Tag Archives: nz army

Another ‘new normal’?

The vehicle images are from FB. If they’re yours please contact me. Captured in NZ. Okay yes they are military police and always been there but no we’ve seldom seen them on the roads like this but then, of course the military are now managing the CV operation and they’re operating checkpoints on the roads. It’s a little bit like WW2 don’t you think? They got good practice at this in East Timor in 2006.

New Zealand armed forces were first deployed to East Timor in 1999. These soldiers are checking people for weapons at a security checkpoint in Dili, the capital of East Timor. PHOTO: teara.govt.nz

Then there are the newly installed surveillance cameras. Who would’ve thought? 1984? George Orwell? I guess right now he’s saying, “See? told you”.

New camera near Tokoroa Photo: supplied

Still people, you can rest easy in NZ, Chris Hipkins just said in mainstream that the CV vax won’t be mandatory. Whew. And so far masks are only mandatory on public transport. Here’s hoping, fingers crossed, they won’t make anything at all mandatory in order to work, drive, shop, go to hospital, socialize and eat out? EWR

Grooming our kids for war? … the NZ Army takes guns into a PRIMARY school

I would say this must take the moron award for the year quite frankly. We know how in the US pocket (see here also) our government/corporation is witness the recent goings on with the weapons giants (known more popularly and respectably as ‘defense’ corporations) like the one that is financially partnering with the rocket base operation in Mahia, also funded with $15 mill of your tax dollars). Then we had war celebrations last year that pretty much buried our nuclear free status. All advertised with a touch of bling. Follow the money trail. Our esteemed leaders recently gave $20 billion to the ‘defense’ industry, whilst ignoring 41K homeless & our new status on the UNICEF’s child poverty index. No shame whatsoever.

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Advertisement for the ‘weapons fest’ held last year for the ‘defense’ industry at $10K+ per ticket depending on your budget

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More advertising ‘bling’ from the ‘defense’ website’s video presentation for the event last year … all about buying weapons under the banner of defense … wars make money

So why are they taking weapons to primary school children? What springs to mind for me is preparing the young mind (early) for recruitment although that is quickly dismissed as the motive in the news item. Part of a leadership course they say. Sure, teach kids to lead … with GUNS? Really? Why is the military teaching leadership & why

Children are the innocent victims of war

with guns? Hasn’t there been enough strife in schools with guns? Who needs them? Watch the video and see the kids’ reactions. “Amazing and cool” (to hold the weapons). Very young and impressionable minds. Note they are not being shown images of bloody children and their families from war torn countries. Or told (presumably) of the remote killing done by drones … from an armchair. Just the glitzy, amazing, cool weapons … for now.

The other rationale for this that occurs is ‘normalizing’ and ‘glorifying’ the presence of guns and military. We’ve seen this in recent years more and more with the many drills we have going on with troops from all over the planet (the new global village – interdependence it’s called) playing out war games right in our midst. The new global village is simply the new world order announced publicly by US president Bush Snr after the Gulf War, and other world leaders since then. This new presence of the military in the public’s midst is totally unnecessary. We can be defended quite adequately without all of that publicity. I recall as a child passing through the Desert Road occasionally, when we looked out excitedly for the possible (and rare) sighting of a tank doing war practice. Now they are venturing into our towns with their war ‘games’, making it look like fun. We need to be asking ourselves ‘why?’ Our esteemed Police have morphed from the friendly country constable to something out of star wars, storm troopers with flak jackets and weapons. Witness the Tuhoe raids in 2007 where these characters not only stopped and entered school buses frightening the life out of little school kids, they also escorted young children outside with guns to their heads and detained them in their garage without food or water for nine hours. (Note though, they did bring in a van load of provisions but only for themselves. Great leadership skills guys). Watch the video at the link. Far from the public eye they were basically traumatizing and ill treating young impressionable kids. A far cry from the so-called ‘leadership training’ touted as the rationale for handing guns out at primary schools. Okay this was the Police and not the military but you would have to be blind not to see the blurring of lines occurring.


Our esteemed Police have morphed from the friendly country constable to something out of star wars

‘Interdependence’, from Defense’s blingy advertisement, the new ‘global village’ concept

So … guns in primary schools? Not a good sign in my opinion. Call me paranoid if you will but I see it as very sinister. They might have squeaked by in upper level high school but primary? Not good & I’m pleased to hear they’re nipping it in the bud. Read the article and hold those who are molding the minds of your kids accountable.





The article from stuff

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Children at Whakarongo School Palmerston North with army weapons [Photo credit: Stuff.co.nz]

Education Minister to shut down guns in schools after army gave rifles to children

Kids using rifles in schools is completely legal – for now.

But that is set to change in about four months time when Education Minister Nikki Kaye introduces clear guidelines outlining when it’s appropriate for firearms to be on school grounds.

Several MPs raised the issue of guns in schools with Kaye after a Stuff story in April revealed the army allowed 9 to 13-year-olds to get their hands on unloaded guns and learn how to assemble and fire an assault rifle. However Kaye says she’s “pretty conservative” when it comes to guns in schools and as a “general rule” she doesn’t support it.

“It was drawn to my attention that there was a situation the other day where the army brought some rifles into schools and that’s absolutely allowed under the law.

“I’ve asked whether there are any guidelines in this area and it’s clear there aren’t, so I’ve asked the Ministry of Education and NZSTA (New Zealand School Trustees Association) to work on some guidelines.”

At the time of the school visit Corporal Israel McNicholl said, “kids just love the guns, you know what kids are like … but they are not toys”.



21,000 new millionaires made in WW1 … exposing the racket that is war … remembering our loved ones who died needlessly because of it

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L. Sgt. J Vernon 

Those of us who remember our loved ones who either died in war, or who returned, ever to live with the horrific memories of war, we do so from deep respect. We are not glorifying war. These men and women were of a very unique breed. They went in love, desiring to defend their loved ones, us, and their beloved countries. They never wanted war, they were caught up in events against which they had very little, if any, ability to influence. My uncle was so deeply affected by war he would weep when he remembered it. These men on return had no counselors to hear their trauma, they just got on with life and raising families, and buried their grief. They bore a great cost.



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50 million lives lost in WW2 … “newly placed gravestones, mangled bodies, shattered minds, broken hearts and homes” (Maj Gen Smedley Butler) – the senseless heartbreak of war.

War is a Racket – literally

Although every ANZAC we honour these our forbears, we also now know that these loved ones who truly did sacrifice their lives, were pawns in a much larger scheme of events. My father, who went off to WW II with his four brothers at the tender age of 17, said in his latter years that wars would never end because ‘wars make money’. Because our true histories are little known and because the media provides us with a very narrow slanted view, then it’s not widely known that the so-called mother country, Great Britain and the royal family deal in the arms trade. Yes they actually profit from wars. Major General Smedley Butler in his famous lecture: ‘War is a Racket’ clearly outlines whom war serves – the corporations. In the age old rationale of ‘defending democracy’ – the military are really defending the mother country’s rights to plunder resources. Hear his speech here.

So, as always, we need to follow the familiar money trail.

So called ‘Maori Wars’ were Actually Land Wars

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Some of the lands confiscated in Aotearoa by Te Kooti Tango Whenua, The Land Taking Court 

It’s little known that some of our own Maori soldiers returned from those World Wars to find their ancestral lands confiscated by the very government they fought for.

Those who read beyond those official histories we all heard in school (who know that ‘Maori Wars’ and ‘Indian Wars’ were actually ‘Land Wars’) will also be aware of the role of the Rothschild family in fomenting and profiteering from wars for hundreds of years, boasting even of funding both sides. These people, incredible as it sounds to real human beings, are dealing in blood. (The following video is the short 12 min version of ‘War is a Racket’, the longer one is found at this link).


The death toll from WWII was over 50 million lives.

“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply”…Nathan Mayer Rothschild

“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none”… Mrs Rothschild

Our loved ones were simply pawns.

smedley butler

Nevertheless, again, we honour the fact that our loved ones went honourably and served their beloved countries and peoples. If you want to get angry at the so called ‘celebration’ of war, please direct this not at our commemorations, but at these other people, the profiteers, who have blood on their hands. Blood that one day,  they will  have to answer for.

When your children are old enough, teach them the true histories, tell them how it really was and still is. We want wars to stop, but the truth needs to be told about the origins of those wars. You will have to uncover those histories for yourselves because mainstream media is not about to. They guard this dirty little secret well.


All Wars are Bankers’ Wars
Professors and Politicians Gather to Warn us about the New World Order
Who Really Rules the World?
Australia Wages War on its Own Indigenous People
ANZAC, General Freyberg and the Once Pristine Lake Horowhenua Pt 1
ANZAC, General Freyberg etc Pt 2
The History of the House of Rothschild Pt 1

Read our pages on Banking, The Money Trail and Corporations.