Tag Archives: Barack Obama

Obama now here in NZ amidst a complete media ban – what’s to hide?

I expect they won’t be discussing the homeless at all? Or our growing child poverty rate? I note the agri tech companies will be dining with him. Check out our recent post on the other simultaneous events taking place. With a complete media ban of course the increasingly restless population of NZ won’t be privy to any of the real agenda for this visit. Free press & transparency are a thing of the distant past. Can you see a very new picture emerging? Note the security. The large gap that neo lib economics has produced both here & globally, between the rich and the poor, necessitates this entourage of muscle. They are flocking here in droves purchasing swathes of property, escaping the very mayhem their own greed & selfishness has bred. I personally see writing on the wall that isn’t good. Watch this space.

From mainstream media

Barack Obama landed in New Zealand early this morning – and our own former Prime Minister, John Key, and his family are already on their way north for a golfing rendezvous with the former president.

Obama is on his first visit to New Zealand and organisers are pulling out all the stops – from actor Sam Neill as one of his hosts, to flying in chef Peter Gordon from London to cook for him.

The 44th president of the United States of America landed in a private Gulfstream jet at Auckland International Airport at 12.13am on Wednesday after spending two days in Singapore. There was a heavy police presence.




A quick peruse at this link will tell you golf’s on the agenda. Hobnobbing with the rich & famous. Or are he & Key discussing how he’s sold us all out? Sold all the housing the likes of which he once lived in? Or perhaps they’re discussing the growing child poverty rate? Or homelessness? Not likely.


He will be dining in style on chef Peter Gordon’s fare…


And amidst a media ban, so what don’t they want the public of NZ to know?

“Former US President Barack Obama will enforce an extensive ban on media and publicity during his visit to New Zealand this week.

There will be no interviews and media cannot report from inside his event.

Newshub has learned the secrecy extends to those invited to his event, who are set to be prohibited from posting to their own social media.

A bit like movie Fight Club, “the first rule of seeing Barack Obama is don’t talk about seeing Barack Obama”.

At his most recent event this year at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the rules were that “photography, video recording, streaming and social media posting, including on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and other platforms will not be permitted without exception”.



Five Eyes military exercise takes place under pretext of ‘Air Show’ as Jacinda Adern welcomes Obama in preparation of US joining TPPA in 2020.



Five Eyes military exercise takes place under pretext of ‘Air Show’ as Jacinda Adern welcomes Obama in preparation of US joining TPPA in 2020.

From the Facebook page of Postman Investigates New Current affairs NZ Investigative News  with Ben VidgenGlenn HolmesJohn MintoDave Hoppy and Dai Mitchell.

The United States Air Force has confirmed its intention to have the world-renowned F-16 Fighting Falcon Jet Demonstration Team attend Wanaka from the Misawa Air Force base in Japan. Also displaying at the Airshow will be the C-17 Globemaster Demonstration Team out of Hawaii. Both the F-16s and the C-17 will operate out of Christchurch International Airport for the duration of the Airshow. Christchurch Airport is to host the Americans on the ground as according to the airshow organisers they’re unable to land at Wanaka. The RNZAF will help out with flying members of the US contingent through to the Airshow at various times over the weekend say the show’s organisers.

The timing of the visit which can expect aircraft to fly in ahead of the show coincides with the visit of former President Barack Obama and a month ahead of Hillary Clinton’s visit organized by the US Chamber of Commerce and US Business Council, the organization heavily involved in lobbying for the TPPA and believed to be in discussion regarding the reentry of the US into the treaty following the next American election (thought Trump hinted at the re-entry of USA into TPPA at Davos in Janaury this year). Therefore potentially the aircraft may also be participating in the anticipated visit by Obama to the South Island following the sighting of private jets, used in the advanced Secret Serivce of Bill Clinton during APEC 1999, in Dunedin earlier this month.

The American aircraft will not only ensure the biggest ever line up of modern military aircraft at the Wanaka airshow but the RNZAF intends to have one of the largest turnouts of its aircraft types at the Airshow. This is in addition to other Five Eyes (the defacto military arm of the TPPA) members attending the show including the Australians who are sending a Spartan transport aircraft along with Hawk Jets while the French are coming with the CASA transport jet.

Wanaka is currently also the site of a NASA facility funded by the US military, one of several facilities to pop up or expand using equipment built by known military contractors, these include the expanded Waihopai facility in Blenheim, Rocket lab in Gisborne, a private facility however funded by the US Navy, expanded tracking facilities in Bluff, among other known or suspected sites upgraded or added to in the past few years.
Further the visit by contemporary military aircraft at this year’s air show is not the only time we have seen an influx of Five Eyes military aircraft to New Zealand.

On August 3 2017,” New Zealand Defense Minister Mark Mitchell confirmed that Singapore’s fighter jets would be participating in an upcoming military exercise between the two countries. The news came as the two sides consider options for basing these aircraft in one of the country’s largest airfields for training as part of their broader effort to further their military cooperation in the coming years”. (Ohakea will also be basing a Singapore cyber intelligence unit and comes at the time Five Eyes is using Information Dominance warfare to suppress dissenting voices on social media).

Singapore is believed to have left equipment when their intelligence, cyber intelligence and artillery trained here during Operation Rolling Thunder while the USA left helicopters and other equipment here during Operation Koru in 2015. These exercises mark an escalated presence by Five Eyes security forces since 2011 including several visits by the US marines based in Hawaii. Our sources suggest this includes building barracks for the Marines (at this stage able to house 300 soldiers) in Waiouru for permanent “winter training”.
In January 2017, Singapore and New Zealand officials discussed stepping up cooperation through various ways. One of these opportunities had been for Singapore to set up a pilot training base at Ohakea Air Base, New Zealand’s third largest airfield, recently subject to a $2 billion dollar upgrade, as the land-scarce city state continues to look for other partners that can provide room for it to train its armed forces.

In February 2017 two Singapore F-15s were at the Ohakea Air Base for celebrations commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Royal New Zealand Air Force. And in June, when New Zealand’s air force chief Tony Davies paid a visit to Singapore, he viewed a static display of the F-15 fighter aircraft at Paya Lebar Air Base.

On August 3, Mitchell, the defense minister, announced that a Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) training exercise hosted by the Royal New Zealand Air Force would take place at Ohakea Air Force base from 30 August to 25 September. Jacinda Adern and Winston Peters who have both confirmed their commitment to both the TPPA and the Five Eyes security alliance have yet to suggest this proposal or the 20 billion earmarked under national will be scrapped under their administration.

This month Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said her ministers were working to get an exemption for New Zealand from the US’ imposition of tariffs on steel and aluminium. This supports the Postman’s claims last month that the current trade war and aluminum tariffs would be used by the USA to reinstate it self in the TPPA and have the currently suspended TPPA provision reinstated. The Tiwai smelter employs over 3000* people and is the backbone of Southland economy which generates over 20% pf the country’s gross domestic product.

Adern told reporters New Zealand had a strong case for an exemption because of its “long defense and security relationship with the United States stating New Zealand was clearly not an intended target of the tariffs, given its steel exports to the US were small. Ardern stated New Zealand’s relationship was similar to Australia’s in many ways and Australia had been given the exemption. Both New Zealand and Australia are ‘five eyes’ intelligence partners with the US.

*Tiwai’s website cites 800 employees

TPPA – ItsOurFuture latest updates for Kiwis

 Updates from itsourfuture.org.nz : this is the site’s newsletter


It’s Our Future: TPPA News Bulletin #81

11 January 2016

In this Bulletin:

TPPA signing Auckland, 4 February
Auckland Actions for 4 February
Other actions around Aotearoa NZ
Lori Wallach & Jane Kelsey speaking tour 26-29 January
‘Don’t sign’ Petition to PM to be launched tomorrow
Fact Sheets
Expert Papers
Labour Party position
Media Articles

TPPA Latest

TPPA signing Auckland, 4 February

Rumours that TPPA ministers will sign the deal in NZ on 4 Feb were confirmed by Chile’s officials, although the government still says it’s not settled. Other reports confirm it will be in Auckland (as Fran O’Sullivan said back on 9 Dec), but MFAT hasn’t told people where. It’s NOT likely to be Sky City, which hosted the big meetings. This will be a small select ‘celebration’, probably somewhere with tight security.

The signing is largely symbolic but governments will try to use it as an opportunity to talk up the TPPA in the media. It will be signed by Trade Ministers (Todd McClay has replaced Tim Groser – we don’t yet know whether Groser will be there).

Rumours in the media that “US President Barack Obama lines up NZ visit” in order to thank the New Zealand government for pushing the TPPA deal look like a classic case of PR spin. Latest is that the Government denies the report saying “there are no plans in place for that to happen at this stage”.

Auckland Actions for 4 February

Auckland people will meet on Tuesday 12 January to talk about actions around the signing. The signing will be on a weekday, with Anniversary weekend before and Waitangi Day weekend after. We know people are anxious to get things moving, but please coordinate with others so that we don’t create confusion with multiple Auckland events. We will put out another Bulletin next week with more specific plans.

Other actions around Aotearoa NZ

Groups are already planning for activities leading up to 4 February. Chantelle Campbell will provide support and coordination for regional activity coordinators chantellec@xtra.co.nz

Lori Wallach & Jane Kelsey speaking tour 26-29 January

In the lead-up to the signing, leading US critic of the TPPA and the most knowledgeable person about what’s happening in Washington, Lori Wallach the Director of Public Citizen Global Trade Watch, will be doing a short speaking tour. Advertising will be available shortly. Lori and Jane Kelsey will speak at:

  • Auckland Town Hall on 26th January at 7pm
  • Wellington St Andrews on the Terrace on 27th (time TBA)
  • Christchurch on 28th at Cardboard Cathedral at 7pm
  • Dunedin 29th (time and venue TBA).

These events will be free, with a donation requested. A Give a Little page is being set up to support the costs of these events and ongoing campaign actions over the next few weeks and the months. In the meantime, if you have fundraising suggestions, contact Barry Coates barrycoatesnz@yahoo.com

‘Don’t sign’ Petition to PM to be launched tomorrow

Action Station is hosting a simple petition to the PM to tell the government not to sell us out and not to sign. That will be launched on 12th January. A separate communication will come out through email, Facebook and twitter tomorrow. Please circulate it everywhere.

Fact sheets
Simple fact sheets with updated information on the text will be available shortly. Apologies that the current fact sheets on the website are out of date – we will let you know when the new fact sheets are posted. The updating will be part of a website update and re-vamp taking place soon. The latest information on the TPPA text is in the Key Issues paper on the website.

Expert papers
For people wanting to understand the details of the TPPA text, there are New Zealand specific expert peer reviewed papers now available. These cover the Process (including what happens after the signing in NZ) and Investment rules. Papers on the Treaty of Waitangi, Environment and the Economics of the TPPA will be posted shortly.

Other expert analyses from offshore can be accessed on the TPPLegal website.

Labour Party position
Andrew Little has stated that a Labour Government would “defy the TPPA” if it conflicted with national sovereignty. He referred specifically to overseas ownership of residential property, so it is not clear whether this means that Labour would vote against the TPPA is there is a vote in Parliament. His Radio New Zealand interview is at http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/summerreport/audio/201785059/labour-says-it-will-defy-tpp
The Green Party, New Zealand First and the Maori Party have reiterated their opposition to the TPPA.

Media Articles:
Dr Joshua Freeman, Dr Hayley Bennet: TPPA could trump climate accord

A huge US$15 billion ISDS claim has been lodged by TransCanada against the US over Obama’s decision to refuse permission for construction of the KeystoneXL pipeline from the Albert tar sands projects: This case is a real test for whether governments can take action on climate change, Press coverage includes:
NZ Herald http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11571180 and http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11570574

The Corporation Behind Keystone XL Just Laid Bare the TPP’s Threats to Our Climate: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ben-beachy/the-corporation-behind-ke_b_8931802.html

TransCanada, This is What Democracy Looks Like: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/courtenay-lewis/transcanada-this-is-what_b_8940640.html

Keystone XL rejection leads TransCanada to sue Obama administration: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/transcanada-lawsuit-keystone-xl-pipeline-1.3392446

An interview with Lori Wallach on this case and on country of origin labelling, repealed due to WTO rulings: http://www.democracynow.org/2016/1/7/transcanada_sues_the_us_for_15b

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