Tag Archives: EPA

The Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen: The Most & Least Pesticide-Contaminated Fruits and Vegetables

From foodrevolution.org


Organic fruits and vegetables cost more than conventional ones — sometimes a lot more. But if you want to avoid pesticide exposure, is it always necessary to choose organic? Or are some conventional fruits and veggies less contaminated? In this article, we go in depth into the Environmental Working Group’s US-based report on the 12 dirtiest and 15 “cleanest” items of produce, to help you make smart decisions to protect yourself and your loved ones from harmful pesticides.

The agricultural industry is addicted to pesticides, and the entire world is paying the price. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that global pesticide use in 2012 amounted to approximately six billion pounds. Unfortunately, they haven’t published a report since then, but the number likely hasn’t improved and may have gotten worse.

While the term “pesticide” implies that these chemicals target and kill “pests,” a better name would be “biocides” (destroyers of life) because they do a lot more than poison pests.

Pesticides poison insects and pollinators; contaminate soil, water, and air; and can cause harm to farmworkers, agricultural communities, and people who eat produce sprayed with pesticides.

[Read More: Pesticides in Food: What You Should Know and Why it Matters

How common is it for US produce to have pesticide contamination? “Nearly 75% of nonorganic fresh produce sold in the US contains residues of potentially harmful pesticides,” according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG).

In this article, we’re going to review the most and least pesticide-contaminated produce, so you can make more informed fruit and vegetable purchases.


Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA: Alleged Corruption, Shocking Under Oath Federal Statements

Thanks flyingcuttlefish for this link:

From zerohedge.com

Authored by Christy Prais via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

In this series, we explore the contentious findings surrounding fluoridation of the U.S. public water supply and answer the question of whether water fluoridation poses a risk and what we should do about it.

Previously: A confounding factor in the fluoride debate is the arsenic that contaminates the industrial sources of fluoride added to public water systems.

A groundbreaking federal lawsuit could ban fluoride from drinking water, overturning a decades-long program aimed at preventing cavities that has been challenged by mounting evidence of harm.

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Toxic Substances Control Act in 2017, and it appears to be nearing its conclusion. Under the act, citizens can challenge the EPA in court when the agency rejects a petition to ban or regulate a toxic substance. The FAN’s suit is the first in the 44-year history of the act to actually get to trial.

The lawsuit has included pointed testimony from leading experts on environmental toxins and admissions from both EPA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials that fluoride could be linked to specific harms. The lawsuit has also revealed government interference in crucial scientific findings.



Photo: pixabay.com

The serious health dangers of EMF

Siim Land Interviews Dr. Mercola About ‘EMF*D’

Note: Due to censorship of Dr Mercola’s articles he archives them to paid sub soon after publishing. I’ve therefore published this in its entirety however you may find the source link will no longer work. EWR

Story at-a-glance

  • Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) cause massive mitochondrial dysfunction, thus raising the risk for, and worsening, chronic and degenerative diseases
  • A perfect storm of DNA and cellular protein and membrane destruction is created when you aren’t burning fat for fuel (which creates excess superoxide) and then get exposed to EMFs
  • By creating doubt and controversy, the wireless industry effectively prevents the public from knowing the truth and demanding safer products. Another wireless industry strategy that prevents the problem from becoming public knowledge is the capturing of our federal regulatory agencies
  • Elon Musk’s Starlink project, which was slated to deploy up to 42,000 satellites into orbit around the earth, will blanket the entire planet with 5G internet frequencies. You won’t be able to escape it
  • Based on the studies already done on previous generations of wireless, we know it’s harmful, and 5G is only going to make matters worse, as it will dramatically increase our exposures

I was recently interviewed by Siim Land about my new book, “EMF*D,” described by Siim as “the most comprehensive guide … to everything you need to know about EMF.”

In it, I explain what electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are, the different types of EMFs you’re exposed to, the harms associated with exposure, the concerns surrounding 5G and, ultimately, how to protect yourself and limit your exposure.

As I explain in the interview, the thing that catalyzed me to write “EMF*D” was my deep appreciation of the impact of mitochondrial function in health and disease. Once I realized how EMFs impact mitochondrial function — because it’s very clear that EMF causes massive mitochondrial dysfunction — the danger our wireless society poses became very clear to me.

I also read a study1 stressing the importance of mitochondrial numbers for improving senescent cells — cells that are, in a manner of speaking, “senile” and have stopped reproducing properly. Instead, senescent cells produce inflammation, contributing to old age and, ultimately, death.

The fewer mitochondria you have, and the more dysfunctional they are, the faster you’ll age and the more prone you’ll be to chronic degenerative disease. By inducing mitochondrial dysfunction, our wireless world may well be driving us all into an early grave.

Cellphone Industry Hides Truth by Manufacturing Doubt

Considering the research data now available, you’d think everyone would understand and accept the fact that EMF is a serious health danger, yet many are still completely in the dark. With “EMF*D,” I hope to help more people understand this biological threat.

In 2011, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radiofrequency EMFs as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”2 Then, in 2018, the U.S. National Toxicology Program published two lifetime exposure studies conclusively showing cellphone exposure causes cancer.

The NTP’s findings were also duplicated by the Italian Ramazzini Institute just a couple of months later. In the wake of these studies, Fiorella Belpoggi, principal investigator and director of the Ramazzini Institute, urged the IARC to upgrade RF-EMF to “probably carcinogenic” or higher.3

Now, just like smoking cigarettes, EMF exposure takes decades before its effects become evident (and even then, the health problem might not be directly linkable to EMF exposure), and this is a significant part of the problem as it allows the telecom industry to — just like the tobacco industry before it — whitewash concerns, manipulate research and prevent proper safety studies from being done.

There’s no doubt cellphone manufacturers are aware that EMFs from cellphones contribute to health problems, though. The evidence has been published for decades, and new research is constantly being added.

However, by downplaying positive findings and saying that findings of harm are inconclusive — in other words, by creating doubt and controversy — they effectively prevent the public from knowing the truth and demanding safer products.

Wireless Industry Is Even Worse Than the Tobacco Industry

Another wireless industry strategy that prevents the problem from becoming public knowledge is the capturing of our federal regulatory agencies, which the tobacco industry wasn’t even capable of.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Surgeon General and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention all warned people about smoking, yet the tobacco industry continued successfully selling cigarettes for another 20 or 30 years. The wireless industry, on the other hand, has captured the federal regulatory agencies, which prevents those warnings from being issued in the first place.

For example, the chief lobbyist for the wireless industry, Tom Wheeler, was appointed by President Obama to be the head of the Federal Communications Commission, which is a most egregious example of the fox guarding the hen house. Not surprisingly, then, in December 2019 the FCC announced they’re going to fund rural 5G deployment to the tune of $9 billion!4

The telecom industry has engaged in a vast and illegal fraud where, for decades, basic telephone rate payers — wire line customers — have funded the deployment of wireless in general, and now 5G in particular, through their phone bills.

This illegal redirection of funds amounts to about $1 trillion over the past 15 years, and without this money, 5G would not have been possible in the first place. Were the wireless industry forced to pay its fair share of infrastructure costs, 5G simply wouldn’t be economically feasible as a consumer product.

What’s so Great About 5G?

What exactly is 5G and why do some people want it? In short, it’s all about improving speed. Compared to 4G, 5G is 100 times faster. On a side note, you can determine what your bandwidth is by pulling up fast.com on your cellphone’s browser. If you’re on 4G, your bandwidth is probably not going to exceed 10 megabytes per second (mb/s). If you’re on 5G, it’s going to be between 500 and 800 mb/s.

So, the primary benefit of 5G is noticeably faster speed. The vast majority of people simply don’t need this kind of bandwidth, but it has great applications for commercial uses such as self-driving cars.

The problem is, 5G may end up making the earth uninhabitable for many who are already struggling with electrosensitivity, and the countless others for whom 5G may prove to be the thing that tips them over the edge into electrohypersensitivity syndrome.

Elon Musk’s Starlink project, which was slated to deploy up to 42,000 satellites into low earth orbit, will blanket the entire planet with 5G internet. You won’t be able to escape it, no matter how far into the wilderness you go.

5G Is a Prescription for Biological Disaster

Then there are the long-term dangers of 5G, which we still do not have a complete picture of. There has not been a single safety study done on 5G. Studies using 2G, 3G and 4G, however, including the NTP and Ramazzini studies, clearly show there’s cause for concern.

5G is more complex, as it uses a variety of frequencies, which makes it a potentially greater threat. The frequency of 4G is typically around 2 to 5 gigahertz (GHz), while 5G will be around 20 to 30 GHz, initially.

Eventually, it may go as high as 80 GHz, which will cause problems for people trying to remediate exposures because there are currently no inexpensive meters that can measure frequencies that high.

Based on the studies already done on previous generations of wireless, we know it’s harmful, and 5G is only going to make matters worse, as it will dramatically increase our exposures. 5G requires what essentially amounts to a mini cellphone tower outside every fifth or sixth house on every block.

We also have studies showing the impact of millimeter waves, which is what 5G is using, on insects, animals and plants, and those hazards are well-documented. So, it doesn’t just pose a problem for human health, but for the ecosystem as a whole.

Martin Pall, Ph.D., wrote an excellent paper explaining how EMFs affect your voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs) — channels in the outer plasma membrane of your cells. Each VGCC has a voltage sensor, a structure that detects electrical changes across the plasma membrane and opens the channel. EMFs work through the voltage sensor to activate the channel and radically increase intracellular calcium levels into dangerous ranges.

Similar channels are found in most biological life, including animals, insects, plants and trees. So, flooding the planet with these frequencies will undoubtedly have serious biological consequences across the ecosystem. As such, it’s an existential threat to humanity.

One biological consequence is arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat). Other potential consequences include autism and Alzheimer’s. Heart and neurological problems top the list because your heart and brain have the greatest density of VGCCs. Men’s testes also have a very high density of VGCCs and, indeed, we have evidence showing EMFs increase men’s risk of infertility.

Everything points to these frequencies being a prescription for biological disaster, and between skyrocketing autism, Alzheimer’s and infertility rates, how can a society be sustained? It can’t. It will be extinguished.

We Don’t Need Wireless 5G

In reality, we can still get the bandwidth of 5G without 5G wireless. The alternative would be to deploy fiber optic cable. It’s faster, safer and less expensive.

Unfortunately, the money originally set aside to implement nationwide fiber optics was rerouted and illegally used to build the wireless infrastructure instead. This is why a group called The Irregulators5 are now suing the FCC to put a stop to the illegal subsidy to the wireless industry.

Wireline customers paid for an upgrade to fast and safe fiber optic wiring across the nation, but now we’re getting harmful 5G wireless instead. This lawsuit has the potential to alter the telecommunications industry from the ground up, and may be the “weapon” we need to halt to the 5G rollout in the U.S.

The Importance of EMF Avoidance to Protect Your NAD+ Level

Along with practical remediation strategies, “EMF*D” also covers things you can do to protect yourself on a biochemical level. A perfect storm of DNA and cellular protein and membrane destruction is created when you aren’t burning fat for fuel (which creates excess superoxide) and then get exposed to EMFs.

This causes a radical increase in nitric oxide release that nearly instantaneously combines with superoxide to create enormous levels of peroxynitrate, which triggers a cascade of destructive events to your cellular and mitochondrial DNA, membranes and proteins.

Although all biologic damage is of concern, it is the DNA strand breaks that are most concerning as they will lead to a radical increase in inflammation and virtually all degenerative diseases.

The good news is your body has the ability to repair this damaged DNA with a family of enzymes called poly ADP ribose polymerase or PARP It is a very effective repair system and works wonderfully to repair the damage as long as it has enough fuel in the form of NAD+.

The bad news is many of us are running low on this fuel. When excess peroxynitrate activates PARP to repair the DNA damage, it consumes NAD+, and if you run out, you can’t repair the damage. This appears to be a central cause for most of the diseases we now see in the modern world.

Optimizing your NAD+ levels may be the single most important strategy for improving your mitochondrial health. The first step is to reduce NAD+ consumption by the correct diet (low in processed foods and net carbohydrates and higher in healthy fats), along with EMF avoidance, as recent research shows NAD+ levels dramatically drop when exposed to EMFs.

Time restricted eating is also very helpful, as is exercise, both of which are powerful, inexpensive and safe ways to boost your NAD+ level.

Helpful Strategies to Limit EMF Damage

In “EMF*D” I also cover the Nrf2 pathway and the importance of minerals such as magnesium to limit the biological damage caused by EMFs. As explained in this interview, upregulating your Nrf2 pathway activates genes that have powerful antioxidant effects, thus helping protect against EMF damage, while magnesium — which is a natural calcium channel blocker — helps reduce the effects of EMF on your VGCCs.

On a side note, molecular hydrogen tablets are an excellent source of ionic elemental magnesium. Each tablet provides about 80 milligrams of ionic elemental magnesium.

Addressing EMF Pollution — A 21st Century Health Imperative

There’s no doubt in my mind that EMF exposure is an important lifestyle component that needs to be addressed if you’re concerned about your health, which is why I spent three years writing “EMF*D.”

My aim was to create a comprehensive and informative guide, detailing not only the risks, but also what you can do to mitigate unavoidable exposures. If you know or suspect you might already be developing a sensitivity to EMFs (full-blown hypersensitivity can often strike seemingly overnight), mitigating your exposures will be particularly paramount.

Many sufferers become obsessed with finding solutions, as the effects can be severely crippling. My book can be a valuable resource in your quest for relief.

The EMF Experts website6 also lists EMF groups worldwide, to which you can turn with questions, concerns and support. Should you need help remediating your home, consider hiring a trained building biologist to get it done right.

Brian Hoyer, a leading EMF expert7 and a primary consultant for “EMF*D” also has a company called Shielded Healing that can provide a thorough analysis of the EMF exposure in your home, and help you devise a remediation plan.


Secret “Paraquat Papers” Reveal Corporate Tactics to Protect Weed Killer Linked to Parkinson’s Disease

The poisoners are still at it … corporations rule … EWR

From The New Lede
Posted at Sustainable Pulse

For decades, Swiss chemical giant Syngenta has manufactured and marketed a widely used weed killing chemical called paraquat, and for much of that time the company has been dealing with external concerns that long-term exposure to the chemical may cause the dreaded, incurable brain ailment known as Parkinson’s disease.

Syngenta has repeatedly told customers and regulators that scientific research does not prove a connection between its weed killer and the disease, insisting that the chemical does not readily cross the blood-brain barrier, and does not affect brain cells in ways that cause Parkinson’s.

But a cache of internal corporate documents dating back to the 1950s obtained by The New Lede in a reporting collaboration with the Guardian suggests that the public narrative put forward by Syngenta and the corporate entities that preceded it has at times contradicted the company’s own research and knowledge.

And though the documents reviewed do not show that Syngenta’s scientists and executives believed that paraquat can cause Parkinson’s, they do show a corporate focus on strategies to protect product sales, refute external scientific research and influence regulators.

In one defensive tactic, the documents lay out how the company worked behind the scenes to try to keep a highly regarded scientist from sitting on an advisory panel for the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The agency is the chief US regulator for paraquat and other pesticides. Company officials wanted to make sure the efforts could not be traced back to Syngenta, the documents show.

And the documents show that insiders feared they could face legal liability for long-term, chronic effects of paraquat as long ago as 1975. One company scientist called the situation “a quite terrible problem,” for which “some plan could be made….”

That prediction of legal consequences has come to pass. Thousands of people who allege they developed Parkinson’s because of long-term chronic effects of paraquat exposure are now suing Syngenta. Along with Syngenta, they are also suing Chevron USA, the successor to a company that distributed paraquat in the US  from 1966 to 1986. Both companies deny any liability and continue to maintain that scientific evidence does not support a causal link between paraquat and Parkinson’s disease.

“Recent thorough reviews performed by the most advanced and science-based regulatory authorities, including the United States and Australia, continue to support the view that paraquat is safe,” Syngenta said in a statement.

Chevron issued a statement saying that the company and predecessors had no role in causing the plaintiffs’ illnesses, and it “will vigorously defend against the allegations in the lawsuits.”

As part of a court-ordered disclosure in the litigation, the companies provided plaintiffs’ lawyers with decades of internal records, including hand-written and typed memos, internal presentations, and emails to and from scientists, lawyers and company officials around the world. And though the files have not yet been made public through the court system, The New Lede and the Guardian reviewed hundreds of pages of these documents.

Among the revelations from the documents: Scientists with Syngenta predecessor Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. (ICI) and Chevron Chemical were aware in the 1960s and 70s of mounting evidence showing paraquat could accumulate in the human brain.

Read More Here

Photo: sustainablepulse.com

Glyphosate Crosses Blood-Brain Barrier and Exposure Correlates with Alzheimer’s Symptoms – New Study

by Sustainable Pulse

In a new study, Arizona State University (ASU) and the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGEN) have explored the effects of glyphosate exposure on the brains of mice. The research demonstrates, for the first time, that glyphosate successfully crosses the blood-brain barrier and infiltrates the brain. Once there, it acts to enhance levels of a critical factor known as TNF-α.

TNF-α is a molecule with two faces. This pro-inflammatory cytokine performs vital functions in the neuroimmune system, acting to enhance the immune response and protect the brain. When levels of TNF-α are dysregulated, however, a host of diseases linked with neuroinflammation can result. Among these is Alzheimer’s disease.

Neurodegenerative illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s disease, are among the most perplexing in medical science. The underlying causes of such diseases range from genetic factors and overall cardiovascular health to dietary influences and lifestyle choices. Various environmental contaminants have also been implicated as possible players in the development or advancement of neurodegenerative disease. Among these is a broad-spectrum herbicide known as glyphosate. Glyphosate is the most used pesticide in the world.

This latest study further demonstrates in cell culture studies that glyphosate exposure appears to increase the production of soluble beta amyloid (Aβ) and reduce the viability of neurons. The accumulation of soluble beta amyloid, the sticky protein responsible for the formation of soluble beta amyloid plaques, is one of the central diagnostic hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease.

Further evidence suggestive of potential hazards to neurological health were observed when the researchers examined changes in gene expression via RNA sequencing in the brains of mice following glyphosate exposure.

Glyphosate Box

Glyphosate Residue Free Certification for Food Brands – Click Here

Test Your Food and Water at Home for Glyphosate – Click Here

Test Your Hair for Glyphosate and other Pesticides – Click Here to Find Our Your Long-Term Exposure

These RNA transcripts hinted at disruptions in the expression of genes related to neurodegenerative disease, including dysregulation of a class of brain cells responsible for producing the myelin sheath critical for proper neuronal communication. These cells, known as oligodendrocytes, are affected by elevated levels of TNF-α.

“We find increases in TNF-α in the brain, following glyphosate exposure,” said Dr. Ramon Velazquez, the senior author of the paper. “While we examined (Alzheimer’s disease) pathology, this might have implications for many neurodegenerative diseases, given that neuroinflammation is seen in a variety of brain disorders.”

An enigmatic disease; a path of destruction

A hundred years have passed since the first diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Despite vast investments in research and drug development, the affliction remains without effective treatment. A suite of therapies, developed over many decades at extravagant cost, have one by one failed to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. The progression of the disease usually begins with mild memory loss. As the disease develops, increasing confusion and a breakdown in communication abilities often result, as the affliction attacks brain pathways involved in memory, language and thought.

Some 5.8 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease, as of 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Unlike heart disease or cancer, the death toll for Alzheimer’s disease is on a frightening upward trajectory. By 2040, costs of the disease are projected to rise dramatically to between $379 billion and more than $500 billion annually. The staggering toll of the illness is currently projected to nearly triple to 14 million people by 2050.

The onset of symptoms typically occurs after age 60, and the risk to individuals doubles every five years after age 65. Although genetics are believed to play a role in some cases of Alzheimer’s disease and a family history of the disorder is considered a significant risk factor, environmental factors are believed to play a significant role in the disease.

Researchers are trying to learn how genetic correlates may subtly interact with environmental and other factors to decrease or enhance the likelihood of developing the affliction. Some recent research suggests that lifestyle changes, including proper physical activity, nutritious food, limited alcohol consumption and not smoking may help prevent or slow cognitive decline, noting that brain and cardiovascular health are closely linked.

Glyphosate toxic effects

This new study examines the neurological effects of glyphosate, the most ubiquitous herbicide. Each year, around 250 million pounds of glyphosate are applied to agricultural crops in the U.S. alone. Although the chemical is regarded as generally safe to humans by the Environmental Protection Agency and the European Food Safety Authority, researchers are taking a second look.

Little is known about possible long-term effects from prolonged exposure to glyphosate. One issue of considerable concern is that glyphosate can cross the blood-brain barrier, a layer of endothelial cells preventing dissolved substances in the circulating bloodstream from readily passing into the extracellular fluid of the central nervous system, where the brain’s neurons reside.

Potential risks to brain health posed by glyphosate should be critically evaluated, particularly for those consistently exposed to the herbicide.

“The Alzheimer’s connection is that there’s a much higher prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in agricultural communities that are using this chemical,” paper co-author Joanna Winstone said. “We’re trying to establish a more molecular-science based link between the two.”

The study exposed mice to high doses of glyphosate, then detected elevated levels of TNF-α in their brains. The researchers then exposed extracted mouse neurons in petri dishes to the same levels of glyphosate detected in the brains of mice, observing elevated amyloid beta and cell death in cortical neurons. Dysregulated oligodendrocyte RNA transcripts, which could indicate disruption of myelination, were detected in brain tissue.

Taken together, the results demonstrate a correlation between glyphosate exposure and classic symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, though the authors stress that much more work will be required before a causative link can be established.

Nevertheless, the widespread use of the chemical and the disturbing correlation highlighted in the study underscore the need for intensified investigation. Among the pressing questions to be answered: How does prolonged, low-dose exposure to glyphosate affect the brain; does glyphosate act synergistically with other chemicals present in common herbicides; and can glyphosate be detected post-mortem in patients who died of Alzheimer’s disease?

On the horizon, new drugs designed to reduce TNF-α in the brain are being explored, offering renewed hope for those with Alzheimer’s disease as well as other neurodegenerative ailments.



Photo: pixabay.com

There Are Nearly 1,000 Chemicals in Our Food That Have Never Been Tested for Safety

Why the FDA and the EPA aren’t set up to protect us from contaminants in the food we eat.

In July 2017, The New York Times ran a story titled The Chemicals in Your Mac and Cheese. Researchers, the article explained, had found plasticizers—known as phthalates—in the popular kids’ food. Fewer than two weeks later, the Times reported that traces of the herbicide glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, had been found in Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Several people asked me: Should we be worried? My answer: Yes, we should, but not just because researchers found plasticizers (which are chemicals that make plastics more durable) in our mac and cheese or herbicide in our ice cream. We should be worried because these kinds of environmental chemical contaminants are literally everywhere, in nearly all our foods. We know they exist in these two foods because researchers specifically looked for them. Roughly 9,000 environmental chemicals on the market end up in our foods, including food additives, colorings, flavorings, pesticides, and food-packaging chemicals. Even though they are ever-present in our environment and our bodies, many are never thoroughly tested for safety—and some are never tested at all.



Photo: envirowatchrangitikei

Probe into eight 1080 Waikato cattle deaths in 2018 points to DOC breach

From rnz.co.nz

An investigation in an aerial drop of 1080 that killed eight cattle in the King Country in September 2018 has found that the Department of Conservation breached one of its operating procedures.

The DOC pest control operation was conducted over the 1400ha Mapara Wildlife Reserve, 35km southeast of Te Kuiti.

The livestock got into the area via an insecure fence – something the farm owners dispute – and ate the poison.

The inquiry by the Environmental Protection Authority found that DOC did not advise the cattle’s owners, Mark and Paula Stone, of a decision to exclude a pocket of bush that they had given consent to include in the operation.

The EPA said however that the breach wasn’t a factor in the cattle deaths.

The Stones’ property borders onto the DOC land.

The EPA is recommending a better consultation process for 1080 drops, including providing more clarity for operators and landowners and better mapping.

It wants DOC to provide better information about how 1080 behaves once spread in terms of bioaccumulation and biodegradation.

The EPA also wants improvements to information, particularly for farmers, regarding withholding-periods, caution periods, before cattle are allowed back.

In September 2019, the Stones were critical of the delay the investigation was taking and said they were thinking about taking legal action.

In the months before the 1080 operation, DOC gained permission from the Stones to extend its operation onto 65ha if bush on their land.

Two months after the incident, the EPA decided it was appropriate to independently investigate.



Poisoned cow investigation a whitewash says lawyer

Video from the GrafBoys YT channel. It questions the independence of the investigation following the poisoning of 8 cows during a 1080 drop in 2018. Intriguing information you likely weren’t aware of about the various players involved.

20.6K subscribers

8 cows were poisoned, and an independent investigation was initiated. But can there be independence with 1080 poison investigations in New Zealand?

The other never mentioned cause of insect die off

Chemtrail Artifacts: Real Cause of Global Insect Die-Off Covered Up By Media

From globalskywatch.com

I’ve seen it with my own eyes.

A year ago, there were easily 1,000 insects hanging around my porch light at night. Now, you are lucky to find 100. This change occurred in the past 12 months.

I personally witnessed the bee die-off in two separate locations. Both die-offs occurred within 12 months of dramatic increases in chemtrail spray activity. I also witnessed a ladybug colony die during a historic 3-day peak in chemtrail spraying. The spraying was so intense, that it finally prompted me to contact the Maine Department of Environmental Protection.

Let me clear. All 3 sudden insect die-offs I witnessed occurred in direct correlation with the chemical aerosol spray program.

Related: Chemtrails Killed The Bees
Related: The Dead Ladybugs (The Die-off)

The Telegraph came out with a story 2 days ago that attempts to explain away the dramatic decrease in insect-splat on cars. They suggest that it may be due to an increase in the number of cars, or to new, more aerodynamic shapes of cars.

Related: Why Does Improbable Propaganda Work Better?
Related: NEW STUDY: Academics Now Recognize Aluminum as Key Potential Cause of Bee Decline

Our world is in huge trouble, and it is the direct result of chemical aerosol (“chemtrail”) spraying. Propagandic journalism is certainly do it’s part to cover up the largest crime against humanity in human history.



Whanganui’s Govt-owned 1080 factory used to burn pellets until residents complained, then they buried them in an old city landfill with no health monitoring

Remember what NZ’s retired MD Charlie Baycroft said recently …‘if you die from 1080 poisoning, nobody will know  because the Ministry of Health is bullying NZ Doctors into not testing for 1080′. There is no evidence of 1080 poisoning he says, because it is not allowed to be looked for. EWR

From the Save Raukumara from 1080 facebook page

Heart disease and Cancer dominate mortality in Whanganui where the Government owned 1080 poison factory used to burn 1080 to dispose before residents complained about the smell of toxic fumes. Eighty tonnes gets buried there and they signed off by digging up some baits that are well known to leach and then called that environmental testing. USA EPA have proved 1080 binds specifically and doesn’t flush off with water meanwhile Landcare have never tested for adsorption of 1080 to sand.. they don’t have an accredited test for gravel either. Take a look at where they buried 80 tonnes of baits that were defective due to moisture in the grains.. not because of defective 1080.. the place is coastal so has sandy soils. What monitoring of the local people’s health has been done to see if there is a link.. none. That’s the quality of the science here in New Zealand.




Transforming a Whanganui wasteland to a wetland


A NZ company recently approved for 1080 bait manufacture has a little known link to the infant formula blackmailing incident


By Carol Sawyer

“Infant formula blackmailer, Jeremy Kerr, imprisoned in 2016.. ‘was named as one of the original directors of Connovation..’ “

“… the infant formula blackmail threat led to 60 anti-1080 people being interviewed by NZ Police (from 2,600 suspects), some as many as four times, yet all along it was a crime committed by a member of the poison industry itself.”

Here we have yet another would-be 1080 bait manufacturer, Connovation, about to try to grab a dwindling share of the 1080 bait market. I wonder if they are planning on making the bait in Auckland?

This was an application from Invasive Pest Control Limited (Connovation Ltd) …

“to generate efficacy data for an extruded pellet bait containing 0.8% cholecalciferol and an extruded pellet bait containing 0.15% 1080″

Decision: Approved with Controls and decision notified on 26 March 2019

This came out in the EPA Hazardous Substances Update for April. Link here:


Invasive Pest Control and Connovation are the same it appears. If you type Invasive Pest Control Ltd into Google, this is what you get: https://www.connovation.co.nz/about-us


Infant formula blackmailer, Jeremy Kerr, imprisoned in 2016.. “was named as one of the original directors of Connovation..
Kerr developed an encapsulating system for cyanide and also pill manufacture for poison baits (also recreational drugs). The encapsulated cyanide (Feratox) came out in the mid ’90’s which Connovation manufactures and distributes to this day. The directors of Connovation were so upset that none of their products gained much traction in the animal poisoning market that Kerr eventually made his threat to put 1080 in the baby formula. Cholecalciferol is one of Connovation’s inventions and they have had it ready to drop from the air for 20 years.” –

John Veysey, Coromandel, 30 April, 2019

For those who were not around or aware at the time, the infant formula blackmail threat led to 60 anti-1080 people (out of 2,600 suspects) being interviewed by NZ Police, some as many as four times, yet all along it was a crime committed by a member of the poison industry itself.

Jon Morgan, editor of NZ Farmer magazine, won the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Star Award last October, the first New Zealander to do so. He is an amazing example of a totally bigoted journalist! Read here:


This lovely German couple, running a teashop in Takaka, were treated so badly :


And all along a corrupt and greedy poisoner, Jeremy Kerr, was behind the infant formula threat, which cost the NZ taxpayer millions and millions of dollars!

Search the Register for every hazardous substance & new organism…


If you are new to the 1080 poisoning program, here is a good article to start with …


A must watch also is Poisoning Paradise, the doco made by the GrafBoys (banned from screening on NZ TV, yet a 4x international award winner). Their website is tv-wild.com. Their doco is a very comprehensive overview with the independent science to illustrate the question marks that remain over the use of this poison. There are links also on our 1080 resources page to most of the groups, pages, sites etc that will provide you with further information.

Check out the 1080 pages at the main menu, particularly the sub tab, ‘suspected 1080 poisoning cases’. Finally, remember what the retired MD Charlie Baycroft said recently …‘if you die from 1080 poisoning, nobody will know  because the Ministry of Health is bullying NZ Doctors into not testing for 1080′.

NOTE: Comment by the author … ” I saw a news item that said he is out of hospital now. According to Kathy White’s research he spent a month in ICU, however, having opened a container in which something had spilt. But Worksafe is not going to release any findings until May, 2020.”

The big ‘sustainable’ LIE – NZ Govt quietly grants mining exploration permit inside Māui dolphin sanctuary

Seen anything sustainable happening since Rogernomics? Since the inception of the Agenda 21 plans? All that seems to be happening really is more rape & pillage with the blessing of the respective governments which really aren’t too different (in case you hadn’t noticed) … same bird different wings, offering you the illusion of choice. The Agenda 21 buzz word ‘sustainable’ is a bit of a joke really … three decades on and all we have to show for the outworking of that scheme by the various authorities (namely district & regional councils) is more pollution, more debt, more ‘austerity measures’ (for some… guess who) more poverty, more suicide, more homelessness and little of anything worth celebrating at all. They would like us to swallow the line that they are CONSERVING biodiversity … so they approve mining exploration in a dolphin sanctuary?  They also bomb our native & non native species with a Class 1A Ecotoxin under the same guise. I think folk are waking up to the big sustainable lie now. It’s shot full of holes.  EWR

Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, of Ngati Ruanui, says she was shocked to hear of the permit being granted. The iwi is one of 11 organisations appeal Trans Tasman Resources consent to mine off the South Taranaki Coast

From stuff.co.nz

A mining exploration permit has been quietly granted inside a marine sanctuary off the Taranaki coast to protect the endangered Māui’s dolphins.

The decision, which was approved in May, has shocked conservation groups who were unaware of it.

But the Department of Conservation (DOC) had been aware of Ironsands Offshore Mining Ltd’s application since March. It has voiced “significant concerns” about the safety of the dolphins if the exploration proved successful and mining was to go ahead.

In March DOC warned Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage that it was uncertain whether the public was aware of the application and there would be a “high level of interest” if people were told of the development.

Miners given access to Māui dolphin sanctuary
Company defends iron sand mining decision
Consent reduced Māori interest to ‘lip service’
Controversial plan to mine for iron ore approved
Iwi will appeal iron sand mining off Taranaki coast
Iron sand miner wants to fast-track plans

The exploration permit was later granted without seeking resource consent from the Taranaki Regional Council because its coastal plan rules exploration is a permitted activity.

Ironsands also has a permit to explore the seabed of Waihi Beach, in the Bay of Plenty, but this will require recourse consent from the regional council because its coastal plan requires it.

A Taranaki iwi already fighting mining plans off the coast of Pātea in South Taranaki said the approval raised alarm bells.

In an emailed statement, Te Runanga o Ngati Ruanui Trust kaiarataki Debbie Ngarewa-Packer said granting the five year exploration permit in the sanctuary, which runs from Oakura to Maunganui Bluff in Northland, set a dangerous precedent.

“Taranaki has been instructed by this coalition government to transition our economy away from fossil-fuelled industry. To do that we must have certainty that our unique appeal, including natural resources, will be protected,” she said.

In April, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the end of offshore oil and gas exploration, about one month before Ironsands Offshore Mining’s exploration permit was granted.

The permit covers an area almost four times the size of that granted by the Environmental Protection Authority to Trans Tasman Resources (TTR) for mining of the coast Pātea.

The EPA’s decision was appealed by 11 parties and an appeal hearing was held in the High Court at Wellington in April. Justice Peter Churchman has yet to reveal his decision.



PHOTO CREDIT: stuff.co.nz

COVER-UP: Scientists who find glyphosate herbicide in common foods are silenced or reassigned

(Natural News) Do you know what’s really in the foods you eat? Sure, there’s a list of ingredients on the package, but your food could contain one very toxic substance that isn’t disclosed: glyphosate. You might not be too surprised to find this deadly herbicide ingredient in non-organic fruits and vegetables, but the truth is that it has also made its way into a surprising number of popular foods – and countless unsuspecting people are ingesting this dangerous carcinogen.

The Guardian reports that U.S. government scientists found glyphosate in foods like crackers, cornmeal, and granola cereal. Of course, this information wasn’t publicized; it was uncovered in emails that were obtained through a Freedom of Information request.

For two years, the FDA has been testing food samples for glyphosate residues, but they have yet to release the official results. Nevertheless, one email written by a chemist for the FDA, Richard Thompson, to his colleagues showed how pervasive the problem is.

“I have brought wheat crackers, granola cereal and corn meal from home and there’s a fair amount in all of them,” the Arkansas-based chemist wrote, adding that broccoli was the only food that he happened to have on hand that turned out to be free of glyphosate.

That email was dated in January of 2017. Unfortunately, because he made the discovery while validating his methods of analysis rather than as part of the official checks, the residues are unlikely to make it into any official reports. The FDA’s official findings aren’t usually released until around 2 to 2.5 years after the data is collected.

Meanwhile, FDA chemist Narong Chamkasen discovered levels of glyphosate that exceeded the acceptable levels in corn; the 6.5 parts per million found were well above the legal limit of 5.0 parts per million. Although such levels normally must be reported to the EPA, a supervisor with the FDA informed an EPA official in writing that the corn was not part of an “official sample.” It looks like Americans will never know which corn is going to give them cancer!

In 2016, Chamkasen also found glyphosate in several honey samples, along with oatmeal products. His lab was promptly “reassigned” to other tasks.

Each year, the FDA tests food samples for residues of pesticides to see if any are above the limit. However, they’ve only recently started looking out for glyphosate, despite the fact that it has been used for four decades. In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer labeled the chemical a “probable human carcinogen.”



PHOTO: NaturalNews.com

Over 5 years NZ$3 million has been provided by DoC alone to the eight main New Zealand Universities – so how independent is their research?

This article is from the ‘NO to 1080  use in NZ’ facebook page, and points to the conflicts of interest that exist regarding the funding of our universities. Universities that will not be biting the hand that feeds them. There is also funding from OSPRI, EPA and TBFree. So are you still feeling confident that DoC’s research on 1080 is safe & reliable? I’m certainly not. Any research you roll out from the independent scientists is quickly ‘debunked’ by the mainstream media. Some of the ‘debunkers’ write to this site but I decline to air their propaganda. Read the short article below.
docs funding for universities
Who stands to lose?
Who stands to lose the most financially when New Zealand’s Department of Conservation (DoC) finally gets closed down, after being exposed as the corrupt government agency that it is? Sixty four years is a long time for Government departments to be operating without the proper accountability, reviews and transparency that tax-payers deserve to see. DoCs propaganda has been repeatedly protected by so-called ‘experts’ in positions of power.

One of the main sectors benefiting from perpetuating the disinformation about the harm from so-called ‘pest’ species and the ‘safe as a cuppa tea’ propaganda about the risks of 1080 poison in our drinking water and food chain is Higher Education.

Official Information Act (OIA) responses have revealed that over the past 5 years, over NZ$3 million has been provided by DoC alone (additional funds have come from Ospri, TBFree and the EPA etc) to the eight main New Zealand Universities. Massey University has gained the most (nearly $1m), much of this money is in ‘consultancy fees’ (rather than research funding) via their ‘College of Sciences’. Massey has approximately the same number of students as Otago, Victoria and AUT, which begs the question: How are students – our potential future scientists – benefiting from this funding? Clearly there are many staff at Massey and other New Zealand Universities who rely heavily upon DoC cash to support their salaries.

This potential conflict of interest breaks all the rules in terms of staff codes of conduct, ethical research and integrity of scientific facts. Education needs to be as unbiased as possible, not reliant upon conflicts of interest.

When will it end and when will rigorous, independent, valid scientific research into the harm done by 1080 poison operations begin?

NOTE: For further articles on 1080 use categories at left of the news page.

If you are new to the 1080 poisoning program, a must watch is Poisoning Paradise, the doco made by the GrafBoys (banned from screening on NZ TV, yet a 4x international award winner). Their website is tv-wild.com. Their doco is a very comprehensive overview with the independent science to illustrate the question marks that remain over the use of this poison. There are links also on our 1080 resources page to most of the groups, pages, sites etc that will provide you with further information to make your own informed decision on this matter.

If you are pro poisoning of the environment, EnvirowatchRangitikei is not the place to espouse your opinions. Mainstream would be the place to air those. This is a venue for sharing the independent science you won’t of course find there.

And finally, we don’t advocate violence in any way shape or form.




EPA exposed as criminal pollution enterprise engaged in bioterrorism, food contamination and the destruction of ecosystems across North America (Doco)

They are taking human sewage, laden with literally thousands of chemicals derived from prescribed medications, PLUS waste chemical discharges, and turning it into ‘nice’ soil for your gardens people. It is spread across the US into crops that YOU eat. I was always skeptical about the bags of compost we buy here in NZ with warnings about breathing the fumes, or not touching with bare hands … and read not that long ago a long article which I will try to find again, that gave warnings about the contents of our bagged compost that has been all hushed up. As I always repeat & is illustrated in this shocking scenario (thanks to the likes of Mike Adams’ work) CORPORATIONS TELL BOLD FACED LIES. Please watch ‘The Corporation’ movie. It’s on our Corporation pages. Oh and lastly folks, this is called ‘sustainable development’ by the liars who are poisoning your food. They call it that so you won’t question what they do. Put on your thinking caps & ruminate on what is really going down here. There has been nothing sustainable happening that I can see since their sustainable blather began in the early 90s, same time as the Agenda 21 kicked in & they signed up all of our countries, now outworking in our local increasingly fascist councils. The only sustainable items to be seen are corporate bank balances. Poverty is up, unemployment up, sickness up, homelessness up, debt up, I could go on. ‘Sustainable’ is not working. Not for us anyway. Not for we the people.

Please watch Mike’s doco. It’s offered free for viewing and will not be a waste of the half hour it takes. You will be shocked.


(Natural News) The bombshell documentary has now dropped: Biosludged exposes the criminal pollution enterprise known as the “EPA,” which produced fake, fraudulent science in order to “legalize” the mass pollution of America’s soils and croplands with toxic sewage sludge.

The film, available to view for free at this link on BrighteonFilms.com, features former EPA scientist and whistleblower Dr. David Lewis, author of Science For Sale, who reveals the shocking extent of the EPA’s criminal activities and scientific fraud.

To this day, the EPA continues to operate as a criminal pollution enterprise, faking the science while America’s soils are contaminated with a toxic brew of biological organisms, heavy metals, synthetic chemicals and pharmaceuticals. This is the same EPA that has, for years, actively conspired with Monsanto and other biotech companies to look the other way as their toxic herbicides and pesticides decimate honey bee pollinator populations.

As you’ll see in the Biosludged film, the EPA has essentially become a bioterrorism organization, and this dangerous situation where a prominent department of the U.S. government has been weaponized against the environment continues under President Trump, just as it did under Obama, Bush and Clinton before.

Who will stop the EPA before the rogue agency destroys the viability of food-producing crop lands across North America?

Watch the full trailer at the link, then go to BrighteonFilms.com to view the full film and download the full movie files that you can openly share with others.



There are alternatives to 1080

Well I’m blown away. Herald has published a piece about alternatives to 1080. Just on the heels of my post on mainstream media. Either there’s progress on that front, or there’s more to their agenda than meets the eye. I would have to say I get a little suspicious when MS does a turn around. However…  in the meanwhile, this is good news. It comes specifically from Hawke’s Bay Today & is a scathing commentary on a previous opinion piece about 1080.

*Norm Brown: There are alternatives to 1080 poison

norm brown hawkes bay today.jpg
Norm Brown says dropping 1080 with no due care of the results is ‘despicable’ Photo: Hawke’s Bay Today

In reply to Mark Story’s opinion piece that claimed 1080 angst is “unhinged and ill-informed”.

You call me unhinged because I argued with Ospri about aerial spreading 1080 over tracks and river edge in the Kawekas where we take students tramping and which is used frequently by tourists and New Zealand public.

You call me unhinged when I then find out a couple of weeks later that the MoH had actually told Ospri to ground treat the area concerned. That Ospri also told me that the area would be safe and just wash the students’ shoes is even more insulting.

To say I am ill-informed when I am working to the only official regulations available by law to me, the label and the chemical data sheet, is slander and fraudulent.

To say that other anti-1080 people are ill-informed is also slanderous and fraudulent.

You are saying that the label and the chemical data sheet are false science. Are you really saying that everyone should ignore chemical labels and data sheets or do you just wish to pick on 1080?

If you are saying that the regulations are fraudulent then I suggest that you very quickly get the Government to change the EPA personnel because you have just called them incompetent and mischievous.

To be 100 per cent truthful you should be saying that anti-1080 people believe in the regulations while the pro-1080 people such as Ospri have been given dispensation not to work to the regulations.

Even then the pro-1080 people are disobeying the few restrictions placed on them when given the dispensation. There are two rules governing 1080. This is the essence of the issue. This has been stated often.

So now it comes down to who is actually ill informed, the anti-1080 people or Ospri and commentators like yourself?

When Ospri forces non-compliant applications of 1080 on the populous with no due care of the results it is despicable.

It builds the fear, anger, frustration and a genuine need to protest. Your article ridicules those affected and only adds heat to this.

To tell anti-1080 people they are using false science, when they are working to the label and data sheets (the regulations), builds the anger to contempt and accusations of fraud and corruption.

Your opinion piece has just drawn all these on to you and your paper. Integrity would require your words to be withdrawn and an apology offered to all of New Zealand for helping expose them to this horrendous deadly poison that has no antidote, has horrendous side effects on all mammals (humans are mammals) birds, insects, and plant life.

1080 breaks down at 200C, dissolves easily in water and is known to create secondary and tertiary poisoning, and in many cases leaves the carcasses to rot over many months in catchment areas (insects die if they try to eat the carcass), creating a bacterial contamination.

It is time you did some research to find what is driving the fear and anger and the frustration. It is columns like yours that are ill-founded, ill-informed and somewhat unhinged.

You say anti-1080 people create havoc with the environment, which is also slanderous.

Most of us are well aware of the environment and the protection of it. Especially when it comes to humanity.

Awareness is driven by fear that we will have more effects like thalidomide, 245T, 24D, DDT, and asbestos, to name some. These were all declared safe by the manufacturers and our own EPA and yet created social trauma. The 1080 label and EPA say 1080 is not safe.

If you get a chance, look at the photos the New Plymouth nurse took over several years of fetal defects in the Paratutu area where the Dow factory was located. I am sorry, humanity comes first.

To try to tell New Zealand that there is no alternative to 1080, is crap.

Pests are very well controlled in all farmland and It was not aerial dropping of 1080.

Alternatives are controlled and precise.

However, I would prefer the expansion of these alternatives to the short and long term results of current uncontrolled aerial spreading by people who have no credibility or ethical behavior.

* Norm Brown is a director of Mohaka Rafting on State Highway 5



Header Photo: Carol Sawyer

Official Information requested by Horizons from NZ Defence Force about an environmental hazard at Ohakea Air Base was not disclosed for more than a year later

Becoming a familiar story isn’t it? (They legally have around 21 days to come up with the requested info).

Recently we saw they’d declined to notify the public of the presence of 1080 in storage which they should be doing (remember Whitianga?). Or if it is burnt which they also recently declined to do in Levin. And increasingly, info is declined in the OI requests. I’ve also been hearing lately information about the burial/dumping of 1080 & also of asbestos in ‘unknown’ locations! If folk know anything they need to blow the whistle. This is an area of total cover up in more ways than one. Yet another illustration that the ‘sustainable’ verbiage on the council websites is just that & of no particular use except to pull the wool as the saying goes. Sustainable practices stopped with Rogernomics. The history is long and damning. EnvirowatchRangitikei

From stuff.co.nz

Horizons Regional Council’s chairman has blasted the Defence Force for keeping his organisation in the dark about contamination from firefighting foam used at Ohakea airbase.

The regional council was not told groundwater and water supplies might be contaminated until December last year – many months after the Defence Force knew of a potential problem.

“We are the environmental agency and they wanted to keep it from us,” Horizons chairman Bruce Gordon said.

“We found out from the media [about the contamination] because the Defence Force didn’t want to share it with us.”​

Toxic foam found in fire trucks and storage at three more commercial airports
Nationwide investigation into toxic firefighting foam launched​
Testing area for Ohakea toxic foam contamination to be extended
Firefighter foam poses water risk around NZ air bases

It was revealed last week Horizons Regional Council  was asked for information about water systems near Ohakea Air Force Base in Rangitīkei three times before it was told there was a contamination problem involving firefighting foam.

The first request for information came as early as April 2016 – a year after the Defence Force received the first results of tests – but officials didn’t let on to the regional council that some water was contaminated until December 2017.




Photo: PN Airport .. Wikipedia


Politicians join with conservation groups in calling on the EPA to ban bee-killing pesticides until a full scientific review is conducted

(Natural News) State politicians and conservation groups urged the United States Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) to hold off approval of bee-killing neonics in order to conduct a full scientific review of the pesticides involved, reported an EcoWatch article.

Congressmen Earl Blumenauer and Jim McGovern recently reintroduced the Saving America’s Pollinators Act, a bill that blocks new neonicotinoid insecticides while the EPA is investigating the full extent of their effects on bees, humans, other animals, and the environment.

Various conservation groups and environmental organizations have also presented a huge collection of public comments to the EPA. More than 100,000 individuals are pressing the agency to reduce the widespread use of neonicotinoid pesticides.

Neonics have been cited by numerous studies as a major driving factor in the decline of pollinator populations. The insecticides also threaten birds and aquatic invertebrates, according to research by EPA-employed scientists. (Related: EPA, Monsanto face lawsuit over pesticide drift that damaged millions of acres and threatened endangered species.)

Numerous studies say neonics are deadly

The EPA is currently investigating the preliminary ecological and human health risks posed by the neonicotinoids clothianidin, thiamethoxam, and dinotefuran. It is also performing a preliminary ecological risk assessment for the widely-used imidacloprid.

According to the agency’s initial risk assessments, neonics turned out to be lethal to birds that consumed grass, seeds, and dead insects contaminated by the insecticides.

“EPA’s recent assessment confirms what the science has already shown,” remarked Nichelle Harriott of the environmental group Beyond Pesticides. “[That] neonicotinoids are highly toxic not just to bees, but to aquatic species and birds [also]. She stressed the importance of the EPA taking actions against those chemicals to protect U.S. waterways and pollinators.

“Our nation’s beekeepers continue to suffer unacceptable mortality of 40 percent annually and higher,” said Andrew Kimbrell of the Center for Food Safety.

According to him, neonicotinoid contamination of numerous water sources endanger both wild pollinators and wetland birds. Kimbrell urged the EPA to accept the findings of numerous scientific literature and take appropriate actions to reduce the negative effects of these insecticides.

Research efforts showed that even small amounts of neonics can deprive migrating songbirds of their sense of direction when they need it most. And a United States Geological Survey study determined that the pesticide level in the Great Lakes are endangering important aquatic insects.

“By harming pollinators like bees and butterflies, and natural pest control agents like birds and beneficial insects, neonicotinoids are sabotaging the very organisms on which farmers depend,” said Cynthia Palmer of the American Bird Conservancy.

Neonics have already contaminated U.S. food supplies. A joint study by the American Bird Conservancy and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health discovered neonicotinoids in food samples taken from dining halls in the U.S. Capitol building.

As many as five different neonics were found in meals that congressmen, senators, and their staff eat every day.

EPA dragging feet on neonics crisis

Neonicotinoids are banned in Europe, while the Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Canada urges a similar ban on imidacloprid, the most widely-used neonic formula.

“The only thing that is keeping the U.S. from joining other nations in banning the use of these devastating poisons is the immense profit that fuels PR campaigns, intense lobbying efforts, and questionable studies designed to mislead us on the harm these poisons do,” accused Dr. Luke Goembel of the Central Maryland Beekeepers Association.



10,000 pages of Monsanto’s long term, damning studies buried by the EPA & their products still approved by government

Published on Dec 8, 2015

Dr. Stephanie Seneff and host Elaine McFadden, MPH, RD go through disturbing research information uncovered in the 10,000 pages of Monsanto long term studies done decades ago before it was buried by the EPA. A colleague of Dr. Seneff repeatedly petitioned the EPA for the information. Monsanto did long term studies back then, and it is frightening that the cumulative and destructive results of those studies did not stop the government from approving its use, but instead choose to hide the information from the public. Monsanto learned that if they did studies longer than 3 months the truth starts to reveal itself. Seralini did not start to see the abnormalities until after 4 months and then large tumors after two years: http://www.smarthealthtalk.com/gmo-fr…. Join us as we go through many of those results and break it down on how it can impact your body/health. Please subscribe to our channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2MS… for future updates. Note from Dr. Stephanie Seneff: I wanted to make a correction that it was Dr. Anthony Samsel who repeatedly approached the EPA to get the documents, and he has them in his possession. But they asked him to sign a statement that he would not let anyone else see them, so I have not actually seen the documents. He and I jointly wrote a paper on glyphosate and cancer where Monsanto’s early results on glyphosate and cancer and other disorders are discussed, as well as glyphosate uptake into the tissues and dangerous glyphosate metabolites that are produced in the body.

Brain damage in newborns dropped dramatically after non-stick cookware chemicals were banned

(Natural News) Great food is made naturally from preparation to serving, and how it is prepared has been a been a key component in the reduction of babies born with low weight and brain damage, based on a study published by the New York University (NYU) School of Medicine.

The report, published in the International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, states that eliminating chemicals that were used to make non-stick coating, like Teflon, have stymied more than 118,000 low-weight births as well as brain damage related to it. This finding was derived after a thorough examination of blood samples from women who had just given birth as part of a national health study.

Earlier studies have long connected the chemicals, which were known for making sure food does not stick to the pans, with hypertension, birth defects, and lower-than-average weights. These points were the key issues behind the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) stewardship program on the reduction of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) — one of the main components in non-stick materials — as well as subsequent efforts to eliminate production in 2014.

Researchers assess that the sharp dip in chemically-linked births have helped save the country at least $13.7 billion in health costs caused by long-term hospital stays for infants and the continued treatment for the cognitive damage sustained. This figure also accounts for future gains made when the children accomplish higher education levels and gain employment.

“The evidence is overwhelming that the EPA-industry accord to phase out chemicals once used in nonstick coatings has been a major success in protecting children’s health,” according to lead investigator and epidemiologist Dr. Leonardo Trasande, who is also an associate professor at NYU. “[The] policy designed to lessen human exposure has spared thousands of newborns from damage to their health and saved U.S. taxpayers over a billion dollars in unnecessary health care costs.”



To all the users of Roundup, beware those ‘glyphosate’s safe’ claims – EPA’s biased assessment falls short of the most basic standards of independent research

Kiwis love this product and most I’ve found won’t hear a bar of the voluminous body of independent research. You will see them walking the streets with their backpacks, no protective gear in sight, spraying often in high winds. I’ve seen them & filmed them. They can also be alarmingly aggressive if you cross them. Councils are just as bad, many of them farmers, they refuse to hear anything bad of the manufacturers. With cancer rates now at 1 in 3 surely you would think they would want to err on the safe side and desist from using it but no, we must have our yellow berms, ditches and garden edges mustn’t we? And Monsanto wouldn’t lie to us? Would they? See our glyphosate pages. EnvirowatchRangitikei

“Migratory monarch populations have declined by 80 percent in the past two decades, and their decline has been driven in large part by the surge in glyphosate use ”  Sustainable Pulse


A NZ paddock sprayed with Glyphosate .. the ground is later plowed and stock will later feed on the new grass … right into the food chain

From sustainablepulse.com

A federal advisory panel of independent scientists unanimously found earlier this year that in assessing glyphosate the pesticides office at the EPA failed to follow its own guidelines for determining whether a chemical can cause cancer. In the final draft released today, the EPA stated that the guidelines “… are intended as a guidance only …” and do not necessarily have to be followed.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released Monday a controversial analyses that rely heavily on industry studies to conclude that glyphosate poses no significant risks to humans.

The EPA review, which ignored the agency’s own guidelines for assessing cancer risks, contradicts a 2015 World Health Organization analysis of published research that determined glyphosate is a probable carcinogen.

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup and most widely used pesticide in the world; 300 million pounds of it are used in the U.S. each year.

“The only way the EPA could conclude that glyphosate poses no significant risks to human health was to analyze industry studies and ignore its own guidelines when estimating cancer risk,” said Nathan Donley, a senior scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity. “The EPA’s biased assessment falls short of the most basic standards of independent research and fails to give Americans an accurate picture of the risks posed by glyphosate use.”

A federal advisory panel of independent scientists unanimously found earlier this year that in assessing glyphosate the pesticides office at the EPA failed to follow its own guidelines for determining whether a chemical can cause cancer. In the final draft released today, the EPA stated that the guidelines “… are intended as a guidance only …” and do not necessarily have to be followed.

Scientists typically use previously agreed upon guidelines to prevent biases from swaying the analysis in one direction or another.

The chair of the EPA’s Cancer Assessment Review Committee, Jess Rowland, resigned in 2015 amid controversy. Emails obtained in litigation brought against Monsanto by cancer victims and their families uncovered a disturbingly cozy relationship between the EPA and Monsanto on matters involving the glyphosate risk assessment.



Pesticides Linked to Declining Bee Populations Also Threaten Birds and Small Mammals

From organicconsumers.org

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that popular pesticides linked to declining bee populations also pose a threat to birds and, in some cases, small mammals and insects.

The EPA released preliminary scientific assessments of four chemicals from the neonicotinoid or “neonic” class of insecticides on Friday as part of an ongoing review that environmentalists and farmers are watching closely. Previous EPA assessments echoed research showing that neonics can harm the bees we rely on to pollinate crops when sprayed on cotton and certain fruits and vegetables.

“The EPA’s assessments confirm neonicotinoid pesticides are extremely harmful to birds and aquatic life at the very center of our ecosystems,” said Lori Ann Burd, director of the Center for Biological Diversity’s environmental health program, in a statement.

Environmentalists blame all four of the neonic pesticides under review at the EPA — clothianidin, thiamethoxam, dinotefuran and imidacloprid — for declining populations of honey bees, butterflies and other pollinators, including several endangered species. Of the four, imidacloprid is probably the most widely used and controversial.

In their most recent assessment, EPA scientists determined that imidacloprid poses an “acute risk” to birds when sprayed on crops. Birds, small mammals and insects could also be harmed if they eat crop seeds treated with the pesticide.

The findings echo a report published earlier this year that found imidacloprid and the controversial organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos can impair songbirds’ ability to find their way while migrating. Environmentalists are also concerned that the chemical may pose health risks to humans, including cancer and increased rates of autism in young children.

In 2016, the EPA also found that imidacloprid “potentially poses risk to [bee] hives when the pesticide comes in contact with certain crops that attract pollinators,” according to a preliminary assessment released at the time.


Developments in Chemical Biotechnology Continue to Threaten Environmental and Human Health

Following our recent approval in clean green, GE free Enzed of GM potato crops this is a bit of a farce given Helen Clarke (Labour note for those who are rejoicing at the other wing of the same bird that’s currently now in) approved the growing to harvest of GM corn in 2000 or thereabouts. It was uncovered, having already been planted, then ordered to be pulled up by Clarke who then flip flopped after a bit of corporate persuasion. So here it is again, some 17 odd years later … yes it is farcical. They’ve been tampering with the genes of all sorts including animals, all along. This kind of food has already been independently researched & found seriously wanting. Eat it at your own risk I would say. EnvirowatchRangitikei

Story at-a-glance

  • Corporate GMO propaganda is hitting the big screen. Forty-five scientists, academics and writers have signed a statement calling the food industry-funded film, “Food Evolution,” a piece of corporate propaganda that misrepresents the GMO issue
  • EPA has approved RNAi corn for human consumption, which is based on “gene silencing” technology. Research suggests RNA may have the ability to silence genes inside your body as well
  • A new generation of GMO crops resistant to dicamba is wreaking havoc across the U.S., as neighbors to farms growing dicamba-resistant crops report massive crop destruction from dicamba drift

By Dr. Mercola

Pesticides are taking a major toll on health across the globe. According to a recent United Nations (UN) report,1 pesticides are responsible for 200,000 acute poisoning deaths each year, and chronic exposure has been linked to cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, hormone disruption, developmental disorders and sterility.2

In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a research arm of the World Health Organization and the “gold standard” in carcinogenicity research, found glyphosate — the active ingredient in Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in the world — is a probable human carcinogen.3,4 As of July 2017, glyphosate is listed as a known carcinogen under California’s Proposition 65,5 which means products containing glyphosate must carry a cancer warning label.

Pesticides like Roundup also threaten the health of the soil, thereby threatening the very future of agriculture itself, as healthy soils are key for growing food.6 So grave are the concerns over the health and environmental effects of pesticides, the UN’s report proposes a global treaty to phase them out and transition to a more sustainable agricultural system.

All of this is terrible news for the chemical industry in general, and Monsanto in particular. Last year, Monsanto accepted a $66 billion takeover bid from Bayer AG,7,8,9 which would make the new entity the largest seed and pesticide company in the world. The merger is expected to be finalized by the end of 2017. However, as noted in the Bloomberg video report above, suspicions of carcinogenicity now pose a serious threat to this deal.

Court Will Determine Roundup’s Role in Cancer

Plaintiffs10 in a class-action lawsuit against Monsanto claim Roundup caused or contributed to their non-Hodgkin lymphoma.11,12 The outcome of this lawsuit may influence Bayer’s decision to acquire Monsanto or back out of the deal. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) reevaluation of glyphosate’s toxicity may also have a bearing on the planned merger, although it will not influence the litigation against Monsanto.

U.S. District Court Judge Vince Chhabria, who presides over multi-district litigation currently involving 310 cancer victims’ lawsuits against Monsanto, has stated that the scientific evidence presented at trial is what will settle the question of whether glyphosate can cause cancer — not the determination by the IARC or the EPA. According to Bloomberg:13

“Chhabria has allowed the plaintiffs wide latitude to collect evidence on Monsanto’s health-effects research over the years, which the plaintiffs hope will show the company manipulated the data.

In March he unsealed dozens of Monsanto’s confidential documents for the public to see. The records show internal deliberations on how to present the science on glyphosate’s health impacts and manage a global public-relations campaign to assure consumers and regulators that Roundup is safe.”

EPA Has a History of Protecting Chemical Industry

The litigation has brought to light evidence showing how the EPA has colluded with Monsanto to protect the company’s interests. For example, email correspondence reveals Jess Rowland — who was the associate director of the EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs and a key author of the EPA’s controversial glyphosate report — helped stop a glyphosate investigation by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) on Monsanto’s behalf.14,15





What the pesticide industry’s been hiding from you – DIOXINS in diapers among other things: The Poison Papers expose decades of collusion between industry and regulators

For example, a secret high-level dioxins working group at the EPA acknowledged that dioxins are extraordinarily poisonous chemicals – yet the agency suppressed the fact that dioxins were found in everyday products such as diapers and coffee filters. And, the EPA suppressed its own research that found high levels of dioxin in environmental samples and human breast milk following routine use of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T (Agent Orange) by the federal Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management.

(NaturalHealth365) A massive cache of documents and correspondence between regulatory agencies and the chemical industry has now seen the light of day – and it exposes a stunning pattern of collusion and deceit. Over 200,000 documents – including study summaries, internal secret memos, meeting minutes and sworn testimonies – attest to the fact that both industry and regulators were aware of the extreme toxicity of many chemical products, and conspired to hide this information from the public.

The explosive papers became news on July 26, when the online publication The Intercept published an interview with author and archivist Carol Van Strum. To learn more about the incredible pattern of corruption and collusion, read on.

Undeniable evidence: Federal agencies and chemical manufacturers were “in bed” together

Naturally, the most obvious question is, ‘who are the major players in the Poison Papers?’ The answer reveals many people at the highest levels of government regulation and corporate industry.

Federal regulatory agency sources implicated in the scandal include the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the U.S. Department of Defense. The chemical manufacturers include Dow, Monsanto, DuPont and Union Carbide.

In addition, the toxic chemicals referenced in the documents include 2,4-D, Dicamba, permethrin, atrazine and Agent Orange – all of which continue to be manufactured and sold. In fact, it’s “business as usual” for 2,4-D, which has just been authorized by the EPA for use on Dow’s new GMO 2,4-D-tolerant soybeans – in spite of the fact that it is contaminated with dioxins.

To be clear, the Poison Papers are not just testament to deception and collusion that occurred in the past – they also reflect betrayals of the public that are ongoing to this day.



EPA Official Accused of Helping Monsanto ‘Kill’ Cancer Study on That Herbicide Kiwis Spray Everywhere

The Environmental Protection Agency official who was in charge of evaluating the cancer risk of Monsanto Co.’s Roundup allegedly bragged to a company executive that he deserved a medal if he could kill another agency’s investigation into the herbicide’s key chemical.

The boast was made during an April 2015 phone conversation, according to farmers and others who say they’ve been sickened by the weed killer. After leaving his job as a manager in the EPA’s pesticide division last year, Jess Rowland has become a central figure in more than 20 lawsuits in the U.S. accusing the company of failing to warn consumers and regulators of the risk that its glyphosate-based herbicide can cause non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

“If I can kill this I should get a medal,” Rowland told a Monsanto regulatory affairs manager who recounted the conversation in an email to his colleagues, according to a court filing made public Tuesday. The company was seeking Rowland’s help stopping an investigation of glyphosate by a separate office, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, that is part of the U.S. Health and Human Service Department, according to the filing.

A federal judge overseeing the glyphosate litigation in San Francisco said last month he’s inclined to order Rowland to submit to questioning by lawyers for the plaintiffs, who contend he had a “highly suspicious” relationship with Monsanto. Rowland oversaw a committee that found insufficient evidence to conclude glyphosate causes cancer and quit last year shortly after his report was leaked to the press.



1 to 5 million cases of pesticide poisoning occur every year

“There’s no problem with the ban of DBCP [dibromochloropropane] within the United States. In fact, it was the best thing that could have happened to us. You can’t sell it here anymore but you can still sell it anywhere else. Our big market has always been exports anyway.” (Executive, AMVAC Corporation)

Copy of Copy of Dec 2014 041
Toxic herbicides are sprayed liberally around public places with no requirement to warn the public, and often little or no protective clothing worn by the operators

We are living in a world now that is awash with chemicals, found not only in sprays and pesticides, but in our food, water and air. Their use has become largely acceptable now with scant regard often for researching into their possible harmful effects. Any alarms sounded about possible risks are greeted with cries of ‘scaremongering’ or ‘over reaction’ … and yet the  independent research is usually there and often ignored. I’m constantly dismayed at this lack of regard for the evidence, especially since our recent generations consider themselves more enlightened than those of our forbears. We have

What's in your food?
What’s in your food?

the knowledge alright, but who will listen and heed it? A video which has encouraged me to keep speaking up about these environmental risks to our health has been that produced by TED talks (they’re on Youtube also) called ‘The Dangers of Willful Blindness’ (the video is on our Home page). Gayla Benefield was just doing her job — until she uncovered an awful secret about her hometown that meant its mortality rate was 80 times higher than anywhere else in the U.S. Worse, when she tried to warn people of her discovery they didn’t want to know! How often we are faced with fact but choose not to believe. We adopt what I call the ‘three monkeys’ approach where it’s assumed, if we neither see, hear nor speak we’re safe … a lot like the ostrich really. But somewhere down the track we run the high risk of it all coming back to bite us on the proverbial rear end!

imagesThe Environmental Justice Foundation on pesticide poisoning states that … Across all agricultural sectors, an estimated 1 to 5 million cases of pesticide poisoning occur every year, resulting in 20,000 reported deaths among agricultural workers and at least 1 million requiring hospitalisation….While developing countries account for less than 30% of global pesticide consumption, the bulk of pesticide poisonings occur in a developing world scenario, including an estimated 99% of pesticide-induced deaths…

Read more


Childhood Pesticide Poisoning (WHO)
Ghana’s Pesticide Crisis

Check our our Chemicals and Glyphosate pages … particularly note under Chemicals the 1080 page and how NZ is being bombarded with it. We consume the highest amount in the world, gradually ensuring there is a rapidly diminishing wild food supply. Another excellent source of information, a Kiwi site, is the Pesticide Action Network Aotearoa NZ (PANANZ). 


Bully Monsanto attacks scientists who link Glyphosate and cancer


From thehill.com

Don’t mess with Monsanto Co. That is the message being delivered right now by the agrichemical industry as it makes a full fledged assault on the team of international cancer scientists who dared to declare cancerous connections to the widely used herbicide called glyphosate, the chief ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup brand.

Industry swagger is on full display in Washington where Monsanto and its friends at CropLife America are driving efforts to cut off U.S. funding for the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) after IARC scientists declared glyphosate a probable human carcinogen in March 2015.  The industry is also demanding that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) fully repudiate the IARC classification and green-light continued use of glyphosate herbicides, which spell billions of dollars in sales annually to Monsanto and the agrichemical brethren.

The EPA has been evaluating glyphosate as part of a re-registration review process for more than five years, and was initially expected to complete that review last year.The EPA then said it would complete the review by the end of 2016, and now says it will be 2017 before it offers a final report.

Remember those rats in the header image were fed for two years on very diluted Roundup plus GE corn which is laced with Roundup being sprayed on it during its growing time. Yes this supposedly harmless herbicide is IN your GE food which of course isn’t labeled because they consider you don’t need to know, it being so safe. You can watch the video on the rat experiment on our Glyphosate pages. You could sign our petition on glyphosate use in the Rangitikei, praps also like our FB pages & spread the word. Thank you.

They Knew EMFs Were a “Probable Human Carcinogen” Decades Ago and Covered It Up


This article is from the following website: http://www.drkelley.info

Citing an original newspaper article from the 1990s, here we see the cover up that goes on with health risks. The corporations do not want you to know of these for fear of influencing your buying decisions. The risk to health from EMF radiation is inherent in cell phone use, cell towers, smart meters and wifi. Educate yourself and protect yourself … research this subject for yourself because, as always, and as demonstrated here, you will not read about it in mainstream media. A good start is Lloyd Burrell’s electricsense website. And/or visit the EMF page on this site.

“Did you know that back in 1990, the Environmental Protection Agency was all set to release a report that admitted electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are dangerous to our health, including that EMFs have been linked with “the development of various cancers” but stopped short of straight up admitting they are “probable carcinogens”?..”

Read the article HERE: http://www.drkelley.info/2015/06/28/epa-knew-emfs-were-a-probable-human-carcinogen-decades-ago-and-covered-it-up/#more-4491

Check out our Wifi, Smart Meter and related pages for further info.


Monsanto’s New Illegal Poison Kills Neighbors’ Crops — EPA Does Nothing

Predictably Monsanto would have way more up their sleeves than the average gardener or farmer will even know about. Glyphosate is in most supermaket sold herbicides, along with the favourite, Roundup which is the one that gets the most lime light. It is very popular as it is and always was advertised as perfectly harmless. Hence the tertiary agricultural text books in NZ promote it to spray whole fields with. Just bear in mind the product was initially tested by its own manufacturer, Monsanto, when approved. Say no more.

Check out our Glyphosate  and Chemicals pages for further info on that product, then educate yourself on their latest new poison.  



By Daisy Luther  at naturalblaze.com

Now that glyphosate has been denounced by the World Health Organization, there’s a new spray in town from our friendly neighborhood purveyor of poison, Monsanto. It hasn’t yet been approved, but given the history of blatant collusion between Monsanto and the government, there’s little doubt that it will be.

But there’s a bit of a catch: even though dicamba, the newest toxic ingredient in the Monsanto line-up, hasn’t actually been approved for this use by the EPA, it is already being widely used on genetically modified crops … and the illegal spray is killing the crops of neighboring farmers.

The Environmental Working Group reports:

Farmers in 10 states have now complained that dicamba is hurting their crops, according to a notice issued last week by the Environmental Protection Agency. The reported damage from dicamba has spread from two to 10 states in a matter of weeks, and now includes Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.

The EPA has done very little in response to the complaints, and some states are beginning to take matters into their own hands to protect their farmers and prevent further crop loss…

Dicamba easily drifts in the air after it’s sprayed, and damages crops when it lands on neighboring fields. More than 100 Missouri farmers have reported damage to their peaches, tomatoes, cantaloupes, watermelons, rice, cotton, peas, peanuts, alfalfa and soybeans.




Syngenta Terrorized & Threatened a Scientist/Researcher/Professor for 15 Years to Silence Him About the Toxicity of their Popular Herbicide Atrazine

Published on Feb 21, 2014

http://www.democracynow.org – We speak with a University of California scientist Tyrone Hayes, who discovered a widely used herbicide may have harmful effects on the endocrine system. But when he tried to publish the results, the chemical’s manufacturer launched a campaign to discredit his work. Hayes was first hired in 1997 by a company, which later became agribusiness giant Syngenta, to study their product, Atrazine, a pesticide that is applied to more than half the corn crops in the United States, and widely used on golf courses and Christmas tree farms. When Hayes found results Syngenta did not expect — that Atrazine causes sexual abnormalities in frogs, and could cause the same problems for humans — it refused to allow him to publish his findings. A new article in The New Yorker magazine uses court documents from a class-action lawsuit against Syngenta to show how it sought to smear Hayes’ reputation and prevent the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from banning the profitable chemical, which is already banned by the European Union.

Democracy Now!, is an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on 1,200+ TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9am ET at http://www.democracynow.org.

Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today, visithttp://owl.li/ruJ5Q.

Syngenta Terrorized Scientist for 15 Years to Quell Concerns About Atrazine

By Dr. Mercola

With the advent of the “green revolution” starting in the 1930s, chemicals were widely embraced as the way to eradicate hunger and ensure abundant harvests. Pesticides and synthetic fertilizers were hailed as scientific marvels that afforded the Western world the highest standard of living the world had ever known.

In this chemistry-based model, every problem has a chemical solution: pesticides to kill pests, herbicides to address weeds, insecticides to get rid of specific insects, fungicides against mushrooms and fungi and synthetic fertilizers to promote growth.

All seemed well and good, but as the decades wore on, problems and drawbacks became apparent. Today, the hazards associated with pesticides have become quite obvious to anyone willing to look.

However, that doesn’t mean appropriate action is being taken to protect human and environmental health. On the contrary, the chemical industry has fought long and hard, often employing questionable methods, to hide the truth about many of these harmful chemicals; putting profit ahead of safety.

Atrazine — The Forgotten Toxin

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, is the most used agricultural chemical in history. It finally got some serious media attention after the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) determined it is a probable human carcinogen.


Search ‘categories’ (left of any page) for related articles. See also the Chemicals page and learn how the industry has covered up the truth on many chemicals for many decades, even dumping them on unwitting third world countries.

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