week after the poisoned water had been positioned. The dead rats were tested for poisoning to better understand the processes involved and then safely incinerated because the scientists knew of the high risks that the carcasses would contaminate other areas or poison other animals. The poisoned-water bait-stations were removed because “evaporation made the poisoned water more concentrated” – and therefore more lethal for unintended species.

Later, 1080 poison would be banned for use in ships’ holds, partly because, inevitably, many of the poisoned rats were NOT found: the risk of secondary poisoning was deemed to be too high.

If you are new to the 1080 poisoning program, a must watch is Poisoning Paradise, the doco made by the GrafBoys (banned from screening on NZ TV, yet a 4x international award winner). Their website is tv-wild.com. Their doco is a very comprehensive overview with the independent science to illustrate the question marks that remain over the use of this poison. There are links also on our 1080 resources page to most of the groups, pages, sites etc that will provide you with further information to make your own informed decision on this matter.


Measles Transmitted By The Vaccinated, Gov. Researchers Confirm

Here from greenmedinfo.com

Written By:

Sayer Ji, Founder


© [Oct 26, 2018] GreenMedInfo LLC. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of GreenMedInfo LLC. Want to learn more from GreenMedInfo? Sign up for the newsletter here http://www.greenmedinfo.com/greenmed/newsletter.

Research reveals that a vaccinated individual not only can become infected with measles, but can also spread it to others who are also vaccinated against it –doubly disproving that the administration of multiple doses of MMR vaccine is “97% effective,” as widely claimed. 

One of the fundamental errors in thinking about measles vaccine effectiveness is that receipt of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine equates to bona fide immunity against measles virus. Indeed, it is commonly claimed by health organizations like the CDC that receiving two doses of the MMR vaccine is “97 percent effective in preventing measles,” despite a voluminous body of contradictory evidence from epidemiology and clinical experience.

This erroneous thinking has led the public, media and government alike to attribute the origin of measles outbreaks, such as the one reported at Disney in 2015 (and which lead to the passing of SB277 that year, stripping vaccine exemptions for all but medical reasons in California), to the non-vaccinated, even though 18% of the measles cases occurred in those who had been vaccinated against it — hardly the vaccine’s two-dose claimed “97% effectiveness.” The vaccine’s obvious fallibility is also indicated by the fact that that the CDC now requires two doses.

But the problems surrounding the failing MMR vaccine go much deeper. First, they carry profound health risks (over 25 of which we have indexed here: MMR vaccine dangers), including increased autism risk, which a senior CDC scientist confessed his agency covered up, which do not justify the risk, given that measles is not only not deadly but confers significant health benefits that have been validated in the biomedical literatureSecond, not only does the MMR vaccine fail to consistently confer immunitybut those who have been “immunized” with two doses of MMR vaccine can still transmit the infection to others — a phenomena no one is reporting on in the rush to blame the non- or minimally-vaccinated for the outbreak.



PHOTO: Greenmedinfo


So much for herd immunity that the nay sayers always spout when you caution them to read the research before offering their bodies for any vaccination.

What NZ CEOs are paid

It’s difficult to be positive about the obscene salaries these people receive. Especially in light of Rogernomics & the Neo-lib disaster that destroyed so many people. And continues to do so. Great idea for those at the top, not so for those at the bottom. Of course it was a scam & in my opinion never intended to benefit everybody. We can see who it is benefiting right in plain sight here.


From the NZ Herald

Chief executives at New Zealand’s biggest companies got a 2.2 per cent pay rise last year, taking their average earnings to $1,755,352 in the 2017 financial year.

It was the second-smallest increase in the 13-year history of the Business Herald’s CEO pay survey.

The survey covers the top 50 companies listed on the sharemarket, with the exception of some property firms whose management structure makes it difficult to calculate CEO pay, and the addition of Fonterra because of its size, and Herald publisher NZME, included in the interests of transparency.

Fifteen executives experienced earnings declines last year, compared with nine recorded in the previous year’s survey. The 2.2 per cent average increase was the lowest on record, apart from 2011, when average CEO pay fell by 0.4 per cent.

While CEO earnings increases were modest compared to some previous years, 38 of the 50 chief executives in the survey still received more than $1 million in remuneration, and their average was 55 times the median annual income Kiwis received in that year, recorded at $31,928, according to Statistics NZ.

The average CEO increase was in line with the 2.3 per cent rise Kiwis received last year.

Former Fonterra boss Theo Spierings was the highest-paid executive last year. Spierings, who stepped down last month, received $8.3m for the 2017 financial year, up from $4.66m he received a year earlier.

READ MORE at the link (graphs & figures included)






‘Orwellian’: London Assembly Votes to ‘Arrest and Prosecute’ Pro-Life Christians

From late last year … and don’t they look threatening? Lining up there to offer some alternatives to parents who may actually want an alternative?

The London Assembly has been called “illiberal” and Orwellian after voting to call on the mayor “to clarify the powers available to [police] to arrest and prosecute” pro-life campaigners who pray near abortion clinics and offer support to mothers, accusing them of “harassment”.

The motion, passed Thursday and proposed by Labour members Dr. Onkar Sahotam and Fiona Twycross, labelled pro-life activists (pictured, above) and Christian women’s support groups “anti-choice campaigners” and accused them of “obstruction, intimidation and harassment”.

However, the Good Counsel Network (GCN), the pro-life group concerned, say there has not been a single conviction or caution from police in their 23 years of prayer vigils and outreach gatherings in Ealing, West London, near the Marie Stopes abortion clinic, where their campaigning began.

Mothers who have been helped by the group near the clinic have praised their actions.

In October, Ealing Council voted overwhelmingly in favour of a motion banning the group praying and conducting their pro-life outreach inside a 100-metre “buffer zone” around the clinic.

The pro-abortion, radical feminist “direct action group” Sister Supporter, who pushed for the vote, hopes it will inspire similar bans all over the country.

“We’re hoping Ealing sets a precedent to stop the growing harassment of women using abortion services. What happens here could start a domino effect for other councils to follow,” Anna Veglio-White, a spokesman for the group has said.

However, Conservative London Assembly members say the GCN has been attacked because politicians “disagree” with their views, not because they have acted unlawfully, and the GCN insist in a statement passed to Breitbart London that there is no evidence of “harassment”.



Scientists Call For Chemtrail Spraying To Stop ‘Global Warming’ ROTFL!!!

I posted recently on this, from NZ’s Stuff, same line. They are trying to kid the sleepers it’s a new thing while many of us know they’ve been doing it for decades. The illusory facade of democracy & free speech however is cracking.

Nwo Report

Scientists believe we might have to mimic volcanic gases in a last ditched attempt to protect the Earth from ‘global warming’.

An international panel of climate scientists is now urging the nations of the world to take “unprecedented” new steps to address extreme warming by using of chemical aerosols to blanket the skies.

Natural News reports: Better known among truth-seekers as “chemtrails,” aerosol spraying purportedly has the potential to create a massive “heat shield” to protect the globe from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, which in turn will help to keep it “cool,” according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

IPCC has dubbed the concept “solar geoengineering,” and NBC News describes it as an effort to “re-engineer Earth’s stratosphere” by aiming to duplicate the sulfurous clouds that result following a major volcanic eruption.

Scientists at IPCC came up with the idea after the recent impact of Hurricane…

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“NZ’s Predator Free 2050 program .. not .. well informed by scientific knowledge or conservation best practice” say two conservation academics

NZ’s very controversial Predator Free 2050 program is driven by “international agreements and a global agenda to purge all non native species of animals and plants around the world”.

A paper published by Professor Wayne Linklater and Dr Jamie Steer (July 2018) in Conservation Letters: A Journal of the Society for Conservation Biology  (cited at the Wiley Online Library*) concludes that the Government’s Predator Free 2050 program “has not been well informed by scientific knowledge or conservation best practice. It also misdirects attention” they say “from more fundamental and direct threats to biodiversity protection and recovery”.

Associate Professor Wayne Linklater from Victoria University’s School of Biological Sciences, considered by many to be the “founder of modern pest management in New Zealand” was recently awarded the 2018 Peter Nelson Memorial Trophy by New Zealand’s Biosecurity Institute in recognition of his research in pest management.

Dr Jamie Steer is a  Senior Biodiversity Advisor for Greater Wellington Regional Council. He has a Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science from the University of Auckland, a Master of Science in Ecology and Biodiversity, and a Bachelor of Science in Biology. He is a former member of the Ecological Society of New Zealand and a current Associate of the New Zealand Centre for Human-Animal Studies.

I’m sure you will agree that these two academics are well qualified to be commenting on NZ’s Predator Free agenda. DoC have purportedly discussed with them the concerns outlined in their research paper, however DoC is undeterred. Bear in mind they are tasked with selling to the public a global agenda signed up to historically to rid every nation in the world of any and all non native species, plant and animal.

You can read the research paper at the link:

Predator Free 2050: A flawed conservation policy displaces higher priorities and better, evidence‐based alternatives


New Zealand’s policy to exterminate five introduced predators by 2050 is well‐meant but warrants critique and comparison against alternatives. The goal is unachievable with current or near‐future technologies and resources. Its effects on ecosystems and 26 other mammalian predators and herbivores will be complex. Some negative outcomes are likely. Predators are not always and everywhere the largest impact on biodiversity. Lower intensity predator suppression, habitat protection and restoration, and prey refugia will sometimes better support threatened biodiversity.




*”Conservation Letters is a scientific journal publishing empirical and theoretical research with significant implications for the conservation of biological diversity. The journal welcomes submissions across the biological and social sciences – especially interdisciplinary submissions – that advance pragmatic conservation goals as well as scientific understanding”.  SOURCE







A Case for Eating Organic Food – My Grandmother Would Agree


My grandmother was born in 1889 and lived to the ripe old age 92. She died of natural causes and had no cancer in her bones. For most of her life, the food she ate was essentially organic. For it was only after WWII, around 1945, that we began applying chemicals used in war to our fields and furrows.

Could her all-organic diet have contributed to her long and healthy life?

A new study suggests that just may be the case.

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Department of Conservation Independent Poisoned Cow Investigation – nothing “independent” about it (GrafBoys)

So the authorities have finished investigating themselves … three weeks it’s taken for a truly ‘in depth’ report passing all of the blame predictably, onto the victims of the said drop.

Thanks to the GrafBoys for their truly independent coverage of this issue.

Published on Oct 23, 2018

The Department of Conservation has initiated an ‘independent” investigation following the death of 8 cows killed in its recent aerial 1080 poisoning operation. But is the independent investigation really independent?

Dr Mark Geier explains the fraud behind the flu vaccine

In the video below, Dr. Mark Geier explains the fraud behind the flu vaccine. Dr. Geier is NOT anti-vaccine. He is an M.D. and has a PhD in genetics. He spent 10 years working at the National Institute of Health, and was a professor at Johns Hopkins University as a geneticist. He is also the author of over 150 peer-reviewed publications.

He worked on vaccine safety and efficacy for more than 30 years. He was one of four scientists that worked to replace the DTP vaccine, a vaccine that caused every child to become sick with a high fever at the time of vaccination, with the DTaP vaccine, which is a more purified vaccine and causes illness due to fever in only 3% of those vaccinated.

Post 1080-drop water monitoring: a former Greens MP says there is gross misrepresentation around the official figures presented by DoC

Former Greens MP Steffan Browning, interviewed recently by Raglan Community Radio, discusses his preference for exploring alternative methods in culling pests. He also believes the information supplied to Eugenie Sage regarding the frequency of finding 1080 in water samples is at odds with independent testing. Official figures say 1080 is detected only 3% of the time however, from the calculations of an independent scientist that incidence is closer to 60%. The 3% figure supplied to OSPRI, Forest & Bird and so on, is in Browning’s opinion inaccurate & a gross misrepresentation. To go straight to the water sampling discussion go to 12 minutes.

And by the way, in addition to saying there are other Green MPs who are pro alternatives to 1080, he mentions former Green Party Co-Leader Rod Donald’s preference for the trapping alternative, illustrated by the Possum covering he had for his Parliamentary seat. What a shame their current Party stance is not so green on this topic.



Below is an excerpt from 1080’s product information warning about dropping baits in water, however the government has changed the rules so that they can drop it into waterways without a resource consent. The point of this news item is the way tests are carried out to determine poison levels, however, it is also pertinent to remember the manufacturer’s warning regarding water sources & 1080 risks:

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Despite high rates of abandonment and failure of previously monitored kea nests the Kea Conservation Trust plans to continue

Carol Sawyer recently drew attention to a letter to the editor by scientist Dr Jo Pollard that expresses concern over the Kea Conservation Trust’s plans.

carol kea post 19 oct 18.jpg


“Dear Sir

I read your article on the activities of the Kea Conservation Trust (ODT 10/10/18) with despair. Paying no heed to the recent deaths of two pet kea that were blood sampled by DoC, this volunteer group is continuing with its blood sampling of wild kea. The group is also planning more interference with kea nests, despite high rates of abandonment and failure of nests which they have monitored previously. Normally, a female kea spends years building her nest then can use it for life. Even a preschool child knows that disturbing a bird’s nest is likely to cause abandonment and attract predators. Scientific literature backs this up. Research has also shown that stoats and possums are not normally a threat to kea nests, but other kea and falcons are and are likely to be attracted by monitoring. Science and common sense indicate that kea would be much better off left alone.

Yours Sincerely

Dr Jo Pollard (BSc (Hons), PhD)”