Tag Archives: Corporation

Keeping up the illusion of choice in NZ

Just a short reminder in case you cherish hopes for positive change in Kiwi land. Remember ‘they’ infiltrated NZ away back in the ’60s. So we have another round here of the National wing of the WEF/UN/Global corporation parading as a government, maintaining for Kiwis an illusory democracy with an associated illusion of choice at the polls.

I note with interest the recent substack article (Cramner’s) titled:
New Zealand appoints its Chief Restructuring Officer … quoting the new CEO as saying …” that a country is not a corporate but that there are similarities.” And of course NZ is a corporation as demonstrated long ago in Wake Up NZ’s post. We are a SEC registered corporation. However most Kiwis don’t want to know this. So also are our DCs... they are the points where the UN Agenda 21/30 plan rolls out locally. All those consultation meetings where they pretend to take your wishes into account. Remember too, the bottom line of a corporation is to maximize profit. Period. You are of little if any concern. You will understand that if you watch The Corporation doco.

Same bird different wings folks.

Watch while your new ‘leaders’ tweak a few things whilst keeping the New World Order ship right on course, fooling (some of) you yet again with more climate scams, land grabs, ‘safe and effectives’ and all things depop.

And thanks to Warren for this appropriate quote:

The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater. ~ Frank Zappa

I believe the curtain’s coming down already…


Why your elected politicians cannot keep their election promises
An open letter to all current Members of Parliament
New Zealand appoints its Chief Restructuring Officer

NZ has $132 billion debt but what’s your worry we have excellent credit rating

When is black white and white black? When the NZ corporation says so. They’re currently crowing about the great state of the economy … in fact we are in 132 billion dollars debt & growing, but that’s ok, we have an excellent credit rating  Keep the interest rolling in on that fiat $$$$$$$$ https://commodity.com/debt-clock/newzealand/

Should you still believe the mainstream narrative have a peruse of the following page: https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/economics/    & watch the video below the debt counter below.  EWR

nz debt jan 2020



Is Local Government in New Zealand Corrupt?

This is right on topic and worth a re-visit in light of recent goings on around the country. We as a nation have adopted such a time worn clean green image, it doesn’t occur to many that the reality of the image died long ago, especially with only 40% of our rivers now clean enough to swim in. The clean and green has spilled over long ago into every area of our lives to the extent most Kiwis wouldn’t dream of believing corporations lie to us. Invited over a year ago to speak to a group of senior cits about Smart Meters (aka here as Advanced Meters) my information was greeted in some corners with snickers and whispers. We are a very trusting nation, particularly that generation. That was great three and four decades ago. It isn’t any more. If you are that trusting now you are fair game and seen as simply a sucker. I watch with angst as I see it played out before me … the elderly treated as cash cows by enterprising and unscrupulous business people, and particularly real estate agents. If you’re snickering now please go and watch The Corporation documentary (halfway down the ‘Corporations’ page). That will make you stop. Not to get off topic here (I could say much more but I won’t) … our District Councils have come under much scrutiny of late with many particularly savvy people holding them to the lip service they tend to pay on their websites. Check out our Local Government Watch pages on the site menu for some of the happenings around your country Kiwis. All is not as good as many believe. Listen to the story of the man in Rodney who exposed the corruption in his District Council. He lost his home and business. Certain ones will deal to those who rock the boat it seems.

The following article is from the Whale Oil blog and raises some important data to ponder on.


by Cameron Slater on August 21, 2015 
With three officers from Auckland Council CCO – Auckland Transport – now set to go on trial for bribery it is a convenient opportunity to raise the issue of corruption in local authorities.

Most ordinary citizens have no idea that corruption is rife. But there are varying types of corrupt behaviour and unless one is familiar with the law they can be overlooked.

Two of the most common forms of corruption occur so often you think it’s normal.

These two particular forms of corruption do not result in personal gain – such as back pocketing cash. But they do result in breaking the law, and they happen daily.


The first is ‘malfeasance’ and the second is ‘misfeasance’.

Both are the abuse of authority – or the position of authority.

These generally occur by breaking the rule of law. In NZ the laws that generally govern Local Government are the LGA (Local Government Act) and the RMA (Resource Management Act). Some other laws like the Public Works Act are part and parcel as well.

Breaking the law for ordinary citizens results in penalties. If caught it can do the same for those in local government but nobody is policing them so nothing happens.



Did you know your money in a term deposit in a NZ bank is not guaranteed by your Government?

Remember people, this is your government (really a corporation) that just lost $200 million of your hard earned Kiwisaver funds to a collapsed Portuguese ‘fail safe’ bank! Do you really still trust them!  EnvirowatchRangitikei

By Bernard Hickey: interest.co.nz

Bernard Hickey says the quiet removal of the guarantee for Kiwibank savers should remind all savers about the lack of a deposit guarantee and prompt regulators and the industry to run a public education campaign about NZ”s lack of a deposit guarantee.

Did you know that your money in a term deposit in a bank is not guaranteed by the Government?

piggy-bank-967181_1280Those in the know are aware that there is no Government guarantee, but it turns out most regular people, and certainly most term depositors, either still think there’s a guarantee, or think there’s always has been one.

New Zealand briefly had a government guarantee for retail bank deposits from October 2008 to December 2011. It was introduced at the worst point in the Global Financial Crisis to stop a run of deposits across the Tasman to the banks’ parents in Australia, where the Kevin Rudd Government offered a guarantee for depositors there.

It was quietly dropped once global markets had settled down and was replaced by a system called ‘Open Bank Resolution’. This means there is no Government guarantee and if a bank was to fail, the Reserve Bank would shut it down and manage a capital restructure overnight so that it could re-open the next day. One way a bank’s capital could be restructured by the Reserve Bank is through a ‘hair-cut’ for depositors. Essentially, the Reserve Bank would slice a certain percentage – say 10% – off the value of term deposits to allow the bank to re-open with enough capital to survive.



Another Very Short Collection of John Key’s Lies

 Bevan Morgan on Youtube

Who’s checking the promises as Kiwi land ownership is lost? – Winston Peters

Certainly NZ is being sold lock, stock and barrel. The National Government seems indeed set on disposing of land hand over fist, along with our State Housing and other assets. This is the way of corporations … remember, our government is a corporation. The face of our country is truly changing in a very disturbing way. Watch this space.     EnvirowatchRangitikei

From Radio Live 31 Aug 2015

court-510750_1280“New Zealand land continues to go under the hammer to foreign buyers but no one is holding buyers to their promises of job and wealth creation for New Zealanders.

Strange, given the approvals are based on those promises. Oddly, no applications get rejected. In the last two years they have all been approved.

The promises, which give them the go ahead, include job creation, investment, protection of indigenous plants, donations to local organisations or schools, etc.

The Overseas Investment Office, the apparent guardian of our precious land, is letting us down. But the fault lies with the government which should be staffing it adequately and giving it the correct mandate…”

Winston Peters is NZ First leader 

Read more: http://www.radiolive.co.nz/WINSTON-PETERS-Whos-checking-the-promises-as-Kiwi-land-ownership-is-lost/tabid/615/articleID/95724/Default.aspx