Tag Archives: Job Creation

Who’s checking the promises as Kiwi land ownership is lost? – Winston Peters

Certainly NZ is being sold lock, stock and barrel. The National Government seems indeed set on disposing of land hand over fist, along with our State Housing and other assets. This is the way of corporations … remember, our government is a corporation. The face of our country is truly changing in a very disturbing way. Watch this space.     EnvirowatchRangitikei

From Radio Live 31 Aug 2015

court-510750_1280“New Zealand land continues to go under the hammer to foreign buyers but no one is holding buyers to their promises of job and wealth creation for New Zealanders.

Strange, given the approvals are based on those promises. Oddly, no applications get rejected. In the last two years they have all been approved.

The promises, which give them the go ahead, include job creation, investment, protection of indigenous plants, donations to local organisations or schools, etc.

The Overseas Investment Office, the apparent guardian of our precious land, is letting us down. But the fault lies with the government which should be staffing it adequately and giving it the correct mandate…”

Winston Peters is NZ First leader 

Read more: http://www.radiolive.co.nz/WINSTON-PETERS-Whos-checking-the-promises-as-Kiwi-land-ownership-is-lost/tabid/615/articleID/95724/Default.aspx