Tag Archives: not mandatory

A reminder: Ardern said the VX will NOT be compulsory


Remember this also:

The CV Jab: Compare possible side effects listed by the NZ Govt with those listed by the FDA

Here are those supplied by the authorities in NZ:

The most common reported reactions are:

  • pain or swelling at the injection site
  • feeling tired or fatigued
  • headache
  • muscle aches
  • chills
  • joint pain
  • fever
  • redness at the injection site
  • nausea.

Uncommon side effects

In the clinical trials, uncommon side effects were reported in every 1 in 100 to 1 in 1,000 people. These include:

  • enlarged lymph nodes
  • feeling unwell
  • pain in limb
  • insomnia
  • itching at injection site



This is a draft list compiled by the FDA – the Food and Drug Administration in the US (link below):

Guillain-Barre syndrome, Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, Transverse myelitis,

Encephalitis, Myelitis, Encephalomyelitis, Meningoencephalitis, Meningitis, Encephalopathy,

Convulsions, Seizures, Stroke, Narcolepsy, Cataplexy, Anaphylaxis, Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack), Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Autoimmune disease, Death, Pregnancy, Birth outcomes,

Other acute demyelinating diseases, Non anaphylactic allergy reactions, Thromocytopenia,

Disseminated intravascular coagulation, Venous thromboembolism, Arthritis, Arthralgia, Joint pain,

Kawasaki disease, Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, Vaccine enhanced disease.

https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download (see page 17)

You aren’t necessarily going to get all of those or even any of them if you have the vaccine. But those are the possible side effects that the FDA has listed. They’re all unpleasant, most of them very serious and you can’t get more serious than death. Below are the deaths & injuries reported to the official government data bases that occurred after taking the covid-19 injection. Remember only 1% on average are reporting.


USA: DEATHS –12,791 INJURIES: 682,873 (to July 2 )

UK: 1,559 DEATHS – INJURIES 1,135,579 (to June 23)

EUROPE: 20,525 – INJURIES 1,960,607 (to July 31)

AUSTRALIA – 313 DEATHS – 24000 INJURIES (to 20 June)

NEW ZEALAND – over 100 deaths (current)

For the articles on the deaths and injuries cited, go to the news page and at the right hand column, click on the images stating the stats.

The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking

via Health Impact News

We are now at Thursday of the first week of announced “door-to-door” visits by agents working for local governments enforcing the Biden Administration’s directive to get more people “vaccinated” with COVID-19 shots, and so far things are pretty quiet in the local corporate media, and in the alternative media.

Could the push back from the Right last week be making many local communities hesitant to carry out this policy? Time will tell, but as of today, I have only seen 3 reports of this policy being carried out (not counting the leaked documents from Lake County, Illinois that were widely published in the alternative media last week.)

The one that has been the most widely reported in the media so far this week was a report published by WCNC in Charlotte, North Carolina in Mecklenburg County where “49% of the population is partially vaccinated and 46% is fully vaccinated.”

Reporter Chloe Leshner posted the video on her Twitter account:



If you don’t get the jab in NZ, they plan to “go out and find you”

Kiwis are outraged at this announcement. Increasingly ‘they’ (NZ govt) are referring to ‘when’ folk are ‘vaccinated’ and not ‘if they choose to be’. From a govt that said originally there would be no mandatory, this is not-so-subtle coercion at best.

At the link here is a wide coverage of this new development announced by NZ’s Chris Hipkins, taking in NZ TV interviews & announcements plus the wider issues of numbers in the US (deaths & adverse events) including the expertise of eminent Cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough. (Video by Coronavirus Plushie channel).

LISTEN AT THE LINK (video at Bitchute):




The COVID experimental injection is not mandatory in NZ … (calling out NZ mainstream media’s misleading headlines)

First and foremost I respect and encourage informed choice regarding any medical intervention. However, I am noticing sprinkled amongst our headlines, words that imply that it’s given that we all consent to the experimental COVID injection. To balance the record it needs to be stated that there is a choice. Many of us do not want to take it. I might add, those of us who do not, are not “anti-vaxxers” or “conspiracy theorists”. In fact we are joined in our preference by thousands of MDs and other concerned citizens world wide. Please respect our wishes.

Here is the current headline from teaomaori.news below. It implies and assumes all Kiwis will get the said injection:

All Aotearoa to get Covid vaccine from July

Citing Bloomfield they say: “As we move through the rollout of the vaccination programme, we want people to be as informed as soon as possible about when they can expect to be vaccinated. This tool is designed to make that as easy as possible,” Dr Bloomfield says.” End Quote

In my opinion this should read: “As we move through the rollout of the vaccination programme, we want people to be as informed as soon as possible about the known potential side effects and any unknown risks, and when the vaccine will be available should they wish to take it. This tool is designed to make that as easy as possible,” …”

To our readers who wish to educate themselves please consider the following articles:

FYI: Possible side effects of the COVID injection

Examining the Risks and Benefits of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines (Dr R.M. Fleming)

Listen to all these MDs who affirm the need for informed consent around taking an untested vaccine

For those still deciding about the new non-mandatory CV vaccine … here is a list of factors to consider

If your boss asks you to get vaccinated – from NZ lawyer Sue Grey

Some pertinent feedback for you from people who have taken the COVID vaccine for which clinical trials don’t finish note, until 2023

For more information about side effects experienced by others to date, go to ‘categories’, top left of news page, and select the covid-19 deaths and covid-19 injuries from the drop down list.

For current CDC stats see the notice on the right hand side of the news page. See here for current stats.

Image by USA-Reiseblogger from Pixabay

PETITION: to ensure that the use of any coronavirus vaccine in NZ is voluntary and that no coercion will be applied

With the pulling down of The Highwire YT channel recently (200K
subscribers), It just further confirms the rampant censorship around
the world from BigTech on important topics.

You will understand there’s a building narrative in NZ of a miracle
coronavirus vaccine being just over the elusive horizon. Public debate
should be held on the safety of any potentially rushed vaccine and of
the possibility of mandatory or coercive use of the vaccine(s) here in
Supplied below is a link to a petition on the NZ Government website, which sadly allows very little space for the info of the petition to be conveyed.

Petition request: That the House of Representatives urge the
Government to ensure that the use of any coronavirus vaccine is
voluntary in New Zealand and that no coercion will be applied to NZers
from Government or private entities to take it.

Here is a short video posted on YT and Bitchute promoting this petition
with an attached google docs link plus show notes of evidence and
further information etc (see below)



Now that the petition is an official document and has been posted on
the NZ Government’s website, it is hoped that this has at least protected the topic somewhat in NZ, hopefully enabling room for uncensored public debate on this topic.

Here is the link to the google docs file supplying background information and references for this petition:



Image by Bao_5 from Pixabay

A Counties Manukau school child was pressured yesterday by a health nurse to vaccinate when her parents had already said ‘no’

This incident was posted on social media yesterday, 1 July 2020. In the words of one of the parents:

“A nurse from counties manukau tried to force her vaccination on to our child today even after the child told them no 3 times they waited for the teacher to leave the room and told her to go down with the other kids then tried her hardest to force the vaccination on to her, after her saying no several times and told the nurse her parents said no… the nurse said just take it all your friends are getting it! She had to tell her no over and over …”

The vaccines being foisted on this child were Boostrix and Gardasil. Now, three NZ young people have already died following Gardasil vaccines. Any discerning parent wants to weigh up the risks against the benefits, which they obviously already had in their declining the vaccinations. To go over the heads of those parents & pressure a child is nothing short, in my opinion, of child abuse. Not to mention totally unethical. That discussion is to be had between the health professional and the parent, not the professional and the child.

Listen to the video below that further describes this nightmare scenario. Vaccines are not mandatory in NZ. These people had absolutely no right to pressure this youngster in this way. See this link for a similar incident that took place in NZ. This current incident was not the first time.

Time to review the training of respective health professionals on this issue. EWR

RELATED: Children of NZ parents who had declined the HPV vax were taken aside at school, told their parents didn’t love them and coerced for their consent