Tag Archives: Biden

Tomorrow—January 22, 2024— NATO to hold biggest drills since Cold War with 90,000 troops

From Mark Crispin Miller

The US under “Joe Biden” is a rogue state doing all it can for world depopulation, through incessant WAR all over

From Russell “Texas” Bentley in Donetsk:

I wrote the following article a few days ago. It was published in a somewhat watered down form by Sputnik International News. (MSM is the same everywhere, it only varies by degrees.) This is the original. Feel free to publish or share. The news it contains IS important. There is also a link to a second article with very important news below my article.

Reuters reports that NATO “exercise” Steadfast Defender 2024, will begin on Monday, January 22nd, and will run “through” May, which means until June. The deployment will include 90,000 troops, 50 ships, including aircraft carriers, more than 80 combat aircraft, including fighter jets, and over 1,100 combat vehicles, including at least 133 tanks and over 500 infantry fighting vehicles. The fact that the “exercise’ begins next week, and the Western MSM is only now publicizing it, means that all the military assets are already in position. They’re not “coming”, they’re here.

NATO to hold biggest drills since Cold War with 90,000 troops

January 18, 2024


This is the biggest NATO combined arms “exercise” since REFORGER 1988, back when the USSR and Warsaw pact were still in existence. In other words, this is the biggest NATO troop movement since the end of the Cold War, almost doubling the previous largest, which was 50,000 troops involved in Trident Juncture in 2018. 90,000 troops on the move for almost half a year, concentrating in the Baltic states on Russia’s borders, in Romania, on the Ukraine border, and in Germany, the military logistics hub of NATO, and where it all started “last time”. You know what I mean.

Politics and war can best be exemplified by the game of chess. In chess, there are three specific stages – the opening, the middle game, and the end game. The opening is when the two opponents move their pawns into a defensive line and develop the major pieces for maneuver. It is relatively bloodless, and if done correctly, more strategic than tactical. There is no defining moment when the game transitions from the opening game to the middle game, but the middle game is where the fighting really begins, and you know it when you get there.

The middle game is where the majority of pieces are lost, the fighting is most intense, and surprise moves are most likely. The game can often end in checkmate during this phase, with one side being totally defeated by a surprise move they did not see coming. Remember that.

If there is no surprise defeat, the middle game is usually short, and when it is over, the chessboard is vastly different than when it began. In the end game, the majority of pieces on both sides have been eliminated, only a few pieces remain – the kings, of course, and a few pieces close to them, defending them. From here, the game ends in checkmate, a definitive defeat of one side or the other, or a stalemate, where both sides agree that neither can win, thus ending the game, and agreeing to start over at some time in the future.

(Russell Bentley in the opening game, on frontline position “Blesna”, 2015)

With Steadfast Defender, Europe (and probably the world) enter the middle game. Fasten your seatbelts, we are in for a rough ride. This middle game will almost certainly not be confined to Europe. and before it is over, will most probably include surprise moves in the form of the use of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. No place on Earth will be safe, except, perhaps, for the luxury bunkers of the world’s billionaire elite. Maybe not even there…

The “Great Reset” has been interpreted by some as code for a depopulation plan to cull the human herd of the majority of its members. This idea has been dismissed by popular culture as just another “conspiracy theory”, but in reality, it remains the most plausible explanation for the many developments of the last few years. For instance –

The proof that the covid virus, and the “vaccine” it engendered, are actually biological weapons grows stronger every day. The genocide in Gaza, and Israel’s absolute disregard for international law and total lack of any meaningful response to it by the UN or international “community”, the intentional destruction of the US and European economies, spending, borrowing and looting national treasuries as if there were no tomorrow, the ecological destruction fomented by the very ones who pass draconian laws they claim are in order to protect it, the disinformation and gaslighting aimed at destroying people’s very ability to discern truth, and therefore, reality …

All of these developments that have intensified and accelerated in the last few years, when taken as a whole, can only be rationally and realistically explained thusly – “They (the global Parasite Class) are not stupid, they are doing it on purpose.” If there really is a plan by world elites to depopulate the planet, (There is, because) everything they have done would be exactly the way they would do it. Think about it. Prepare. And don’t forget to say your prayers. The middle game, just like Steadfast Defender, is already upon us. The end game begins soon, but it may well end in a stalemate like this…


Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You (12/31/23)

From The Vigilant Fox @ substack

#10 – Paramedic drops alarming revelations on COVID vaccine distribution.

#9 – Toxic seed oils pose one of the greatest threats to human health over the past 100 years.

#8 – Donald Trump predicts Biden won’t be the Democrat nominee in 2024.

#7 – An entirely new “blue screen of death” begins appearing in people’s cars.

#6 – COVID vaccines can worsen cancer, according to new peer-reviewed analysis.

#5 – Major retailers suddenly begin selling gold amid concerns of financial collapse.

#4 – Tucker Carlson unleashes on Ben Shapiro, says he “doesn’t care” about America.

#3 – The CDC gets exactly what it wanted for Christmas: high viral levels of COVID in the water supply.

#2 – Illegal immigrants with “anchor babies” use more welfare than U.S. citizens.

#1 – The majority of Americans are now worried about COVID-19 vaccine safety.


Check out our sister site truthwatchnz.is for other news

Photo: pixabay.com (text added)

$50 Trillion For What? Kennedy Dumbfounds Biden Climate Peddler In Fiery Exchange Over ‘Carbon Neutrality’

From zerohedge.com

Biden Deputy Secretary of Energy David Turk highlighted the absurdity of the climate grift this week during a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing, when Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) couldn’t get a straight answer out of him over the cost of going ‘carbon neutral.’

In a tense exchange, Kennedy repeatedly attempted to get Turk to give a straightforward answer to just how much American taxpayers will have to pay to achieve the Biden administration’s goal of reaching US carbon neutrality by 2050.

When Kennedy asked whether some of the “experts” Turk referred to earlier were correct in a $50 trillion estimate, Turk nodded his head, and said “It’s gonna cost trillions of dollars, there’s no doubt about it.”

“f we spend $50 trillion to become carbon neutral by 2050 in the United States of America, how much is that going to reduce world temperatures?” Kennedy replied. The conversation continued (transcription via the Daily Caller)

Turk: “So, every country around the world needs to get its act together. Our emissions are about 13% of global emissions right now…”

Kennedy: “Yeah, but if you could answer my question. If we spend $50 trillion to become carbon neutral in the U.S. by 2050, you’re the Deputy Secretary of Energy, give me your estimate of how much that is going to reduce world temperatures.”

Turk: “So, first of all, it’s a net cost. It’s what, um, benefits we’re having from getting our act together and reducing all of those costs and climate benefits…”

Kennedy: “Let me ask you. Maybe I’m not being clear. If we spend $50 trillion to become carbon neutral by 2050 in the United States of America, how much is that going to reduce world temperatures?

Turk: “This is a global problem, so we need to reduce our emissions and we need to do everything to, uh…”

Kennedy: “How much of we do our part is it going to reduce global temperatures?”

Turk: “So, we’re 13% of global emissions…”

Kennedy: “You don’t know, do you? You don’t know, do you?”

A fully flabbergasted Turk then says “In my heart of hearts, there is no way the world gets its act together on climate change unless the U.S. leads.”

Watch (with full exchange here)

Asenergy expert David Blackmon writes in the Daily Caller;

And there we have it. Americans are being asked to accept the force-feeding of an incredibly radical set of policies with a price tag that is unprecedented in global history to achieve a “carbon neutrality” goal, whose benefits are so nebulous, negligible and wholly reliant on the cooperative actions of other countries beyond U.S. control that they cannot be measured in any reliable way.

Instead, we are being told by senior political appointees forcing those policies into being that we should simply trust them because they think it is the right thing to do in their “heart of hearts.”

This is madness. For some context, $50 trillion is an amount that exceeds the gross domestic product of the U.S., China, India, Germany and Japan, combined. It is a number that drastically exceeds total U.S. national debt. It is more than 135 times the $369 billion in green energy subsidies contained in last year’s Orwellian-named Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

That is five new IRAs each year for the next 27 years. Madness.

Madness indeed.


The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking

via Health Impact News

We are now at Thursday of the first week of announced “door-to-door” visits by agents working for local governments enforcing the Biden Administration’s directive to get more people “vaccinated” with COVID-19 shots, and so far things are pretty quiet in the local corporate media, and in the alternative media.

Could the push back from the Right last week be making many local communities hesitant to carry out this policy? Time will tell, but as of today, I have only seen 3 reports of this policy being carried out (not counting the leaked documents from Lake County, Illinois that were widely published in the alternative media last week.)

The one that has been the most widely reported in the media so far this week was a report published by WCNC in Charlotte, North Carolina in Mecklenburg County where “49% of the population is partially vaccinated and 46% is fully vaccinated.”

Reporter Chloe Leshner posted the video on her Twitter account:



U.S. COVID CAMPS: Training begins for the “isolation and quarantine of a large portion of a local rural population”

From tyranny.news

The Center for Rural Development is launching a new training course to teach Joe Biden’s vaccine “brownshirts” how to “isolat[e] and quarantine” a “large portion of a local rural population.”

Listed as MGT 433 in the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC) course catalog, the eight-hour class is designed to provide both public- and private-sector emergency managers, community policymakers, public health and public safety personnel with “the general knowledge necessary to begin planning for situations requiring the isolation and quarantine of a large portion of a local, rural population.”



Photo: pixabay.com

“If you think you need weapons to take on the govt, you need F-15s & maybe some nuclear weapons” (Biden)

Plain to see where it is all heading in fact we are well on track … plain as day … EWR

From truth11.com

“the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants”
(Thomas Jefferson 1787)

“F-15s and nuclear weapons’: Biden brushes off point of 2nd Amendment & undermines ‘insurrection’ narrative in gun control push
Planet Free Will / Nebojsa Malic | RT

President Joe Biden’s new gun control crusade challenged the US founding fathers as well as the Democrats’ own January 6 “insurrection” narrative, by arguing armed citizenry would have no hope against an oppressive government.

“Those who say the blood of patriots y’know and all the stuff about how we’re going to have to move against the government. Well the tree of liberty is not watered with the blood of patriots,” Biden said on Wednesday, announcing new gun control actions from the White House. “What’s happened is, that there never been, if you wanted, you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons,” he continued.

President Biden: “The 2nd Amendment from the day it was passed limited the type of people who could own a gun, and what type of weapon you could own. You couldn’t buy a cannon … If you think you need weapons to take on the govt, you need F-15s & maybe some nuclear weapons.” pic.twitter.com/BdfI9pbmVh

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) June 23, 2021



Other headlines this week

From offgridsurvival.com

They want your kids living in fear, locked inside Mini Plexiglass Prisons when Schools Reopen!
Psychological Warfare Declared on Your Child! Why would anyone send their kids back to Public School to be Mentally Abused?
Your Digital Papers Please: Verification ‘passports’ to Prove your Clean start in Israel and EU
They want to see how far they can push you, hell let’s see if we can get them to wear two masks!
The Great Internet Reset: The Purge is Here
Mask Mandates meant to Kill the Soul and Spirit of Humanity?
COVID Fear is waning so Media Pushing Ebola, Nipah, H5N8, and Bubonic Plague as Next Possible Pandemics!

“The latest round of illness will be caused BY those ‘vaccines,’ but blamed on those who have refused them”: Dr. Vernon Coleman (via Mark Crispin Miller)

First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination: Attorney Interview (bitchute.com) (via Kim Hampson)

Alarming Video on C19 Tests & Vax (bitchute.com) (via Kim Hampson)

Leaked Pfizer Documents Reveal Only 55% of Some COVID Vaccine Samples had RNA Intact Prior to European Approval Exposing Huge Quality Control Issues (Health Impact News)

Child Trafficking Increasing Under Biden? Corporations with History in Child Sex Abuse Vying for Government Contracts to Handle Children Coming Across the Border (Health Impact News)

PSU uses YouTube’s copyright reporting system to censor video exposing the college’s censorship (via Mark Crispin Miller)

Photo: thanks to pixabay.com

Time Magazine Posts Shocking Admission That Biden Election Was Orchestrated By A ‘Well-Funded Secret Cabal’ That ‘Changed Rules And Laws’


So why are they coming out now and admitting the whole process was an orchestrated fraud? Because they’ve got the power now, and they know it cannot be taken away, and even if it could, the pusillanimous GOP doesn’t have the will or the stomach for the job. And Time Magazine? They’re the very same people that David Rockefeller thanked for agreeing to keep secret the New World Order meetings of the Bilderbergers.

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years……It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” ― David Rockefeller


LINK: https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/time-magazine-posts-shocking-admission-joe-biden-election-fixed-by-secret-cabal-changing-laws/

Photo: Wikipedia

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

The day Biden was inaugurated, the Syrian government sent him a message imploring him to withdraw American forces from the country

Syria Sends First Message to President Biden: Withdraw Troops, Stop Stealing Oil

Syria has issued its first message to President Joe Biden, urging the incoming U.S. leader to withdraw troops from the war-torn nation and to abandon efforts to tap into the country’s oil reserves.




U.S. forces choppered into Syria 24 hours after new commander-in-chief takes power

24 Hours After Joe Biden Sworn In As President, The Swamp Orders US Troops Back Into Syria With Convoy Of 40 Trucks, Armored vehicles And Helicopters Flying Overhead

Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay

Thousands of troops on the streets of Washington DC – (the long-planned script)

VIDEO: https://davidicke.com/2021/01/10/thousands-of-troops-on-the-streets-of-washington-dc-as-predictable-as-night-follows-day-its-the-long-planned-script/


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Photo: Screenshot