Another ‘new normal’?

The vehicle images are from FB. If they’re yours please contact me. Captured in NZ. Okay yes they are military police and always been there but no we’ve seldom seen them on the roads like this but then, of course the military are now managing the CV operation and they’re operating checkpoints on the roads. It’s a little bit like WW2 don’t you think? They got good practice at this in East Timor in 2006.

New Zealand armed forces were first deployed to East Timor in 1999. These soldiers are checking people for weapons at a security checkpoint in Dili, the capital of East Timor. PHOTO:

Then there are the newly installed surveillance cameras. Who would’ve thought? 1984? George Orwell? I guess right now he’s saying, “See? told you”.

New camera near Tokoroa Photo: supplied

Still people, you can rest easy in NZ, Chris Hipkins just said in mainstream that the CV vax won’t be mandatory. Whew. And so far masks are only mandatory on public transport. Here’s hoping, fingers crossed, they won’t make anything at all mandatory in order to work, drive, shop, go to hospital, socialize and eat out? EWR