Tag Archives: toxicity

Fluoridation of water is promoted as a health measure when the science indicates multiple toxicities

From Dr Sam Bailey

Warning! Fluoride In Your Water

Fluoridation of water is promoted as a health measure when the science indicates multiple toxicities. I spoke with one of the unsung New Zealand heroes, Kane Titchener who has volunteered his time to combat the authorities’ attempts to poison our water supplies.

Here is what he said about: 

  • The relationship of fluoridation to vaccination
  • The effects of fluoride on the brain and IQ
  • Why your typical doctor or dentist doesn’t know much about fluoride
  • How to protect yourself against fluoride toxicity
  • What kind of toothpaste is best for your family

and much more!

Learn even more here  Fluoride Free NZ

Worldwide  Fluoride Action Network

For kiwis: Buy one of the fantastic Fluoride Free NZ booklets for $20 + postage – please email auckland@fluoridefree.org.nz



    1. Cochrane Review: Water fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries
    2. Harvard review paper: Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    4. Dr Sam Bailey Video: Can Soft Drinks Be Healthy?
    5. Dr Sam Bailey Video: The Hidden Secrets of Water
    6. Jon Rappoport Interview: Make The Criminals Squirm
    7. Jon Rappoport Interview: The Virus Cover Story
    8. Bashash Study (2017): Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6-12 Years of Age in Mexico
    9. Green et al  (2019): Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada
    10. Till et al (2020): Fluoride exposure from infant formula and child IQ in a Canadian birth cohort
    11. Goodman et al (2022): Iodine Status Modifies the Association between Fluoride Exposure in Pregnancy and Preschool Boys’ Intelligence
    12. NZ herald 2014: ‘Fluoride is safe and effective’
    13. Fluoride Free NZ Water Tips
    14. Childsmile program Scotland
    15. Fluoride levels in tea
    16. To buy one of the fantastic Fluoride Free NZ booklets for $20 + postage – please email auckland@fluoridefree.org.nz
    17.  JAMA Pediatrics Editors’ Summary 12min Podcast 


    In spite of a signed letter to Govt by 19 NZ Doctors concerned about 1080 health risks, the Hunua Ranges drop is going ahead!

    Note: remember people, this has been in court (big thanks to Sue Grey, lawyer) and DoC’s lawyers asked the judge for their scientist to NOT be cross examined. How dodgy is that? And the drop is going ahead. No surprizes there. See the Court approval here.
    The news here below is from Carol Sawyer.



    Open letter to the Government, Friday, 21st September 2018.

    As doctors, we are extremely concerned about the health risk of depositing poisoned bait over 22,500 hectares of the Hunua water catchment area. Specifically, we are concerned about Sodium Fluoroacetate (SMFA / 1080), a known deadly poison which is known to cause sub-lethal effects on reproduction and is classified as a teratogen, having potential to contaminate the Auckland water supply.

    There is no effective antidote for 1080 poisoning in humans.

    We are extremely concerned that public officials are not adopting a far more precautionary approach to the safety of the Auckland water catchment, especially when the effects of 1080, a highly soluble poison, is not quantifiably able to be tested on how it affects the health of humans.

    Studies show that 1080 affects the reproductive organs, the cardiac system, and respiratory system in mammals. There is no safe minimal level known and water testing and sampling after aerial 1080 application cannot prudently protect the public from risk of exposure from this poison.

    As doctors, we are responsible for the health of individuals and communities. Therefore, we ask the government to immediately stop the usage of sodium fluoroacetate which has potential to contaminate the New Zealand water supply.


    Dr Ulrich Doering MBChB, Dipl O+G, FRNZCGP

    Dr Roger Leitch MBChB, FRNZCGP

    Dr Mogens Poppe FRNZCGP FRACGP

    Dr Janine Budden MBChB, FRNZCGP

    Dr Caroline Wheeler MBChB

    Dr Ron Goedeke

    Dr Tessa Jones MBChB, Dipl Obs, FRNZCGP, FACNEM, FAARM

    Dr. Charles M. Baycroft BSc; MD. FRNZCGP, Dip MSM, QBE.

    Dr Donald Palmer MBChB, Dipl O+G, FRNZCGP

    Dr Jocelyn Lydford MD


    Dr Avani Karl

    Dr Rick Coleman MB ChB, Dip Obst, FRNZCGP

    Dr Helen Proctor

    Dr Richard Drexel

    Dr Tim Ewer, MB ChB, MMedSci, MRCP, FRACP, FRNZCGP, Dip Occ Med

    Dr Tracey Chandler BSc (Hons), MB ChB, FRNZCGP, MNZSCM, PGDipSEM, Cert Dermoscopy

    Dr Janine Budden MBCHB, MRCGP, FRNZCGP, CertNutrMed, DipObs

    Michael E Godfrey MB.BS. FACNEM


    For related articles use ‘categories’ at left of news page. Also use the search box & see our 1080 pages at main menu.

    Aus/NZ Food Standards has approved 5 GE food products (as at 2013) in spite of research revealing a previously unknown pathway by which Glyphosate ruins our health

    By Dr. Mercola

    “Experts warned that eating this GE wheat could lead to significant changes in the way glucose and carbohydrates are stored in the human body, which could be potentially deadly for children and lead to serious illness in adults. Yet despite the seriousness of these findings, regulators are ignoring and dismissing such warnings. According to the Institute of Science in Society,10 the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has approved at least five such GE food products already.”

    The more we learn about genetically engineered (GE) foods, the clearer the dangers become. I’ve warned you of the potential dangers of GE foods for many years now, as I was convinced that the artificial combining of plants with genes from wildly different kingdoms is bound to cause problems.

    As the years roll on, such suspicions are becoming increasingly validated. In recent weeks, we’ve not only learned that GE corn is in no way comparable to natural corn in terms of nutrition, we’re also discovering the ramifications of dousing our crops with large amounts of glyphosate — the active ingredient in Monsanto’s broad-spectrum herbicide Roundup.

    GE crops are far more contaminated with glyphosate than conventional crops, courtesy of the fact that they’re engineered to withstand extremely high levels of Roundup without perishing along with the weed.

    A new peer-reviewed report authored by Anthony Samsel, a retired science consultant, and a long time contributor to the Mercola.com Vital Votes Forum and Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has fortunately received quite a bit of mainstream media attention.

    Their findings, along with the development of another breed of “gene silencing” crops, makes the need for labeling all the more urgent, and the advice to buy certified organic all the more valid.



    Check out our Glyphosate pages for local info on that chemical. It is an integral part of the whole GMO package. NZ is not GE free. 


    Two MDs and an expert on Maori Medicinal Plants Discuss the toxicity of 1080 in our Food & our Environment

    An excellent and informative video where experts (two Medical Doctors & an expert in Rongoa – Maori medicinal plants) are discussing the effects of chemicals, particularly 1080 in our environment and its uptake by plants. As you will see there has been little research to cover many areas of risk. By the Graf Boys this is important information to have. Bearing in mind the authorities are telling us it’s safe as houses, educate yourself and make an informed decision yourself. Gone are the days of believing the official word … that word is now corporately controlled and profits a priority. These three men share some very interesting information. EWR

    Header image from Wikipedia


    Published on Jul 16, 2014

    Dr Peter Scanlon and Dr Sean Weaver (Environmental studies – Victoria University) discuss the low-dose effects of 1080 poison. Jim Doherty discusses the effects of 1080 poison on rongoa plants (maori medicinal plants) …

    If you are new to the 1080 poisoning program, here is a good article to start with …


    A must watch also is Poisoning Paradise, the doco made by the GrafBoys (banned from screening on NZ TV, yet a 4x international award winner). Their website is tv-wild.com. Their doco is a very comprehensive overview with the independent science to illustrate the question marks that remain over the use of this poison. There are links also on our 1080 resources page to most of the groups, pages, sites etc that will provide you with further information.

    Check out the 1080 pages at the main menu, particularly the sub tab, ‘suspected 1080 poisoning cases’. Finally, remember what the retired MD Charlie Baycroft said recently …‘if you die from 1080 poisoning, nobody will know  because the Ministry of Health is bullying NZ Doctors into not testing for 1080′. 

    Note we don’t condone or advocate violence, & unlike those who support the use of 1080 poison we do not support cruelty to animals. Note it can take up to two days for animals to die an agonizing death from 1080. Now that is violence.