Tag Archives: gary null

7 years of research on vaccine safety studies by PhD Gary Null reveals “fraud everywhere”

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Dr Gary Null PhD testifies at the NY State Assembly on his 7 years of research on vaccine safety studies which resulted in finding “fraud everywhere.” Note: Gary mentions some details about the circumstances of this NY testimony during his PRN radio show: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR…

The War on Your Health – a movie from Gary Null

Much of what Gary talks about here in the info is already happening, given this was a 2012 post – things are happening fast, particularly lately.


Published on Jul 3, 2012

Progressive Radio Network presents A Gary Null Production WAR ON HEALTH: The FDA’s Cult of Tyranny Introduced by the director (from his speech at the world premiere in New York City, June 15, 2012) In the near future, American medical practice may change dramatically for the worse. No longer will maximal dose natural supplements—vitamins, natural compounds, and scientifically proven medicinal herbs—be available over the counter in local health and grocery stores. Holistic practice, which relies upon non-prescription natural treatments instead of Big Pharma drugs prescribed life-long, will diminish. American healthcare will be imprisoned, patients will be forced to abide by a single medical paradigm defined by corporate drug and food executives and dictated by a government enforcement agency, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This is the bleak scenario if the FDA succeeds in limiting Americans’ options to prevent and treat diseases. ‘War on Health’ is the first documentary detailing and challenging the FDA agenda and its allegiance with the international Codex Alimentarius, which hopes to establish a monolithic food and health regime. Betraying its founding mandate to assure drug, food and chemical safety in the interests of public health, the FDA today is a repressive bureaucracy serving pharmaceutical and agricultural greed and profits. Vaccines, medical devices, prescription drugs are fast tracked at alarming rates through the FDA at the expense of scientific oversight to assure their efficacy and safety. The result is hundreds of thousands premature deaths annually from pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines and medical devices and an epidemic of medical incompetence and fraud sanctioned by federal health officials. Featuring many pioneering American and European attorneys, physicians, medical researchers and advocates of health freedom, War on Health lifts the veil on FDA’s militaristic operations against organic food providers and alternative physicians. The film’s conclusion is perfectly clear: the FDA is a tyrannical cult founded upon the denial of sound medical science with little intention to improve the nation’s health and prevent disease. Written and Directed by Gary Null Produced by Valerie Van Cleve Associate Producer: Richard Gale Editor: Richie Williamson Offline Editing: Valerie Van Cleve, L.A. Jones Camera Operators: Marcello Coppuchino, Peter Bonilla, David Grier, L.A. Jones Gregory Jason Russ, Jake Hammer Mesmire, Edson Tanakae, Valerie Van Cleve, Richie Williamson

Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs

Published on May 23, 2013

Visit http://prn.fm/ The world’s leading Scientists, Physicians, Attorneys, Politicians and Environmental Activists expose the corruption and dangers surrounding the widespread use of Genetically Modified Organisms in the new feature length documentary, “Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs”. Senior Executive Producer / Writer / Director: Gary Null PhD Executive Producer/Writer/Co-Director: Richard Polonetsky Producers: Paola Bossola, Richard Gale, James Spruill, Patrick Thompson, Valerie Van Cleve Editors: James Spruill, Patrick Thompson, Richie Williamson, Nick Palm Music: Kevin MacLeod (Incompetech.com), Armando Guarnera Graphics: Jay Graygor

Autism – Made in the U S A … learn the truth from Vaccine Info Network


Vaccination Information Network

In the USA, 1 in every 50 children is now autistic. In this award-winning documentary, investigative film maker Gary Null looks at the causes of the autism epidemic and reports on children’s recovery from autism.

Visit http://www.AutismMadeInTheUSA.com for more information or to purchase the DVD

For more information, please see:

Death by Medicine – Gary Null’s Exposé of a Broken & Corrupted Medical System

Learn about the death of natural healing treatments and the true history of current medicine, how very much it is centered on profits. This history will shock you and indeed join up some dots that by themselves are not making sense. We can fly to the moon presumably but we can’t cure cancer? Our era is one of gross dishonesty and deceit. There are many cures for cancer, unbelievable as that may seem. You owe it to yourself & loved ones to at least research the evidence and there is plenty, not by quacks but by certified health professionals including medical doctors.

Published on Oct 23, 2015

Death By Medicine takes a hard examination at the dominant medical paradigm contributing to America’s health crisis. Based on Gary Null’s ground breaking book on the hundreds of thousands of injuries and deaths caused by conventional medicine, the documentary looks at the medical industrial complex, the pharmaceutical industry’s usurpation of the nation’s medical schools, research, falsified drug clinical trials, peer reviewed scientific journals, and the complicity of federal health agencies to permit this to happen. The result is a medical system unfounded on sound science. Why is there a lack of oversight by government regulatory agencies and private interest lobbyists call the shots for national healthcare? From FDA and FBI raids on cherry and dairy farmers to the halls of Congress, we witness the hostile attack on the natural health industry. We witness what happens when a mercenary healthcare system and the failures of a just and fair healthcare policy leaves the US as the 37th healthcare system in the world. The result is the American medical system is broken and corrupted by money rather than scientific fact, and the answer is to create a new medical paradigm that addresses the health of people rather than raising of stock prices, careers and reputations.


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