
With the growing epidemic in cancer now (1 in 3) most of us know someone who has had cancer or has been affected by it via their own circle of family and / or friends. Likewise, most of us are accustomed to the mindset that cancer is a death sentence. For most of those we’ve known who had cancer (I can currently think of five in my own circle) they did the rounds of chemo and surgery and all, sadly, passed on. What you will read on these pages will challenge your thinking however. To conceive of there being any alternative protocols is to most of us, unthinkable. We cannot bring ourselves to think outside of that box. It’s too scary and not worth, we consider, the

Chemo works only 3% of the time

gamble. (You may be surprized to learn that chemo only works 3% of the time – that is said by medical professionals who’ve concluded you statistically live longer with no treatment than with chemo.) I encourage you to keep reading however, because you will see that many did take that unthinkable step and were rewarded for doing so. There are many many folks who have looked at alternative options that do in fact exist but are not widely publicized. Mainstream medicine is skeptical of these alternatives and will seldom, if ever, encourage you to explore them. If you have been given a death sentence by mainstream medicine, and have already undergone all of their options, 12274304_10154013839415353_6467781659342762031_nwhat do you have to lose? To view some of those options there are two particular websites to get you started – thetruthaboutcancer and cancertutor websites (links to both are on the Alternative Treatments page). There you will find videos by medical doctors, the protocols they employ and the success stories of those who were treated by alternative protocols to beat cancer.  Note, I am not encouraging you to forsake professional medical advice, I am encouraging you to seek out a medical professional who is able to treat you in an holistic manner and will encourage and advise you in the use of alternative protocols.


(Photo credit: GMO FREE U.S.A.)

The Cancer Statistics

  • 20,000 people die of cancer every day
  • this translates to 8 million deaths every year
  • one half a million of these are Americans
  • at the beginning of last century one person out of 20 would get cancer
  • in the 1940s it was one out of every 16 people
  • in the 1970s one person out of every 10
  • today it is one person out of three gets cancer in the course of their life
  • over one million Americans are diagnosed with a new cancer every year

Deaths from cancer in NZ

  • Cancer was the most common cause of death for both males and females in New Zealand in 2011, accounting for nearly a third of all deaths.
  • 8891 people had cancer recorded as their underlying cause of death; 52.3% of these were male.
  • Between 2001 and 2011 the age-standardised death rate from cancer decreased by 13.4%, from 145.5 to 125.9 per 100,000 population (Source )


What to do after cancer diagnosis

From Director/Founder American Anti-Cancer Institute
Bob Wright, founder of the American Anti-Cancer Institute, talks about some of the first things you should do after you get a cancer diagnosis.


“Helping New Zealanders fight Cancer Naturally”

Read here of the remarkable recovery of NZ man, Anton Kuraia, who had been given just weeks to live. His story will inspire you …..

“My journey and eventual remission in October 2013 has provided me with a new sense of purpose and appreciation of life. I hope my experiences can inspire and comfort those who are affected by cancer.”

 “My Journey”

Police officer Anton Kuraia is a cancer patient who is now thriving after treatment and is preparing for an 809 km walk. 07 November 2014 Photograph by John Stone. NAG 08Nov14 -
Police officer Anton Kuraia is a cancer patient who is now thriving after treatment with Vitamin C

“I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia in May 2013. I was immediately admitted into the Auckland hospital oncology ward and expected to receive chemotherapy treatment for about 6 months. Everything happened so fast because of the acuteness of my AML that we barely had time to catch our breath – I saw my GP on a Wednesday, was transferred from Whangarei to Auckland hospital on the Thursday, and by Friday 24 May had a confirmed diagnosis and was being prepped to start chemo the following Monday. Life as we’d known it changed irrevocably in what seemed like an instant.

After about 10 weeks of hospitalisation and 2 gruelling cycles of chemotherapy I was discharged on Wednesday 31 July 2013 with the devastating news that the chemotherapy had not worked, my cancer was too aggressive (at between 60-70% of what was left of my bone marrow) and that my quiet, rapid death would come within 4 to 8 weeks, after falling into a coma. I was shattered and broken, struggling to comprehend the incomprehensible and wondering how I could tell my family and completely destroy their hope. I remember asking my haematologist if there was anything I could do, anything at all but it was made clear that there was nothing more they could do, there were no other options they knew of and that certain death would be upon me….

My devastated brother and mother brought me home to Whangarei …  the trip was a blur but I remember the strong feeling of homecoming when we hit the top of the Brynderwyns and looked out to Bream Bay, Mt Manaia and the Heads.

I told my wife Louise, and saw her face change from happiness at me being home, to utter despair… Although our boys suspected something was wrong, my news was met with the worst grief imaginable. It was the most heart-breaking moment of my life, especially when my youngest said “It’s not fair Dad, I’ve only known you for 10 years of my life”.

My story is as much about family – my own family, my Police family and my therapy family – as it is about surviving cancer. In fact, I wouldn’t be here were it not for the love, support, care and faith of all my families both the ones I was born into and created with Louise, and the ones I’ve made more recently.

About two days after returning home, my eldest son returned from school and said that his friend’s uncle had used high dose vitamin c to help combat his cancer… His uncle had gone to see Dr Wojcik … Dr Wojcik was known to me as the on-call Police forensic doctor, and his clinic is at the top of our road….”

Read MORE at Anton’s website: 

“Helping New Zealanders fight Cancer Naturally”

‘Like’ Anton’s FACEBOOK PAGE


Anton is also raising funds to offer ‘Bundles of Hope’ for sufferers who are given a similar prognosis as he was …  learn about this HERE and please do consider donating:

“When cancer patients are discharged and considered terminal by the hospitals, our charity is offering a gift package, a “Bundle of Hope” to help the individual strive for quality of life, extension of life and possibly go beyond what anyone expected…..”


Looking elsewhere for a cure for cancer

Friday 1 Nov 2013 7:16 p.m … from TV3 (NZ)

The role of alternative therapies in cancer treatments has always been controversial.

Doctors very rarely endorse them, instead they might cautiously say they’re happy for patients to seek other options, but when you have no options left – like for father-of-three Anton Kuraia – you’ll try anything.

Mr Kuraia was told he had just weeks to live, but more than two months on, he’s here to tell his story – which his oncologist says is very, very unusual…. READ MORE & WATCH VIDEO at TV3 site

Taking on Big C with vitamin C

Diagnosed with cancer followed by failed chemotherapy Anton Kuraia was given only weeks to live. He started planning his funeral. Then he tried intensive infusions of vitamin C. Ten months on and he’s alive with the cancer in remission…. READ MORE at Northern Advocate 


Sunday: Sunday meets Anton Kuraia who has been battling cancer with vitamin C…SOURCE


This website is for information purposes only and should not to be construed as medical advice. Nor is it intended to be a substitute for advice from a qualified health professional. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition.

Any article reproduced here provides general information that may not be relevant or appropriate to any one individual’s personal health needs; before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

My aim here is to inspire you with information from both professional Medical Doctors and Oncologists who have long -time experience in the field, and with stories from people who have fought life threatening illnesses and survived. There are many, both abroad and in NZ. 

With regard to vaccines, we are pro informed choice.

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