Tag Archives: severe reaction

Why Are Moderna Executives Dumping Their Stock?

From mercola.com

In the 20 years that vaccine makers have tried to develop a coronavirus vaccine, efforts have failed due to dangerous, many times lethal, side effects

Story at-a-glance

  • Results from Moderna’s Phase 1 human trial revealed the 100-mcg dose vaccine — which had a 100% side effect ratio after the second dose — is proceeding to Phase 3 trial assessment
  • Moderna has no legal rights to a key patent for its vaccine delivery system. Moderna sought to invalidate the patent for lipid nanotechnology owned by Arbutus Biopharma but lost the challenge at the end of July 2020
  • Executives at Moderna have cashed in stock options, raking in about $90 million in personal profits since January. Two Moderna executives have now sold off all of their stock holdings in the company, and its general counsel has sold nearly all of hers
  • AstraZeneca has temporarily halted its Phase 3 vaccine trials due to “a suspected serious and unexpected adverse reaction” in a British participant
  • AstraZeneca did not divulge the nature of the adverse reaction, but an anonymous source claims the trial participant was found to have transverse myelitis, an inflammatory condition that affects the spinal cord and is frequently triggered by viral infections

The U.S. Health and Human Services’ Operation Warp Speed has pledged to deliver 300 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine by 2021,1 if not sooner.2 However, developing a safe and effective vaccine normally takes years and begins with animal studies. The COVID-19 vaccines are all being rushed straight into human clinical tests, forgoing lengthy animal trials altogether.


Image by William Iven from Pixabay

Vaccination Without Parental Knowledge Kills 14-year-old-girl

June 2, 2019 — Canada already has a law allowing children to be vaccinated without parental knowledge or consent, and that law has killed at least one young healthy girl. Her name was Annabel Morin. She was vaccinated in school and 16 days later had a severe adverse reaction but no one connected it to the vaccination. Her mother had no clue her daughter had been recently vaccinated. After she recovered and returned to school – despite the fact that Annabel told her school about her emergency room visit – the school vaccinated her again failing to connect the adverse reaction to the dangerous Gardasil vaccine. She died 15 days after her second dose of Gardasil. Her mother Linda had no knowledge when the vaccinations were given, which is perfectly legal in Canada. Read more about this at the following links:



