How to Prepare For a Food Shortage on a Budget

A YT channel I came upon recently … preparing for things most of us know are coming fast. I’ve watched two of these videos so far …. great advice, very practical and also healthy choices about what is added to or sprayed on your purchases. Worth a watch. Will post more of them going forwards … EWR


Today we take you to the store and show you how to prepare on a Budget Subscribe to OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY:

About OFF GRID with DOUG and Stacy (from their channel)

“In 2010 we decided to sell everything and build a log cabin on 11 acres. We have lived in the log cabin for a decade now with no solar power or wind power plus zero public utilities. We live like the pioneers except in the 21st century. We post videos on social media to encourage people to return to the land and make a living with your family. We teach folks: *Off grid living *Rain water catchment *Cooking with wood *Food growing *Cooking from scratch *Raised bed gardening *Food harvesting *fermenting the harvest *food preservation *Holistic Remedies like Grandma made *How to make money and live this life *storing food in a root cellar *DIY Build projects *Animal Husbandry *Raising Chickens, Guinea, Turkeys and Ducks All of our videos are made to empower you to break free and LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! “


Photo: video screenshot

Pharma companies commit scientific fraud to rig vax clinical trials

(NaturalHealth365)  Why are we supposed to “trust the science” – which sounds no better than blindly following dogma, really – when questioning science and being curious about the integrity of scientific research has always been the acceptable path?  As a July 2021 article in Scientific American puts it, “Science is a process of learning and discovery, and sometimes we learn that what we thought was right is wrong.”

Yet, in today’s pandemic era, it seems as if the three-letter agencies of the world don’t want citizens to realize they can question science at all.  Instead, it’s as if they would rather us roll up our sleeves for whatever latest version of shots they want us to take, even if these shots have no clinical trials behind them (and that’s even assuming the clinical trials aren’t horribly flawed, to begin with).

Is the FDA making it too easy for Pfizer and Moderna to churn out new mRNA drugs without following proper protocol?

Insisting that the gene-based COVID shots from Pfizer and Moderna have made a “tremendous difference to public health and have saved countless lives,” the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on June 30 that they are advising the two Big Pharma companies to update their current COVID jabs so that they include “an omicron BA.4/5 spike protein component to the current vaccine composition to create a two component (bivalent) booster vaccine.”


Image by kalhh from Pixabay

Tomato Time (Wally Richards)

If you are like me, your fingers are itching to get the new seasons tomato plants under way.

The earlier you start the sooner you will have ripe tomatoes to eat.

I think most garden centres will have a few early varieties already to buy and grow on.

This last week after the cold spell the weather has been fairly warm in most areas.

This is likely because of the rain brought down from the tropics which caused so much damage also brought with it, warm air.

As I write this in Marton at 10am on Saturday the temperature outside is 18 degrees and starting to feel a bit more like some spring weather.

If you have a glasshouse or similar then no problem in getting your first tomato plants started either in the ground or in containers.

If you do not have a glasshouse there is no reason not to plant one or more tomato plants into 20cm containers to grow on for planting out into your garden later on as a well established plant.

You just need to have the containers in a sunny sheltered spot and if the weather turns to custard or looks like a frost then bring them inside (porch, carport, shed, kitchen) they will be ok then till weather improves and back to their spot outside so they get ample sun light.

Firstly lets look at planting your purchased tomato plants, whether in the ground or into a container: make a hole that will be deep enough to bury the plant up to the first leaves.

The reason for this is that the plant will produce roots all the up the trunk making a bigger root system compared planted shallow where the original roots are.

More roots, bigger plant and better results.

Place about half a teaspoon of Wallys Secret Tomato Food with Neem Powder at the base of the hole and just cover with a little of the growing medium.

Also sprinkle Wallys Secret Tomato Food onto the growing medium surface but not against the trunk of the plant.

Not only are you giving your tomato a great food but also the Neem Powder helps prevent insect problems.

In a glasshouse also sprinkle Wallys Neem Tree Granules as the smell of the granules will further disguise the smell of your tomato plants so whitefly will not know they are there.

Hang Wallys White Fly Sticky Traps in the glasshouse near the door and vets as well as above your tomato plants.

These will catch any adult insects pests that find there way into the glasshouse.

The biggest problem that many gardeners had over the last season or longer is the dreaded psyllid.

These little pests lay their eggs on to tomato plants, potatoes, Tamarrilo (these three are the worst affected) but they will also attack chili, capsicum okra and pippino.

The nymphs when they hatch out are very small and you need a magnifying glass to see them.

They are sucking the goodness out of your tomato plant and even worse injecting a toxin into the plant.

The results seen are the plants lower leaves may turn yellow prematurely, be distorted, fruit will become progressively smaller and the end result will be a fungus mold up and down the trunk before the plant dies.

Eggs hatch 3-9 days after being laid and nymphs pass through five scale-like stages in 12-21 days, depending on temperature.

In greenhouses, tomato-potato psyllid development proceeds rapidly between 15-32 C, and the lower temperature threshold for development is about 7 C.

It is the mid range temperatures that are best for the psyllids and for breeding.

Lower and very high temperatures reduce their activity and that is why very early and late in the season, while temperatures are mild they are not much of a problem in open air gardens.

Late self sown tomato plants will do well till winter knocks them out.

From personal experience I found that once you have a psyllid population in your back yard that each season it will be far worse than previous up until growing of tomatoes, potatoes and Tamarrilo is a waste of money and time.

For instance Opiki (between Palmerston North and Levin) was a great commercial potato growing area a few years ago. Now there are none grown as the chemicals needed to control had to be applied so frequently and the costs too high to be economical.

Sprays such as Neem Oil or chemical ones will help control a bit but the populations become so great that they just don’t control sufficiently to be any thing than a waste of money.

Confidor (the bee killer) would be the best to work as a chemical spray but of course now no longer available to the home gardener as it is a bee killer which we do not want that.

About two years ago the psyllid problem in my big glasshouse had got so bad that I went out looking for a safe means of control.

I found the answer in silicon which if used to treat the tomato plants from seedlings to maturity not

only prevented psyllid damage but actually got rid of them completely from my glasshouse and gardens.

So for other gardeners I bottled 3 products the first is Wallys Silicon and Boron Soil Drench which is watered into the soil where your tomato plant is to grow either before planting or after planting.

Another drench is applied 2 weeks later.

Then you mix Wallys Cell Strengthening Spray and Wallys Silicon Super Spreader together.

The Super Spreader forces the Cell Strengthening spray into the plants.

This spray can be started once your tomato plant has foliage and repeated every week as it grows.

Once it gets to flowering and about a metre tall then spray every two weeks.

Once you start harvesting fruit spray once a month.

Add Magic Botanic Liquid (MBL) to the cell strengthening spray.

I make up the spray into a one litre Trigger sprayer and leave by the plants out of direct sunlight to used again till all contents finished as it keeps ok. Just shake the bottle in case of settling.

You will not only have lots of tomatoes as it used to be but also the fruit will be bigger and tastier as the leaves of the plant will love the silicon spray and grow to about double their normal size.

The plant will get more energy from the sun having larger leaves and the plants will be the best tomatoes you have ever grown using the Wallys Secret Tomato Food and the Silicon cell strengthening products. Even if you do not think you have a psyllid problem it is worthwhile to use the cell strengthening products as you will have better tomatoes as a result.

These products also work well on preventing or reducing the damage to garlic from the garlic rust problem.

You could try the cell strengthening spray with MBL added on your favorite plants such as roses and see what happens.

Problems ring me at 0800 466464
Web site

Phone 0800 466464
Garden Pages and News at
Shar Pei pages at
Mail Order products at

New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. Part II of the Act covers a broad range of Civil and Political Rights. As part of the right to life and the security of the person, the Act guarantees everyone:

1 The right not to be deprived of life except in accordance with fundamental justice (Section 8)

2 The right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, degrading, or disproportionately severe treatment or punishment (Section 9)

3 The right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without consent (Section 10)

4 The right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment (Section 11)

 Furthermore, the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 guarantees everyone: Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion.
This includes the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and belief,


Using Neem in your garden & elsewhere (Wally Richards)

Azadirachta indica, commonly known as Neem, nimtree or Indian lilac, is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae.

It is one of two species in the genus Azadirachta, and is native to the Indian subcontinent and most of the countries in Africa. It is typically grown in tropical and semi-tropical regions.

Each year the tree flowers and produces fruit or kernels which are the seeds of the tree.

These are harvested and cold pressed to extract the Neem Oil which is used for many things including as an insecticide and for medical uses.

If the kernels are press only once then the Neem Cake will be dark in colour and have a good Neem smell.

If they are cold pressed more than once to extract more oil then they will be light brown in colour and not have much smell which means they will not any where near effective as the dark Neem Granules/Powder;.

The crushed residue is called Neem Cake in India which my company Garden Enterprises import in container loads into NZ for gardeners to use.

Before it is shipped the Neem cake is dried then screened to obtain to particle sizes which we call Wallys Neem Tree Powder being uniform particles 1-3mm in size.

Then there are the larger particles we call Wallys Neem Tree Granules which vary from 1mm to about 50mm in size.

Both are the same thing it is just the size of the particles that determine what we call them.

Likewise either can be used to do most gardening tasks that Neem Cake can be used for but each has its special tasks for applications.

Firstly lets talk about Neem Tree Powder, lovely to work with, easy to handle and far better to use for some applications than the Neem Tree Granules.

For instance when planting seeds or seedlings a little of the powder can be sprinkled with the seeds or put into a seedling’s planting hole.

It is a must to prevent carrot fly damage; you sprinkle the powder along the furrow with the seeds at sowing time.

Later when the carrots have germinated and have tops of foliage about 3-4cm tall you then side dress the row with the powder.

By doing this most gardeners have found little or no damage to the carrots at harvest time.

The Neem Tree Powder is ideal for treating grass grubs in lawns if used when the grubs are near the soil surface. For most that would be in the autumn after the autumn rains have moistened up the soil.

By cutting out squares of turf and examining the clods will let you see if there are grubs near the surface, if so then treat those areas where there are several grubs per square foot.

Sprinkle the Neem Tree Powder over a freshly mowed lawn and water in to settle the powder onto the soil.

If you have a roller then roll to press the powder into the moist soil.

If not then either lift the height of your rotary mower by a notch or two before you mow again or leave the catcher off so that powder picked up while mowing will be put back onto the lawn. Only applicable for two or three mowings after application of the Neem Powder.

Where you apply the powder on the lawn you may notice after a couple of weeks that those areas are looking better than where it was not used.

This is a good indication that you have root nematodes in the roots of your grasses and they are sucking the vigor out of your lawn. So if this is the case then you know to treat the rest of your lawn.

Neem Tree Powder is also ideal to place a small sprinkling on top of the growing medium of your container plants to eradicate root mealy bugs in the roots. Out side containers it does not matter so much as the powder will get molds when it breaks down which is normal; but indoors it will look unsightly so cover the powder with a little more growing medium.

Wallys Neem Tree Granules being bigger in size means they will last much longer slowly breaking down.

This makes them great to use on the soil of more established plants such as trees, shrubs and roses.

I have had a few gardeners tell me they used them in the root zone of their roses and significantly reduced problems of pests and diseases.

We have found them magic placed on the soil under citrus trees from the trunk to the drip line..

Within a period of about 6-8 weeks all insect pests on or in the tree are gone including whitefly, scale borer and mealy bugs.

At the beginning of the season when you plant up your glasshouse with tomatoes and other plants put some Neem Tree Powder in the planting holes and Neem Tree Granules on top of the growing medium (soil or containers) Many reports have said that in its self has solved most of their problems with whitefly in the glasshouse.

The reason I believe is that the smell of the granules disguises the smell of the plants and hence insects pests flying by don’t know that there are host plants nearby.

Disguising the smell of plants so that insects do not know that they are there is a great easy control.

It is the first line of defense against codlin and guava moth damage. You hide the tree when its fruiting.

The time to use the granules is after the fruit has formed on the tree and is about halfway to maturity.

Sprinkle the Neem Tree Granules under the tree from trunk to drip line.

Next make up some small bags using old curtain netting which you will place some granules in and the hang in the tree about your height. Hang around the tree 4 to 6 bags.

When the moths are flying at night looking for where to lay their eggs from the smell of the fruit they will fly on by as can not smell the fruit because of the Neem Granule’s smell that overrides the fruit smell.

Simple and very effective in greatly reducing the damage to your crop.

In regards to using Neem Tree Granules on the soil under plants you are likely to find they work better on some types if plants than on others.

I found on brassica such as cabbage that powder in the planting hole and granules on the soil meant that caterpillars never got established or caused much damage.

A few months ago a lady gardener from India told me that she soaks Neem Tree Granules in a bucket of water (about a cup full) for a couple of weeks stirring occasionally.

Then she takes the water and sprays or pours over her roses late in the afternoon.

According to her it keeps the pests and diseases under control.

Wallys Neem Tree Powder and Granules are great gardening aids and available in sizes in 1 kilo, 3 kilo and 20 kilo bags.

Problems ring me at 0800 466464
Web site

Phone 0800 466464
Garden Pages and News at
Shar Pei pages at
Mail Order products at

New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. Part II of the Act covers a broad range of Civil and Political Rights. As part of the right to life and the security of the person, the Act guarantees everyone:

1The right not to be deprived of life except in accordance with fundamental justice (Section 8)

2The right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, degrading, or disproportionately severe treatment or punishment (Section 9)

3The right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without consent (Section 10)

4The right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment (Section 11)

 Furthermore, the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 guarantees everyone: Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion.
This includes the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and belief,

Image by Alexei from Pixabay


For our previous posts on this fire go here:

What stayed in my memory from our coverage was the visit the residents got just weeks before the fire, instructing them to remain in their apartments if a fire should ever break out. Recordings of phone calls revealed this is what they did. One was left with the feeling that it was a complete cover up … may justice be done for those victims, many more it would appear, than the ‘official’ account gave us. EWR

Watch at the link below as Mark Steele gives his opinion on this event as being linked to smart meters:

Robert Deutsch: Large Rain Event Planned For Australia & New Zealand This Week


Robert Deutsch warns of what may be massive rain events in Australia this week and states that there could be the type of flood that has never been seen before on the face of the planet in Australia, (@ 34 minutes into the video.)

There is information related to New Zealand, where it is going to be windy again, which starts at 24.25 minutes into the film.

Hear Deutsch say that you can do an EMF forecast if you pay attention and point out that the geo-engineers could have used weather modification technology to calm the storms down, but they didn’t. Information he provides indicates that storms have been created using beams of electromagnetic radiation from a number of facilities, in conjunction with chem-bombs, to divert rivers of moisture in the atmosphere where they can be used for destructive purposes over Australasia.

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The ‘benefits of closer living for Kiwi homebuyers’, a growing trend that has its origins in UN Agenda 21/30

Reblogging this as the topic of pack and stack housing re-emerges. We’re hearing of building up not out which those who follow the UN agenda 2030 narrative will know it is a sign of smart cities (wild areas excluded from habitation) and all they entail. For other articles on topic search here in the search box, ‘pack and stack’ … EWR

Environmental Health Watch NZ

This is Agenda 21/30. To the casual eye it is nothing more than downsizing and practicality, and yes, in some cases that may be what’s wanted. Fair enough. I’m not saying every move toward tiny housing or closer living is this agenda. But in the overall larger picture, it is becoming a growing trend as this UN agenda kicks in. You owe it to yourself to read up on it. The big picture is that we will all be in the cities (google ‘smart cities’) in high rise and/or stack and pack housing. That is the plan. The Nats have sold off thousands of our state homes with large sections (prime real estate) under somewhat dodgy arrangements (follow Penny Bright’s work on Facebook) then plead ‘there’s no homelessness’ in the land of the free. Now we have the perfect ‘solution’ … tiny houses. In the city of course. Small towns…

View original post 414 more words

Robert Deutsch: Evidence Shows Flooding Of Nelson, New Zealand Man-Made


This report from Robert Deutsch points to the orchestrated weather modification efforts that resulted in mind-boggling flooding damage in Nelson. Nelson is at the top of the South Island of New Zealand. See RNZ‘s images of flood damage here: “this week’s weather bomb”..

States Deutsch, it is obvious, that there was a huge beam swat emitted from a ship off the south coast of Australia. It is hard to hide the signatures of what the electromagnetic frequencies will do and he refers to evidence of extreme weather manipulation by way of electromagnetic frequencies and pulsations.

Evidence of weather modification efforts in Australia are also shown in this video.

Stuff reported that MetService lifted all heavy rain warnings for the top of the South Island this morning, Saturday the 20th of August. The only remaining warning is for Fiordland from 5pm Saturday and that states of emergency are in place…

View original post 4 more words

Agenda 21 Stack & Pack Mega-Cities

A good time to revisit with word of similar developments in Christchurch (more to come on that).

Environmental Health Watch NZ

You will live near where you work. This plan is global & already we have signs of it in NZ. The stack & packs are situated near or around the transport/rail center of your cities. Do have a listen, hear those familiar terms, ‘sustainable’, ‘climate change’, ‘greenhouse emissions’, all very much part of Agenda 21 rhetoric. Our NZ planning documents carry the same. The ones about maintaining water quality etc certainly make you gag. The video is interspersed with the actual planning meetings … you will hear how people will be gotten out of their cars and onto bikes or public transport. Out of homes with lawns and into high rise apartments. Note how they haven’t come out and told this to our faces? It’s all gift wrapped & disguised with that new vocabulary. They are fond of repackaging. One discussion tells the planners how to disguise the term ‘toll…

View original post 10 more words

The Importance of Music as Medicine in our World


Written By: John Stuart Reid

Music as Medicine is becoming a hot topic, even in some major hospitals, and is ever more important in a world in which the harmful effects of toxic drugs are more prevalent than ever before. The Interdisciplinary Society for Quantitative Research in Music and Medicine (ISQRMM) is an organisation with a mission to provide researchers, practitioners, medical professionals and musicians with a forum in which to critically engage on the effects of music on the human mind, body and soul. 


Image by Juraj Varga from Pixabay

Geoengineering And Weather Modification Exposed


SOURCE: ClimateViewer

The most extensive research on Geoengineering and Weather Modification experiments worldwide, with articles, maps, and timelines to fully expose the hidden world of Weather Control.

This page is a table of contents for Jim Lee’s research on Geoengineering. All of the information on this page is backed up by references, feared by trolls and geoengineering lobbyists alike, and is the most accurate literature on who’s controlling your weather, why they are doing it, and where.

Related: Chemtrails & Geoengineering

For the uninitiated, prepare yourself to be shocked. For you veterans of the Climate Engineering activism world, our articles, maps, and timelines will answer many of your burning questions and help you connect the dots.

As the media distributes pro-geoengineering propaganda in a political climate ruled by fear, the Lord’s of Weather (geoengineering lobbyist’s) are suggesting coating our skies with sulfur, aluminum, titanium, and diamond dust to block the sun and cool our planet.

While acknowledging that Geoengineering Solar Radiation Management will alter rainfall patterns worldwide and likely kill people, the Lord’s of Weather ignore the cold hard facts: after 60 years of cloud-seeding, nobody has ever produced any proof of its efficacy.


Photo: envirowatchrangitikei

How to Detox Fluoride from the Body (Reversing Fluorosis)


When people switch to drinking purified water from a comprehensive water filtration system instead of straight from the tap, they rarely consider that the toxic effects of fluoride are almost certainly still lurking within the body.

The form of fluoride added to tap water in health-altering quantities, as well as commercial products like toothpaste and your child’s fluoride treatment at conventional dentists, is a highly toxic inorganic form….a waste product of the phosphate industry. This type of fluoride also contains trace amounts of arsenic and lead. (1)

It is far different from the small amounts of naturally occurring organic fluoride in some soils from around the world.



Study reveals SHOCKING link between forever chemicals and liver cancer

From NaturalHealth365

“Forever chemicals are synthetic chemicals commonly used in consumer and industrial products. There are many types of these chemicals, known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Perfluooctane sulfate (PFOS) is just one type of PFAS…Researchers found that study participants with high levels of PFOS in their blood were four and a half times as likely to develop liver cancer

(NaturalHealth365)  Your liver is a vital organ with hundreds of important functions.  For instance, your liver works hard to cleanse your blood of poisons and toxins.

Now, a recent study published in JHEP Reports shows a disturbing link between a synthetic “forever chemical” and deadly liver cancer.  The report suggests that the higher the exposure to forever chemicals, the higher the chance of developing liver cancer.

Man-made forever chemicals linked to deadly form of liver cancer

Forever chemicals are synthetic chemicals commonly used in consumer and industrial products.  There are many types of these chemicals, known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).  Perfluooctane sulfate (PFOS) is just one type of PFAS.

For the JHEP study, researchers analyzed human blood and tissue samples previously collected for an epidemiological study.  Researchers looked at the samples of people who did or did not develop liver cancer.

They evaluated samples taken before cancer diagnosis, comparing them to samples from those who didn’t develop cancer.  Researchers found that study participants with high levels of PFOS in their blood were four and a half times as likely to develop liver cancer.

The participants who developed cancer all had high levels of multiple types of PFAS in their blood.  But the strongest link was between PFOS and liver cancer.  Although other studies involving animals have suggested correlations between PFAS and cancer, this is the first human study to prove it.

Here is why PFAS are bad news for your health

Forever chemicals earned their nickname because they are extremely long-lasting.  They take a long time to break down, accumulating in our environment and our bodily tissues over time.  Unfortunately, the use of these dangerous chemicals is still widespread, although some manufacturers have stopped using them altogether amid growing health concerns.

PFAS are present in drinking water, food, food packaging, and even cosmetics.  This is bad news for your health.  Besides being carcinogenic, PFAS are associated with liver damage, kidney disease, neurological damage, and autoimmune problems.  And once these toxic chemicals get into your bloodstream, they’re there for the long haul.

How does PFOS lead to liver cancer?

Researchers speculate that forever chemicals impede natural liver function.  For instance, PFOS may interfere with glucose metabolism, bile acid metabolism, and amino acid metabolism.  When the liver can’t function normally because of metabolic disruption, fat buildup can occur within the liver.  This results in a condition called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Those with NAFLD have a much higher risk of liver cancer.  Shockingly, there has been a global uptick in the number of people diagnosed with NAFLD – with scientists estimating that a whopping 30% of the global population will have NAFLD by the year 2030.

How to minimize intake of PFAS

What can you do to keep your liver healthy and reduce your PFAS exposure?  It may be hard to avoid PFAS altogether.  But you may be able to minimize exposure by minimizing packaged and processed foods.

Choose organic, whole, or locally grown foods whenever possible.  This will ensure you’re avoiding as many harmful chemicals as possible and help you feel your best.

Sources for this article include:

Medical Press
Johns Hopkins Medicine


Image by Pixabay

James Corbett on The Budding Biosecurity State

via Joining me today is James Corbett, here to discuss the growing biosecurity state, how we got here, and what this inevitably leads to. As we review current events and discuss the varying perspectives surrounding this unprecedented time, we also highlight the many ways in which people are fighting back.

The Last American Vagabond

Japan grants 1st payment for death related to COVID vaccination

Heart attack coverage at Off-Guardian

Depopulation coverage at The Corbett Report

The Crisis of Scientism – #NewWorldNextWeek (depression research analysis)

What is the WHO? (links to swine flu hoax research)

How to Spin Gold From Straw (swine flu vaccine artificial demand creation)

BBC: Human species ‘may split in two’

All Your Climate Questions Answered in 60 SECONDS!!! – Questions For Corbett #085

Are There Limits to Growth? – Questions For Corbett #077

Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan

Filed in: InterviewsVideos
Tagged with: agenda 2030biosecurityclimate changedepopulationoverpopulation


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Glyphosate & Roundup: Poison In Our Daily Bread – Why is it Showing up in Non-GMO & Organic Foods? (Podcast)

by Sustainable Pulse

It’s not surprising that glyphosate, the so-called active ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller, is found in foods made with glyphosate-tolerant GMO crops like corn, soy and canola. But why is glyphosate herbicide showing up in non-GMO and organic foods too?

In the first episode of Fork the System, GMO/Toxin Free USA staffer Nomi Carmona hosts a conversation with Henry Rowlands, founder of The Detox Project and Sustainable Pulse, about the results of the most comprehensive glyphosate testing of food products ever conducted in the United States. The Detox Project’s most recent report, The Poison in Our Daily Bread, shines a light on the true levels of cancer-causing glyphosate contamination in essential foods, like whole grain and whole wheat breads, sold by some of the top grocery stores in the country, including Whole Foods Market, Amazon, Walmart, and Target.

What more can we do to avoid carcinogenic glyphosate in our food? As consumers and as activists, what can we do to help beat back the rising glyphosate contamination of our food supply? Listen to Fork the System episode 1 to find out…

Rainwater everywhere on Earth unsafe to drink due to ‘forever chemicals’, study finds

At a time of course, that world wide governments move in on water supplies. Milked to the max, in NZ councils have been selling water off at fire sale prices to corporate conglomerates. Nestle and others have robbed countries of their supplies for pennies on the dollar. Councils in NZ set to centralize the control to government instead of the people. NZ has just mandated fluoride to 14 of its water supplies … adding fluoride, wanted or not. We surely were warned by author Maude Barlow of the new Blue Gold years ago. No mention in this article though of geoengineering (oh yes, it’s a conspiracy theory) … that contamination has been going on for decades.
I always distill my water and always there’s a teaspoon or so of white powdery stuff at the end of each cycle … imagine how hard worked your kidneys are filtering that out. Chlorine, a known carcinogen… among other things present in our modern water supplies. EWR


Rainwater almost everywhere on Earth has unsafe levels of ‘forever chemicals’, according to new research.

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large family of human-made chemicals that don’t occur in nature. They are known as ‘forever chemicals’ because they don’t break down in the environment.

They have non-stick or stain repellent properties so can be found in household items like food packaging, electronics, cosmetics and cookware.

But now researchers at the University of Stockholm have found them in rainwater in most locations on the planet – including Antarctica. There is no safe space to escape them.


Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay


From @ Rumble

An interview by Toronto Business Journal. Must watch. Packed full of very important info, more in fact than just Geoengineering. Elana is the author of several books and notably on topic, no less than three recent volumes. Must reads. EWR


Important maintenance note to readers

Apologies, I’ve encountered some glitches in replacing dead videos among other things at this site. With WP’s new(er) system I’m a bit behind with the tech. You will note the sign up form has gone from the ‘news’ page, (among other important things).

There is a sign up form however on the ‘home’ page.

Bear with me I hopefully will have this sorted in a day or two… in the meantime you can still read. You may just have difficulty finding latest posts etc. The best way around that is to click on a post then at the bottom of the page you will see ‘previous’ and ‘next’ post options. Thanks for your patience. EWR

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

“Putting up tens of millions of 5G antennas, without a single biological test of safety, has to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world”

by Mark Steele

Excerpt: Conclusion

To quote Martin L Pall, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry and Medical Sciences at Washington State University, “Putting tens of millions of 5G antennas, without a single biological test of safety, has to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world”. Professor Pall is wrong, however: it is not a stupid idea but a heinous crime if one understands the motive behind this deployment. 5G is a compartmentalized weapons deployment masquerading as a benign technological advance for enhanced communications and faster downloads.

I have acted as a witness and provided statements in several court cases, exposing the lack of any credible evidence that the 5G light-emitting diode (LED) network and planned neural connection to the 5G grid are safe.

This includes nano metamaterial technologies that are contaminating vaccinations, that are not legal or lawful, and that breach a number of international and domestic laws.

Judge Nolan at Newcastle Crown Court stated that “The 5G risk must be debated” and that “This is a democracy and the public have a right to know”.

The evidence I presented to the court defeated the attempt by the local authorities and actors in the British establishment to silence me from providing the published scientific evidence on the risks posed to the public and environment from the 5G urban radar network and its ultimate purpose.

The failed court action taken by the local authority created a publicity storm that helped to highlight the actual risks from the 5G deployment across the world, as well as the total lack of care taken by regulators allowing this 5G deployment.

My involvement with several research and development projects spans my entire working career and includes some of a sensitive nature due to Official Secrets Act 1911 restrictions and therefore I am not at liberty to disclose these in a public domain; suffice to say this work has led to an understanding of Department of Defense (DOD) contracts, the compartmentalization of weapon product design projects, and Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), whose existence has until recently been obscured and sometimes denied. I.1.

The use of directional microwave radiation weapons by unknown actors on US embassies in Cuba, China and Russia, known as Havana Syndrome, is still not fully recognized by the authorities. Havana Syndrome bears all the hallmarks of microwave radiation emissions, which have left victims suffering significant and irreparable neurological damage, among other injuries. The US government has been unable to keep these weapons secret and recently passed a bill to compensate embassy staff victims. I.2

The US intelligence agencies, in their communications with the Russian government, confirm that they already knew of the existence and capability of microwave radiation weapons and their appeal to their assumed Russian adversaries was for the cessation of the use of these weapons against their embassies. I.3


Tips for Planting plants (Wally Richards)

Gardeners are buying and planting plants now for the coming season.

This may range from seedlings of vegetables, annual flowering plants, fruiting plants and ornamental shrubs and trees.

There are a number of traps and tips which if known will make for a more successful growing season and thus more pleasure for yourself.

Lets start off with seedlings which will likely come in cell packs (each plant has its own little growth space with normally 6 cells to a pack.)

Then there is the punnets where a number of seedlings share the same growing area.

The first thing to do when looking for vegetable seedlings to grow is to see how old the plants are?

If they are on the large size in their cell/punnet then give them a miss as more than likely they have been stressed and may go to seed a couple of months after you plant them. A total waste of time and garden space.

This does not apply to flowering/fruiting vegetables such as tomato, capsicum etc as the bigger they are the further advanced they are to maturity the better.

It applies to brassicas, lettuce and such like.

Also don’t be silly enough to buy root crops in punnets such as beetroot, onions, carrots, parsnips, spring onions as they will never be any where near as good as the ones you grow from seed, planted where they will mature.

Big seeds such as beans, pumpkin should also only be grown directly from seed.

The results will be ten times better than transplants which for crops such as carrots are laughable as they will never become a nice specimen if they were grown from transplants.

The secret to seed growing in an area that they will mature in; is that they get their initial tap root or roots out and those roots do not get disturbed by transplanting.

With the likes of carrots either buy the seed that is on a seed tape or later on thin out the crop which gives you some baby carrots for salads.

I look for the younger smaller plants that are likely the freshest ones from the growers nursery.

These will likely have been kept moist in their growing medium and hence stress free.

Even if they are a bit too small to transplant that is ok; you can grow them on outside in a sheltered, sunny spot. While they are getting bigger you do not want to over water them or let them dry out.

Over watering makes them soft, under watering can lead to stress.

If you can pick the time and day that you plant out, best time is before rain or later in the day when the sun is going down.

If you are really smart you spray any plants you are going to transplant a few days before disturbing them with a spray of Vaporgard and Magic Botanic Liquid combined. (Spray for total coverage)

How many of you have planted out seedlings to see them lay down for several days on the soil till they pick them selves up and start to show growth? We have all experienced that I am sure.

Well the few days before transplanting spray of Vaporgard means that moisture loss through the foliage at transplant time is minimal and the seedlings sit up like little soldiers and start growing immediately.

This is very important: Before you try to remove the seedlings from their punnet or cell pack you plunge it into a bucket of water and watch them bubble.

This removes all air from the growing medium and also gives the seedlings a nice drink.

You then carefully tap out the seedlings without damaging the foliage.

They should, being so wet, slide out nicely.

Next we inspect the foliage for any pest insects or eggs.

In some cases you may have several seedlings in a cell pack or punnet that have their roots intertwined with each other.

You have two options you can plant the plug with more than one seedling and in a couple of weeks time cut the smaller ones off at soil level allowing the best fellow to grow to maturity.

Or in your bucket of water you can carefully separate the seedlings and have a lot more to plant out.

Down in; under water, they will tease out and separate nicely with minimal root disturbance.

But now maybe you have more seedlings than you need for one crop and one harvest.

No problem you put all the extra seedlings to]gether in a clump and and plant them it the garden.

Being in a clump they will not grow much but will hold so that in say a couple of weeks you can lift, divide under water and plant a second crop. (An old trick which I have held surplus for several weeks in that manner)

Soil preparation is important unless you do what I do.

Clear the area of weeds and then sprinkle what goodies you like to use over the area such as animal manures, sheep pellets, blood & bone, Ocean Solids, Wallys Unlocking your Soil, BioPhos and Wallys Calcium and Health.

Now spread a layer of purchased compost over the area to the depth of 3-4 cm.

I prefer Daltons compost as it is herbicide free and nice to work with.

Into this layer you can plant your seeds or seedlings.

Spacing is important so you do not have over crowding.

Keep moist with daily light waterings and spray the plants with Magic Botanic Liquid (MBL) each week.

Lets upscale to plants such as shrubs, vines and trees which once again you are either buying in a pot or plastic bag.

Follow the advise as for the seedlings but when you remove the plant from its grow container have a good look at the root system.

If the plant has been in the container for a while the roots will have filled the container and spiraled around the base of it.

If left like that and placed into a planting hole you may wonder months or even years later why has that plant not grown?

Simple the roots can not get out from the clump they formed in the container.

Some gardeners try to tease the roots out and that can help a little but really a waste of effort.

You take your secateurs and at the four cardinal points you cut the root spiral the depth of your blade.

Roots are like branches, you cut the end off a branch and that branch will create new branches back to the trunk.

You cut the roots and the plant makes a lot of new roots and that is what you want for growth.

It is a busy time ahead so get cracking with small plantings now followed by more each month.

Thank you for the many ‘Get Well’ emails I received in regards my virus/cold, getting better now but it does take a while. I saw on the TV channel, Al Jazeera TV News Channel that there is now good evidence that America released the initial Corona virus and have also done the same with the Monkey Pox virus.

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New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. Part II of the Act covers a broad range of Civil and Political Rights. As part of the right to life and the security of the person, the Act guarantees everyone:

1The right not to be deprived of life except in accordance with fundamental justice (Section 8)

2The right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, degrading, or disproportionately severe treatment or punishment (Section 9)

3The right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without consent (Section 10)

4The right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment (Section 11)

 Furthermore, the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 guarantees everyone: Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion.
This includes the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and belief,

EU Commission’s Secret Policy Scenarios Show Full GMO Deregulation on the Cards

by Sustainable Pulse

The European Commission is secretly considering the full deregulation of certain types of genetically modified (GM) crops – yet it has not admitted as much publicly. Under such policy scenarios, deregulation could mean scrapping safety checks, traceability, and labelling for GMOs that are claimed to be able to arise naturally – and removing GMO labelling for GM products declared “sustainable”, GMWatch reported on Thursday.

Source: GMWatch

The Commission’s detailed policy plans for 2030-35 are revealed for the first time in a targeted survey, which we’ve published in the public interest after it was only sent to certain stakeholders. The survey is being run by consultants to the Commission. These plans are the basis for the impact assessment that will accompany the Commission’s proposal to change the GMO regulations, planned for spring 2023.

In response to the targeted survey, the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament has written a letter to the Commission complaining that its “policy scenarios have not been made public but only released to a select group of individuals” via the survey. The letter continues, “We consider that this is not the appropriate way to ensure participants to the consultation have access to all relevant information to make an informed answer and call on you to publish this survey without delay.”

What has the Commission said publicly?

The Commission has announced a new legal framework for plants obtained by “targeted mutagenesis” (by which it seems to mean gene editing of the SDN-1 and SDN-2 types) and cisgenesis (genetic engineering in which genes are artificially transferred between organisms that could otherwise be conventionally bred). The Commission has said it wants to set up a separate regulatory regime for these GM crops, excluding them from existing EU rules for GMOs. It also wants to promote supposedly “sustainable” GM crops – those that it believes can contribute to the EU’s Green Deal objectives.

So far, little has been known about this new framework. The Commission has only set out certain “policy elements” in a so-called Inception Impact Assessment, published in September 2021:
* Risk assessment and approval requirements “proportionate to the risk involved”
* A sustainability analysis
* “Appropriate traceability and labelling provisions”
* Mechanisms to be able to rapidly adjust elements of the legislation.

These “policy elements” are not further explained in the Commission’s public consultation, which closes on 22 July (GMWatch has submitted its response).

In line with earlier announcements, the consultation talks about legislation for GM “plants produced by targeted mutagenesis or cisgenesis”. It assumes, without evidence, and ignoring a large pile of evidence showing extensive DNA damage caused by gene editing, that some such GM plants “could have been produced through conventional plant breeding or classical mutagenesis” (questions 3 and 12). “Classical mutagenesis” means the decades-old techniques of radiation- or chemical-induced mutagenesis breeding. The Commission also assumes, again without evidence, that some such GM plants could have “traits contributing to sustainability” (question 7).

The Commission has always rejected the term “deregulation”. It has said it is going to introduce an “appropriate” and fit-for-purpose regulatory framework for certain GM crops derived from new GM techniques, which it calls “new genomic techniques”. It has also said it will not compromise on consumer and environmental safety.

However, the detailed policy scenarios show another picture – that full deregulation of some GM crops is a realistic option.

What are the Commission’s plans?

The Commission’s consultants targeted survey describes seven policy scenarios considered by the Commission – which are not mentioned in the public consultation. These scenarios are important because they form the basis for the upcoming regulatory impact assessment, which compares different policy scenarios with each other and against a baseline scenario (i.e. no policy action).

The seven policy scenarios, A1 to C2, reveal that the Commission is considering scrapping all GMO regulatory requirements for GM crops that “could also be obtained naturally or by conventional breeding”.

The scenarios show that:
* The Commission wants to distinguish two new categories of GM plants: GM crops that “could also be obtained naturally or by conventional breeding” and GM crops that have “desirable sustainability impacts”.
* For GM crops that the Commission claims could be obtained naturally or by conventional breeding, the Commission is considering scrapping all GMO regulatory requirements (scenarios A2, B3). This includes the requirements for
– pre-market safety assessment
– product traceability across the supply chain
– GMO detection method supplied by the developer of the GMO in question
– GMO labelling.

These GM crops would essentially be regulated like non-GM crops, disregarding any risks to public health and the environment, the need of non-GM producers to rule out GM contamination, and the public’s right to know what is in their food.

Commission proposes the “Bayer option”

Commission scenarios A2 and B3 are exactly what Bayer has publicly asked for. In its response to the Commission’s public consultation, Bayer said it wants a screening step in the regulation to decide whether any GMO regulatory steps at all are needed. Bayer said there should be a “first step… assessing whether the changes in the DNA… are similar to the ones that could have been obtained through conventional breeding methods or spontaneous mutation”. According to Bayer, “products with similar safety profiles” should “then be subjected to the same marketing specific regulations” – in other words, there would be no GMO regulation for GMOs that are claimed to have similar changes to what could have happened naturally.

UK Bill

Not coincidentally, this is exactly the same deregulatory scenario that is currently being pursued by the UK Conservative government, in the form of the draft “Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill” that is currently working its way through Parliament. Because the UK is no longer in the EU, the UK government can pass this England-based law unilaterally, aligning England with the USA’s weak standards on GMO regulation. The EU Commission clearly wants the EU to follow England in this “race to the bottom”.

“Sustainable” GMOs

The Commission is also considering the option to scrap the requirement for a GMO label for supposedly “sustainable” GM crops. It also considers lowering the risk assessment requirements for all GM crops engineered with “targeted mutagenesis and cisgenesis” (A1). Again, this information has not been presented publicly and is not available to anyone answering the public consultation.

All GM crops must be subject to existing GMO rules

The Greens state in their letter to the Commission, ”As Greens/EFA group, we oppose the introduction of separate legislation for products of new genetic modification (GM) techniques such as targeted mutagenesis (i.e. SDN-1, SDN-2 and ODM [oligo directed mutagenesis]) and cisgenesis. We believe that all genetically modified (GM) crops must be subject to the existing GMO legislation with its requirements for risk assessment, traceability and clear labelling.

”Indeed, the European Court of Justice clarified in 2018 that new GM techniques cannot be excluded from the scope of EU GMO legislation unless they have conventionally been used in a number of applications and have a long safety record. Since this is not the case for gene editing techniques, such as CRISPR, these techniques should be regulated under the EU GMO legislation, in order not to undermine the EU’s Precautionary Principle. As Greens/EFA, we fully support the Court’s ruling.”

The Greens make three demands for all GMOs: That they are subjected to a full and robust risk assessment; that no market access should be permitted without traceability and a detection method; and that there should be clear GMO labelling on the final product so that consumers have the choice of whether to buy it.

All these principles are in place under the current GMO legislation – which the Commission is secretly planning to dismantle.

The Greens rightly conclude: “The sustainability of our food system is not a matter of individual products. A plant trait in isolation, without considering the agricultural context in which the plant is grown, is insufficient to draw any meaningful conclusion. Until today, conventional breeding has consistently outstripped genetic engineering techniques (old and new) in producing crops tolerant to stresses such as drought, floods, pests, and diseases.* Claims that GM plants will contribute to improved EU food systems are not supported by current evidence. The European Union should not weaken its GMO regulations to accommodate empty promises of ‘sustainable’ GM plants.”

Commission proposals spell “disaster” for Non-GMO sector

Commenting on the revelations in the targeted survey, Heike Moldenhauer, Secretary General of the Non-GMO industry association ENGA, said: “The deregulation proposals put forward by the Commission aim to remove the labelling of New GMOs. Should a new legal framework abolish traceability and labelling, then New GMOs will effectively become invisible and the Non-GMO sector would run the risk of unknowingly and unintentionally selling New GMO products. In this new world of unregulated GMOs, untested and invisible GMOs will find their way on to European fields, supermarket shelves and on to the plates of consumers – irreversibly.

“Consumers’ right to know what is in their food, via clear labelling, is a key social and political achievement, guaranteed through the currently legally-binding GMO label. To abolish this or replace it with a sustainable label, and therefore making New GMOs invisible, would be an unjustifiable step backwards and would encourage distrust: Why do New GMOs have to be invisible to gain market acceptance?

“For the Non-GMO food sector this move to deregulate and abolish labelling would spell disaster! It effectively removes the sector’s selling point, meaning massive financial setbacks, if not the end of its business entirely.”


Photo: Sustainable Pulse

Everything Is Fake: Top 40 Pieces Of Fakery In Our World

From Wake Up New Zealand (Source: WakeUpWorld)

Everything is fake in our society today – or at least a great many things are. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing.

The good thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a tool for raising your consciousness. The idea that virtually everything is fake can be empowering rather than depressing.

Related: Exposing The Mainstream Consensus Reality Complex

Sure, we’ve all felt overwhelmed, sad, angry and impotent at times when we’ve seen just how easily our (mis)leaders can fool the masses with sophistry and empty rhetoric, but they’ve all been placed there to challenge us to wake up more quickly and fully, and reclaim our world.

Here’s my list of the top 40 pieces of fakery in our world today:

1. Fake News

Let’s begin with the MSM (Mainstream Media), better called the lamestream media, and their “news”, which is essentially corporate infotainment. The MSM waters down the news and makes it entertaining to further distract people from things of real significance.

There is nothing balanced, impartial or fair about MSM news. In the US, Australia and many other Western nations, the news is dominated by a handful of for-profit corporations who are legally bound to provide a return on investment to their shareholders.


Image by pixel2013 from Pixabay

Glyphosate Crosses Blood-Brain Barrier and Exposure Correlates with Alzheimer’s Symptoms – New Study

by Sustainable Pulse

In a new study, Arizona State University (ASU) and the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGEN) have explored the effects of glyphosate exposure on the brains of mice. The research demonstrates, for the first time, that glyphosate successfully crosses the blood-brain barrier and infiltrates the brain. Once there, it acts to enhance levels of a critical factor known as TNF-α.

TNF-α is a molecule with two faces. This pro-inflammatory cytokine performs vital functions in the neuroimmune system, acting to enhance the immune response and protect the brain. When levels of TNF-α are dysregulated, however, a host of diseases linked with neuroinflammation can result. Among these is Alzheimer’s disease.

Neurodegenerative illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s disease, are among the most perplexing in medical science. The underlying causes of such diseases range from genetic factors and overall cardiovascular health to dietary influences and lifestyle choices. Various environmental contaminants have also been implicated as possible players in the development or advancement of neurodegenerative disease. Among these is a broad-spectrum herbicide known as glyphosate. Glyphosate is the most used pesticide in the world.

This latest study further demonstrates in cell culture studies that glyphosate exposure appears to increase the production of soluble beta amyloid (Aβ) and reduce the viability of neurons. The accumulation of soluble beta amyloid, the sticky protein responsible for the formation of soluble beta amyloid plaques, is one of the central diagnostic hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease.

Further evidence suggestive of potential hazards to neurological health were observed when the researchers examined changes in gene expression via RNA sequencing in the brains of mice following glyphosate exposure.

Glyphosate Box

Glyphosate Residue Free Certification for Food Brands – Click Here

Test Your Food and Water at Home for Glyphosate – Click Here

Test Your Hair for Glyphosate and other Pesticides – Click Here to Find Our Your Long-Term Exposure

These RNA transcripts hinted at disruptions in the expression of genes related to neurodegenerative disease, including dysregulation of a class of brain cells responsible for producing the myelin sheath critical for proper neuronal communication. These cells, known as oligodendrocytes, are affected by elevated levels of TNF-α.

“We find increases in TNF-α in the brain, following glyphosate exposure,” said Dr. Ramon Velazquez, the senior author of the paper. “While we examined (Alzheimer’s disease) pathology, this might have implications for many neurodegenerative diseases, given that neuroinflammation is seen in a variety of brain disorders.”

An enigmatic disease; a path of destruction

A hundred years have passed since the first diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Despite vast investments in research and drug development, the affliction remains without effective treatment. A suite of therapies, developed over many decades at extravagant cost, have one by one failed to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. The progression of the disease usually begins with mild memory loss. As the disease develops, increasing confusion and a breakdown in communication abilities often result, as the affliction attacks brain pathways involved in memory, language and thought.

Some 5.8 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease, as of 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Unlike heart disease or cancer, the death toll for Alzheimer’s disease is on a frightening upward trajectory. By 2040, costs of the disease are projected to rise dramatically to between $379 billion and more than $500 billion annually. The staggering toll of the illness is currently projected to nearly triple to 14 million people by 2050.

The onset of symptoms typically occurs after age 60, and the risk to individuals doubles every five years after age 65. Although genetics are believed to play a role in some cases of Alzheimer’s disease and a family history of the disorder is considered a significant risk factor, environmental factors are believed to play a significant role in the disease.

Researchers are trying to learn how genetic correlates may subtly interact with environmental and other factors to decrease or enhance the likelihood of developing the affliction. Some recent research suggests that lifestyle changes, including proper physical activity, nutritious food, limited alcohol consumption and not smoking may help prevent or slow cognitive decline, noting that brain and cardiovascular health are closely linked.

Glyphosate toxic effects

This new study examines the neurological effects of glyphosate, the most ubiquitous herbicide. Each year, around 250 million pounds of glyphosate are applied to agricultural crops in the U.S. alone. Although the chemical is regarded as generally safe to humans by the Environmental Protection Agency and the European Food Safety Authority, researchers are taking a second look.

Little is known about possible long-term effects from prolonged exposure to glyphosate. One issue of considerable concern is that glyphosate can cross the blood-brain barrier, a layer of endothelial cells preventing dissolved substances in the circulating bloodstream from readily passing into the extracellular fluid of the central nervous system, where the brain’s neurons reside.

Potential risks to brain health posed by glyphosate should be critically evaluated, particularly for those consistently exposed to the herbicide.

“The Alzheimer’s connection is that there’s a much higher prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in agricultural communities that are using this chemical,” paper co-author Joanna Winstone said. “We’re trying to establish a more molecular-science based link between the two.”

The study exposed mice to high doses of glyphosate, then detected elevated levels of TNF-α in their brains. The researchers then exposed extracted mouse neurons in petri dishes to the same levels of glyphosate detected in the brains of mice, observing elevated amyloid beta and cell death in cortical neurons. Dysregulated oligodendrocyte RNA transcripts, which could indicate disruption of myelination, were detected in brain tissue.

Taken together, the results demonstrate a correlation between glyphosate exposure and classic symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, though the authors stress that much more work will be required before a causative link can be established.

Nevertheless, the widespread use of the chemical and the disturbing correlation highlighted in the study underscore the need for intensified investigation. Among the pressing questions to be answered: How does prolonged, low-dose exposure to glyphosate affect the brain; does glyphosate act synergistically with other chemicals present in common herbicides; and can glyphosate be detected post-mortem in patients who died of Alzheimer’s disease?

On the horizon, new drugs designed to reduce TNF-α in the brain are being explored, offering renewed hope for those with Alzheimer’s disease as well as other neurodegenerative ailments.



“Shrinkflation” – How Food Companies Implement Massive Price Hikes Without You Ever Noticing

From Wake Up New Zealand (source, ZeroHedge)

Do you ever get the sense that your favorite steak at that Quick Service Restaurant of your choice keeps getting thinner and thinner all while your check size at the end of the night continues getting larger and larger. Well, it is. 

How else are publicly traded chains going to continue to deliver margin growth to wall street in the midst of rising labor costs, rising commodity costs and shrinking customer traffic?

Related: Shrinkflation – Real Inflation Much Higher Than Reported

As a study in the U.K. just revealed, shrinking portion sizes among food manufacturers is actually way more common than you might think and you probably never even noticed it.  In fact, according to data from the Office for National Statistics, over 2,500 consumer products in the U.K. shrunk in size over the past five years despite being sold for the same price.

But it’s not just food manufacturers that are shrinking portions while maintaining price as many consumers goods items from chocolate to coffee to toilet paper are all experiencing the same trends. 


Photo: Wake Up New Zealand

Human 2.0, the Internet of Bodies and Your Body’s the Node

From Red Sky in the Morning

Did you know the goal is for your body to be networked and used as a node on the Internet? Sounds crazy, I know. How does that work? The technocrats have discovered that body fluids like blood carry electrical signals very well and they’ve designed so-called “body area networks” using Bluetooth technology to send signals on and around the body. Yes it’s a thing. The military have been using it for a while.

It’s called the Internet of Bodies, or IoB and the technology is designed to integrate with the Internet of Things, or IoT.

So, how does one connect a human body to an internet network? Subcutaneous devices injected under the skin, of course. Popescu, the author of this article, envisions self-assembling always-on graphene semiconductors which can be powered by the human body’s heat and electrical current.

Subcutaneous devices injected under the skin? What does THAT remind you of?

But we’ll carry on.


Photo: Red Sky in the Morning

Tokelau resident Mahelino Patelesio: Under House Arrest for 11 Months & Counting

Nukunonu, Tokelau resident Mahelino Patelesio has been placed under house arrest for the last 11 months and there seems to be no end in sight. Mahelino and many others are restricted in every area of their life. He is not allowed to go anywhere. Not even allowed to go fishing.

His crime? Refusing the experimental mRNA CV injection.


Photo: screenshot Freenz video

Antibiotics increase risk of colon cancer, NEW study warns

(NaturalHealth365)  There are multiple risk factors for developing colon cancer.  So what causes it?  Over half of colorectal cancer cases are related to lifestyle factors, such as age, smoking, diet, and alcohol use.

Now, a recent study suggests a strong link between antibiotic use and colon cancer.  Why is this the case, and what does it mean for your health?  Most importantly, how can you reduce your risk of colon cancer?

Alarming study finds link between antibiotic use and colon cancer risk

A recent study from Sweden reveals a correlation between oral antibiotic use and the risk of colorectal cancer.  The study, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, found that people who took antibiotic courses had up to a 17% higher risk of colon cancer than those who did not.

People who took antibiotics for six months or longer had the highest chance of developing cancer.  Still, even short antibiotic courses appeared to increase the chances of colon cancer.  Disease risk was also location-specific.

Researchers found a higher cancer risk in the ascending colon, also known as the proximal colon, which resides on the right side of the abdomen.  The ascending colon is the beginning of the entire colon.  This means it’s the most exposed to everything that comes through the small intestine, including oral antibiotics.

Why do antibiotics increase colon cancer risk?

Since antibiotic use is so widespread, these findings are alarming.  But the question is, what about antibiotics could be intensifying cancer risk?

The answer lies in the microbiology of the gut.  To maintain a healthy balance, an entire microbiome of good bacteria lives in your digestive tract.  And since antibiotics are made to kill bacteria, they can throw the gut microbiome out of whack.  Good microbes usually keep harmful bacteria in check.  But antibiotic use could contribute to the disruption of this natural order.

In turn, this could lead to detrimental inflammation in the digestive tract.  For instance, when harmful bacteria can gain prominence, it can result in biofilm formation.  Biofilms are structures formed when harmful bacteria join together within the colon wall.  Ultimately, oral antibiotics can knock out the good bacteria in your gut.  So although there’s no evidence that antibiotics directly cause cancer, there is a correlation caused by how these drugs affect your gut microbiota.


Photo: TheDigitalWay @