What Cellphone and Tobacco Research Have in Common

Smart Meter News

What Cellphone and Tobacco Research Have in Common

 By Holly Kellum, Epoch Times | May 12, 2015

View original post 780 more words

EMFs Promote Cancer in Massive Animal Study

Smart Meter News

EMFs Promote Cancer in Massive Animal Study

Italians Seek “Reevaluation” of EMF Safety

Once again, power-frequency magnetic fields have been found to act as a cancer promoter.

Eighteen months ago an international team led by Elisabeth Cardis in Spain showed cancer promotion in workers exposed to chemicals and extremely low frequency (ELF) EMFs. Now an Italian team has found essentially the same promotional effect in animals exposed to ionizing radiation and ELF EMFs.

Rats, which received a single low-dose of gamma radiation early in life and were exposed to magnetic fields for their entire lifetime, developed higher than expected rates of three different types of cancer: Breast cancer and leukemia/lymphoma, as well as an extremely rare and obscure tumor, called malignant schwannoma of the heart.

The new study, which was carried out at the Ramazzini Institute in Bologna, Italy, is part of the most ambitious EMF animal project ever attempted.

View original post 17 more words

KiwiSaver accounts missing millions

piggy-bank-967181_1280Tens of thousands of workers are missing millions of dollars from their KiwiSaver accounts because their employers have failed to either pass on payments docked from their pay, or pay their own employer contributions.

Figures obtained by RNZ News show Inland Revenue is chasing thousands of employers for $29.3 million in outstanding payments and penalties that have accumulated since the retirement savings scheme was launched in 2007.

At the end of June 2015, 1663 employers had failed to pass on $15.3m in KiwiSaver payments deducted from their employees’ own salaries to the IRD.

These deductions were government guaranteed so workers would eventually get the money.

But since 2007, 2210 employers had failed to pay $10.6m in KiwiSaver contributions to 46,154 employees.

Businesses are legally required to pay 3 percent of an employee’s gross salary towards their KiwiSaver.

IRD collections manager David Udy said the vast majority of the businesses that had failed to pay were small and employed between three and five staff.

READ MORE: http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/297165/kiwisaver-accounts-missing-millions


The Kiwi Saver Scam Finally Comes Home To Roost.

A Goldman Sachs-organised, ‘risk-free’ loan of $200 mill Kiwi Savers’ funds is now LOST after the bank collapses – still trust your government?

The Serious Fraud Squad Should Investigate John Key and Merrill Lynch’s Involvement With the Cullen Fund!

John Key confesses to his role in destroying the global economy on breakfast TV

Does John Key personally profit from NZ’s growing indebtedness? Hear him explaining his shares with the Bank of America – the bank that’s ‘too crooked to fail’

John Key is a shareholder in the Bank of America – Major conflict of interest with the TPPA

“Toe the line and deny any pollution by the HDC” was the clear message given by Mayor Brendan Duffy to Horowhenua District Councillors – a former HD Councillor speaks out

” … during my time on council … I was placed under pressure to toe the line and deny there was a [pollution] problem”  Former HDC Councillor Anne Hunt

2Copy of Anne

Former Horowhenua District Councillor Anne Hunt, who is backing the claims made by both Councillors Campbell and Feyen (see links at bottom of page) regarding the HDC’s role in pollution of Horowhenua’s waterways,  has revealed that on two occasions they as Councillors were given a clear message by Mayor Brendan Duffy that they were to “toe the line and deny pollution by the Council”. The first of those occasions concerning a 2008 visit by Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman is addressed here, the second which relates to the pollution of Shannon’s waterways, will be covered in another post.

Mrs Hunt has previously stated on Maori Television in a documentary about the pollution of Lake Horowhenua that HDC is its “worst polluter” and she still stands by this statement (see video at 3.56 minutes).

Dr Russel Norman’s Visit in 2008

Mrs Hunt described an occasion in 2008 when Dr Russel Norman came to Levin to speak with HDC’s Mayor, CEO and representatives about the pollution of Lake Horowhenua by Levin’s nearby waste water treatment plant. At a Council workshop on the day prior, they were told, said Mrs Hunt, that TV3 was coming up to interview the CEO David Ward. Cr Leigh McMeeken suggested they should all stand around him as a show of support. She  describes the workshop:

“We were all sitting around the council table, and Brendan [Mayor Duffy] asked each councillor individually to speak to this and voice their support [of the CEO’s stance]… finally coming around to glare at me. I felt most uncomfortable and managed to mumble a non-committal answer. But the message was clear that I was not to step out of line. The Mayor and every other councillor supported the staff position on this, and agreed that Dr Norman was simply political point scoring”.

Put simply, Mrs Hunt says they knew they were to deny that their Council was polluting the lake.

dr russel norman by lake pic credit green party
Dr Russel Norman standing by Lake Horowhenua on his visit to HDC in 2008 – he correctly concludes the lake was contaminated with E.coli [Photo Credit: Green Party]
During his visit Dr Norman was given the opportunity to fly over the lake and take photographs. It was not until a couple of months later that he was proven right by Horizons official tests  (3 Oct 08 Manawatu Standard) about the sewage pollution when samples showed high levels of E coli, confirming faecal contamination.

WWTP and Lake
Aerial photograph by Dr Norman showed groundwater from earthworks at the plant was pouring into the lake and creating a plume of dirtier lake water

Dr Norman’s Conclusions on the Sewage Contamination

Dr Norman concluded there was absolutely no doubt sewage was seeping into the lake and said it was turning out to be one of NZ’s worst sewage disasters in years. Official tests found high levels of E.coli between council sewage ponds and Lake Horowhenua. He commented that the HDC had a history of resource consent breaches including a then recent court appearance regarding Shannon’s sewage ponds. Mayor Brendan Duffy and CEO David Ward he said, have constantly downplayed risks, with Mayor Duffy calling any critics of his waste disposal practices ‘ill-informed’. The council had given priority he said to  a $10.4 mill council building over proper waste treatment.

The new Council building … “an edifice to stupidity” – Cr Michael Feyen

The Sewage Pollution of Lake Horowhenua was FACT

This has been an abbreviated revision of Dr Norman’s conclusions. Fuller coverage  will be the subject of a later post. It serves here in its brevity to illustrate that in spite of HDC denials, the pollution of Lake Horowhenua by sewage was factual, as official tests later proved. And the point of this post being to endorse the actions of Mr Andrews (the 70 year old Shannon environmentalist who was recently assaulted at his home by intruders) and Crs Ross Campbell and Michael Feyen,  in endeavouring to film what appears to be deliberate pollution by the HDC,  bringing it to the notice of the public. A public that elected these representatives to manage their public resources, prudently and not negligently.

Particularly, it exposes, thanks to Mrs Hunt, the clearly unethical tactics employed by the HDC in coercing its Councillors to think and ‘vote’ a certain way.

You have a situation here where your Councillors that you vote for on election day, the people whom you are expecting to represent your views when important decisions are made at your local District Council … they are actually being told how to vote … and that is according to the directive of the CEO.

Is this democratic?

Clearly not.

What  we have here it seems, is an illusion of democracy. Behind those closed doors Councillors are not permitted to represent you … their hands are tied. Clearly there have been three Councillors here who were willing to speak the truth … at great cost to themselves. For that I applaud them.

“When we tolerate what we know to be wrong–when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy, or too frightened–when we fail to speak up and speak out–we strike a blow against freedom and decency and justice”. – Robert Francis Kennedy

Finally, bear in mind that your local District Councils are registered on Dun and Bradstreet’s website as companies. (Check this out for yourself). A company is:

“… any formal business entity for profit which may be a corporation, a partnership, association or individual proprietorship…” SOURCE

So we need to be asking ourselves, to whom do our Councils (that are really companies) owe their allegiance? To you the ratepayer/citizen? Or to corporate/company interests, given they exist ‘for profit’? Does this not explain a few anomalies? 

On a final note, these courageous Councillors who have put their heads above the parapet and spoken truth deserve our thanks. Do consider emailing them in that regard, or leave a comment here. And the same goes for the local residents, in particular Mr Andrews, who have also stood up and been counted.




If you agree with this article please like our FB page and share – help us to expose lies and promote truth.


Exposing the pollution of your waterways may well incur a violent backlash as two Horowhenua residents found out – the ongoing lip service councils pay to Iwi, the RMA & ‘sustainable development’

Horowhenua District Council’s pollution whistleblower has been served a trespass warrant – so what’s to hide?

“HDC is a top drawer polluter” says another Horowhenua District Councillor who filmed similar pollution to Shannon’s 14 months ago – he says HDC’s recent take was “misleading & full of half-truths”

“The whole thrust of one workshop was aimed at undermining the credibility of WECA members” … More revelations from a former Councillor on Horowhenua DC’s “long-standing & insidious” tactics



3 Oct 08 Manawatu Standard-Lake Horowhenua Contamination from Sewage Confirmed 

Sad Time for Lake Horowhenua – Green Party Press Release 2 Sept 08

Sewage Ponds Overflow at Lake Horowhenua Green Party Press Release 21 Aug 08 – Russel Norman gets offside with local Council 26 Aug 08







Here is a Horowhenua petition about the local landfill you may like to consider signing … all info contained herein, and click on the link at the end to take you to the petition site to sign. The petition was not created by EnvirowatchRangitikei, however we are advertising it on the campaign creator’s behalf.


Close the Levin Landfill as the uncontrollable toxic leachate has started to contaminate the Hokio stream.

Why is this important?

Levin LeachateHorowhenua District Council is hell bent on keeping the Levin Landfill open despite the huge environmental and financial costs. HDC has admitted they cannot contain the landfill leachate that seeps into the Hokio Stream. Their approach is to change resource consent conditions so they can legally pollute the wider environment including the stream.
It begs the question why?
As a member of a community group who have been keeping an eye on the landfill operation for over 17 years I have come to the conclusion it’s all about politics, as nothing else makes sense.
About ten years ago Mayor Duffy campaigned that he was going to make half a million dollars per annum by importing Kapiti’s rubbish into the Levin Dump. They made a secret contract (they say this is commercially sensitive) with Midwest Disposals. Although they have been telling the public that all is well the truth is the landfill has been losing vast amounts of ratepayers money and is now over $4.5 million in debt.
The reason they are in debt is because the landfill is located in the worst spot imaginable, in permeable sand-country, near a stream and beach, upstream of a township, on shallow ground water and on sensitive ex Maori occupied land. Any of these points should have been a reason not obtain a resource consent but it was pushed through by Horizons Regional Council and HDC in 2002 without proper process which was later investigated by the Parliamentary Commission for the Environment who gave both councils a damming report. Unfortunately the culture hasn’t changed.
Because of the landfills location on sand country, millions of extra dollars has to be spent on trying to contain the toxic leachate which has proven to be impossible.
A five yearly review is now underway with Horizons imposing a new set of conditions. These conditions are being contested by HDC.
So we have the two councils fighting each other, wasting hundreds of thousands of our dollars, when it could have all be resolved if Horowhenua District Council would come clean and discuss the option of the alternative landfill at Bonny-Glen which is far more cost effective and environmentally efficient.
With enough people power we can get rid of this disgraceful polluting dump from our backyard and start to restore our once pristine environment so please sign the petition.

Campaign created by
Malcolm Hadlum

“HDC is a top drawer polluter” says another Horowhenua District Councillor who filmed similar pollution to Shannon’s 14 months ago – he says HDC’s recent take was “misleading & full of half-truths”

“HDC is a top drawer polluter. This is not the first time accurate film footage has been taken of wilful contamination of the Manawatu River … I took extensive film footage 14 months ago and was ridiculed at the time”
Cr Michael Feyen

In recent posts we have highlighted the ongoing pollution of Horowhenua’s natural water resources (see posts here and here). Now another Councillor,  Michael Feyen, has backed the claims of Councillor Ross Campbell about the Council’s role in this pollution, and says he made similar video footage to Cr Campbell’s 14 months ago for which he was ridiculed.

“… council’s take on the issue was misleading and full of half-truths”
Cr Michael Feyen

Seventy year old Shannon resident John Andrews, who was with Cr Campbell recently while filming the sewage discharging into Stansell’s Creek, featured in news headlines shortly afterwards when he received a late night bashing by 3 to 4 men. There may or may not have been a connection between the two incidents, however, you can read the article and draw your own conclusions about that. The matter will still of course be under Police investigation.

Cr Feyen has been reported by the Herald as saying: the “council’s take on the Shannon issue was misleading and full of half-truths”.  He himself has posted around 80 other videos on Youtube  (watch these at the link) documenting the deliberate pollution of both Horowhenua and Manawatu waterways with both sewage and farm effluent. (The above video features pollution of the Manawatu).

The people mandated with protecting our environments, our District Councils and Horizons, who all adhere (on paper at least) to the goals of sustainable development, are in fact complicit in polluting them. This is happening both NZ and world wide.

“Two-thirds of more than 160 monitored river swimming spots in New Zealand have been deemed unsafe for a dip”   NZ Herald  30/1/2015

And further food for thought … your local District Councils are registered on Dun and Bradstreet’s website as companies. (Check this out for yourself). A company is:

“… any formal business entity for profit which may be a corporation, a partnership, association or individual proprietorship…” SOURCE

So we need to be asking ourselves, to whom do our Councils (that are really companies) owe their allegiance? To you the ratepayer/citizen? Or to corporate/company interests, given they exist ‘for profit’? 

Stand up people and make these folks accountable. Our clean water is almost gone. Few rivers are clean enough to swim in any more. Your silence is taken as acceptance of the status quo.

On a final note, these courageous Councillors who have put their heads above the parapet and spoken truth deserve our thanks. Do consider emailing them in that regard, or leave a comment here. And the same goes for the local residents, in particular Mr Andrews,  who have also stood up and been counted.




If you agree with this article please like our FB page and share – help us to expose lies and promote truth.



Exposing the pollution of your waterways may well incur a violent backlash as two Horowhenua residents found out – the ongoing lip service councils pay to Iwi, the RMA & ‘sustainable development’

Horowhenua District Council’s pollution whistleblower has been served a trespass warrant – so what’s to hide?

“On two occasions Horowhenua District Councillors given a clear message by Mayor Brendan Duffy ‘to toe the line’ and deny any pollution by the HDC” – a former HD Councillor speaks out

“The whole thrust of one workshop was aimed at undermining the credibility of WECA members” … More revelations from a former Councillor on Horowhenua DC’s “long-standing & insidious” tactics







Horowhenua District Council’s Pollution Whistleblower has been served a trespass warrant – so what’s to hide?

Further to our recent article on the Horowhenua District Councillor who alerted the public to the pollution of Shannon’s waterways by allegedly raw sewage, the Horowhenua District Council has served a trespass warrant on their own Cr Ross Campbell. This is the man who filmed the raw evidence (see footage below) of what appears to be equally raw sewage and toilet paper spewing into the Stansell Street creek at Shannon. (I can find no news links to the serving of a warrant – I saw it on Facebook and it has since been removed). Although the District Council is saying the video is a distortion of the facts Cr Campbell says the video speaks for itself and “he’s not changing his stance on the issue”. He had received a number of calls on the day from concerned locals who had seen the sewage discharging into water where children were swimming. A call to Horizons resulted in a post inspection comment that the HDC was abiding by their consent.

“It’s a joke really. This is absolutely shocking … the stench was horrible. This was straight sewage, no treatment, no nothing. It’s putting everyone at risk who uses the stream.”
Cr Ross Campbell

See the toilet paper for yourself. The HDC have claimed it has been put there deliberately by somebody. But what would that somebody have to gain from such actions? Definitely a lot of stress given this outcome, and who ever would pay them for exposing pollution? The claim doesn’t really hold water.


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The trespass notice Horowhenua District Council has served on their own Councillor Ross Campbell


Above is a copy of the trespass warrant that was removed from Facebook. (I note other news links from the event are now no longer operative).

So why has the Horowhenua District Council served a trespass warrant on the Councillor who filmed the sewage? If they are so above board then what have they got to hide? Why are they not inviting the public to inspect for themselves and see that everything is good.

And why, as citizens of our ‘clean and green’ paradise, we need to ask, are Councils polluting and not protecting our environments …. according to their stated mantra of ‘sustainable development’?  Consider, your local District Councils are registered on Dun and Bradstreet’s website as companies. (Check this out for yourself). A company is:

“… any formal business entity for profit which may be a corporation, a partnership, association or individual proprietorship…” SOURCE

We need to be asking ourselves, to whom do our Councils (that are really companies) owe their allegiance? To you the ratepayer/citizen? Or to corporate/company interests, given they exist ‘for profit’? 

This kind of carry on is NOT sustainable!

On a final note, these courageous Councillors who have put their heads above the parapet and spoken truth deserve our thanks. Do consider emailing them in that regard, or leave a comment here. And the same goes for the local residents, in particular Mr Andrews,  who have also stood up and been counted.




If you agree with this article please like our FB page and share – help us to expose lies and promote truth.


Exposing the pollution of your waterways may well incur a violent backlash as two Horowhenua residents found out – the ongoing lip service councils pay to Iwi, the RMA & ‘sustainable development’

“HDC is a top drawer polluter” says another Horowhenua District Councillor who filmed similar pollution to Shannon’s 14 months ago – he says HDC’s recent take was “misleading & full of half-truths”

“On two occasions Horowhenua District Councillors given a clear message by Mayor Brendan Duffy ‘to toe the line’ and deny any pollution by the HDC” – a former HD Councillor speaks out

“The whole thrust of one workshop was aimed at undermining the credibility of WECA members” … More revelations from a former Councillor on Horowhenua DC’s “long-standing & insidious” tactics





TPPA – John Key plans to push ahead with changing NZ’s laws and won’t be waiting to see if the US is going to ratify the agreement

Yesterday in Parliament I asked the Prime Minister if he is planning to change our laws to implement the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), even before it is clear if the US Congress will ratify it.

The Prime Minister said he was going to push ahead with changing our laws and wouldn’t wait to see if the US was going to actually ratify the agreement.

If Congress doesn’t agree to the TPPA, or if the Japanese Parliament doesn’t, the whole deal falls apart. This is because the TPPA requires ratification by countries representing at least 85 percent of the total GDP, and that means the US and Japan have to be on board.

The problem is that it’s far from clear if the US Congress will ever ratify the TPPA in its current form. A majority is currently opposed. Some members are demanding further concessions for the US tobacco industry or the big pharmaceutical companies, which would be bad for New Zealand. While President Obama is supportive, none of the Democratic or Republican front-runners to replace him support the TPPA.

We could find ourselves in a lose-lose situation where we’ve changed our laws to suit the TPPA, but the TPPA itself never comes into force so the tariffs and other trade barriers don’t disappear for our exporters.

So then I asked, if the TPPA becomes null and void because the US Congress dumps it, will New Zealand reverse the changes to our laws that we’ll have already made?

The Prime Minister’s answer was no. The Government won’t delay introducing and passing legislation to ratify the TPPA, and then won’t reverse the laws if it doesn’t go ahead.

He seems to be saying that we could be left with several alarming changes to our laws, with absolutely no trade benefit in return. These include:

  • Raising the threshold at which Overseas Investment Office approval is needed from $100 million to $200 million, making it easier for overseas investors to buy up our farmland and industry.
  • Changing the length of copyright from 50 years to 70 years, with an annual cost of around $55 million. We’ll also need to establish new enforcement powers for Customs, and new civil and criminal penalties for copyright infringement.
  • Changes to the Patents Act, which are likely to complicate Pharmac’s access to cheaper medicines.
  • Changing the Plant Varieties Act, making it harder for farmers to save seeds for use in the following season, and the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act to strengthen the rights of agricultural chemical manufacturers.
  • Changes to the Tariff Act and the Customs and Excise Act – dropping our tariffs for other TPPA countries.
  • Changes to the Trade Marks Act.

Thankfully, some of the most alarming aspects of the TPPA, such as the investor state dispute process that allows corporations to sue governments, don’t require legislative change. So if the TPPA does fall apart in the US Congress, we won’t have already swallowed that particular dead rat. But we will have swallowed others.

SOURCE: https://blog.greens.org.nz/2016/02/17/jumping-the-tppa-gun-could-backfire/

Ford spent $40 million to reshape asbestos science

Shocking evidence here of why you must research everything today. Honesty is a thing of the past in the name of profits. (If you don’t believe this, search the various corporations and see how they are regularly fined (peanuts) for their false claims). Playing with people’s lives like this is tantamount to murder. How many people have been exposed to asbestos without ever knowing until it’s too late? And on top of that, the medical industry does its best to downplay holistic and statistically more successful protocols to treat us with.  EnvirowatchRangitikei


Over the past decade 109 physicians, scientists and academics from 17 countries have signed legal briefs affirming that asbestos in brakes can cause mesothelioma.

The Center for Public Integrity
In 2001, toxicologist Dennis Paustenbach got a phone call from a lawyer for Ford Motor Company.

The lawyer, Darrell Grams, explained that Ford had been losing lawsuits filed by former auto mechanics alleging asbestos in brakes had given them mesothelioma, an aggressive cancer virtually always tied to asbestos exposure. Grams asked Paustenbach, then a vice president with the consulting firm Exponent, if he had any interest in studying the disease’s possible association with brake work. A meeting cemented the deal.

Paustenbach, a prolific author of scientific papers who’d worked with Grams on Dow Corning’s defense against silicone breast-implant illness claims, had barely looked at asbestos to that point. “I really started to get serious about studying asbestos after I met Mr. Grams, that’s for sure,” Paustenbach testified in a sworn deposition in June 2015. Before that, he said, the topic “wasn’t that interesting to me.”

The World Health Organization and other research and regulatory bodies maintain that there is no safe exposure level for asbestos and that all forms of the mineral — including the most common one, chrysotile, found in brakes — can produce mesothelioma.

Thus began a relationship that, according to recent depositions, has enriched Exponent by $18.2 million and brought another $21 million to Cardno ChemRisk, a similar firm Paustenbach founded in 1985, left and restarted in 2003. All told, testimony shows, Ford has spent nearly $40 million funding journal articles and expert testimony concluding there is no evidence brake mechanics are at increased risk of developing mesothelioma. This finding, repeated countless times in courtrooms and law offices over the past 15 years, is an attempt at scientific misdirection aimed at extricating Ford from lawsuits, critics say….

READ MORE: http://www.publicintegrity.org/2016/02/16/19297/ford-spent-40-million-reshape-asbestos-science?

Exposing the pollution of your waterways may well incur a violent backlash as two Horowhenua residents found out – the ongoing lip service Councils pay to Iwi, the RMA & ‘sustainable development’

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John Andrews, environmentalist, says he was  attacked on his own property [Photo: Maori TV]

“A 70-year-old man has been bashed in a late night attack at his home in Horowhenua. Staunch environmentalist John Andrews says he may have been a target as he had highlighted pollution issues from the Shannon Sewage Treatment Plant into the Otāuru River.” (Maori Television)

Mr Andrews said he had been attacked from behind on his own property, kicked and bashed in the head and other parts of his body. He said he saw three men in the attack and a possible fourth as well. When this incident first appeared on Facebook he was reported as saying that the parting comment of one of his attackers were words to the effect of “Lord Duffy said ‘hello'”. (Here is a link to Stuff’s report on the attack).

Although the Facebook post made it clear Mr Andrews was just relaying what was said, and not saying he connected the incident with Levin’s Mayor Brendan Duffy, ensuing comments in the media have understandably, correctly or otherwise, suggested there is a link. Any connection with the incident however is denied by the Mayor.  


“We had had an altercation with the Regional Council earlier in the day out there and I don’t know if there’s any connection and I would only be speculating if there was, but this fight has been going on for years,” John Andrews. (by Maori Television)

Shannon, where Mr Andrews lives, lies within the jurisdiction of the Horowhenua District Council.

2Copy of statements
Horowhenua Chronicle

Mr Andrews had been at the Mangaore Stream earlier in the day with Horowhenua District Councillor Ross Campbell, when Cr Campbell filmed footage of the treatment ponds and the discharging of raw sewage into the steam. Cr Andrews had then talked with a worker at the plant, who agreed to turn the pump off.

3Copy of statements
Horowhenua Chronicle

Subsequently, footage of sewage and toilet paper in the water was posted on social media, footage that the HDC claims is a distortion of facts, even suggesting the toilet paper was put there by somebody.  (View footage here). (There were other videos posted also which may or may not be related but do indicate the concern that exists with this pollution).

The Pollution of Lake Horowhenua

Lake Horowhenua, its water now so toxic it could kill, polluted for decades by discharge of local sewage and farm effluent

This is not the first time this Council has come under the spotlight for pollution of its natural water resources, or that people who have highlighted pollution have incurred a violent backlash. As indicated, the fight over pollution has been going on with the HDC for years. This claim is borne out in the history of Lake Horowhenua, a natural resource that is owned by the Muaupoko Iwi. This once pristine lake, dubbed by the Listener as the ‘lake of shame’, had been transformed  from a valuable source of income and kai  … into a literal toilet bowl. Raw sewage had been pumped into it for two decades starting in the 1950s (tantamount to emptying a septic tank’s contents onto your vegetable garden) and although it ceased in the 1980s, the lake has continued to be polluted to this day by effluent from surrounding dairy farming, by some sewage and from local agricultural activity. The price tag to clean up the pollution and realize the dream of having swimmers cross the lake last ANZAC day (2015)  was estimated by Horizons to be $2.886 million. It is one of the top ten most polluted lakes in New Zealand and testing has revealed just a small glassful has the potential to kill a small child. A former HDC Councilor Anne Hunt said when in office, that one of the worst polluters of the lake was the HDC (see video at 3.56 minutes). The Crown has admitted this:

“The Crown has conceded it failed to protect Lake Horowhenua from pollution, breached the Treaty of Waitangi on multiple occassions and left the Muaupoko iwi virtually landless…”(Waitangi Tribunal Hearing 2015)

The lake’s guardian, Phil Taueki,  Muaupoko, explains:

“We agreed to share it with the public but there are certain rules we ask them to respect to protect the lake … we have to hold those who are accountable for allowing our most prized taonga to be turned into the town’s toilet … “

The following video explains the lake’s history and the fight by its owners for decades to keep it clean. See also the Listener’s article here.

Lack of Respect for Sacred Sites & Blatant Disregard for the Resource Management Act 1991

Local Maori in Shannon, Ngati Whakatere, have recently protested (late 2015) about the Council’s lack of respect for sacred Maori sites with regard to their excavations. (See video BELOW). The Resource Management Act 1991 clearly requires consultation with local Iwi around any intentions to excavate, however the Council simply is not listening.

In the first video about Lake Horowhenua (at 6 minutes),  Mayor Duffy (interviewed by Karley Hemopo of Marae TV) clearly displays his blatant disrespect both for Maori values and for the Resource Management Act which the HDC (that he represents) is legally required to observe and adhere to. He states when asked what the objections by Maori regarding excavation by the Council were (in the case of the Queen Street storm drain) he states:

“Oh God knows … it’ll be around … it’s a burial site or … a burial site? … I don’t think so…”
Mayor Duffy

The Resource Management Act, dating from 1991, lists “matters of national importance” that are to be protected in any decision:

Matters of national importance (The Resource Management Act 1991)

“In achieving the purpose of this Act, all persons exercising functions and powers under it, in relation to managing the use, development, and protection of natural and physical resources, shall recognise and provide for the following matters of national importance: …..

(e) the relationship of Maori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, waahi tapu, and other taonga:

(f) the protection of historic heritage from inappropriate subdivision, use, and development:

(g) the protection of protected customary rights…”   (SOURCE: RMA)

Soon after Mayor Duffy’s statement in the video  (at 6.23 minutes) an interview with a land owner and lake trustee Vivienne Taueki reveals she approached HDC about their own objections even before construction began in 2004 yet Council states they have no record of such objections.

The Ongoing Lip Service Councils Pay to ‘Preserving & Enhancing Natural and Cultural Resources’ and ‘Sustainable Development’

For a few years now we’ve been hearing that term ‘sustainable development’. It’s often accompanied by the term ‘smart’, implying clever and is  related to goal setting and achievement. You can read the full definition of these two terms here  however below is a small quote:

Smart growth values long-range, regional considerations of sustainability over a short-term focus. Its sustainable development goals are to achieve a unique sense of community and place; expand the range of transportation, employment, and housing choices; equitably distribute the costs and benefits of development; preserve and enhance natural and cultural resources; and promote public health. SOURCE

You will see these terms displayed on our Regional and District Council websites, and on our Horizons websites, those authorities that are entrusted with the care of our environment. The Sustainable Land Use Initiative (SLUI) for instance  “will not only protect and conserve our valuable hill country soil resources, but also address water quality issues and improve downstream flood protection.” 

So, with the rhetoric that exists in all of these policy statements relating to the oft quoted Long Term plans, we should have very clean water at least. Yes?

But no. NZ wide we have waterways that are unsafe to swim in any more. The Manawatu River has earned the dubious ‘honour’ of being the most polluted river in the Southern Hemisphere. See here and here, short video clips about the pollution of that river by a HDC Cr Michael Feyen. Clearly the Horowhenua waterways are no exception.

So, ironically, the authorities mandated with protecting our natural environment and resources seem to be failing miserably in their ‘performance objectives’ (you know, ‘sustainable, smart’ and all of that?) Here in the Rangitikei we have the same issue going on with the pollution of our own Tutaenui Stream where our District Council (RDC) has a long legacy of non compliance with consents and no in-stream biota survey (assessing the aquatic life of the stream) for over a decade, a report that’s required three yearly. (I asked our Mayor Andy Watson twelve months ago when there would next be one … he advised me to email the Council on that … no reply yet). And the fudging of the amounts of leachate dumped into our WWTP (waste water treatment plant) by a very considerable amount (like up to 12 tanker loads per day not the stated 2-3 per 1-2 days). These authorities appear to act more favourably towards corporate interests than those of the people who elected them.

The Alleged ‘Unhealthy Relationship’ that Exists between HDC and Police

Consider also the unhealthy relationship cited by Phil Taueki  that’s alleged to exist between the HDC’s Mayor and the Police. In the Lake Horowhenua video above, Mr Taueki, when arrested (see at 1.07 minutes) for trying to enforce protection of the lake, was refused permission by Police to lock up his premises, and returned the next day to find his property and car trashed. Where is the due process of the law and justice in these matters when Mr Taueki attempts to highlight matters of pollution? Additionally, Mr Taueki says that 75% of the charges against him over the past two years in this respect have been dropped before they ever got to Court.

To offer you food for thought on all of that, consider this;  your local District Councils are registered on Dun and Bradstreet’s website as companies. (Check this out for yourself). A company is:

“… any formal business entity for profit which may be a corporation, a partnership, association or individual proprietorship…” SOURCE

So we need to be asking ourselves, to whom do our Councils (that are really companies) owe their allegiance? To you the ratepayer/citizen? Or to corporate/company interests, given they exist ‘for profit’? 

On a final note, these courageous Councillors who have put their heads above the parapet and spoken truth deserve our thanks. Do consider emailing them in that regard, or leave a comment here.  And the same goes for the local residents, in particular Mr Andrews,  who have also stood up and been counted.



If you agree with this article please like our FB page and share – help us to expose lies and promote truth.



“Toe the line and deny any pollution by the HDC” was the clear message given by Mayor Brendan Duffy to Horowhenua District Councillors – a former HD Councillor speaks out

Horowhenua District Council’s pollution whistleblower has been served a trespass warrant – so what’s to hide?

“HDC is a top drawer polluter” says another Horowhenua District Councillor who filmed similar pollution to Shannon’s 14 months ago – he says HDC’s recent take was “misleading & full of half-truths”

“The whole thrust of one workshop was aimed at undermining the credibility of WECA members” … More revelations from a former Councillor on Horowhenua DC’s “long-standing & insidious” tactics




Money As Debt I And II

See where your money comes from!

Aotearoa: A Wider Perspective

I seem to have gained quite a few new readers since the last elections. For this I am very grateful!I thought I would celebrate this with a repost of two animation videos which taught me a great deal about our money system.

Max Keiser, the other day, stated: We don’t live in a Capitalist system which is based on savings and investing those savings in wealth producing enterprises (his version of Capitalism).  We live in a Debtism system, a system based on fiat money creation leveraged and re-hypothicated time time and again and used to buy up real world wealth transferring that wealth from the 99% to the 1%.

You might think that this is just some far fetched conspiracy theory but here is what the bank of England has to say about it’s money creation process:

Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in…

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Thanks To GMOs, We Are Consuming Highly Toxic Pesticides EVERY SINGLE DAY

SOURCE: We Are Anonymous

More than 90% of all soybean, cotton and corn acreage in the United States is used to grow genetically modified crops. Other popular and FDA approved genetically modified food crops include sugar beets, alfalfa, canola, papaya, summer squash, apples that don’t brown and bruise-free potatoes.

However, if you have been led to believe that genetically modified foods were one of the main reasons why the world was enjoying food with less pesticide residues, you are being misled – the fact is, GMOs replaced one class of harmful pesticides with something more poisonous – neonicotinoids, dicamba, 2,4-D, DDT, glyphosate and its family of products including Round Up – and therefore ended up doing more harm than good.

READ MORE: http://anonhq.com/thanks-gmos-americans-consuming-highly-toxic-pesticides-every-single-day/

Lest you are thinking Kiwis, “we’re not affected by this over here”,  as Kiwis who read the mainstream media often do, think again. Our stock is fed GE food (report the Greens) so it’s in our meat. Our pastures are also sprayed liberally with glyphosate (which our stock eats) and we had trial GE corn grow here in ’99 left to harvest with a raised threshold on GE’s acceptable levels, many thanks to Helen Clarke (all kept from the public at the time). It’s coming by increments. And it’s not labeled of course and since much of the corn and soy products found in so much packaged food now (that companies decline to declare the origins of) a very high percentage of that is GM. Search other GMO articles here under categories and check out the Glyphosate pages.


Cannabis Can Cure! Jon Eisen and Vinny Eastwood

An excellent exposé here of the reasons why cannabis has been made illegal. For Kiwis, this is local too. If you are new to the fact that cancer is curable without the only mainstream ‘cures’ offered (chemo, radiation & surgery) … or that chemo only works 3% of the time, or that you will live longer with no treatment at all than you will with chemo … then please watch. And visit our Cancer pages for info about other protocols that people have used with success, like our own Anton Kuraia from Northland NZ.



Vinny Eastwood
  Published on Oct 25, 2015

Jonathan Eisen editor of Uncensored Magazine and Vinny Eastwood Host of The Vinny Eastwood Show break down the reasons why Cannabis should be used as a medicine and the death that is being caused by keeping it illegal while drug companies profit from killing people with medical treatments that are not only expensive, but don’t work!


For more info on cancer go to our Cancer pages for links to other alternative protocols.



TPPA Updates

Bulletin #84

10 February 2016


What an amazing protest!

Thanks to all who supported the protests, in Auckland and across the country, on 4thFebruary 2016. More than 15,000 people (some estimates put it as high as 30,000) marched down Queen St in one of the biggest protests in a decade. During the day, activists undertook rolling blockades of traffic across the city centre around the Sky City casino where the TPPA was signed. It has shaken the government and they are on the back foot. Despite the barrage of media spin in favour of the TPPA (especially in the Herald) we are winning the battle for public opinion.

What happens next?

In terms of the official process, the National Interest Analysis (a biased sell job, prepared by MFAT) has been tabled in Parliament. It’s Our Future responded calling for evidence not spin.

MFAT is holding TPP Roadshows

MFAT says: “The roadshows will present the outcomes of the TPP negotiations. Members of the public are welcome. The roadshows will also help businesses prepare to take advantage of new opportunities presented by TPP’s entry into force.  The morning session of each roadshow will provide an overview of TPP, and afternoon workshop sessions will have a more technical focus.

·        Auckland, 7 March, Rendezvous Hotel, corner Mayoral Drive and Vincent St, Auckland Central

·        Christchurch, 11 March, Rydges Hotel, 30 Latimer Square, Christchurch City

·        Dunedin, 14 March, The Dunedin Centre, 1 Harrop Street, Dunedin

·        Wellington, 18 March, Westpac Stadium, 105 Waterloo Quay, Pipitea, Wellington

Registrations close on 1 March 2016. More roadshows will be held in other regional centres in the coming months. Locations are likely to include Hamilton, Napier, New Plymouth, Nelson, Palmerston North, Tauranga, and Whangarei. Updates will be published on this website, or you can contact tpp@mfat.govt.nz if you would like to register to be updated.”

It’s Our Future will provide fact sheets and questions for those who want to attend the meetings.

Waitangi Tribunal TPPA Urgency Hearings

The hearings will be held on 14-18 March in Wellington. Register here.

Select Committee hearings

The Foreign Affairs Trade and Defence Committee of Parliament is expected to hold hearings on the TPPA in the March-April timeframe (we don’t yet know the timetable or locations for the hearings, but hopefully there will be a number of them across NZ). We are planning actions around those hearings:

·        Hold meetings in each city before the Select Committee hearings to give everyone the latest update on research and analysis

·        Debates and events are being organised in several cities

·        There may be protests linked to the hearings in some cities

·        ActionStation will be organising standard on-line submissions

Parliamentary Debate

After the Select Committee report and the government response, a combined bill covering eight pieces of legislation will be introduced to Parliament. This will need to be voted on by Parliament, but at present it looks as if the government has a majority (even without the threat of Labour MP Phil Goff voting for it). We will look at the potential for holding some big rallies around the Parliamentary vote.

General Election in 2017

The TPPA will not come into force before 2018. This means there will be a general election in New Zealand before it is actually implemented. We need opposition parties to stand firm in rejecting the TPPA, and, if we are not able to stop it, to commit to withdrawing from it in future. We will run a campaign to let political parties know that voters want a clear NO to the TPPA!

TPPA Ratifications

Even if the TPPA goes through the ratification process in New Zealand, it won’t come into force until it is ratified by countries making up 85% of the combined GDP of TPPA countries. There is opposition from almost all leading candidates for the US Presidency and the TPPA is looking shaky in Congress. The new Trudeau government in Canada has undertaken to consult properly on the TPPA and warned that they may not ratify. It is possible that the TPPA will be significantly delayed, or even never implemented.

For more details on the TPPA process, see the research paper authored by Jane Kelsey.

Take Action against the TPPA

In addition to the above actions, there are a number of campaign actions that you can take. A summary of those is on the It’s Our Future Take Action page:

·       Sign the petition to the Governor-General. Following the handover of initial signatures on a petition to the Governor-General, calling for him to withhold his assent for ratification of the TPPA, the petition has been re-launched. Please download the petition here and build pressure for him to act.

·        Sign the petition calling on the government not to ratify the TPPA. We only launched the petition a few weeks ago and it’s now up to 53,000. Please Sign Now!

·        Declare your space a TPPA Free Zone. You can declare your home, neighbourhood, community centre, school, workplace, bike or car as a TPPA Free Zone. Download signs and materials and join Facebook for ideas for action. TPPA Free Zone stickers (13cm X 10cm) are available at $35 per 100. Tony Hartnett (thartnett@ihug.co.nz) has offered to collect up orders to send to the printer.

·        Congratulations to Waiheke Local Board for becoming a TPPA Free Zone. Get involved with your Council or Local Board to declare a TPPA Free Zone.Motueka protester Greg Rzesniowiecki has been doing an amazing job in supporting Council actions, on his two year anti-TPPA roadtrip. Greg will write to all Councils in the next few days inviting them to declare their territory or region a TPPA Free Zone. There will be a new kit developed to assist activists, using the resources developed in the lobby on Waiheke, Upper Hutt and Christchurch Councils. Contact him at gregfullmoon013@gmail.com to discuss Council resolutions.

·        Target the media. The mainstream media have got away with biased reporting that has under-stated the numbers on our protests, ignored our message and disrespected protesters. Meanwhile there has been a constant barrage of government PR spin echoed by journalists. We need to build our movement on social media and through our own networks, but we also need to respond to the media with articles, letters and, where necessary, complaints.

Protest events around New Zealand

This is a partial list. Events have also taken place in many other centres including Nelson, Blenheim, Palmerston North, New Plymouth, Rotorua, Tauranga, Hastings, Whangarei and the hikoi, cars against the TPPA and many others. Please let me know at itsourfuturenz@gmail.comif you have news and footage of events against the TPPA in your community. Information will be updated on www.itsourfuture.org.nz.


There was a lunchtime protest outside MP Michael Woodhouse’s office, which is on a prominent intersection. Lots of tooting in support! Workers stand to lose.


Catchy youtube video on the Christchurch Council action. The action resulted in the Council agreeing to hold a workshop on a  TPPA Free Zone. And Christchurch’s Josie Butler grabbed headlines in New Zealand and internationally with her well-aimed dildo thrown at Steven Joyce! In her words.


The rally for democracy and sovereignty at the Governor General Gates on 30th January delivered 4300 signatures to the Governor General’s Official Secretary, Gregory Baughen in a solemn ceremony. There was an earlier hikoi from Waitangi Park to the Governor’s gates.

News reports on the fantastic Te Papa banner drop: https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/extremely-disrespectful-tpp-protesters-target-anzac-exhibition.html

A ‘not-a-rent-a-crowd’ protest of around 600 gathered at Wellington’s cenotaph beside Parliament for a rally and speeches, joining the calls against TPPA signing.


Hundreds (about 20% of the population) jumped from Raglan footbridge in a chain bomb, or watched, and when many signed the petition to the Governor-General.


The march organised by It’s Our Future was HUGE! It was led by kapa haka groups, followed by elders and leaders from trade unions, NGOs and political parties, with a colourful array of placards and banners. The march was load, passionate and a strong signal to the government that a majority of Kiwis are against the TPPA. Check out the analysis of on-line TPPA protest activity.

Earlier on, protesters organised by Real Choice surrounded Sky City where the TPPA was signed, with chanting and drums. There was a rolling blockade of intersections around Sky City and onto the motorway, joined in the afternoon by the Hikoi against the TPPA.

Images from these events are posted at TPPA Images. Please add your photos and videos to the page. For more photos of the event, check out these great albums:

·        TPPA Free Zone photos by Dominic Hartnett

·        TPPA Protest photos by Kina Sai

·        TPPA Blockade photos by Pati Solomona Tyrell.

·        Anti TPPA Blockade photos by Baz Mantis Photography

·        Blockade the TPPA Signing! photos by Emily from Accompany Collective.


With the exception of John Campbell’s interviews and possibly TVNZ’s reporting , the mainstream media coverage was insulting and patronising, trawling through hours of footage to give the impression the protesters were ill-informed.

As the Trade Ministers arrived on the preceding day, they were met with banners and an LCD screen as an ‘Unwelcome Committee’, with a Don’t Sign the TPPA message.ActionStation (New Zealand), Leadnow.ca (Canada) and SumofUs covertly projected visual protest images near the Auckland Sky Tower. The Artists Collective put on a music event, the protestival in the weekend before the signing.


Strong opposition convinced the Prime Minister not to attend Waitangi Day events, but other political parties took the opportunity to send a strong anti-TPPA message.


Our New Zealand protests were part of a global protest with events taking place across most of the 12 TPPA countries (eg. Chile takes to the streets), and 250,000 people in Germany against the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

Research and Fact Sheets

Five research papers have now been published on the TPP Legal website, onParliamentary process, Investment, te Tiriti, Environment, and the Economics of the TPPA. Others on Internet/IP and Local Government will follow soon.

A simple flyer with a summary of the key facts on a double side A4 is here. Copy it and share it far and wide. ActionStation has launched a new series of Fact Sheets on different aspects of the TPPA.

Funding the campaign

We launched a Give a Little page to fund the speaker tour and ongoing campaigning. Please donate generously.

Thanks for your amazing campaigning. The past few weeks have changed politics in our country. Now it’s time for us to ramp up the pressure! Kia kaha!

Barry Coates

It’s Our Future spokesperson



Copyright © 2016 It’s Our Future NZ, All rights reserved.

The Serious Fraud Squad Should Investigate John Key and Merrill Lynch’s Involvement With the Cullen Fund!

Aotearoa: A Wider Perspective

Around the world Pension funds are being exposed as underfunded and unable to cope with demand. In 2002 a Merrill Lynch investment and wealth management banker named Ira Bing took place on the first board of Guardians of a new founded Sovereign Wealth fund we now call “the Cullen fund”.

He stayed on the board of the Cullen fund until 2005. According to Der Spiegel it was in 2002 especially that several investment banks started to sell their crap to sovereign wealth funds all over the world and make no mistake Merrill Lynch was one of the biggest players in that market:

Around 2002 in particular, various investment banks offered complex financial products with which governments could push part of their liabilities into the future

Merrill Lynch ended up putting $ 75 trillion of faulty and fraudulent Derivatives on the taxpayers of America’s shoulders. In September 2008 just before…

View original post 243 more words

John Key confesses to his role in destroying the global economy on breakfast TV

More interesting facts on our PM John Key

Aotearoa: A Wider Perspective

The problem with Psychopaths is they want to brag about their achievements even if these achievements are damaging and detrimental to many others.

In this regard John Key does not differ from his Wall street mates. In fact he just did except here in New Zealand many don’t know the whole story so it sounded to most Kiwi’s as if John Key could see reason in the Occupy Wall street movement making him look like an understanding democratic leader allowing free speech and demonstrations.

Here is his confession on breakfast TV and below I fill in the blanks:

John Key says about Wall street and the Occupy movement the following:

” If you go all the way back to what’s caused the global financial crisis you can apportion an enormous amount of the blame at the foot steps of Wall street and it ultimately created products that destroyed capital around…

View original post 649 more words

Zika ‘virus’ (purchasable from the Rockefeller Fndn) now believed to be a cover story for the new autism delivered via the Tdap pertussis vaccine

This is shocking information. Please read and research the facts for yourself. (Be aware that the source site has been hacked – a sure indication of the truth contained therein – so if the info has gone, or the site inaccessible, keep returning to read it). And before you dismiss this as nonsense see where you can purchase the Zika virus! – courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation. (You need to be asking yourself, why would anybody purchase a virus?) The whole thing is very suspect isn’t it?


(1) Where the Zika virus can be purchased courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation:

Jim Stone  Thousands of babies in Brazil have been born with far undersized brains (microcephaly) in the past two months. This has officially been blamed on the Zika virus (delivered supposedly by mosquitoes) and

SOURCE: Wikipedia (2)

also timed with the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in 2015.  Another theory also recently emerged that chemical fumigation in Brazil was actually the cause. However this article provides compelling evidence by both a Brazilian Medical Doctor and the drawing together of other media reports and scientific data, that all previous info has been a cover story for the more sinister cause – the Tdap vaccine for pertussis that was made mandatory for pregnant mothers in Brazil* in early 2015. Brazilian cases of microcephaly have reached 4,000 now it’s reported.  And note Kiwis, New Zealand is on that list for implementaion here! (3)




READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE AT:  http://www.jimstone.is/zika.html


Millions Of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Set To Be Released: This Is Why It’s A Problem
Brazil Rolls Out GM Mosquito Farms

Vaccine Info & links – EnvirowatchRangitikei

(1) (credit: screen capture Jim Stone)
(2) (credit: Wikipedia)
(3) (credit: screen capture Jim Stone)

Seasoned fire fighters describe the heat in fires as like nothing they’ve ever seen before – is Aluminum Oxide from geoengineering the accelerant?

South Canterbury Sky Watch

Published on Feb 5, 2016

“Fire, Fire and more bloody fires. Yes fires can be a natural occurrence but when there is an ingredient or an accelerant delivered from above, I think that’s when the “natural”occurrences end and it kind of becomes deliberate.
One has to really wonder what the hell is going on above our heads with all these white lines of crap that are being seen here there and everywhere. Lines that start and stop, lines that cross over each other, from North to South or East to West, these straight looking clouds are NOT natural, they are coming from certain aircraft.
The ingredient in the video is Aluminum Oxide (AO). With so many rain results, not only here in New Zealand,
https://chemtrailsnorthnz.wordpress.c… , but around the world, showing Aluminum in rain water, is it any wonder why these fires take hold and become huge infernos? When you see fires traveling so fast across the ground, is this crap, not only the AO but other ingredients also being found, are they acting as a desiccant, absorbing the moisture from the ground, so when fire does appear, it runs rampant, out of control or dam hard to take control back?
Often we hear of fire fighters talking bout how dam fast or how unusual these fires are, fires create big heat but they describe the heat like nothing they have experienced in the years they have been a fire fighters.
Funny thing, when I was watching videos via You Tube, watching what was going on in Australia, with the fires, I saw a video that had a interesting title.. it was something along the lines of a “deliberate” act but strangely this morning went back to find that video… it has now been REMOVED, I find that quite odd.
Another interesting thing was while putting this edit together on this video, I had a break away from the computer and turned on the TV… surprise surprise, there was a National Geographic programme on, titled “Australia`s Inferno”.
I didnt see the whole programme but not once did I hear the word chemtrail or see a chemtrail in the videoing of that programme. It makes one wonder if its all just part of the conditioning, for people to think its just NATURAL behavior of these fires… without the mention of an accelerant. Remember what you see on the television is always true isnt it?? ….. 🙂
But check it out, here…




Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
“Harmful or Fatal”
“Volatile Reaction”
“Devastation & Revenge”

Under Key’s watch Rape crisis centers closing and food banks doing a brisk trade – Green Party’s Gareth Hughes

“You delivered tax cuts the country couldn’t afford and leave us $120 billion in debt, a superannuation crisis, crippling student loans and a generation locked out of home ownership” Gareth Hughes, Green Party

Our country NZ that we like to think of as being a democracy, technically has been one in name only for quite some time now. We are actually a corporation, listed on the Security and Exchange Commission website (SEC) as such, with the Queen as the listed owner. Indeed our local District Councils are also companies, listed on the Dun and Bradstreet website. Check it out. A company is ‘any formal business entity for profit which may be a corporation, a partnership or individual proprietorship’.

This has ramifications for how they both function. If corporations and companies have profits for shareholders as their primary concern, then how can they be true to democratic aspirations, or truly fulfill that function? We’ve already been seeing the outworking of this incompatibility for quite some time now. Constantly corporate interests are overriding any care for the environment, in spite of Horizons and District Councils’ much touted mantra of ‘sustainable development’. Big business aka corporations are not interested in cleaning up the damage they inflict and they hold little interest in preserving the environment. At least not beyond lip service anyway. They’re claiming ownership of our water supplies to sell off shore for profit, and charging local farmers far higher prices to tend to our own agricultural concerns. In our own district corporate interests are wrecking our roads and trashing our waterways with our own local Rangitikei District Council turning a blind eye and on loading the expense to the rate payers. Sustainable?

So here is a scathing address to John Key on the state of our nation by Gareth Hughes of the Green Party at the opening of Parliament. Laid bare, the facts are astonishing … he speaks truth …

“Hungry kids up, inequality up, pollution up, debt up, housing costs up, electricity costs up, foreign ownership up, corruption up ….”

Homelessness is a growing problem in NZ, and the government continues to sell off our state housing stock, the former pride of our [once] Welfare State
Other insights included:

  • Once you attacked the nanny state of efficient lightbulbs but then presided over the most wide reaching mass surveillance state in our country’s history
  • Our most poll-driven PM ever, yet after all these years we still don’t know what you stand for
  • Scientists have been ridiculed and silenced and NGOs have had their funding and voice cut
  • You delivered tax cuts the country couldn’t afford and leave $120 billion in debt, a superannuation crisis, crippling student loans and a generation locked out of home ownership.
  • After selling our assets you are now selling out our sovereignty to corporates and the Hollywood industrial complex
  • You grew up in a state house but now that you’re on the 9th floor you’re even selling them too
  • 300,000 kids growing up in poverty

Read More at The Daily Blog: 


See how much tax John Key pays compared to a minimum wage worker

“The Prime Minister earns $428,000 from his PM’s salary along with this [last] year’s [2015] $5,000,000 increase in his wealth (according to NBR’s rich list) which gives him a total income of $5,428,000. On this total income he pays just $132,160 in income tax and approximately $21,400 in GST giving a total tax of $153,560 or 2.8% of income”  The Daily Blog

There’s a tale that’s always been out there saying John Key gives all of his salary away … it would seem. I’ve since heard he only donates some to charity … not all, and he won’t say how much or to whom. I certainly heard early in the piece that he donated all … I’m now very skeptical about that.  Here’s what one blogger’s research turned up ….

“After talking to a person from his office here is the best info I can get. His pay goes into his bank account. He does give money to charity but doesn’t keep detailed records of how much. He doesn’t want to say what charities or provide a ballpark figure of what proportion of his pm pay he gives.” The blogger concludes, probably quite correctly, it is an “Urban myth!!!”

Anyway, all that aside, there being no proof and it’s unlikely we’ll ever see any, here is an interesting article about the tax rate he pays. I think it’s very unfair quite frankly and I’m sure most will. Okay most will justify an extra large salary to go with the position of PM, however, who can possibly justify the piddly tax rate he or any other politician pays? While we on the lower income scale are urged to tighten our belts, on the other hand, the wealthy spend extravagantly.  A mere 10% of New Zealand owns 52% of the nation’s wealth.

Take a look at this President, Jose Mujica of Uruguay. He drives a Volkswagen and lives very frugally. He really does give away 90% of his income and leaves himself with the equivalent of an average Uruguayan wage. Our politicians could definitely take a leaf out of his book. Seeing these salaries and the pittance in tax they pay, small wonder we are so in debt as a country.

President Jose Mujica of Uruguay, dubbed ‘the world’s poorest president’

And please don’t blame the beneficiaries, I recall an era when there was no unemployment … everybody had a job and everybody wanted to work. The fault lies folks with our previous governments who borrowed us into this big black hole we’re in. Politicians have a nifty knack of shifting the blame onto the folks they pledge to serve. Well the folks they are supposed to be serving.

“The radical restructuring programme of the 19841990 Labour government, followed by National’s Employment Contracts Act 1991 led to a steep fall in union membership and a rapid rise in inequality. The top 1% more than doubled their portion of available income by 1998, reaching a peak of 13.8 percent in 1999″. Bryan Bruce

I have at times in my life worked two jobs, when on a low income, only to be taxed at 33 cents in the dollar for the second. This makes me even more livid seeing this. You’ll see here Key pays a mere 2.8% compared to the ‘peasants’ who are taxed an outrageous 28%!!  Left with barely enough to live on. What do you think?


John Key, NZ’s PM (Photo credit: The Daily Blog)


How much tax does John Key pay compared to a minimum wage worker??

The Daily Blog
By John Minto
“Yesterday I did some calculations to find out what tax John Key pays compared to a worker on the minimum wage. And I put out this media release for the Mana Movement:

MANA Movement Economic Justice spokesperson John Minto is calling for a radical overhaul of New Zealand’s taxation system with calculations showing that a minimum wage worker pays a ten times higher tax rate than the Prime Minister.

Minimum wage worker 28% tax

Prime Minister 2.8% tax

The minimum wage worker on 40 hours per week earns $29,640 and pays $4,207 in income tax and $4,149.60 in GST giving a total tax of $8,356.60 or 28% of income.

On the other hand the Prime Minister earns $428,000 from his PM’s salary along with this year’s $5,000,000 increase in his wealth (according to NBR’s rich list) which gives him a total income of $5,428,000. On this total income he pays just $132,160 in income tax and approximately $21,400 in GST giving a total tax of $153,560 or 2.8% of income.

This is a national embarrassment. Those least able to pay are under a heavy tax burden while the super-rich pay peanuts……”

– See more at: http://thedailyblog.co.nz/2014/08/27/how-much-tax-does-john-key-pay-compared-to-a-minimum-wage-worker/#sthash.5qEHMYIk.dpuf






The seven most extreme childhood allergies coincide directly with vaccine ingredients

Do you know what peanuts and vaccines have in common? Answer: Thousands of people are allergic to both. The following was documented in 2010 by VacTruth:

What peanuts have in common with vaccines is something that very few healthcare consumers and medical doctors may be aware of: Peanut oil is a hidden and non-stated ingredient in the manufacture of children’s vaccines.

baby-408262_1280(Dr Leonard Coldwell) During the first year of life children are injected with known carcinogens and neurotoxins. Then, childrendevelop strange food allergies, some so severe they can’t even be in the room when someone takes out that food, like peanuts. Let’s take a hard look at vaccines like the MMR, DTaP and HPV, and see just what these extreme allergies root themselves in, sending the body into a panic when it senses that same allergen, thinking it might be INJECTED into muscle tissue again. The immune response is overwhelming. It’s fight or flight, and anytime you inject processed emulsifiers, genetically modified bacteria, human albumin, MSG, egg protein, reduced animal hide and cartilage (gelatin), and heavy metal toxins, into your muscle tissue 50 times in less than seven years, you might stop wondering why you or your child has EXTREME ALLERGIES to the SAME EXACT ingredients used to manufacture the majority of today’s vaccines.

Peanut oil has been used in vaccines since the 1960s, and because peanut oil does not SHOW UP in the final vaccine product, the manufacturers are allowed to leave it off the package inserts. That does NOT mean that the peanut antigen is not found in the product. Dr Leonard Coldwell

How many of the following extreme allergies do you, your spouse, or your children have? It only takes one bad reaction to kill you or maim your central nervous system or brain, for life:

1. Peanuts: Vaccines are prepared in peanut oil. DON’T THINK SO? Check now. It’s “non-disclosed” but the allergen is still present…”

Read More: http://drleonardcoldwell.com/2016/01/26/the-seven-most-extreme-childhood-allergies-coincide-directly-with-vaccine-ingredients/

For further info on vaccines visit our Vaccine pages.


Does John Key personally profit from NZ’s growing indebtedness? Hear him explaining his shares with the Bank of America – the bank that’s ‘too crooked to fail’

A few posts back we had a video of John Key speaking briefly on his Bank of America shares. Here is the extended version of that video in which we see public watchdog Penny Bright of Auckland questioning the Prime Minister in 2011 following a no response from her Official Information request. Speaking to a Grey Power public meeting in Papatoetoe in 2011 the Prime Minister had just explained that NZers (mums and dads, businesses, farms etc., not the NZ government/corporation) were in debt and 85 percent of that debt is owed to foreigners. He adds that no OECD country borrows a big percentage of their money from foreigners.  Penny then asked him specifically to tell her exactly to whom NZ has become indebted since National came to power in 2008. Especially she asked, whether or not NZ has become indebted to the Bank of America or any institutions in connection with that bank. His body language clearly conveys that he has clearly been caught on the hop by these very pointed questions, especially given he hadn’t answered her OI request.

Do watch this, it’s quite short and very enlightening!

Further we have an article here by Rolling Stone, “Bank of America: Too Crooked to Fail” cited by Evelyn Gilbert of NZ’s aotearoaawiderperspective blog. Some very pertinent facts there about the Bank.

“The problem most people have in judging John Key and his role here in New Zealand and why he is doing what he is doing leaves a lot of people, even those who vote National, bewildered and confused and angry is that they don’t know about the way money is created, how he gained his wealth and what he has to do to keep it so I thought I’d give a couple of examples.

Here is number 1: John Key has most of his paper wealth in Bank of America which is by insiders considered the most corrupt banking entity in the world and that alone gives him a huge conflict of interest!

And this is what Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone Magazine has to say about the Bank:

At least Bank of America got its name right. The ultimate Too Big to Fail bank really is America, a hypergluttonous ward of the state whose limitless fraud and criminal conspiracies we’ll all be paying for until the end of time. Did you hear about the plot to rig global interest rates? The $137 million fine for bilking needy schools and cities? The ingenious plan to suck multiple fees out of the unemployment checks of jobless workers? Take your eyes off them for 10 seconds and guaranteed, they’ll be into some shit again: This bank is like the world’s worst-behaved teenager, taking your car and running over kittens and fire hydrants on the way to Vegas for the weekend, maxing out your credit cards in the three days you spend at your aunt’s funeral…”

Read More: https://aotearoaawiderperspective.wordpress.com/2015/07/23/does-john-key-know-part-1-bank-of-america/

More articles on banking and John Key at aotearoaawiderperspective:

And if you want to research further here are some longer videos featuring people who have researched John Key’s pre-PM career in banking.


Vinny interviews Iain Parker, Financial Systems Researcher.

Vinny Eastwood  “Buy a DVD and support Guerilla Media! http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/d…
Watch this video and please share it around!
Vinny’s NUTShell: The missing pieces in John Keys banker past reveled for the first time on radio with deep researcher Iain Parker revealing quotes from bankers at the highest levels that the entire banking system and worlds economy is based on fraud.”
http://publiccreditorbust.blog.com/ Full show here: http://www.guerillamedia.co.nz/conten…

Here Vinny Eastwood speaks with Penny Bright, Evelyn Gilbert (aotearoaawiderperspective blogger) and Iain Parker, Financial Systems Researcher. 

Vinny Eastwood “This is by the far the most important interview to watch BEFORE the New Zealand election., The truth about John Key will make your jaw drop!

Audio Archives and links: http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2…

The Most Damning Evidence About John Key & His Criminal Background!
Blogger: Evelyn Gilbert http://www.aotearoaawidersperspective…
Public Watch Dog: Penny Bright http://www.pennybright4mayor.org
Financial Systems Researcher: Iain Parker http://www.publiccreditorbust.blogspo…
10 July 2014″

Youtube Versions
Full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdqbf…

Part 1of4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKae_…

Part 2of4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAy6G…

Part 3of4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPCBf…

Part 4of4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tsmS…

TPPA – John Campbell’s real reporting on Ak’s 4th Feb protest + more video footage


Published on Feb 3, 2016  RNZ 

Twelve nations met on February 4 to sign the TPP agreement – Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the U.S. and Vietnam – one by one, in alphabetical order.Outside the SkyCity convention centre, a protest of as many as 10,000 people raged on, with people coming together to express their views.John Campbell asked them why they were there.

A plug for John Campbell here who I’m convinced was ditched by TV3 because he was, unlike most mainstream media, vigilant in exposing lies. Broadcasting truth. Refreshing to see him again with more real journalism. Genuine journos are as rare as hens teeth now with the media owned by a mere six corporations.



Maori Protest

HS videos

Studies show ‘flu shot doubles your chances at getting flu’ & trebles your child’s risk of hospitalization




See who else is opposed to the TPPA & why you’re not hearing about it

Photo credit: Action Station

Our mainstream media is carefully conveying the impression that those opposed to the TPPA are a rag tag bunch of trouble stirrers (all 32,000 of them) who are anti trade. Not so. What folks are most anti on is that the whole deal has been negotiated in SECRET. And see the map above of the many other nations that protested. Mainstream media is doing its best to shape up a bad public perception of any opposition to this trade agreement. On the 4th, the day of the protest here in NZ, the Herald invited comments to their Facebook page and bloggers found (myself included, and not for the first time) that all comments were blocked, as also was the option to share their info. They relented eventually, published a few comments then closed it to further discussion. Six media giants now own 90% of our media, controlling what we read, watch or listen to. Still think we have a democracy?

See here a list of notable people and organizations who are also against the signing. Our own Dr Jane Kelsey for one, and US Senator Elizabeth Warren is yet another (but hang what would these women know about it?) and in Germany a quarter of a million folks marched there against O’Bama’s Free Trade Agreement. And Key calls us ‘rent-a-crowd’! We are being conned folks!



Kelsey wants opponents to keep fighting the TPPA, ‘NZ opposition strongest of anywhere’


Paul Henry interviews Prof Jane Kelsey 

newshub.co.nz  Although the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement is being signed today, there’s still a long way to go before it becomes set in stone.

Auckland University Professor of Law Jane Kelsey an ardent opponent of the deal says it’s important that protesters keep letting the Government know they are unhappy with it.

“The Government has turned a deaf ear not just to the analytical work that we’ve done, but to the views of people throughout the country,” Dr Kelsey told the Paul Henry programme this morning. “We’ve had big protests, as you know, peaceful protests, family-friendly protests throughout the country over the last couple of years… people saying again ‘Don’t sign, we don’t want this deal’.”

As a small country, New Zealand’s fate will be particularly influenced by the deal, she says.

“For us it does make a difference and from what I hear from people internationally, the opposition in New Zealand is the strongest of anywhere.”

And even though pen is being put to paper today, there is still a lot more work to be done before the deal is pushed through.

“What the Government is going to sign today, and it will sign it no matter what people say, is not going to be the end of the deal because the current text cannot get through the US Congress,” says Dr Kelsey.

Read more: http://www.newshub.co.nz/tvshows/paulhenry/kelsey-wants-opponents-to-keep-fighting-2016020412#ixzz3zFvxX07J

US Senator Elizabeth Warren urges colleagues to reject the TPP

Senator Elizabeth Warren   Published on Feb 2, 2016 

Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke on the Senate floor on February 2, 2016 about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement.

Just one of the reasons she offers is that it will tilt the playing field in favour of big multi national corporations.


As US Signs TPP In New Zealand, protesters also gather in 7 countries & 38 US cities!

With a massive turnout yesterday of some 32,000 protesters NZ wide, 25,000 in Auckland alone, clearly there is massive opposition to the TPPA. It’s not over yet.

Additionally, we are left to the impression given by mainstream, corporate, offshore media, that we are the only ones protesting against this deal that’s been composed in secret, without consultation with either Iwi, NZ’s Treaty partners, or the general public. We are expected to trust these people? NZ has just slipped on the corruption scale I read recently – it’s not the Pollyanna, squeaky clean nation many thought it was.

So here is evidence of protests beyond our shores, in collaboration with the world-wide opposition that is rising against this corporate robbery of our sovereignty, in the name of profits and world control.



Protests in 38 US cities and 7 Countries

Cities/regions where protests occurred against the TPPA/TPP  (Map courtesy of Flush the TPP)

“White House Protest Kicks off Nationwide Days of Action in 38 US Cities Protests Also Held In Seven Countries

By Flush the TPP.

Washington, DC – As the US Trade Representative signs the TransPacific Partnership on behalf of President Obama at the Skyland Casino in New Zealand on the evening of February  3rd (Eastern US time), protests are happening across the United States and around the world. See map of protests http://www.flushthetpp.org/actions/.

Several hours before the signing TPP opponents in Washington DC protested at the White House with a 24 foot “TPP is Betrayal” banner and other signs that visually highlighted the negative impacts of the TPP on the economy, environment and workers…”



Read More: http://www.flushthetpp.org/protest-at-white-house-kicks-off-nationwide-days-of-action/



John Key is a shareholder in the Bank of America – Major conflict of interest with the TPPA

John Key is a shareholder of the Bank of America (page 29 of 2015 register of financial interests for MPs) a major conflict of interest

Some interesting facts here on the conflicts of interest not only with PM Key but Tim Groser also. An interview by Vinny Eastwood with activists Penny Bright and Jacquelyne Taylor. The TPPA’s just been signed today (4/2/16) by Key, with 25,000 peaceful protesters in Auckland alone, so it’s not over yet. See what has yet to happen:

From the Daily Blog:

Here is the step by step legislative process the Government need to undertake now Key has signed the TPPA…

Text and National Interest Analysis are tabled in Parliament

Text and National Interest Analysis are referred to Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade Committee

Executive can ratify TPPA after the select committee reports or 15 sitting days elapse, whichever is earlier.

If legislative change is required to comply with TPPA the Executive will not normally ratify until the legislation is passed

Select committee can elect to hear submissions on TPPA

Select committee reports to Parliament

Parliament may decide to debate the select committee report

Parliament may decide to vote on the TPPA

Executive must report its response to any select committee recommendations within 90 days

Any legislative changes required to bring NZ into compliance with TPPA are introduced in a Bill

The Bill follows standard parliamentary process, normally including submissions

Executive ratifies the Agreement at a time of its choosing, normally after the Bill is passed

NZ notifies the TPPA repository (NZ) that its domestic processes are complete

TPPA comes into force when required number of parties notify completion of domestic processes”

Comrades, brothers and sisters, we can fight this abomination every step of the way, and with 25 000 turning up in Auckland alone, we have the numbers to fight this and slow it down.”

See more at: http://thedailyblog.co.nz/2016/02/04/breaking-after-massive-show-of-force-john-key-too-frightened-to-go-to-waitangi-day/?utm_content=bufferee1d8&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer#sthash.SNvNWmms.dpuf-