Tag Archives: global warming scam

Did you know NZ is signed on to a UN plan that requires among other things high density (forced) urbanisation, a reduction in private property rights & depopulation?

“For New Zealanders, Agenda 21 means the complete destruction of a way of life that most people see as positive.”

Agenda 21 and the Draft NZ Biodiversity Strategy

From stovouno.org

By Barbara McKenzie

The current New Zealand government has produced a raft of measures to implement the United Nations Agenda 21, including the draft Biodiversity Strategy, the Zero Carbon Bill, the Oil and Exploration Bill, and the One Billion Trees Fund.


In 1992 Agenda 21 was adopted in Rio de Janeiro at the UN Earth Summit Conference on Environment and Development. It is defined by the United Nations as a ‘comprehensive plan for action to be taken globally, nationally, and locally by organizations of the United Nations system, governments and major groups in every area in which humans impact the environment.’ New Zealand is signatory to this (ostensibly non-binding) international treaty with over 100 other countries.

‘The UN’s Agenda 21 is definitely comprehensive and global — breathtakingly so. Agenda 21 proposes a global regime that will monitor, oversee, and strictly regulate our planet’s oceans, lakes, streams, rivers, aquifers, sea beds, coastlands, wetlands, forests, jungles, grasslands, farmland, deserts, tundra, and mountains. It even has a whole section on regulating and “protecting” the atmosphere. It proposes plans for cities, towns, suburbs, villages, and rural areas. It envisions a global scheme for healthcare, education, nutrition, agriculture, labor, production, and consumption — in short, everything; there is nothing on, in, over, or under the Earth that doesn’t fall within the purview of some part of Agenda 21.’ (William Jasper, Your Hometown and the United Nations Agenda 21)

Agenda 21 is the culmination and ultimate expression of a number of UN Conferences and UN-drafted pacts and declarations to do with the place of humanity in the environment, and the management of humanity overall.  Almost all of these have been signed by New Zealand.  They  are dominated by two assumed, overriding and non-negotiable values – debate of the first never arises, and of the second is never permitted:

  • The precedence of ‘biodiversity’ over all other rights, even of human life;
  • The non-negotiability of the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming narrative.

The United Nations vision includes the following priorities:

  • High-density (forced) urbanisation
  • Reduction or elimination of private property rights
  • Reduction of population

See: A Critical Analysis of Agenda 21 – United Nations Program of Action 

or in brief: Agenda 21 in One Easy Lesson

The American Wildlands Project

The American Wildlands Project, (now calling itself the Wildlands Network) is an implementation of UN policies on biodiversity and human habitat. It proposes to set up to one-half of America into core wilderness reserves and interconnecting corridors, all surrounded by interconnecting buffer zones. No human activity would be permitted in the core reserves and corridors, and only highly regulated activity would be permitted in the buffer zones. Human settlement would be in high density cities.  The purpose of the corridors is to allow large animals like bison to roam free, including migration across the continent.

Ratification of the United Nations Convention of Biological Diversity was defeated in the US Senate, when the concept of the Wildlands Project formed the bsis for the convention.   A number of American states have taken steps to ban Agenda 21 and the local body network ICLEI, specifically set up to ensure implementation of Agenda 21 (most cities in New Zealand belong to ICLEI).

The principles of Agenda 21 and the Wildlands Project are being enacted by Local Bodies and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). People are jailed and/or heavily fined for interfering with the slightest trickle of water on their property; small towns are startled to find high-rise, high density developments out of all keeping approved; farmers and other rural dwellers are being forced off their land through taxation or zoning.  Powers of eminent domain have been extended to allow councils to agree with developers to confiscate private land, in order to build pack and stack subdivisions, also used to take land for projects such as bike paths.

‘Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.’ Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman, ICLEI. The Wildlands Project

Note: the term Agenda 21 is no longer used by the UN and governments, because of the negative connotations it has acquired. Instead they talk of sustainability and resilience: the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are in fact Agenda 21 goals.

See also: Michael Coffman, Background to the Wildlands Project, and a couple of horror stories

New Zealand

New Zealand has had a policy of preserving native forest, and protecting native fauna, and generally caring for the environment, independent of the United Nation.  About 30% of New Zealand is forested, on public or private land – this is far more than most industrialised countries.  National parks also include large tracts of non-forested land which are protected from development. Cities have extensive reserves.  Many suburban sections in hilly towns like Wellington, even modest ones,  have small tracts of native bush.

New Zealanders have a very close physical connection with nature and the outdoors, perhaps through pursuits like tramping, skiing, beach activities; for many people this connection is largely through time spent in their own backyards. Most New Zealanders live in houses of one or two stories with a garden, usually consisting of lawns, flowers, shrubs.

The effect of the implementation of Agenda 21 on lifestyle will be far more dramatic  in New Zealand than in Turkey, for example, where even quite small towns consist of apartment buildings. It will also entail the loss of the eco-system provided by the suburban and small-town lifestyle.

For New Zealanders, Agenda 21 means the complete destruction of a way of life that most people see as positive.




Global geoengineering (chemtrails) experiment pushed by Bill Gates also funded by Nazi-linked Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, linked to eugenics and depopulation

(Natural News) The mainstream media is now openly pushing geoengineering and chemtrails as a solution for so-called “global warming,” which is of course a complete hoax to begin with. Globalist propaganda network CNBC has just released a new video (see below) which is a blatant infomercial for chemtrails, touting the benefits of polluting the skies with calcium carbonate and sulfur dioxide, two pollutants that would devastate life on Earth. Matt Agorist from The Free Thought Project published an informative write-up.

The project is called SCoPEx, and it’s being masterminded by the who’s who of eugenicists and depopulation pushers at the highest levels of world government and academia. It’s funded and endorsed by Bill Gates, for example, who openly calls for reducing the human population by billions. We’ve covered this extensively on Natural News, warning how Bill Gates is funding a plan to carry out planetary genocide.

As I explain in videos at OblivionAgenda.com, this SCoPEx project would pollute the skies across the entire planet, dim the sun, impair photosynthesis and lead to a collapse of the global biosphere. This, of course, would lead to mass starvation around the world as food crops fail and famine sets in. This is the goal of the project, by the way, not an unintended side effect.

Same Alfred P. Sloan Foundation that censored vaccine truth also funding SCoPEx project to commit planetary genocide

In the video, shown below via YouTube, the non-profit organizations involved in funding this SCoPEx project are listed. Among those funding the project at none other than The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

Sponsored solution from CWC Labs: This heavy metals test kit allows you to test almost anything for 20+ heavy metals and nutritive minerals, including lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum and more. You can test your own hair, vitamins, well water, garden soil, superfoods, pet hair, beverages and other samples (no blood or urine). ISO accredited laboratory using ICP-MS (mass spec) analysis with parts per billion sensitivity. Learn more here.

You need to get familiar with this name, because Alfred P. Sloan has long sought to carry out the mass murder of human beings. As published on NaturalNews.com in 2016:

Industrialist Alfred P. Sloan, as head of General Motors, was a Nazi collaborator, and ardent admirer of Hitler. Sloan’s hatred of blacks was almost as intense as his hatred of Jews. He had a close connection with the eugenics movement which eventually became the Human Genome Project. The Sloan Foundation, together with the Rockefeller nexus, held a long standing interest in population reduction, including their involvement with the introduction of mysterious new vaccines together with the World Health Organization, which has a stated policy of population reduction, as clearly set forth in Agenda 21.

It was also the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation that pressured the Tribeca Film Institute to censor the film VAXXED, which exposed the truth about vaccines and infertility, spontaneous abortions and the deliberate damaging of children and adults with toxic substances added to vaccines. Sloan and the WHO have been repeatedly linked to vaccines that are spiked with HCG, an infertility chemical.

Also reprinted on Natural News:

This seemingly altruistic Sloan Foundation also funded the Community Blood Council of Greater New York, Inc., which allowed more than 10,000 hemophiliacs and countless others to become fatally infected with HIV/Aids. Moreover, The Sloan Foundation held 24,000-53,000 shares issued by Merck and Co., whose president George W. Merck was director of America’s biological weapons industry and whose Hepatitis C and polio vaccines have been suspected of transmitting AIDs; and who knows what else.

The Sloan Foundation is currently headed by a globalist named Paul Joskow, member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a global elite group with deep ties to depopulation advocate Bill Gates, who also awards large grants to numerous websites that agree to publish pro-vaccine propaganda.

So now you know the truth about the SCoPEx project, which will also drop enormous quantities of lead — the heavy metal — onto the world’s crops, soils and oceans. This project is nothing less than the mass genocide of humanity, funded by Bill Gates and 14 non-profit foundations as listed here:

J. Baker Foundation
The Blue Marble Fund
OW Caspersen Foundation
Thw Crows Nest Foundation
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Constance C. and Linwood A. Lacy Jr. Foundation
The Open Philanthropy Project
Pritzker Innovation Fund
Ronin Private Investments LLC
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
The Tansy Foundation
Teza Technologies LLC
VoLo Foundation
The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs

Watch the chemtrails infomercial from CNBC, which now openly admits they want to pollute the skies, just as we’ve been warning you for years. That’s why we launched Terraforming.news and Geoengineering.news. This is Adolf Hitler times 1000 in terms of the genocide being carried out here (billions of people will die, which is the goal).

Watch and share:

Now you know why they have to desperately try to label Natural News “fake news” or “conspiracy.” Because yesterday’s conspiracy is today’s Harvard science project funded by eugenics advocates who want to murder six billion people (or more). Just two years ago, “chemtrails” was derided as a conspiracy theory. Now CNBC is running puff pieces promoting it!

The real agenda is the annihilation of humankind. This is why we’ve launched OblivionAgenda.com to explain the truth about the globalist agenda to destroy humanity. It’s no longer science fiction; it’s science fact.



Photo: envirowatchrangitikei (Whanganui 12 Sept 2019)

The Genocidal Roots of the Green New Deal: The Limits to Growth and the Unchaining of Prometheus

Here we have those familiar muppets … Soros, Strong, Prince Charles, Huxley, Prince Phillip … “the new world order, global government, global governance aka world order planners who think we can’t see past their smoke and mirrors. EWR

From orientalreview.org

Prince Charles has just given the world 18 months to save the world. Over the past years, the prince and his father (among other inbred aristocrats of Europe) have taken an incredible interest in the safety of the earth from the pollution emitting machines who greedily consume and reproduce without any consideration for Mother Gaia. In recent months this green transformation of the globe has taken the form of the “Green New Deal” promoted in the U.S. by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders. A children’s campaign endorsed by pope Francis and led by Greta Thunberg has spread across Europe and America while a Billionaires Club under the guidance of Al Gore, and George Soros is funding a Sunrise Movement to fight global warming.

Is this passion to save the planet from humanity genuine? Do these oligarchs and billionaires really care so much that their support for a Green New Deal is as benevolent as the media portrays… or is something darker at play? To answer these questions, we will have to first quickly review what the Green New Deal IS, then where it came from and then finally what its architects have stated they wish to accomplish with its implementation.

What is it?

As the name implies, the Green New Deal is a sweeping policy agenda which takes its name from the original New Deal of 1932 enacted under the leadership of President Franklin Roosevelt. The New Deal was originally a program for bank reform, and mass infrastructure building in order to heal America from the deep wounds caused by 4 years of Great Depression. While the Green New Deal of 2019 proposes to dramatically overhaul the rules of finance and infrastructure planning, its similarities to the original end there.

Roosevelt’s New Deal was driven by projects which increased the productive powers of labor of the nation as a whole by investments into hydroelectric projects, transportation corridors, the Tennessee Valley Authority, and thousands of other infrastructure projects. The Green New Deal on the other hand seeks to lower American productive powers of labor and living standards by investments into zero growth green infrastructure. Of course if that were explicitly stated, no one would drink the Kool-Aid.

