Tag Archives: Exploitation

NZ Govt Seabed Mining Agenda Exposed

Published on Apr 26, 2017

NZ Government Seabed Mining Agenda Exposed! Phil McCabe

Phil McGabe www.kasm.org.nz
After opening up New Zealand’s regional parks for mining,
The government realised that harvesting minerals from the sea floor is the new game in town.
International momentum and attention from businesses and government have spurred this move.
Currently, there are many countries looking at programs for exploitation.
New Zealand holds the 5th largest marine estate in the world.
Up to 200 Nautical Miles away from the land is marked as it’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
Accounting for roughly 1% of the planet’s surface,
So the potential mining interests and associated risks are voluminous to say the least.
New Zealand isn’t the first country to “OK” Seabed mining,
In the case of Papua New Guinea,
The Community didn’t know about it,
Until AFTER they’d already consented.
And the process for approval here, isn’t exactly above water either,
so to speak.

READ MORE: http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/s…

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Photo Credit: KASM

How the West Systematically Underdevelops Poor Countries

This five minute broadcast is an eye opener … from Dr Michael Parenti, one of my favourite authors/lecturers/activists. The beginning of my journey into discovering the many lies perpetrated on the West by the powers that be was Walter Rodney’s ‘How Europe Underdeveloped Africa’. The latter is a well documented treatise on how that rich continent, Africa, has been milked from the days of Cecil Rhodes onwards … Rhodes was that decorated gentleman and son of the British Empire who dreamed that white people would rule the world and said quite unashamedly:

download“We must find new lands from which we can easily obtain raw materials and at the same time exploit the cheap slave labour that is available from the natives of the colonies. The colonies would also provide a dumping ground for the surplus goods produced in our factories”

The big lie they used to cover their exploitative activity was that they came to benevolently share the fruits of civilization. This was sheer humbug and were it so the recipients would now be prosperous. Instead they feature highest in all the negative stats of their respective countries. The latter is explained away by shifting the blame onto the recipients (eg. ‘they’re lazy) … an easy feat since perpetrators own the media. Listen to Parenti encapsulate it in a nutshell how this process continues on today:

Featured header image courtesy of Miles Pfefferle