Category Archives: Pharmaceutical Industry

What is Polio and was it Really Eradicated?


The symptoms of what was labelled “Polio” exist today under various other names, the only difference is the assumed cause. What is clear, however, is that an “infectious” cause has not ever been proven, there is no scientific evidence to support the mainstream narrative that Polio is contagious. This idea that Polio is highly infectious is a myth used to push a toxic vaccine campaign and to cover up the crimes of agrochemical poisoning, according to biomedical scientist Simon Lee.



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A REMINDER: a 2018 court case revealed there’s been no quality control over vaccines manufactured by Big Pharma over the past three decades

A reminder also … the CDC is not an independent government agency, it is a private subsidiary of Big Pharma … go figure … EWNZ

Posted on Feb 08, 2019, 7 p.m.

Del Bigtree and RFK Jr. have been credited for the 2018 landmark lawsuit victory in which the demand for relevant government documents proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality and safety over the past 32 years be presented had not been met in a court of law.

The court case has revealed that there has been no quality control over vaccines that have been manufactured by Big Pharma over the past three decades. There are legal and practical implications for this legal victory for American citizens, and it means that the American people have been lied to for 32 years about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines. The five healthcare agencies now in doubt for complicit and neglect of doing their jobs are the CDC, FDA, IOM, NIH, and DHHS itself as a result.

The July 2018 lawsuit showed vaccine makers had been exempt from what every other pharmaceutical drug manufacturer has been forced to do concerning biennial recertification for quality and effectiveness; meaning their vaccines had not been tested for quality and have had no proven safety or effectiveness testing for over 30+ years.

This case can now be legally cited by all citizens, employees, and parents who are being mandated by any government, organizational regulation or requirements that they must be or have their children vaccinated for school, work, or any other activity to stop forcing vaccination.

Additionally this case can now be legally cited for any seeking compensation for a vaccine injury, making it likely that the big pharma vaccine industry may be in hit with many lawsuits which could lead to being bankrupted out of existence; much like Bayer-Monsanto after the landmark legal victory won by the dying San Francisco landscaper, and their stock value plummeting precipitously.

As result of this landmark lawsuit victory the future of allopathic medicine as it stands is under scrutiny and in doubt, as well as the global pharma cartel since most drugs prescribed by come from pharma corporations that have been involved. Existence of deep state corporate mainstream news media will also be endangered as 70% of their income comes from the global pharma cartel.

Officials who passed laws to legalize vaccination at state, national, or at international levels, or have otherwise aided and abetted this vaccine fraud may now be legally charged with fraud, criminal malfeasance, and in some cases under the Nuremberg Code possibly war crimes.

The following comes from a letter written by Dawn Bell, a health professional warning that vaccines are no longer safe and have become ineffective after 10 years, who claims her daughter was injured by vaccination:

100% of the mumps cases were college students who were ALL 100% vaccinated in the recent mumps outbreak; and 90% of the people who died from last years flu epidemic had received the flu shot.

Herd immunity is achieved when 85% of the population is immune to a disease; vaccines are only good for around 10 years to 20 years max, most people over the age of 20 are not immune any longer creating a false immunity; and people who catch chicken pox are immune for life; those who get vaccinated are not.

Vaccines can and have saved lives, but when MD’s were handing out antibiotics were given out like movie popcorn they started to have a bad effect on the immune system, it’s very probable to think the same thing can happen with overuse of vaccines.

For deadly diseases, I’m for it, but they started to make so much money from it all of the sudden there was a vaccine for everything, and it was made mandatory, even for everyday childhood diseases and stuff such as Hep B at one day old.

When 32 people got sick from E.coli the FDA told everyone to stop buying romaine lettuce, yet thousands have reported issue with vaccine and it becomes pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, then when people get upset and start asking question everyone is surprised.

I am an Occupational Therapist and was all in with vaccinations, until I had to watch my daughter lose speech ability directly following a vaccine. Up until that point I was another person telling everyone it was a coincidence, until I saw it happen with my own eyes to my own child. Safety studies have never been done in these vaccine, and they have NEVER been studied being given all at once as they do.

It is common sense all of these vaccines given to children with developing immune system and neuro system that there may be some issues. When they say safety studies have been done, when they were asked in court for them and no one could produce them, of course Kenedy won the lawsuit.

My OBGYN told me the flu shot was studied and proven safe during pregnancy, I went into work and looked at the flu insert to find it clearly stated it had not been studied in children and pregnant women and if given to pregnant women you should call and add them to a registry, also on the front of the box it states not to give to children under the age of 5.

If you have not watched the CDC video approving the Hep vaccination you should as it is interesting. In the video it is given to 1 day old newborn babies and it has not been approved for those under the age of 18. When asked if it is safe to give with other vaccines they said they don’t know, but were making the assumption it was generally safe like other vaccines. When asked about the “new mutated gene thing” they replied the same of making the assumption that it’s safe like other vaccines.  When asked about heart and autoimmune markers seen in their internal study they acknowledged they saw the markers and were going to monitor it and make a determination December 2020 whether or not there was a problem, but in the meantime it is being given to day old newborn babies. Yes, there are concerns that need to be addressed about safety, and I am thrilled that they may finally be addressed.”

Materials provided by:

Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Case 1:18-cv-03215-JMF Document 18 Filed 07/09/18


Photo: (text added)

Anastrozole – Here we go again giving experimental drugs to perfectly healthy women

From Dr Vernon Coleman via

The NHS has said around 289,000 women could be offered anastrozole.  It comes after UK medicine regulators approved the drug on Monday under Britain’s Medicines Repurposing Programme, a new approvals process that repurposes old drugs for new uses – in this case, cancer prevention rather than treatment.

As with all prescription drugs there are risks and side effects.  Dr. Vernon Coleman questions why they would want to give such a powerful drug to healthy women.

By Dr. Vernon Coleman

Over a couple of decades ago there was a plan to give a drug called tamoxifen to every adult woman in Britain. The idea was that the drug would stop women developing breast cancer.

Now, tamoxifen can be a very useful drug.

If a woman has a hormone-responsive cancer, tamoxifen is a powerful treatment. (My wife has breast cancer and takes tamoxifen every day. You can rest assured that before she started taking it we weighed up the pros and cons very carefully. For the record, we decided that anastrozole was rather too risky. And Antoinette has breast cancer and would have taken the drug as a treatment.)

But, as with all prescription drugs, there are risks and tamoxifen has a number of side effects. It can actually cause other types of cancer. And when the plan to give tamoxifen to millions of women was first publicised, I fought a very successful single-handed campaign to stop the mass medication of women. (In those days I was writing five weekly columns, including one in The Sun newspaper, and regularly making TV and radio programmes.)

Here’s how I summarised my thoughts in my book ‘How to stop your doctor killing you’ (which was first published in 1996):

I was astonished and horrified when drug companies and doctors conspired to persuade completely healthy women to take a drug (tamoxifen) in order to try to prevent breast cancer despite the fact that it is known that the drug can cause cancer of the uterus.

Now, there is a plan to give a drug called anastrozole to hundreds of thousands of women “to stop them getting breast cancer”.

The mainstream media has been endlessly enthusiastic.


Image by Andy Choinski from Pixabay

Told “never to discuss side effects” – a Big Pharma whistle blower – now deceased – made shocking revelations on the industry

The pharmaceutical industry is now turning its attention to children said this Big Pharma whistle blower, because the baby boomers are dying out. This is why the upsurge in children’s ‘diseases’ and ‘disorders’ he said. This is a must watch video featuring the late Dr. John Rengen Virapen who also wrote books on the pharmaceutical industry (link to free ebook dowload below). He quite frankly confesses his own corruption within a system that paid him well.



1993 Prozac Live TV Debate with Dr Vernon Coleman [Strong Language]


Dr Coleman helps highlight the info Big Pharma won’t be telling you. You will also hear from folk who took it & how they fared. Doctors don’t tell their patients of the side effect risks … the norm as we’ve seen clearly in very recent years. Also featuring in the vid debate is an advocate for the drug who has, as Dr Coleman reminds him, received money from Big Pharma.


Told “never to discuss side effects” – a Big Pharma whistle blower – now deceased – made shocking revelations on the industry – an MD & former Pharmaceutical executive

OUTRAGE: Maine high school slips antidepressant ZOLOFT into student’s secret take-home baggie, then calls CPS on dad for finding out & complaining about it

Thanks flying cuttlefish picayune for this link


A taxpayer-funded health clinic operating within Lawrence High School in Fairfield, Me., is reportedly secretly drugging its students with antidepressants without telling their parents about it – and if you say anything about it, the school might call Child Protective Services (CPS) on you.

This is what allegedly happened to Eric Sack, the father of a girl who attends Lawrence High School. The child was reportedly sent home with a secret baggy filled with prescription antidepressant drugs like Zoloft that came from the school’s Bulldog Health Center, which is a federally funded School Based Health Center (SBHC).


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How Drug Companies Cheat, Lie and Deceive

As I always recommend, watch the doco The Corporation – this was my big eye opener as to why all the corruption now. Their bottom line is profit… and lying is their acceptable norm. It is on our ‘corporations’ page. Find it on YT… they also have a website. Essential viewing IMO… EWNZ


Some critics assume that drug companies suddenly became “crooked” and “dishonest” with the production of the covid 19 “vaccines.” But that’s not true. Dr. Vernon Coleman first exposed the drug companies in a book published nearly half a century ago.

Drug company staff have been deceitful, misleading and dangerous for decades and the industry has been institutionally corrupt and devious for many, many years.


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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

What your doctor may not tell you about oral contraceptives and depression

(From NaturalHealth365

In a world where contraception is often viewed as a fundamental aspect of women’s reproductive health, examining the impact of various birth control methods on physical and mental well-being is crucial.  For example, startling statistics released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shed light on the widespread use of oral contraceptives and other implantable devices among women.

In fact, recent research has brought to the forefront a concerning revelation – a potential connection between oral contraceptives and the onset of depression.  Delving into the details of this study, we uncover the important implications it holds for women’s mental health and contraceptive choices.

Could ‘the pill’ be contributing to depression?

If you’ve been experiencing persistent sadness and restlessness, it might be worth examining an unexpected culprit: your birth control pill.  Depression, a prevalent mental health condition affecting countless individuals, can manifest with debilitating symptoms that may be influenced, in part, by oral contraceptives.

Recent research involving a substantial cohort of over a quarter-million women in the United Kingdom has shed light on a potential association between oral contraceptive use and an increased risk of depression, particularly during the first few years of usage.  Published in the Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences journal, this study reveals a startling finding: women who take oral contraceptives face over a 120% higher risk of developing depression.

Why do oral contraceptives affect mood?

The study above focused on unraveling the impact of oral contraceptives on mood alterations.  Birth control pills inherently carry risks as they manipulate hormonal levels, and hormones have long been recognized as influential factors in determining one’s vulnerability to depression.  The study findings revealed a notable association between the initial few years of birth control pill usage and a higher incidence of depression versus non-users.

Interestingly, even women who discontinued the use of oral contraceptives after using them during their adolescence remained at a heightened risk of depression.  Notably, among adult women, the researchers did not identify an increased risk of depression a couple of years after discontinuing birth control pill use.

Delving deeper into the study’s data uncovers intriguing insights, particularly in relation to sibling pairs.  Sisters who used birth control pills exhibited a higher likelihood of experiencing depression, suggesting a genuine causal relationship between birth control usage and depressive symptoms.

These findings emphasize the significance of understanding the potential impact of birth control pills on women’s mental well-being, urging further exploration and consideration of individual differences and susceptibility to depression.

Consider natural family planning methods

For women who are currently taking the birth control pill and experiencing feelings of depression, it is important to be aware of how this medication can impact hormonal levels and potentially contribute to mood changes.  If you have not yet started using birth control and are in your teenage years or early 20s, it is worth noting that beginning hormonal contraception at a young age may increase the risk of depression.  On the other hand, adult women who have been using birth control for more than two years may be less likely to experience depression as they have surpassed the critical two-year mark of usage.

If you are seeking alternatives to the pill, there are various options.  Switching to barrier methods, such as condoms, can provide contraception without the hormonal effects that may contribute to mood changes.  Additionally, exploring natural family planning methods can be an option for those who prefer hormone-free contraception.

Natural family planning methods involve tracking and monitoring your menstrual cycle to identify fertile and non-fertile days.  This can be done through methods such as tracking basal body temperature, cervical mucus observation, and calendar-based tracking.  While natural family planning requires commitment, consistency, and education, it can be an effective method when followed correctly.

As always, consulting with a healthcare professional or a certified natural family planning instructor is highly recommended when considering natural family planning methods.  They can provide guidance and support and help you determine the most suitable contraceptive option based on your individual needs, preferences, and circumstances.

Ultimately, the safest way to avoid an unwanted pregnancy would be to abstain from having sexual intercourse, until you are ready to start a family.  No doubt, starting a family is a big decision and should not be taken lightly.

Sources for this article include:


Photo by Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition on Unsplash

The global and local economy has slipped into a predatory frame of mind

A Fatal Fascination With Pharmaceutical Interventions

Earlier this week Leighton Smith asked me if I thought the structure of society was breaking down. Before the week is through, the UK Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng is out after just 38 days in office (exit right). He suggested that the uber wealthy needed more money to manage and the common man a lot less in difficult times. The UK papers, both left, and right, have had a field day suggesting PM Liz Truss has lost her balance of mind.

Do I think the condition of society is terminal? No. It is wildly out of balance, completely polarised, and financially strapped, but these are still things that hopefully can be fixed. So why have they happened?

Consumers Can Switch to Bidets if They Are Unhappy

Yesterday I wandered glumly around my local supermarket, morosely looking at price tags. Toilet paper which pre-pandemic sold for $8.50 for 18 rolls, was now selling for $18.50 for 24 rolls. Despite the bigger package, you can’t disguise the fact that this is a wicked price increase of 63%. Callously a supermarket spokesperson joked New Zealand consumers can switch to bidets if they are unhappy.

This price increase, and many others like it (too many), is more a reflection of how corporations have come to regard customers than it is related to any underlying economic conditions. The global and local economy has slipped into a predatory frame of mind.

Economic decisions are taken by individuals. The current economic downturn implies that individual decision-makers have become more isolated from the needs of their fellows. Society is not a reality TV show where the winner takes all, the individual and social interest need to remain balanced. So how have we lost this perspective?

Mind-body Balance is Fundamental to Health

Balance of mind is supported by balance of body—balance of physiological processes. Loss of a balanced perspective involves a loss of physiological balance. Traditional systems of healthcare like Indian ayurveda, Chinese medicine, and many others regard balance as a fundamental of health. Ayurveda seeks to maintain physiological balance through herbal and other interventions. It identifies three fundamental components of physiological (and incidentally mental) balance: TransportTransformation, and Structure.

RNA, in one form or another, touches nearly everything in a cell. RNA carries out a broad range of functions, from translating genetic information into the molecular machines and structures of the cell to regulating the activity of genes during development, cellular differentiation, and changing environments.

Note these RNA responsibilities: TranslatingRegulating Activity, and Maintaining Structure. Which run exactly parallel to the ayurvedic components of balance.

You can see where this is going. Change the way the RNA works in our trillions of cells, and how much have you interfered with balance? Not just physiological balance, but crucially balance of mind. Body and mind are intimately connected; they are not separate but are two sides of one coin.

It is widely accepted that drugs affect mental processes, so why is it not routine to test the possible mental effects of novel medical interventions?

Consumption of Psychotropic Drugs Has Been Normalised Despite Questions About Safety

When a close friend was studying at Auckland University, they were asked to write an essay on the morality of drug use with reference to the philosophy of John Stuart Mill. Mill combined philosophy with economics. He believed that the individual is free to choose what makes them happy unless it interferes with social well-being. According to Mill’s philosophy, the question was asked whether individual drug taking was right or wrong.

My friend argued that individual drug taking should be considered a social ill because of the conditions under which drugs are supplied lead to a lot of undesirable effects on families and healthcare systems. The paper was awarded a low mark. Faculty expected that students would decide that drug taking was an acceptable individual choice.

This story had a happy ending, my friend appealed their mark which was raised on independent review. The bad taste in the mouth remained for me—we live in a society where the consumption of psychotropic drugs, both legal and illegal, has been normalised despite questions about safety.

In other words, mental and physiological balance has been put aside in favour of the superman philosophy. Any sign of trouble, dodge into a phone booth, pop a pill, and emerge ready to save the world. Naturally, our response to the pandemic had to be a pill or an injection. The fundamentals of health—diet, lifestyle, rest, exercise, and happiness had already been relegated to a distant second place by our fascination with all things pharmaceutical and even labelled conspiracy theories.

The Rush to Vaccinate Turned Out to Be a Fatal Mistake

According to medical orthodoxy, vaccination should have been an individual and social good, one of which Mill would have approved. However, mRNA injections involve a novel technology which resets fundamental physiological processes. Novel mRNA vaccines upset balance throughout the body, including our circulatory, reproductive, and respiratory systems. The blood-brain barrier and the placenta are breached, and the heart and mind are affected.

The solely pharmaceutical paradigm of health could be out of place in the adverse effect post-pandemic landscape. Those damaged by mRNA adverse reactions are facing an uphill struggle to source effective treatments and meaningful compensation. Reportedly some adverse effect sufferers are being offered additional risky experimental ‘remedies’.

In the USA, the drug Humira, an immune system suppressant sometimes used in the treatment of Crohn’s disease, has been offered to some. Humira’s label highlights the risk of serious infections leading to hospitalization or death, including TB, bacterial sepsis, invasive fungal infections and infections due to opportunistic pathogens. It also features cancers, notably lymphoma and hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma. Other warnings listed on Humira’s label include severe allergic reactions, hepatitis b reactivation, neurological reactions, blood reactions, worsening congestive heart failure and lupus-like syndrome—out of the frying pan into the fire.

Some of these adverse reactions sound depressingly similar to those which can follow mRNA vaccination. There is a reason for this. Humira belongs to a class of medicines called biologic drugs. It is made from a synthetic (bioengineered) antibody. It belongs to a group of medicines called ‘anti-TNF’ drugs or therapies. This is because it works by suppressing a protein in the body called TNF-alpha (tumour necrosis factor-alpha). Your body naturally produces TNF-alpha as part of its immune response, in order to help fight infections by temporarily causing inflammation in affected areas.

In other words, Humira takes over control of our natural immune response by blocking a key pathway in the chain of events which originates with the DNA to RNA transfer of information. Sound familiar? We need to exit from a biotechnology paradigm which seeks to re-engineer the relationship between our DNA and the immune system it orchestrates—a relationship we depend on every second of the day.

The ultimate sources of mental balance, of philanthropy, kindness, security, understanding, and happiness are no doubt tied to our bodily processes. If these are irreversibly altered, recovering from social polarisation might be difficult, but history records remarkable regeneration following great ups and downs. It is perhaps right to assume that such will eventually be the case.

However, if we are to secure our individual and collective future, we will need to wake up from our fatal fascination with an exclusively pharmaceutical dream of health—it is becoming a nightmare. We need Global Legislation Outlawing Biotechnology Experimentation—GLOBE. We have no desire to be lab rats or drug addicts.


Pharma companies commit scientific fraud to rig vax clinical trials

(NaturalHealth365)  Why are we supposed to “trust the science” – which sounds no better than blindly following dogma, really – when questioning science and being curious about the integrity of scientific research has always been the acceptable path?  As a July 2021 article in Scientific American puts it, “Science is a process of learning and discovery, and sometimes we learn that what we thought was right is wrong.”

Yet, in today’s pandemic era, it seems as if the three-letter agencies of the world don’t want citizens to realize they can question science at all.  Instead, it’s as if they would rather us roll up our sleeves for whatever latest version of shots they want us to take, even if these shots have no clinical trials behind them (and that’s even assuming the clinical trials aren’t horribly flawed, to begin with).

Is the FDA making it too easy for Pfizer and Moderna to churn out new mRNA drugs without following proper protocol?

Insisting that the gene-based COVID shots from Pfizer and Moderna have made a “tremendous difference to public health and have saved countless lives,” the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on June 30 that they are advising the two Big Pharma companies to update their current COVID jabs so that they include “an omicron BA.4/5 spike protein component to the current vaccine composition to create a two component (bivalent) booster vaccine.”


Image by kalhh from Pixabay

Have millions been taking antidepressants with harmful side-effects for decades – with no scientific evidence they do what they claim? Some experts have suspected it for years…patients left reeling by groundbreaking study

(Thanks to flying cuttlefish picayune for the link)

  • New research shows the theory justifying antidepressants is just a myth
  • The research confirms what some medical professionals have suspected
  • Depression being a chemical imbalance has been proven to be unfounded

Like millions of patients who seek help from their GPs for depression, Emma Ward was repeatedly told she was suffering from ‘an imbalance of chemicals in the brain’.

If Emma wanted to get better, her doctors said the 26-year-old should keep taking the antidepressants she had been prescribed since she was 15 — even though the drugs did not seem to improve her mood, and left her feeling perpetually numb emotionally.

Now, shocking new research published yesterday shows that the theory justifying the millions of prescriptions for antidepressants handed out every month to patients such as Emma, is simply not true.



How Modern Medicine Became a Monopoly

Toxicology vs Virology: The Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud


Ibuprofen Kills Thousands Each Year, So What Is The Alternative?

Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder

A recent Reuters’ article opened with the following stunning sentence:

“Long-term high-dose use of painkillers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac is ‘equally hazardous’ in terms of heart attack risk as use of the drug Vioxx, which was withdrawn due to its potential dangers, researchers said.”  

The 2004 Vioxx recall, as you may remember, was spurred by the nearly 30,000 excess cases of heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths caused by the drug between 1999-2003. Despite the fact that scientific research had accumulated as early as 2000 linking Vioxx to increased heart attacks and strokes, the drug’s manufacturer Merck, and the FDA, remained silent as the death toll steadily increased.

The Reuters report focused on new research published in Lancet indicating the risk of heart attack increases as much as a third and the risk of heart failure doubles among heavier users of NSAID drugs.


Photo: jarmoluk @

The long history of law suits against Pfizer, one of the corporations manufacturing the CV jab


Related: Pfizer Corporate Full Rap Sheet 

Here’s a brief glimpse of Pfizer’s track record for safety and ethics. This is a short list, by no means inclusive of the company’s entire rap sheet.

  • Pfizer received the biggest fine in U.S. history as part of a $2.3 Billion plea deal with federal prosecutors for mis-promoting medicines (Bextra, Celebrex) and paying kickbacks to compliant doctors. Pfizer pleaded guilty to mis-branding the painkiller Bextra by promoting the drug for uses for which it was not approved.
  • In the 1990s, Pfizer was involved in defective heart valves that lead to the deaths of more than 100 people. Pfizer had deliberately misled regulators about the hazards. The company agreed to pay $10.75 Million to settle justice department charges for misleading regulators.
  • Pfizer paid more than $60 Million to settle a lawsuit over Rezulin, a diabetes medication that caused patients to die from acute liver failure.
  • In the UK, Pfizer has been fined nearly €90 Million for overcharging the NHS, the National Health Service. Pfizxer charged the taxpayer an additional €48 Million per year for what should have cost €2 million per year.
  • Pfizer agreed to pay $430 Million in 2004 to settle criminal charges that it had bribed doctors to prescribe its epilepsy drug Neurontin for indications for which it was not approved.
  • In 2011, a jury found Pfizer committed racketeering fraud in its marketing of the drug Neurontin. Pfizer agreed to pay $142.1 Million to settle the charges.
  • Pfizer disclosed that it had paid nearly nearly 4,500 doctors and other medical professionals some $20 Million for speaking on Pfizer’s behalf.
  • In 2012, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission announced that it had reached a $45 Million settlement with Pfizer to resolve charges that its subsidiaries had bribed overseas doctors and other healthcare professionals to increase foreign sales.
  • Pfizer was sued in a U.S. federal court for using Nigerian children as human guinea pigs, without the childrens’ parents’ consent. Pfizer paid $75 Million to settle in Nigerian court for using an experimental antibiotic, Trovan, on the children. The company paid an additional undisclosed amount in the U.S. to settle charges here. Pfizer had violated international law, including the Nuremberg Convention established after WWII, due to Nazi experiments on unwilling prisoners.
  • Amid widespread criticism of gouging poor countries for drugs, Pfizer pledged to give $50 million for an AIDS drug to South Africa. Later, however, Pfizer failed to honor that promise.

Pfizer’s Covid vaccine is being rolled out with nothing but positive press from every mainstream media outlet in the country. Meanwhile,  more than half of Americans surveyed have said they will not take a Covid vaccine. The plain fact is that many questions remain unanswered regarding this, or any other, Covid vaccine’s safety and efficacy.

What we do know, from legal history, is that Pfizer’s past transgressions might lead some reasonable people to question whether or not they will submit to any vaccine made by the company.


Head of Australian Therapeutic Goods Admin (TGA), Brendan Murphy, tells Parliament to keep quiet about vaccine effects (hear it for yourself)

Shocking. If this does not illustrate for you the vast corruption that is afoot with this plandemic & subsequent vax rollout, nothing will. It is about, is there any type of insurance or backup should you be injured by one of the killer jabs. As I’ve figured all along you’d be very fortunate to have anybody at your back. The short of this story is, you will have to go to court to extract anything and as the brave person featured speaking up angrily says … ‘who can afford to go to court?’ Exactly. Any thinking person will have known all along this would be the case. Listen at the link. EWR


“Secret video of senate meeting with head of TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration), Brendan Murphy, telling Parliament to not tell the public of their own vaccine effects coverup and that the vaccine kills people and they have no recourse from it because the government granted big pharma immunity from prosecution and compensation payouts!


Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay

Other Headlines

You cannot donate blood plasma because of the spike proteins

If the findings by IPC are genuine, then Pfizer vaccine is linked to more deaths in Israel than AstraZeneca’s in the whole of Europe

“Global crimes against humanity are being perpetrated against a large proportion of the world’s population,” according to former Pfizer Executive

A Glorified Drug Cartel Whose Dealers Wore Lab Coats, Suits and Ties

New Lancet report shows Pfizer, Moderna et al. misled the public with deceptive efficacy statistics


Read the full article at the link… (below an excerpt from conclusions):


“In other words, the absolute risk reduction for Pfizer mRNA is 0.84%, 1.2% for Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, etc. Now let’s look at absolute risk reduction for some other treatments against COVID-19 as prophylaxis (preventative):

Hydroxychloroquine: 21%
Ivermectin: 5%
Povidone-iodine: 24%
Zinc and Vitamin C: 23%

Of course mainstream media have already dispatched their “fact checkers” as it relates to the Lancet report. Politifact published a word-salad, manipulative diatribe concluding that the Lancet report is “mostly false.” Bottom line is that Pfizer et al. publish RRR efficacy numbers, not ARR efficacy numbers. Laymen interpret 95% efficacy (RRR) as near-immunity, whereas the true 0.84% ARR isn’t sexy enough for publication and mass dissemination.

Lying and manipulation are norms for mainstream media, big pharma and their big tech buddies. All messaging coming from the foregoing entities must at minimum be taken with a grain of salt, or, preferably, ignored all together. The truth is revealing itself more and more everyday. The Gates/Fauci/Schwab cabal is crumbling. They are getting desperate. We all need to keep spreading truth, forcefully and unapologetically to ensure truth wins out.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.”


Image by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay

CDC Foundation is not a government entity, has many conflicts of interest

ATLANTA — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) is an advertising agency for pharmaceutical companies. That may come off as some grandiose pronouncement meant to gather clicks and attention. But the agency does what it is supposed to do – promote and advance the interests of its stakeholders.


Photo: Wikipedia: By James Gathany, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention –, Public Domain,

Other headlines this week

Miscellaneous sources re the Adverse Reactions:

FRIGHTENING! – 7th update on Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccines released by UK Government

A collection of menstrual side effects noted

British government now reports 524 deaths following COVID vaccination

Dr Mercola

Pressure Mounts to Ban My New Book From Amazon

Drugmakers Promise Investors a Hike in COVID Vaccine Prices Soon

Increasing Levels of Glyphosate Being Found in Manatees

via Kim Hampson

The Coronavirus Strain Is Patented by the –

Texas Doctor Exposes Dangers of COVID-19 Vaccine ( 

Biological Male Crowned Miss Silver State USA – News Punch

Gender – Resisting the New Orthodoxy

Report: Sports Cheat Philosophy Professor Lives With A Pedophile – Gender

Canal Road tree protesters in court facing trespassing charges | New Zealand Geographic (

Image by Michael Bußmann from Pixabay

Pfizer’s own website acknowledges the long term safety data and proof of efficacy does not yet exist

From C-o-v-1-9 V@cc Reacts and News New Zealand (@ Facebook)

What does Pfizer itself say about their vaccine safety?

From a Question and Answer page on Pfizer’s own website Jan 6 2021: Q: “How long will you be watching people who have been vaccinated? How do we know that bad side effects can’t happen long after vaccination, if the vaccine’s only been studied for less than a year?”

A: “We will track participants in our phase 3 clinical trial for the next two years following their second dose, in order to document the long-term effectiveness and safety of the vaccine. [xiii] Our trial is closely monitored by Pfizer and an outside, independent group of experts called a Data Monitoring Committee, or DMC. Trial investigators also monitor participants’ health, and participants in the trial attend regular planned follow-up visits as part of the trial. Pfizer and BioNTech will be conducting additional studies to determine how effective and safe the vaccine is in the real world and among specific risk groups such as healthcare workers and among nursing home residents. “

Hmmmm….so while our health professionals and Government repeat the “safe and effective” mantra endlessly…Pfizer’s own website acknowledges the long term safety data and proof of efficacy does not yet exist. Guess that makes you and me “test subjects” in a yet to be completed trial?…/the_facts_about_pfizer_and…

A NZ lawyer asks: how did Cabinet get lawfully from Medsafe’s Provisional approval with 58 conditions on 3 Feb 2021, to fully adopting Pfizer’s experimental mRNA injection JUST A WEEK later?

Sue Grey

LLB(Hons), BSc, RSHDipPHI and specialist in emerging issues.

“I’m still trying to understand how Cabinet could lawfully have got from Medsafe’s Provisional approval with 58 conditions- on 3 Feb 2021, to fully adopting Pfizer’s experimental mRNA injection known as Comirnaty just a week later. Has anyone seen the advice given to Cabinet, who prepared it, or the reasons for their decision?”…/


AUSTRALIA: Directive issued warning healthcare practitioners they risk regulatory action if spout false or deceptive misinformation undermining the national vaccination rollout

From the C-o-v-1-9 V@cc Reacts and News New Zealand Facebook page

Australian Doctors, nurses and pharmacists who spread COVID anti-vaccination claims will face harsh penalties, including being stripped of their ability to practise, by the medical watchdog. The national medical boards and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency (AHPRA) released a joint directive warning healthcare practitioners that they risk regulatory action if they spout false or deceptive misinformation to patients or on social media that could undermine the national vaccination program as the AstraZeneca vaccine rollout begins.There is no place for anti-vaccination messages in professional health practice, and any promotion of anti-vaccination claims including on social media, and advertising may be subject to regulatory action,” spokesman for the medical boards and Pharmacy Board chairman Brett Simmonds said.I ask myself, “what constitutes anti vaccine messages”? Does this law prevent medical personnel from participating in a genuine “informed consent” process in their practice? If they have concerns about the vaccine and their patient asks them questions….does this law prohibit them from sharing their medical concerns? Can they discuss with patients anything relating to…

*there is no long term safety data
*clinical trials are continuing until 2023…but vaccines are being administered globally “in the meantime”.
*serious injuries and deaths occurring within hours or a few days of receiving the vaccination are mounting.
*the mRNA delivery platform has never been used in human vaccination before.
*there are questions and concerns about the potential for Antibody Dependent Enhancement (a worsening of disease when you are exposed to the wild virus having had the vaccine).
*there is NO SAFETY data for use during pregnancy, auto immune disease, breast feeding.
*there is NO SAFETY data looking at any potential risk of vaccination in combination with pre existing pharmaceuticals being taken.
*there is NO DATA confirming that this vaccine will stop you from contracting Covid 19, OR TRANSMITTING it to someone else.

How do you do your job to “first do no harm”, and remain open, honest and able to discuss and advise on an individual “risk/benefit” basis, when you are gagged and your medical license is threatened, for doing so. This is serious and dangerous.


“Doctors, nurses and pharmacists who spread COVID anti-vaccination claims will face harsh penalties, including being stripped of their ability to practise, by the medical watchdog.

The national medical boards and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency (AHPRA) released a joint directive warning healthcare practitioners that they risk regulatory action if they spout false or deceptive misinformation to patients or on social media that could undermine the national vaccination program as the AstraZeneca vaccine rollout begins.”…/doctors-healthcare-workers-to…

Image by philm1310 from Pixabay

Pfizer (who is making your CV vaccine) agrees to criminal plea …to pay $2.3 billion

All of these token fines are a slap on the wrist for these behemoths. Corporations rule remember. And the (sorry) ‘dumb’ public of NZ can’t wait to get jabbed. EWR


The world’s biggest drugmaker was slapped with the huge fines by the U.S. government after being deemed a repeat offender in pitching drugs to patients and doctors for unapproved uses.

Pfizer Inc agreed on Wednesday to plead guilty to a U.S. criminal charge relating to promotion of its now-withdrawn Bextra pain medicine and will pay a record $2.3 billion to settle allegations it improperly marketed 13 medicines.


Photo: wikipedia

FDA Lets Pfizer Test Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine on U.S. Children

Americans have been following COVID-19 vaccine trial developments for weeks, watching companies jockey for frontrunner status like contestants in a reality TV show. And though participants in some of the studies (by ModernaOxfordJohnson & Johnson and Pfizer) have surfaced with reactions serious enough to pause several of the trials, market analysts remain “bullish” about the near-term prospects for approval of these liability-free products by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

If you’re perplexed by current world events, these two important docos will change that (Corbett)

Two excellent videos from Corbett. James Corbett adds the missing pieces in the world government puzzle. These really are a must watch. Don’t be put off by ‘oil’ … Corbett traces a meticulously researched, intricate & largely hidden chain of events that start with oil & end with education, health, medicine, food, banking, you name it …. bringing perfect clarity to today’s events. EWR

corbettreport 512K subscribers

TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not affected by the oil industry. The story of oil is the story of the modern world. And this is the story of those who helped shape that world, and how the oil-igarchy they created is on the verge of monopolizing life itself.

corbettreport 512K subscribers

TRANSCRIPT AND MP3: The 20th century was the century of oil. From farm to fork, factory to freeway, there is no aspect of our modern life that has not been shaped by the oil industry. But as the “post-carbon” era of the 21st century comes into view, there are those who see this as the end of the oiligarchy. They couldn’t be more wrong. This is the remarkable true story of the world that Big Oil is creating, and how they plan to bring it about.

Image by Lorri Lang from Pixabay

Brazilian volunteer in Oxford University’s Covid vaccine trial has died – Astrazeneca claims it was the placebo

Possibly the placebo? Really? How does one die ‘coincidentally’ of a placebo dose in a trial? EWR

The Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) says it was notified of the death during the Oxford vaccine trial on Monday, October 19, and announced the tragic news on Wednesday, Gazeta Brasil reports.

The Federal University of Sao Paulo, which is helping coordinate phase 3 clinical trials in Brazil, separately said that the volunteer was Brazilian.

Brazilian news site Globo reports that the volunteer was just 28 years old.

It has not been confirmed whether the volunteer received a placebo dose or the real vaccine, but Globo claims sources have said the volunteer received a placebo dose.

Anvisa has released little information about the volunteer citing medical confidentiality, but says the clinical trials will continue within the country.


RELATED: Subject who died in AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine trial was killed by the “placebo” (claims AstraZeneca)

Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

WATCH: Startling investigation reveals top COVID vaccine manufacturer hinted at deliberate release of SARS coronavirus MONTHS before pandemic began

(NaturalHealth365) Remember Event 201? This was the “mock” coronavirus pandemic partially funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in October 2019, just two months before the real coronavirus pandemic began in China. During the (incredibly eerie) mock exercise, experts predicted 65 million people would perish in this simulated pandemic.

Well, it seems this wasn’t the only prediction made in relation to the coronavirus global outbreak.  A recent investigative journalist is reporting on some shocking news from major vaccination manufacturer Moderna, a U.S. government-funded frontrunner in the race to create a COVID vaccine.

WATCH: Startling investigation reveal top COVID vaccine manufacturer hinted at deliberate release of SARS coronavirus MONTHS before pandemic began

In a breaking 14-minute video from ISE Media, investigative journalist Ben Swann discusses some shocking predictions regarding SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the global COVID-19 pandemic. The news comes from Moderna, a pharmaceutical and biotechnology company working closely with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to create a COVID vaccine.

Watch for yourself at the link:

Image by HeungSoon from Pixabay

The head of the World Health Organization is not an MD & neither is its largest funder Bill Gates (Corbett)

Thanks to James Corbett for the video. This is Global Government by the decree of the health technocrats basically. The head of WHO is not a medical doctor. Its largest funder is Bill Gates whose expertise is IT not health. He is also self appointed. He used to be second largest funder next to the US. That tells us a great deal. See also in the video, the huge conflicts of interest regarding the vaccine manufacturers / Big Pharma. EWR

corbettreport 491K subscribers

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: John writes in to ask about the founding, the funding and the true intentions of the World Health Organization. Join James as he lays out some of the information connecting the WHO to big pharma, Bill Gates and the Covid World Order agenda.

Photo : By I, Yann, CC BY-SA 3.0,

‘A second round of the CV is inevitable’ says Fauci – UNMASKING the global health mafia protection racket (Amazing Polly)

You’ll be astounded. Polly makes all the plandemic connections from behind the scenes. Featuring largely of course are our ‘friends’ Bill & Melinda. Always with their fingers in the ‘health’ aka family planning aka eugenics aka depopulation pies. Then there’s Big Pharma, Fauci, WEF, all the ‘big’ apparently benign names … and many more, hiding there in plain sight. A must watch video for September events. EWR

Amazing Polly 322K subscribers BOOM revelations get bigger as we go along. Stay with me! Fauci, Event201, Foundations …and something called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. I expose the front organizations covering for the Global Health Mafia. To send me a financial ‘tip’ to show appreciation you can either use paypal here: OR you can go to my website and find my PO Box address on the Contact page:…. THANK YOU to everyone for your contributions, prayers, news tips, letters, gifts, etc. Bitchute VIDEO backup:… Twitter: References: NYT Coronovirus Fundraiser:… DZAU bio Ottawa Heart Institute:… GPMB Board of Directors: GPMB publication, Sept 2019:… Philanthropy News Digest: Klausner Fauci:… Johns Hopkins commissioned by the GPMB: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.o… Event 201 Players List: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.o… National Herald:… Fauci Gates Foundation Grand Challenges board:… VIDEO: Fauci “No doubt” of surprise outbreak:… CEPI April pledges:… VIDEO: Victor Dzau at McGill “School of Population and Global Health:… Tedros worked for the Global Fund:… VIDEO: Corbett Report on Gates domination of “Global Health”…

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay