Tag Archives: Truth About Gardasil

Merck knew in 2010 Gardasil caused serious reactions

NOTE: This article cites a press release FROM 2010 that is no longer available. You can however read more about Merck’s knowledge of the possible reactions, including the very short time they tested it with the very small number of ‘guinea pig’ humans in this article by Dr Mercola…

Time for the Truth about Gardasil

Also related is The Truth About Gardasil website, check it out for further info: http://www.thetruthaboutgardasil.com/

Hilary Butler – Saturday, June 05, 2010

What other explanation is there for a comment in Truth About Gardasil’s latest press release which stated: A medical source close to TAG (Truth about Gardasil) has stated: “I find it disturbing that Merck’s agreement with the FDA is based on an agreement that no adverse events will be labeled as such unless there is a TWO fold increase seen of diseases that occur at least as frequently as 1/10,000. This takes away all of the rare autoimmune demyelinating syndromes that cause blindness, paralysis and death.” ?  Maybe they are lying? Nope. I managed to obtain documentation as to the whats and why’s and I’m satisfied that the comment is an accurate report.

Truth About Gardasil also mentioned that since that particular press release, Merck has repeatedly be crawling all over their website like infuriated bees to honey in a famine.

Interesting, isn’t it, that MERCK would have such an agreement with FDA.  Sounds to me like a game of “we pretend to chase you, and you pretend to follow the rules.”  Which in turn, reminds me of the Italian MOB’s relationship with Italian Police.

Interesting too that FDA would set up a meeting with TAG, and there would be silence ever since. One wonders though, what is going on behind the scenes, because the Gardasil bubble just might explode some time soon. Is the silence from FDA and Merck, yet another attempt to come out with another 10 retrospective studies to murky the waters, and placate the masses?

It was interesting that Dr Michael Tatley from CARM would so blithely state in North and South’s rabidly provaccine monologue in June, words to the effect that vaccines couldn’t possible cause the problems that the anti vaccine lobby said, because CARM never saw evidence of it.

So long as doctors continue to deny reactions ever happen, and refuse to report them, you won’t see them, unless parents report them. Many parents are scared to report reactions, because of what their doctors will say. I have quite a few Gardasil reactions which have as yet, not been reported to you, because the parents are not in any space to do so. In terms of the medical profession, no they won’t “see” them, for two reasons. First, they are blind, and if you deny something is happening, you can’t treat it, and if you actually look at it, and see it, you would realise that the medical profession has nothing to treat any of the current Gardasil reactions with anyway. Unless you count in a swathe of girls who’ve never had seizures before, being put on seizure medication any time after the first Gardasil injection.

When are CARM and the MOH going to get real about accurate data collection, huh?!!! Oh, silly me. I forgot. If you don’t have the data, then you can truthfully say that your data shows there are no problems.

