Tag Archives: Rural

New traffic / surveillance cameras installed near Tokoroa

Send us images if you can of new traffic cameras you see installed. I was sent this one yesterday. Jacinda announced not so long ago with all of the new surveillance plans regarding the CV, making sure you comply, they would be reading your rego plate on rural and urban roads. Along with the contact tracing apps for tracking you, remember …

We must form an army of thousands of officials who will check everyone’s contacts.’ Andrew Cuomo Governer of NY …

… the cameras would read your number plates so the corporation will know where you’ve been, in case you slip through the cracks so to speak:

“There’s also the possibility of using automated license plate readers on rural roads and in cities to aid the police in finding scofflaws.”

Military controlled checkpoints too are in the plans.

Finally remember Bill Gates the self proclaimed world health expert with no medical qualifications whatsoever and the world’s biggest vaccine dealer to boot:

Only the people who have all the vaccines will still be able to move freely.’

The cameras at this link were recently installed in rural Whanganui. Below is the new Tokoroa camera. EWR

RELATED: How Surveillance and 5G Are Being Fast-Tracked Under the Coronavirus lockdown

Selling’ fascist surveillance to the gullible

Contact Tracing’: A Panopticon Grid Of Total Surveillance

Here it comes: increased tracking & surveillance of your children in schools … remember the 5G upgrades? … surprised?

Seen any of Adern’s license plate readers recently erected on your rural or city roads?

Recently Jacinda Adern’s corporation warned of the possible introduction of more than 280 checkpoints across the country manned by the military and the police with the next round of lockdowns and:

“… also the possibility of using automated license plate readers on rural roads and in cities to aid the police in finding scofflaws”.

RELATED: New traffic / surveillance cameras installed near Tokoroa

So on topic I’ve noticed these cameras recently (pictured above) or at least within the past month erected at the entrance to one rural village. Not an area where speed would be likely so why else would they be there?

Watch your locality for the installing of cameras and let us know. Send us images if you can naming the area captured.

Here is the full mainstream media article on topic:

Checkpoints, soldiers, door-to-door testing: NZ’s new Covid outbreak plan

LINK: https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/national/checkpoints-soldiers-door-to-door-testing-nzs-new-covid-outbreak-plan/ar-BB16KF1y?ocid=sf2&fbclid=IwAR2__OTqNRX8u96J6QdX8ZA3n8qXSC8xvsLueL19YwZH644fAi253XRMtX8

Elections looming. Medical martial law looming. More rot materializing in the ranks of the corporation that governs us. It’s all happening with speed people. EWR

Photo: EnviroWatchRangitikei

UN Agenda 21/30 plans are to Clear you out of rural areas Kiwis

Reposting this it’s such a short & easily understood video. A must watch for those who are unaware of Agenda 21 now 2030. See this post for other links on topic, and for info on clearing you from rural areas go to 1.20 mins.. and here on the housing they have planned for you… EWR

Image by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pixabay

Suicide rate triples in rural Waikato as international dairy prices halved



“The suicide rate in rural Waikato tripled as international dairy prices halved, and numbers are expected to rise further.

Six Waikato farmers appear to have taken their own lives in the year ending June 30, 2015, figures released by the Ministry of Justice under the Official Information Act show.

Fraser Farm Finance director Don Fraser was not surprised by the number of suicides, and expected to see more this financial year.


* Fewer farms on the market as dairy takes a hit

* Dairy still coping with aftermath of floods

* Dairy global auction price rise

“We have had a lot of bad news,” Fraser said.

“The drop of income and the sheer weight of debt will probably see that rise over the next 12 months. It is the debt burden that makes them do it. It’s that sinking feeling you get when you get up every day and work for the bank….”

Read more:  http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/farming/71822221/suicide-rate-triples-in-rural-waikato-ministry


At the mercy of fickle markets this is the sad outcome. People lose hope with the ruin that comes with disasters like flooding and subsequent debt. We were told long ago by men in governments that economic recessions are man made. The banking industry is one that has the ability to enslave and ruin people, caring little for its victims. Witness the foreclosures we see now world wide.

Financial panics are scientifically created (US Congressman Charles Lindbergh, 1920)
