Tag Archives: Dangerous Medicine

Polio-like illness is spreading like wildfire, and the culprit appears to be vaccines

(Natural News) Doctors and scientists say they’re perplexed about a strange mystery disease that’s sweeping the nation, claiming they have no idea what’s causing it. But the most obvious answer is vaccines.

Known as acute flaccid myelitis, the disease has been spreading slowly but steadily across the U.S. in recent years, with symptoms that are very similar to polio. In fact, the mother of one of this disease’s victims actually described it to one media outlet as “our generation’s polio.”

Acute flaccid myelitis is marked by sudden and severe inflammation in the spinal tissue, which can paralyze a person’s neck, face, or diaphragm, as well as the lungs. Not only do these symptoms resemble polio, but they’re also characteristic of both meningitis and Guillain-Barré syndrome.

While still considered to be rare, acute flaccid myelitis, or AFM, is on the rise. It differs from polio in that it typically strikes in the late summer or early fall, and for some odd reasons seems to peak during even-numbered years, meaning the number of cases in 2020 will likely exceed that of 2019.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were 120 confirmed cases of AFM in 2014, while in 2015 there were only 22 cases. In 2016, this number jumped back up to 153, and once again dropped in 2017 back down to 37. Last year in 2018, that number spiked once again, this time to a peak of 236 cases.

“I can’t think of a single disease that had this pattern that we’re seeing, with modern laboratory diagnostics not figuring it out,” says Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

The CDC has since formed a task force comprised of 17 neurologists, pediatricians, and epidemiologists, as well as other medical experts from health departments and teaching hospitals spanning 10 states, to investigate what might be the cause of AFM. This effort is being funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as by the National Institutes of Health.

When will the American people finally wake up and stop poisoning their children with dangerous vaccines?

However, it’s unlikely that this CDC task force will come to any honest conclusions about the nature of AFM, seeing as how the CDC would never dare to touch the elephant in the room known as childhood vaccination.

Even though it’s already being reported, at least in other countries, that oral polio vaccines are causing outbreaks of polio-like illness, which is basically just another name for AFM, the CDC is still claiming ignorance on the matter.

What’s interesting about AFM is that it has also been referred to as non-polio acute flaccid paralysis, or NPAFP, which several years back was spreading rapidly across California. When that particular outbreak of NPAFP was being reported, it was observed that the only people affected by it were those who had been vaccinated with polio vaccines.

Health authorities were quick to deny any link between polio vaccines and NPAFP, even going so far as to put the word “non-polio” in the title of this mystery disease. But the evidence spoke for itself, revealing that polio vaccines were the biggest link between all cases of NPAFP that were reported.

“I’ll bet this disease is related to the vaccines they give these kids,” wrote one commenter at WND in response to the news, speculating about the obvious.

“An Italian team of scientists has isolated human cancer cells in MMR vaccines. It’s beginning to look like those Agenda 2030 conspiracy theories may be true.”

For more related news about the dangers associated with childhood vaccination, be sure to check out Vaccines.news.

Sources for this article include:






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Antidepressants are killing people: Risk of early death increased by 33%

(Natural News) There is no doubt that the intense stresses and pressures of modern life have left many people feeling depressed and unable to cope. While there are certainly people who have serious mental health issues and require therapy and other treatment to help them with their struggles, it is also true that antidepressant medications like Prozac and Zoloft are viewed almost as cure-alls in our society. More people than ever before are being prescribed these medications, often without being fully informed about their serious side effects and potential for long-term harm.

Now, a new study out of Canada has raised further red flags, after researchers found that people on antidepressants, who do not suffer from heart disease, are 33 percent more likely to die from any cause than those who are not taking such medications.

The meta-analysis, which was conducted by a team from McMaster University, located in Hamilton, Ontario, and published in the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, analyzed the results of 17 earlier studies which involved close to 380,000 participants, to determine the overall long-term effects of antidepressants on longevity.

At first, their findings were not too alarming; there appeared to only be about a nine percent increase in risk of death for those on so-called “happy pills” – an elevation which the researchers did not consider to be clinically significant.

However, knowing that antidepressants thin the blood, which could have a positive effect on the health of people with cardiovascular problems by preventing clotting, the researchers then removed the results of participants with heart conditions. That was when the startling fact emerged that long-term use of antidepressants elevated risk of death by 33 percent.

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Science Daily explains why the risk is likely elevated in this way:

It’s widely known that brain serotonin affects mood, and that most commonly used antidepressant treatment for depression blocks the absorption of serotonin by neurons. It is less widely known, though, that all the major organs of the body — the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver — use serotonin from the bloodstream.

Antidepressants block the absorption of serotonin in these organs as well, and the researchers warn that antidepressants could increase the risk of death by preventing multiple organs from functioning properly.

While a nine percent increase in risk might not be considered “clinically significant” – although many people would still view this as unacceptable – a 33 percent elevation in risk has these researchers seriously concerned.

“We are very concerned by these results,” said lead researcher Paul Andrews, as reported by the Daily Mail. “They suggest that we shouldn’t be taking antidepressant drugs without understanding precisely how they interact with the body. I do think these drugs for most people are doing more harm than good and that physicians ought not to generally prescribe them.”

As disturbing as this study’s findings are, they become even more shocking when one considers the fact that another study, published in the highly respected journal The Lancet, found that of the 14 most commonly prescribed antidepressants, only one – fluoxetine (Prozac) – worked better than a placebo.

In addition, one of the drugs – venlafaxine (Effexor) – was associated with an increase in suicidal thoughts and attempts.

Peter Gotzsche, the lead author of a study conducted by The Nordic Cochrane Centre, warned, “While it is now generally accepted antidepressants increase the risk of suicide and violence in children and adolescents, most people believe these drugs are not dangerous for adults. This is a potentially lethal misconception.” He added, “It is well documented that drug companies under-report seriously the harms of antidepressants related to suicide and violence, either by simply omitting them from reports, by calling them something else or by committing scientific misconduct.”

So, over 90 percent of antidepressants don’t work, they double your risk of suicide, and they increase your risk of an early death by 33 percent. It’s hard to imagine how doctors continue to justify handing them out like candy.

Sources include:







American Medical Association sliding toward support of physician-assisted suicide… here come the death panels

(Natural News) Will the American Medical Association soon be in favor of physician-assisted suicide? In early June, the AMA decided not to reaffirm its position against assisted suicide – a decision which has shocked many. But indeed, the AMA has gone against its own Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, which recommended the AMA maintain its opposition of euthanasia for humans.

Advocates for assisted suicide have been very successful at opening doors for euthanasia in medicine. In some states, affiliate groups have already taken a more neutral stance on this issue, paving the way for legislators to approve the legalization of doctor-assisted suicide. While proponents of euthanasia say that their cause gives patients the right to a dignified death, the issue isn’t really that cut and dry. There are substantial concerns about the potential for abuse and coercion. Inevitably, this could give rise to an untold number of citizens quietly being put to death against their will – while no one will be the wiser.

Experts warn against assisted suicide

Matt Vallière, the Executive Director of Patients Rights Action Fund, told Life News that he, and other advocates for patients’ rights, are very concerned about the AMA’s sudden change of heart.

“The American Medical Association’s decision to not confirm their own Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs’ recommendation – namely that they maintain their opposition to assisted suicide – does not take into account that this bad public policy puts vulnerable patients at high risk for coercion, mistakes and even abuse. Although the AMA’s opposition position still stands for now, a referral back to CEJA is a lost opportunity and a failure to stand against a policy that has grave consequences for everyone, but especially persons living with illness, disabilities, or socio-economic disadvantage. Assisted suicide is not medical care,” Vallière stated.



Many cases of “dementia” are actually side effects of prescription drugs or vaccines, according to research

(Natural News) The “quick facts” provided by the Alzheimer’s Association are pretty concerning: More than five million people in America are living with Alzheimer’s, and that number is projected to reach 16 million by the year 2050. As the sixth leading cause of death in our nation, it kills more Americans than prostate cancer and breast cancer combined. Someone in the U.S. develops Alzheimer’s every 66 seconds; will you be one of them?

With statistics like these, it’s no wonder that people want to do everything they can to reduce their odds. However, it’s also important to note that Alzheimer’s is only one of the potential causes of dementia. While many people use the terms interchangeably, Alzheimer’s is really only responsible for around 50 to 70 percent of dementia cases. The misleading terminology is obscuring one very dark fact about dementia: Many times, it’s being caused not by something scientists are still struggling to understand like Alzheimer’s but rather by things that are masquerading as tools for good health; vaccines and prescription drugs.

In fact, the Alzheimer’s Association that publicizes these statistics is subsidized by Big Pharma. It’s simply good business sense that they want people to believe that every memory-loss patient falls under the Alzheimer’s umbrella because then they can sell you drugs that purportedly address it. Their research has led them to an approach that pays dividends: promoting and destigmatizing what many think of as “mental illnesses,” making them seem unpreventable but manageable with drugs. Many people who work for the Alzheimer’s Association and similar organizations are well-meaning people who want to help and are often unaware of the connection to Big Pharma.

You have more control over “dementia” than you’re being led to believe

It’s no coincidence that dementia cases have been spiking during the same time that children and adults alike are being over-vaccinated (flu shot, anyone?) and the over-prescription of brain-altering drugs like antidepressants is prevalent.

A help guide based on a Harvard University report admits as much. According to the report, “medications are common culprits in mental decline.” As the body ages, the liver’s efficiency when it comes to metabolizing drugs declines, and the kidneys do not eliminate them as quickly as they once did. This causes the drugs to accumulate in the body, which means those who take multiple medications are particularly susceptible to this effect.

Included in the list of drugs published in the guide that cause dementia-like symptoms are antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, sedatives, corticosteroids, narcotics, antihistamines, cardiovascular drugs, and anticonvulsants. It’s a very broad range of drugs, and many elderly people take medications from one or more of those categories. In fact, you might want to go check your medicine cabinet right now.

A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine correlated the use of popular medications like Benadryl and other anticholinergic drugs with dementia onset. According to the researchers, patients who took these medications for three years or more had a 54 percent higher chance of going on to develop the disorder.

Vaccines are also responsible for causing symptoms mistaken for dementia. People in their 40s are increasingly being diagnosed with “dementia,” and experts believe that environmental factors must be responsible in these cases. Mercury-containing thimerosalwas used widely in childhood vaccines until 2001 and remains in some vaccines, including flu shots, to this day. A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that exposure to mercury could produce many of the changes that are seen in Alzheimer’s patients, including impaired cognitive function and memory as well as confusion.

Researcher Richard Deth stated: “Mercury is clearly contributing to neurological problems, whose rate is increasing in parallel with rising levels of mercury. It seems that the two are tied together.”

Another common ingredient found in vaccines, aluminum, has been linked to dementia as well.



If you’re convinced vaccines are safe, you’re not well informed… here’s the information being withheld from you

(Natural News) If you’re convinced that vaccines are safe, you’re not listening to the people who’ve lost a child after a round of vaccines was administered. The U.S. government set up a special court to hear vaccine injury cases, with reparation for select victims but no accountability for vaccine makers. If you’re new to learning about vaccine risk, check out LearnTheRisk.org, ChildhoodShots.com and TheWorldMercuryProject, three of many places where the truth is being told.

As the truth comes forth, will you laugh in the faces of the victims who have been vaccine damaged? Sudden infant death syndrome, seizures, allergies, brain swelling, skin conditions, eating disorders and neurological development issues are all sad consequences of failed vaccine policy in the U.S. and around the world. Every vaccine on the market today, no matter what its intended use, will burden a body, especially small bodies with lower blood volume and weight.

Vaccines use adjuvants to inflame the immune system and force it to respond to pathogens. The most popular adjuvant used in vaccines are aluminum salts. As Dr. Chris Exley demonstrates, after a vaccine is administered, immune-responsive cells quickly travel to the injection site and load up their cytoplasm with the antigen and aluminum salts from the vaccine. The immune-responsive cells then travel throughout the body, taking aluminum cations to unpredictable places, including the brain. When the vesicles undergo acidification, they will dissolve the enclosed aluminum salt. Biologically reactive A13+ aluminum cations rupture the membrane, entering the cell cytoplasm and causing cell death.

This is the first problem with vaccines; the aluminum that augments an immune response is traveling throughout the body and causing cell death, inflammation, and aluminum toxicity throughout the person. If you’re convinced vaccines are safe, you don’t understand the toxicity of compounding aluminum cations at the cellular level and the potential damage that occurs to the brain and immune system when aluminum-based vaccines are injected.

Vaccines use preservatives. One of the preservatives in some vaccines is a form of inorganic mercury called thimerosal. Researchers have studied thimerosal exposure on mammalian brains. While thimerosal clears from the brain quicker than organic forms of mercury, it also concentrates there more rapidly, leading to harmful exposure amounts. A laboratory investigation of GlaxoSmithKline’s Flulaval flu vaccine found mercury at 51 ppm, or 25,000 times the legal maximum for drinking water regulated by the EPA. Mercury is one of the worst preservatives to directly inject into the body, bypassing the gastrointestinal filters, microbiome, and the gut wall. When this vaccine is recommended for pregnant women, is the fetus protected? Absolutely not. The developing infant can be poisoned for life due to the slightest exposure to mercury in the womb. If you’re convinced vaccines are safe, you do not understand the toxicity of mercury or the dangers of putting a brain-damaging element into the muscles and bloodstream without normal body filtration.



Traditional cancer treatments cause inflammation, promoting aggressive tumor growth, according to study

(Natural News) Independent media leaders like Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and editor of Natural News, have long been vilified by the mainstream media for daring to insist that chemotherapy actually causes cancer. Time and again, Natural News has published articles based on scientific studies that prove the inefficiency and downright danger of conventional cancer treatments. Now, yet another study has been published confirming that link.

The study, conducted by a research team from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), and published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, found that the dead and dying cancer cells created by chemotherapy trigger inflammation which in turn promotes “aggressive tumor growth.”

“In this study we demonstrate that chemotherapy-generated debris from dead and dying tumor cells can stimulate tumor growth, which has pivotal implications for the treatment of cancer patients,” said Dipak Panigrahy, MD, the study’s lead author and an assistant professor at BIDMC’s Department of Pathology. “Conventional cancer therapy designed to kill tumor cells is inherently a double-edged sword.” [Emphasis added]

News Wise notes that this research reinforces what the medical community has known since at least the 1950s, but it is the first study to try to determine the exact molecular mechanisms that cause this phenomenon.

Researchers have long understood that there is a distinct link between inflammation and cancer. A study published in the journal Nature in 2010, for example, noted:

Recent data have expanded the concept that inflammation is a critical component of tumour progression. Many cancers arise from sites of infection, chronic irritation and inflammation. It is now becoming clear that the tumour microenvironment [the infrastructure supporting the tumor], which is largely orchestrated by inflammatory cells, is an indispensable participant in the neoplastic process, fostering proliferation, survival and migration.

