Still think these people are working for YOU?  Research the flu shot … it’s doesn’t work. Or will you still be lining up to receive their meds? EnvirowatchRangitikei

“If GlaxoSmithKline wasn’t afforded legal and financial government protection status, they would have went under years ago.” 

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is in the news again making headlines after having to settle another major lawsuit bringing the latest total to over $9.1 billion since 2003. This time, it is due to GSK’s product Pandemrix, which was the swine flu vaccine forced upon the public during the now admitted, fake pandemic hoax of 2009. As the victims are being compensated in the U.K., the same neurological mechanisms that damaged the children in the lawsuit are still potentially at work in the confirmed excitotoxicity that takes place after almost every vaccine injection. According to the International Business Times U.K. Edition, each of the victims is “expected to receive £1 million each.” Peter Todd, a lawyer who represented many of the claimants, told the Sunday Times (U.K.): “There has never been a case like this before. The victims of this vaccine have an incurable and lifelong condition and will require extensive medication.” Unfortunately for Peter Todd and the countless other victims, there has been cases like this before. Neurological damage from vaccines is not a rare occurrence. In fact, the U.S. government has paid out $3 billion and counting to families of vaccine-injured children. Most of which were due to direct neurological damage or complications arising from such damage.

According to The Global Research Project, the GlaxoSmithKline rap sheet states, “In recent years, GlaxoSmithKline has become known as the company that pays massive amounts to resolve wide-ranging charges brought by U.S. regulators and prosecutors. These included a $750 million payment relating to the sale of adulterated products from a facility in Puerto Rico and a record $3 billion in connection with charges relating to illegal marketing, suppression of adverse safety research results and overcharging government customers. The company also set a record for the largest tax avoidance settlement with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

If GlaxoSmithKline wasn’t afforded legal and financial government protection status, they would have went under years ago.


“ALL OUR WARNINGS FELL ON DEAF EARS … (from the Grenfell Action Group) “we predicted that a catastrophe like this was inevitable”

The damning evidence straight from the Grenfell Action Group’s own website. These folk have battled authorities for literally years. Read their blog for the truth you’ll not find in mainstream media. EnvirowatchRangitikei


From the Grenfell Action Group

“Watching breaking news about the Grenfell Tower fire catastrophe. Too soon (5am) to even guess at numbers of casualties and fatalities. Our heartfelt and sincere condolences to all who have perished, to the injured, to those who are bereaved or are still searching for missing loved ones.

Regular readers of this blog will know that we have posted numerous warnings in recent years about the very poor fire safety standards at Grenfell Tower and elsewhere in RBKC.

ALL OUR WARNINGS FELL ON DEAF EARS and we predicted that a catastrophe like this was inevitable and just a matter of time. Below is a list of links to previous blogs we posted on this site trying to warn the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, who own this property, and the Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation who supposedly manage all social housing in RBKC on the Council’s behalf:


Agenda 2030 – the practically undisguised roadmap to global socialism and corporatism/fascism

UPDATE 9/2/23: look around at what has transpired since this article in 2017. All disturbingly true. EWR

Folk need to see right through the Agenda 2030 spin they’ve been spinning since they first introduced this idea in the early ’90s. Since that time have we ever seen any so called ‘sustainable’ practices? Pollution’s at an all time high. People are sicker than ever. Poverty abounds. All countries virtually are in deep debt. Our national assets are gone. And the latest on the horizon is the word ‘mandatory’ – we are being denied the option of choosing our own route to health, growing our own food, what we eat or decline to, and what we breathe. All we’ve seen sustained is corporate pockets. This is  all just not adding up and if you’re looking below the surface superficial bread & circus drivel that mainstream is feeding us, you’ll see that the corporate fascist state is closing in fast. That is because many of us are waking up. (Be sure to read the second (earlier) article from naturalnews at the end that breaks down the Agenda 2030 plan for you).



(NaturalNews) The United Nations and its mostly autocratic member regimes have big plans for your life, your children, your country, and your world. And those plans are not limited to the coercive “climate” agreement recently concluded in Paris. (Story by Alex Newman, republished from

While the establishment media in the United States was hyping ISIS, football, and of course “global warming,” virtually every national government/dictatorship on the planet met at the 70th annual General Assembly at UN headquarters in New York to adopt a draconian 15-year master plan for the planet. Top globalists such as former NATO chief Javier Solana, a socialist, are celebrating the plan, which the summit unanimously “approved,” as the next “Great Leap Forward” — yes, the old campaign slogan of the Chinese Communist Party. The master plan is comprised of 17 “Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) with 169 specific “targets” to be foisted on all of humanity — literally all of it, as the plan itself states explicitly. “As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind,” reads the UN manifesto, entitled Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. But if you love liberty, self-government, free markets, or the U.S. Constitution, you will almost certainly be wishing that the UN would leave you behind.

Officially dubbed “Agenda 2030,” the UN plot, as its full title suggests, is aimed at “transforming” the world. The program is a follow-up to the last 15-year UN plan, the defunct “Millennium Development Goals,” or MDGs. It also dovetails nicely with the deeply controversial UN Agenda 21, even including much of the same rhetoric and agenda. But the combined Agenda 2030 goals for achieving what is euphemistically called “sustainable development” represent previous UN plans on steroids — deeper, more radical, more draconian, and more expensive.

“This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity,” reads the preamble. “All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.” Ironically, the preamble even claims the UN goals will “free the human race from the tyranny of poverty” and “heal” the planet — or, as the planet is also referred to in the document, “Mother Earth.” Not-so-subtly purporting to usurp the role of God, the UN even claimed that the “future of humanity and of our planet lies in our hands.”

The United Nations 2030 Agenda decoded: It’s a blueprint for the global enslavement of humanity under the boot of corporate masters

This document describes nothing less than a global government takeover of every nation across the planet. The “goals” of this document are nothing more than code words for a corporate-government fascist agenda that will imprison humanity in a devastating cycle of poverty while enriching the world’s most powerful globalist corporations like Monsanto and DuPont.

In the interests of helping wake up humanity, I’ve decided to translate the 17 points of this 2030 agenda so that readers everywhere can understand what this document is really calling for. To perform this translation, you have to understand how globalists disguise their monopolistic agendas in “feel good” language.



Grenfell Tower: This Is What Austerity Looks Like by William Bowles

by William Bowles
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Investigating Imperialism
London, England
June 17, 2017

‘The Prime Minister, Theresa May, had to [flee] the site of Grenfell Tower yesterday under police guard, BBC News, 17 June 2017

The Abandonment of a Community

Initially, I wasn’t going to write anything on this tragedy, I figured there would be plenty of analysis as to the whys and the wherefores of a building turned into a funeral pyre but I’ve yet to see the word Austerity used once, just once, in connection with this tragedy, which as usual in this world always impacts the most on working class communities, especially the poor, wherever it occurs.

Instead, we got endless hours, days of BBC hand-wringing, focusing almost exclusively on the (heroic) efforts of a devastated community, ignored and forgotten by their council and the government, with those damn cameras peering into peoples’ grief and ultimately, anger, made all the worse by the state’s total indifference to this calamity.

It took three days for the Prime Minister, Theresa May to visit the site and she had to do it under police guard! It’s only today, now four days later, that the government has finally set up some kind of command centre to deal with distraught relatives and friends of the dead, injured and missing (estimates now put the number of dead as at least 70).

If there’s anything that illustrates the murderous endgame of neoliberalism and what it does to people, this is it! But this is also Baghdad and it’s Damascus and a dozen other places around the globe getting a dose of democracy. Here it’s simple neglect powered by greed but it’s committed by the same governments, the same people who have abandoned wholesale, millions of people in their own backyards and slaughtered millions around the planet.

Source: Grenfell Tower: This Is What Austerity Looks Like by William Bowles

The Doco, “Vaxed” (that ISN’T anti-vax) is coming to Wellington 12th August


With all the furore over people seeing this documentary, you would think it is anti-vaccination. It is not. It is presented by health professionals including MDs. It will give you the information that you need however, in weighing up whether or not to vaccinate. Tiny lives are too precious to remain uninformed about the risks that clearly are increasing going by the independent research that has emerged in recent years. We need to be able to make our own informed choices. We can’t do that without ALL of the info.

I personally would never have another vaccine injected into my body. But that is my choice. And it should remain my choice. Vaccination, or any other medical procedure, should never be made mandatory, yet we are seeing that happen.

Wellingtonians, and those nearby, this is an event not to be missed if you can help it.

If you don’t believe our weather is manipulated you will after watching this documentary


Here is a collection & timeline of damning evidence that sweeps from 1932 to present day of the practice of weather modification that you really can’t argue with. All documented there in the archives, for those who think our weather isn’t being tampered with. For further information go to the links in the documentary:

For further evidence of its purpose see also Elana Freeland’s book called “Chemtrails, Haarp and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth”. You can get the ebook for around US$12 on Amazon. You’ll also find her on Youtube. Check also our Geoengineering pages and these links particularly for Kiwis for local info:

South Canterbury Sky Watch Youtube Channel

If you’re new to all of this and just want to see the ABCs I recommend you go to this site:

Matt Landman

Published on Jun 20, 2017

Support the film release here!!

FrankenSkies is an 80 minute social change documentary regarding the Solar Geoengineering/Chemtrail agenda that affects every living being on earth. The struggle of bringing awareness to this subject, despite the obstacles of a socially engineered populace and the military industrial complex with its endless resources, is palpable in this awakening truth feature.

An impeccably timed eye opening expose, the film reveals the campaign to normalize chemical cloud formations via atmospheric aerosol dispersals. Up against a normalization timetable encompassing a controlled media and an indoctrinated educational and political system, activists ask the question : Is your silence your consent?

A shocking informative film on climate engineering, frequency control and CIA manipulation, the film’s narrative unfolds through a historical timeline of experimentation on humanity, bringing us to a modern day laboratory that encompasses the air we breath and dictates when and where the sun shall shine, or not…


Nervous About Brussels Tihange 2 Nuke Plant – 370 CRACKS reported as “70”

flying cuttlefish picayune

Nuke ProNuclear Plant In Belgium At Risk of a Large Scale Meltdown — Could Happen any Time

New cracks found in Tihange 2 Belgian nuclear power plant – Deutsche Welle

“Seventy new micro-cracks have been discovered in the high-pressure boiler at the aging Tihange 2 nuclear reactor in Belgium, since the last inspection in 2014.

Experts using ultrasonic technology found the new cracks after positioning the camera in a different direction . . . “

What’s with this “micro-crack” fig leaf? Since th contamination threat is atom sized and the crack isn’t sub-atomic it can’t be called a micro-crack. It’s a crack. 70 cracks.



370 new cracks in Tihange 2 and Doel 3


View original post 248 more words

Read the Grenfell Action Group’s warning of a “catastrophic event” they published in November last year – damning evidence

This comes straight from the Grenfell Action Group’s own WordPress blog documenting their ongoing fight with the authorities to address fire and safety issues.  I am copying all posts of relevance and saving in the event their blog is removed. I’ve also copied the whole of this post for the same reason.

Photo Credit (header):


KCTMO – Playing with fire!


It is a truly terrifying thought but the Grenfell Action Group firmly believe that only a catastrophic event will expose the ineptitude and incompetence of our landlord, the  KCTMO, and bring an end to the dangerous living conditions and neglect of health and safety legislation that they inflict upon their tenants and leaseholders. We believe that the KCTMO are an evil, unprincipled, mini-mafia who have no business to be charged with the responsibility of  looking after the every day management of large scale social housing estates and that their sordid collusion with the RBKC Council is a recipe for a future major disaster.

Unfortunately, the Grenfell Action Group have reached the conclusion that only an incident that results in serious loss of life of KCTMO residents will allow the external scrutiny to occur that will shine a light on the practices that characterise the malign governance of this non-functioning organisation. We believe that the KCTMO have ensured their ongoing survival by the use of proxy votes at their Annual General Meeting that see them returned with a mandate of 98% in favour of the continuation of their inept and highly dangerous management of our homes. It is no coincidence that the 98% is the same figure that is returned by the infamous Kim Jong-un of North Korea who claims mass popularity while reputedly enslaving the general population and starving the majority of his people to death.

It is our conviction that a serious fire in a tower block or similar high density residential property is the most likely reason that those who wield power at the KCTMO will be found out and brought to justice!

The Grenfell Action Group believe that the KCTMO narrowly averted a major fire disaster at Grenfell Tower in 2013 when residents experienced a period of terrifying power surges that were subsequently found to have been caused by faulty wiring. We believe that our attempts to highlight the seriousness of this event were covered up by the KCTMO with the help of the RBKC Scrutiny Committee who refused to investigate the legitimate concerns of tenants and leaseholders.

We have blogged many times on the subject of fire safety at Grenfell Tower and we believe that these investigations will become part of damning evidence of the poor safety record of the KCTMO should a fire affect any other of their properties and cause the loss of life that we are predicting:

In October 2015 a fire ripped through another KCTMO property, the 14 storey Adair Tower in North Kensington, causing mass panic and resulting in a number of residents taken to hospital suffering from smoke inhalation. It is reported that had it not been for the swift actions of the London Fire Brigade the consequences of this fire and potential loss of life could have been much worse.

In the aftermath of the Adair Tower fire the London Fire Brigade found that the KCTMO had not been looking after the safety of residents properly and issued an Enforcement Order compelling them to improve the fire safety in the escape staircases and to provide self closing devices to all the tower block’s front doors. A further audit by the London Fire Brigade of the neighbouring Hazelwood Tower (located alongside Adair Tower) found similar breaches of health and safety legislation and an Enforcement Order was also issued for this property forcing the TMO to address the serious concerns of the Fire Brigade’s inspectors. What is shocking is that a decade ago a fatality occurred due to a fire at Hazelwood Tower and the Fire Investigation Team ordered that the grills on the fire escape staircase be covered over. This never happened and it is believed that the uncovered grills at Adair House (Hazelwood Tower’s twin block) acted like a chimney and were responsible for the accelerated spread of the fire and smoke damage.

In the last twenty years and despite the terrifying power surge incident in 2013 and recent fire at Adair Tower, the residents of Grenfell Tower have received no proper fire safety instructions from the KCTMO. Residents were informed by a temporary notice stuck in the lift and one announcement in a recent regeneration newsletter that they should remain in their flats in the event of fire. There are not and never have been any instructions posted in the Grenfell Tower noticeboard or on individual floor as to how residents should act in event of a fire. Anyone who witnessed the recent tower block fire at Shepherds Court, in nearby Shepherd’s Bush, will know that the advice to remain in our properties would have led to certain fatalities and we are calling on our landlord to re-consider the advice that they have so badly circulated.

The Grenfell Action Group predict that it won’t be long before the words of this blog come back to haunt the KCTMO management and we will do everything in our power to ensure that those in authority know how long and how appallingly our landlord has ignored their responsibility to ensure the heath and safety of their tenants and leaseholders. They can’t say that they haven’t been warned!

Italian court rules mercury and aluminum in vaccines cause autism: US media continues total blackout of medical truth

This article is March 2015 which is interesting because now Italians are protesting en masse (15K last protest) against mandatory vaccination. So the country has taken a completely different turn since this date. On the one hand exposing the autism link, now mandating vaccines. 

(NaturalNews) It has been more than five months since an Italian court in Milan awarded compensation to the family of a young boy who developed autism from a six-in-one hexavalent vaccine manufactured by corrupt British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline(GSK), and the U.S. media is still nowhere to be found in reporting on this breakthrough ruling.

On September 24, 2014, Italy’s version of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program agreed that GSK’s “INFANRIX Hexa” vaccine for polio, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, pertussis and haemophilus influenza type B induced permanent autism and brain damage in the previously healthy child, whose name has been kept private for safety.

The vaccine, which contains multiple antigens, thimerosal (mercury), multiple forms of aluminum, formaldehyde, recombinant (genetically modified) viral components and various chemical preservatives,[PDF] demonstrably caused the young boy to regress into autism shortly after he received all three doses of the vaccine, prompting his family to petition the case before Italy’s Ministry of Health.

When the Ministry rejected it, the family proceeded to file a lawsuit, which is no longer an option in the U.S. thanks to a Supreme Court ruling that exempts drug companies from legal liability when their products harm, permanently disfigure or kill people.

After listening to expert medical testimony, the Italian court remarkably concluded that the boy suffered permanent harm as a result of the vaccine, and particularly its neurotoxic mercury and aluminum components.

Confidential GSK report reveals that INFANRIX Hexa causes brain damage, anal leakage, autism and more

Also presented as evidence was a 1,271-page confidential GSK report revealing that the drug giant knew full well from human clinical trials that INFANRIX Hexa causes autism, but the company chose to release the vaccine anyway.


The Grenfell Tower Fire – 500 Dead – The Result of Govt Negligence and Class War

An excellent 5 minute exposé of the rot that has set into a once caring humankind. A must watch in my opinion.

Published on Jun 20, 2017

Cup of chemicals anybody? to all the lovers of Earl Grey tea – the REAL bergamot content is ‘very small’ & the rest is chemical & natural flavouring

For years I’ve enjoyed Earl Grey tea. In fact it was the first non-mainstream tea I ever took a liking to, and that’s going back forty odd years now. A dear friend introduced me to it and I’ve bought it ever since.  Since it has always been very expensive compared to your common breakfast teas, almost double the price, it was reserved to enjoy only on the odd occasion. For a few years I didn’t drink it at all because my very tight budget just didn’t allow it. The expense I believe comes from the addition of subtly flavoured bergamot, an oil extract from the bergamot orange. “Citrus bergamia, the bergamot orange (pronounced /ˈbɜːrɡəˌmɒt/), is a fragrant citrus fruit the size of an orange, with a green color similar to a lime.” (Wikipedia)

Bergamot Orange [wikipedia]
So a year or two back I began buying it again and noticed it wasn’t as strong. It took two bags to taste the bergamot. Or making a smaller cup. This led me to start reading the fine print. Yes it was labeled ‘light strength’. I contacted the Twinings Facebook page and asked what was up with the ‘light’? The answer was a little vague and I couldn’t really figure out what it meant. I did complain about the fact you could hardly taste the bergamot. Then recently I noticed a package change and the bags were sealed in a foil bag. The bergamot flavour was stronger and on examining the new pack it said 5% bergamot flavouring whereas the old packet said 3.5%. Yay, I said to myself. They’ve strengthened it. Then I began to ponder. ‘Flavouring’? Surely not? So I contacted the Facebook page again and asked is the flavouring real bergamot or imitation? I was instructed in their reply to contact Twinings using the email ad supplied. My first red flag. If it was real bergamot they would surely be proud to tell me that on Facebook for all the public to see. This was the reply I got:

In our Twinings tea bag Earl Grey products we use a combination of a granular bergamot flavouring, plus a liquid flavouring to give a strong aroma. The exact compositions of flavourings are the flavour houses’ proprietary information. However, the flavourings in Earl Grey include a small amount of bergamot extract and other natural flavouring chemicals and synthetically produced flavour materials.

So, I have replied (a week ago now) to ask what percentage of the flavouring is real bergamot? No answer yet although I suspect that will also be “the flavour houses’ proprietary information”. I will keep you posted on that one. My next email will question the cost compared to the real. (UPDATE BELOW).

A small amount of bergamot extract & other natural flavouring chemicals & synthetically produced flavouring materials

I figure if they are using artificial chemical flavouring then they ought not to be charging the very high price they do. I always paid more knowing that of course bergamot will be expensive and if I wanted that flavour it was worth the price. So there you go, this is what bloody corporations do (and if you read my posts you will know I don’t generally swear but on this occasion I am. I’m kind of gutted really). They’ve cut the cost of production (and no, chemicals won’t be dearer than real bergamot otherwise they wouldn’t be going to the trouble of sourcing them) and pocketed the difference they made (from we customers). We’ve learned to identify MSG by its various other abbreviated names, however in this instance, with the artificially tweaked bergamot, we have no idea what we are drinking chemical wise, plus it is just not the real deal.

So … I don’t like the fact that I’ve been drinking bergamot flavoured chemicals, especially after recently reading of the great health benefits of Earl Grey which would only be

Cup of Earl Grey Chemicals anybody?

present in real bergamot, (relaxing and sleep inducing were two of them) and I don’t like the fact I’ve been ripped off. If I didn’t love Earl Grey so much I’d stop drinking it. Although that may still be on the tables. I’m just weighing it all up at the moment.  I’m asking myself also, what other products have chemical flavouring rather than the real thing? It surely proves we must read the fine print. Please do watch ‘The Corporation’ movie. You’ll understand why and how corporations can subtly mislead us.

UPDATE: The next reply I got from Twinings was 14/7/2018:

“The percentage of flavouring components that are derived from bergamot in the Earl Grey blend is 4.8%.

We are unable to give a list of other ingredients as this is proprietary information.”

I then replied again on 15/7/2017:

Hello and thank you for your reply.
I would have to express my disappointment that we are paying a lot for Earl Grey tea on the understanding really that it is expensive because of the bergamot content, yet it is only a mere 4.8%.
I would really like to know how long since your company has substituted chemicals for the real thing. And if we are purchasing chemical substitutes for bergamot the tea should therefore be cheaper. I don’t imagine the chemicals will be dearer than real bergamot or your company would not be using them.
And about the chemicals that are proprietary info, how do we the consumers choose the chemicals we ingest if your company is not willing to disclose them?
Would you please tell me when the content changed from bergamot to chemicals?
Kind regards

I have heard nothing since. I expect I won’t be either.

Note also, the concentration of chemical flavouring has gone from 3% (going by the first box I saved around 1-2 years ago) to 4.5% (the box I now have) to according to the manufacturer’s email, 4.8%. When, I wonder, did it rise to 4.8% given the last email was a year ago & current labeling is only 4.5%?

The other million dollar question is: how much is ‘a small amount’ of bergamot? It must be very small I imagine, given they are not saying.

If you’re for knowing what’s in your food, do drop them a line & ask the pertinent questions as I have. Here is their email:







NZ researcher shares facts & figures on geoengineering in Aotearoa

Thanks to South Canterbury Sky Watch for this video with NZ researcher Malcolm Scott explaining aerosol spraying in our atmosphere & over our once clean & green Enzed. Malcolm also describes NZ’s official government/corporation’s response. (ie … “nothing doing here”).
Published on Jun 23, 2017

International March Against Geoengineering, there were numerous events around the world, that gathered people to March Against This Insanity of spraying the atmosphere, the very air you breath, spraying it with next to invisible, nano technology particulates.
Ingredients that DO NOT belong or have any reason, any bodily function what so ever, apart from harm and you have not given YOUR consent as its hushed by YOUR mainstream media, YOUR government and their “alphabet” groups.
YOU have been kept blind by the ones who should be jumping up and down about this.
On the 18th of June 2017, people were getting together around the world, while in Canterbury the PUBLIC SEMINAR, hosted by independent researcher, Malcolm Scott was gathering at Gloucester St, in the heart of “The Garden City”, Christchurch.
Here is a 80minute video of the event, it maybe long but it might be 80 minutes well worth listening too,…. if YOU are UNAWARE of what goes over YOUR head and if YOU are AWARE, im sure you will find this seminar of interest.
Thanks to Malcolm Scott for taking the time to research this topic, as its very complex, its very large and takes many many hours, months and into the years of researching subjects, such as geoengineering.
Thanks to Tony Searles, on your introduction speech. Sorry couldn’t have put this on the video, as sound quality wasnt there.
And thanks to all who attended, not only in Christchurch but those who gathered in the likes of Auckland, New Plymouth, Raglan and other places. Was hoping to add some of the Auckland Street March to the video, but time was my enemy.

The Social Cleansing of Places Like Glenfell Tower is all Part of Agenda 21/30

Published on Jun 22, 2017

A 93 year old Wellington man who fell & broke his hip, left alone by Free Ambulance staff & told to call his own doctor!

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

This story I heard very recently and is clear evidence of the downturn our once caring nation has taken since the advent of Neo-Liberal economics courtesy of the now ‘Sir’ Roger Douglas. This is a corporate mindset that displays no empathy or care for the vulnerable. It is heartless and cruel. It is about not so much the players in these events, as the government policies that dictate how they act. It is also about how those heartless policies are shaping the current workforce. The company in question here has apologized, however, in my opinion it is a sign of things to come. Caused by the company’s policy in the guidelines around falls, I have nevertheless seen a similar scenario recently in the UK where people are now charged a £26 lifting fee for a fall (NZ$47). Earlier this year there was a man in Christchurch denied service whose fall was deemed non life threatening by St John’s Ambulance. As we know, the tentacles & misery of Neo-lib economics is planet wide now. Elsewhere these cuts are called austerity measures. Always there’s a new fancy name invented by these people for plain old greed. This is Agenda 21/30 people. Already in NZ.

We’ve seen all this growing in our midst in recent years like an ugly cancerous growth on the face of humanity. By increments it is grabbing up all the state homes built by our forefathers and hocking them off for private profit, lining developers’ pockets. Selling off our clean water for pennies to offshore corporations to make a mint from, while fobbing us off and slow poisoning us with heavily chemically treated water supplies. Polluting our waterways with impunity and stopping their ears to the fact that we now have very damning health statistics (child poverty & teen suicide). It is also a mindset that disregards the elderly, after all they’re not considered economically productive, which is what ‘matters’ to the corporate. These corporates however, forget who climbed out of bed at night and fed them when they could neither walk, talk nor feed themselves. And for no wages either.

So here is this veteran who faithfully served his country in World War Two,  and continues to serve in other ways, yes until very recently, still delivering meals on wheels to fellow elderly, falls and breaks his hip and this is the response he gets.

This gentleman, (in the words of his family), a “93-year-old veteran of world War Two, is a very active and clear minded man, involved in community and church service. He fell and broke his hip last December 29th 2016, managed to crawl back to his bed and activate his alarm system to alert the neighbours to call the ambulance.”

The ambulance attended him, but declined to take him to the Emergency Department at the hospital, instead telling him to go to his doctor. AND THEN LEFT HIM!

The man’s family was two hours drive away. How could he get to the doctor in his condition? He couldn’t walk, or drive, let alone manage the internal house stairs to use his own toilet.

As this man’s family pointed out in their letter to the ambulance service, “he had spent 5 years fighting for New Zealand to protect our human rights – against the practice of eugenics that Hitler and his Nazi regime were practicing, only now to be rewarded with selective health care at the hands of medical personnel who enjoy the
freedom of our land today because of men like him”.

Men who served in World War II now discarded by a health system that considers them not worth the expense [20th Bttn Egypt 1941: Wikipedia]

An explanation was sought by family as to why this man was “left in his hour of need, and denied access to the medical attention that he needed … that could have so easily been provided, from a country’s health system that he has paid taxes for, for most of his life. He never deserted New Zealand in her hour of need”.

“Your investigation of this matter would be greatly appreciated”, wrote family, “and an improved practice developed for your ambulance staff to provide the service that they are employed to perform without prejudice, preference or neglect.”

Here is the abbreviated response received from the Free Ambulance Executive Manager:

“I would like to start by saying I am sorry that your father did not receive the level of care that we expect of our service. l have reviewed all the circumstances of the case and based on his presentation, I agree that we should have transported your father to hospital. Wellington Free Ambulance paramedics use guidelines to inform the care they provide, and the guidelines in use at the time of our visit to your father did not include information about what is best practice when treating a patient who has fallen. This resulted in them not making the best decision for your father. On l June we implemented new guidelines which do now specifically include a section about
helping patients who have fallen. Under the new guidelines, it would have been very clear to the paramedics that your father should have been taken to hospital. I understand that this does not change the outcome for your father, however we expect it to prevent a similar thing happening to anyone in the future. I would like to apologize to both your father and yourself, as the care that he received was not of the standard it should have been. Wellington Free Ambulance takes pride in the care
that we provide to our patients, however in this case we have not got it right.

Going by the ambulance service manager’s  written response, it appears the ambulance staff had followed guidelines to the tee and did nothing wrong by the book. Those guidelines clearly did not include at the very least assisting him to contact further help or waiting with him until help arrived. The “book” has now been tweaked accordingly to allow for the legitimate helping of a “fall” patient, given staff do not appear to have the mental capacity to think beyond the book. A sense of compassion and plain common sense is just not present.

These people ABANDONED an elderly man, leaving him alone in his bed where he could well have died if he had had no people looking out for him.

Policy guidelines dictated their response and not human compassion. This is how far we have sunk. People neither think for themselves nor exercise lateral thinking any more. And a trite apology from the Executive Manager in my opinion is just not good enough. How many other people have been left in a similar plight and died? We will of course never know the answer to that. I would add though, in small town NZ this would in my opinion be unlikely to happen. The people I know who work for St John’s Ambulance in country districts offer a fantastic, caring service, and by largely unpaid staff. It is in the cities that things begin to get impersonal as it did recently in a Christchurch incident involving the fall of an elderly man.  An interesting twist to this scenario is that the elderly living in rural towns have long felt the pressure to move to the city where there are more accessible health and emergency facilities.

The Hon. Annette King  was also contacted informing her of this incident in Wellington, and apart from an acknowledgement of receipt of the letter in February this year, the family are still, four months later, awaiting a reply from the Minister herself. Such is the importance of elderly war veterans.

Neo-Lib economics clearly considers some sections of society as expendable

This story has really shocked me. The abandoned man was also a friend of my own late father who also served in World War Two. They had worked together in the building industry following the war. In a similar vein, my father in his early 80s, was taken off a hospital waiting list for a life extending operation without even the courtesy of a letter or phone call. They just wrote him off with the stroke of a pen and left us to ponder innocently at why the wait was so very long. (I was more trusting in those days). There comes a point on corporate waiting lists that some are just not worth spending money on.

Again, these people need to stop and consider who climbed out of bed at night and fed them when they could neither walk, talk nor feed themselves. Without charge. 

“A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.”
Mahatma Ghandi




Important info: The fascist suppression of opposition to 5G technology rollout & what you’re not being told

Thanks to thecontrail for this link. It comes from Josh del Sol, creator of the award winning doco ‘Take Back Your Power’ a must watch on the topic of radiation and the harm it can do to you. Here we have even greater suppression, Nazi style, of any dissension or objection to 5G.

Published on Jul 26, 2016

Is there a clandestine force working behind the scenes in the United States, censoring truth about the “5G” rollout? Watch this — then decide.

1) Call, email & write your reps:

2) Subscribe for news about liability actions, and watch the film:

3) To join Kevin Mottus for on-the-ground awareness campaigns (DNC July 25-28 & DC in Sept), email:

4) Minimize your EMF exposure: &…

5) Do whatever it takes to clear on who you are.




1) Book: “Captured Agency”, by Norm Alster, Harvard Ethics Dept:…

2) $25M US Gov’t study finds cellular radiation causes increase in cancer (May 2016):…

3) Thousands of studies that cumulatively prove negative effects caused by wireless radiation:……

4) LeBron James remembers his spring surgery on jaw tumor:…

5) Telecom and Insurance Companies Warn of Liability and Risk…

6) 34 Scientific studies showing adverse health effects From Wi-Fi:

7) Radiofrequency science charts to visually compare studies, radiation intensities and biological effects:…

8) Apple manual states to keep your iPhone away from your body at all times:…

9) Study: Mobile phones are cooking men’s sperm:…

10) Brain surgeon Dr Charlie Teo warns against mobiles, wireless home appliances:…

11) American Academy of Pediatrics warns: Limit children’s exposure to cellphones:…

12) More than 60 international warnings on Wi-Fi and microwave radiation:…

13) A List of Teacher Unions and Parent Teacher Organizations Taking Action On Wi-Fi (USA, Canada, UK, etc):

14) TED Talk on ‘smart’ meter harm, from a former Environmental Engineer in Silicon Valley:

15) Insurance giant Swiss RE has given electromagnetic frequencies the highest possible long-term risk rating:…

16) Insurance giant, Lloyd’s of London, will not insure wireless:…

17) Risk Management Magazine – The Invisible Threat: Radiofrequency Radiation Risk…

18) US CDC retracts cellphone radiation warning following pressure from industry lobbyists:…

19) WHO involved in suppression of additional science showing harm, since 2011:

20) CEO of 1 Billion-dollar U.K. company speaks out on microwave sickness:

21) Dozens of specific scientific abstracts that all show harm:…

22) Solutions: Reducing Wirelesss Radiation and EMF:

23) Solutions: Reducing Your EMF Exposure:…

24) How to Install Wired Internet in Your Home:…

Grenfell Tower: A Disaster Waiting to Happen by Graham Peebles

This is an excellent must read article on the factors behind the Grenfell fire and factors I often refer to as a part of Agenda 21/30. The austerity measures, the corruption of councils, gentrification, the ignoring of the poor and the ongoing marginalization of them. The pleas of the Grenfell Action Group fell on deaf heartless & cruel ears. While council has been stockpiling millions, these council tower blocks were let run down … no sprinklers! … accidents waiting to happen.


by Graham Peebles
Writer, Dandelion Salad
London, England
June 23, 2017

Charred, lifeless and brutal, the hollowed out remains of Grenfell Tower in west London screams of the human agony inflicted when, on 14th June, the building became an inferno.

Whilst there are various theories about what triggered the fire – dodgy wiring, a faulty fridge, a gas leak – what is clear is that this disaster was not an accident, it was the consequence of a social housing policy dating back to the 1980’s, systematic neglect, social injustice and the ongoing war being waged on the poorest members of British society by the Conservative government. And this time the result is not just low pay, second-rate education and housing, lack of opportunities, increased anxiety and depression, but murder; families torn to pieces, lives destroyed.

Deep sadness shrouds the whole area, and, coming as it does on the back of a spate of recent atrocities, distress and a sense of collective bewilderment pervade the country.

The initial shock of the disaster has morphed into contained anger as the level of official incompetence and apathy becomes increasingly clear. Residents’ warnings of the risks of fire were repeatedly ignored by The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (RBKC) who own the building and the Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organization (KCTMO); the most insistent residents – two of whom are now dead – were bullied and threatened with “legal action for defamation” by KCTMO, the company responsible for the management of the building, The Independent reports. This attitude is widespread, the Radical Housing Group (RHG) makes clear that “the recent history of social housing is one of contempt for council tenants and denigration of council housing…the underlying causes of the Grenfell tragedy are deeply economic and political.”

The list of factors that led to this disaster is long and intertwined, rooted in the poisonous ground of commercialization, social division and official complacency.

READ MORE: Grenfell Tower: A Disaster Waiting to Happen by Graham Peebles

Innovative DIY Ways to Create an Organic & Even Indoor Vegetable Garden

Story at-a-glance

  • Thirty-six percent of U.S. households grow their own food
  • Items you already have at home — from milk jugs to pantyhose — can help you create the perfect vegetable garden
  • Take advantage of vertical garden space by planting in over-the-door shoe organizers or shower caddies

By Dr. Mercola

Growing your own vegetables and fruits is one of the best ways to ensure ready access to fresh, nutrient-dense and chemical-free food. The pastime is catching on, with 74 percent of U.S. households taking part in lawn and garden activities in 2016 — a 4 percent rise from just a year before.1

The 2015 National Gardening Survey revealed that food gardening and flower gardening top the list of most popular forms of gardening, with 36 percent of U.S. households growing their own food.2 The National Gardening Association’s 2014 special report “Garden to Table” also highlighted the “food revolution” taking place in the U.S. as more Americans recognize and enjoy the benefits of homegrown food:3

“Countless communities, schools and families are growing more of their own food! Today, food gardening is at the highest level in more than a decade. In the past five years alone, spending on food gardening has increased 43 percent; urban gardeners have increased by 29 percent.

And, most encouragingly, young people — the millennials — have become the fastest growing segment of the population to start a food garden. Young people have begun to champion the connection between growing food, eating well and healthy living.”

Ten DIY Gardening Hacks That Really Work

There are many misconceptions surrounding home gardening, including that you need a large space to grow a meaningful amount of food. In reality, Rodale’s “The Backyard Homestead” suggests you can grow enough organic food to feed a family of four on only a quarter-acre of land — year-round.4 There are certainly many tips and tricks you can use to reap a bountiful harvest even if your garden is confined to containers on a balcony or a small plot of land in a community garden.



Broccoli sprout extract can replace toxic metformin drugs in type-2 diabetes; sulforaphane found to control blood sugar levels

(Natural News) The American Diabetes Association reports that around 10 percent of the U.S. population has diabetes, most of whom have lifestyle-related type 2 diabetes. Around 1.4 million new diabetes diagnoses are made each year, and it remains the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. This is also an incredibly expensive disease, costing the country over $245 billion each year in direct medical costs and lost productivity.

Conventional diabetes treatment involves drugs to control glucose levels like metformin, but as many as one-in-seven patients cannot tolerate this type of medication because of its effects on the kidneys. A new study published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science offers a natural alternative for these patients – and, quite frankly, a better alternative for all type 2 diabetes patients who want to avoid the toxic side effects of chemical drugs.

Researchers began their study by constructing a signature for type 2 diabetes based on 50 different genes. They then used expression datasets to screen 3,852 compounds to find one that could potentially reverse disease. Their most promising lead was the compound sulforaphane, which is found in cruciferous veggies like broccoli. In cultured liver cells, sulforaphane reduced glucose (sugar) production and “liver gene expression away from a diseased state in diabetic rats,” according to Science Daily.

This is important because the body uses sugar as fuel for the cells, and the hormone insulin allows this sugar to enter the cells. In people with type 2 diabetes, the body either doesn’t produce sufficient insulin or has become resistant to its effects. This results in a build-up of glucose in the body, eventually damaging the eyes, kidneys, heart and nerves.



Have folk noticed an absence of news about the Grenfell Tower fire? It’s been heavily censored by MS including Google, YT, WP and the rest. No surprises there. It’s all about gentrification, and privatization of public assets. That tower was recently clad with inflammable material that emits cyanide when it burns & witnesses say it burned from the outside in. Fires in these blocks apparently are normally contained to the one flat. There were no sprinklers, no fire hydrants, one stairwell for 600+ people, they were instructed just days before the fire to remain in their flats in the event of fire, so people were told not to escape but wait for rescue! They burned alive! Now numbers dead are being suppressed. For literally years the housing action group for Grenfell campaigned & argued for fire safety measures and were ignored (their blog is still online). They warned in November last year that there would be a catastrophe and now their warning has proven true. Folk on the ground are asking for lists of missing, they know the numbers are in the hundreds who have died & we are hearing from MS only 80 odd. MS is covering up & lying. Labour member David Lammy calls it a crime of epic proportions. Donations of clothing etc are just being put into storage say people helping. They believe the death toll is in the hundreds. According to official lists locals have posted there are over 300 unaccounted for. Please share this & other articles on topic that I’ve posted, also from flyingcuttlefish. People on the ground, the locals, are understandably extremely angry & have been protesting and asking for justice & answers. Also hidden on YT. YT is really messing with the live eye witness videos. So many people are waking up to what the tiny minority are doing to the majority, those they consider dispensable – the poor, the marginalized. I believe it’s a really critical time right now on many fronts.

flying cuttlefish picayune

Where are the 500 Grenfell tower victims?


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‘The Grenfell Tower fire is a crime of epic proportions’ David Lammy, Labour MP interview

Published on Jun 21, 2017

David Lammy says heads ‘need to be on the block’ over the Grenfell Tower fire in west London. He told me he wants to see resignations and a proper police investigation into the failure to protect scores of people from being burnt to death in their own homes.

Lammy, who is the Labour MP for Tottenham, says the fire is comparable to Hurricane Katrina and talked to me about the very real effects of austerity.

Read my column for the Guardian ►…

Owen Jones talks… ►
Owen Jones talk back ►
Owen Jones talks to… ►
Owen Jones talks at Guardian Live ►

Grenfell fire deaths from hydrogen cyanide from burning panels?

Thanks to the flying cuttlefish picayune blog I’m reposting some of their excellent coverage on the Grenfell fire coverup. We are clearly not hearing the whole story in fact a short read and listen from folk on the ground quickly tell us that. Numbers of dead covered up, no lists of missing people, donated food & clothes not being collected (put into storage I heard yesterday). As always we have to look for the truth ourselves, mainstream is not providing it. And by all appearances this is a massive crime scene.

flying cuttlefish picayune


Sky News – Toxic gases released during Grenfell Tower fire may have caused some deaths
Experts say insulation boards on the outside of Grenfell Tower may have filled flats with hydrogen cyanide when they caught fire.

“Insulation boards fitted to the outside of Grenfell Tower gave off highly toxic hydrogen cyanide gas which may have contributed to the deaths of some of the 79 confirmed victims.

Fire toxicity experts have told Sky News the insulation boards installed during a refurbishment of the tower produce the deadly gas when they burn, and their positioning meant every flat could have been filled with enough gas to kill those inside. . . . (more)

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Grenfell Neighbors Speak Out + Building Policy on Tenant Deaths

flying cuttlefish picayune

London Residents Speak The Truth About The Grenfell Tower Fire


2004 publication:


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Short Film Reveals the Lunacy of Water Fluoridation (from a MD)

Story at-a-glance

  • Research links fluoridated water consumption to endocrine dysfunction, hypothyroidism, ADHD, and reduced IQ
  • Many water authorities do not use pharmaceutical grade fluoride; they use hydrofluosilicic acid — a toxic waste product of the fertilizer industry that is frequently contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins
  • 97 percent of Western European countries do not fluoridate, and data show non-fluoridating countries have seen the exact same reduction in dental cavities as fluoridated areas

By Dr. Mercola

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has hailed water fluoridation as one of the top 10 public health achievements of the 20th century. Beginning in 1945, it was claimed that adding fluoride to drinking water was a safe and effective way to improve people’s dental health. Over the decades, many bought into this hook, line and sinker, despite all the evidence to the contrary. The featured film, “Our Daily Dose,” reviews some of this evidence. As noted in the film’s synopsis:

“Filmmaker Jeremy Seifert lays out the dangers of water fluoridation informatively and creatively, highlighting the most current research and interviewing top-tier doctors, activists, and attorneys close to the issue. Through thoughtful examination of old beliefs and new science, the film alerts us to the health threat present in the water and beverages we rely on every day.”


Social Cleansing & the London fire – (Dr Lisa McKenzie)

Photo Credit :

I’ve refrained thus far from posting about this horrific & clearly preventable disaster, going by the hours of footage I’ve watched. My deepest condolences to all those affected who may possibly read this. And may justice be done. Folks are saying to wait I notice, until all the evidence is in. Call me a pessimist but I really don’t imagine in today’s economic climate that mainstream is going to show us all that evidence. It’s already been dubbed a massive media cover up. That the media & our governments lie to us & have been for eons is very clear. And what’s evolving from all the feedback from on the ground folk is that this is no exception. Already it’s being said it could take years before there are any official answers. The old tried and true drag-it-out-for-years tactic. And the latest I see is a payout (pay off?) from Theresa May to families of a few thousand pounds. It is well worth the watch of the various clips filmed at the scene by locals, as well as interviews by independent media. Thankfully in this digital age along with social media, the truth eventually gets out. A search of FB will bring up mainly mainstream articles with the ‘official’ mainstream story. Watch also the videos YT pulls. I also noticed there have been absolutely no posts on my FB feed which I find pretty incredible. Fifty eight dead two days ago, now in the nineties is the latest official figure, and yet the tower was inhabited by 600 people and locals were saying there are no ‘missing’ lists. So where are the missing they ask? Run away? Lost? The second video here shows a local woman pointing the number 600 out. She believes the officials are hiding the correct number & asks, where are the tenants? In her opinion, they are dead. Time will tell. Consider this:


Source a video emphasizing the media/govt collusion & the lying)

The building was recently clad with inflammable cladding that is banned in other countries. Tenants on their videos say a whole tower fire is extremely rare but this one it’s said burned from the outside in. Fires are generally contained in one apartment. Sprinklers were either non existent or not working and folk could not hear any fire alarms. There was only one stairwell for 600 people. All of these safety concerns were campaigned about by action groups long ago to no avail. It was by all reports an accident waiting to happen. This is why I am skeptical about getting the true story from mainstream.

On top of all that, visits just days prior to the fire by fire staff, instructions were given to tenants that if there was a fire to stay put in their apartments. They would be rescued. One gentleman interviewed said he phoned family in there & told them to leave but they said no, they had been told to stay in their apartments. The official posters in the building confirm these instructions.  Another interviewed couple on mainstream escaped because they did not follow those instructions, pointing out the instructions were wrong.

People are rightfully angry and demanding answers. Who wouldn’t be?
The following Doctor speaking from the London School of Economics who grew up in similar housing points the finger at austerity measures.


Published on Jun 17, 2017

We speak to Dr. Lisa Mckenzie, research fellow at the London School of Economics, about the fire in Grenfell Tower and how austerity is responsible for killing worker class families.
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What the media won’t tell you about the Grenfell Tower fire

I’ve been reluctant to post on this topic, with all respect & condolences to all affected by this terrible event. Reluctant because so much is being said & it takes time to weed things out and get the true picture, knowing as we do that mainstream cannot be wholly trusted to give us all aspects. Who better to hear from than a person right on the ground. This man (Peaky Saku) is a local and spoke up in one of the very first interviews by MS. He’s interviewed in depth here & has much to say. To those who’ve observed what has been changing around us since the switch to neo-lib economics and all the so called ‘austerity measures’ from the late ’80s,  particularly the end results we’ve seen more recently, you will recognize similar background events playing out in your own communities. Property development is a big player with the public private partnerships that the interview highlights. Profits ahead of people basically. Poor people don’t matter. An excellent watch and more to come. This is Agenda 21 (UN plans for global governance, see our related pages).

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Published on Jun 15, 2017

Pike River Mine – new footage reveals no sign of an inferno plus many intact bodies

If you haven’t already, please read Dr Jacob Cohen’s article ‘Murder at Pike River Mine’ found on our Pike River Mine pages. His is a damning independent investigation into what really happened. Go here to download and read his investigative report. There is an updated version which I will add here when I obtain it.  And may these families finally obtain both justice and closure. See the third article that shows men in the mine three months after the disaster, yet government was saying it was too dangerous to enter.

Photo credit: Newshub

New footage inside Pike River mine revealed

from Newshub

Newshub has obtained more video of the robot inside the Pike River mine.

It shows the two mine rescue workers in an airlocked portal in the entry zone, waiting to go in, and then clearly shows them inside the tunnel itself before they send off the robot.

There’s also a photo of a letter pinned to the tunnel wall by mine rescue workers who have already been in.

“We have commenced our journey to you: this has been the first step to bring you home to your loved ones,” it reads.

“We will not rest and we will never give up. We will return kia kaha.”


Several bodies intact in Pike River Mine – Anna Osborne

Up to six intact bodies can be seen in new video footage from inside Pike River Mine, the widow of a man who died in the 2010 explosion has revealed.

“There are a number of bodies, we’re talking probably four, five, six at the moment, we’re still going through footage, but at the request of the families at this stage we’re not going to release those,” Anna Osborne told The AM Show.

“But there are definitely loved ones’ bodies fully intact.”

Ms Osborne lost her husband Milton in the disaster. She says it’s been “six-and-a-half years of lies and cover-ups”.

She says the new footage is more than enough evidence for a manned re-entry into the mine.


Pike River mine: Police deny keeping video from families

Police have denied it “deliberately withheld” video showing a robot going into the Pike River mine, filmed just three months after the final explosion.

In the video, two men wearing mines rescue uniforms can be seen working on the robot, which later can be seen smoking or steaming – but not catching fire.



Thanks to the for these links… read their post here.

“This author has studied this and other video footage of the event with international coal mining, gas and oil industry experts. All of whom conclude that the flames and smoke leaping from the top of the 110 meter ventilation shaft on the video clip CANNOT possibly be coming from burning coal at all (more than 110 meters below), or methane gas as the police and media deceptively claim. Coal and methane burns considerably cleaner with different colored flame and smoke and would not at all be in such high concentrations burning right at the top of the shaft (driven through hard rock) at such a huge intensity – irrespective of whether the main portal entrance to the access tunnel is open or not. The conclusion is that the fire on the video is a total deception and giant cover up.”

The Lost Science of Money – Wars Are Won By Bankers, Not Armies

The Most Revolutionary Act

The Lost Science of Money: The Mythology of Money – The Story of Power

by Stephen Zarlinga

American Monetary Institute (2002)

Book Review

This book, by co-author of Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s HR 2990 to abolish the Federal Reserve (see HR2990: Historic Bill to Abolish the Federal Reserve), is one of the most amazing books I’ve ever read. At 775 pages, the lowest price I could find for a used copy was $225 from Alibris. Fortunately it’s also available in PDF format at Lost Science of Money

It’s clear from Zarlenga’s extensive documentation and footnotes that the research for this book took decades. He essentially rewrites western history dating back to the ancient Sumerians. His goal is to expose and correct all the distortions and myths introduced into official history historians in the pay of merchants and bankers. Both are fiercely committed to perpetuating our current global monetary system in…

View original post 616 more words

How the UK secretly sprayed the public with carcinogenic chemicals between 1953 & 1964

If you think that your government wouldn’t do this to you, think again. This info was broadcast by BBC but is no longer in their archives. It is clear evidence your government would do this and you likely thought it belongs in that handy ‘conspiracy’ category. There’ve been a lot of events gone into the ‘conspiracy’ basket of late … or is that the ‘too hard’ basket? OI requests obtained this information that sections of UK’s population were sprayed with zinc cadmium sulphide without testing the toxicity of the substance, and without the public’s knowledge. (This took place from Porton Down, “a military science park. It is situated slightly northeast of Porton near Salisbury, in Wiltshire, England…On maps, the land surrounding the complex is identified as a “Danger Area”.)[1] In light of this, don’t disregard the fact that we are all still being sprayed with unknown (& known) chemicals, even in ‘clean green’ Enzed. All officially denied of course. See our Geoengineering pages.

Uploaded on Feb 19, 2010

This is a shortened version of the BBC Inside out documentary series that was first broadcast on 6th November 2006. Its interesting to note that this broadcast can no longer by found in the BBC archives, which I think is actually a breach of their own charter.

Between 1953 and 1964 top secret trials were carried out using a chemical concoction of zinc cadmium sulphide to simulate how a cloud would disperse biological agents. The unsuspecting population in the East of England was sprayed covertly with the poisonous compound.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia
Porton Down 
United Kingdom governmentmilitary science park.

7 Steps To Help Reverse Type-2 Diabetes So You Never Have To Take Insulin Or Medication Again (from a MD)

Before the article, some brief stats regarding diabetes in NZ:

Prevalence of diabetes in NZ

At the end of December 2013, there were 243,125 individuals enrolled with a primary health organisation with either type 1 or 2 diabetes in New Zealand. [11]   Using district health board population estimates as at 30 June 2013, this represents approximately 5.4% of the estimated resident population. [12]

The Ministry of Health has estimated that there are approximately 100,000 people who have diabetes in New Zealand but have not yet been diagnosed. [13]

The prevalence of diabetes in New Zealand is increasing. The high frequency of prediabetes suggests diabetes is likely to become more common, particularly in high risk groups. Implementation of effective evidence-based diabetes prevention strategies are required to reduce the increasing health and economic costs of the diabetes epidemic.  NZ Medical Journal



7 Steps To Help Reverse Type-2 Diabetes


What disease affects EVERY other American and one in four kids? Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. Type 2 diabetes in America has tripled since the 1980s, and researchers estimate one in three Americans will have diabetes by mid-century. More than one-third of American adults are obese. [1]

And one in three Medicare dollars is spent on diabetes making it the biggest driver of our federal debt. Sadly, these numbers continue to increase. Overall, it’s not a pretty picture, and experts predict things will only become worse.

I use the term “diabesity” to describe the continuum of health problems ranging from mild insulin resistance and overweight to obesity and diabetes. Diabesity is the underlying cause of most heart disease, cancer, and premature death in the world.