Tag Archives: Protests world wide

Massive Crowds Around The World Gather To Protest Covid Tyranny: Germany, UK, Poland, France, Bolivia and More Take To The Streets By The Tens of Thousands Amidst Total Media Blackout

LINK: https://www.thetruthbarrier.com/2020/08/30/massive-crowds-around-the-world-gather-to-protest-covid-tyranny-germany-uk-poland-france-bolivia-and-more-take-to-the-streets-by-the-tens-of-thousands-amidst-total-media-blackout/

Photo Credit: From FB … if it is yours let me know I will add the source.

As US Signs TPP In New Zealand, protesters also gather in 7 countries & 38 US cities!

With a massive turnout yesterday of some 32,000 protesters NZ wide, 25,000 in Auckland alone, clearly there is massive opposition to the TPPA. It’s not over yet.

Additionally, we are left to the impression given by mainstream, corporate, offshore media, that we are the only ones protesting against this deal that’s been composed in secret, without consultation with either Iwi, NZ’s Treaty partners, or the general public. We are expected to trust these people? NZ has just slipped on the corruption scale I read recently – it’s not the Pollyanna, squeaky clean nation many thought it was.

So here is evidence of protests beyond our shores, in collaboration with the world-wide opposition that is rising against this corporate robbery of our sovereignty, in the name of profits and world control.



Protests in 38 US cities and 7 Countries

Cities/regions where protests occurred against the TPPA/TPP  (Map courtesy of Flush the TPP)

“White House Protest Kicks off Nationwide Days of Action in 38 US Cities Protests Also Held In Seven Countries

By Flush the TPP.

Washington, DC – As the US Trade Representative signs the TransPacific Partnership on behalf of President Obama at the Skyland Casino in New Zealand on the evening of February  3rd (Eastern US time), protests are happening across the United States and around the world. See map of protests http://www.flushthetpp.org/actions/.

Several hours before the signing TPP opponents in Washington DC protested at the White House with a 24 foot “TPP is Betrayal” banner and other signs that visually highlighted the negative impacts of the TPP on the economy, environment and workers…”



Read More: http://www.flushthetpp.org/protest-at-white-house-kicks-off-nationwide-days-of-action/