Tag Archives: autoimmune disease

The CV Jab: Compare possible side effects listed by the NZ Govt with those listed by the FDA

Here are those supplied by the authorities in NZ:

The most common reported reactions are:

  • pain or swelling at the injection site
  • feeling tired or fatigued
  • headache
  • muscle aches
  • chills
  • joint pain
  • fever
  • redness at the injection site
  • nausea.

Uncommon side effects

In the clinical trials, uncommon side effects were reported in every 1 in 100 to 1 in 1,000 people. These include:

  • enlarged lymph nodes
  • feeling unwell
  • pain in limb
  • insomnia
  • itching at injection site



This is a draft list compiled by the FDA – the Food and Drug Administration in the US (link below):

Guillain-Barre syndrome, Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, Transverse myelitis,

Encephalitis, Myelitis, Encephalomyelitis, Meningoencephalitis, Meningitis, Encephalopathy,

Convulsions, Seizures, Stroke, Narcolepsy, Cataplexy, Anaphylaxis, Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack), Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Autoimmune disease, Death, Pregnancy, Birth outcomes,

Other acute demyelinating diseases, Non anaphylactic allergy reactions, Thromocytopenia,

Disseminated intravascular coagulation, Venous thromboembolism, Arthritis, Arthralgia, Joint pain,

Kawasaki disease, Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, Vaccine enhanced disease.

https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download (see page 17)

You aren’t necessarily going to get all of those or even any of them if you have the vaccine. But those are the possible side effects that the FDA has listed. They’re all unpleasant, most of them very serious and you can’t get more serious than death. Below are the deaths & injuries reported to the official government data bases that occurred after taking the covid-19 injection. Remember only 1% on average are reporting.


USA: DEATHS – 13,627 – 2,826,646 INJURIES: (to Sept 11, 2021 )

UK: 1,662 DEATHS – INJURIES 1,204,555 (to Sept 15, 2021)

EUROPE: 24,526 – INJURIES 2,317,495 (to Sept 11, 2021)

AUSTRALIA – 524 DEATHS – 56,650 INJURIES (to Sept 15, 2021)

For the articles on the deaths and injuries cited, go to the home page at https://truthwatchnz.is/ at the left hand column, click on the link below each image stating the stats.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Shocking Flaws in Gardasil Trial Design Prevents Safety Assessment

By Dr. Mercola

To say that the HPV vaccine is controversial would be a serious understatement. A number of experts have spoken out against the vaccine since its release, and studies have revealed serious problems. Children and teenagers have died or been permanently disabled following HPV vaccination, yet it remains on the market.

Story at-a-glance

  • A number of experts have spoken out against the HPV vaccine since its release. An eight-month investigation revealed shocking flaws in Merck’s clinical trial design, which effectively prevented assessment of safety
  • Many of the side effects experienced during the vaccine trial were simply recorded as “medical history,” and were not treated as adverse events; serious adverse events arising outside of a two-week period post-vaccination were marked down as “medical history”
  • More than 80 million girls, young women and boys have received the HPV vaccine, and many have paid an extraordinarily high price, coming down with nervous system disorders, chronic fatigue and autoimmune diseases
  • According to Merck’s own research, if you have been exposed to HPV strains 16 or 18 prior and then get vaccinated, you may increase your risk of precancerous lesions by 44.6 percent
  • HPV infection is spread through sexual contact and research has demonstrated that using condoms can reduce risk of HPV infection by 70 percent, which is far more effective than the HPV vaccine

READ MORE at the source:



Bombshell: All tested vaccines reveal toxic substances linked to autoimmune disease

(Naturalhealth365) According to the National Institutes of Health, up to 23.5 million Americans suffer from autoimmune disease – and the number is increasing steadily. Unfortunately, Western medicine continues to ignore the impact of vaccines on this growing health crisis.

In addition, rates of cancer, diabetes, autism and other neurodevelopmental diseases continue to soar – a disease (and disability) epidemic that has researchers baffled. Yet, many integrative healthcare providers have warned the general public that vaccines – already known to contain neurotoxic metals like, lead and chromium – are a fundamental trigger for these so-called ‘mysterious’ health issues.

Now, a pair of Italian scientists are reporting unsafe levels of contaminants in human vaccines, further raising the concern over these negative (and avoidable) health outcomes.



Why parents should be concerned about Gardasil 9 – it will be given to Australian 12 and 13 year olds in 2018

Please also see our Vaccine pages at the main menu for more info on this vaccine that others have sounded warning bells on. Educate yourself. EnvirowatchRangitikei

From uncensored.co.nz

 “How can the Prime Minister have missed the fact that at least 73,000 adverse events following the administration of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine, Gardasil, and that so many of these teenagers are still ill, and can’t go to school or play sport?”

Gardasil 9, the latest human papilloma virus vaccine, will be given to all Australian 12- and 13-year-old students beginning in 2018. The announcement that Gardasil 9 would replace the quadrivalent Gardasil was made by the Prime Minister at the North Bondi Surf Club.
That Malcolm Turnbull was involved in the ceremony surprised me, but clearly it illustrates the strong support the government has for the practice of vaccination. The spectacle is worth examining, firstly for the pageant itself and what it signifies along with the likely repercussions of this decision.
On a bright sunny day and surrounded by lifesavers from the local surf club, Malcolm Turnbull began the proceedings: “It is an extraordinary development, Australian medical science – it is, so many of those young boys and girls down there will be proofed throughout their whole lives from this virus that is of course the cause of cervical cancer and other cancers as well.”
Of course the choice of venue was deliberate. The news that a more potent HPV vaccine was now to be given to teenagers was announced at one of Australia’s most iconic beaches. Bronze surfers provided the important backdrop to Malcolm Turnbull as he purposely promoted the new human papilloma virus vaccine, claiming it was a vital new step in saving lives and “an example of the way in which we are keeping Australians safe and healthy, we are saving lives, the young lifesavers behind us, they’re getting ready to save lives on this beach.”
If the repercussions in the wake of HPV vaccines weren’t so tragic it would be comical. How can the Prime Minister have missed the fact that there have been at least 73,000 adverse events following the administration of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine, Gardasil, and that so many of these teenagers are still ill, and can’t go to school or play sport?
How can he talk about the value of ‘saving lives’ when he is endorsing this vaccine that is associated with thousands of adverse events leading to sustained illness in so many young people — people who were encouraged to have a vaccination for a disease they were most unlikely to ever get?
Nevertheless Turnbull’s ‘life saving’ announcement was praised by the media, who quoted the mantra of Suzanne Garland, the lead Australian author of a global trial published in The Lancet and funded by the drug’s manufacturer, Merck, which came to the unsurprising conclusion that the new HPV vaccine Gardasil 9 could prevent 90% of cervical cancers worldwide: “Here we have the additional five types, which means you have 93 per cent protection against cancer, so that’s an extra 23 per cent cover. It’s a real bonus, whereas we previously had protection for cancer-causing types, which were 16 and 18, which made up 70 per cent.”

