Tag Archives: adverse events

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States & worldwide, Jan 9-Jan 15, 2024

From Dr Mark Crispin Miller @ Substack

Musicians in US (7), Brazil (2), UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany (2), Italy (3), Congo, Russia, India, Vietnam, Japan; cops in US (8), Brazil, Paraguay, Spain, Italy, India, Australia; & more


Check out our sister site truthwatchnz.is for other news

15 COVID “Conspiracy Theories” That Turned Out to Be True

From The Vigilant Fox @ Substack

The term “conspiracy theory” was initially used by the CIA to shut down those who doubted the official line about the murder of John F. Kennedy. But it turns out that what authorities deem to be “conspiracy theories” actually end up being true more often than they would like to admit.

Here are 15 such examples in the COVID era alone:

#15 – Repeated COVID shots weaken the immune system, according to study.

#14 – Ivermectin worked! Peer-reviewed study finds 74% reduction in excess deaths.

#13 – The unvaccinated were scapegoated for failure of COVID vaccines, study finds.

#12 – Mask wearers paradoxically had an increased risk of contracting COVID.

#11 – Natural immunity proves to be seven times more protective than vaccinated immunity.

#10 – Ivermectin, the drug once labeled “horse de-wormer,” is now showing 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action.

#9 – Hospitals murdered COVID patients. The more they killed, the more money they made.

#8 – New-found emails prove Biden White House hid COVID-19 vaccine harms from the public.

#7 – The COVID shots were not the only toxic measure forced on humanity. Regular mask-wearing was also harmful.

#6 – Nearly 1 in 3 COVID vaccine recipients suffered neurological side effects.

#5 – Research finds heart anomalies within 48 hours after the COVID-19 shot.

#4 – Pfizer hid nearly 80% of COVID-19 vaccine trial deaths from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization.

#3 – Perverse brainwashing techniques were thoroughly studied to get you jabbed.

#2 – The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials. There was a “bait-and-switch.”

#1 – Florida’s Surgeon General has called for a halt to the use of all COVID-19 mRNA injections, citing safety concerns after the discovery of billions of DNA fragments per dose in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines.


It seems, with respect to COVID, the term “conspiracy theory” could easily be interchanged with “spoiler alert.” This is just a shortlist. There are so much more “conspiracy theories” that ended up being true.


New Zealand Fudged The Data On How Kidneys Fare After COVID Vaccines & the Original Study is now Scrubbed from Internet

This is why your Govt Kiwis, is your one (& only) source of truth. This is why ‘they’ don’t want you doing your own research. And why they descended on Whistleblower Barry Young like a pack of wolves instead of thanking him for his wish to save lives. If your one source of truth was actually telling you the truth about ‘very rare’ adverse reactions they would show you all the data… not scrub all evidence of it!! Neither would they have given Pfizer exemption from liability! The FDA’s long list of adverse events showed this at the outset but you weren’t allowed to cite it. (Here is FDA’s shorter list at page 17, ‘subject to change’ of course).

As the article below points out, having described the kidney damage following two doses of the ‘safe and effective’, our other organs actually fare worse than the kidneys do. You need to share this with your loved ones who still ascribe to the lies … EWNZ

From zerohedge.com

by Tyler Durden

Tuesday, Jan 09, 2024 – 08:00 PM

New Zealand Fudged The Data On How Kidneys Fare After COVID Vaccines

Authored by Colleen Huber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

In a January 2023 preprint in The Lancet, the New Zealand government released a study showing a 70 percent increased rate of kidney injury following two doses of Pfizer mRNA vaccines. Even more telling of injury was the dose-dependent effect. That is, one dose of Pfizer showed a 60 percent increased rate of injury within three weeks post-injection, while two doses showed a 70 percent increased rate of injury three weeks post-injection. “Acute kidney injury” was not defined by the authors but is understood in a clinical setting to include measurable changes in lab results and/or serious signs and symptoms such as bleeding, pain with urination, kidney stones, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or other renal dysfunction.


The data were drawn from a national database of over 4 million people over the age of 5 who had received the Pfizer vaccines. This number represented 95 percent of New Zealand adults and teenagers.

Compared to historical background rates of kidney injury, the following changes in acute kidney injuries were found in the original article, as shown in this screenshot.

These alarming results of vastly increased kidney injury were published in the abstract of the original article, and here are two screenshots from the January 2023 version of the abstract of that article:  [1]

Now let’s zoom in on the last two sentences:

None of the above is now available online anymore, except through web archives.

The full paper does not seem to be available anymore anywhere, just the abstract, and the following is what appears when you click on the link that worked back in January:

The original full article seems to no longer be available on the internet, but I still have the above screenshots. Journalist Alex Berenson wrote a summary of the original article. [2]

Hiding the Data in New Zealand

Then a strange thing happened to the New Zealand data. Not only did the above paper disappear, but the numbers of reported acute kidney injuries were cut nearly in half. Here is what the same table now shows, from the same-titled paper, by the same authors, since August 2023, [3] at this link:

Suddenly, from January to August 2023, the observed acute kidney injury (AKI) events now are only 57 percent and 58 percent, respectively, of the originally reported AKI events. As a result, the data shown in August look like the Pfizer vaccine made no difference or even implied a slight benefit, whereas the data published seven months earlier had shown an alarming increase in acute kidney injuries postvaccine.

Also, in the August 2023 revision, the reported number of those who had received the first dose was reduced by about 100,000, and the number of those receiving the second dose was reduced by over 200,000.

During the time period of the study, Feb. 19, 2021, to Feb. 10, 2022, New Zealand had relatively low rates of COVID-19, as seen in the chart below. [4] The curve below took a vertical turn on Feb. 11, 2022, which was the day after the New Zealand government authors of the paper stopped collecting data. Until that dramatic turn, daily new confirmed COVID cases in New Zealand remained near zero.

So it is not plausible to attribute the kidney injuries seen in New Zealand post-COVID vaccines to COVID-19 infection.

The following list of kidney injuries and disorders were observed in the Pfizer clinical trials. [5] Pfizer listed the following urinary tract injuries seen in the Pfizer clinical trials in its “Appendix 1: List of adverse events of special interest.”

From the Pfizer list of over 1,200 types of injuries, I pulled out the syndromes and injuries observed in the Pfizer trials that were specifically related to, or consequent to injuries to, the kidneys, and/or syndromes and injuries that affected the kidneys more than any other organ. I found 40 such disease conditions. They are as follows:

  1. 2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria.
  2. Acute kidney injury.
  3. Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody positive.
  4. Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease.
  5. Autoimmune nephritis.
  6. Bilirubin urine present.
  7. C1q nephropathy.
  8. Chronic autoimmune glomerulonephritis.
  9. Cryoglobulinaemia.
  10. Dialysis amyloidosis.
  11. Fibrillary glomerulonephritis.
  12. Glomerulonephritis.
  13. Glomerulonephritis membranoproliferative.
  14. Glomerulonephritis membranous.
  15. Glomerulonephritis rapidly progressive.
  16. Goodpasture syndrome.
  17. Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis.
  18. IgA nephropathy.
  19. IgM nephropathy.
  20. Immune-mediated nephritis.
  21. Immune-mediated renal disorder.
  22. Lupus nephritis.
  23. Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis.
  24. Nephritis.
  25. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis.
  26. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.
  27. Renal amyloidosis.
  28. Renal arteritis.
  29. Renal artery thrombosis.
  30. Renal embolism.
  31. Renal failure.
  32. Renal vascular thrombosis.
  33. Renal vasculitis.
  34. Renal vein embolism.
  35. Renal vein thrombosis.
  36. Scleroderma renal crisis.
  37. Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome.
  38. Urine bilirubin increased.
  39. Urobilinogen urine decreased.
  40. Urobilinogen urine increased.

Here is a list of 10 other injuries and syndromes observed postvaccine in the Pfizer trial that involve the kidneys but are not exclusive to them. These often affect and damage the kidneys, but I did not include them on the above list since they are not specific to the kidneys. They are as follows:

  1. ANCA vasculitis.
  2. Diffuse vasculitis.
  3. Disseminated intravascular coagulation.
  4. Granulomatosis with polyangiitis.
  5. Polyarteritis nodosa.
  6. Pulmonary renal syndrome.
  7. Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  8. Systemic scleroderma.
  9. Thrombotic microangiopathy.
  10. Type III immune complex-mediated hypersensitivity syndrome.

More than 1,200 different adverse events of special interest were observed and reported in the Pfizer clinical trials. Here is a screenshot of just those related to disorders of the glomeruli, the fine filtering units throughout the kidneys—over a half million in each kidney—that separate blood from urine:

Other Findings of Kidney Injury Post-COVID Vaccination

Post-COVID vaccine renal events were recorded in a study of 111 patients with previously biopsy-proven glomerulonephritis and two prior mRNA vaccine doses. [6]

The authors found that 22.5 percent of vaccinated patients experienced new-onset or relapse of glomerulonephritis or other renal events following COVID vaccination. Additionally, 10.8 percent had increased proteinuria, 12.6 percent had worsening hematuria, and 0.9 percent had creatinine values 150 times what is normal or worse.

No difference was found between the Pfizer-vaccinated and Moderna-vaccinated with respect to renal events.

The study found the following:

That study did not discuss the time elapsed from vaccination to glomerulonephritis pathology. This smaller study of 13 patients found that the median time of onset was one week after the first dose and four weeks after the second dose. [7] The patients typically presented with acute kidney injury, edema, and visible blood in the urine.

Several reports of minimal change disease appear in the peer-reviewed literature. [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] Most of those cases occurred within several days of receiving a mRNA COVID vaccine, usually after the second dose, sometimes after the third dose. [15] It has also been seen following the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine. [16]

Minimal change disease is not one of the conditions noted in the Pfizer adverse events list. It is an insidious kidney disorder that is so named for the very subtle changes in the glomeruli filtration, which leaves gaps in filtration. Nephrotic syndrome results, in which proteins leak through the gaps from the blood into the urine, and then systemic effects of hypoproteinemia result.

Other kidney diseases observed following COVID vaccination include the following:

  • Visible blood in the urine (hematuria) within hours after vaccination. [17]
  • Membranous nephropathy. [18]
  • Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. [19]
  • ANCA glomerulonephritis. [20]
  • ANCA vasculitis. [21]
  • IgA nephropathy in children. [22]

Magnetic resonance urography is shown below in an MRI image of the kidneys and proximal ureters (photo from OHSU).

We can appreciate in the above photo that the fan shape of a kidney allows lots of surface area peripherally for maximum fine filtration of blood to urine, and the collecting ducts gather centrally toward the minor calyces, major calyces, and then finally, the renal pelvis, to effectively drain off urine with downward flow, gravity-assisted. Hence the fanned “kidney bean” shape.

If You Think the Kidneys Were Hit Hard . . .

After an extensive review of the medical literature over the last three years, since the onset of mass COVID vaccination campaigns, I can say with confidence that the medical literature reveals many fewer victims of kidney injuries following these vaccines than of other types of bodily injuries. Other bodily organs have fared far worse than the kidneys for most of the victims. Most notable and now well-known are the myocarditis and other cardiovascular injuries, for which I described the mechanisms of injury and the ubiquity among the COVID-vaccinated population, [23] as well as brain injuries, [24] among others.

Future vaccines must be screened thoroughly for risk to kidneys and other organs before use in adults, and then only with fully detailed and uncoerced informed consent. Clearly, such toxic products as mRNA injections must never be used in children at all and must never be made a condition of work or study for anyone.

[2] A Berenson.  URGENT:  A big New Zealand study reveals high rates of kidney injury after the Pfizer jab.  Jan 26 2023.  Unreported Truths.

[3] M Walton, V Pletzer, et al.  Adverse events following the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) in Aotearoa New Zealand.  Aug 9 2023.  Drug Saf.  46 (9): 867-879.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10442303/

[8] V D’Agati, S Kudose, et al.  Minimal change disease and acute kidney injury following the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Kidney Int. May 15 2021. 100 (2). 461–463. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2021.04.035.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8123374/

[17] L Negrea, B Rovin.  Gross hematuria following vaccination for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in 2 patients with IgA nephropathy.  Jun 2021.  Kidney Int.  99 (6).  1487.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7987498/

[18] N Chavarot, M Padden, et al.  De novo posttransplant membranous nephropathy following BNT 162b2 COVID-19 vaccine in a kidney transplant recipient.  Dec 2022.  22 (12).  3188-3189.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9537991/

[19] N Morimoto, T Mori, et al.  Rapidly progressive IgA nephropathy with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis-like lesions in an elderly man following the third dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine: a case report.  Apr 24 2023.  BMC Nephrol..  24 (1).  108.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37095451/

[21] M Shakoor, M Birkenbach, et al.  ANCA-Associated vasculitis following Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.  Oct 2021.  Am J Kidney Dis.  78 (4).  611-613.   https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34280507/

[22] C Hanna, L Herrera Hernandez, et al.  IgA nephropathy presenting as macroscopic hematuria in 2 pediatric patients after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.  Sep 2021.  Kidney Int.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8256683/


Attorney discovers “smoking gun evidence” that covid injections are pre-meditated murder

URGENT: A big New Zealand study reveals high rates of kidney injury after the Pfizer jab

EWNZ article:
The CV Jab: Compare possible side effects listed by the NZ Govt with those listed by the FDA (2021)

Check out our sister site truthwatchnz.is for other news


Acute kidney injury after vaccination: New Zealand government scientists changed their data without explanation

The data showed the vaccines were causing kidney injury. So the data magically changed when the paper was submitted for publication. The paper also showed >25X higher risk of myocarditis post vax.


The earliest and most archived that i can find (also on archive.is) is the abstract from 2023-01-21:


but the original 19-page paper had already been deleted by then (should be on same website):

Click to access 276b103c-e5df-43d1-955d-439df72e6448-MECA.pdf

which gives a 404; and i can‘t find it on Sci-Hub either (more likely to be found there if not open access). However the 13-page ”peer reviewed” paper from 2023-08-09 is otherwise easy to find, for example:


Click to access 40264_2023_Article_1332.pdf

Photo: pixabay.com

Pro-Vax Doctor Blows Whistle, Warns Public About ‘Major Cover Up’ of ‘Devastating Side Effects’

From expose-news.com

A pro-vaccine doctor who administered thousands of shots has decided to blow the whistle and alert the public about a “major cover up” of “devastating side effects” including cancer and cardiac arrest caused by the Covid mRNA injections.

The article “Pro-Vax Doctor Blows Whistle, Warns Public About ‘Major Cover Up’ of ‘Devastating Side Effects’ was originally published by the People’s Voice.

Dr. Cornelia Tschanett, who administered approximately 4,000 shots in her practice, experienced a moral dilemma after noting that around ten percent of her patients reported adverse reactions following their vaccinations.

Driven by a disturbing incident where a healthy teenager she vaccinated experienced sudden heart failure, Dr. Tschanett reached a point where she felt unable to “continue to vaccinate here.”

Rather than continuing with vaccinations, she has chosen to share her concerns openly, challenging the prevailing narrative that the Covid mRNA shots are unequivocally “safe and effective,” as asserted by governments and their media allies.

According to Dr. Tschanett, there are thousands of other doctors who share her observations regarding the vaccine, however they are terrified of losing their jobs and careers and being punished by Big Pharma if they dare to speak out about their concerns.

Dr. Tschanett’s story is now part of a recently released documentary titled “UN-SICHTBAR: Der Film Teil 1” (translated as “INVISIBLE: The Film Part 1”). In the film, she reveals that a staggering 10 percent of the 4,000 patients she treated have reported “problems since the vaccination.”

“There were few side effects, as we saw at the beginning.”

However, Dr. Tschanett reveals that her patients kept returning with side effects long after they received the vaccinations.

“This slowly became more the case over the course of the year,” she continued. “You may not notice the first cases that much or dismiss it as an isolated case.”

“Towards the end of the year, this increased. Then more and more people came with supposed complaints after the vaccination. And then you question your own perception a bit.”

Dr. Tschanett revealed that she and other doctors were afraid to express their concern about the safety of the shots.

The total lack of scientific discourse around the excess deaths and vaccine side effects is the most shocking aspect of this whole story for Dr. Tschanett.

“People report the same complaints, such as cardiac arrhythmias, insane fatigue, persistent muscle pain, and nerve inflammation. This then slowly became reproducible. And then, of course, you also try to look for scientific discourse.”

“And that was shocking to me that that wasn’t possible.”

Tschanett revealed that when she tried to raise the issue with other doctors and pharmaceutical company officials, she was warned to keep her mouth shut.

“It was actually an absolutely dogmatic and certain and rock-solid statement: ‘This is not from the vaccination.’

“And the more patients came, the greater the inner conflict became for me — and for many doctors who actually want the best for their patients.”

Dr. Tschanett explained that she decided to blow the whistle about what is really happening behind the scenes after a healthy teenage patient became seriously ill following his vaccination.

“[Extraordinarily], the first case was a 16-year-old boy who arrived at us 48 hours after the second dose with nausea and chest pressure,” she recalled.

“I took an EKG, and the EKG was impressively changed — so not normal for a 16-year-old. We then sent him to the hospital. A massive myocarditis of the heart was diagnosed there. Thank God he got well again.”

“But that was the moment when I really stopped. Because people come at the same time, mothers with their children, young people,” she continued.

“They have literally said the sentence very often, ‘I don’t know what’s right, I put my life in her hands.’

“And this power of trust induces an enormous responsibility for me personally to be honest. It makes no difference whether you have seen this case once or ten times. The risk exists; the connection is vacant.”

“Until proven otherwise, we actually have to educate people about what we see and what experiences we have. A person has this right if he or she decides to undergo physical intervention.”

Tschanett explains that she experienced enormous pressure from government and Big Pharma to “vaccinate as many people as possible” with the experimental Covid mRNA injections.

“That was an inner conflict for me because the social pressure to vaccinate as many people as possible and to vaccinate all age groups was very great,” she said.

“And on the other hand, personal experience as a doctor has increased — that this is not possible without side effects.”

“That was the moment when I thought to myself, I can’t continue to vaccinate here. I have to stick to the truth; I have to live up to this trust.”

“We must have had 300-400 people who have come to us with the feeling that they have had problems since the vaccination.”


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Swiss soccer’s Martin Ogg, 54, has Alzheimer’s; Nigerian actor Zack Orji in coma since collapse; Indian actress Jhalak Dikhhla’s neck tumor; Chinese singer Angie Lau’s “cancer under control” & much more

A thank you to Mark Crispin Miller @ Substack who is methodically compiling those unexplained events lamestream is brushing under the proverbial rug …EWNZ

Brazilian rapper hospitalized, F1 driver’s cardiac arrest, journo’s heart attack; German footballer’s “serious health condition”; Italian hospital director (pro-vax) has a heart attack; & much more



Christina Aguilera cancels shows; Corey Taylor cancels tour; Michael Bolton’ brain tumor surgery; Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) treated for multiple myeloma; Susan Sullivan’s lung cancer

Check out our sister site truthwatchnz.is for other news

Photo: Pixabay.com

NZ MoH Data Analyst-Whistleblower Barry Young with Former Front Line Snr Constable Dan Picknell discuss the Jab Fallout & What they Observed

For all our links so far on this topic go here

Dan Picknell, also blowing the whistle, was previously interviewed by Liz Gunn at FreeNZ. Hear him at this link

Dan talks here in this interview with Barry Young … hear their thoughts on this entire scenario. The shocking data that the NZ Govt is continuing to debunk whilst promoting still the notorious ‘safe & effective’.

A point to note, Dan speaks early in the interview about how the Police force has changed. This resonates with revelations from another former Snr Detective who communicated with me a few years back. You can read about that here and here.


Check out our sister site truthwatchnz.is for other news

Should We Trust the Ministry of Health on Post-Vaccination Deaths?

From nzdsos.com

Check out our sister site truthwatchnz.is for other news

With the whistleblower vaccination data leak reverberating around the world, the NZ Ministry of Health appears to be in damage control mode and trying to hide the data.

Dr Shane Reti, new Minister of Health has been quoted as saying:

“There are many conspiracy theorists out there who unfortunately disseminate harmful disinformation, however, as Minister and as a physician, the public can and should continue to have confidence in vaccines. I am reassured by experts confirming that there is no evidence supporting the allegations that have been made.

We are curious which unnamed ‘experts’ are reassuring him and what evidence they are using to provide that reassurance. After a career in general practice, where almost all are usually given, Reti should be already his own expert on vaccines, So why is he now ok jabbing pregnant women, and children for an infection that doesn’t harm them? 

Surely the best way to reassure all New Zealanders and people of the world is to release the data and let us all see just how many people who have been vaccinated in New Zealand are now dead nearly 3 years since the rollout began.  It would be easy enough to compare vaccinated with unvaccinated since every New Zealander and their vaccination status is on the Covid Immunisation Register (CIR).

[We note that the CIR and NIR (National Immunisation Register) were being merged over the weekend of 2-3 Dec to form the AIR (Aotearoa Immunisation Register).  Let’s hope there wasn’t a ‘convenient’ loss of data during that time.]

Mainstream media’s articles continue to repeat that ‘only’ four New Zealanders have died post-covid-vaccination.  Never mind that those four were young people who were not at significant risk from covid infection.  The death of one healthy not-at-risk person should have been sufficient to halt the rollout.

A curious fact is that all four official deaths have been from myocarditis which, along with anaphylaxis, are the only potentially fatal adverse effects from the vaccine that the MoH appears to recognise in NZ.

This is despite it being increasingly documented that there are many harmful mechanisms at play with this new gene technology/lipid nanoparticle/contamination cocktail.

Official Covid Vaccination Deaths:

The four official deaths are as follows:

The first was a 57 year old lady who died of  ‘fulminant necrotising eosinophilic myocarditis’.  Our understanding is that she had a medical relative which is perhaps why her case got investigated and counted.

The family even agreed to her history being written up because they wanted other people to be aware of the possibility of this serious event.  It was submitted to the NEJM in Aug 2021 but was eventually published in J Clinical Immunology in Apr 2022.

“The authors would like to thank the Coroner and family of the deceased in approving and consenting for this manuscript to be submitted. The family wish to increase awareness of fulminant necrotizing eosinophilic myocarditis as a very rare hypersensitivity disorder requiring urgent assessment and treatment.”

The second case was Rory Nairn, age 26, plumber from Dunedin.  His family and some health professionals had to push hard to get his death from myocarditis recognised and investigated. 

Following his death, health professionals were provided with extra advice and information about myocarditis and reminded to consider and report it.  The coroner, Sue Johnson, has still not released her findings about the circumstances of his death, though has confirmed the cause of death was vaccine-induced myocarditis (the risk of which he was not informed about).

The third official death was a teenager and few details are known.  This young person’s death was reported in April 2022.

The fourth official vaccine death in NZ was a person whose situation was discussed by the ISMB in Mar and April 2022 and it was decided it was not related to the covid vaccine. 

However, the case was discussed again in Nov 2022 after the board ‘received further information which revealed that the person had myocarditis at the time of their death’ which was probably due to the vaccine.  We understand that the family of this person had threatened to go public just before the ISMB reconvened.

Despite the minutes of most of the ISMB meetings being publicly available we note the minutes of the meetings of 2 Mar 2022 and 2 Nov 2022 are not, and are being actively kept out of the public domain.

“ In regards to your request for the meeting minutes for 2 March 2022 and 2 November 2022, your request is also refused under section 9(2)(a) of the Act, to protect the privacy of natural persons. 

The need to protect the privacy of these individuals is not outweighed by the public interest in the release of this information.”

What about the others?

We do not believe these are the only deaths attributable to covid vaccination in New Zealand.  We believe there are likely hundreds, if not thousands, of deaths in NZ that have been fully or partially caused by the Pfizer injection which have been fobbed off. We have provided evidence to government repeatedly.

We have written on several of hundreds of New Zealanders whose deaths have not been adequately investigated nor assessed according to long established principles of pharmacovigilance.  

Divya Simon, a healthcare worker age 31, died 5 days after her third covid vaccine in Jan 2022.  She died of a coronary artery dissection which is a rare condition, particularly in a young woman with no underlying conditions.  The vaccine has been shown to cause weakening of blood vessel walls and could easily lead to dissection (splitting) of an artery.  We wrote to coroner Louella Dunn about our concerns in May 2023 and have yet to receive a substantive reply.

Garrett Utting, age 30 died 3.5 weeks after his first injection in Dec 2021.  His stated cause of death was ‘unascertained’ or SUDY (Sudden Unexplained Death in the Young) and the coroner was satisfied that his death was due to ‘natural causes’ despite the postmortem not confirming a definitive cause of death.

Isabella Alexander and Georgia O’Neill both died of blood clots within two weeks of their first covid injections but cause of death was put down to a common genetic variation in combination with a contraceptive pill.

The mother of Louis Amos has described what happened to her son’s well-controlled epilepsy after his Pfizer vaccination: increasingly poor control of seizures leading to a fatal seizure.

In addition to the cases we have written about, we have been told numerous stories of, and been shown documents relating to, other people who have died suddenly and/or unexpectedly.  Many of these were people in the prime of their lives – previously fit, active, employed and healthy, then suddenly gone. 

Pathologists’ reports (if postmortems have even been done) have either not mentioned or discounted vaccination and now, as Coroner’s Reports are finally coming through 2+ years after the fact, it is obvious coroners are discounting the vaccine as well.  Apart from appearing to look for myocarditis, it is not clear that anything else has been done to consider the multitude of other harms covid vaccination can cause.


It is a question of trust.  Officials from the Ministry of Health are imploring us to trust their pronouncements and their experts.

We ask, WHY should we trust them when they have not shown themselves to be worthy of this.  They have cast aside medical ethics, gagged doctors, refused to engage in discussion, delayed and obfuscated OIA responses, not adequately investigated deaths and are now shooting the messenger.

Trust is earned and should no longer be taken for granted.  If this government and Ministry of Health want the trust of the people, then earn it!  Start with dropping charges against the messenger Barry Young (and all dissenting health workers), showing the full data he was concerned about, answering questions and fronting up for discussions.


Dire warnings about the ‘safe & effective’

Check out our sister site truthwatchnz.is for other news

Featuring increasingly in the news feeds are words of warning about the ‘safe & effective’ … here are just a few …

Surgeon General Ladapo Calls to Stop the Use of mRNA Vaccines in Human Beings

“It’s a felony to lie about a drug and it’s a felony to make money off of a drug you know you lied about and it’s a felony to conspire with others to make money off a drug you all lied about together.” Read more

Florida Surgeon General Calls for Complete Halt of COVID-19 Vaccines

“These vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings.”
The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials. There was a “bait-and-switch.” The public received vials contaminated with plasmid DNA.

Dr. Ladapo Addresses the FDA

“On December 6, 2023, Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo sent a letter to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding safety concerns after the discovery of billions of DNA fragments per dose in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines.” Read more

A further note below from Sasha Latypova @ Substack on this topic:

Assessment of Dr. Ladapo call to halt Poison-19 mRNA shots based on adulteration

Instead, he recommends non-mRNA shots, which are similarly unapproved EUA Countermeasures that can be legally adulterated and misbranded, can contain plasmids and were never tested for genotoxicity.

“COVID Was a Government DEEPSTATE PCR-Manufactured Fraud” – Says Dr Paul Alexander.

“Every single step by governments, their Task Forces, have failed. The vaccine has failed, its ineffective with negative efficacy, and its not properly safe. Its harmful. IMO, what we know indicates this vaccine must be stopped.” Read more

Scientist Issues Dire Warning About COVID Boosters and mRNA Shots

“mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Pose Grave Public Health Risks” Read more

Image by Walter Knerr from Pixabay

New FOIA’ed Data Reveal NY Vaccine Clinics Called Ambulances To Be “On Standby” (Because it’s Safe & Effective Right?)

From Pierre Kory, MD, MPA @ substack

Recent FOIA-obtained data from the Department of Emergency Services in Westchester, NY reveal a shocking number of vaccine emergency calls as well as requests for ambulances to be “on standby.”

Right before the recent Christmas holiday, I received a call from a friend and colleague named Louis Conte regarding a “contact” of his with knowledge of the inner workings of Emergency Medical Services in Westchester County, New York.

Louis’s contact had been monitoring EMS dispatches in Westchester County and saw, subsequent to the jab rollout in early 2021, what he felt was a frightening number of calls from vaccine clinics or homes where general or specific “vaccine reactions” were cited as the cause of the need for an ambulance.

Last year, the contact decided to submit a FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) request—similar to a FOIA—to the Westchester County EMS asking for a record of all calls whose transcripts mentioned either the word “vaccine” or “Covid-19 vaccine” in 2021.

Louis asked me to look at the documents. As difficult as it is at this point to further distress me with data on the toxicity and lethality of the mRNA platform, this dataset still managed to do this.

Before I review the data, let’s review what we know about ambulance calls timed with the roll-out of the vaccination campaign, because this issue is NOT new.

For instance, we already know from ICAN and Aaron Siri’s FOIA request of the CDC’s V-Safe data that 7.9% of all 10.1 million vaccine recipients reported requiring medical care to treat a vaccine adverse effect. Of those requiring medical care, almost 11% (8,700 people) visited the emergency room or hospital. How many travelled for this high level of urgent /emergent care by ambulance is unknown, but historically, about 15% of ER patients arrive by ambulance, so this would come out to about 1,300 patients among a population of 10 million vaccinated.

Further, an article published in the journal Nature reported:

  • There was an increase of more than 25% in the number of ambulance calls in response to cardiac arrests (CA) and acute coronary syndromes (ACS or “heart attacks”) for young people in the 16–39 age group during the COVID-19 vaccination rollout in Israel (January–May, 2021) compared with the same period of time in prior years (2019 and 2020).
    • They also found a robust and statistically significant association between the weekly CA and ACS call counts and the rates of 1st and 2nd vaccine doses administered to this age group. Note they found no observed statistically significant association between COVID-19 infection rates and the CA and ACS call counts.
    • They report that their findings aligned with previous studies showing that increases in overall CA incidence were not always associated with higher COVID-19 infection rates at a population level, and that the stability of hospitalization rates related to myocardial infarction throughout the initial COVID-19 wave compared to pre-pandemic baselines in Israel.
  • Their findings above also mirrored reports of increased emergency department visits with cardiovascular complaints during the vaccination rollout in Germany as well as increased EMS calls for cardiac incidents in Scotland.


Image by alanbatt from Pixabay

On the killing propaganda of these last 4 years: Dr. Mark Crispin Miller in conversation with Greg Hunter

An absolute must hear. Dr Miller gives an overview of the democide as he calls it, to date. His life he says is now devoted to awakening people to what is really happening globally. It is very evil…. TWNZ

From Dr. Mark Crispin Miller @ Substack

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with NYU Media Studies Professor and propaganda expert Dr. Mark Crispin Miller for 12.16.23.

To Donate to USAWatchdog.com Click Here: https://usawatchdog.com/donations/



17 Rock Bassists and 11 Drummers have died suddenly world wide since May 2023

Very sad. Still, absolutely nothing to do with the ‘safe and effective’ ….

From Mark Crispin Miller @ Substack

This makes a total of 34 bassists reported to have “died suddenly” since we started posting these compilations in February, 2022.

…and a total of 28 drummers reported to have “died suddenly” since we started posting these compilations in February, 2022.


A cop “collapses suddenly” at Sandra Day O’Connor’s funeral (just as a sailor “suddenly collapsed” at John Lewis’s memorial in 2020)

Akbar V’s daughter rushed to hospital; UK: TV star Mel Schilling has colon cancer; rocker Tony Clarkin has “rare and incurable” disease, cancels tour; Charlie Hunnam in hospital, “incredibly sick”

Photo: pixabay.com

Unprecedented Carnage Revealed in Te Whatu Ora’s Damaging Data Leak

From nzdsos.com

Many eyes are on New Zealand as the damaging whistle blower data reveals the unprecedented carnage from the vaccine rollout and, while the authorities are more concerned with a possible privacy breach, it is clear they are in significant damage control behind the scenes as the data adds to the evidence of a likely global crime against humanity.

Dr Matt Shelton talks with anaesthetist Dr Paul Oosterhuis at Parliament, Sunday 17th December 2023, in support of whistle blower Barry Young and the leaked Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora vaccination data which exposes the obvious safety and temporal links to the increase in sudden and unexplained deaths.


Image by elbgau from Pixabay

A report quietly published by the UK Govt confirms unvaccinated accounted for just 5% of COVID-19 deaths Jan – May 2023 & over 90% of Deaths were among the 3x & 4x Vaccinated

Oh how we were lied to!! And are still being lied to!

Madonna in a coma; Celine Dion “has lost control of muscles”; Jelly Roll “extremely sick,” missed “Voice” finale’; Bret Michaels cancels show “due to illness”; Teddi Mellencamp “facing major surgery”

From Mark Crispin Miller

NYC anchor Kaity Tong (non-smoker) diagnosed with lung cancer; KC quarterback Mason Martin has “significant brain bleed”; Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts reported injured “due to an illness”

Madonna was in a 48-hour induced coma while hospitalized for multiple days back in June for a bacterial infection.

She revealed new details about her medical emergency to a packed house at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn as part of her Celebration World Tour. This summer, the Grammy winner had to postpone the tour after she was admitted to an intensive care unit for treatment of the infection. 

“I was in an induced coma for 48 hours,” Madonna could be heard saying in a video of her statement captured by a fan. That was before she thanked her Kabbalah teacher, who was at her side while she was in the hospital. “The only voice I heard was his. I heard him say, ‘Squeeze my hand.’”


Celine Dion’s Sister Claims Singer Has Lost Control of Muscles Due to Her Stiff-Person Syndrome

Celine Dion’s sister, Claudette Dion, claims her sister has lost control of her muscles due to her Stiff-Person Syndrome — a progressive neurological disorder that affects the brain and the spinal cord, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. 


Photo: Pixabay.com (text added)

Chevy Chase in wheelchair (though in “excellent health”); Dutch Mantell in hospital “due to illness”; Eric Stonestreet “appears in pain” on “Today”; Hayley Erbert needs “emergency craniectomy”

More updates on the elephant in that global room so to speak ….

From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack

Coach Mike McCarthy has “acute appendicitis” (like Colbert); ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit’s son Zak, 20, in hospital with “heart condition”; Philly sports reporter Jamie Apody “seems to have disappeared”


Pope Francis and Stephen Colbert are still sick; TV judge Frank Caprio has pancreatic cancer; Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) has prostate cancer; Ken Hudson Campbell (“Home Alone”) has tumor in his mouth

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, December 5-December 11, 2023

Image by M. Roth from Pixabay

COVID Crackdown – NZ Update (Dr Sam Bailey)

In the last four years we have witnessed the “authorities” going all out to cover up the COVID-19 fraud. Pointing out flaws in the scientific evidence has resulted in accusations of spreading “misinformation” or even being struck off.

Just when things appeared to be cooling off with COVID-19, New Zealand whistleblower Barry Young released a secret dataset containing information about vaccination status and death rates. In response the NZ government has cracked down once again as they scramble to hold together the “safe and effective” mantra.

However, will ignoring the upstream fraud while focussing so heavily on the COVID shots bring about any real change? In this video we examine the much wider issues and there will also be an update on the establishment’s war against Dr Sam!



  1. Rules for a COVID Economy, Dr John Bevan-Smith, 2020
  2. M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations)”, FreeNZ Media, 30 Nov 2023
  3. Whistle Blower Data Release”, Voices for Freedom, 2 Dec 2023
  4. NZ Whistleblower Case: NZDSOS Response to MOH Data Release”, NZDSOS, 3 Dec 2023
  5. COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere”, Correlation, 17 Sep 2023
  6. MCNZ Served Legal Papers by NZDSOS”, NZDSOS, 19 Aug 2023
  7. Medicine: The Killing Fields”, Dr Sam Bailey, 19 Aug 2023
  8. Dr. Mark Edmond – “My Profession Is Not Scientific.”, Dr Sam Bailey, 2 Sep 2023
  9. Dr Mark Edmond’s consultation website.
  10. Should We Trust the Ministry of Health on Post-Vaccination Deaths?”, NZDSOS, 6 Dec 2023
  11. The Freedom Movement Goes Full Attack Mode Against COVID Shots”, Dr Tom Cowan, 6 Dec 2023


Maria Zeee discusses the NZ whistleblower’s data drop with Karen Kingston & Liz Gunn (2 videos)

For a list of links on topic go HERE

Maria Zeee with Karen Kingston on the Significance of the M_O_A_R Whistleblower Data Drop

Uncensored: Liz Gunn NZ Government Whistleblower EXPLODES Worldwide!!! Accountability is COMING!

What the Whistleblower Data Tells Us About the New Zealand Ministry of Health (Hatchard Report)

For a list of links on topic go HERE

This week an interview with a Ministry of Health employee under the pseudonym Winston Smith, who leaked data to former journalist and recent political candidate Liz Gunn, caused an international sensation. A data set of four million vaccination records was briefly available for download and scrutiny from vaccine critic Steve Kirsch’s site. Many of you have no doubt watched the hour long interview by Liz Gunn by now. Kirsch independently promised his readers that international statistics experts would be publishing analysis of the data shortly.

The following article is also available as a printable PDF and an audio version.

The Wasabi site hosting the data for download acted rapidly to cancel Steve Kirsch’s account, and YouTube took down the video within minutes (it is still up on Rumble). The Ministry of Health issued a statement, widely reported in the New Zealand press, labelling the leak as misinformation. They announced that they had sacked the whistleblower and called in the police.

Dr. Shane Reti, our newly appointed Minister of Health, issued a statement:“There are many conspiracy theorists out there who unfortunately disseminate harmful disinformation, however, as Minister and as a physician, the public can and should continue to have confidence in vaccines. I am reassured by experts confirming that there is no evidence supporting the allegations that have been made.”

So the government feels that we should all be reassured by unnamed experts who say there is nothing to see here without discussing any specific points in the data leak. If you have been reading our reports here and here, you will know that there is a great deal of evidence published in reputable journals, including from New Zealand, indicating vaccine harm. As a result, we have consistently called for the release of data comparing health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated, but access was consistently denied by the previous government.

It now appears the incoming government is also going to tell us to look the other way.

If health data shows that there is no harm from Covid vaccines why would the government deny access to the relevant data?

In fact, more than two years ago the government granted unfettered access to New Zealand Covid vaccine health data to vaccinologist Dr. Petousis-Harris Co-Director of the Global Vaccine Data Network. She promised to publish data on vaccine safety within months but has published no results since, and has publicly stated that she will not be getting another Covid vaccine. So what do you make of that?

Last week the relative of a friend phoned them with some bad news from Australia. They had been diagnosed with pericarditis. “Don’t worry,” they said “I have seen a specialist and I should be able to come through it OK”. The specialist told them it was “due to a prior Covid infection”“but I haven’t had Covid, I’ve had the vaccine” responded the patient. “Ah”, said the doctor, “you must have had Covid, it can’t be due to the vaccine.”

You get the picture don’t you? Pericarditis is a recognised adverse effect of mRNA Covid vaccination but medical experts are telling patients it can’t happen. I wonder what our experts are telling Dr. Shane Reti? It is ‘show and tell’ time at medical kindergarten. Can Dr Reti show us the full data or is he going to continue with the absurd and dictatorial ‘one podium of truth’ lie of the last administration?

More on the data leak

The whistleblower was reportedly a computer systems programmer at the Ministry of Health who designed the computer payment system for vaccine providers. In the video he appeared visibly distressed by the rate of deaths among those who had received vaccinations. There were a number of charts displayed showing for example that some South Island vaccination sites had been disproportionately affected by deaths subsequent to vaccination. It was immediately clear from the names of the providers that these sites serviced the elderly, an obvious and unfortunate data bias which has garnered some criticisms.

Respected mathematician Igor Chudov, who regularly analyses vaccine data and raises serious concerns about vaccine safety, downloaded the whole leaked data set of four million records and has now published some concerns on Substack under the title: I analyzed the “Leaked NZ Whistleblower Data” and Suggest to Be Wary of It. Bad Data and Inconsistent Story, others have also raised concerns.

Clearly the collection of vaccination data by the Ministry of Health has been a little haphazard and contains inconsistencies. There have been indications of this in earlier data, but in general the records leaked stand as authentic if incomplete. Statistically speaking, the main problem is the lack of sufficient data to make exact assessments of safety. In other words, a comparison of health outcomes between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated will be necessary. Precisely the data the Ministry of Health has refused to release. Unfortunately, the whistleblower only had access to data from the vaccinated.

That doesn’t mean the data leak is invalid, a conspiracy theory, or irrelevant. There were some very real and concerning questions raised which need answers. The reaction of the Ministry of Health and the Minister actually points to a conspiracy of silence on their part, not to the whistleblower. We do have whistleblower protection legislation in New Zealand. It states that:“An employee can make a protected disclosure (sometimes called ‘whistle blowing’) when they report serious wrongdoing in the workplace that they reasonably believe is true or likely to be true.”

The whistleblower was in the position that many people holding positions of responsibility in New Zealand now find themselves. We believe he acted responsibly because he disclosed very concerning information that the Ministry of Health has been withholding from public view.

We have unprecedented record high rates of excess deaths and hospitalisation which are continuing long past the peaks of Covid infection yet virtually no one among the media, the medical profession, and the government wants to talk about it. Instead, they are conspiring (yes, I do mean to use the term and don’t do so lightly) to hide the figures that will demonstrate the exact extent of COVID-19 vaccine harm.

This is all the more concerning since a rapidly growing number of recently published scientific papers we have been regularly reporting are pointing to a wide range of long term mRNA Covid harms including heart disease and immune deficiency, cancersstrokes and mental illness.

The message that most resonated with me during the interview was the heartfelt plea from the whistleblower for others to speak up. I encourage all those with inside knowledge to speak up if you haven’t already done so. We can’t continue with the disastrous censorship of health information enforced by the previous government. The health and longevity of the whole population is at stake.


Photo: hatchardreport.com

Korean studies indicate what the NZ government is hiding (Hatchard Report)

For a full list of links on topic go HERE

This article is also available as a PDF document that you can print, download, and share. An audio version is available here.

The Korean National Health Insurance Service tabulates health data of the whole population, including vaccination status, which allows researchers to compare the ongoing health outcomes of the vaccinated with the unvaccinated. Precisely the information our government is hiding from independent researchers and public scrutiny—comparative data, which we have been requesting they release.

So what have they found in Korea? Researchers have released a preprint paper entitled “Hematologic abnormalities after COVID-19 vaccination: A large Korean population-based cohort study“. Haematologic diseases are diseases of the blood and blood forming organs. The researchers randomly selected half of the population of Seoul (around 4.2 million people) aged 20 and above and identified people who had received treatment for a range of blood disorders. They excluded people who had a history of blood disorders prior to the study period and then compared the rate of development of blood disorders among the vaccinated and unvaccinated over a three month period.

The researchers concluded:

“This study demonstrated the haematologic adverse events associated with COVID-19 vaccination using real-world data. The cumulative incidence rate of nutritional anaemia, aplastic anaemia, and coagulation defects significantly and constantly increased for 3 months after the COVID-19 vaccination compared to the non-vaccinated group.”

Aplastic anaemia is a rare but serious blood condition that occurs when your bone marrow cannot make enough new blood cells for your body to work normally. There is no known cure at this point in time.

Nutritional anaemia refers to anaemia that can be directly attributed to nutritional disorders or deficiencies. Examples include Iron deficiency anaemia and pernicious anaemia.

Coagulations disorders are conditions that affect the blood’s clotting activities. Haemophilia, Von Willebrand disease, clotting factor deficiencies, hypercoagulable states and deep venous thrombosis are all coagulations disorders.

Another study from Korea entitled “The spectrum of non-fatal immune-related adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination: The population-based cohort study in Seoul, South Korea” analysed official health data for Seoul residents between 2020 and 2021 and examined the cumulative incidence rates of non-fatal health outcomes among the vaccinated group which included 1,748,136 individuals compared to the non-vaccinated group which included 289,579 individuals.

The study compared these cumulative incidence rates of non-fatal conditions in the following areas:

Gynecological ( including endometriosis, and menstrual disorders [polymenorrhagia, menorrhagia, abnormal cycle length, oligomenorrhea, and amenorrhea]),

Haematological (including bruises confined to non-tender and yellow-coloured especially on extremities),

Dermatological (including herpes zoster, alopecia, and warts),

Ophthalmological (including visual impairment, and glaucoma),

Otological (including tinnitus, inner ear, middle ear, and outer ear disease),

Dental problems (including periodontal disease)

Subjects with a history of these illnesses were excluded from the analysis.

The researchers concluded:

“The cumulative incidence rates of these conditions at three months following COVID-19 vaccination were significantly higher in vaccinated subjects than in non-vaccinated subjects, except for endometriosis.”

third study of the same official Korean health data, which we have already reported, found higher incidence of eight musculoskeletal conditions among the vaccinated when compared to the unvaccinated including:

Plantar Fasciitis (foot/heel fibrous tissue inflammation),

Achilles tendinitis (pain in the back of the leg near the heel)

Bursitis (inflammation that increases friction between tissues in the body)

Rotator Cuff Syndrome (pain affecting the shoulder)

HIVD (upper back herniated disk),

Spondylosis (chronic neck wear and pain),

Adhesive Capsulitis (inflammation of the shoulder)

De-Quervain Tenosynovitis (wrist inflammation).

The researchers concluded:

“Individuals who received COVID-19 vaccines, either mRNA, viral vector, or mixing and matching, were found to be more likely to be diagnosed with inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders compared to those who did not. Our results provide detailed information on the adverse reactions after COVID-19 vaccination. This information will be useful in clarifying adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines and educating people about the potential risk of inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders based on their vaccination status.”

I don’t really need to explain much about these results do I? They speak for themselves. These studies analysed the rates of some specific health outcomes for millions of people following Covid vaccination. The researchers concluded that a very wide range of concerning health conditions are initiated over extended periods as a result of Covid vaccination.

Medsafe, the media, and the New Zealand government are telling us that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, but they are not publishing any comparable data. A computer systems developer working at the Ministry of Health noticed that death rates among vaccinated populations were unusually high and blew the whistle. He has been arrested and charged with ‘dishonestly accessing health data’ (his job actually).

Who do you believe? The researchers in Korea who have published analysis of millions of post vaccination health records officially made available by their government or our government who are still refusing to make health records available whilst insisting that COVID-19 vaccination is safe and effective?

In the words of rapper DertySesh (warning: a lot of words begin with ‘f’), who publishes provocative social commentary on X and is unafraid to say how he feels, ‘we don’t want bland reports from the media that someone has been arrested for vaccine disinformation, we want to know if the data he published is real or not?’ One of our data correspondents, Terry Anderson, sums it up as follows:

Terry picks just one week, number 25 of 2022 ending 19th June. In that week 858 people died (the 3rd highest of the year). The MoH tells us there were 61 Covid deaths in that week, made up of around 46 who died with Covid as the underlying cause and 15 where Covid contributed. That means at least 797 people died of something other than Covid. Over the previous five years from 2017 to 2021, an average of 701 people died. Even allowing for a small population increase (around 2%), excluding Covid there appear to be at least 82 excess unexplained deaths in this one June 2022 week alone, 12% above the long term average.

If 82 people died in a train accident the nation would agonise over it for years. Every effort would be made to make sure it never happened again. As we have discussed and documented repeatedly, it is not just one week, there has been an unexplained level of excess death occurring week in week out for three years, at least 6,500 New Zealand deaths in total since the vaccine rollout began. To put it in perspective, that is more than twice the 2,700 New Zealanders who died in Gallipoli, whose heroics and sacrifice we commemorate to this day. The whistleblower is right, excess deaths are completely and absolutely off the scale.

The Korean studies of official health data confirm the chief suspect: COVID-19 vaccination. You would think the newly elected government would be crawling all over the New Zealand health data, enlisting the help of those who are untainted by any association with the prior Covid policy formation and assessment, desperately trying to get to the bottom of what has happened and staunch the flow of injury and death.

In fact, our government, the Ministry of Health, and the media seem to be incapable of facing the facts. Through the arrest and public denouncement of a whistleblower, they have shown themselves to be cowards, afraid to face up to the consequences of past decisions. Unbelievably, they are continuing to push the COVID-19 vaccine on the population against all evidence.

A headline in the New York Times today reads “There Are Politicians Who Lie More Than Is Strictly Necessary”. Once found out, the cover-up begins and then one lie leads to another. Eventually, any erstwhile friend can be abandoned to save your skin. In our case, the health and longevity of New Zealanders has become a political pawn that is being sacrificed to save Parliament and civil servants from public humiliation and disgrace.

The actual effect of the government policy of continued heavy vaccine promotion in the face of concerning data on adverse effects is frightening. It has completely distorted public perceptions and understanding. We have ended up living in an illogical and untenable world governed by propaganda rather than fact.

I am shocked every day by the stories I hear. Just take this, for example, someone has had persistent health problems over months, including a cardiac event after their third booster. After a fourth jab, they couldn’t drag themselves out of bed for three weeks. So they went to see their doctor recently who advised them to get another Covid booster as soon as possible, which they did. Have people lost their minds? Our health service certainly appears to have.

Where do we go from here? The health outcomes reported in this article have, I am sure, been very concerning for readers. For our next report hosted by GLOBE.GLOBAL we will discuss research which points to some positive benefits of health interventions which may help alleviate some of the wide range of symptoms of COVID-19 vaccination adverse effects.



NZ’s Vaccine Data Whistleblower Could Face up to 7 Years in Prison

For a full list of links on topic go HERE

From expose-news.com

Note: some videos in the article I could not locate so have added links to the original article (reproduced in full due to risk of loss by censorship)… EWNZ

“After being shocked to learn that a lot of people were dying a week after being vaccinated, he decided to download and share that data with the world”.

The Expose reported last week that an administrator who had been overseeing New Zealand’s Covid vaccine database had come forward as a whistleblower. The whistleblower, Barry Young had disclosed that data had shown a concerning proportion of individuals had died shortly after receiving a Covid vaccine. Days following this disclosure, journalist Liz Gunn reported that Young had been raided by the police on Sunday, and now, according to James Freeman on radio station TNT, he could face up to 7 years in prison.

The Disclosure.

Barry Young worked as a data administrator on a project at the Te Whatu Ora, public health agency established by the New Zealand government to implement a vaccine payment system to provider.

Young exposed just how many individuals had been found to have died following covid vaccinations, as we reported on the 2nd December, a breakdown of the data based on vaccine batches was provided by Young.

He claimed that in the first batch, consisting of 711 vaccinated individuals, 152, or 21 percent, died soon after.

Further analysis by Young extended to those administering the shots and the recipients, revealing alarming figures. One vaccinator administered shots to 621 individuals, and of those, 104, or 17 percent, died. Source

Notably, the majority of the vaccine batches were Pfizer doses. .

Expressing deep concern, Barry Young said “This should never happen, the percentage who die from what would be a normal vaccination administration would be 0.75 percent.”

Barry had helped to build the system he had been working on and therefore had access to vaccine-related data. After being shocked to learn that a lot of people were dying a week after being vaccinated, he decided to download and share that data with the world.

“Whistleblower,” Barry Young exposes the data. (click on image for video link)

Swarming With Police

On Sunday the 3rd of December, journalist Liz Gunn who had previously
interviewed Barry Young, put out an emergency call to say that Young’s
home had been surrounded by police for hours as had an individual who
had corroborated his findings. She calls for a global effort to make this story known.

Liz Gunn calls for “global effort” to get the story known. (video at link)

Dishonest Purposes

The Te Whatu Ora ministry of health has been granted an injunction that “prevents any publication of the data” by the Employment Relations Authority has alleged Barry Young has had all of his access to the projects system removed.

Barry Young, was charged with accessing a computer system for “dishonest purposes”, which carries a maximum penalty of seven years’ prison.

The police said they would be opposing his release on bail, because of the risk he could continue to spread “misinformation!”

TNT Radio Chat’s James Freeman, reported that the reason he needs “protecting” is because of the significance of the data set that Young leaked, which, says the reporter contains the health records of the the New Zealand population, jabs and outcomes etc. as James Freeman says “it is not the linked anonymised data published by statistics offices from around the world. Which cannot be trusted.”

James Freeman – The Freeman Report (video at link)



New Zealand government attempted to have the courts deny bail

What the NZ Dentist Saw and What the Judge Thought (Hatchard)

From hatchardreport.com

The Dentist:

My dentist friend received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in 2021. He and his partner developed cardiac issues, both have since struggled to recover their full health. They have been alert and informed enough to examine published evidence and concluded the vaccine was likely at fault.

This article is also available as a PDF document to print/download and share.

His subsequent experience at his dental practice paints a picture of vaccine harm that is sobering and truly frightening. He has 2200 patients; during the last two years, a great number of them have reported new serious health conditions as follows. These figures only include accounts that his patients raised with him in order to seek specific advice or help. It doesn’t include the many who suffered in silence.

Clinically recognised cardiac issues – 69 (not counting the significant numbers who have told him they are struggling but not having sought help).

Stroke – 5.

Cancer – 20. (Pancreatic cancer stands out in incidence).

Blood clots – 3.

Sudden death – 11.



photo: hatchardreport.com

New Zealand is a Crime Scene: In one clinic, in one day 30 people were covid injected and all 30 have died

From expose-news.com

“Before the recently held elections, Gunn was contacted by a whistle-blower and given documentation showing that tens of thousands of New Zealanders’ deaths are linked to the injections”

Former TV presenter Liz Gunn published a video update yesterday describing an instance of one clinic in New Zealand where 30 people received a covid injection and all 30 of them have died, within the same time frame.

Liz Gunn (Elizabeth Cooney) became internationally renowned for her support for the family in the Baby W case, where two parents objected to the use of covid-vaccinated blood in transfusions. The parents were unsuccessful in their court action to oppose health authorities seeking guardianship to allow surgery to go ahead.  At the end of June 2023, Gunn launched a political party called the New Zealand Loyal Party.

(Related: Discrimination and Harassment of Baby in New Zealand Shows There Is No Limit to Covidians’ Intent on Death and Destruction and Baby W’s case raises critical questions: What is science and who is an expert?)

Before the recently held elections, Gunn was contacted by a whistle-blower and given documentation showing that tens of thousands of New Zealanders’ deaths are linked to the injections. “This is just one of the sites recording this type of information in New Zealand,” she said. “We don’t know how many further databases like this are in the country,” she added.

She explained that because the number of deaths is usually less than the number of those suffering from ill effects of the injections, then the extrapolation of the numbers that have been injured and killed “starts to become, frankly, eye-watering.”



NZDSOS Response to Liz Gunn’s 21 October Disturbing Whistleblower Intel

Cancers Rise Dramatically in Tandem With Covid Vaccinations

From hatchardreport.com

This release reports increased trends of cancer incidence that suddenly accelerated after the vaccine rollout began. First, we consider what the media are currently reporting about rising cancer incidence and then what they could have investigated but haven’t.




Government reports confirmed COVID-19 vaccination has caused Cancer at an unprecedented rate

If you enjoy our posts, check out our sister site truthwatchnz.is

Photo: pixabay.com

Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported Injuries Surpass 400,000 Following COVID Vaccines

From childrenshealthdefense.org

This week’s number of total adverse events for all age groups following COVID vaccines surpassed 400,000, according to data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date.



Head of Australian Therapeutic Goods Admin (TGA), Brendan Murphy, tells Parliament to keep quiet about vaccine effects (hear it for yourself)

Shocking. If this does not illustrate for you the vast corruption that is afoot with this plandemic & subsequent vax rollout, nothing will. It is about, is there any type of insurance or backup should you be injured by one of the killer jabs. As I’ve figured all along you’d be very fortunate to have anybody at your back. The short of this story is, you will have to go to court to extract anything and as the brave person featured speaking up angrily says … ‘who can afford to go to court?’ Exactly. Any thinking person will have known all along this would be the case. Listen at the link. EWR

From seemorerocks.is

“Secret video of senate meeting with head of TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration), Brendan Murphy, telling Parliament to not tell the public of their own vaccine effects coverup and that the vaccine kills people and they have no recourse from it because the government granted big pharma immunity from prosecution and compensation payouts!



Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay

Examining NZ Medsafe’s fine print around the CV VX

Listen/watch at the link to an analysis/commentary on the fine print associated with Medsafe’s info about the CV VX in NZ.
If you are pressed for time the info begins at 28 seconds in …


Tribe of Kiwis
106 subscribers
Ep 8: This video analyses and responds to the 3 June 2021 update from NZ’s Medsafe re the safety and efficacy of the Pfizer vax. That update raises more questions than answers.
All SOURCES and LINKS are in the Show Notes below (click on “SHOW MORE”)

Time Stamps
0:00 Intro
0:16 Medsafe’s “updates” on the Pfizer vax
2:44 Vax packet inserts
5:00 Medsafe’s Risk Management Plan (RMP)
5:31 Anaphylaxis
5:55 Missing Information (MIA)
5:58 MIA: Vax during pregnancy
8:26 MIA: Other information
9:12 MIA: Long term Adverse Events
9:23 VAED: Vaccine Enhanced Disease
12:38 Ongoing studies
13:34 Vax efficacy; RRR v ARR
20:04 Shouldn’t Medsafe have another think?
20:22 Outro

All SOURCES: More Information and Credits:

See the SERIES “SHOW NOTES” here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N…
That document contains ALL of the LINKS to sources for this episode, as well as a PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT of this episode.

COPYRIGHT CREDITS (in video order) and thanks to:

These are used for the purposes of education, discussion and commentary:

VIDEO: Dr Richard Fleming (5 June 2021) “Event 2021” [The Highwire]
Segments from 3:54:37 (re package inserts); 2:09:03 (re VAED); 2:10:15 (re RRR v ARR).

VIDEO: Dr Ashley Bloomfield, NZ Director General of Health (8 June 2021) [YouTube]
Segment from 10:28 ( re Pfizer vax for “pregnant people”)

VIDEO: Dr Peter McCullough (7 May 2021) with Tucker Carlson [Rumble]
Segment from 35:00 (re vax in pregnancy)

VIDEO: Dr Richard Urso (9 June 2021) with Teodrose Fikremariam [YouTube]
Segment from 12:15 (re RRRv ARR)


From wakingtimes.com

In our September 18th debate for Spectrum TV, Kaiser’s Chief of Pediatrics, Dr. Robert Riewerts, parroted Pharma’s popular canard that the Gardasil vaccine has eliminated cervical cancer in Australia—the first country to mandate the jab. This is false.

… Gardasil actually increases the risk of cervical cancer by a terrifying 44.6% among women who were exposed to HPV infection prior to vaccination.
Slide 1: Table 17 from Merck’s own clinical studies.

The table shows that Gardasil actually increases the risk of cervical cancer by a terrifying 44.6% among women who were exposed to HPV infection prior to vaccination. If anyone ever bullies you to take Gardasil, look up “Gardasil Vaccine Insert” on your cell phone to see all of the adverse events and show them this table. [From original BLA. Study 013 CSR. Table 11-88, p. 636]



Photo credit: Pixabay.com

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