Tag Archives: Carcinogens

Identifying those hazardous food additives (EWG)

A new EWG guide brings attention to food additives, commonly found in many processed foods, that can increase the risk of cancer, harm the nervous system, change the body’s hormonal balance and affect the immune system.

We’re publishing the guide because the Food and Drug Administration’s regulatory approach to food additives does not consider the latest science on the health harms caused by additives that may be legally added to processed foods manufactured in the U.S.

Some of the chemicals highlighted in the guide are not allowed for use in food in the European Union, including potassium bromate, a carcinogenic bread additive, and brominated vegetable oil, a flavor stabilizer used in beverages that can harm the nervous system.



Note: all of our CV related info is now posted at our sister site https://truthwatchnz.is/

Photo: pixabay.com

The links between cancer & pesticides in our environment that the industries continue to deny

In the 1970s, Dr Samuel Epstein wrote ‘The Politics of Cancer’ outlining the environmental health risks of chemicals contributing to cancer. The respective industries continue to minimize or deny those impacts.

You can listen to a series of interviews with Dr Epstein by Dr Mercola on chemicals in our environment and cancer prevention at this link.
Further you could also read our own Dr Meriel Watts’ excellent book called ‘The Poisoning of New Zealand’. She writes in Section One about pesticides and cancer citing the British Medical Assn’s report (p 41):

“While no causal link has been proven between pesticides and forms of cancer … there are serious doubts about the scientific validity of some of the studies which have been undertaken and there is no epidemiological evidence available for many pesticides. In other words we do not know whether or not many pesticides are harmful or not in day to day use.” 

Taken from Culliney et al (1992) she cites a long list of links made between pesticides & cancer:

meriel watts 2_0001

meriel watts 2_0002

I highly recommend you read her book. Libraries may hold it I would imagine.

Recently, Carol Sawyer posted information on an Otago article that gives details of a study from the University of Otago on the legacy of pesticides found in our environment. They hail a move to organic farming as being preferable. Carol details the NZ health (& other) statistics which are very damning to us as a nation.


1) “Close to half the men in New Zealand and Australia are at risk of getting cancer, giving Australasia the highest regional rate in the world, latest estimates from The World Health Organisation (WHO) show.

WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) estimates the risk of New Zealand men developing cancer before the age of 75 years is 46.27 percent. The agency estimates the risk for women in New Zealand at a third.” RNZ , 16 September, 2018

2) We have five times the global average of motor neurone disease, and the highest mortality rate from MND in the world.

3) We have one of the lowest male fertility rates in the world.

4) We have one of the highest rates of asthma in the world.

5) NZ is “a high risk country for multiple sclerosis”. Southland has among the highest rates of multiple sclerosis in New Zealand. Southland is the second largest region in New Zealand and, in all, over half of Southland’s land area is public conservation land, while farms occupy 85% of the remaining land.


6) We have the second highest rate of teenage bullying out of 51 countries.

7) We have the highest youth suicide rate in the developed world.

8) We have the worst rate of domestic violence in the world.

9) We have the third highest rate of sexual assault in the world.

“British medical journal The Lancet has published a report indicating the sexual assault rate in New Zealand is far higher than the world average. It placed the country third highest, alongside Australia.” The report looked at data from 56 countries and “placed New Zealand at the third-highest rate alongside Australia.” RNZ, 14 February 2014


I don’t know about you, but I think our massive 1080 poison use, (at present, 90% of world usage, and ongoing for 64 years now, since 1954), and our enormous use of agri-chemicals on farms must have something to do with it.

Note : I haven’t put in all the references but these health/social statistics are easily found on the net.

Below is the University of Otago’s article:

Otago study shows legacy of pesticides difficult to avoid


Otago research shows banned pesticides (or their toxic degradation products) remain in the sediments of farm streams many years on.

An Otago study shows that the tell-tale legacy in rural South Island areas of pesticides banned many years ago remains, regardless of the type of sheep and beef farming now taking place on the land.

The research, led by Department of Chemistry recent PhD graduate Dr Pourya Shahpoury and just published in the international journal Environmental Pollution, nevertheless shows that average pesticide levels found in sediments of streams running through the 15 South Island farms assessed as part of the study were still within recommended thresholds.

The most frequently detected pesticide (chlorpyrifos) found in the stream beds is one that is approved in New Zealand for current use against pests. However, the study also found chemicals (or their toxic degradation products) present that had been widely used many years ago before they were banned.

The team of Otago Chemistry and Zoology Department researchers compared the presence of chlorinated pesticides at streams running through five sheep and beef farm clusters located near Amberley, Akaroa, Outram, Owaka and Gore.

In each of the five areas, one property was farmed organically, a second was farmed using the integrated pest management (reduced pesticide use) farming method, and a third was farmed conventionally. The farms were carefully selected with the help of a design formulated by Otago’s Agricultural Research Group on Sustainability (ARGOS), which studies farm management strategies in New Zealand.

Sediment samples were taken from the 15 different farmland streams during the spring/early summer, the period when pests and weeds are most active, resulting in more intense application of pesticides compared to winter or autumn.

Dr Shahpoury says chlorinated pesticides, within recommended thresholds, were found throughout the study areas regardless of the farming practices that took place on the farms eight to11 years preceding the study.

“Although the chemical chlorpyrifos was the most frequently detected in stream sediments, in contrast to our expectations, its concentrations were not highest in stream sediments from conventional farms and were found at similar levels across all three different farm types. This may have been due, at least in part, to its high potential to undergo vapour drift and re-distribution,” he says.




PHOTO: envirowatchrangitikei … spraying roundup onto fields adjacent to a school in Marton, NZ.

The Flour that Causes Tumors in the Kidneys and Thyroid

From besthealthyguide.com

Did you know that most chronic diseases and premature deaths stem from the standard American diet? Unfortunately, most of the food items we eat on a daily basis are slowly killing us, including the widely consumed white flour.

Back in 1910, the Federal District Court of Missouri proclaimed bleached white flour inadequate as human food.  However, according to H.W. Wiley, first chief of the Food and Drug Administration, the enforcement of the law was “halted through the political influence of the flour millers” and “no notice of violations has since been made by the FDA.” These days, flour is made from wheat treated with insecticides, pesticides, and fungicides.  Up to 60 chemicals have been approved to bleach flour.

5 Secrets About White Flour That will Shock You

1. Bleached Flour has no nutrients

During the manufacturing process, the wheat seed`s brain and germ containing 75 percent of the vitamins and minerals are removed.  In addition, up to 97 percent of the dietary fiber is lost.  This process removes 70 percent iron, B vitamins, and magnesium, 50 percent of calcium, and all the vitamin E.

2. Added Potassium Bromate

After removing the nutrients, the flour is bleached, preserved, and enhanced with chlorine dioxide. Then, it is whitened using ammonium carbonate, alum, and chalk in order to make it more appealing. Sorbitan mono-saturate, an anti-salting agent, is added in the ultimate stage. The worst part is that potassium bromate, a powerful oxidizer, is also added to the flour. This chemical is considered carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and has been banned in many countries.



Covering Up The Causes of Breast Cancer Since 1985

Image courtesy of GreenMedInfo

Covering Up The Causes of Breast Cancer Since 1985: AstraZeneca’s BCAM

Written By:

Sayer Ji, Founder  GreenMedInfo

“Did you know that AstraZeneca, manufacturer of two blockbuster breast cancer drugs (one of which is classified as a known human carcinogen), is behind Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

Why is it, do you think, that during Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) you never hear the word “carcinogen” mentioned, but are barraged a million times over by the word “cure”?

Truth be told, BCAM should be renamed Breast Cancer Un-Awareness Month, as it has nothing to do with generating awareness about the true causes and solutions for the breast cancer epidemic and everything to do with making the public focus on a presumably not-yet-existent “cure” to be produced through the pharmaceutical pipeline somewhere off in the future only after enough money is raised…”

Read more

..”the very corporation that contributed significantly to accelerating the breast cancer epidemic also profited and still profits from new diagnoses of breast cancer and their treatment…”


chemotherapy-448578_1280Unbelievably for most (myself included when this all first dawned on me as reality) there are many many cures for cancer. The industry (Big Pharma) does not want you to learn about them… to the extent they suppress, vilify and debunk them. All they will offer you is chemotherapy which the health professionals who are abandoning the standard medical model will tell you, shortens your lifespan. Watch the series of documentaries on thetruthaboutcancer website and learn that oncologists say you live longer doing nothing rather than choosing chemo.

However, you need to read, read and listen. Listen to the medical doctors who share their expert knowledge on this. Our website page on cancer has links to videos and sites for you to begin your own research. (There are NZ success stories of how folks beat cancer after chemo failed). You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to be prepared. Statistics are one in three now for cancer, and in some places, one in two.

Here is a short clip for you to start with by Dr Leonard Coldwell:

See our Cancer pages for more info & links, &/or search categories for further cancer articles (at left of any page).

Please like our FB page &/or follow our blog, and do spread the word on all the untruths we have been told!



How Johnson & Johnson May Be Poisoning Your Child

Thanks to Helena Slako – Medical Herbalist and Naturopath for posting this on FB. 

Around a decade ago I began to notice, just by reading labels, that there were many ‘unknowns’ in our personal care products. Then once connected to the internet I began to research in earnest and came upon the Environmental Working Group, an excellent site for checking out suspect chemicals.

The amounts of these chemicals placed in our products are tiny, however they are products we tend to use virtually daily … shampoos, skin care products, household cleaners etc so we cannot over estimate the cumulative effect the chemicals have. child-786812_1280 (1)And, worse, many of the ingredients are either known or suspected carcinogens. There are also chemicals which, when mixed with others become carcinogenic. Our skin is very absorbent so these chemicals go straight into our bloodstreams. An excellent expose of this scenario is the film ‘The Idiot Cycle’ found on the ‘Chemicals’ page on this site.

Dr Samuel Epstein wrote a book in the 1970s called ‘The Politics of Cancer’. He clearly describes the effects of these chemicals and points out that they are known environmental causes of cancer that folks, including the companies, refuse to seriously acknowledge. As I say frequently here, corporations do lie at times, they do have legal person hood, however they are not like real human beings. If you do doubt this please watch The Corporation film or read the info at the page in the link. It explains all.

Protect yourself and research the ingredients and don’t believe everything the packaging tells you. The claim to ‘organic’, ‘healthy’ and so on on the label guarantees you nothing unless it is legally certified. Companies are now bandying those labels around to look good but the advertising is often deceptive.

Read the Johnson & Johnson article at the livingtraditionally website:  http://livingtraditionally.com/how-johnson-johnson-may-be-poisoning-your-child/

Helping New Zealanders fight Cancer Naturally

Police officer Anton Kuraia is a cancer patient who is now thriving after treatment and is preparing for an 809 km walk. 07 November 2014 Photograph by John Stone. NAG 08Nov14 -
Police officer Anton Kuraia is a cancer patient who is now thriving after treatment, seen here preparing for an 809 km walk, raising awareness and funds to help other cancer sufferers.
07 November 2014 Photograph by John Stone.

Helping New Zealanders fight Cancer Naturally

I’ve added a new page to the site this week on health (titled ‘Health and Wellness’).  Featured there is New Zealand man, Anton Kuraia, a Northland Policeman with a young family who, after a course of chemotherapy, was sent home with only four weeks to live. Fortunately, he then heard about IV Vitamin C therapy, and decided to give it a go… amazingly,  with success.

“…to show New Zealanders that there is always hope, even after a terminal cancer prognosis, and that there are options out there for you.”

His wonderfully encouraging story featured several times in the New Zealand media (links on the Success Stories page) … I found his website, contacted him and asked to feature his story here. If you explore his site you’ll find a page called ‘Bundle of Hope’ … where he and others have raised money to help others source the same treatment he received. Donations are welcomed.

The site also provides information on lifestyle, diet and environmental influences on health.

Here is a link to the envirowatch page which also has links to the media articles:  


Here is a link to Anton’s website: http://www.the809foundation.org.nz/my-story/

‘Like’ Anton’s FACEBOOK PAGE

What is causing cancer? Watch the award winning doco The Idiot Cycle – and find out

The causative factors around cancer are really no mystery … we just never hear about them in mainstream media. Read Dr Samuel Epstein’s book called ‘The Politics of Cancer’, quite an old book too. He points out the many environmental causes, and yet our system, the powers that be, call them what you will, act dumb almost and ask us to contribute to the endless sea of research that seems to go nowhere.

This documentary, ‘The Idiot Cycle’ will enlighten you.
