


August 18, 2014 by
Last updated on: June 3, 2015

injection-519388_1280.jpgAccording to a study by Focus Autism Foundation, a CDC whistleblower revealed manipulation of scientific data in regards to the MMR vaccine. There was pressure from the top to get CDC (The Center for Disease Control and Prevention) scientists to support government policies on Vaccine Safety, ignoring and hiding the risks involved.

It turns out that the CDC knew about increased autism rates among African-American Boys who received MMR shot earlier than 36 months.

A top research scientist working for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) played a key role in helping Dr. Brian Hooker of the Focus Autism Foundation uncover data manipulation by the CDC that obscured a higher incidence of autism in African-American boys. The whistleblower came to the attention of Hooker, a PhD in biochemical engineering, after he had made a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for original data on the destefano et al MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and autism study.” –

Dr. Hooker stated “The CDC knew about the relationship between the age of first MMR vaccine and autism incidence in African-American boys as early as 2003, but chose to cover it up.”





Published on Dec 5, 2016 In the USA, 1 in every 50 children is now autistic. In this award-winning documentary, investigative film maker Gary Null looks at the causes of the autism epidemic and reports on children’s recovery from autism. Visit for more information or to purchase the DVD

Trace Amounts: Ethyl Mercury | Educational Documentary

Eric Gladen of Trace Amounts

About Eric Gladen

Trace Amounts is the first film by director Eric Gladen. After years of battling illness, Eric Gladen decided to leave the life he knew behind and focus his efforts on researching autism. After more than a decade of analysis, interviews, and traveling, Eric is releasing a film that has not only affected his own life, but the lives of many others in our world today. Eric lives in California and currently manages the World Mercury Project, a non-profit organization which he founded.

After recovering from a mysterious and devastating illness, director Eric Gladen started researching the science behind autoimmune diseases. His research led him straight into one of the biggest medical controversies of all time: whether or not childhood vaccines cause autism. However—his film is not an anti-vaccine film. He doesn’t concentrate on the vaccines themselves but on something that belongs nowhere near them; on mercury, part of the ingredients used as a preservative in vaccines. Eventually, Eric decided to quit his career, moving into an RV and traveling the country for years in order to interview experts and piece together thousands of studies and leaked documents. When the puzzle was finally complete, the answer was very clear to him. He believes that mercury is the trigger for psychological and neurological autoimmune conditions and autism. His film presents interviews with specialists in the field, as well as specific scientific research and experiments that show how dangerous mercury is. At the very least, his documentary creates a platform for open dialogue for all aspects of this issue, for or against, in hopes of enlightening the public.


Egyptian Study Confirms Autism Is Caused by Mercury in Vaccines

Ever heard of metabolic brain disease? A team of nine scientists from top Egyptian medical schools and universities may have just confirmed that one in every 50 American children has it, and its primary cause could be mercury in vaccines.

How was this determined? Exposure to mercury can be measured by analyzing children’s urinary porphyrins – excreted organic compounds that act as biomarkers for mercury toxicity. Not only does the presence of mercury in urine and blood expose the long-known link between metabolic brain disease (autism) and vaccines, but the severity of autism (and its broad array of symptoms) is directly correlated with the levels of exposure to this known neurotoxin. Yes, you read that correctly.


How the MMR Vaccine is Linked to Autism & the CDC Cover-Up: Dr Andrew Wakefield





Published on May 20, 2016 – Dr. Andrew Wakefield shares how and why there is a causal association between the MMR Vaccine (Mumps Measles Rubella Vaccine) and Autism. Some reasons include parent observations of the child who became drowsy, slept for days, had high-pitched screaming and seizures and then never recovered (clinical history). This would be brain inflammation from vaccination. There are studies that show that the vaccine measles virus has been found in the blood, intestines and spinal fluid of those vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. Finally, there is a strong statistical correlation between the MMR vaccination and Autism in African American boys according to the CDC Whistleblower William Thompson. For the full story, watched the documentary “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe”

Produced by Larry Cook
Founder and Director of
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Nine Month Old Triplets … All 3 Exhibit Severe Autism Spectrum Disorder Within Hours of Shots, Defying the Genetic Argument – a Heartbreaking Story


This is heart breaking to watch. Two boys and a girl, healthy and thriving nine month old babies. They were vaccinated with one vaccine at a time, not with multiple vaccines as is often done. This was their Pneumococcal vaccine. From smiling and bubbly babies they shut down … staring at the ceiling…


A Disturbing Prediction – by 2025 Half of All Newborns Will Have Autism


This gloomy prediction was made at a GMO conference in December of 2014 by MIT senior scientist Stephanie Seneff, PhD. Originally a computer and artificial intelligence researcher, Seneff has shifted over the past several years to biology, with a focus on the impact of environmental toxins on our rapidly declining health.

Aluminum toxicity has been an issue with Dr. Senef, so vaccines are part of her equation to autism. But possibly just as much is the pervasive abundance of glyphosate. She and her research partner Anthony Samsel researched the relationship of glyphosate based herbicides (GBH) such as Roundup to the epidemic of many modern diseases, including Celiac, Alzheimer’s and autism.


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Any article reproduced here provides general information that may not be relevant or appropriate to any one individual’s personal health needs; before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

With regard to vaccines, we are pro informed choice.

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