Tag Archives: Africa

“Bad for African Farmers, Bad for the Planet”: How the Gates Foundation Is Driving the Food System in the Wrong Direction

From globalresearch.ca

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has spent nearly US$6 billion over the past 17 years trying to improve agriculture, mainly in Africa. This is a lot of money for an underfunded sector, and, as such, carries great weight. To better understand how the Gates Foundation is shaping the global agriculture agenda, GRAIN analysed all the food and agriculture grants the foundation has made up until 2020.

We found that, while the Foundation’s grants focus on African farmers, the vast majority of its funding goes to groups in North America and Europe. The grants are also heavily skewed to technologies developed by research centres and corporations in the North for poor farmers in the South, completely ignoring the knowledge, technologies and biodiversity that these farmers already possess.

Also, despite the Foundation’s focus on techno-fixes, much of its grants are given to groups that lobby on behalf of industrial farming and undermine alternatives. This is bad for African farmers and bad for the planet. It is time to pull the plug on the Gates’ outsized influence over global agriculture.

In 2014 GRAIN published a detailed breakdown of the grants made by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to promote agricultural development in Africa and other parts of the world.1 Our main conclusion then was that the vast majority of those grants were channelled to groups in the US and Europe, not Africa nor other parts of the global South. The funding overwhelmingly went to research institutes rather than farmers. They were also mainly directed at shaping policies to support industrial farming, not smallholders.



Image by Al Kags from Pixabay

Vandana Shiva: When Bill Gates pours money into Africa to feed the poor & prevent famine, he’s continuing the work of Monsanto, pushing chemicals, GMOs & the failed Green Revolution

FRANCE 24 English 1.58M subscribers

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Our guest is Vandana Shiva, a world-famous environmental activist from India. Her latest book is entitled “One Earth, One Humanity vs. the 1%”. She tell us about more her opposition to big multinationals such as Monsanto for their nefarious influence on agriculture. But Shiva also singles out billionaires like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg for criticism. “When Bill Gates pours money into Africa for feeding the poor in Africa and preventing famine, he’s pushing the failed Green Revolution, he’s pushing chemicals, pushing GMOs, pushing patterns”, she tells FRANCE 24’s Marc Perelman. Visit our website: http://www.france24.com

Far from eradicated, sickness is raging in certain parts of the world directly as a result of Gates-funded vaccines, experts say

It is common knowledge to anybody who reads other than lamestream media that eugenicist Bill Gates openly targets poorer countries out of ostensibly philanthropy, in fact these are the people targeted for depopulation. The Royals have also openly espoused that nations like Africa should be depopulated. Note it is never themselves who should be eradicated. They cannot openly say this now although those of their eugenicist roots used to. Research Margaret Sanger (now no longer a hero, see James Corbett’s work on that topic) who was an avowed eugenics proponent back when they unashamedly stated certain ‘strains’ of humanity that needed to be sterilized. EWR


(NaturalHealth365) When mainstream media has its way, any criticism of billionaire computer geek – turned so-called global health expert – Bill Gates is quickly quashed with accusations of “conspiratorial arrogance.”  But when even the World Health Organization (WHO) is forced to acknowledge that a polio vaccine funded by Gates is responsible for a polio outbreak, it’s nearly impossible not to feel alarmed by the billionaire’s huge presence in the worldwide medical sphere.

The outbreak in Africa is one of at least two dozen confirmed episodes of vaccine-derived polio outbreaks throughout the world over the past five years, affecting countries ranging from the Phillippines to Ukraine … and despite this news, we’re supposed to depend on a Bill Gates-backed COVID vaccine (rushed to market) – which “hopefully” restores life as usual after the coronavirus pandemic?!

Over a dozen cases: Polio outbreak in Africa linked to polio vaccine funded by Bill Gates

On September 1, 2020, the WHO announced on their website that just one month prior, the Federal Ministry of Health in Sudan notified the troubled organization of an emerging “vaccine-derived” polio outbreak, caused by what’s known as poliovirus type 2, or cVDPV2.  Sudanese officials so far have identified two young children suffering the effects of the vaccine.

“The first case,” reports the WHO, was a four-year-old child who experienced “onset of [acute flaccid paralysis] on 7 March 2020 … in South Darfur,” located in Western Sudan. The next child to become paralyzed by a vaccine was a three-year-old from “Shari city of AI Gedarif locality in Gedarif state in the east, close to the border with Eritrea and Ethiopia.”

“Both children,” the WHO admits, “received their last bOPV ( type 1 & 3) dose in 2019.”

In just the month of August alone, a total of 13 cases of cVDPV2 have been reported all over Africa, including the areas of the Red Sea, West Darfur, East Darfur, White Nile, River Nile, and Gezira. These cases are genetically linked to another vaccine-derived outbreak detected back in October 2019 and currently circulating in Chad and Cameroon.



Image by David Mark from Pixabay

The Gates Foundation is destabilizing Africa’s food economy by restructuring global food production

The same Gates Foundation which is behind every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic from financing much of the WHO budget, to investing in favored vaccine-makers like Moderna, is engaged in a major project in Africa which is destroying traditional small farmer production of essential food crops in favor of monoculture crops and introduction of expensive chemical fertilizers and GMO seeds that are bankrupting small farmers. The project, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), is directly connected with key global institutions behind the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.

If we know the actual history of the Rockefeller Foundation and related tax-free undertakings of one of the world’s most influential families, it is clear that in key areas the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has inherited the Rockefeller agenda from the medical industrial complex to education to agriculture transformation.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, working in tandem with the closely allied Rockefeller Foundation, is not only at the center of the orchestration of unheard-of severe economic lockdown measures for the much-disputed COVID-19 illness. The Gates foundation is also at the very center of the UN Agenda 30 push to transform world agriculture into what they call “sustainable” agriculture. A keystone project for the past 14 years has been Gates’ funding of something called the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa or AGRA.


LINK: https://www.globalresearch.ca/gates-foundation-is-also-destabilizing-africas-food-economy-the-restructuring-of-global-food-production/5723257

RELATED: The Gates Foundation’s “Corporate Merry-go-round”: Spearheading the Neo-liberal Plunder of African Agriculture

Another gates scandal in Africa? (Del Bigtree)

The HighWire with Del Bigtree 207K subscribers ANOTHER GATES VACCINE SCANDAL IN AFRICA? The world’s first malaria vaccine, funded by GSK and the Gates Foundation, is being recklessly rolled out in Africa. Over 700,000 children will be given this brand new vaccine with limited efficacy and a questionable safety profile. #Vaccines#BillGates#Malaria#Africa#JaxenReport

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Hear the President of Ghana exposing the lockdown plans written in 2010 by the Globalists… where are all the other global leaders?

The other leaders were co-opted in decades ago with predatory IMF loans with conditions attached. Co-opted into plans that don’t serve the people who voted them in. All followed by the signing up in ’92 at the earth summit to the Agenda 21 goals for so called Sustainable Development but really we all know nothing sustainable has been happening since then. Poverty up, homelessness at all time highs, pollution not seen before, unemployment, suicide, you name it, it’s all worsened since then. And so we have a few who know what’s really going on with this massive push now to global control (the real agenda of the said Agenda), global governance, new world order and so on. The plan to inventory & control literally everything, land & resources, including yourself. Why else are we seeing skyrocketing surveillance measures? All in the name of the so called new normal riding on the back of the Trojan Horse, medical martial law. Remember also this plan had a practice run in October last year courtesy of Bill Gates & friends. (Have a browse of the insights into the real Bill Gates, and by the way he has NO medical qualifications).

So the Ghanaian President, Nana Akufo-Addo is reading out the script for you, written down long ago by the Rockefeller Foundation, named Operation Lockstep. You know, the Rockefellers who long ago heisted the medical fraternity for profiteering for themselves aka Big Pharma. Why else do you think they are sweeping all successful treatments of the CV under the proverbial rug? This President is calling out the criminal globalist cabal and by their names. Remember also the other recent President of Burundi who died suddenly after kicking the WHO out of his country? In NZ we have a rising political party that is calling them out also. Then there was the president of Belarus who declined IMF’s billion dollar offer in return for locking down their country If you are a praying person these brave people need your prayers. EWR

Listen to President Nana Akufo-Addo at the link below:

LINK: https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/watch/president-of-ghana-reads-rockefeller-agenda-for-covid-chilling_i1sBffGUXJpmpRd.html?fbclid=IwAR34MBCnXSq1yqyhGgr6KUsDI5S3CO3DzZtgm5HEtjbHNhZuDOtwzOrLDno

RELATED: Investigative journalist Harry Vox warns against coming lockdowns & quarantines…in 2014

Header photo credit: Wikipedia

Madagascar Threatens to Quit World Health Organization for Suppressing COVID-19 Cure

From virutron.com

The President of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina has called on all African Nations to quit the World Health Organization (WHO) because of the bad faith of Europe towards Africa.

The Malagasy president says,

Europe created organizations with the desire for Africans to remain dependent on them. Africa has found a medicine against Coronavirus but Europe thinks they have a monopoly of intelligence as such they are refusing to acknowledge it. It is against this backdrop that I invite all African Nations to quit the international organizations in order for us to build ours.

President of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina

Rajoelina has put his reputation and credibility on the line touting the medicine as a cure. He said it cures COVID-19 in 10 days.

“No one will stop us from moving forward – not a country, not an organisation,” Rajoelina said in response to the WHO’s concerns.

He said the proof of the tonic’s efficacy was in the “healing” of “our patients”.

He called the medicine a “preventive and curative remedy”.

Rajoelina said Madagascar till date, has reported 212 coronavirus infections and 107 recoveries.

The country has one critical case, but no death.

“The patients who have healed have taken no other product than Covid-Organics,” the president said, adding that his country has a history of traditional medicine.

“What if this remedy had been discovered by a European country, instead of Madagascar?”, Rajoelina queried WHO and other skeptics.

“Would people doubt it so much? I don’t think so,” Rajoelina told FRANCE 24 and RFI .

The drink is derived from artemisia – a plant with proven anti-malarial properties – and other indigenous herbs.




Images by carolinaca1995Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pixabay

In 1969 the US DoD requested $10 million to develop synthetic biological agents for germ warfare – hear Dr R Strecker’s lecture on the manufacture of the AIDS virus

EnvirowatchRangitikei: Search this topic and you will bring up a raft of debunk, conspiracy & snopes articles. It has been thoroughly covered by the ‘fact checkers’ …Messrs Soros, Gates & ‘friends’. Methinks it is overkill. The topic of HIV AIDS however has been well researched long ago by Robert B. Strecker M.D., who at the time of his lecture, was a practicing Internist and Gastroenterologist. In addition, he held a Ph.D. in Pharmacology and was a trained Pathologist. Dr Strecker passed away in 2018 in an automobile accident. His research still remains. Definitely worth a read if you figure all the new viruses (with patents!) that keep appearing on the scene are a simple freak of nature, and especially in light of  the recent Corona Virus. EWR

The first video below features Dr Leonard Horowitz explaining the AIDs virus, and citing Dr Strecker’s research on the topic. Hear and watch him interviewing in public key figure in the whole process, Dr Gallo. He denies knowledge of creating a virus but watch his body language and decide for yourself whether or not he tells the truth.

The second video features Dr Strecker himself with documented evidence of the Truth about AIDS being a Man-Made Disease.

In his video he lectures how the AIDS Virus was Predicted, Requested, Created and introduced into human population through Medical Injection Programs.

Dr. Strecker practiced Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology in Los Angeles as a trained pathologist, with a PhD in Pharmacology.” (Source: http://www.umoja-research.com/strecker_memorandum.htm). é




RELATED: an article at the link below featuring a tribute by Dr Horowitz to Dr Strecker, noting that the official coverage failed to include his major work on AIDs. Surprized?

The article from medicalveritas.org :

“Medical Veritas received word from John Adams MD, and Alan Cantwell, MD, that  Robert Strecker MD, PhD. passed away on April 15th, 2018 due to an auto accident.

“When I first met him in August 1986 at a gathering at Virginia Livingston’s house in La Jolla,” wrote the distinguished Dr. Cantwell, the AIDS-origin pioneer, Strecker, “alerted me to his research and conclusion that HIV/AIDS was a man-made disease first started when gay men were seeded with HIV during the hepatitis B vaccine experiments in Manhattan (1978-1981).

“At the time, I was stunned by his accusations — and decided I would determine for myself if what he said could possibly have any truth,” recalled Dr. Cantwell. “The research I have conducted on man-made AIDS has been my personal obsession ever since that meeting 32 years ago. As a result, I wrote three books on man-made AIDS and there are numerous postings on the net written about my findings and conclusions.

“Needless to say, the meeting with Strecker tremendously influenced my life, and will continue to do so until my last breath,” concluded the author of AIDS and the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry into the Origin of the AIDS Epidemic; Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot; and AIDS, the Mystery and Solution.

Dr. Cantwell continued, “His death may not have received any press in the major media, but I am convinced that with time he will be remembered as the first physician to bring to the attention of the public that AIDS originated in the U.S. – first as a direct “bio-attack” against gay men. And that AIDS is/was a man-made disease from the very beginning.”

“Unfortunately,” Dr. Cantwell concluded [on July 3, 2018] most people don’t want to consider this as the origin of AIDS, preferring to blame it solely on monkeys, black Africans, and gay men.”


Dr. Strecker Obituaries Neglect and Suppress His Most Important Work


Typical of alleged criminal negligence and censorship afforded , the

“Dr. Robert Barnett Strecker M.D., Ph.D., 71, Needles, Calif., died in a motor vehicle accident on Sunday April 15, 2018 In California.

Dr. Robert Barnett Strecker M.D., Ph.D., 71, Needles, Calif., died in a motor vehicle accident on Sunday April 15, 2018 In California.

Dr. Strecker was born on June 21,1946 to John W. and Anna Margaret Strecker. He graduated from Neosho High School, Neosho and was a proud alumnus. He was always a studious man and graduated in the top of his class and traveled to UCLA on a football scholarship. In his search for more education and a fascination with science he attended Vanderbilt University Medical School and graduated in the top of his class.

He completed his residency at LAC+USC Medical Center acquiring his Medical Doctorate, and a Ph.D. in Pharmacology, he was also a trained gastroenterologist and pathologist.

Dr. Strecker was a dedicated and selfless man who was passionate about his work, his patients, and the understanding and fighting of disease.

Dr. Strecker loved his family, had a genuine caring personality with a keen wit and a quick laugh. He enjoyed spending time on his plantation in Hawaii where he was planning to retire.

He is survived by Terri Minion Sim, daughter Caroline Strecker and grandson Noah Conway, sister-in- law Annetta Strecker, nephews Brad (Cindy) Strecker, Taylor (Kiki) Strecker, nieces Debra (Peter) Loft, and Sarah (Matt) Shields, Dee Dee Engert and many friends and medical associates.

He was predeceased by his parents John W. Strecker and Anna Margaret Strecker, brother’s John E. Strecker and Theodore A. Strecker.

Robert was taken from us way too soon and will be missed greatly by his family but also his patients both past, current and future.

Memorial services will be held on Saturday May 19, 2018 at 11:00am, Neosho United Methodist Church, 222 S. Wood St. Neosho, MO 64850 You may contact the family at dr.robstrecker@gmail.com


First American AIDS-origin Whistleblower Defamed by Propagandists


Dr. Robert Strecker was America’s first well-credentialed AIDS-origin whistleblower opposing the plaque’s political imposition. His pioneering Strecker Memorandum records a scholarly presentation of research into early genetic engineering studies mutating viruses under U.S. Government and National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants.

Strecker unearthed unfathomable biotechnology experiments from which he concluded that HIV/AIDS sourced from bovine leukemia and sheep visna viruses recombined to create cancer triggers. His scholarly thesis, albeit suppressed and disparaged for missing the “chimpanzee-link,” was heavily attacked by media agents protecting government and industry culprits. Strecker shined the first light on the risks to public health from secret virus cancer experiments.

Robert Strecker was not alone, and it is unknown what, if any, influence he gained from his East German predecessor, Dr. Jakob Segal. Segal, and his supportive Soviet wife Lilly, were alienated and defamed similarly by Western presses when they drew attention to the man-made origin of AIDS theory. Their classic disparagement can be read here, as published by “Sage journals”–the founding member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). That yellow press was discredited for relying on the Journal of International Medical Research and “a false and intentionally flawed paper created and submitted by a reporter for the journal Science. That scandal demonstrated how severely corrupted the world of medical science has become, tainted by pseudoscience and propaganda to infect the mass mind and maintain the medical status quo to aid-and-abet petrochemical-pharmaceutical genocide.

The Segals, according to Western propaganda (i.e., counter-intelligence), were supposedly suckered into collaborating with Russian intelligence to spread falsehoods about AIDS being an American invention. According to the Sage Press’s yellow press, professor Segal was presented with forged documents that were claimed to have leaked from Fort Detrick, MD–America’s premier biological weapons testing center. Sage bemoaned “rumors” about the US military using humans in bioweapons experiments. Nonetheless, this is precisely what was done.

This was not “conspiracy theory. The U.S. Congressional Record included Frank Church’s committee hearings detailing what Sage’s propaganda suppressed in their following two paragraph quote:

“[A] story about spreading flu virus in San Francisco in 1955, where 1 person was presumed to have died. Another rumor told about another experiment in Tampa Bay, where 12 civilians were supposed to have died. Furthermore, official reports from the United States stated that the Central Intellegence Agency (CIA) had actually tested LSD on uninformed people. An official report revealed that syphilis had been administered on African American farm workers in Tuskagee between 1932 and 1972 in order to try the effect of penicillin on syphilis. There was, in other words some rumors, of which some are even true, already in circulation. From this point of view, another story about the origin of HIV would fit very well into the historical background. This background contributed largely to Dr Segal’s conviction that the story about Fort Detrick was not only plausible but probable and even true.

“The Segal couple were convinced that the Fort Detrick scenario was genuine and worked hard to spread this message. They were allowed by the East German authorities to do so at a conference in Harare, Zimbabwe. They were, however, not allowed to publish their material in East Germany. The fact that they were not supported actively by the German Democratic Republic (GDR) authorities, however, made them feel suppressed. The conspiracy theory had also been spread in Indian and Russian newspapers, such as Trud and Literaturna Gaseta.”


Independent Investigation Corroborates Strecker’s Concerns

In 1996, the author of this tribute published the first edition of Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional?. This work too, like Cantwell’s three books, vicariously came from Strecker’s work. Here’s how. . . .

In 1990-93, as the chief professional advisor and health professional educator in Henry Schein Co., I became the leading investigator of the murder theory in the mysterious case of the Florida dentist, Dr. David Acer, who transmitted his strain of HIV to six patients. I learned, during my investigation that Acer believed he was dying of a virus the government had created. I published this fact, along with substantial evidence of Acer’s revenge motive, in several scientific peer-reviewed publications, and in my ninth book, Deadly Innocence: The Kimberly Bergalis Case– Solving The Greatest Murder Mystery In The History of American Medicine. I learned that Acer had received from Strecker the Strecker Memorandum, and was livid that he was dying of a virus the U.S. Government had created. Using the FBI’s methods and materials–the “Motivational Model for Sexual Homicide” published by Burgess and Ressler at Quantico–I concluded that Acer maintained a classic “organized serial killer” personality profile, crime scene profile, and developmental history. These conclusions, and scientific publications as well, were heavily disparaged and suppressed. This resulted in my black-listing from the professional lecture circuit and firing by Schein.

Having realized Acer was likely suffering from AIDS-dementia, I could not believe Strecker’s work was legitimate. So, in effect, I was biased against Strecker, and even sought to disprove his Memorandum.

I also did not rely on Segal’s reports in my investigation, and had not read any of Cantwell’s books. My three-year independent inquiry culminated in my discovery of the “chimpanzee-link” missed by the other authors in the actual “Special Virus Cancer Program” (SVCP) contracts under which the genetically-engineered immune-suppressive viruses were bio-engineered by the U.S. Army’s sixth top biological weapons contractor–Litton Bionetics. That discovery, and published revelation, resulted in my blacklisting as a speaker from major professional conferences and lecture circuits in which I had been previously welcomed.



dr-horowitz-emerging-viruses-bookAccordingly, my corroboration of Strecker’s, Cantwell’s and Segal’s conclusions is backed by the shocking experiments detailed in the 425-page Special Virus Cancer Program 1972 publication. This government-secreted text explains how and why these kinds of “special viruses” were manufactured and distributed. And they especially incriminate the vaccine industry.

“It was all done under a hush-hush program,” I explained in an earlier publication. “The scientific publications prove the simultaneous hepatitis B experiments were conducted in New York City, Central Africa, and apparently Haiti too, during the early 1970s. And these facts best explain the occurrence of what Dr. Gerald Myers –the leading expert in HIV/AIDS phylogeny–called the ‘Big Bang Theory.’ This chief of the special AIDS project for the U.S. Government’s Los Alamos Laboratory corroborated my discoveries and thesis, that the sudden and simultaneous emergence of several strains of HIV around the world by the mid 1970s resulted from the secreted Special Virus Cancer Program lab experiments.

I reviewed more than 2,500 scientific reports and government documents, some obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, to assess dozens of viral vaccine studies. The chief suspects emerged from the network of military and pharmaceutical industry scientists working for the Merck Drug Co., Litton Bionetics, and the Southwest Foundation, as shown in the Special Virus Cancer Program text  (available for sale here). My 3-year investigation, corroborating Strecker’s, Cantwell’s, and Segal’s concerns, is documented in the 592-page Emerging Viruses book.

Screen Shot 2016-02-11 at 3.40.42 PMEmerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola clearly explains and documents how, when, where, and why the viruses that now threaten humanity’s extinction were made and trafficked through complicit vaccine makers.


Dr. Strecker Will Be Honorably Remembered

For all of the above reasons, and the contributions he made to bring truth to light, Dr. Strecker will be sorely missed and honorably remembered.






Image from Pixabay

More vaccines for Africa courtesy of the Clinton Foundation

Dr Tenpenny: “The Clinton Foundation is currently jockeying to become the largest distributor of vaccines in all of Africa.”

Depopulation at its ‘finest’. Seldom a mention of all the injuries and deaths from these treatments. And the companies are exempt from liabilities of course. What other product or medical procedure is exempt from liability? Have you asked yourself why? The risks are seldom told us … one in 39 in fact. Very high isn’t it? Add to that all the sterilization that’s been happening with them. And still no studies comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated (aside from independent ones). What are they afraid of?
Research the odds before lining up for these. Search vaccines in ‘categories’ at the left of the page. EWR

From clintonfoundation.org

“Most low-income countries have national immunization programs that routinely vaccinate 70 to 90 percent of their infants. The eight vaccines included in most programs, together, usually cost less than $20 per infant. However, the inclusion of the newly developed rotavirus and pneumococcal vaccines could nearly double this cost. The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), a separate, affiliated entity, is partnering with the governments of Kenya, Ethiopia, and Malawi to support the national rollout of the new pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines and to capture lessons that will help other countries successfully introduce these vaccines. When pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccine programs reach national scale in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Malawi, nearly 50,000 child deaths will be prevented each year.”



At least 50 African children paralyzed after receiving Bill Gates backed meningitis vaccine (2013)

And still going on …

256K subscribers

At least 50 children in the small village of Gouro in northern Chad have developed paralysis following vaccinations with “MenAfriVac,” a new meningitis vaccine developed specifically for Africa. At least 50 African children paralyzed after receiving Bill Gates-backed meningitis vaccine: http://www.naturalnews.com/038796_men… For more information visit VacTruth.com: http://vactruth.com/ Get updates like this everyday and support independent media by joining Press For Truth TV: http://pressfortruth.tv/register/ We rely on you the viewer to help us continue to do this work. With your help I can continue to make videos and documentary films for youtube in an effort to raise awareness all over the world. Please support independent media by joining Press For Truth TV! As a Press For Truth TV subscriber you’ll have full access to the site’s features and content including Daily Video Blogs on current news from the PFT perspective and High Quality Downloads of all Press For Truth Films, Music and Special Reports! Subscribe to Press For Truth TV: http://pressfortruth.tv/register/ For more information visit: http://pressfortruth.tv/ You can also support Press For Truth and help us continue to do this work by donating or becoming a sponsor at pressfortruth.ca http://www.pressfortruth.ca/donatebec… http://www.facebook.com/PressForTruth http://www.youtube.com/weavingspider https://twitter.com/PressForTruth http://twitter.com/#!/DanDicksPFT http://pressfortruth.ca/

Why Didn’t Bill Gates Vaccinate His Own Children?

From https://uspoliticsandnews.com

All 50 states now require children to be vaccinated for multiple diseases before they’re allowed to begin kindergarten. California requires vaccinations before kids can attend preschool or go to daycare, with no religious exemptions allowed.

Connecticut forces parents to have their children vaccinated for an astonishing 9 separate potential illnesses.

Given that the vaccination issue now impacts all families in America, directly or indirectly, you’d think it would have garnered more media attention when it was learned that vaccine champion and Microsoft founder Bill Gates refused to allow his own children to be vaccinated.

This admission came from the Gates family’s personal physician in Seattle, who was speaking behind closed doors with other doctors at a symposium last year (someone at the conference leaked the conversation, so the doctor himself technically did not violate doctor-patient confidentiality rules).

The doctor reportedly told his colleagues, “I don’t know if he (Gates) had them vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them as children.”

In the course of his philanthropic work, Bill Gates has become one of the world’s most vocal proponents of forcing everyone to vaccinate their children.

Gates travels to security conferences and rather than speak about the usual leftist boogeyman of the apocalypse (global warming), Gates rants that a worldwide pandemic disease is going to kill tens of millions of people without warning.

We would also note that despite this fear, which is certainly more rational than global warming based on historical precedent and actual science, Gates is an open-borders globalist. He supports allowing sick illegal aliens and refugees to cross our borders with no obstacles to them (certainly not a wall).

Gates has used his fortune to finance programs with the UN that send doctors in to stick needles into every baby in Africa. Not surprisingly, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is viewed with skepticism or in many cases, outright hatred from the people he is supposedly seeking to help.

In 2014, the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association became suspicious of the vaccines they were receiving from Gates and company and sent multiple batches to be tested.

Researchers discovered that the vaccines that were being administered to 2.3 million African girls were full of HCG, an antigen that causes miscarriages and sterilization. Oops.

In India, the situation is even worse. Gates was pushing human trials of the HPV, Cervarix and Gardisil vaccines on remote tribal children there several years ago.

For those who don’t know, these vaccines are for a sexually transmitted disease that is 100% preventable if girls don’t have unprotected sex with hordes of strange men – yet many US states are pushing to make it mandatory for all girls.

In Andhra Pradesh, India, the authorities say five children died immediately after receiving a Gardasil shot and many more became violently ill. In another village, two children died, and hundreds were hospitalized after receiving the HPV vaccine.

California removed the option for parents to obtain a religious exemption from vaccinating their children, because tech oligarchs in Silicon Valley and wealthy elites in Hollywood were all refusing to vaccinate their kids.

It’s remarkable how religious they suddenly became when the state began mandating medical treatments for their own children, isn’t it?

CNN did a report on areas that were most likely to opt out of California’s vaccination schedule. The wealthiest, whitest neighborhoods in Santa Barbara, Silicon Valley and Orange County topped the list.

The American Journal of Public Health also found that kindergarten students in the most expensive private schools were twice as likely to have a vaccine exemption as their public-school counterparts.

Bill Gates and his friends among the wealthy elites refuse to submit their own children to the mandatory vaccinations they expect the rest of the world to submit to.

It seems like the media would be more interested in that story, given the amount of time reporters spend denouncing Jenny McCarthy as a tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist.

It also seems like Bill Gates and the elites know something about vaccines that the rest of us aren’t being told.



Photo Credit: Wikipedia – By World Economic Forum – originally posted to Flickr as Bill Gates – World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2008, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3782913

The depop lobby has cut off your last defense, vitamins and minerals

The supplements market has been taken over by a Dutch corporation that is fast becoming the new Monsanto



Header Photo credit: Image by moakets from Pixabay

The British Queen deals extensively in the $17 TRILLION Depleted Uranium Trade

The Royal Queen, who prays every year on television to her God who forbids murder? Who said in her last speech in 2017 “We think of our homes as places of warmth, familiarity and love…there is a timeless simplicity to the pull of home…” ? … does she ponder on the havoc, death & destruction that DU brings to homes? Very unlikely with $17 trillion involved. That is nothing short of blood money. See our recent articles on DU via categories.

From Namaste Publishing, 24 Feb  2014

By Christina Sarich

Many people are wondering what really caused Fukushima. While we can look into the geologic studies that were taken prior to the Daiichi event, outlining the active 200 meter fault line that Honshu Island rests right on top off, we are obliged as citizens to look even deeper, more so with the admission of an anonymous U.S. government nuclear official that radiation leaking from the plant just 100 meters away is “astronomical.”

Uranium can be mined for some medical purposes and to make electricity, but its main purpose was and is to fuel nuclear warfare against the world. Just six mines provide 85 percent of the world’s uranium and guess who owns the mineral rights to that land?

It may be surprising to realize it is none other than the Queen of England.

She is not alone in her fear-mongering. Our own government has helped to perpetrate warfare using this substance well before Fukushima. U.S. government officials still insist that the use of depleted uranium in missiles, shells, bullets and armor plating did not contribute to Gulf War Syndrome. And the Rand Corporation helped to promote that lie.

The truth of the matter is that the Queen is sitting on $17 trillion pounds of uranium investments—enough money to end world hunger, fuel the world’s energy needs with non-nuclear, clean sources and definitely stop the poverty in her own country. Draconian laws have been passed both in the U.K. and in the U.S. to protect nuclear energy.

n the U.S., we are subject to the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, which was put forth by nuclear energy companies and supported by theNuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy.

There is an extensive list of laws governed by regulatory and institutional agencies that uphold nuclear energy in the U.K. as well.

Since the presidency of George W. Bush and prior, utilizing United Nations weapons inspectors, we have engaged in the fleecing of Middle Eastern and African countries for their uranium deposits. Africa, specifically, has been raped by the warmongering Monarchy.

Nuclear radiation expert Jay M. Gould told the world the about the extent of this combative totalitarianism in his book, “The Enemy Within: the High Cost of Living Near Nuclear Reactors” that the British royal family, especially the Queen herself. She privately owns investments in uranium through Rio Tinto Zinc., the mining company, originally named Rio Tinto Mines. Ronald Walter Rowland, the Queen’s “buccaneer,”allegedly created this entity for the British Royal family in the late 1950s.

Furthermore, without the book “Royal Fortune,” which led to royal palace scrutiny, nobody would have known about the Queen’s Civil List “surplus.” The £35 million would have followed centuries of Civil List surpluses into the royals Swiss accounts. This is where she hid her uranium investments and the spoils of her ultranationalist, perhaps anti-human agenda….




The hypocrisy of the British Royals’ call for depopulation in the name of conservation

In a recent post citing NaturalNews’ article on Prince William’s call for urgent depopulation of Africa, William had expressed that:

“the population growth in Africa is putting a tremendous amount of pressure on the natural world and driving many species of animals to extinction.”

Not widely known however, is the fact that the Royal family are avid hunters of animals, including both Africa’s and their own, to an extraordinarily extent.


This article is from the mirror.uk

Prince Philip proudly poses with tiger he slaughtered 50 years before Cecil the Lion outrage

Prince Phillip and the Queen following a tiger hunt in 1961 Photo: Mirror

The Duke of Edinburgh also killed a crocodile and six mountain sheep on the three-day hunt in 1961 despite protests from British and Indian politicians

At the start of the 20th century India was home to 100,000 tigers, but numbers crashed in the years following independence in 1947.

Over the past 30 years Prince Philip has killed many kinds of animals.

Figures compiled from press reports by the anti-bloodsports lobby suggest that in Britain alone he has shot at least 30,000 pheasants.

He has also killed deer, rabbit, hare, wild duck, snipe, woodcock, teal, pigeon and partridge in the UK. Prince Philip used to shoot wild boar in Germany.

Dressed in a safari suit, the Duke of Edinburgh stands next to the 8ft tiger he shot on a three-day hunt.

The Queen looks rather less pleased with herself as she poses with the Maharajah of Jaipur, family and friends in Ranthambhore, India in 1961.

Prince Philip had gone ahead with the hunt, despite protests from British and Indian politicians.

The Duke also shot a crocodile and six mountain sheep on that trip.

At the start of the 20th century India was home to 100,000 tigers, but numbers crashed in the years following independence in 1947.

Over the past 30 years Prince Philip has killed many kinds of animals.

Figures compiled from press reports by the anti-bloodsports lobby suggest that in Britain alone he has shot at least 30,000 pheasants.

He has also killed deer, rabbit, hare, wild duck, snipe, woodcock, teal, pigeon and partridge in the UK. He and Prince Charles are said to have killed 50 in one day.




Prince William whose family owns one sixth of the planet argues for urgent depopulation efforts in Africa

Prince William recently warned that the population growth in Africa is putting a tremendous amount of pressure on the natural world and driving many species of animals to extinction…. naturalnews.com

Those with the largest land assets have hastened to the propaganda barricades to prove that there is hardly any land in the world at all …. Kevin Cahill

I really don’t think William’s mother Diana would be too pleased with his plug right now. He is clearly following obediently in the footsteps of his father and his grandfather who are also advocates of depopulation. Note however that culling of the population never includes themselves. I’m introducing here Mike Adam’s excellent exposé of what is going on in America with regard to depopulation, right under your noses. The African American population is being targeted (and has been for a long time) for depopulation. Many will know of course (who have not hitherto been believed) that indigenous people have been targeted from day dot literally. That meaning since the colonizer set foot and proceeded to rape & pillage the resources of the respective nations, erstwhile brandishing bibles and pronouncing peace and good will to all. Later brandishing treaties and the like in efforts to acquire most of the lands of the said peoples… by hook or by crook. Crook mostly. As we know they’ve been most successful at that (ironically for the ‘civilization’ cause of course) …. what’s lesser known is their genocidal/depop efforts back then. If you’ve read the true histories you’ll know this. The poisonings for instance of Australian Aboriginal people, hunting with guns and cruel man traps, poisoning in NZ of non-sellers (sugar and flour policy), many many more of outright brutal wholesale slaughter, witness the atrocious genocides in the Americas. Not room here to cover all that, there is just so much & I will leave it for another post, but with this item about Prince William, whose great great grandmother was instrumental in claiming for his family enough of the planet that they boasted the sun ne’er set on it, I think it’s a bit rich for him to be calling for Africa’s depopulation. I’m reminded also in this of the late Russell Means’ interview, ‘Welcome to the Reservation’. So now we are all being culled yet indigenous people have endured culling for hundreds of years. This is truly shocking and still most don’t know about it because our history books lied by way of omission.

So also we are currently being lied to about the amount of land available on the planet to sustain all of human and animal life because it suits the agenda well. Enter here the research of Kevin Cahill who looked at the actual ownership of lands planet wide. It hadn’t been done before, surprizingly he says.

“…land is not scarce. In fact there are 33,558,400,010 acres of land on earth, and only 6,600 million people to occupy those acres…”

So why is a totally unrelated member of British ‘Royalty’ assuming speaker rights for the conservation of Africa under the banner of ‘no room for us all’? And advocating the culling of that nation’s people? This subtle and constant dig at overpopulation in Africa as being the cause of hunger and all manner of problems is merely a cover up for all that’s gone before. Most folk balk at that information and won’t believe it because of what we’ve been led to believe by mainstream media … but the information is all there if they care to read it. For starters read Susan George’s exposé on why there is hunger in Africa and other so called ‘underdeveloped’ nations, titled ‘How the Other Half Dies’ (download at our resources page). It exposes the modus operandi of greedy agribiz corporations. Then read the late Walter Rodney’s ‘How Europe Underdeveloped Africa’ (also available at resources). And after that, Kevin Cahill’s ‘Who Owns the World: The Surprising Truth About Every Piece of Land on the Planet’ – you’ll learn some surprising facts about land ownership from the latter. Cahill can also be found on Youtube. He uncovers from his research, the fact that our human population is relatively landless and has been throughout history. A very small elite owns most of the land.

“…the ethical question arising from the history of land ownership is simple” says Cahill: “Why did the planetary population put up with a continuous crime, a crime committed mainly by the ethical leadership of the planet in the form of sovereigns and their supporting priesthoods? The leadership preached morals and good conduct, while engaging in the basest of greed and misconduct, a greed for land that regularly killed thousands, hundreds of thousands, and in many cases, millions. Hypocrisy is bad enough of itself. In relation to ethics and land, it has proved continuously lethal to the race throughout history … the issue of land ownership is almost universally the subject of deceit by those in authority and those behind it … ”

Further he nails it by saying …

“The core greed of sovereigns – now replaced by states … [operating on the same principle] – has, through the misuse of land and the resources that go with the land, put the future of the planetary population at risk. The ecological and environmental leadership never properly address, indeed never address, the issue of land ownership & its role in conservation. To do so they would have to address their masters in governments and ruling establishments and profoundly disturb them – something they will never do.”

Who owns all the land has been kept fairly under wraps. Cahill found in researching that the Queen of England owns one sixth of the planet. And if you’ve a mind to research this, do, because how it is held and the law around that is very interesting indeed & more than I can describe in this short article. Just read the book, it’s an eye opener. My point here is to introduce you to the concept that what we’ve been led to believe for years is not factual. The last quote there from Cahill about why the use of land’s not been addressed properly is important. The author tells us that land is not scarce. In fact there are 33,558,400,010 acres of land on earth, and only 6,600 million people to occupy those acres (as at 2010). (This excludes Antarctica, not added into the land mass tally). So, there are 5.2 acres of land available to every man, woman and child on the earth. If you are rich says Cahill, this acreage will seem minuscule, but if you are among the 85% of the earth’s population who own no land at all, it will seem like a dream. Others who have crunched the numbers tell us the entire world’s population could fit into the state of Texas. Or NZ.

So as per this article from naturalnews.com you will learn more of the history behind this carry on. They are currently in the business of depopulation, as William is urging, and blatantly targeting blacks. The background history of this phenomenon is eugenics and the story is not pretty. All on the video.



Photo Credit: Wikipedia


Links between Glyphosate and a Multitude of Cancers that are “Reaching Epidemic Proportions” – plus other Monsanto/GMO/Glyphosate Updates

Links between Glyphosate and a Multitude of Cancers that are “Reaching Epidemic Proportions”

(globalresearch.com) The original sanctioning and testing of glyphosate for commercial use was seriously flawed: for example, see thisthisthis, and this which highlight the non-transparent, secretive and seriously compromised processes that smack of regulatory delinquency at best and outright fraud at worst in order to protect and benefit the interests of rich agribusiness.
Read more: http://www.globalresearch.ca/links-between-glyphosate-and-a-multitude-of-cancers-that-are-reaching-epidemic-proportions/5486711


Greenpeace: Chinese Farmers Are Illegally Growing GMO Corn

(ecowatch.com) A Greenpeace East Asia investigation into corn production in Liaoning Province, one of China’s major breadbaskets, has found that 93 percent of random field samples and 20 of 21 samples from grain markets and supermarkets in the area tested positive for illegal genetically engineered (GE) contamination.
Read More: http://ecowatch.com/2016/01/06/china-illegal-gmo-corn/?utm_source=EcoWatch+List&utm_campaign=9b3f65e5cf-Top_News_1_7_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_49c7d43dc9-9b3f65e5cf-86010973


Venezuela Bans GMO Crops, Passes One of World’s Most Progressive Seed Laws

(ecowatch.com) Venezuela approved a new law on Dec. 23, 2015, that imposes one of the world’s toughest regulations on genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

The anti-GMO and anti-patenting seed law was approved by the National Assembly of Venezuela in its final session. Today, the new opposition coalition—the Roundtable of Democratic Unity—will take over.
Read More: http://ecowatch.com/2016/01/05/venezuela-bans-gmos/?utm_source=EcoWatch+List&utm_campaign=102862baf1-Top_News_1_10_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_49c7d43dc9-102862baf1-86010973


Monsanto and Gates Foundation Pressure Kenya to Lift Ban on GMOs

(ecowatch.com) Kenya is on the verge of reversing its ban on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The East African country—which has banned the import and planting of GMOs since 2012 due to health concerns—may soon allow the cultivation of GMO maize and cotton after being pushed for approval by pro-GMO organizations including Monsanto, the agribusiness giant and world’s largest seed company.



Monsanto Scraps $90 Million GM Corn Facility Plans Due to Declining Profits

(naturalsociety.com) After the recent press release from Monsanto announcing that the company will cut about 3600 jobs globally, more news of the biotech company’s failure rises to the surface.

Plans to construct a $90 million GM corn processing plant in Independence, Iowa have reportedly been scrapped due to a ‘struggling farm economy.’ [1]
Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/monsanto-scrap-90-million-gm-corn-production-facility-67305/#ixzz3yDWf2KmK


Greenpeace Finds Illegal GMO Corn Crops in China

(naturalsociety.com) Greenpeace said in a report released last Wednesday that farmers in northeast China are illegally growing genetically modified corn. [1]

The environmental group led an 8-month investigation last year into what it describes as large-scale production of GMO corn in the northeastern province of Liaoning, a major breadbasket region. GMO strains of corn were found in 93% of field tests and in 20 of 21 samples from grain markets and supermarkets.
Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/illegal-gmo-corn-crops-china-greenpeace-67328/#ixzz3yE3ZzcOr
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Taiwan Bans GMOs in Schools, Mandates Strict Label Laws

(ecowatch.com) Another country is taking action on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Taiwan has banned schools across the nation from serving GMOs to students, citing health and safety concerns.

On Dec. 14, 2015, Taiwanese legislature passed amendments to the School Health Act to stamp out raw genetically modified ingredients as well as processed food containing GMOs.
Read More: http://ecowatch.com/2016/01/13/taiwan-ban-gmos-schools/?utm_source=EcoWatch+List&utm_campaign=c31898d992-Top_News_1_13_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_49c7d43dc9-c31898d992-86010973

Brazil Slaps Nestle, Pepsi, and Others for Hiding GMO Ingredients

(naturalsociety.com) Six major food manufacturers – including Nestle, PepsiCo, and Mexican baking company Grupo Bimbo – have been slapped with fines by the Brazilian Ministry of Justice, which alleges the companies failed to include labels indicating the use of genetically modified ingredients.

The fines range from $277,400 to just over $1 million, for an estimated total of $3 million.
Read more:http://naturalsociety.com/brazil-fine-nestle-pepsi-hiding-gmo-ingredients/#ixzz3yE4vylk9


Huge: Berkeley, CA Joins in Suing Monsanto for Toxic PCB Chemical Pollution

Through a unanimous vote by its City Council, the city of Berkeley, California has decided to hold Monsanto legally liable for polluting the land and water with PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). [1]The council’s 6-0 vote means that Berkeley is joining Oakland, San Jose, San Diego and Spokane, Washington, in filing suits against Monsanto, the agricultural biotech company based in St. Louis, Missouri.
Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/berkeley-ca-suing-monsanto-toxic-pcb-chemical-pollution-30/#ixzz3yE5YGlGw







U.S. Government Planned To “Retaliate & Cause Pain” On Countries Refusing GMOs – Wikileaks



(Collective-Evolution) “Studies that link Genetically Modified (GM) food to multiple human health ailments are not the only thing that has millions of people questioning the production of GM food. There is fact that previously classified secret government documents exist which show how the Bush administration developed ways to retaliate against countries that were refusing to use GM seeds, for example. If information about our food needs to be concealed from the public domain, then something has gone seriously wrong with the food industry. It’s great to have an organization like WikiLeaks shed some light into the world that’s been hidden from us for so many years…”

Targeting Certain Countries

“The cables reveal that the State Department was lobbying all over the world for Monsanto and other major biotech corporations. They reveal that American diplomats requested funding to send lobbyists for the biotech industry to meet with politicians and agricultural officials in “target countries.” These included countries in Africa, Latin America, and Europe…”

“This is just one example that clearly shows how giant corporations pretty much dictate government policy. These food corporations are responsible for forcing independent agriculturists to go out of business. They control the world’s seed supply, forcing farmers to become dependent on their seed. Monsanto and corporations like it have created patented GMO seeds and are preventing farmers from seed saving and sharing, resulting in a dependence on their genetically modified product…”

– See more at: http://realitieswatch.com/wikileaks-cables-reveal-u-s-government-planned-to-retaliate-cause-pain-on-countries-refusing-gmos/#sthash.gZzC0NGt.dpuf


See our Corporations page for more on how corporations operate. Watch ‘The Corporation’, on that page, for the finer detail of their workings. You’ll be surprized at the far reach of their persuasion & the lengths they go to to maintain control. This is why we need to oppose the TPPA (protest coming up on 14th November). Corporations are about profits and they will guard those to the death almost. They use well paid lawyers in their large armoury of tactics. GMOs are being resisted world wide now that more of the truth is out. Research GMOs for yourself if you’re not up to speed with them. Much of our food, particularly soy and corn is already GM, and it isn’t labeled. It has never been proven safe and there is much data now to cause you to want to refrain.


How to Cut Your Water Bill in Half Irrigating With Ollas – for the Gardeners

From realfarmacy.com …

watering-can-326617_1280For those who are growing their food here is a great idea that draws from ancient cultures, originating in Northern Africa. This serves to conserve water and is very simply demonstrated here with two videos. Follow the links for how to make your own olla from two terracotta pots. Note in the comments below the article, someone there uses plastic bottles with holes in sides and bottom  … you’ll get it when you read the articles.

Here is the first video and links following:



How to make an olla: http://mouthfromthesouth.com/how-to-make-an-olla/

Happy gardening. In NZ’s neck of the global woods, Spring is here & being a little colder where I live, nevertheless folks are getting ready for Summer gardens.


How the West Systematically Underdevelops Poor Countries

This five minute broadcast is an eye opener … from Dr Michael Parenti, one of my favourite authors/lecturers/activists. The beginning of my journey into discovering the many lies perpetrated on the West by the powers that be was Walter Rodney’s ‘How Europe Underdeveloped Africa’. The latter is a well documented treatise on how that rich continent, Africa, has been milked from the days of Cecil Rhodes onwards … Rhodes was that decorated gentleman and son of the British Empire who dreamed that white people would rule the world and said quite unashamedly:

download“We must find new lands from which we can easily obtain raw materials and at the same time exploit the cheap slave labour that is available from the natives of the colonies. The colonies would also provide a dumping ground for the surplus goods produced in our factories”

The big lie they used to cover their exploitative activity was that they came to benevolently share the fruits of civilization. This was sheer humbug and were it so the recipients would now be prosperous. Instead they feature highest in all the negative stats of their respective countries. The latter is explained away by shifting the blame onto the recipients (eg. ‘they’re lazy) … an easy feat since perpetrators own the media. Listen to Parenti encapsulate it in a nutshell how this process continues on today:

Featured header image courtesy of Miles Pfefferle