Tag Archives: critically ill

Aussie Navy in COVID Jab Cover Up After Mass Adverse Reactions?

“Our ‘friends’ in the mainstream media have been too quick to tell us deaths are assumed to be only “coincidentally” associated with vaccination before all the evidence is in. This raises an obvious question: Is the assumption that the experimental COVID-19 vaccines are never the cause of death scientifically justified or is it a symptom of bias?”

This is a developing story.  Mainstream media pulls original story of Australian sailors on HMAS Sydney suffering widespread adverse reactions to COVID19 vaccinations. Sanitized version refers only to “mild side effects” despite the fact the ship’s crew needed hospitalization.

This latest setback for the pro-vaccine lobby follows soon after the Australian government performs a U-turn on mass vaccination policy the day after the Australian Health Minister falls ‘critically ill’ immediately after getting his COVID jab.

So, whenever the mainstream media conspires to quietly ‘disappear’ web pages of a story it has already reported on you can bet something far bigger and worrisome is being covered up.

In this latest case, the UK’s Daily Mail yesterday pulled a story from their pages about adverse COVID jab reactions among the crew of an Australian war ship.

Direct from Australia, a valued contact told us by email: “Our health minister is still in the hospital from the day after he had his injection! Not a word about the navy hospitalisations.  What a way to take out a country’s military… In just one jab!” Our contact refers to the story earlier this week of Australian Health Minister, Gregg Hunt, who was taken seriously ill  in a “critical condition” after he received his dose of the untested, experimental vaccine. In a statement on Tuesday evening his office stated that Minister Hunt had: “been admitted to hospital with a suspected infection, he is being kept overnight for observation and is being administered antibiotics and fluid.”






Photo: principia-scientific.com

Vitamin C deficiency discovered in critically ill patients, researchers reveal in a recent NZ study

Remember the man dying in Waikato Hospital, where the authorities wanted to switch off his life support? His family suggested Vit C (IV) – no go. Would’t have a bar of that. So they enlisted a lawyer to fight for that right. They dragged their feet all the way on this – and the man is now alive & well back on his farm. But for the lawyer he would be gone…..

(Naturalhealth365) Sepsis, a systemic, body-wide complication of infection, features a grim mortality rate – particularly if it progresses to septic shock. Accounting for roughly one out of three hospital deaths, septic shock is fatal 30 to 50 percent of the time (conservatively speaking) – and claims roughly 250,000 lives a year in the United States. But, one way – gaining popularity – to avoid becoming a ‘death statistic’ is to rely on vitamin C, as soon as possible.

Natural health experts have long insisted that illnesses, such as sepsis, drastically deplete the body’s stores of vitamin C, an indispensable nutrient which can only be obtained through diet or supplementation. Now, a recent study from New Zealand reveals the devastating extent to which critical illnesses rob the body of vitamin C – even when patients are being given the amounts recommended by the conventionally-trained health experts.
