Tag Archives: World economic forum

Implementing Agenda 21/30: Wellington councillors vote to investigate car-free central city by 2025

If you have had a finger on the Agenda 21 pulse you will know that being carless is their plan for you in the future. (You’ll own nothing and be happy). So we’ve seen the signs of late .. the pack and stack housing, the SNAs and more recently this one. You may have noticed in council forward planning where your input is invited, that there are street do ups everywhere. A good thing visually but when you look a little deeper the car parks are ‘disappeared’ and replaced with gardens. In Foxton when the plans were rolled out the locals protested very vigorously … however turns out the do up was already bought & paid for so they did it anyway, as councils are inclined to do these days. A flurry of ‘seeking public opinion’ first then it’s done. They use the tried & true Delphi Technique which I saw used very skilfully in Foxton. They lost 22 car parks.

Employing the Delphi Technique

In prior discussion meetings the locals shared how in places they’d lived previously businesses went bust while the do ups were in progress because nobody could get into their shops with all the construction going on. The eventual visual impact is supposed to be ‘good for business’ however once done, there’s too few car parks for customers. A no brainer really isn’t it? Try and tell them that. They do not listen as they have an agenda to implement. It’s part of the agreement signed onto in 1992. Not binding they say but the councils implement it anyway.

On a final with the carless scenario, I saved a Herald interview a few years back with a property developer on Auckland’s waterfront apartments being built. He had included basement garages which drew a comment about coming carlessness. The response was that Aucklanders were not ready yet to be carless. They will be soon I’m sure if Welly is anything to go by.



Nine councillors back removing private vehicles from Wellington’s central city by 2025

Wellington councillors vote to investigate car-free central city by 2025

Is banning cars from Central Wellington a Good Thing?

Wellington councillors vote to investigate car-free central city by 2025

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Wellington the ‘Smart Capital’ of 2040 – looks to build pack and stack housing characteristic of Agenda 2030

Plans for 34,500 new homes at Pukekohe… looking like Agenda 21/30 pack & stack housing

Who is the real Klaus Schwab ?

Thanks to Marian for this article by Johnny Vedmore, investigative journalist. EWR

“Is the real Klaus Schwab a kindly old uncle figure wishing to do good for humanity, or is he really the son of a Nazi collaborator who used slave labour and aided Nazi efforts to obtain the first atomic bomb? Johnny Vedmore investigates…

On the morning of 11 September 2001, Klaus Schwab sat having breakfast in the Park East Synagogue in New York City with Rabbi Arthur Schneier, former Vice President for the World Jewish Congress and closely associate of the Bronfman and Lauder families. Together, the two men watched one of the most impactful events of the next twenty years unfold as planes struck the World Trade Center buildings. Now, two decades on, Klaus Schwab again sits in a front row seat of yet a generation-defining moment in modern human history.

Always seeming to have a front row seat when tragedy approaches, Schwab’s proximity to world-altering events likely owes to his being one of the most well-connected men on Earth. As the driving force behind the World Economic Forum, “the international organization for public-private cooperation,” Schwab has courted heads of state, leading business executives, and the elite of academic and scientific circles into the Davos fold for over 50 years. More recently, he has also courted the ire of many due to his more recent role as the frontman of the Great Reset, a sweeping effort to remake civilization globally for the express benefit of the elite of the World Economic Forum and their allies.”



Photo: Wikipedia

After “Event 201” Coronavirus Simulation in 2019, World Economic Forum Now Plans “Cyber Pandemic” Simulation for July 2021

More in store from the psychopaths

By Johnny bVedmore and Whitney Webb

On Wednesday, the World Economic Forum (WEF), along with Russia’s Sberbank and its cybersecurity subsidiary BI.ZONE announced that a new global cyberattack simulation would take place this coming July to instruct participants in “developing secure ecosystems” by simulating a supply-chain cyberattack similar to the recent SolarWinds hack that would “assess the cyber resilience” of the exercise’s participants.

On the newly updated event website, the simulation, called Cyber Polygon 2021, ominously warns that, given the digitalization trends largely spurred by the COVID-19 crisis, “a single vulnerable link is enough to bring down the entire system, just like the domino effect,” adding that “a secure approach to digital development today will determine the future of humanity for decades to come.”

The exercise comes several months after the WEF, the “international organization for public-private cooperation” that counts the world’s richest elite among its members, formally announced its movement for a Great Reset, which would involve the coordinated transition to a Fourth Industrial Revolution global economy in which human workers become increasingly irrelevant.

This revolution, including its biggest proponent, WEF founder Klaus Schwab, has previously presented a major problem for WEF members and member organizations in terms of what will happen to the masses of people left unemployed by the increasing automation and digitalization in the workplace.



Image by B_A from Pixabay

The ‘Corona World Order’

379K subscribers
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/coronaworldorder/ Some are suggesting that the current crisis is the end of globalization, or that it will wipe out the New World Order altogether . . . but they are wrong. In fact, this crisis is the globalists’ dream, and what we are witnessing is the birth of a totalitarian control grid the likes of which could scarcely have been imagined before this pandemic panic kicked off. Welcome to the Corona World Order.
Photo: Corbett Report Screen shot

Watch the Bill Gates & friends ‘plandemic’ preparedness exercise cum conference held in October 2019

So we have the depop ‘experts’ Bill, Melinda Gates Fndn, John Hopkins & the World Economic Forum … even a rep from Johnson & Johnson, you know that corporation that was putting asbestos in your baby powder? Nice people these are … discussing the next ‘plandemic’ & how to prepare for it. Remember, the people who are committed to reducing our population are not the people to trust with your health & wellbeing.  EWR


4.31K subscribers

Selected moments from the Event 201 pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated the pandemic preparedness efforts needed to diminish the large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic. Drawing from actual events, Event 201 identifies important policy issues and preparedness challenges that could be solved with sufficient political will and attention. These issues were designed in a narrative to engage and educate the participants and the audience. For more information, visit: http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.or… EVENT 201 IS A FICTIONAL EXERCISE AND DISEASE

Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Ran Coronavirus Outbreak Simulation Just 6 Weeks Before the Real Outbreak

Another amazing coincidence … getting the picture?  Billy Gates of depop renown rather infamy. Anything with his name on it has to be suspect. (This is in the other Wuhan/CV post today)…. EWR

From humansarefree.com

In this report we take an inside look at Event 201, which took place in NYC on October 18 2019.

Event 201 is a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

This is extremely fascinating because this pandemic simulation exercise of coronavirus took place about 6 weeks before the first illness from the coronavirus was actually reported in Wuhan, China.

That is one hell of a coincidence if you believe in that sort of thing.

Another fascinating connection is the fact that not only did the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation participate in and help set up the pandemic simulation of a coronavirus outbreak, but they just so happen to fund the group who owns the patent to the deadly coronavirus and are already working on a vaccine to solve the current crisis.

Again, an incredible coincidence…


READ MORE (videos included):


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The people who “make our clothes, assemble our phones and grow our food” are being exploited to enrich corporations & the super wealthy (Oxfam)

More than $8 of every $10 of wealth created last year went to the richest 1%.

That’s according to a new report from Oxfam International, which estimates that the bottom 50% of the world’s population saw no increase in wealth.

Oxfam says the trend shows that the global economy is skewed in favor of the rich, rewarding wealth instead of work.

“The billionaire boom is not a sign of a thriving economy but a symptom of a failing economic system,” said Winnie Byanyima, executive director of Oxfam International.


One World Government is here now

While Joan Veon passed away in October of 2010, this may be one of the most important videos that you watch this year.

This explains how the One World Government is here now and how those countries that refuse to be a part of it can be taken out.

Up until September 1994, Joan Veon was just a businesswoman. As a result of attending the United Nations Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Egypt, she received her “wake up call” as she found there was more going on at the global level than most Americans knew, understood or were being told.

In her determination to understand the global level and what it really means for Americans, Joan has covered over 103 UN and UN-related conferences since Cairo which include the economic, political, environmental, military, peace-keeping, legal, trade and financial. They include (8) Group of Seven (now Eight), (6) Group of Seven Finance Ministers Meetings, (4) Group of Eight Foreign Ministers meetings, the International Organization for Security Commissions (IOSCO), the Rio Plus Five (follow-up to the Earth Summit), (6) World Economic Forum meetings, (2) Free Trade Areas of the Americas meetings, (5) Bank for International Settlements meetings, (2) Gorbachev State of the World Forums, various conferences at the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, Al Gore’s First Global Conference on Re-inventing Government, (2) World Trade Organization meetings, and others.

Joan is credentialed through USA Radio Network in Dallas, Texas and has appeared as a result guest on the Michael Reagan Show, the Derry Brownfield Show, Point of View, Radio Liberty, Jeff Rense, Southwest Radio Church, The Power Hour and others. She has asked questions and interviewed president and prime ministers, key United Nations/IMF/World Bank officials, Bank for International Settlement officials, Bank of England officials, high officials throughout the Clinton and Bush Administrations, multinational/transnational CEOs, and many others to understand the global agenda and how it relates to you and I living on the local level.

Joan’s non-profit organization, The Women’s International Media Group, Inc. has 501c(3) status in the State of Maryland. Contributions to help defray expenses incurred while traveling to these meetings are greatly appreciated. Please make your check payable to The Women’s International Media Group, Inc. Joan writes a bi-monthly newsletter documenting her research and travels called “UN Watch!” Please see the order form for more details.

Joan has written two books, Prince Charles the Sustainable Prince which is in it fifth printing and discusses her belief that when the U.S. Senate signed the U.N. Charter in 1945 is when American officially entered world government and reverted back under British rule. This book documents the role of the British royal family as a formidable power working BEHIND the scenes of the UN and the role of Prince Charles with that of sustainable development and public-private partnerships.

Her second book, the United Nations’ Global Straitjacket is over 400 pages and is a “handbook on world government.” In it she explains the political structure of the United Nations, she discusses the coming global stock exchange, the International Criminal Court and gives a call to “stand in the Gap.”

Public Private Partnerships are an arm of the world’s growing corporatocracy & their bottom line is to take control of the assets of Government …    Joan Veon

This must watch 15 min video is from the late Joan Veon who provides valuable insight into the workings we are seeing today in our Local Councils and Government as they continue to sell off our country’s assets. In a less visible way than outright sales because they know the public would be outraged if they knew what was really going on. Partnerships that look benign enough however  they are the thin end of the proverbial wedge that is prising away your nation’s valuable assets, gone never to be returned.  EnvirowatchRangitikei

Published on Aug 29, 2012

Joan Veon (1949-2010), founder of The Women’s International Media Group, explains the history and significance of the growing Public Private Partnership model of government. She shares her research and conclusions regarding PPPs; that is they are nothing more than an arm of the growing corporatocracy that is permeating our world.  Upon earning her business degree, Ms Veon worked as a Certified Financial Planner in PA, The IDS and Windsor Financial Group in MD, before incorporating and opening Veon Financial Services, Inc. in the spring of 1986. As Joan studied financial trends she began to notice an alignment indicating a world currency. In 1994 she attended her first global meeting on Population Control in Cairo Egypt, initiating her first glimpse of world government. Thus beginning her second career as a credentialed, independent, International Journalist reporting for USA Radio News Network. During the next 16 years Joan interviewed and asked key questions of prime ministers, presidents, kings, and heads of state. Joan covered over 103 international meetings, including: the G7, G8, G10, G20, and Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel Switzerland; attended yearly the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland; and twice a year covered the IMF World Bank meetings. In addition she attended UN meetings on the Free Trade Areas of the Americas, Sustainable Development, the Earth Summit, Climate Control, the International World Court, and numerous others. Following the UN conference on Sustainable Development in Istanbul Joan was compelled to write her first book “Prince Charles, the Sustainable Prince” published in 1997, followed by her second book “Global Straitjacket” in 1999. Joan founded The Women’s International Media Group, a non-profit organization, in 1998 to share her vast knowledge and understanding of world government.