Tag Archives: safety studies

A REMINDER: a 2018 court case revealed there’s been no quality control over vaccines manufactured by Big Pharma over the past three decades

A reminder also … the CDC is not an independent government agency, it is a private subsidiary of Big Pharma … go figure … EWNZ

From worldhealth.net
Posted on Feb 08, 2019, 7 p.m.

Del Bigtree and RFK Jr. have been credited for the 2018 landmark lawsuit victory in which the demand for relevant government documents proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality and safety over the past 32 years be presented had not been met in a court of law.

The court case has revealed that there has been no quality control over vaccines that have been manufactured by Big Pharma over the past three decades. There are legal and practical implications for this legal victory for American citizens, and it means that the American people have been lied to for 32 years about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines. The five healthcare agencies now in doubt for complicit and neglect of doing their jobs are the CDC, FDA, IOM, NIH, and DHHS itself as a result.

The July 2018 lawsuit showed vaccine makers had been exempt from what every other pharmaceutical drug manufacturer has been forced to do concerning biennial recertification for quality and effectiveness; meaning their vaccines had not been tested for quality and have had no proven safety or effectiveness testing for over 30+ years.

This case can now be legally cited by all citizens, employees, and parents who are being mandated by any government, organizational regulation or requirements that they must be or have their children vaccinated for school, work, or any other activity to stop forcing vaccination.

Additionally this case can now be legally cited for any seeking compensation for a vaccine injury, making it likely that the big pharma vaccine industry may be in hit with many lawsuits which could lead to being bankrupted out of existence; much like Bayer-Monsanto after the landmark legal victory won by the dying San Francisco landscaper, and their stock value plummeting precipitously.

As result of this landmark lawsuit victory the future of allopathic medicine as it stands is under scrutiny and in doubt, as well as the global pharma cartel since most drugs prescribed by come from pharma corporations that have been involved. Existence of deep state corporate mainstream news media will also be endangered as 70% of their income comes from the global pharma cartel.

Officials who passed laws to legalize vaccination at state, national, or at international levels, or have otherwise aided and abetted this vaccine fraud may now be legally charged with fraud, criminal malfeasance, and in some cases under the Nuremberg Code possibly war crimes.

The following comes from a letter written by Dawn Bell, a health professional warning that vaccines are no longer safe and have become ineffective after 10 years, who claims her daughter was injured by vaccination:

100% of the mumps cases were college students who were ALL 100% vaccinated in the recent mumps outbreak; and 90% of the people who died from last years flu epidemic had received the flu shot.

Herd immunity is achieved when 85% of the population is immune to a disease; vaccines are only good for around 10 years to 20 years max, most people over the age of 20 are not immune any longer creating a false immunity; and people who catch chicken pox are immune for life; those who get vaccinated are not.

Vaccines can and have saved lives, but when MD’s were handing out antibiotics were given out like movie popcorn they started to have a bad effect on the immune system, it’s very probable to think the same thing can happen with overuse of vaccines.

For deadly diseases, I’m for it, but they started to make so much money from it all of the sudden there was a vaccine for everything, and it was made mandatory, even for everyday childhood diseases and stuff such as Hep B at one day old.

When 32 people got sick from E.coli the FDA told everyone to stop buying romaine lettuce, yet thousands have reported issue with vaccine and it becomes pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, then when people get upset and start asking question everyone is surprised.

I am an Occupational Therapist and was all in with vaccinations, until I had to watch my daughter lose speech ability directly following a vaccine. Up until that point I was another person telling everyone it was a coincidence, until I saw it happen with my own eyes to my own child. Safety studies have never been done in these vaccine, and they have NEVER been studied being given all at once as they do.

It is common sense all of these vaccines given to children with developing immune system and neuro system that there may be some issues. When they say safety studies have been done, when they were asked in court for them and no one could produce them, of course Kenedy won the lawsuit.

My OBGYN told me the flu shot was studied and proven safe during pregnancy, I went into work and looked at the flu insert to find it clearly stated it had not been studied in children and pregnant women and if given to pregnant women you should call and add them to a registry, also on the front of the box it states not to give to children under the age of 5.

If you have not watched the CDC video approving the Hep vaccination you should as it is interesting. In the video it is given to 1 day old newborn babies and it has not been approved for those under the age of 18. When asked if it is safe to give with other vaccines they said they don’t know, but were making the assumption it was generally safe like other vaccines. When asked about the “new mutated gene thing” they replied the same of making the assumption that it’s safe like other vaccines.  When asked about heart and autoimmune markers seen in their internal study they acknowledged they saw the markers and were going to monitor it and make a determination December 2020 whether or not there was a problem, but in the meantime it is being given to day old newborn babies. Yes, there are concerns that need to be addressed about safety, and I am thrilled that they may finally be addressed.”

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Case 1:18-cv-03215-JMF Document 18 Filed 07/09/18




Photo: pixabay.com (text added)

Who’s keeping track of the “adverse reactions” to the COVID-19 vaccines in the US? No one, really

From Mark Crispin Miller

Who’s keeping track of the “adverse reactions” to the COVID-19 vaccines in the US?

No one, really

After all, you can’t report what you’ve been careful not to study (just as with vaccine safety).

From “COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects: Is the System Working?” in MedPage Today:

QUOTE: Marshall: Now when it comes to the COVID vaccines, we’re seeing all three of those [data collection systems] being employed, correct?

Kesselheim: Well, so far with the COVID vaccine, you know —

Marshall: You hesitated there. So I’m assuming that’s probably a no?

Kesselheim: Well, I mean, I think that there are a lot of ways that the post-market surveillance of the COVID vaccine could be going better. I think that we are seeing a lot of spontaneous reporting. And we are seeing a lot of local institutions keeping track of people who receive vaccines and sort of mini registries in a sense. So far in the U.S. we’ve only had vaccines available through Emergency Use Authorizations.

We haven’t yet had those kinds of formal post-approval studies that have been developed and designed for these trials. So we haven’t really seen that yet.

And the other major issue is, right now a lot of vaccines are being given outside of healthcare systems, through public, state government supported vaccine delivery websites and the goal here being to get as many vaccines as quickly as possible into people as quickly as possible.

Click on the link for the rest:


Image by 453169 from Pixabay

A world leading vaccine risk analyst, Dr. Leonard Horowitz Battles Pfizer Over Genocide Discovery

From medicalveritas.org

Ft Myers, FL (3-13-20; MedicalVeritas.org)—The author of the world’s best-selling oldest-running book in the field of emerging viruses and communicable diseases, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, is battling the Pfizer drug company and its affiliates for concealing evidence proving a conspiracy involving U.S. military agents, agencies, and their media, committing civil rights abuses against religious leaders for prompting ‘vaccination hesitancy’ that is considered a risk to U.S. National Security.

Horowitz filed his lawsuit against Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccine makers, their advertisers, and distributors in early December, 2020. He claims corrupted science, genetically-engineered viruses, and DNA corrupting mRNA vaccines, risks people’s health and safety, and has damaged him personally.

Dr. Horowitz claims the defendants have committed unfair competition, deceptive trade, and religious freedom deprivations against him and his colleagues.

The Harvard-trained public health scholar is also a Levitical priest advocating for The Royal Bloodline of David. He is suing to secure his right to compete against the drug cartel using more natural products based on Bible laws and a Bible code decryption. Advocating for “religious commerce,” he pioneered a competing anti-microbial called “OxySilverTM with 528” and advertises it as a “Holy Water.” The “528Hz frequency wave” has been shown in scientific studies to positively impact mRNA function and DNA gene expression. That gives the doctor “standing” to bring the claim of “tortious interference” with religious commerce that competes directly against risky vaccines and antibiotics.

The drug syndicate’s advertisers, including Hearst, Conde Naste, and Forbes, smeared the doctor and his OxySilver product in national publications.

Consequently, Horowitz is asking the court for immediate “discovery” to prevent more “irreparable harm” by revealing the syndicate’s underlying scheme to target religious leaders advancing “vaccination hesitancy” that officials advancing the public/private alliance claim undermines bio-defenses and U.S. National Security.

“Since 2016, with the passage of the National Biodefense Strategy Act,” Dr. Horowitz explained, “when Hearst defamed me and Dr. Andrew Wakefield for our vaccination risk-awareness activism, defamatory media attacks increased.





Dr. Leonard Horowitz Files COVID-19 Vaccine Lawsuit to Block FDA’s Approval

Ft Myers, FL (12-3-20; MedicalVeritas.org)—A world leading vaccine risk analyst, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, has filed a COVID-19 vaccine lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida to oppose the FDA’s approval of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines until the companies, alleged to have falsely advertised safety, perform tests on the genetic impacts admittedly neglected by the companies.

“Vaccinations” or “Genetic Intoxications”?

Not actually “vaccines” in the traditional sense, but “genetic therapies” according to the companies, the court is asked to enjoin the government from approving and distributing the injections due to neglected genetic safety science and inadequate testing.

“Genetics (specified analyses) are not evaluated in this study,” the Pfizer Protocol admitted. The same is true for the Moderna vaccine.

Dr. Horowitz’s 84-page lawsuit holds Pfizer and Moderna vaccine advertisers and distributors accountable for false advertising of the vaccines’ safety under Florida’s unfair and deceptive trade act and whistleblower law. Eight claims are brought by the whistleblowing doctor and litigator who has asked the court for a number of “remedies” besides the injunction.

One of Horowitz’s remedies would require Defendants to supplement their COVID-19 vaccine trials to assess the risks of genetic alterations to human DNA and viral genes.

“The injunction should require Defendants to . . . assess the risks of genetic ‘reassortments’ of latent DNA and RNA tumor viruses in medically or immune compromised people,” the lawsuit pleads.

“The injunction should require the federal government to suspend its acquisition of the Defendants’ COVID-19 vaccines until such a time as the aforementioned safety concerns are studied and resolved by supplemental trials, the results of which are candidly published,” the doctor added.

False Safety Advertising Might Worsen Outcomes

Dr. Horowitz’s complaint raises criminal concerns beyond consumer fraud by Pfizer, Moderna, their advertisers and distributors at Hearst Corp and Henry Schein, Inc. There is a broader financial and media enterprise involved.

The complaint reminds the court of Pfizer’s criminal fine of $2.3 billion—the largest health care fraud settlement in history for complicity in causing the opioid crisis.

Advertisements filed with the court proclaim safety of the mRNA vaccines without “reasonable justification.” This evidences “deceptive trade” according to the complaint.

The whistleblower argues that the Defendants “omitted material facts in advertisements implying safety had been ‘observed’ in these mRNA genetic studies whereas the official protocol stated: ‘No testing of the participant’s DNA will be performed’ (p. 52).”

“This neglect happened even though the virus’s ‘spike protein’ attachment mechanism was genetically reconfigured in the Pfizer and Moderna labs.

The alleged neglect of genetic safety studies occurred even though the therapeutic impact of the mRNA targets DNA production of spike protein antigens to induce antibody production demonstrating “DNA modulation and trickery,” the lawsuit explains.

Horowitz expressed most concern that, “Officials concealed the risk of Pfizer and Moderna’s genetic sequences recombining with other viruses in humans or the environment, increasing the risk and likelihood of additional ‘novel’ outbreaks and disastrous pandemics.”



Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

7 years of research on vaccine safety studies by PhD Gary Null reveals “fraud everywhere”

2.69K subscribers

Dr Gary Null PhD testifies at the NY State Assembly on his 7 years of research on vaccine safety studies which resulted in finding “fraud everywhere.” Note: Gary mentions some details about the circumstances of this NY testimony during his PRN radio show: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR…

Learn what the Aluminum in Vaccines is doing to your Brain & who conducted the safety studies


Impact of Vaccines: Aluminum, Autoimmunity, Autism & Alzheimer’s

By Dr. Gary G. Kohls

I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine…has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers. Dr. Bernard Dalbergue a former pharmaceutical industry physician with Gardasil manufacturer Merck, emphasis added.

“No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable…for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death.” – President Ronald Reagan, as he signed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986,absolving drug companies from all medico-legal liability when vaccines kill or disable children

“The 271 vaccines in development span a wide array of diseases, and employ exciting new scientific strategies and technologies. These potential vaccines – all in human clinical trials or under review by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – include 137 for infectious diseases, 99 for cancer, 15 for allergies and 10 for neurological disorders.”  Statement from the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) – the pharmaceutical industry’s trade association and lobbying group. 

The #1 talking point of Big Pharma, Big Vaccine, the CDC, the AMA and the American Academy of Pediatrics when they try to justify the use of the neurotoxin aluminum (and mercury) in their vaccines is this one:

“humans shouldn’t be afraid of the small amount of either aluminum or mercury that is or has been in many human and animal vaccines.”

They say, truthfully, that aluminum is the third most common element in the earth’s crust, behind oxygen and silicone.  Oxygen makes up about 47% of the earth’s mass. Silicon is second at 28%, followed by aluminum at 8%. They also say that aluminum may be just as harmless as oxygen and silicone and that humans are also exposed to aluminum in oral antacids and underarm anti-perspirants and that those products haven’t yet been “conclusively” proven to have caused “statistically-significant” health problems. They fail, of course, to mention that the “studies” that prove aluminum’s safety (and efficacy) were designed, performed and paid-for by the very industries that benefit from the unregulated, unexamined and widespread use of injectable aluminum in America’s over-vaccination schedules. It is important to note that the reason that aluminum has been used in vaccines for the last 80+ years is because it has been found to be an “adjuvant” (defined as “a substance that enhances the body’s immune response to an antigen.” An “antigen” is “a toxin or other foreign substance that induces an immune response in the body”. Interestingly, nobody really understands exactly how aluminum performs as an adjuvant, and there is a desperate search for other adjuvants because the vaccine industry understands just how toxic it is.



Some shocking revelations in this excellent & informative article. And no the safety studies were not independent from the manufacturing industries (aka Big Pharma). When you present for a vaccine if you’re still that way inclined, ask them to show you the safety studies. You’ll be surprized. Folks I know of who have asked, discovered the nurses attending were actually ignorant of those studies. They of course haven’t questioned their esteemed employers and just assumed they were all good. This is one issue you need to research thoroughly, particularly the vaccine-Autism link and the HPV vaccine. Check out our vaccine pages. Read the statements of the ex-industry whistle blowers, the MDs … there are many.