Tag Archives: Baby products

How Johnson & Johnson May Be Poisoning Your Child

Thanks to Helena Slako – Medical Herbalist and Naturopath for posting this on FB. 

Around a decade ago I began to notice, just by reading labels, that there were many ‘unknowns’ in our personal care products. Then once connected to the internet I began to research in earnest and came upon the Environmental Working Group, an excellent site for checking out suspect chemicals.

The amounts of these chemicals placed in our products are tiny, however they are products we tend to use virtually daily … shampoos, skin care products, household cleaners etc so we cannot over estimate the cumulative effect the chemicals have. child-786812_1280 (1)And, worse, many of the ingredients are either known or suspected carcinogens. There are also chemicals which, when mixed with others become carcinogenic. Our skin is very absorbent so these chemicals go straight into our bloodstreams. An excellent expose of this scenario is the film ‘The Idiot Cycle’ found on the ‘Chemicals’ page on this site.

Dr Samuel Epstein wrote a book in the 1970s called ‘The Politics of Cancer’. He clearly describes the effects of these chemicals and points out that they are known environmental causes of cancer that folks, including the companies, refuse to seriously acknowledge. As I say frequently here, corporations do lie at times, they do have legal person hood, however they are not like real human beings. If you do doubt this please watch The Corporation film or read the info at the page in the link. It explains all.

Protect yourself and research the ingredients and don’t believe everything the packaging tells you. The claim to ‘organic’, ‘healthy’ and so on on the label guarantees you nothing unless it is legally certified. Companies are now bandying those labels around to look good but the advertising is often deceptive.

Read the Johnson & Johnson article at the livingtraditionally website:  http://livingtraditionally.com/how-johnson-johnson-may-be-poisoning-your-child/