Tag Archives: tap water

Cancer risk from tap water much higher than previously believed… is your water truly clean?

Check out also our articles on water at ‘categories’ at the left of the page. We’ve drawn attention frequently to chlorine being a carcinogen. Then there’s the fluoride scam as well. Check also at the main menu for those topics. EWR

(Natural News) New research published in the open-access journal Heliyon reveals that “drinking water” from the tap isn’t all that drinkable after all, seeing as how it often contains carcinogenic chemicals that increase cancer risk in people exposed to it.

Over the course of a lifetime, warns the Environmental Working Group (EWG), the study’s author, simple exposure to carcinogenic tap water could be cumulatively linked to some 100,000 cancer cases over the course of a lifetime.

Even though this carcinogenic tap water technically meets federal guidelines for what’s considered “safe,” EWG researchers found that carcinogens like arsenic, as well as the byproducts of radionuclides such as uranium and radium, are, in fact, contributing to cancer at current levels.

“The vast majority of community water systems meet legal standards,” stated Olga Naidenko, vice president for science investigations at EWG. “Yet the latest research shows that contaminants present in the water at those concentrations – perfectly legal – can still harm human health.

To learn about ways to purify your tap water for safe drinking, be sure to check out WaterFilters.news.

Cancer-causing contaminants are present in nearly 50,000 community water systems throughout the U.S.

With funding from the Park Foundation, the EWG study identified 22 different contaminants with carcinogenic risks in 48,363 community water systems throughout the United States. Based on EWG’s calculations, this covers the water systems that service about 86 percent of the U.S. population.



Short Film Reveals the Lunacy of Water Fluoridation (from a MD)

Story at-a-glance

  • Research links fluoridated water consumption to endocrine dysfunction, hypothyroidism, ADHD, and reduced IQ
  • Many water authorities do not use pharmaceutical grade fluoride; they use hydrofluosilicic acid — a toxic waste product of the fertilizer industry that is frequently contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins
  • 97 percent of Western European countries do not fluoridate, and data show non-fluoridating countries have seen the exact same reduction in dental cavities as fluoridated areas

By Dr. Mercola

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has hailed water fluoridation as one of the top 10 public health achievements of the 20th century. Beginning in 1945, it was claimed that adding fluoride to drinking water was a safe and effective way to improve people’s dental health. Over the decades, many bought into this hook, line and sinker, despite all the evidence to the contrary. The featured film, “Our Daily Dose,” reviews some of this evidence. As noted in the film’s synopsis:

“Filmmaker Jeremy Seifert lays out the dangers of water fluoridation informatively and creatively, highlighting the most current research and interviewing top-tier doctors, activists, and attorneys close to the issue. Through thoughtful examination of old beliefs and new science, the film alerts us to the health threat present in the water and beverages we rely on every day.”


How Corporations Blatantly Lie to You – Pepsi Admits That Its Aquafina Bottled Water Is Just Tap Water

Remember Ribena folks? The product that GlaxoSmithKline  made misleading claims about regarding its Vitamin C content … it actually had nil? As I keep repeating, corporations lie. It’s in their nature & character. Corporations are legal persons with psychopathic traits to their personalities. Please watch ‘The Corporation’ doco. Very telling. So, the lesson is, don’t believe a word of what they say. To a corporation, the only thing that really matters is profits. Not you. Check everything for yourself & don’t rely on the media to do that for you. Sure they’ll report the lies of corporations but no more than they have to. Alternative media is doing that for you currently but that won’t last forever as those in charge have already put the writing on the wall that it will all come to an end in due course. What we read will be highly censored by the thought police. While you’re still allowed to think for yourself, do it & research everything. And keep record of what you find. Content is already disappearing from the searches I’ve noticed.


From trueactivist.com

In a shocking reveal, the Pepsi corporation admitted that its Aquafina bottled water is not purified water or spring water, but simply plain old tap water. The company will now be forced to change the labeling of the brand to reflect that it is just tap water.

Many informed customers choose bottled water because they are concerned about the quality of tap water, which is many times riddled with fluoride and pharmaceuticals. Sadly, we are now learning that in many cases, bottled water is actually not any better than tap water.

Over the years, an advocacy group called, “Corporate Accountability International” has been checking the contents of bottled water and pressuring companies to stop their false advertisement.

Aquafina is actually one of the top selling water brands in the world, and may see a slide in sales as a result of these new findings.
Read More: http://www.trueactivist.com/pepsi-admits-that-its-aquafina-bottled-water-is-just-tap-water-coca-colas-dasani-is-next/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Referral%3DTAM&utm_campaign=pepsis+aquafina+is+tap+water


From myeclinik.com

In 2015, the University of California – San Francisco started conducting a study about glyphosate in humans after it has been classified as carcinogenic by the United Nations.

The results, as published only last month, indicated that at least 93% of urine samples, tested in the early phase of the study, contain certain levels of carcinogenic glyphosate.

The question now is: are these field exposure levels of the chemical fall within the safe levels previously published?

Is there really a true level of safety when it comes to manmade chemicals?

The Results

Glyphosate was found in 93% of the 131 urine samples tested at an average level of 3.096 parts per billion (PPB). Children had the highest levels with an average of 3.586 PPB.

The regions with the highest levels were the West and the Midwest with an average of 3.053 PPB and 3.050 PPB respectively.

Glyphosate residues were not observed in any tap water samples during the early phase of the project, most likely due to phosphorus removal during water treatment.

READ MORE: http://myeclinik.com/glyphosate-discovered-in-93-of-urine-samples-ucsf-study/

The rationale for eliminating fluoride from your diet is well documented – Dr Mercola


http://www.mercola.com/ Internationally renowned natural health physician and Mercola.com founder, Dr. Joseph Mercola, answers questions about water filters and fluoride, posed to him by followers on Facebook.