Tag Archives: Great Reset

You Will Own Nothing – Because They Will Steal Everything– David Rogers Webb

by Greg Hunter
Posted by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World @ Substack

David Rogers Webb (DRW) is a financial expert and former global money manager who lives in Sweden.  Recently, DRW revealed the game plan of globalists like Klaus Schwab who publicly predicts, “You will own nothing . . .”  According to DRW, this is not some idle threat but a complicated active plan demonic Deep State globalist central bankers have been working on for decades.  DRW has explained this theft in a free book and documentary called “The Great Taking.” It is a stunning plan to steal almost all wealth and legally not be required to pay one red cent for it.  The plan is in the process of unfolding now. DRW explains, “The core of what I am showing here is about securities, stocks and bonds.  I also go into the good old fashion way of doing it, which is taking anything encumbered with debt.  That’s been done for centuries.  They create a cycle where there is a fall in price, and then anyone who is in debt is in trouble, and the collateral is taken.  This was the big hammer in ‘The Great Taking 1.0,’ which was the Great Depression.  In this go-around, ‘The Great Taking 2.0,’ that is taking things that are not encumbered with debt. . . .There is very sophisticated subterfuge that has been put into place. . . . They have worked for half a century to put this in place.  So, it is quite deliberate.  This is not an accident.”

The privately owned stocks and bonds in brokerages are now collateral backing up the massive $2 quadrillion in derivatives in the world.  DRW calls this a “sleight-of-hand” in regulations that changes ownership of securities in a severe financial meltdown, which is already planned.  Actual owners of securities have no idea they are about to be robbed of their wealth.  DRW says, “The public had property rights to these stocks and bonds, and they turned that into a contractual claim.  So, they have no rights or standing in a bankruptcy.  Then, the collateral is transported into the ‘Central Clearing Parties,’ which are set up to fail.  They are actually preparing for that.  When those fail, it is the secured creditors behind that derivatives complex that have ‘Super-Priority’ to take that collateral.  This is what is meant by ‘You will own nothing.’  This is sleight-of-hand to take people’s assets to underpin these financial contracts. . . . I say derivatives are not real things, but they can be used to take the real things through this construct. . . . They are using these vast pools of client securities . . . as the collateral underpinning all these derivative contracts. . . . I think their goal is simply to take all the stuff, and it is taken free of payment.”

This is not just simple greed.  It is war, and we are being attacked in ways we have never seen before such as the CV19 bioweapon vax that has already murdered millions of people globally.  DRW says, “This is a full spectrum ‘Hybrid War’ because it is not a war between nation states.  Russia has been held up as a boogeyman . . . In the book (The Great Taking), I show is a very elaborate structure put in place and implemented by the CIA, The Federal Reserve and the Department of State.  This is not being run by the Chinese or the Russians.  This is the central banks. . . . They are trying to collapse everything . . . we are in a war, and there are going to be big disruptions. . . . We are all in danger now.”

DRW says the best way to protect yourself is to get out of debt and stay out of debt.  He also suggests you may want to sell your stocks and bonds now, and pay off your house or any debts you have.  DRW says, “It’s better to get something now than get nothing later.”

There is much more in the 1-hour and 9-minute deep-dive on how central banks plan on stealing everything in the next financial crisis.  This is a crisis that is coming much sooner than you have been told.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he talks with David Rogers Webb, who is a financial expert and author of the free new book and documentary called The Great Taking for 1.20.24.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.


Some indications of push back

Some links here, given there is so much going on and it’s difficult to keep up. Ain’t that just like the string pullers? Bread and circuses, psyops and the like abounding to keep your eye off the ball. Their ball. But… yes folk are waking up & making moves in opposition to the ‘desired’ direction.

First up from The Vigilant Fox @ substack
Consumers Are Rejecting The Great Reset

  • Growth in gas cars is now far higher than electrics, flipping a trend from 12 months ago.

• COVID vaccine uptake has plummeted. Pfizer’s stock is down 50% from 2 years ago. Moderna’s is down over 70% in the same time frame.

• Zuckerberg’s Threads has failed. There’s a lack of enthusiasm for heavily censored social media platforms.

• Decline in interest and market value for alternative meat products like Beyond Meat.

• Even DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) has hit the skids! Wisconsin just dialed back all funding and froze the programs.

Let’s be grateful for every amount of capitalism we have remaining because markets mean consumer choice. And when given the choice, we know now that consumers don’t like Klaus Schwab’s plans for our lives, no matter how much Bill Gates endorses them.


From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack:
Happy New Year to the growing RESISTANCE breaking out, in different ways, worldwide—also including Canada, France, Malaysia and Australia

Fall “vaccine” uptake an “abysmal” 7%; more US pols pledge BANS on “vaccination”; TX AG Ken Paxton SUING Pfizer; 5G under fire in NYC; Walmart, Costco, Wegmans DROP self-checkout; & more (MANY links)

Italy bans fake meat, as Rome probes former Health Minister, who hid “vax” deaths, for MURDER; German breakaway “kingdom” bans “vaccination”; Slovenia reimbursing COVID fines; & more

Other links:

BOMBSHELL NEWS: Do We Still Need Proof? Next Dose 3: Documentary. Must Watch! Electron Microscope Of Nanotechnology Antennas In C19 Vaccinated blood

There was “no pandemic” (from a real Scientist)

BREAKING: The New York Times is Suing OpenAi and MicroSoft

U.S. Constitutional Attorney – ‘Break the Cycle: In 2024, Say No to the Government’s Cruelty, Brutality and Abuse’

200 Servicemembers Demand Military Leadership Be Court-Martialed for Forced “Experimentation” on Troops


German farmers gain some ground but will not stop protesting until the government capitulates

Catherine Austin Fitts: 2023 was the year the people pushed back

Ohio Governor Reverses Decision and Outlaws Sexual Mutilation of Children

Consumers are rejecting The Great Reset, as evidenced by several market trends.

Image by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay

The Great Taking: How the Banksters Plan to Steal Everything From Everyone (If they can)

Check out our sister site truthwatchnz.is for other news

From Dr Mercola

Video Link

Story at-a-glance

  • The Great Taking is described by former hedge fund manager David Webb as a system put in place by central bankers to take everything, from everyone
  • This planned confiscation of global securities assets deserves the title of “greatest crime ever contemplated”
  • Although the plan is decades in the making, Webb details signs that indicate it may be coming to fruition soon — if nothing is done to stop it
  • The Great Taking is a carefully orchestrated construct, but one that has legal underpinnings and support from the CIA and upper echelons of government, dating back to the 1960s
  • The best ways to protect yourself include eliminating debt, investing in real things like land and having an ability to produce your own food

You’ve heard of The Great Reset? Now delve into The Great Taking, described by former hedge fund manager David Webb as a system put in place by central bankers to take everything, from everyone. “It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle,” Webb explains.1

In the video above, you can learn more about this planned confiscation of global securities assets, which Webb argues deserves the title of “greatest crime ever contemplated.”2 Although the plan is decades in the making, Webb details signs that indicate it may be coming to fruition soon — if nothing is done to stop it. If and when that occurs, it would result in complete subjugation of humanity.

Signs a ‘Great Taking’ Financial Collapse Is Coming

Webb has been studying global financial systems for more than two decades. By researching historical precedents, like bank closures that occurred during the Great Depression, he’s noticed signs that may foreshadow a coming financial collapse:3

“This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets and bank deposits, all stocks and bonds; and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment; land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property.

Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will likewise be taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses which have been financed with debt. If even partially successful, this will be the greatest conquest and subjugation in world history.”

Webb compares it to the global financial distress that occurred in the 1930s due to debt levels. At the time, 9,000 U.S. banks failed, taking $7 billion in depositors’ assets with them.4 “When a bank failed the depositors were simply left without a penny. The life savings of millions of Americans were wiped out by the bank failures,” the U.S. Social Security Administration states.5

Their debts, however, were not canceled but, rather, were consolidated into the Federal Reserve system and enforced. “So, people that were in debt were in trouble,” Webb says. “Even wealthy people lost everything. The difference this time around is they’re not going after just property that is encumbered by debt.” He explains:6

“They’ve engineered this so they can take things, all securities, as collateral from people and entities that have no borrowings against them. They own them clear and outright. Now let me give you an example as an analogy to explain the horror of this. So, you have bought a car and you paid cash for it, you think you’re being very conservative, you have no debt against the car.

But unbeknownst to you, the dealer continues to control your car as collateral, you’re not told this, the dealer uses your car and all the other cars sold by the dealer as collateral for his borrowing and his business. Now, the dealer goes bust, and only certain secured creditors are empowered to immediately take your car and all the cars ever sold by the dealer without any judicial review. Immediately.

When I describe this to people, they get worried about their cars. This is not about your car. This is an analogy for what has been done. It’s much worse than this being about your car, because it is literally about the entire securities complex globally. So it is not about your insolvency that causes the loss of your assets. It’s the insolvency of the people that secretly used your collateral as their property without telling you that or disclosing it.”

The Dematerialization of Securities to Electronic Holdings Started in the ‘60s

The Great Taking is a carefully orchestrated construct, but one that has legal underpinnings and support from the CIA and upper echelons of government. It’s a plan that dates back to the 1960s, when the process of dematerializing securities to hold them electronically began. According to Webb:7

“Yes, they have changed law. Can that be challenged? That’s what has to happen. So, this was the process, they changed it in the Uniform Commercial Code. This was beginning in 1994. The efforts to affect this actually go back further than that into the 1960s, when they began the process of dematerialization of securities to hold them all electronically, which some people were suspicious about then — and they were right to be suspicious.

It is clear that that beginning process was literally run by the CIA. And this is not conspiracy theory. The man who was charged with forming the Depository Trust … discloses that he was a career CIA operative from the time he was a young man. So, there was a grand strategic purpose behind this.

They’ve been able to do it because it has been run from the highest levels of the U.S. government … then this construct of the securities entitlement was put into the Uniform Commercial Code that was pushed through all 50 states — done quietly … in 1994. It took maybe 10 years to get it done in all the states, then they changed the Bankruptcy Law in 2005.”

The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008 — the largest commercial collapse in history8 — was a test that paved the way for global harmonization, that is, the plan to force this model in global law. Webb continues:9

“They did this through the EU, the first discussion in documents in the EU is in 2002. So that’s when the process was beginning then in the aftermath of the.com bust, and the EU created something they called the legal certainty group. And again, that sounds like a good thing.

But what they mean is legal certainty that the secured creditors will take the client assets, and they worked at this for years, figuring out how to subvert local law. When you think about it, rights to property is kind of a sacred thing. It’s something that all people should care about. And oddly enough, even the people participating in making this happen should care about this in a big way.”

Download this Article Before it Disappears

Download PDF

Private Control of Central Banks Is a Problem

The private control of the central banks is what’s providing the power behind The Great Taking. “When you look around the world, they are all privately controlled,” Webb says. “You are not allowed to know, actually, who controls the Federal Reserve and how it is controlled. We know that it is controlled somehow by a set of banks.”10

The same pattern is seen in central banks around the world. “If you notice, any country that has attempted to have a national bank is literally attacked and destroyed. They’re not allowed to exist,” Webb notes.

“It is linked with the war machine, this private control of money. The intelligence agencies, the militaries globally would not be able to function as they are if they weren’t linked with this money creation power.”11 Meanwhile, money is created out of thin air, all but ensuring a financial collapse:12

“When we were kids, perhaps we thought that the money you borrowed from the bank is someone else’s savings that they’re giving you. It’s a zero sum game. I think we now know, with the scale of the money created during the COVID period, that that is not the case. The scale outstrips any real-world activity, and it’s just created out of thin air.

So, this is the power that controls everything. They control all political parties, all governments, all the major corporations, the media, and this was the case leading into the 20th century in this period when the velocity of money was collapsing. That is basically a collapse of their control system.

The money is a very sophisticated control system, because it requires almost no energy input, people are directed by chasing money incentives, but this power through chronic overuse, when it reaches this point where no matter how much money is created, it’s not translating into actual economic growth, then it goes into a financial bubble.

And then you get the major collapse of the whole system. Then they must have a plan to stay in control through that collapse, which will require physical control over people through the reset, because the money control system has broken down.”

CBDC Rollout Will Make It Difficult to Opt Out of the System

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are one pawn in the plan to consolidate control of the financial system — ultimately leading to control of the world population. These government-backed digital currencies are issued by a central bank and promoted as digital tokens that can simplify monetary policy and bring about convenient cashless societies.

They’re also sometimes said to be similar to cryptocurrency13 due to their digital nature, but there are important, and major, distinctions.

While cryptocurrencies are decentralized and allow anonymous transactions, CBDCs are centralized and can track every transaction. They can also be controlled by the powers that be — meaning all your CBDC assets could be taken away or turned off by a central power, and there’d be nothing you could do about it.

When the financial collapse occurs, banking institutions will be protected and use the narrative that they must seize all assets in order to restart the economy. According to Webb:14

“They will be taken under the argument that, well, we have to save these systemically vital institutions so that we can restart the economy again. How could we restart the economy if they are not protected? … It’s like a game of Monopoly where all of the pieces, all of the money on the board, are pulled back to the bank, and then they say, let’s start a new game.

And we’ll start over from the basis that we have everything and you don’t, so would you like to borrow something?

And this is what the CBDC, the central bank, digital currency, will be. It will be very difficult for people to refuse to use it, because they literally won’t be able to eat. They will have an app they can download … this will be the cavalry riding to the rescue, just download this app. And you can load your phone with suit currency to allow you to go buy milk, but every time you use that you’re actually borrowing money from them.

They have you again. It will happen very fast. This will unfold in a very frightening crisis kind of environment and people have difficulty refusing. That’s why it’s so important to spread this awareness beforehand, so that people understand what is happening.”

Central Banking Should Be a Public Utility

When Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), the 16th largest in the U.S.,15 collapsed in March 2023, it rattled the markets, but this and similar bank failures in the recent past are not bank-specific problems. “These are the canaries in the coal mine. This is absolutely systemic,” Webb says.16 Plans dictated that globally important banks be ready for wind down by the end of 2022. Additional planning documents cite the end of 2023 for banks to be ready to go flat.

“These are indications to give you another idea of the seriousness of this,” Webb explains. “They’ve been running these trilateral exercises with Britain and the EU and the U.S. for six of the seven past years.”17

Participants in these exercises in the U.S. include the Treasury Secretary, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve and the chairman of the FDIC. “They’re very, very serious about this. And these exercises are about assuring the cross-border transfer of the collateral when the banks are put into wind down. So, you’ve noticed in the news that there have been some failures of banks in the last year and that is due to this increase, this backup and interest rates.”18

If we can decentralize financial power, however, it will lead to an improved economy and future. This is why Webb states central banking should be a public utility:19

“The very idea that it should be controlled by private interests, that is the source of all the problems for humanity, that must stop as a public utility. You know, of course, banking is a useful thing to have. We have to realize we don’t have to go back to sticks and stones, we don’t want everything burned to the ground.

We have to take back control of our society, which has largely been created by good people, all the innovations … we just have to not allow them to control these things any longer.

So, public banking would be like a utility. Any profits would be returned to the public or used to support government. We have to have government. We have to have some way to operate society and have roads and do things that work for society. So, anarchy and chaos, we can’t have that. So, this has to be done peacefully, it has to be done legally by another concept.”

Solutions? Eliminate Debt and Grow Your Own Food

On a larger scale, Webb proposes that a small fee on every electronic money transfer could generate the economic resources necessary to operate the government. “Imagine how people would feel if they were told you don’t have to file taxes anymore. That’s all going to be handled. Just pay a 10th of a percent on whatever electronic transfer you’re doing. But the people that run this system don’t want those kinds of solutions because they would eliminate their control.”20

On an individual level, you can start to break free from this system and protect your finances by eliminating debt:21

“You have to get over this notion that you should use borrowed money to control more stuff. They want you to do that, because when the price level falls, you won’t be able to service that debt.

So, you take advantage of this time remaining to sell things to pay off your debts. It doesn’t make sense to have money in the financial markets when you also have debt. There are people I know who have sold their homes, which is a tough decision to make, and are simply renting to make sure that they’re not in debt at all.”

Beyond getting out of debt, Webb recommends investing in real things, like land and buildings, and have an ability to produce food. You might invest in a greenhouse, plant an orchard or move to a rural area where you can raise chickens. Any additional level of self-sufficiency you can create will offer you more protection.

To delve deeper into The Great Taking, Webb’s book can be downloaded for free at TheGreatTaking.com.22 “I’ve done it this way because it will make it close to zero friction so it can spread globally. And that is really happening … This is the most important thing I can do right now,” Webb says, is spread awareness of The Great Taking before it occurs.23

Sources and References


Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Obama Admin Planned To ‘Force’ Americans To Move Into Mega regions (the global ‘plan’ now emerging)

What we are now seeing emerge … the smart, and 5, 10 or 15 minute cities. And globally not just the US of course, it being a global plan for those unelected parasites who think they have a right to rule over us… EWNZ

From Watchman’s Duty @ Rumble



About Smart Growth

Development decisions affect many aspects of people’s everyday lives – their homes, their health, the schools their children attend, the taxes they pay, their daily commute, the natural environmental around them, and economic opportunity in their community. Smart Growth is an overall approach of development and conservation strategies that help protect our health and natural environment and make our communities more attractive, economically stronger, socially diverse, and resilient to climate change.

Market Common in Arlington, Virginia is a walkable, mixed-use development with access to public transit.

Based on the experience of communities around the nation that have used smart growth approaches to create and maintain great neighborhoods, the Smart Growth Network developed a set of ten (10) basic principles to guide smart growth strategies:

Mix land uses.
Take advantage of compact building design.
Create a range of housing opportunities and choices.
Create walkable neighborhoods.

Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place.
Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas.
Strengthen and direct development towards existing communities.
Provide a variety of transportation choices.

Make development decisions predictable, fair, and cost effective.
Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions.


Transportation Energy Futures Project |


Regionalism: Definition and Examples – ThoughtCo


America 2050 – Detailed Plans
All SMART CITIES & 11 Planned Mega-Regions

The Wildlands Project – “Manhattanizing America”
All Of The Circles On The Map Represent Planned “Smart Cities” AKA Digital Prisons.

The Colored Area Represent Inter-locked Mega-Regions Designated For “Human” Habitats.

Everything Else You See On The Map Is To Be Given To Nature And Humans Removed.

“Leave Room For Nature” “Leave Room For Nature”
Full Resolution Map

‘The Agenda 21 Depopulation of Rural Areas – Will Give Stalin-Like Control Over Food In America

Agenda 21 Population Control Map for USA


America 2050: The Agenda 21 Depopulation of Rural Areas

Most of America’s rural areas are doomed to decline


The plan is called America 2050 and the concept is based upon the creation of megacities.

America 2050 : an infrastructure vision for 21st century America

In order for the megacities concept, which is well underway, to come to fruition, American suburbs and rural areas must be completely depopulated.

the 11 mega-regions are already in place southern ca long beach california,
los vegas, austin tx.

Beyond Traffic 2045

THE LONG-TERM STRATEGY OF THE UNITED STATES 2 THE LONG-TERM STRATEGY OF THE UNITED STATES create high-quality jobs, improve public health in every community, and spur investments

This will come as a shock to many reading this because they did not learn of these events from FOX or CNN.

However, in actuality, the process of moving the United States towards a complete Agenda 21 style of total urbanization has already commenced and it began nearly 20 years ago.


They are coming for your car: An insurance insider speaks out

Not surprising in light of all we now know…
If you’re short of time go to .58

Video Info:


There are no property rights under Agenda 21/2030.
Property Rights are incompatible with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
America is the only place where property ownership is unique, and fueled our success, but that is coming to an end-of-life.
Everything that you own now, and in the “near” future, will become a rental service in the new global circulation economy, in basic terms.
When you are done with your items, you will return them to the corporation that made it for recycling.
Even the clothes that you wear.
To prevent waste, and to save the planet from humanity..
Homes, Vehicles, Properties etc can be applied to this circular economy concept being put into place, globally.
Property rights are not sustainable for the environment and contribute to climate change.
Get ready…

Washington state lawmakers passed a bill (HB 1287) on April 15 which aims to stop the sale of new internal combustion-engine vehicles starting in 2030

HB 1287 – 2021-22
Concerning preparedness for a zero emissions transportation future.

Washington State Wants To Kill Gas Cars


California plans 2035 ban of new gas car sales. 17 states will decide to follow or not


Saving The Automobile Isn’t Just About Cars


Toyota Warns About Rushing Into Electrification


There is an aggressive push for more EV purchases.


The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling for the end of private car ownership in the name of saving the world from climate change by reducing the need for green tech resources.

Pa. State Senate passes bill to stop banning of new natural gas hookups


Something to think about.
These 9 States Are Banning the Sale of Gas-Powered Cars
More states are following California’s lead in ending the sale of new vehicles with internal combustion engines.

At least nine states are slated to join California in prohibiting the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035.

California is gearing up to prohibit the sale of new gas-powered cars.

A measure approved by the
California Air Resources Board in August 2022 requires all new cars, SUVs and pickup trucks sold in the state to generate zero tailpipe emissions by 2035.

The policy won’t take existing vehicles off the road, but automakers and car dealers will be restricted to selling electric vehicles and certain plug-in hybrids.

This story is part of CNET Zero,
a series that chronicles the impact of climate change and explores what’s being done about the problem.

“Our cars shouldn’t make wildfires worse — and create more days filled with smoky air,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom said. “Cars shouldn’t melt glaciers or raise sea levels, threatening our cherished beaches and coastlines.”
Read more: What to Know About California’s Ban on Gas-Powered Cars
The state’s Advanced Clean Cars II rule requires zero-emission vehicles to represent 35% of new cars and light trucks in lots by 2026, and then 68% by 2030, before reaching 100% in 2035.

When it comes to emissions, California is a bellwether: Nine states that link their standards to California’s have already announced plans to prohibit the sale of new



Image by Mariakray from Pixabay


If you learn the plan you can make sense of what is happening now. This little known report from 1963 explains for instance why we have wars. Or rather, why ‘they’ must have continuing war. WW3 will be the last as wars will no longer be necessary. By then the world will all be under tight control. Sounding familiar?


For articles with a health focus go here

Image by Jerzy Górecki from Pixabay

Meet King Charles, The Great Resetter (Corbett)

From corbettreport.com
Watch at the link, transcript included.

While most of the the public’s attention is falling on the obvious issues—the monarchy’s increasing irrelevance to the 21st century, the colossal waste of taxpayer resources that go towards the upkeep of the world’s richest family and their multiple palaces, the dark history of slavery and other colonial abuses for which royals of the far-distant past are responsible—few are aware of just how dark the history of the royal family is, or just how twisted Charles’ vision for the future of the United Kingdom—and, indeed the world—really is.


Photo: screenshot, corbettreport.com

NZ’s new PM Hipkins uses ‘globalist speak’ in his first speech to Parliament

Getting off on the right foot Hipkins (who let’s face it wouldn’t be PM if he weren’t a globalist puppet) is spouting their ‘build back better’ rhetoric we’ve been ‘treated’ to since the announcement of the WEF’s (not) great reset that will leave we underlings owning nothing whilst they continue to swan about in personal jets paying lipservice to their other slogan ‘sustainable development’.
Bought & paid for (thanks-to-Ardern) Stuff reports:

“Chris Hipkins commits to ‘build back better’, anticipating billions needed for cyclone recovery” … Stuff

And Australia’s ABC News reports:

“We’ve got to build back better, we’ve got to build back safer and we’ve got to build back smarter” … ABC News

Ardern also pledged, on election night, to build back better. (Warning, before reading at the link get your little paper bag ready)….

“transform[ing] New Zealand into a better place for all of us – a place where we and our children have real hope for a more fair, thriving and abundant future” ..


Other globalist leaders with the BBB speak

Build Back Better (the official NZ site)
BBB Aotearoa New Zealand are a group of sought-after researchers and expert practitioners with reputations for high-quality work and delivery.”

Chris Hipkins commits to ‘build back better’, anticipating billions needed for cyclone recovery

Five ways NZ will be much better if Jacinda makes good on her promise to Build Back Better

“Build Back Better” Principles for Reconstruction (post Christchurch quake)

Photo: screenshot

Jacinda’s resignation

So Jacinda Ardern has resigned.

Great excitement for many in NZ, others not so much. For the former group, don’t get too excited. Remember Smiling Assassin Key resigning? He’s now a ‘Sir’. And just this week, in similar vein to that predecessor, there have been disturbing revelations of alleged lies (a serious must read) from our single source of truth.

Could these have hastened her departure? We’ll likely never know for sure.

Those who are aware of the globalists’ strategies will know that timing is everything. Their global leaders are greatly rewarded for the paths of destruction they create whilst in office. Remember Sir Roger Douglas? Wrecked NZ on claims of improving the economy, now nicely and comfortably retired in the sunny north. (Meanwhile the rich got richer and the poor are even poorer). Ms Clarke, who let the GE corn crops into ‘clean green’ EnZed, beavering away on global governance at the UN. These young global leaders, servants of Klaus & Co, are suitably stepped aside at the right time (that being when too many of the public are waking up and/or they are widely hated), and either way, they know they will be well looked after.

It’s fairly likely Jacinda will in due course become a Dame and like others before her, will be well rewarded for her more recent years of discomfort at the hands of an awakening public. A nice well paid job in realms offshore until the public’s pain has worn off and the wounds are less raw. By then the newly installed leader (be it a Nat or a Labourite, same bird, different wings) will be well along the way in the next phase of installing the (not) great reset.

It’s a globalist script people, we have the mere illusion of democracy.

RELATED: Globalists following planetary script to REPLACE HUMANS with AI systems

Image by Jose Antonio Alba from Pixabay

Brave Vandana Shiva speaks out against the Great Reset

The reset is simply the new world order call it what you will, with fresh lipstick on a very old pig .. EWR


Organic radical inspiration Vandana Shiva has been couragously speaking out against the insidious ‘Great Reset’ being sprung on us by Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and the rest of the global capitalist elite.

She warns in a new interview that “The Great Reset is about maintaining and empowering a corporate extraction machine and the private ownership of life”. (1)

Shiva has lately been drawing particular attention to the insidious role of Bill Gates in the technocrats’ assault on food and nature.



Photo: sott.net