Category Archives: Geoengineering

NASAs 1985 Document: Lithium & Barium Releases into the Atmosphere

Note the full article is worth the very low priced sub … as recommended previously. You still get to read more than a small part of this article. Those trails are not conspiracy & there it all is in their own documentation. See also this page for evidence of these metals in NZ rainwater ….EWNZ

From Agent131711’s Substack

The United States, Germany and United Kingdom teamed up to spam the sky with chemicals to make fake comets and artificial auroras. Oh, and they also wanted to see if it BLOCKS THE SUN…

Although they tell us, “Chemtrails aren’t real”, and, “the government isn’t intentionally releasing anything into the sky”, almost 40 years ago, NASA published a document called Astronautics and Aeronautics for 1985, which outlined the creation of their program that intentionally released chemicals into the sky… the exact same chemicals that are still coming down in our rain water and snow… because they are still being intentionally released… by the government… into the sky. Duh.

I just finished writing a 4-part series about NASA. In this series we asked, How Fake is NASA?, then looked at almost 60 YEARS of Space propaganda leading up to the first space venture in history. In the second part of the series we looked at The NASA PSYOP and tried to locate 1 real photograph of outer space. Part 3 was called How to Fake Space, and showed NASA’s CGI glitches, harnesses, green screens and more. In the grand finale to the series we examined Who is NASA and Why would they Lie? All of this evidence, combined together, leads us to ask, “If they’re not going to Space, WTF is $25+ billion (in tax dollars) PER YEAR BEING SPENT ON?”. Perhaps we can answer that today.


Photo: Agent131711’s Substack

“Scientists Warn ‘Doing Your Own Research’ Is ‘Dangerous’ (you might uncover a lot of lies)

Check out our sister site for other news

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 30, 2023, #438

From Geoengineering Watch

“Scientists Warn ‘Doing Your Own Research’ Is ‘Dangerous’ and Turns People Into ‘Conspiracy Theorists’”, according to a new report published by Journal Nature. The climate science community is sounding the alarm about the grave dangers of climate engineering operations “if” they were to be implemented while still denying the fact that such operations have already been fully deployed for over 75 years. The weather-makers are increasingly desperate to engineer winter weather whenever and wherever they can, patented processes of chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding are core to the equation. What is the true extent of damage already done to the planet? Is an abrupt climate collapse scenario already unfolding? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.


Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Chemtrails: Citizens vs Government, 2015 California (PART 2) (In case you still think it’s conspiracy)

Check out our sister site for other news

From Agent131711 @ substack

We, the People [world wide including NZ!] have had enough of the GeoEngineering…

No matter how many PSYOPs they employ, nothing will make us believe this is normal:


(2 minute video watch at the link)

Before we get into the second half of this presentation, let me say that, despite what the media tells you, many highly credentialed whistleblowers have come forward, such as Doctor Bill Deagle, a military doctor, who warned the public about this spraying program:

Maybe you think Dr. Bill is a nut; perhaps he just wanted attention and his life destroyed (and ultimately, death). How about testimony from Alfred Webre, a former United Nations representative:

If you think both of them are crazy, check out my Substack post showing military whistleblower, Kristen Meghan:


The Transhumanist Killswitch (Elana Freeland)

From DarkJournalist @ Youtube

Free Humanity vs, Transhumanist Tyranny Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep in this groundbreaking interview with AI Synthetic Biology Researcher Elana Freeland on her Breakthrough New Book, Geoengineered Transhumanism. Elana’s remarkable scientific and esoteric work connects major military operations of global control and goes inside the Electromagnetic Lockdown of the Space Fence and growing web of Nanotech. She shows us the rising landscape of technological control, DNA Patents and how humanity is to be neurologically directed toward a Transhumanist future unless we wake up now. The Occult influence of Ahriman and the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, Mystery Schools and the Eighth Sphere are also covered!


Geoengineered Transhumanism | Elana Freeland

The Chemtrail PSYOP: A look inside the shocking shadowy tactics used to trick people into ignoring what is blatantly obvious

Note: this article includes info on the paid activist industry … you will be shocked! EWNZ

From Agent131711 @ substack

Military Irregular Warfare: Make people believe their memory & eyewitness accounts are wrong. A look inside the shocking shadowy tactics used to mindf*ck people into ignoring what is blatantly obvious

Most people are shocked to see just how deep this government PSYOP goes. If you want to skip all the foreshadowing, scroll down to the heading titled, THE GREATEST PSYOP IN HISTORY.

Let’s start here: I was born in the 1980s and was a teen in the 1990s. Being from Michigan I spent a lot (I mean a LOT) of time outdoors, likely because my family didn’t own a computer until I was in high school and cell phones didn’t exist back then. Despite being from a cold climate, as kids we spent nearly every single day outside because, back then, your parents forced you to go outside, rain or shine, unless there was a tornado. There was no such thing as spending the evening alone in your room except for when you were grounded or had a fever of 104 degrees. Have friends over? Go play outside. Have a runny nose? Go play outside. Bored? Great, go play outside. But the truth is, we didn’t want to stay in our rooms. As soon as you got off school you rode your bike to the park to play drop-in football with whatever kids showed up. Back then, the sun was so blindingly bright that you dreaded being quarterback when facing it, so you just had to launch a nice spiral and hope your teammate catches it. In the winter months we would grab our Bauer ice skates, a couple hockey sticks and walk to a frozen pond where we suddenly morphed into NHL greatest-of-all-time, Wayne Gretzky vs Steve Yzerman. Although it was Michigan winter, the sun was still warm so we would skate wearing a hoodie and snow hat. Of course, if we knew our parents were coming, we would put our coats back on.

Being that we spent nearly every day outdoors, I can absolutely assure you that our sky didn’t look like this….


WAR of the WEATHERS New York Times Archives

If you still think the weather isn’t being modified (to your detriment)

April 17, 1976,

SANTA MONICA, Calif.— “From space one could control the earth’s weather, cause drought and floods, change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, make temperate climates frigid,” then‐Senator Lyndon B. Johnson told a joint session of Congress in 1957. Like many other legislators, he accepted Defense Department fantasies that the United States was in race with the Soviet Union to develop environmental weapons.


Hear Rosalind Peterson’s presentation to the UN on geoengineering back in 2006

Here is the late Rosalind Peterson speaking to the UN about her concerns with geoengineering. Her first alert was she had noticed trees dying … listen at the link below

If you also watch Robert Deutsch’s latest video he speaks about the documented evidence & shows the paper work. Here are two screenshots from the info, beginning at 6:04 mins into the vid. Links etc are in the video.

Photo: EWR

Tracking the cyclone NZ WeatherWatch dubbed ‘one of the most serious this century’ (Includes Updates)


24/2: so if what the eye witnesses have told us is true, then we’re getting a picture now about the folk not accounted for, a number that has been little mentioned in recent news announcements. The article at the previous link is a must watch. If you look back through Robert Deutsch’s videos since before cyclone gabrielle, you will see the areas flooded were the very ones he warned about. Our heartfelt condolences go out to all those who have lost loved ones.

22/2 Latest on the uncontactible was down to 1500 or so. If you are following Rob D. now you will note there is more rain coming.

19/2 Radio News reports today that 11 are dead with thousands missing.

17/2: The MSM tell us 6 people have died & more than 3K (tonight heard that’s now 4K+) are ‘uncontactable’ … not accounted for in other words. And NZ’s major food production district has been decimated.

16/2: As Robert predicted, a sizeable quake last night centered at Paraparaumu, magnitude 6 apparently. I was outdoors & could hear the house shaking and rattling. And sadly there have been at least 3 lives lost in this flooding event, some folk still not accounted for either. If you are watching these videos you will have noted more storms are coming. EWR

8am Mon 13/2: For mainstream commentary:

6:26pm Saturday 11/2: The Mighty Geoengineers To Devastate NZ Again

Keeping an eye out following the earlier post on the forecast cyclone ‘Gabrielle’. (Mainstream article here also).

Tracking from a different perspective to MS ‘News’. Some of us have noticed MSM is not reporting truth these days. (Did they ever?) You won’t find this info there anyway given the widespread denial of this topic (in spite of the abundant evidence if you choose to look for it). Either way we need to be prepared and certainly pray that it veers right & avoids NZ altogether.

For info on weather warfare see our geoengineering pages & sub pages (main menu) and/or search for geoengineering, weather modification and weather warfare in ‘categories’ drop down box, left hand side of the page. Follow this NZ site for more in depth info.

Below are updates from Robert Deutsch (he is at FB as per above link) and at YT as Rob D. (Heads up, strong language warning. This comes I’m sure from reporting continually on ongoing crimes against humanity. Same with the SADs pretty much).

(NZ @ 10.59min) (Heads up Ak.)
(NZ @ 21.57min)

History Channel’s – That’s Impossible – Episode 3: Weather Warfare


Note: This video was originally on Youtube, now removed however was fortunately posted at … a timely post in light of current heavy rainfall and flooding in the north of NZ… EWR

From The_Conspiracy_Reality @

This show premiered on July 7, 2009 on The History Channel.

See our Geoengineering pages, main menu

RELATED: Government-approved weather manipulation led to 1952 Lynmouth flash floods

FLASHBACK: Michael Murphy and G. Edward Griffin on Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (2010) (Corbett Report)

The Corbett Report

FROM 2010: Michael Murphy of Truth Media Productions and G. Edward Griffin of Freedom Force International join us to talk about their forthcoming documentary “What in the World Are They Spraying?” about the Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering campaign taking place in our skies.


Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack 


Those Claiming that we Need to Fix Global Warming are the Very Ones Causing it

URGENT: New Documentary Proves Climate Engineering by Controlling the Weather (NOT “Global Warming”) is Destroying Life and the Planet: Immediate Danger FAR Greater than COVID-19

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As the world has been dominated for the past year by the fake threat that the Globalists want us to believe COVID-19 presents, a much greater risk to human health and the very life that exists on this planet has been covered up, until now.

In a very well documented and brilliantly produced explosive new film just released, The Dimming, by Dane Wigington of, conclusive evidence is presented to show that the planet earth is not being destroyed by global warming as defined by the Globalists, but it is being destroyed by the Globalists themselves through their weather modification efforts to dim the sun by spraying nanoparticles into the atmosphere and then using microwave transmissions such as 5G to weaponize the weather.

The horrendous forest fires on the west coast late last year, the nuclearized winter storm that recently hit Texas, and one that is currently hitting Denver as this is being written, are all related to the Globalists militarized weather modification programs.

These climate engineering programs that are spraying dangerous nanoparticles into our atmosphere every day, and then activated by EMF radiation like 5G, are causing far more sickness and disease than any virus can, including producing “flu-like” symptoms.

Dane Wigington has interviewed some the world’s top scientists and authorities on climate engineering and its effects on life and health in this film …


Photo: Sth Island NZ, Marian Sutherland

Government-approved weather manipulation led to 1952 Lynmouth flash floods

It’s not new and we’re seeing more of it currently, all blamed on so called natural ‘climate change’ but no we’ve had weaponized weather for a long time… without our consent of course. EWR


By Belle Carter

The 1952 flash floods that struck the village of Lynmouth in England were revealed to have been caused by weather manipulation.

The deluge, which happened on Aug. 15, 1952, swept through the once-picturesque Devon county where Lynmouth is located. Nine inches of rain fell in the span of 24 hours, causing a 90-metric-ton torrent of water to gush forth and cause the death of more than 30 people. Tons of rock at the Exmooor area saturated by the flood fell onto Lynmouth and destroyed several homes and businesses.

The British Ministry of Defense (MoD) has categorically denied its role in the tragic disaster, dubbed as “the hand of God.”

But previously classified documents from 2001 suggested that a team of international scientists working with the Royal Air Force (RAF) had been experimenting with artificial rainmaking in southern Britain, where Devon is located, during the same week as the flood. The documents also revealed that the operation, dubbed “Operation Cumulus,” was actually a geoengineering effort.

RAF Squadron Leader Len Otley recounted to the BBC that they jokingly referred to the rainmaking exercise as “Operation Witch Doctor.” Group Captain John Hart, who served as Otley’s navigator, also looked back at the success of the operation.

“We flew straight through the top of the cloud [and] poured dry ice down into [it],” said Hart. “We flew down to see if any rain came out of the cloud. It did about 30 minutes later, and we all cheered.”

A 50-year-old radio broadcast unearthed by the British national broadcaster also described glider pilot Alan Yates flying over Bedfordshire and spraying quantities of salt. He was later informed that there was a devastating downpour in Staines, located 50 miles away.

“I was told that the rain had been the heaviest for several years and all out of a sky which looked summery. There was no disguising the fact that the seedsman had said he’d make it rain, and he did. Toasts were drunk to meteorology and it was not until the BBC news bulletin [about the Lynmouth disaster] was read later on, that a stony silence fell on the company,” Yates said.

Weather manipulation efforts serve a more sinister purpose

For its part, the British Meteorological Office – the U.K.’s national weather service – denied conducting weather manipulation experiments prior to 1955.

But documents obtained by the BBC from the public record office, alongside RAF logbooks and attestations from personnel, confirmed that weather alteration exercises were going on from 1949 to 1955. They also suggested that there had been a “cloud-seeding” operation between Aug. 4 and Aug. 15, 1952 – the day of the tragedy.

The Guardian also obtained declassified minutes from a Nov. 3, 1953 meeting of the now-defunct Air Ministry, held at the War Office Building in London’s Whitehall district. The minutes showed that the British military was interested in artificially increasing precipitation for military purposes.

The documents also touched on cloud seeding having the capability “to explode an atomic weapon in a seeded storm system or cloud,” producing “a far wider area of radioactive contamination than in a normal atomic explosion.” (Related: Nations are now using weather modification as clandestine warfare, CIA warns.)

But following the tragedy, Operation Cumulus was indefinitely put on hold.

Three years after the tragedy in Lynmouth, the issue of liability and compensation claims related to the flooding was raised in the House of Commons. As per documents seen by the BBC, both the Air Ministry and Her Majesty’s Treasury expressed anxiety over the potential damage weather manipulation can inflict on civilians.

In the early 2000s, the British Geological Survey examined soil sediments in Lynmouth to find any residues of silver or iodide. While tests on soil samples were inconclusive, silver residue had been discovered in the catchment waters of the West Lyn and East Lyn rivers that straddle the village. has more stories about the weaponization of climate.

Watch the below video that talks about a collective shift of consciousness to fight weather manipulation.


This video is from the Kla.TV – English channel on

More related stories:

Spain sprays lethal CHEMTRAILS on its population under UN program to fight COVID.

Government approves weather control “cloud seeding” operation in New Mexico in desperate bid to create rainfall.

Globalists are pushing climate change narrative to force mass starvation and depopulate the world, the Health Ranger warns.

Sources include:



Geoengineering And Weather Modification Exposed


SOURCE: ClimateViewer

The most extensive research on Geoengineering and Weather Modification experiments worldwide, with articles, maps, and timelines to fully expose the hidden world of Weather Control.

This page is a table of contents for Jim Lee’s research on Geoengineering. All of the information on this page is backed up by references, feared by trolls and geoengineering lobbyists alike, and is the most accurate literature on who’s controlling your weather, why they are doing it, and where.

Related: Chemtrails & Geoengineering

For the uninitiated, prepare yourself to be shocked. For you veterans of the Climate Engineering activism world, our articles, maps, and timelines will answer many of your burning questions and help you connect the dots.

As the media distributes pro-geoengineering propaganda in a political climate ruled by fear, the Lord’s of Weather (geoengineering lobbyist’s) are suggesting coating our skies with sulfur, aluminum, titanium, and diamond dust to block the sun and cool our planet.

While acknowledging that Geoengineering Solar Radiation Management will alter rainfall patterns worldwide and likely kill people, the Lord’s of Weather ignore the cold hard facts: after 60 years of cloud-seeding, nobody has ever produced any proof of its efficacy.


Photo: envirowatchrangitikei


From @ Rumble

An interview by Toronto Business Journal. Must watch. Packed full of very important info, more in fact than just Geoengineering. Elana is the author of several books and notably on topic, no less than three recent volumes. Must reads. EWR


Residents in southern Tasmania want to know why cloud seeding was conducted the day before severe flooding hit the region

Residents in southern Tasmania want to know why cloud seeding was conducted the day before severe flooding hit the region.

To the uninitiated, see our geoengineering pages at the main menu, and search ‘geoengineering’ in ‘categories’ at the left of the page.


Photo: screenshot

OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Operation In World History

Not new news but some folk may not have seen it. Worth a listen .. EWR

Finally, a military pilot steps forward and completely blows the lid off the unlawful and exceedingly destructive Global Chemtrail Program. What follows is a video which puts forth a true story about a courageous pilot who has broken ranks with his chemtrailing peers. In so doing he has risked his life and the life of his family. As you listen to this presentation, or read the text provided below, bear in mind that chemtrails are being sprayed 24/7 around the globe with terrible consequences.



Elana Freeland interview: Synthetic Biology, Trojan Horses & other links to the puzzle

Elana provides an excellent overview of what is happening right now on planet earth. So much is packed into this interview it is a must watch. Her extensive knowledge on the geoengineering program, the military, science, the current event we are watching play out globally. See how it all interlocks. Read more detail below … and watch/listen at the link …


Elana Freeland is a writer, ghostwriter, speaker, storyteller, and teacher who researches and writes on Deep State issues, including the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA, ritual abuse, and invasive electromagnetic weapons (Nexus, October 2014).

She is best known for Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth(Feral House, June 2014) and Under An Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown (Feral House, February 2018). As a teenager in August 1963, Elana Freeland represented her state at Girls Nation in Washington, DC, and stood in the Rose Garden with President John F. Kennedy. Back in her home state, she gave speeches to civic groups about her moment in the sun with the President. After his public murder in Dallas, she was invited back by the same civic groups to speak in rooms filled with sobbing Americans. Having come of age in the eye of the Sixties maelstrom, Elana wrote 4-book fictional format series Sub Rosa America: A Deep State History about the hidden history of America since President Kennedy’s televised assassination. Most recently, she wrote the story “What Would Solon Have Done?” for the 2017 book If I Were King: Advice for President Trump, edited by Harry Blazer with an Introduction by Catherine Austin Fitts. Freeland’sundergraduate degree was in creative writing with a second major in biology. Her Master of Arts degree from St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico concentrated on historiography. She lives in Olympia, Washington. Her website:​​ Find her books at Amazon

URGENT: New Documentary Proves Climate Engineering by Controlling the Weather (NOT “Global Warming”) is Destroying Life and the Planet: Immediate Danger FAR Greater than COVID-19

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As the world has been dominated for the past year by the fake threat that the Globalists want us to believe COVID-19 presents, a much greater risk to human health and the very life that exists on this planet has been covered up, until now.

In a very well documented and brilliantly produced explosive new film just released, The Dimming, by Dane Wigington of, conclusive evidence is presented to show that the planet earth is not being destroyed by global warming as defined by the Globalists, but it is being destroyed by the Globalists themselves through their weather modification efforts to dim the sun by spraying nanoparticles into the atmosphere and then using microwave transmissions such as 5G to weaponize the weather.

The horrendous forest fires on the west coast late last year, the nuclearized winter storm that recently hit Texas, and one that is currently hitting Denver as this is being written, are all related to the Globalists militarized weather modification programs.


Photo: envirowatchrangitikei (captured over the Rangitikei)

How humans make rain in 47 countries .. it isn’t conspiracy – ‘The Science of Superstorms’ – BBC

BBC Studios 2.95M subscribers

Discover key moments from history and stories about fascinating people on the Official BBC Documentary channel:​ A look at the science of weather modification and how countries all over the world use different methods of cloud seeding to produce water. Great video from BBC show The Science of Superstorms. Watch more high quality videos on the new BBC Worldwide YouTube channel here:


The Australian companies manipulating our weather

Ottawa Professor Blasts The US Military For “Owning The Weather” For Military Use

  • The Facts:Dr. Michel Chossudovsky, who is the University of Ottawa’s Emeritus Professor of Economics and has worked directly with governments on various geopolitical issues has spoken out against weather modification and the long history of its use.
  • Reflect On:Why are we spraying things into our atmosphere without the people being aware of it? Why is it such a secretive issue? Should we not know about it? Why is this topic never brought up in the climate change discussion?




Monsanto’s Aluminum Resistant Gene & how it relates to chemtrails

An older post from 2007, but a good glance back at the underlying indeed generally unknown agendas of weather modification. An excellent & enlightening article that certainly dispels the ‘cloud’ myth about those trails we see daily. (Note: scroll to the article titled: “Chemtrails and Monsanto’s New Aluminum Resistance Gene – Coincidence?” EWR

by Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri

Global Research, May 12, 2010



“For decades, we have known that heavy metals and chemicals can cause grave physical harm. Going back to Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring,” we have known and been amply warned of the serious consequences of using or being exposed to these poisons in our daily activities. Thousands of these are well-documented carcinogens.

Building on Carson’s ground-breaking research, we also know that certain kinds of chemicals can and do disrupt human [and other animals’] entire immune system. Going back 30 years, researchers were investigating what became known as endocrine [hormone] disrupting chemicals and how they were affecting frogs [who sometimes had five legs or hermaphroditic characteristics], other aquatic animals, and mammals. These animals were the proverbial canaries in the coal mine. In another pioneering book, “Our Stolen Future,” authors Dr. Theo Colburn, Dianne Dumanoski, and John Peterson Myers clearly demonstrate that 1 + 1 hormone-disrupting chemicals did not equal 2. Rather, in a nightmare of mathematical proportions, these poisons acted synergistically; and 1+1 could equal up to 1,600 times the original dose. We are also exposed to more than 100,000 chemicals regularly. Most of them have never been tested for human safety. So, almost nothing has been done to reduce human exposure to a myriad of hazardous chemicals. In fact, over the past decade, the Bush administration dismantled many environmental laws in existence for 30 years, to let corporations off the proverbial hook. [Just look at what’s unfolding in the Gulf with the BP oil spill.]”


“The U.S. military has been spraying chemical and biological weapons in open air testing over civilian populations since the 1940’s. They are called “vulnerability tests”. This is not a controversial statement. The military has admitted to this practice on many occasions and there’s plenty of documentation from the government to corroborate it. There is also documentation of intentional, experimental releases of radiation on civilian populations. Unfortunately, this information tends to surface long after it could have saved lives, or eased the suffering of victims.(3)

Over the past decade, independent testing of Chemtrails around the country has shown a dangerous, extremely poisonous brew that includes: barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, and polymer fibers. Barium can be compared to the toxicity of arsenic.(4) Barium is known to adversely affect the heart. Aluminum has a history of damaging brain function. Independent researchers and labs continue to show off-the-scale levels of these poisons. A few “anonymous” officials have acknowledged this on-going aerosol spraying.(5)

Numerous tests have been done to verify that these poisons are off the scale in their toxicity. They are documented in our water, in our soil, and in our air. For more than 10 years, researcher Clifford Carnicom has been valiantly and systematically reporting on the various detrimental aspects of these aerosols –and what they are doing to our entire environment, as well as our blood.(6) Various “sky watch” groups also have been carefully documenting and diligently reporting about these daily assaults.(7)

With all these poisons surrounding our every breath, it is not surprising to see a dramatic increase in illnesses. There are numerous reports of the increase in cardiac deaths and upper respiratory illnesses (asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, and often multiple chronic illnesses). Chemtrails toxicity has already dramatically affected our deteriorating “collective health.” The significant increase in heart disease and various upper respiratory illnesses has been linked to a vast increase in “particulate matter” in our air. This can be seen by some revealing statistics…


For further info check out the Geoengineering pages, main menu.

Photo: Marian Sutherland

In 1967 the Australian Govt approved weather modification & the records on that are missing reports an Australian lawyer

In the video below (that relates also to other matters concerning whistleblowing NSW Police & covid-19), Australian Lawyer Peter Little calls out the government on their approval of weather modification technology (rain making by cloud seeding) … and the disappearance of the records pertaining to the Act (Rain-Making Control Act 1967). Peter mentions the Act in the first two minutes of the video, then expands further when speaking with Melbourne Police to register his complaint.

Note: remember this post about the bush fires earlier in 2020?

Australia is 1 of 47 countries globally that makes rain by cloud seeding (BBC) … why are they not using it to extinguish the fires?


View the video at Bitchute (to play, hover mouse over bottom left hand corner of video screen and the red play button will appear, press play):

Peter Little Live at Police Headquarters at 313 Spencer Street Melbourne Australia

MY MOBILE +61434178638

Reporting THEFT of Rain-making Control Act 1967 archives

The Rain-Making Control Act 1967…/rain-making…/016

70 whistleblowers from NSW Police fed up with enforcing oppressive CV rules warn ‘a global dictatorship is occurring’

Update 6 Nov 2020: Damage control lamestream to the rescue …
‘Cops for COVID Truth’: NSW officer under investigation for open letter … predictably of course, ‘it’s a conspiracy’ (70 Policeman can’t all be conspiracy theorists surely?) … EWR


The video below shows Australian lawyer Peter Little presenting this information at the Police Headquarters in Melbourne. He questions also the Govt failure to monitor influenza and the disappearance of records about the Rain-Making Control Act 1967.

An excerpt below from their letter to the NSW Police Commissioner (copied plus link to full letter below):

“Many members of the force are fed up with the approach to enforce oppressive rules placed upon the population in the name of COVID-19 and the looming mandatory vaccinations. We feel a real calling to do our part to stop this oppression, so we are writing to you to raise the following issues:-

•Police Force employees have ‘choice’ as to whether or not to receive vaccines;
•The Police believe that all members of the community also have choice around receiving vaccines;
•Police do not participate in anyway in the forcing of vaccines upon the population;
•That the Police Association start preparing to defend Police employees who choose to not be vaccinated
•To raise the alarm that there is a global dictatorship occurring and the Police Force is being used as a tool to push these global and corporate agendas upon the population; and
•To warn the Police Force not to simply acquiesce to these requests, rules and laws and to act in the best interest of its population, not tyranny of government”

All information & links below the video (see Bitchute link here should the FB one fail: ):

Peter Little was live…

tsNodvdSpembceornensfrhi d2lorf at e6dnt:3cs7 sfPngMf 
· Live at Police Headquarters at 313 Spencer Street Melbourne Australia

Reporting THEFT of Rain-making Control Act 1967 archives ;
PLUS RECRUIT VIC POLICE to join the 70 NSW whistleblower cops called COPS FOR COVID TRUTH ;
plus report Conspiracy admitted by Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt that the government is lying about flu stats and failing to do the required surveillance of flu viruses 🦠{ bumped into Channel 9 reporter at the start of live and gave him the NSW police whistleblower document}

MY MOBILE +61434178638-
here is the link to the SEVEN PAGE WHISTLEBLOWER letter from Nsw cops… or the full website link –
and the Rain-Making Control Act 1967…/rain-making…/016
Plus Here is the latest admitted lies of the Australian Government in failing to monitor flu cases in 2020…/ozflu-surveil-no13-20.htm


(Apologies for the editing … pdf copied to keep from losing the link however if you download the original it is better reading … EWR)

1| P a g e

October 26, 2020

To: Michael Fuller
Police Commissioner of New South Wales

RE: Open Letter Concerning the Police Enforcement of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions. We are writing to you to raise concerns we have about the use of the police to enforce the ongoing restrictions placed upon our citizens relating to COVID-19, which has seriously eroded community trust in our great police force. Since the Attorney General Declared a State of Emergency for the novel coronavirus, our governments have acted upon certain powers to impose restrictions on its citizens, using the police to enforce their rules.Due to the novel nature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, most people concurred that certain restrictions should be followed, until more was learnt about the virus. With the initial modelling from the Imperial College in the UK [1]and the Peter Doherty Institute here in Australia, indicating a catastrophic number of cases that would severely burden our hospital system and could result in up to150,000 Australian deaths[2], it is easy to comprehend why our governments would respond as they did and why the vast population would comply. With these frightening projections it became evident that we needed to find a way to quickly diagnose the disease. Yet the Centre for Disease Control in the US states that “no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available”.[3] So even without the virus being isolated, the RT PCR test was picked to become the gold standard for testing. We note that the modelling was later found to have serious calculation errors,such that experts who later reviewed it have said”no serious scientist gives (it) any validity”. [4, 5] And now the RT PCR test has been proven to be unreliable at best, with the inventor stating it should “never be used to diagnose infectious disease”,because it cannot tell if what it detected is alive or dead. [6, 7, 8] This test is still being relied upon to make critical decisions in the interest of public health and safety.In the same way we cannot use an inaccurate speed detection device to proctor a civilian’s speed, the same must be demanded of a faulty RT PCR test and as such, police should not in any way mandate testing for covid-19, or rely on any outcome of the results. Now that we have almost 12 months of statistical data that can be relied upon, in place of flawed computer modelling, these statistics show a reality that is far from the modelling projections, which were relied upon by National Cabinet in their response.

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For example, we now know that around 45% of people who contract the virus are asymptomatic[9] and asymptomatic transmission is between 0-2.2% [10]. We also know that 80% of people who contract the virus will only have mild symptoms [11] and it is overwhelmingly the elderly and immunocompromised who are at risk of severe symptoms that could result in death. [12] At the time of writing, the world-wide survival rate for covid-19 is 97.3%. [13] The ordinary flu is 99.9%. [14] Furthermore, statistics clearly show that while the confirmed cases may be on the rise, the percentage of deaths is plummeting. Here are some statistics which reflect this reality: –

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Sweden and Taiwan did not enforce lockdown on its citizens like much of the world did. Although Sweden failed to take better precautions to protect the elderly in the early stages, their death rate is comparable, and Taiwan’s is outstanding: -The statistics show there is a high infection rate across the globe, but very low deaths; regardless of whether there was forced lockdowns or not. What we can derive from analysis of this is that these two distinctly different ways have resulted in much the same outcome.

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We note from the recent Federal budget, huge debt and unemployment, is that our lockdowns have created a series of problems that now seem to outweigh the threat this virus poses.In our line of work, we know that the socioeconomical problems created here will transpire into a greater threat down the track, as people struggle to deal with the collateral damage this is causing. We have been told that the advice from the World Health Organization is a key aspect to the National Cabinet response, yet Dr David Nabarro of the WHO recently stated “We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,” [15] So in spite of the facts, as they stand now, it would appear that the National Cabinet has been lagging in its capacity to adapt to the reality ofthe situation and this is causing them to fail in their duty to respond in proportion to the risk. The risk being overwhelmingly with the elderly and immunocompromised. [16, 17, 18] What is even more concerning is the prohibition on prescribing hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19[19],when over 121 peer reviewed scientific studies have shown it to be effective in treating and preventing the disease [20, 21, 22]. Instead,the federal government has done a vaccine deal with AstraZeneca[23]and Australians told we cannot expect to go back to normal until a vaccine arrives. AstraZeneca has been found guilty of offences relating to off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products, making false claims,kickbacks and bribery, consumer protection violation, healthcare offences, government-contracting violations and more. Since 2000 they have been fined over US$1.1billion dollars for these offences and violations. [24] Still, they have been granted protection from future product liability claims relating to its COVID-19 vaccine[25]. Alarmingly, Prime Minister Scott Morrison stated they will make the vaccine “as mandatory as you can possibly make it” [26], in spite of the criminal record of its producer, their exemption from liability claims, the fact we already have at least two approved and extremely safe medications in Ivermectin [27] and hydroxychloroquine; shown to be effective treatments and the reality that the virus does not pose a serious threat to the healthy. It seems these decisions appear to be corporate interests, not in the best interests of public health and wellbeing as is claimed. All this indicates that the ongoing restrictions on the healthy population is a disproportionate response, yet the police are still expected to continue to enforce these measures and at risk of being forced to vaccinate against a disease that is showing not to be virulent, with a vaccine that has had no long-term safety studies and then forcing it upon the population. The evidence would suggest resources are better directed to protect the vulnerable. We are concerned with the legitimacy of the actions we are being told to take against the citizens of Australia. States and territories cannot rise above the commonwealth constitution as well as international treaties we are signatories to, yet this is occurring. Under the state of emergency, the emergency requirements are qualified and restricted by the significant fact that emergency requirements and directions cannot request an individual to be isolated, detained, tested, vaccinated, medically treated or bodily searched in the absence of a biosecurity control order issued to the individual.

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These measures are referred to as biosecurity measures and are captured under Subdivision B of Division 3 of Part 3 of Chapter 2 of the Biosecurity Act 2015. [28] (Emergency and public health powers, at the States and Territories, do not provide a carte blanche to breach an individual’s human rights by isolating them, or detaining them or testing them without the proper required notifications and risk assessments first). There is an inter-governmental agreement [29] which places the Commonwealth in the lead as well as the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan [30]. This ensures that the States and Territories act to compliment the Federal Legislative Framework. Article 7 of the international convention of civil and political rights states “no-one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, in particular, no-one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.”[31]Article 27 of the Vienna convention on the law of treatise “A party may not invoke the provision of its internal law as justification of its failure to perform a treaty.” [32] Article 7 of the Australian human rights commission Act 1986 states “no-one should be subjected to torture or to cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, in particular, no-one shall be subject without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation. [33] Section 109 of the commonwealth of Australia constitution states “when a law of a state is inconsistent with a law of the commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall to the extent of the inconsistency be valid.” [34] With federal and international legislation breaches, it will be taken that we are complicit and consensual in their undertaking on the people of Australia, potentially rendering us criminally liable under the Crimes Act 1914 [35], as well as the Criminal Code Act 1995 [36]. Many members of the force are fed up with the approach to enforce oppressive rules placed upon the population in the name of COVID-19 and the looming mandatory vaccinations. We feel a real calling to do our part to stop this oppression, so we are writing to you to raise the following issues:-

•Police Force employees have ‘choice’ as to whether or not to receive vaccines;
•The Police believe that all members of the community also have choice around receiving vaccines;
•Police do not participate in anyway in the forcing of vaccines upon the population;
•That the Police Association start preparing to defend Police employees who choose to not be vaccinated
•To raise the alarm that there is a global dictatorship occurring and the Police Force is being used as a tool to push these global and corporate agendas upon the population; and
•To warn the Police Force not to simply acquiesce to these requests, rules and laws and to act in the best interest of its population, not tyranny of government. Recently letters have been written to our leaders from the legal fraternity, including high profile Judges and QC’s [37], The Australian Institute for Progress penned by 30 public

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intellectuals including 15 professors of relevant disciplines, one of whom is an advisor on health and well-being economics to the UK government[38], Advocate Me’s open letter to all leaders seeking to review disproportionate response to SAR-CoV-2 [39], as well as hundreds of doctors from the medical fraternity [40]. Despite the government continually parroting that they are following the advice of ‘the experts’, all these requests have been ignored and the police used as the enforcers of these senseless rules. We ask that you consider the information provided herein and the NSW Police Force statement of values: –
Each member of the Police Force is to Act in a manner which:
▪Places integrity above all;
▪Upholds the rule of law;
▪Preserves the rights and freedoms of individuals;
▪Seeks to improve the quality of life by community involvement in policing;
▪Strives for citizen and police personal satisfaction;
▪Capitalises on the wealth of human resources;
▪Makes efficient and economical use of public resources; and
▪Ensures that authority is exercised responsibly.
Many of us believe that we are removing our own rights and freedoms by enforcing these rules upon the community, including our family and friends. And the community are confounded by the intensified police enforcement around peaceful freedom protests and how inconsistent this was when compared with the Black Lives Matter protests. This contradiction is further destroying public confidence. We are reaching out to all our fellow police officers across the country, to write a similar letter to their respective police commissioners, or sign our form at to show your support for this stance, which we have called Cops for Covid Truth. With trust in our police force now seriously eroded, we ask you to consider now challenging the necessity of the ongoing restrictions to restore community trust,by being an integral part of returning our State and Country back to normality.

RegardsAlexander Cooney

Senior Constable Coffs/Clarence Highway Patrol NSW Police Force Grafton Police Station 5 Duke Street Grafton NSW 2460

And other signatories


All source reference links below:-


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Photo: Wikipedia

The Lake Ōhau inferno (Sth Canterbury Skywatch)

South Canterbury Sky Watch 572 subscribers

Quick trip last night, not long before sunset, i hit the road heading for Lake Ohau, after the devastation of the destructive wildfires. The normally golden brown tussock land, or the white armoured mountains and land now greet you in a veil of black. Huge area, I think there was something like 5000 hectares burnt, charred and incinerated. Unfortunate thing for a number of residents, the flames welcomed themselves into their homes. Entry gained from all directions. I was fast losing the light of the day, but darkness was all around. As far as the eye could see, the darkening skies mirrored that of the ground. I know there are still a few sensitive residents up there, so even though i have recorded what i viewed, i havent over stepped the boundary and got right in the burnt out homes of the people. Maybe if i got asked, I would but its not something you wish too see anybody go through. I cant stop thinking how terrified many would have been. Around 3am to be woken, pitch black with the glow of orange surrounding your home, with just really one way in and out, extremely good too see all escaped the inferno from hell. Yes i will have a video up at some stage, in the process as i type this. Stay safe and always be alert and aware of possible dangers you can not see. – Other videos to watch: –… NEW ZEALAND PAGES OF INTEREST: – https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpre… USA TOP WEBSITE: –… AUSTRALIA PAGE OF INTEREST: –……….. NEWS ARTICLES: –………

Photo: Wikipedia